[00:00] so? ain't a problem in a backpack. [00:00] !ping [00:00] Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't. [00:02] ali1234: if I want light weight that's where my future tablet pc comes in :D [00:02] and lighter than that, my phone === tubadaz is now known as tubadaz_away === tubadaz_away is now known as tubadaz [00:19] anyone know why i'd be getting "Dead loop on virtual device he-ipv6, fix it urgently!" ? [00:32] Hi, I've got a strange problem with 11.04. The proprietary drivers wont seem to load correctly. It says the driver is activated, but not currently in use. [00:32] ubuntu-server hates me :( [00:33] it can't be because of a amd64 build instead of a i386 build can it... [00:33] apport is causing errors as well, and I'm assuming it has something to do with it [00:33] i'm pretty darn sure its 64-bit gear [00:34] glxinfo | grep renderer [00:34] OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 8600 GTS/PCI/SSE2 [00:34] rick_rolling: interesting name :/ also, i'd love to help but i haven't used 11.04 much [00:34] shouldn't that be nvidia? [00:34] HazRPG: no problem [00:35] Well, I assumed 11.04 would be pretty stable by beta 2, but it seems I was wrong [00:36] doesn't really look like its ready for release this month does it [00:37] invoke-rc.d: initscript apport, action "start" failed. <--- apport seems to have something to do with it I think :( [00:38] oh, well, back to 10.10. Serves me right for trying a beta :( [00:55] To LVM or not to LVM? [00:56] or rather... to VLM or VLM+Encrypt or not... [00:56] That is the question.... [00:57] I'm installing ubuntu server :) [00:57] migrating my old windows box to linux basically [00:57] How much room for expansion do you have? [00:57] its got 2x80GB Hard Drives on it [00:57] and what are you going to use it for? Will you need to add extra HDD's to the box? [00:58] Raid? [00:58] possibly in the future [00:58] no its not raided [00:58] it was on offer from DELL about 4-5 years ago [00:59] came with 2x80GB hard drives... so the obvious thing was it was designed to be raided, but i never did [00:59] its got space for more RAM too [00:59] I have a server and I don't LVM and although I had grand plans for it so far after a what feels like a life time I haven't expanded it in any direction. [01:00] heh, i've had mine 4-5 years so I know the feeling :P [01:01] got fed up with updates being a pain, so decided its time to switch to ubuntu server [01:01] My advice would be get used to using ubuntu server and see how it works. That has worked for me [01:01] esp now that i'm more familiar with the terminal :) [01:01] Its the way to go.... [01:01] ah, i've been using ubuntu-server as a VM inside of the windows server O/S for about 5 months now [01:01] so, its time for the migrate now :) [01:02] just unsure if LVM is the way forward or not... or even if encrypting it is a must or not either [01:02] Its fun for sure. I have a server running here just for downloads. [01:03] ah see I for last few months i've been using mine for IPv6, and since I got it for httpd [01:03] along with teamspeak (more recently mumble), etc [01:03] so mine gets some fair use [01:04] plan to do some dhcp and firewall stuff soon too [01:04] and also move from SVN to git [01:05] Nice, mine, well much simpler... [01:05] cos I never really knew the difference between SVN/Git/Bzr/etc [01:05] so I just went for one with a GUI [01:05] but i'm older and wiser now and realised SVN is just soooooo crap [01:06] I'd like to use it as a NAS for my XBMC and OSX TimeMachine. Thats my goal, gurrently I use FreeNAS but thats not much of a challenge. [01:06] LOL! [01:06] heh, yeah I keep meaning to setup a NAS too :P [01:07] this whole time I've just had it serving music and stuff via WMP... but even that fails sometimes [01:07] sod it, sticking to what i know best... [01:08] MANUAL! [01:09] My ideal would be NAS with DL & TimeMachine. But to migrate from freenas to Ubuntu would take too long and the Backups are no.1 priority. I could do with another box to setup while I configure everything. Then swap it out. [01:10] VMs help with that, thats what i've been doing [01:10] scumbag: So what do you use for your server? [01:10] guessing ubuntu server, but hey I could be wrong :P [01:11] Currently I have a freenas box but along side that there is a very small itx box running ubuntu. It doesn't get used for much just http [01:12] The freenas box dose the bulk... but as I said it's not much of a challenge or learning curve so I want to replace freenas with ubuntu. [01:13] ... and build the NAS from Ubuntu. I need AFP and TimeMachine. [01:16] indeed [01:17] think for a server, its a bit overkill to have partitions for /boot and / (different partitions i mean) [01:17] ?* [01:18] normally I would have /boot, /, /home, swap - but somehow I think for a server /boot, /, swap will be fine [01:19] My freenas box has 6 HDD's in three raid 1 arrays. All formatted in UDF the BSD format so it's not going to be easy for me. Another reason it hasn't happened as yet. [01:19] ouch [01:20] that will be a bit of a pain [01:20] If your box gets hacked and only having / gives the hacker plent of room to use. making partitions for home tmp var usr will help but i's a little more to manage [01:21] I have a very long to do list.... [01:22] your not the only one :P [01:22] LOL! [01:23] wait hang on... even if i have different partitions for home tmp var usr... they'll still be able to access it the same way surely... [01:23] because if they've got into / means they've managed to get root access... right? [01:24] But when they are full with whatever they will not bring your box down. If you have one partion for / and some one fills your tmp it will fill the entire drive. [01:25] good point [01:25] But if you have excelent UFW skills then you'll be able to keep em out. Assuming ofcourse it's internet facing? [01:26] it is, but only for http [01:27] Then perhaps you should create a partition just for www too? Or chroot your www setup [01:27] hmm [01:28] (partitioning always explodes my mind...) [01:28] My headache is always how much space to I give for the os? [01:28] same [01:29] I think i've got it done for desktop [01:29] The rest is not so much of a problem but update and upgrades only ever get bigger. [01:29] I always give desktop no more than 15GB [01:29] however for a server........ now thats a different question S: [01:32] So back to LVM. You can resize your partitions if you have LVM on top of them. Which solves that problem but adds to the learning curve. [01:37] hmm [01:37] indeed [01:38] So, headaches all round... Plenty to think about. [01:38] indeed, and i was hoping to get this installed tonight too :/ lol [01:41] Well good luck. It's time for me to get back to the grind. [01:41] scumbag: what you one with? [01:41] one? [01:41] on* [01:42] what you up to basically :P [01:42] also, do you come on #ubuntu-uk often? [01:42] cos ya seem like a few face (sorta speak :P) [01:42] but a knowledgable one though [01:43] Me, It's a long story...... I'm from the UK but I'm living in China. I used to work in an IT Department in a School. Moved to China with many promises of work and..... [01:44] I'm here now and then........... not so often and I guess I am a new face. [01:44] ah, don't be a stranger then :P [01:45] many people here aren't from the UK, just cos we're friendlier I guess :P [01:45] I'll try and pop back more, I need the company LOL! [01:45] sucks about the promises of work, I know a few people who have been in a similar situation... kinda sucks really [01:46] Been here for two years, one more to go and the wife 's contract will be done. [01:46] awesome, well have fun with your... er... grind xD lol! [01:47] Sure things and "I'll be back......" [01:47] haha [01:47] laterz :P [01:48] *rolls on the floor trying to work out partionion schemes* [01:49] fail, seems like one of those nights :/ partitioning* [03:10] wow why is it that I can't remember how I installed sshd onto my VPS :S [03:18] HazRPG: sudo apt-get install openssh-server [03:18] ? [03:18] !ssh [03:18] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) [03:18] \o/ [03:18] !sshd [03:18] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy) [03:18] \o/ [03:19] yeah when i typed "sudo apt-get install sshd" i just said "bahhh what you want? I don't have!" [03:19] s/i just/it just* [03:19] openssh-server you say? (gives that a whirl) [03:21] popey: score, much thanks :D [03:25] hmmmmmmm [03:25] i always thought the MOTD changed [03:26] for some reason its insisting that I have 47 packages to update, and 26 security updates... but well sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -u upgrade tells me differently :/ [05:16] HazRPG: I think it updates only every once in a while [06:20] What is the format of the data at http://paste.ubuntu.com/596789/ ? It does not seem to dot -data. It was obtained by Orange. [06:53] bug 685552 has a lot of duplicates [06:53] Launchpad bug 685552 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "Compiz crashes when (en|dis)abling a plugin (ccsm) aka compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in sigc::signal_base::impl()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/685552 [06:54] HazRPG: just "sudo apt-get install ssh" pulls in ssh and sshd [06:55] AlanBell: that pulled in openssh-server too though iirc [06:55] yup [06:57] anyone else have flash broken on a recent Maverick update? [07:02] uninstalled and reinstalled flashplugin-installer [07:03] now I can watch videos of my little pony that popey put on facebook \\o/ [07:34] AlanBell: xD [07:34] AlanBell: I'm just using the beta flash stuff from adobe, so wouldn't know lol [07:34] keep hoping they'll fix fullscreen :/ [08:28] Good morning [08:41] HazRPG: I was just thinking that fullscreen was working rather well [08:41] apart from the multi-monitor thing [08:42] where fullscreen flash un-fullscreens itself when you try and do something on a window on another monitor [08:42] I get vertical sync issues with fullscreen flash on my mythtv [08:43] http://www.ted.com/talks/kathryn_schulz_on_being_wrong.html I was watching that fullscreen, no apparent issues [08:46] Interesting report on Natty http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/21/ubuntu_11_04_windows_android_users/ [08:47] AlanBell: my issue with fullscreen goes beyond that... it's the fact that it /always/ opens in the default window regardless of placement, and the fact that having 2 screens makes the fullscreen video smaller than when it was embedded on the site [08:47] * AlanBell sees fail [08:48] yeah, however my screens are the other way round! [08:48] because it tries to grab the full environment size, and then tries to place it into just one screen... so it shrinks it down getting a bizare wide-screen effect [08:49] so if I fullscreen on the laptop it does attempt to fullscreen on that monitor, but using the 2048x1152 resolution of the big screen [08:49] heh random [08:51] mines scales down from 1280x2048 to 1280x1024 [08:51] universe: I love you ♥ === cypher is now known as czajkowski [08:52] or is it 2560x1024 to 1280x1024... [08:52] you know what I mean :P [09:01] goooooood morning vietnam! [09:02] \o/ 4 days off and the forecast is sun [09:02] *\o/* [09:02] danfish: what are you doing up at this time then? :P [09:03] MartijnVdS: ah - 4got to say "starting tomorrow" [09:04] do you have Good Friday and Easter Monday as Bank holidays in Nederland? [09:05] danfish: We get Easter Monday off, bot not Good Friday [09:05] Too bad Queen's Day (i.e. the previous queen's birthday) is on a Saturday this year, so no extra day off there [09:07] so I'll have a three-day weekend [09:07] Good morning peeps :) [09:10] * shauno does the bacon o'clock happy dance [09:15] * DJones likes this idea of a 4 day week, followed by a 3 day week, followed by another 4 day week because of bank holidays [09:16] heh, welcome to my world. I only do a 5-day week, once every 5 weeks :) [09:17] How do you manage that, longer hours? [09:17] i do a 7 day week but only work for 5 of them usually [09:17] yeah. 10 & 12hr shifts, and weekends [09:18] 3 on, 2 off, 2 on, 2 off, 3 on, 2 off, 5 on, 2 off, 3 on .. [09:18] messy, but I swear I average more than one weekend per week :) [09:18] So 40 hours a week minimum, mine is only 37.5hrs, but working longer per day and doing fewer days does sound a good plan [09:19] that's what I like about this. I have to wake up less often. that's the hard part of most days for me [09:20] the problem with stumbling upon a great job is that one day you will have to get another job, and then you will be sad [09:34] ivanka: ;] [09:34] hi matti [09:35] ;] [09:35] * oimon is hesitant to jump up and down about the iphone tracking revelations since he owns an android..wouldn't be surprised to find that data sitting on my phone too [09:35] oimon: THEY know what you did last summer... [09:35] ;] [09:36] oimon: use a mod instead. It's more likely that it would have been removed by a modder if found [09:36] Och, that was a bad film [09:39] Is anybody here actively useing Sparkle Share? [09:39] Sounds like something from a My Little Pony toy [09:39] bigcalm, imho it's not ready yet [09:39] bigcalm, it's close though [09:40] bigcalm, i have a list of issues from last time i evaluated it for the office... [09:40] directhex: I've been following it for months. Wondering if I finally have time to play with it [09:40] oimon: i thought android was worse, they actually use your data for the traffic on