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skaet | good morning jibel. Can you reset the iso tracker to get us ready to land the 11.04 candidates when they emerge later today/tomorrow? | 08:49 |
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jibel | Hi skaet , ok | 09:06 |
skaet | thanks! | 09:06 |
bdmurray | jibel: do we have a memtest test case - bug 683904 for next week? | 15:30 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 683904 in grub2 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "natty: memtest86+ fails to run, reboots immediately (affects: 9) (dups: 1) (heat: 48)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/683904 | 15:30 |
jibel | bdmurray, yes, I added it for Beta 2 but forgot to link it to alternate. Now it's done. | 15:32 |
bdmurray | jibel: and this is after installation? actually we should probably test on the CD and when installed. | 15:33 |
jibel | bdmurray, right. that makes 2 testcases then. 1 for the live cd, and another post-install. Adding it. | 15:37 |
bdmurray | jibel: awesome thanks! | 15:37 |
charlie-tca | desktop images still broken for partitioner? | 15:39 |
jibel | bdmurray, we should probably have also a post-install test for the 'recovery' menu ? | 15:40 |
jibel | charlie-tca, yes it is. | 15:40 |
jibel | [16:02] -queuebot/#ubuntu-release- New package: ubiquity (main) [2.6.6 → 2.6.8] | 15:40 |
charlie-tca | Thank you | 15:41 |
jibel | 2.6.6 is still on the cd | 15:41 |
jibel | 1602UTC+2 | 15:41 |
bdmurray | jibel: yes, there have been some issues there before | 15:42 |
jibel | bdmurray, okay, I'll start from the rescue test case and add tests for dpkg, disk cleanup and failsafe X, do you remember bug numbers ? | 15:43 |
bdmurray | looking now | 15:43 |
bdmurray | bug 203385 (keyboard control) | 15:46 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 203385 in friendly-recovery (Ubuntu Intrepid) (and 1 other project) "Recovery menu cannot be controlled with keyboard (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 2)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203385 | 15:46 |
bdmurray | bug 244885 | 15:47 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 244885 in friendly-recovery (Ubuntu) "Network not available in friendly recovery (heat: 13)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/244885 | 15:47 |
bdmurray | most of these are rather old though | 15:47 |
bdmurray | and something about the failsafe X session | 15:47 |
charlie-tca | Rick Spencer denteed t | 16:50 |
charlie-tca | Rick Spencer dented the final iso images are being spun today? | 16:50 |
charlie-tca | http://identi.ca/notice/71616326 | 16:53 |
ScottK | Initial candidates for final images. | 16:56 |
charlie-tca | So how many people will be screaming for that image all weekend now? | 16:57 |
charlie-tca | um, He doesn't say candidates, he states Final ISO | 16:58 |
charlie-tca | my point was if managers in Canonical are doing this, ... | 17:03 |
ScottK | What makes you assume managers at Canonical understand how Ubuntu is built? | 17:08 |
ScottK | They are, in most cases, much like managers anywhere. | 17:08 |
jpds | charlie-tca: I see nothing new in rick's tweet from what's been done in previous releases. | 17:18 |
charlie-tca | Okay. I just never seen an announcement that early. Usually it says "help test" or something similar | 17:20 |
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