
_marx_nice akgraner, when do we stop calling you an NTEU? :)11:24
_marx_but still the question remains.11:24
_marx_how where does one control the time of day that the update manager runs?11:25
_marx_it is, too me, a simple question yet Mr. Google has yet to reveal an answer11:25
_marx_there seems to be _no documentation on the subject12:15
_marx_if just turning it off is the best solution why is it even included in any version and why is it still used in so many distros?12:16
_marx_it is what it is = it is a piece of shit12:17
akgranerI've asked on Ask Ubuntu  -  http://askubuntu.com/questions/36251/is-there-a-way-to-change-what-time-the-update-manager-checks-for-updates12:19
akgranerand I'll submit a feature request as as well....12:19
akgraner_marx_, if you click on that link just vote up the question...if others can do that as well, this way it gets marked as a valid question and moved to the top/front page for people to see12:21
akgraner_marx_, hopefully you'll get an answer soon...Great question by the way!12:33
_marx_i don't care if it's gui, looking through default cron jobs i don't see it12:45
_marx_used to be i'd be at work, non-computer work, by 7:30 now i'm usually sitting here when the resource pig runs12:49
_marx_now i'm off to do one of my favorite things, vinyl siding, i'll be back in ten years to fix the water damage13:04
akgraner_marx_, here is your answer - http://askubuntu.com/questions/36251/is-there-a-way-to-change-what-time-the-update-manager-checks-for-updates15:08
akgranerI <3 Ask Ubuntu!15:08
jeffrashAny one running 11.04 beta yet?16:13
Italian_Plumberwas that released today?16:31
jeffrashI'm not sure when it was released16:50
jeffrashI read that beta 2 was out or coming on OMG Ubuntu a few days ago16:51
jeffrashit's there now16:51
holsteinjeffrash: ive been running a testing version for a while now17:04
holsteina month or so17:04
jeffrashany major issues?17:05
holsteini mean, im not running maverick anywhere that is matters ;)17:06
holsteinbut, a casual desktop machine17:06
holsteinwhere you know what you're getting into17:06
holsteini would run natty now17:06
jeffrashI am very happy with maverick.  It's natty I'm not sure of.17:07
jeffrashI think I do a VM and see what happens17:07
jeffrashI'll do17:08
holsteinwell, either you like unity or not17:08
holsteinits not a bug though ;)17:08
holsteinits a feature17:08
holsteinother than the big UI change17:08
holsteinmost everything else is stable as it should be17:08
jeffrashok, thanks17:22
jeffrashdownloading the ISO now17:22
akgranerjeffrash, I am17:26
holsteinakgraner: no deal breakers right?17:28
akgranerI'm loving it17:32
jeffrashgood to know17:32
jack_i heard unity is great compared to gnome-shell :x18:02
akgranerhaven't tried it yet - I'll check Fedora 15 this weekend though18:06
jeffrashno joy with 11.04b2 in Virtual Box20:33
jeffrashUpgrading my D420 laptop to 11.04b2 instead20:35
jeffrashIf it doesn't work, I needed to rebuild it anyway20:35
_marx_jeffrash: natty failed to run unity in my vbox test ahhh 'bout two weeks ago21:34
_marx_video issues21:34
Tracy_PVirtualBox or VMware Player?21:35
_marx_virtual box from sun/oracle21:37
_marx_not the ose version21:37
_marx_akgraner: that is perfect, i didn't know about ask ubuntu21:39
Tracy_PI know this is bordering near the ban list... Does your version of VirtualBox run the Areo of the Microsoft OS's?21:40
_marx_haven't tried21:40
_marx_i did not enable 3d in the guest so that is likely the cause21:40
Tracy_PVMware version 6 is able to, so I'm curious which is a better option21:41
_marx_actually opensuse 11.4 kde somehow started it's 3d desktop effects on install21:42
_marx_which just about completely locked up the vm21:42
Tracy_PI'm sure host hardware will have a lot to do with that too.21:49
_marx_yeah, my current host has an intel 9xx video, was using an nvidia agp card on another now deceased box21:50
jeffrashno Broadcom wireless in 11.0423:38
jeffrashThe STA driver is loaded but not working23:38
holsteinjeffrash: :/23:38
holsteinjeffrash: hmmm23:40
holsteinjeffrash: is the other one available23:40
jeffrashwhat's the command to get my card version again?23:40
jeffrashno, only STA23:41
holsteinjeffrash: try lspci -vv23:42
* holstein is att he WNCLUG :)23:42
jeffrashjust found an article that it broke in beta 223:48
jeffrashkernel problem23:48
jeffrashgot to run, I'll fix it later23:49
jeffrashthanks guys23:49
holsteinjeffrash: good luck23:52

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