google maps [09:40] whereas the iphone data is just y'know, on your phone and in your backups [09:41] Once a windows client comes out that intergrates as simply as the dropbox one does, then I'll be moving myself away from dropbox [09:41] popey: that's a clever use of data [09:41] dont hold your breath for the u1 windows client [09:41] i tried it, it's not great [09:42] popey: what data do they use for maps? [09:42] Heh [09:42] directhex: do you know if one can use multiple servers with Sparkle Share? [09:42] oimon: location [09:42] popey: sorry, i still don't get it [09:43] i might be being dumb today [09:43] bigcalm, one per repository. i got it working over a straight ssh connection to a shared box... albeit with some messy constraints [09:43] imagine you and all the cars around you are in a traffic jam [09:43] they are all android phones and are all reporting their location [09:43] that location isnt moving fast [09:43] Would be good to have it connect to a personal server and a company server [09:43] google uses that info to update their traffic data on the google maps website and in the maps app [09:43] location via mobile triangulation or GPS? [09:44] thats only if you are using some sort of routing or something in gmaps right? [09:44] both [09:44] not aiui gord [09:44] my phone never uses any location tracking unless i enable it [09:44] didn't realise traffic data was available on google maps [09:44] i use the RAC app [09:45] basically it's a crowdsourcing feature. [09:45] yes [09:45] http://www.trafficengland.com/map.aspx?long0=-192.3043589671317&lat0=3200.7488365561894&long1=22.903048440275825&lat1=3109.185785708732&ct=true [09:45] That's about as authoritive as one can get [09:46] Loading map... [09:46] Time passes [09:46] it is dark here [09:46] Heh [09:46] you were hit by a grue [09:46] Ooooo [09:46] Tempted to re-install nethack [09:46] popey: i don't think the data would be uploaded to google if i wasn't running maps though [09:46] Thanks you two :P [09:47] wait for applet to be loaded [09:48] Huray for sucky java [09:48] "Traffic England has been built to work with and tested against Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 6.0 and 7.0, Firefox 2.0 and 3.0 and Safari 3. Users of other browsers and versions (such as Internet Explorer 8) may experience minor compatibility problems and where possible it is recommended that users may wish to configure their browsers to emulate Internet Explorer to use this site (for IE8 use Compatibility View)." [09:48] still not loaded [09:48] well thats a bag of crap then [09:48] * popey closes that tab [09:48] "Authorititive" indeed [09:48] it just crashed my firefox [09:48] http://maps.google.co.uk/?ie=UTF8&ll=53.592505,-4.042969&spn=12.405334,32.915039&t=h&z=5&layer=t [09:48] maybe there is just no traffic? [09:48] just works [09:49] popey: linked to from highways.gov.uk [09:49] One would hope that their information was to be trusted [09:49] their information may be, if it were accessible [09:49] i use the webcam views from the bbc website [09:49] which it isnt [09:49] also [09:49] http://popey.com/graphs/ubuntu-uk-current.png [09:49] :) [09:49] Doesn't mean that their implimentation isn't buggered though [09:50] A wee beastie! [09:50] Any mod_rewrite gurus in da ouse' [09:50] * bigcalm grumbles [09:51] aww, -current says I have nae pals [09:51] TheOpenSourcerer: I spend a lot of my time grumbling with mod_rewrite but might be able to help [09:51] Ohh thanks. [09:51] I think this is quite straightforward. [09:51] Don't ask to ask, just ask ;) [09:51] I know a few things as well [09:51] !ask | TheOpenSourcerer [09:51] ;) [09:51] TheOpenSourcerer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [09:51] heh [09:51] strip .html from urls and add a trailing slah [09:52] popey: are you tracking our irc usage :P [09:52] It's a static page site [09:52] oimon: the topic says that the channel is logged any way :) [09:52] bigcalm: yep, it was tongue in cheek :) [09:52] TheOpenSourcerer: RewriteRule (.*)/? $1.html [09:52] ? [09:52] anyone know why some folders are highlighted in terminal and others not? [09:52] So I'd like to redirect the url in the browser bar from say /aboutus.html to /aboutus/ [09:52] oimon: I need more tea [09:52] dogmatic69: usually permissions, sometimes other attributes [09:53] dogmatic69: permissions [09:53] i need to earn my wages. [09:53] breakfast is over [09:53] TheOpenSourcerer: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/rewrite/ -- does anything in there help? :) [09:54] shauno, bigcalm: ok thanks. is there something wrong about the permissions ? [09:54] TheOpenSourcerer: it has pretty pictures :P [09:54] dogmatic69: depends what colour it is :) [09:54] green [09:54] dogmatic69: ls -l to see which files/dirs have which permissions. That will give you an idea about highlight rules [09:54] Exec [09:54] blue text, green bg [09:55] Humm [09:55] Exec dir? [09:56] on mine, a green bg is the stickybit [09:56] hmm sticky bits [09:57] http://oi54.tinypic.com/24x18k2.jpg [09:57] oimon: yes! [09:57] bigcalm: ^ [09:57] http://popey.com/graphs/ubuntu-current.png looks more fun [09:57] dogmatic69: it could be world-writable [09:57] MartijnVdS: ok, i did chmod a+w on the folders [09:57] Thanks guys. [09:57] dogmatic69: what MartijnVdS said [09:58] dogmatic69: don't do that.. use u+w or g+w :) [09:58] dogmatic69: that's why it's annoying-green ;) [09:58] hehe [09:58] popey: What period does that graphic cover [09:58] well it needs to be w for www-data [09:58] should i add www-data to ubuntu group or something? [09:58] dogmatic69: what framework/orm is that? [09:58] dogmatic69: uhrm.. no? [09:58] dogmatic69: what are you trying to do? [09:59] bigcalm: cakephp [09:59] Ah, yes [09:59] dogmatic69: either install php as fastcgi (and run it as the Ubuntu user with suexec etc.) [09:59] Why I didn't see that the 1st time I dunno [09:59] appalling use of cake btw [09:59] One other question on mod_rewrite if I may. Can it rewrite the urls that are served out to the user? [09:59] dogmatic69: or run Apache as a different user/group for this vhost (is that possible? per-vhost uid switches? :) [10:00] MartijnVdS: i got to maintain 5ish of these legacy systems. dont want more work [10:00] TheOpenSourcerer: sort of [10:00] I can type http:///my-site/aboutus/ [10:00] and that works. [10:00] But the url in the browser chnages to anoutus.html [10:00] TheOpenSourcerer: you can have it send out a "moved permanently" if the user hits the "wrong" URL, then the browser will redirect to the correct URL [10:00] http://my-site/aboutus.html [10:00] MartijnVdS: dont think its good to run apache as ubuntu on the ec2 boxes, ubuntu ~= root [10:00] can sudo with no pw [10:00] TheOpenSourcerer: there are some "no-www" mod_rewrite scripts out there [10:01] TheOpenSourcerer: those do something like that (but they strip the www. bit instead of the .html bit) [10:01] DJones: curent [10:01] ish [10:01] DJones: i only upload every 5 mins but it generates a new one every few seconds [10:01] dogmatic69: ah.. and you really need to write in those directories? [10:01] dogmatic69: chgrp them to be group www-data [10:01] OK so I am looking for redirect stuff. Thanks MartijnVdS I'll go fishing [10:02] MartijnVdS: yes, the guy that wrote this saves images there, not in 'webroot' [10:02] dogmatic69: best would be to keep writeable directories outside the document root :) [10:02] popey: I could see a link between myself & somebody I was helping, I was guessing at about an hour's data/conersations [10:02] MartijnVdS: tell me about it... [10:03] dogmatic69: I'm so glad I don't run php [10:03] * bigcalm sighs [10:04] PHP is a good language that gets poorly implimented at times. It shouldn't get the hatred it gets :( [10:04] Agreed, it should get more :P [10:04] bigcalm: s/at times/most of the time [10:04] bigcalm: Best would be to create a new user, use PHP as a FastCGI daemon running as that user [10:04] bigcalm: and then chown everything to that new user [10:04] my biggest gripe with php is the low barrier to entry [10:05] (fastcgi daemon or autostarting it) [10:06] http://michiel.vanbaak.info/docsphp5fcgi.htm [10:06] tx, ill look into this [10:07] but iirc there is issues with this code and fcgi [10:07] and persistent db connections [10:07] fcgi does persistent db connections [10:07] and pretty much everything else [10:15] good morning everyone. [10:16] o/ [10:17] morning dogmatic69 [10:18] hiya folks [10:18] howdy dwatkins [10:19] good morning dwatkins and MartijnVdS [10:25] I trust everyone is well this fine day and not having major computer problems. [10:25] not yet.. :) [10:26] not yet either, :) [10:26] yet* with emphesis. [10:27] dwatkins: its the last day of the week, nice long weekend... just after i upgrade this box this afternoon [10:27] :) [10:29] I think I'm working tomorrow and Monday, that way I get days in lieu to use another time. [10:30] in Finland I think you'd get double salary for working on Sundays and bank holidays [10:30] I wouldn't want to work in the toilet [10:30] hehe [10:44] oh, so thats why its so warm, i still have my central heating on [10:44] * gord turns that off for the summer [10:56] I keep turning the thermostat down at home. [11:09] MartijnVdS: https://launchpad.net/~bryce/+archive/fig might interest you, a possible gpu lockup/hang fix. [11:09] in Soviet Russia, we do not turn thermostat down - thermostat turns us down ;) [11:10] * danfish stops daydreaming and returns to work [11:13] *sudden realisation that tomorrow is a day off* [11:13] whoop [11:13] gord: and monday [11:13] baiscally a 4 day weekend [11:13] morning all [11:13] X3N: just not when you freelancing :/ [11:13] yeah but mondays off aren't that exciting, its basically second sunday [11:14] but a friday off? now thats a thing [11:14] gord: nope, its Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Sunday [11:15] gord: 4 day weekend folollowed by 3 day week followed by 3 day weekend [11:15] then nex week is Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Sunday [11:15] czajkowski: next weekend is 4 days also [11:15] three day weekend for me, i have to go to stoopid Budapest :( [11:16] ah [11:16] gord: I'm out the week after :P [11:16] davmor2, bring tea and biscuits [11:16] god help you if you don't bring tea and biscuits. [11:17] czajkowski: do you not have may day off? [11:18] yes [11:18] Then it's 4 off, 3 on, 4 off [11:19] i'm leaving UDS half way through, so i'll take the thursday and friday off. then its EUROVISION! :D [11:19] People still watch that? [11:19] gord: I'm screwed then I don't drink tea [11:20] davmor2, its not for you! >:( [11:20] oop popey is having a "conversation" with fabsh on the identica's - there goes my twitter stream for the next hours ;) [11:20] gord: haha, I doubt you'll be in a fit state to do anything any way :P [11:21] * DJones logs into identica to watch [11:21] popey: don't let him out rant you :P [11:21] bored of it already [11:22] I have 2 easter eggs hidden for Hayley. Do people wrap them? [11:22] yes, wrap them in brown paper [11:22] and a box [11:22] and put a stamp on it [11:22] and post it to me [11:22] Ha [11:22] you can post it to popey's address in oxford [11:23] i will look after it for him [11:23] aw, I suppose I could go and get more mignon eggs [11:23] Fnar [11:23] if only I weren't so tired [11:23] do they make easter eggs that are basically just giant cream eggs yet? [11:23] with flakes for dipping [11:23] lol [11:23] gord: that's a distubing diea [11:23] idea [11:24] disturbing? that's a fantastic idea [11:24] cream eggs ~= tooth ache that you can buy [11:24] gord: http://nutrition.cadbury.co.uk/epages/Store.storefront/?ObjectPath=/Shops/NutriApp/Products/11002453 [11:25] Oh no [11:25] "Chocolate Egg Shell Only 2 [11:25] Ah, chocolate shell only [11:25] any kid that opens that is going to be hugely disappointed [11:25] No kidding [11:26] gord: Home made? http://www.ivorysky.com/creme-egg/index.php [11:27] if you are gonna make your own you might as well just eat a big bag of sugar [11:28] I always find the cadburys creme eggs to be too sickly sweet [11:30] In the village where i work, Waitrose does an easter egg hunt for kids & asks some of teh shops to put an egg on display in the window for them to hunt for, with the sun over the last few days, we've now got a 1 inch high block of chocolate in the shop window rather than an egg now [11:31] we used to do an easter egg hunt at my parents each year, and we'd always find eggs from the previous year covered in dust [11:31] dwatkins: your hunting skills are weak === david is now known as Guest29379 [11:40] yay, the number port seems to have gone ok, [11:41] brobostigon: \o [11:41] HazRPG: :) [11:41] brobostigon: I has ubuntu server :) [11:41] HazRPG: yay, :) [11:41] brobostigon: http://www.hazrpg.co.uk/ [11:41] having trouble with minecraft server running off it though :( [11:42] lol [11:42] i mean at the text onthe front page. [11:42] :( [11:43] HazRPG: how much ram you got? [11:44] 'ow do. [11:44] dogmatic69: pass, I want to say 2GB though [11:44] (I bought this about 4 years ago lol) [11:44] lol [11:44] is that a home server [11:44] yeah [11:44] ah ok [11:44] can haz more rams [11:45] fill it up if you want to play mc [11:45] don't think it's a ram issue, its running fine... except when someone tries to do something, it goes "derp, derp, I shall kick you out!" [11:45] min requirements say 2gb [11:45] * dogmatic69 runs it on slicehost 256mb though [11:46] it was working perfectly