snap-l | | 00:46 |
rick_h__ | man, you guys rock, so psyched driving home tonight | 03:42 |
rick_h__ | snap-l _stink_ Blazeix | 03:43 |
snap-l | rick_h__: Awesome. :) | 03:46 |
snap-l | Yeah, I've gotten the urge to do something magnificent | 03:46 |
rick_h__ | it's invigorating | 03:47 |
rick_h__ | even with people finding bugs/etc | 03:47 |
snap-l | Getting tired of waiting for shit to happen at work. | 03:47 |
rick_h__ | just awesome how cool things get, keep moving forward | 03:47 |
rick_h__ | snap-l: ++ | 03:47 |
rick_h__ | then again I can't speak. How many years did I talk about bookie before *doing* it? | 03:47 |
snap-l | Well, considering I have an e-mail that i sent to Metal Injection about doing a podcast that was around 2005 or so... | 03:48 |
snap-l | I'm not one to talk. ;) | 03:48 |
rick_h__ | lol | 03:48 |
rick_h__ | we're such slackers | 03:48 |
snap-l | I think you just get busy with the things that you think are more do-able | 03:50 |
rick_h__ | I think it's more "that's a lot of work, I don't have time for all that work right now" | 03:50 |
snap-l | Pretty sure I didn't stop doing things like check e-mail, twitter, etc. | 03:50 |
rick_h__ | but once you get started and breaking it into smaller and smaller bits you get rolling | 03:50 |
snap-l | A-yep | 03:50 |
rick_h__ | but before you start, you see the whole project | 03:50 |
rick_h__ | after you start, you see the next feature | 03:50 |
rick_h__ | and I htink that's really what it comes down to (at least for me I think that sums up bookie) | 03:51 |
snap-l | Yeah, you have to think about what the smaller pieces are to get to the bigger pieces | 03:51 |
snap-l | and make sure that you don't freak out over the size of the whole project | 03:51 |
snap-l | like trying to move a gravel pile one rock at a time | 03:51 |
rick_h__ | yea | 03:52 |
snap-l | eventually, it'll get done, but it seems like a lot when you get started. | 03:52 |
rick_h__ | right, but along the way you go "if I stopped working on bookie's still useful cool stuff" | 03:52 |
rick_h__ | that accomplishment comes along pretty quick after getting started and fuels more | 03:53 |
snap-l | Yeah, you need to get to the rhythm part | 03:53 |
rick_h__ | and then nights like tonight where multiple people are finding things cool, trying, testing | 03:53 |
snap-l | That's when you get the shovel out. ;) | 03:53 |
rick_h__ | just get motivated to move it forward more and more | 03:53 |
rick_h__ | thanks for submitting the issue btw | 03:53 |
snap-l | np, promised I would. :) | 03:54 |
snap-l | Speaking of rhythm, time to do the dishes. ;) | 03:54 |
snap-l | brb | 03:54 |
rick_h__ | hmm, I do have a test for bookmark deletes, how is this passing? ugh | 03:55 |
snap-l | did you save the page content prior to the delete? :) | 03:55 |
snap-l | Could also be a corner case where I tried to delete something that wasn't read-in yet. | 03:56 |
rick_h__ | I'll poke at it, something is missing, but figured it was more obvious at first | 03:57 |
rick_h__ | all good | 03:57 |
snap-l | Yeah, leave it to me to bring the stupid bugs. ;) | 03:57 |
snap-l | "what does this do?" | 03:57 |
rick_h__ | ah, got it | 04:00 |
rick_h__ | yea, found the issue and you're right, because adding a new bmark doesn't auto populate the readable content | 04:00 |
rick_h__ | snap-l: so fix pushed to develop, will add a new test for it | 04:01 |
jcastro | snap-l: | 04:09 |
jcastro | BEHOLD | 04:09 |
rick_h__ | | 04:15 |
rick_h__ | love V for Vendetta | 04:17 |
snap-l | rick_h__: This proves one thing... | 04:20 |
snap-l | HTML5 is perfect for ;) | 04:21 |
_stink_ | rick_h__: glad to be involved. hoping to crank this badboy out now that the underpinning looks ready. | 04:35 |
brousch | job posted for GR: Candidates should have at least 7 or more years of experience in network, host, data, and/or application security in a LINUX Red Hat Enterprise 5.3 operating environment. Pluses would be experiene with Umbutu. | 10:51 |
rick_h__ | morning | 11:46 |
rick_h__ | _stink_: yea, hopefully it's educational/useful as well to go through it | 11:46 |
brousch | damn hootsuite is down | 12:01 |
greg-g | g'morning | 13:13 |
_stink_ | morning | 13:16 |
snap-l | g'morning | 13:17 |
greg-g | looks like a fun bookie night last night | 13:21 |
