[00:14] o/ [01:00] heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [01:07] pace_t_zulu, I was until today, basically instead of basename which gives you the filename, it will give you the dir up until the filename [01:07] I didn't know it existed until today [01:08] chris@RX881:~$ basename Movies.txt [01:08] Movies.txt [01:08] chris@RX881:~$ dirname /home/chris/Movies.txt [01:08] /home/chris [01:08] simple but powerful.. [01:09] or rather [01:09] chris@RX881:~$ basename /home/chris/Movies.txt [01:09] Movies.txt [01:18] anyone here [01:25] me [01:26] need some help with sum? [01:26] ubuntu 11.04 is junk i cannot get it to go full screen on my 22 inch monitotr even in classic mode [01:27] linuxman410, is there an auto button? [01:27] on monitor [01:28] how old is the monitor [01:28] monitor is a couple of years old about 2 [01:29] is chakra a rolling release [01:29] tryed the auto adjust? [01:29] tried the auto ajust nothing [01:29] linuxman410, yes [01:29] what model? [01:30] linuxman410, have you tried rebooting with 11.04? [01:30] it is a gateway 22 in monitor [01:30] drivers? [01:30] i have rebooted a bunch of times only shows up on right half of screen [01:31] 10.10 worked just fine same monitor [01:32] login screen does the same thing/ [01:32] ? [01:32] yes [01:33] linuxman410, does the video card have multiple outputs and one plugged in possibly? [01:33] linuxman410, what happens if you try ctrl+al+f2 ? [01:33] alt* [01:34] nothing [01:35] strange.. [01:35] mooooooooooooo [01:35] linuxman410, perhaps you should wait until the final is released to try again? [01:35] chris4585 is chakra secure enough to pay bills as long as it is updated [01:35] does the live cd do the same? [01:35] vychune yes [01:35] damn [01:36] u may need the drivers this time [01:36] brb === vychune is now known as vychune_unclelou [01:37] linuxman410, I would say so, but it is alpha - beta [01:39] chris4585 either that or i am going to try fedora 15 and see what it does [01:41] chris4585 i need to find a rolling release instead of one i have to reinstall all the time [01:41] fedora 15 is also beta but it looks nice with gnome 3 [01:41] linuxman410, well arch / chakra is that [01:42] i am downloading chakra right now [01:42] I saw a 28min review earlier today on fedora 15 [01:43] i have been using fedora since it first came out on and off [01:44] chris4585 there are just a bunch of knuckleheads in their irc channel though [01:46] they always have something smart to say when u ask a question [01:49] I wouldn't know I try to figure things out my own way.. and don't bother asking in support channels [01:49] usually it leads no where [01:56] chris4585 fedora 15 does not work either [01:56] so next [01:57] chakra is next [01:59] maybe its something to do with your drivers? [01:59] what video card do you have? [02:00] intel 845 built in [02:01] i booted up tried to change resolution it will not let me [02:02] then it is the drivers and i said that long ago === vychune_unclelou is now known as vychune [02:03] but it works fine with 10.10\ [02:04] the drivers may have been removed [02:05] well if ubuntu removed drivers for a video card i will have to find another os [02:06] my [02:06] video card [02:07] cause i cannot afford new hardware [02:08] ubuntu does not have to act like windows release a upgrade and have to buy a new computer [02:08] just install it [02:08] and i may be worng [02:08] vychune it did not find no restricted drivers [02:12] oh yeah forgot about that daig [02:12] linuxman410, I would wait and see the final released to make final judgments [02:12] *diag [02:13] well if it does not support it with final release then i change oses [02:15] see everyone is suping up linux so it does not run on old hardware no more even lubuntu is going to unity [02:16] debian 6 did not go to unity they stayed regular gnome [02:17] debian 6 still supports old hardware [02:21] even freegeek in portland is still with ubuntu 8.04 according to their website [02:24] smh [02:30] linuxman410, wha? lubuntu going to unity? [02:33] yes i sam subsribed to their email and lubuntu is going to unity [02:37] well before you put it down have you tried unity 2d? [02:37] it uses qt which might work kind of well on older computers [02:38] chris4585 i tried unity 2d same thing half a screen cannot change resolution [02:39] linuxman410, this appears to be a driver issue, unity 2d wouldn't have a thing to do with that though [02:40] chris4585 maybe it is a glitch in the beta [02:40] maybe [02:40] I've been running it for the past ~3months [02:48] fedora does some things strangely.. why is the iso file named .diso ? [02:52] whoo torrents are awesome, downloading the fedora iso in less than 5mins [03:10] LOL [03:14] I wont lie, I'm a bit over surprised and shocked by how well fedora 15 is.. [03:14] lol brb === chris_ is now known as Guest29759 === Guest29759 is now known as chris4585lappy === chris_ is now known as Guest61043 === Guest61043 is now known as chris4585lappy [05:00] I'm loving