in windows server :P [11:46] ew [11:46] so you'd think now that I've shifted it to ubuntu-server instead, it would run better... surely? [11:46] working and windows dont go together ;) [11:46] server shouldn't require 2Gb, runs fine with -Xms1024M for me [11:46] heh well yeah, this is why I've finally killed it after 4 years or heartache [11:47] it was pretty simple the last time i used it, wget the file, run the command. play [11:47] -Xms200M works for me [11:47] load goes to about 15, but it manages [11:47] java -server -Xmn512M -Xms1024M -Xmx2500M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500 -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:SurvivorRatio=16 -Xnoclassgc -XX:UseSSE=3 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=3 -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui [11:47] thats what I do [11:59] anyone know of a good/decent community based game? [12:00] minecraft :D [12:01] "community based"? [12:02] i mean games you play with others online [12:02] is minecraft same as warcraft? [12:02] Linux_junkie: you can with minecraft xD [12:02] Linux_junkie: not really lol [12:02] Linux_junkie, no, it's not [12:02] its a "crafting" game [12:03] crafting game, whats that? [12:03] http://minecraft.net/ [12:03] thanx for url i'll check it out [12:04] virgins thinking about it [12:05] is its server down? [12:05] Linux_junkie: you can build a barracks if you like [12:06] I probably can in the time its taking to load the page [12:07] opened instantly for me [12:07] beware that minecraft is like drugs..you will lose 9 months of your life and wonder what you've been doing all that time :) [12:08] i bought it start of december, managed to get out by mid jan [12:08] 16+ hours pd [12:08] been clean ever since [12:09] dogmatic69: how did you kick it? [12:09] add a www [12:09] you need a www for some urls [12:09] oimon: ran out of money for food, had to start working [12:09] :D [12:10] shoulda just planted more wheat [12:11] had a automatic farming farm going [12:11] automated farm rather [12:12] I have a bacon farm, but if I try to use it while the missus is home, I have to mute :( [12:12] lol [12:12] she a veg person? [12:12] I wish. that'd make more sense :) [12:13] my ex was one when we met... not eaten meat for 10+ years [12:13] (she doesn't eat pork products because "pigs don't sweat". don't ask me, I have no idea what she's on about) [12:13] lasted about 2 months and she was on the bacons [12:13] that's because nobody can resist a bacon sarnie [12:13] lol [12:13] just managed to get onto website of minecraft [12:14] watched the video [12:14] chickens don't sweat either [12:14] looks like lego [12:14] my mom's ex work colleague was Muslim and ate bacon.. did not know it was pork for more than 2 years [12:14] loved every bite [12:14] dogmatic69: if she got it in subway, it wasn't bacon :) [12:14] lol [12:14] lol [12:14] lego's a not a bad explanation. it's like second life with more lego, and less intimate moments with horses. [12:14] $deity won't be pleased with her [12:15] meat surprise [12:15] a lot of muslims eat bacon / pork [12:15] Linux_junkie: because it's tasty! [12:15] question, i just ported my number, from one network to another, and it seems to have worked, however my phone is showing the old number for said sim, not the new ported one. [12:15] Linux_junkie: obviously, who can resist bacon? [12:15] you gotta have a good reason not to eat it [12:16] brobostigon: if you ported the number does not change, surely? [12:16] weak opinions and principles fade away in the presence of bacon sarnie [12:16] i think its only the extremists that are against eating pork [12:16] dogmatic69: i expected my phone to show the change in number, connected to that sim. [12:17] Linux_junkie: depends on your definition of extremist [12:17] someone whos extreme in their views [12:17] right-wing [12:17] lol [12:18] if i believe in a God who said you aren't allowed to do $thing , then i don't do the thing. since, by definition God is GOD and said it for a reason [12:18] I don't think extreme has to be right. they're just more noticable because extreme left are easily ignored hippies. [12:18] simplistic view is simplistic [12:19] but if you believe in God you will also believe that God gave us free-will [12:19] not eating something is not exactly extreme, some people do it just to be healthy [12:19] free will to choose right and wrong, yes, but there is still right and wrong [12:19] true [12:19] right, wrong, and bacon [12:20] but right and wrong in one persons eyes is not the same in others [12:21] right and wrong in God's eyes is surely the only thing that matters, if he is by definition all knowing and all powerful creator $deity? [12:21] extreme would be killing people due to ^ [12:22] (otoh, people are rumoured to taste like bacon ..) [12:23] I read an article a while ago about some device which was meant to be able to determine what something tasted like. [12:23] i've got one of those [12:23] its called your tongue [12:23] it determined that a researcher's hand tasted like prosciutto. and it became immediately apparent how this whole robot takeover was going to happen. [12:24] we're building machines that believe we taste like bacon. the end is inevitable. [12:24] lol [12:30] if i didn't bring a home-made pot noodle to work today, i'd definitely be having bacon sarnie right now [12:31] always room for a bacon sarnie [12:31] *always* [12:31] dogmatic69: I think you meant ***ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!*** [12:32] lol [12:32]


[12:44] Slightly offtopic, but does anybody have access to a Windows 7 machine that has Sage Line 50 on it? I'm just trying to find out whether its possible to run 2 instances of the program at the same time? [12:45] I thought I'd read that Win7 would allow some apps to do that [12:46] mwahahah [12:47] once i was saddled with sage 50,100 and 200 support [12:47] got out of there quick as i could [12:48] Heh [12:58] DJones, i don't think that's possible is it? [12:58] DJones, sage locks its user db when someone is using it [13:00] directhex: Possibly not because we're using a multi user version [13:02] As long as I've got two login's, I would be able to login from 2 seperate machines, I'm just wondering whether Win 7's supposed feature of being able to run multiple instances of the same program would let me login twice from the same machine [13:35] I killed apache! \o/ [13:36] T_T [13:36] lol [13:36] :( [13:37] HazRPG: sudo apt-get remove apache2 && sudo apt-get install cherokee [13:40] heh [13:44] cherokee ♥ [13:45] nginx \o/ [13:47] manos! [13:47] * directhex flees [13:54] just received email: "We are having some problems with the lifts in the building today, and some people have reported getting