_stink_ | yeah, it was good | 13:30 |
_stink_ | Blazeix got the firefox/jQuery stuff in a state where it actually behaves | 13:31 |
greg-g | oooo! yay! | 13:34 |
rick_h_droid | heh, these guys are good at finding bugs, almost as good as i am at creating them. | 13:37 |
greg-g | :) | 13:42 |
brousch | ouch. hootsuite has been down all morning and they say it's ec2 | 14:01 |
ColonelPanic001 | the hell with that, Reddit is down. | 14:02 |
ColonelPanic001 | Oh, the humanity | 14:02 |
brousch | probably for the same reason | 14:03 |
ColonelPanic001 | it is | 14:03 |
ColonelPanic001 | | 14:03 |
brousch | apparently half the internet runs on amazon | 14:05 |
brousch | oh man, 4square is down too? how will i checkin to be king of my bathroom? | 14:06 |
ColonelPanic001 | >_> | 14:07 |
jjesse | how many porn sites are now down is the bigger question | 14:15 |
ColonelPanic001 | too. many. | 14:15 |
ColonelPanic001 | but, Reddit! | 14:15 |
brousch | has been affected? | 14:15 |
greg-g | is safely running on autonomous colo servers without the aid of Amazon/Microsoft/Raskspace "cloud" technology | 14:19 |
brousch | whew | 14:20 |
Blazeix | _stink_ gives me too much credit :). We both sat down and figured this firefox/jquery stuff out. | 14:36 |
Blazeix | man, does anyone in here use groupon? I'm thinking I'm going to have to unsubscribe. | 14:36 |
brousch | unsubbed a few weeks ago. it's all crap | 14:37 |
Blazeix | yeah, there was supposed to be some level of personalization, but I'm not seeing it. | 14:38 |
snap-l | I promise I'm trying to get through this Java stuff with Eclipse, but frankly I think every document online regarding getting started with this stuff should include the phrase "Go fuck yourself" at the top. | 15:30 |
snap-l | at least I'd know it's not just me. | 15:30 |
jrwren | are you sure its not that it works a way that you don't want to? | 15:30 |
jrwren | you must embrace the tools workflow. | 15:31 |
jrwren | its not the kind of tool that bends to your will. | 15:31 |
jrwren | you must adapt to ie. | 15:31 |
jrwren | adapt to it | 15:31 |
snap-l | ergo my earlier statement | 15:31 |
snap-l | I feel lost and frustrated whenever I power this thing on | 15:32 |
jrwren | it just takes time to get to know the bug IDE | 15:33 |
snap-l | jrwren: And that's why I'm frustrated | 15:33 |
snap-l | I want something simple. get in, get out | 15:33 |
jrwren | i feel your pain. | 15:33 |
jrwren | use vim? | 15:33 |
snap-l | I want to have baklava, not learn the totality of Greek history. | 15:33 |
snap-l | jrwren: Vim doesn't suck down web services and make classes | 15:34 |
jrwren | no. i am pretty sure there are command line tools for that. | 15:34 |
jrwren | e.g. in .NET most people use visual studio adn dont' know about the svcutil.exe command line that will do the same. | 15:34 |
jrwren | what soap library are you using? | 15:34 |
snap-l | I've used under jaxws | 15:35 |
jrwren | but what library are you using in your java? jaxws still? | 15:35 |
snap-l | yes, although I'm sure I'm missing something on how to get a directory of jar files into my classpath | 15:36 |
jrwren | script it :) | 15:36 |
snap-l | ergo my initial statement. ;) | 15:37 |
jrwren | for i in *.jar ; do CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$i ; done :) | 15:37 |
jrwren | well, you do that once and add it to your makefile. | 15:37 |
jrwren | or you have your make file do it. | 15:37 |
jrwren | | 15:38 |
jrwren | classpath wildcards? | 15:38 |
jrwren | are you alone on this dev or trying to help out a team? | 15:38 |
snap-l | yeah, I'll play with this some more. | 15:38 |
snap-l | I'm just trying to understand this as a support person | 15:38 |
jrwren | I know you were doing SOAP in perl a while ago, did you give up on that and move to java? | 15:38 |
snap-l | No, I got it working in Python | 15:38 |
jrwren | i see, so support. | 15:39 |
snap-l | Found that if I didn't "follow the RFC", it caused the server to throw a null pointer exception | 15:39 |
snap-l | RFC expecting CRLF, not LF. | 15:39 |
jrwren | figures. | 15:40 |
jrwren | so you are in the role of supporting programmers using this stuff? | 15:41 |
snap-l | Well, of telling them if they're doing something wrong | 15:41 |