stuck between floors or lifts not going to the correct floor." [13:54] think i'll walk [13:54] oimon: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087622/ [13:55] that obviously calls for an impromptu redecoration of the area immediately surrounding the lift doors [13:55] shauno: what, tardis blue? [13:55] just thinking some potted plants, maybe some chairs where they didn't use to be, etc [13:56] anything that'd throw someone into immediate doubt that they're at the right floor :) [13:56] shauno: big signs (on the wrong floors) announcing floor numbers :) [13:56] random posters for the wrong company .. [13:58] shauno: unfortunately just grey 60s concrete in our builidng [13:59] amazon don't seem to be able to deliver anything on time anymore [13:59] well royal mail, but still, they shouldn't be using royal mail [13:59] not even ec2, apparently :/ [14:00] MartijnVdS: a typical journey in my lift at work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1ptiedsJzQ [14:00] needs sound [14:01] oimon: is that GlaDOS? [14:01] hehe [14:01] she can't count, whoever she is [14:02] oimon: play Portal some time :) [14:02] i get it :) [14:02] only slightly less annoying voice [14:02] plus the chatty lift from hitchhikers [14:02] haha :) yes [14:05] ugh. if they don't hurry up and fix reddit, I might actually get something done today [14:35] hah, I know the feeling [14:36] Amazon says "all green" [14:36] oh wait.. that's Europe 8-) [14:37] believe it's just rdbms for east-coast US [14:42] yeah [14:42] meh === myrtti is now known as Myrtti [14:43] I am so dumb [14:44] I was in a /etc directory, fixing permissions when I stupidly went sudo chmod 574 ../ [14:44] I now cannot sudo them back or anything :/ [14:46] literally ../ ? [14:47] MichealH: sudo can do anything [14:48] without a * or a -R i'm not sure that you have done much damage [14:48] AlanBell: not if /etc/ is group-writable [14:48] AlanBell: then it might not trust /etc/sudoers [14:48] ooh heck [14:49] bye, speak later, i am going to pop into town. [14:49] it's quite nice out i heear [14:49] AlanBell: Sudo needs to read /etc/sudoers [14:49] oimon: quite sunny, yes, [14:49] so you if you can't sudo -i it is reboot time and single user mode [14:49] which NEEDS 0440 permissions [14:49] do you not get to keep your tty_ticket long enough to sudo -s and go clean up ? [14:50] oimon: I did a -R [14:50] doh [14:50] sudo -s? [14:50] sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0574, should be 0440 [14:50] sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting [14:50] a shell. when the proverbial hits the fan, it's my kingdom for a root shell [14:51] Whoopsies :P [14:51] oh well. yeah. livecd and/or singleuser [14:51] AlanBell: Singleuser? [14:51] shauno: So I could mount the partition and manually reset all permissions? [14:52] in theory, yes. it's likely to ruin most your weekend tho [14:53] Yeah :P [14:53] And what is singleuser? [14:53] MichealH: boot into safe mode you'll be root you can then mod accordingly [14:54] Ubuntu Minimal supports it? [14:54] Its my server, which is even more of a blow [14:54] MichealH: Do you have physical access? [14:54] Yeah [14:55] Oh yeah, shift at grub shows it [14:56] MichealH: then boot into safe mode you can then edit as root, bypassing sudo :) [14:56] lkagan's script on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=365889 is actually pretty sane. it'll query dpkg for the original permissions of anything that's system-installed [14:56] Yeah, Im now root, thanks! [14:57] sounds like it'll most likely do 90% of your job for you. otherwise, I'd be tempted to look towards my backups :) [15:02] Its running now :) [15:02] Thanks shauno [15:03] and everythink is back to normal, thanks [15:04] and thanks davmor2 :) [15:07] shauno: How can I fix this? My prompt now says I have no name!@server [15:07] :/ [15:10] man is this what we sound like sometimes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1UfOEC_oEQ [15:11] MichealH: is that while you're still in singleuser? [15:12] shauno: Nope [15:12] nothing will seem same in safe mode. you'll want to do what needs to be done to restore sanity, and boot back into home sweet home [15:12] I did and it cannot read /etc/profile ect. [15:12] all the important its :/ [15:12] btw Cooking for geeks ebook is -50% again [15:12] *bits [15:13] shauno: Do you think I should just reinstall the damn thing? [15:13] :P [15:13] if it's a sensible option, or you have recent backups, yes I'd be very tempted. otherwise you're going to be chasing this down in strange places for quite some time :/ [15:17] (unless anyone else has any ideas. getting what you can from dpkg, and then rolling up your sleeves and getting dirty, is about the only one I've got here) [15:18] hmm? [15:18] wassup? [15:19] oh, broken system [15:19] almost certainly going to be faster to reinstall MichealH [15:20] popey: Yeah, gonna do that now [15:21] that's a pretty fun 'oops', because it will come back to haunt you for months :/ [15:21] atleast when you accidentally nuke things, you can see what's wrong with them [15:21] shauno: Haunt me? :P [15:22] How? [15:23] well, if dpkg thinks you've changed things that you haven't, it'll pass over them on future upgrades, etc [15:23] bad perms can give all kinds of subtle things that you won't notice [15:27] bad perms? Back to the 80s! :) [15:27] hah [15:28] completely off-topic. if someone walks up to your desk and knocks _on the desk_, how am I meant to deal with this ? [15:28] hehe [15:28] MichealH: someone else called Michael did a similar thing to the ubuntu-uk.org server! [15:28] Open a drawer and tell them to get in [15:28] but under /var [15:29] DJones: that works. I wish I'd thought of that [15:29] I just pulled a gormless blank stare while my brain tried to figure out what/why just happened :/ [15:30] popey: Someone on the forums did it on "/" [15:30] :P [15:31] shauno: are they german? [15:31] nope .. native [15:31] middle-management, however [15:31] you could say "come in!" [15:31] "not today thank you" [15:31] "sorry, I dont buy from peddlars" [15:33] Ignore them and pretend you're not there (A bit like knows at the door on halloween) [15:36] type your reply in a word processor in big letters [15:36] I did that on a plane once [15:36] someone was staring at my screen. we both had headphones on [15:36] just never seen someone do that before :/ I mean .. it's a desk. I'm right here. [15:36] so i opened word processor, jacked up font to 48 pt, and typed "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" [15:37] heh [15:37] shauno: Were you concentrating at the screen [15:37] hah, that'll be the day [15:37] You could have been looking at IRC [15:37] heh [15:38] someone actually _just_ looked at my screen [15:38] "that looks interesting" [15:38] for most of the day, we've been trying to find out how fast a chair has to be going to flip when it hits cables [15:38] Not "Are you hacking?" [15:38] "your operating system screen looks interesting" [15:39] if people look over me, they'll usually end up trying to make sense of mutt [15:42] personally if people look over me uninvited I tell them to fook off...this has led to a reputation at the office [15:47] man stack exchange is fun. > I'm looking for a UPS capable of running my laptop for about 10-12 hours. [15:47] no you're not. that's crazy. [15:47] shauno: they were politely but awkwardly saying , can i interrupt [15:48] oimon: no-one does that around here :/ [15:48] i have a door [15:49] I'm rather badly positioned, in that most people will get my attention by throwing things in my general direction [15:49] i'd say he was being more polite than the average user then [15:49] Whenever someone looks over my shoulder they will see me have around 5 terminals open and IRC, or 1 minecraft and IRC [15:49] :p [15:49] yesterday i tried to read someones thoughts on the train [15:49] it worked [15:49] I have a door and two guard staff before visitors get to me, not that they'd stop anyone, just that our room is small & people can't get past them with ease [15:50] step 1 - look over their shoulder as they feverishly typing in twitter app on iphone . [15:50] stuffed toys are fun. knocking on a desk is a little awkward. [15:50] step 2 - iphone display username at top of screen in big letters...visit twitter.com/ :P [15:50] step 3- read stream of conciousness [15:51] oimon: Thats a conflict there, twitter and concious thought.....? Can't be [15:51] not for stalking purposes, but potentially for social engineering purposes when in a pub and need to trick a semi-stranger you only just met :P [15:52] DJones: stream of effluent [15:52] That sounds more appropriate [15:53] pootube [15:54] if i eat 1 kitkat per day, i wonder what size tin foil sculpture i could make in 1 year [15:54] Hmm.. Off to play minecraft :P [15:54] Whats the saying, What do you get if you merge twitter, youtube and facebook...You-twit-face [15:55] or "the internet" for many people [16:00] DJones: A punch in the face you say that to some of the people I know who use those three :) [16:00] :) === ubuntuella_ is now known as ubuntuella [16:35] oh ... wow? http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/21/ivan_kaspersky_missing/ [16:36] erk [16:39] i was at the infosec event [16:40] had an amusing convo with the kaspersky guys [16:48] Don't VirginMedia re-brand Kaspersky? [16:55] no portal 2 for me this week then :( stupid amazon [16:55] stupid royal mail [16:56] Awww [16:56] isn't it via steam? [16:56] ps3 [16:56] He went for the physical copy [16:57] i could contact steam support and super duper promise that the ps3 copy is coming so they can authorise my pc version now i guess. that would totally work [16:58] I'd be tempted to try that, if you've got some form of proof of purchase. what's the worst that can happen [16:59] Glados could happen [16:59] you could sell your ps3 copy when it arrives ;) [17:01] gord: do me a favour click open system settings (control centre) and try snapping it to the left and right of the screen in natty :) [17:01] davmor2, ha [17:01] gord: you like :) [17:02] neat trick [17:02] not a bug because we did our final release already, unity is bug free! [17:02] haha [17:02] and our compiz guy went to bed it seems [17:03] sru maybe :P [17:03] oh yeah, we totally get sru's all the time, those are soooo easy to get [17:04] bug-free unity? can we get this in writing? ;) [17:05] !logs | shauno :) [17:05] shauno :): Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [17:05] Its been logged [17:06] gord: man bed, is that one of those soft rectangular things? [17:08] davmor2: no. [17:09] MartijnVdS: No I'm sure they were called beds, it's in the bedroom, and I use to have a bed time....are you sure? [17:13] http://popey.com/graphs/ubuntu-uk-current.png [17:13] pretty! [17:14] popey: your new wallpaper? :) [17:14] hehe [17:14] that's all lies [17:14] i generated them at 720p last year [17:14] this year I am doing them at 1080p [17:14] LIES I TELL YOU [17:15] :) [17:15] * popey cuddles Myrtti [17:15] ooh, Myrtti you're purple today [17:15] normally you're blue [17:15] this is good! [17:15] * DJones notices that popey is at the centre of the graphic [17:16] As would be expected [17:16] hah [17:16] gravity and large masses? [17:16] no popey, you are purple [17:16] Myrtti, is red [17:16] thats how its been for years! stop changing the natural order of things. [17:16] * popey cuddles gord [17:17] popey: you're turquoise and gord is ... purple [17:17] Right! [17:17] Stuff this! I'm going home! [17:17] all the dav*'s are green... when they start talking to each other i just give up [17:17] * MartijnVdS feels colourblind [17:18] bye all! [17:18] popey: \o [17:18] gord: No popey is purple and Myrtti is a kinda burnt umber [17:19] * gord gets out the dulux colour chart [17:21] popey is more "velvet dreams" [17:21] gord: Red is when I get pinged [17:21] * AlanBell thinks Myrtti is a kind of aubergine [17:22] i switched my colour pallet over to the tango colours years ago :) [17:22] gord: Pantone numbers? === ChrisB is now known as Guest33089 [17:23] we should all just go back to the format that comic chat uses, so that we can all have totally personalised irc messages [17:24] #APPEARS AS TIKI [17:25] nooooo [17:25] shauno: hm? [17:26] no more comic chat. that's twice in one year. it's 2011 already :p [17:27] yeah its 2011 and we are all using *irc* [17:27] comic chat is way newer than that [17:29] gord: at least we're using irssi and not ircii or bitchx [17:29] i'm using xchat [17:33] this shell server failing lark is getting old === myrtti is now known as Myrtti [17:36] updates on this ec2 thing aren't looking too promising :/ [17:36] "Despite the continued effort from the team to resolve the issue we have not made any meaningful progress for the affected database instances since the last update. Create and Restore requests for RDS database instances are not succeeding in US-EAST-1 region." [17:39] wow [17:39] that is a *big* basket of eggs that got dropped then [17:40] happens all the time on the internet, people like to create monopolies [17:43] it's an 8hr outtage so far. only for one part of their product, but it's not going to be quiet :/ [17:44] I have stuffed up my compiz settings and turned off the thing we are not calling aero snap, how do I turn it back on again? [17:44] AlanBell, enable the grid plugin [17:45] cool, thanks [17:45] shauno: no reddit.. it IS going to be quiet [17:50] AlanBell: that should be renamed the thing that must not