snap-l | not necessarily showing them the intracacies of eclipse. | 15:42 |
jrwren | sounds like a bitch of a role. i hope you get paid well :) | 15:51 |
jrwren | also, I'd recommend checking out Apache Axi2. Much better soap. | 15:51 |
jrwren | when an API comes from SUN, it should immediately be questioned and attempted to be replaced by a community equiv or something from apache or google. | 15:52 |
snap-l | jrwren: Yeah, I've been checking out Axis2 as well | 16:03 |
snap-l | Mostly I'm just trying to understand what's going on. And I'm reacquainting myself with why I'm more of a fan of Python. ;) | 16:04 |
jrwren | apt-get upgrade tells me nux and jockey are being upgraded, but when I dpkg -p or apt-get show to find out what these are it says they don't exist. | 16:05 |
brousch | snap-l: If you want to code a Java app from scratch, you must first create the IDE | 17:10 |
* ColonelPanic001 becomes enlightened | 17:26 | |
rick_h__ | ColonelPanic001: enlightened? | 17:38 |
rick_h__ | using a new window manager? | 17:38 |
snap-l | No, re: Java and the IDE | 17:38 |
rick_h__ | ah | 17:39 |
snap-l | snapl: Tell my wife I've run away to join the circus. She'll understand. |12:37 PM Apr 21, 2011 | 17:40 |
rick_h__ | wheee! free peanuts? | 17:41 |
snap-l | Does anyone know how to show what the java environment is? | 18:06 |
snap-l | ie: show what it thinks is classpath, env variables, etc? | 18:06 |
snap-l | -verbose gets me what I'm looking for | 18:10 |
rick_h__ | hah, another kde stone | 18:10 |
rick_h__ | snap-l: cool, sorry, java is not my forte | 18:10 |
snap-l | rick_h__: Me either | 18:13 |
greg-g | rick_h__: eeeek (re: kde) | 18:31 |
rick_h__ | greg-g: yea, wonder if there will be a resurgant "red headed stepchild" after that | 18:31 |
snap-l | blue headed stepchild | 18:34 |
snap-l | get it right. ;) | 18:35 |
rick_h__ | doh | 18:35 |
greg-g | :) | 18:42 |
jrwren | snap-l: echo $CLASSPATH ? | 18:46 |
snap-l | jrwren: Welcome to 2011, where we don't use CLASSPATH environment variables. ;) | 18:52 |
snap-l | At least everything that I've seen pretty much dismisses that as anachronistic | 18:53 |
brousch | the IDE is supposed to handle it for you | 18:54 |
jrwren | right. | 19:03 |
jrwren | it still gets used. | 19:03 |
jrwren | but I see, you were trying to ask a way to find out what the IDE was using. | 19:03 |
jrwren | "java environment" I read, but I didn't read IDE. | 19:03 |
jrwren | I'm slow. | 19:04 |
snap-l | No, I'm not using an IDE | 19:04 |
snap-l | but I wanted to see what it was trying to load | 19:04 |
jrwren | I'm not willing to installa JVM and/or compiler to find otu :) | 19:05 |
snap-l | jrwren: frankly, I've spent more time digging into this than it's worth | 19:06 |
jrwren | :( | 19:13 |
rick_h__ | man, another lesson...EC2 is 'on demand' computing, not your freaking colo center | 19:27 |
rick_h__ | people don't plan for this crap and it's just stupid | 19:27 |
snap-l | rick_h__: A-yep | 19:29 |
rick_h__ | I mean I know it's hard...after all no databases do things like 'streaming replication' or anything | 19:29 |
rick_h__ | what happened to all this nosql 'shard it baby' goodness? | 19:30 |
snap-l | | 19:30 |
snap-l | rick_h__: Sharding is hard. Let's do SEO instead | 19:31 |
snap-l | Or they sharded it in the same instance. | 19:31 |
rick_h__ | nice pic | 19:31 |
snap-l | I know tihs might get me nominated for the idiot of the year award, but I'm going to see if this java shit works better with Sun's JDK | 19:33 |
brousch | you weren't use sun-java6? | 19:33 |
snap-l | No, openjdk | 19:33 |
snap-l | and yes, I know there's a difference, but frankly I didn't think it was that big of a difference. | 19:34 |
snap-l | and if this works, I will be very pissed off | 19:34 |
brousch | you should punch yourself in the head if it works | 19:35 |
snap-l | Well, thankfully my melon can remain unthumped | 19:37 |
greg-g | nixternal: do you know of anyone who has written a good weekly report generator for taskwarrior? | 21:30 |
gamerchick02 | howdy. any easy way to import your bookmarks into bookie? ;) | 23:12 |
gamerchick02 | whoops, i'll ask in the bookie room... i guess. | 23:13 |
brousch | snap-l: I'm listening to the live omc. awesome music on there | 23:49 |
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