be names [17:50] named even [17:51] yeah [17:52] really don't like some of the default compiz settings in Natty === cking is now known as cking-afk [17:55] its wonderful that you can completely change them though isn't it? ;) [17:55] if compiz has one thing in abundance, its options [17:56] like kde apps [18:31] [Jonathan Riddell] Natty Narwhal Nearly Here, On Rotation - http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/4414 [18:31] [Alan Lord] How to install OpenERP 6 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server (Part 2  SSL) - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/04/21/how-to-install-openerp-6-on-ubuntu-10-04-lts-server-part-2-ssl/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-install-openerp-6-on-ubuntu-10-04-lts-server-part-2-ssl [18:37] someone made this on my minecraft server, xD http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/April%202011/2011-04-21_18.35.59.png [18:37] and I have nocheat loaded, so they had to do that very painstakingly. [18:42] * czajkowski hugs Myrtti [19:31] [Alan Bell] Ubuntu Natty in Virtualbox with Unity - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/04/21/ubuntu-natty-in-virtualbox-with-unity/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ubuntu-natty-in-virtualbox-with-unity [19:44] has anyone encountered the broken MOTD system info about updates after some recent updates for ubuntu server 10.04.2 ? [19:44] after a full dist-upgrade and restart, it's still saying there are updates [19:44] i ran "sudo /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available --force" but now on login it lists the message twice :D one with the updates and one with none (correct) [20:25] LOL at three (mobiles) content block page! [20:26] It tells me I have to be over 18 to view a website, and at the top of the page there's adverts for porn :D [20:34] popey: ♥ [20:35] will I get in trouble if I post a screenshot of said page? (It's plaintext, no images, but still naughty words) [20:35] * popey hugs Myrtti [20:35] Azelphur: just blur out the words with gimp ;) [20:35] haha [20:35] meeeeeeeh [20:35] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/April%202011/2011-04-21-202800_229x526_scrot.png \o/ [20:36] haha [20:36] thats awesome [20:36] you can't watch youtube because your under 18, so here's some gay porn. [20:36] xD [20:36] :D [20:36] three ftw [20:37] It's even more funny because it's my brothers connection, and he's been trying to prove he's over 18 for 3 days now (He's 36) [20:37] he went down to the store, gave them his passport info, they still don't believe him xD [20:37] Azelphur: how old are you? [20:37] I'm 20 [20:37] My phone doesn't have content lock :D [20:37] But I'm not with three \o/ [20:37] \o/ nanny ISP [20:38] ... [20:38] indeed [20:38] it's so funny we joke about my brother and how he's clearly a youngin [20:38] and that he needs to get photo id so he can buy stuff from shops :D [20:39] Azelphur: did you kill the screenie already? :( [20:39] nope [20:39] ah no works now [20:40] daftykins: my brother even phoned them up about it [20:40] :D [20:40] daftykins: he said something along the lines of if I my child was actually using your internet and did happen to bump into this page for going to something non-adult such as youtube, and was presented with this page, I wouldn't be happy. xD [20:41] =] [20:41] that's prime opportunity for a lawsuit in my opinion [20:41] haha [20:41] assuming said links work, rather than redirect to the exact same warning page [20:41] daftykins: it takes me to another page that says I must verify that I'm 18+ before I can use this service [20:42] =] [20:42] popey: a friend is having issues with an HP micro server in case you've encountered similar? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1735584 [20:42] but the website the porn links are actually meant to go to are in the URL [20:42] it looks like three are reselling porn subscriptions [20:42] :D [20:46] daftykins: doubt that has anything to do with the specific hardware [20:47] nor would i [20:47] but worth asking === tubadaz is now known as tubadaz_away === tubadaz_away is now known as tubadaz [21:31] so after all that fuss, that iphonetracker thing is actually pretty weak. mostly, I'm surprised at how far away some of the cell towers it's been putting me on are [21:33] looking at the points it's picked up, you can't even discern what side of town I live on [21:33] I r disappoint [21:38] awwwwwwwww.... [21:38] I'm trying very hard to watch Air Force One [21:38] but it's too exiting [21:41] exciting,e ven [22:29] ping [22:29] PONG [22:32] ping [22:32] PONG [22:33] :) [22:33] I'm googling to find some docs on how to develop unity lenses, can anyone point me in the right direction 'cause I cannot find anything concrete [22:35] winterweaver, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses should help [22:35] hmm... hehe, whenever I googled I just found OMGUbuntu articles :P [22:35] thx gord === tubadaz is now known as tubadaz_away === tubadaz_away is now known as tubadaz [22:55] ali1234: my mums come up with a great solution to my internet problems [22:56] buy a third line! \o/ [22:56] #getfiber [22:57] ;d [22:57] I wish XD [22:57] ;p [22:58] Azelphur: In my area in London I am on fiber from small ISP. [22:58] Azelphur: #workslikeaomgzomgcantbetrue [22:58] nice, doubt they cover margate :( [22:58] ;] [22:58] D: [22:58] I remember first day. [22:58] When they added it to the offer. [22:59] And not a lot of people got on it. [22:59] 80 / 40 Mbps for nearly a day d; [22:59] #lifewasgood [22:59] ;d [22:59] damn :p [22:59] Guess how much? ;] [22:59] I want to get vfast [22:59] #prepeareforshock [23:00] they are wireless and they keep their network up to date [23:00] they do 24/24 and 100/100 in trial [23:00] and the 100/100 trialers are #1 in uk for speedtest.net xD [23:00] I think [23:00] dunno [23:00] 20 a month [23:00] ;] [23:00] No telephone line rental etc. [23:00] I have socket on the wall \o/ [23:00] nice [23:01] matti I'd prefer vfast [23:01] :) [23:01] matti vfast is nuts, and they keep upgrading their network [23:02] Azelphur: I was with O2 before them... but I moved homes and O2 is oversubscribed here. [23:02] Azelphur: So, one day when I was lurking 'round the flat, I have spotted RJ45 socket on the wall. [23:03] Azelphur: Connected, did a quick sniff, and since then myself and this little ISP are a good friends ;] [23:03] * matti is looking up vfast [23:06] Azelphur: ;] [23:06] hehe [23:11] 1 week to go :D [23:11] people all excited for ubuntu vista? [23:13] lol [23:14] unity looks quite good [23:29] hi all [23:31] Hey shauno [23:31] Ops [23:31] He quit [23:31] ;/ [23:32] I did? [23:37] shauno: Not you ;] === tubadaz is now known as tubadaz_away