gnome3, and starting to think ubuntu made the wrong decision.. [05:20] welcome to ubuntu [05:20] ;/ [05:20] I'm so not impressed with ubuntu desktop [05:39] Juzzy, unity is alright but doesn't compare to gnome3 [11:47] chris4585: I agree what distro are you using gnome 3 on? [12:04] wrst: your up early, bad night? [13:03] no cyberanger just the usual [13:03] how are you doing cyberanger? [13:03] reasonable [13:04] some things have simplified, some things are complicated [13:04] it's just a funny week [13:04] such seems to be the course of life :) [13:05] indeed [14:18] o/ [14:29] Hey vychune [14:29] long time no see dude [14:29] seriously [14:29] wrst where be you [14:29] pace_t_zulu [14:30] need some cron love over her dudes [14:30] lol [14:30] vychune: what you got going on today brutha [14:30] hey pace_t_zulu [14:30] linuxmanyou awake? [14:30] i mean hey Xpistos :) [14:30] lol [14:30] sit around doing nothing [14:30] is that a Greek Slur? [14:30] ! [14:31] ? [14:31] not intentional :) [14:31] my job left for jackso, TN im all alone [14:31] Is that good or not good? [14:31] not good [14:32] im broke that the Govt [14:32] *broker [14:33] I feel ya [14:33] I am broke as a joke [14:33] I am so Poo, I can't afford the R [14:33] I am so broke, I can't afford to pay attention [14:34] Xpistos: cron you say [14:34] I am looking at the dog eat everymorning and thinking two things: Man that Alpo looks good OR Doggie Kabobs? [14:34] cyberanger: [14:34] ROTFLLOL [14:36] Xpistos: i probably can't be available till this afternoon... but i'll be happy to help then [14:37] pace_t_zulu: Oh well, I have church crap and teenage son in school crap to do then, but we will hook up later [14:38] cyberanger: I ask #linux about cron stuff and i get "man cron" doesn't quite help me here [14:39] lol [14:39] Xpistos: maybe i can help quickly... what are you trying to do? [14:41] ... [14:43] well i have to go... catch y'all later [14:45] Damn my work sched! [14:49] Xpistos: what are you trying to do ? [14:54] Xpistos: sounds about right [14:54] what's the details here [14:56] ok [14:57] I have to set an email backup to run at 1 am every morning [14:57] the catch is, I can't test it because it will shut down the email server [14:57] The command is a preset script [14:57] what I need to do is tell the cron to run the script everday [14:58] I tried crontab -e [14:58] and added the script, but [14:58] no love [14:58] and I don't know where to find it now? [14:58] Thank You! [14:58] * Xpistos bows and then puts the business end of his glock in his mouth [14:59] I am a WEEE bit frustrated with this [14:59] Which you all know is so out of character for me [14:59] Xpistos: don't do that, that's a waste of a perfectly good bullet [14:59] wait, that didn't come out right [15:00] ouch [15:00] what did you put into crontab when you did that [15:01] let's see [15:01] 0 1 * * * root /usr/src/ oZimbraBackup_1.0.1/oZimbraBackup.sh [15:03] hrm [15:04] something seems off on that, let me compare mine [15:06] and I do crontab -e to add it [15:07] seems I may have spotted the issue, [15:07] sudo crontab -e to edit it [15:08] include adding additional jobs [15:08] why the space here "/usr/src/ oZimbraBackup_1.0.1/oZimbraBackup.sh" [15:08] well as much as you are going to hate this it is in the user account. Not my decision and I have bitched about ti before [15:08] no space [15:09] /usr/src/oZimbraBackup_1.0.1/oZimbraBackup.sh [15:09] so "0 1 * * * root /usr/src/ oZimbraBackup_1.0.1/oZimbraBackup.sh" was a typo? [15:10] the cronjob is? or the backup? [15:22] yues [15:22] no space in the cronjob [15:23] Xpistos: is that the line nano shows with sudo crontab -e? [15:24] if so, I think I see the issue [15:24] let me check [15:27] o/ [15:27] hey vychune [15:28] does your arm ever get tired? :-) [15:28] of doing what? [15:29] cyberanger: nano doesn't show anything [15:30] I don't see the job anywhere and not sure where to look [15:30] This is also a Centos Based server [15:30] member:identifier:xpistos still working on cron huh? [15:30] yep [15:31] Xpistos: sudo crontab -e shows nothing? [15:31] yep [15:32] I added it by typing cronjob -e and a vi editor openend , which I can't stand [15:37] Xpistos: nano is for little girls ;) [15:37] * wrst uses nano :) [15:37] cyberanger: should I add it that way? [15:37] yes [15:37] or should I be in /etc/cron.daily and at it there [15:37] wrst: vi is a pain though [15:37] or add it there [15:38] Xpistos: crontab it [15:38] wrst: So I am a little girl [15:38] i agree cyberanger, i don't understand the vi love? [15:38] how do I edit it with nano? [15:38] crontab -e opens vi [15:38] Xpistos: sudo crontab -e [15:38] oh, your editor isn't, right [15:39] rihgt [15:39] check that nano is an option first [15:39] how [15:39] oh it is [15:39] ok [15:40] * Xpistos starts singing a Justin Bieber song in the corner ... [15:40] "baby, baby, baby" [15:41] Xpistos: type 'which nano' if you would [15:41] /user/bin/nano [15:41] and please don't do that again, each time Bieber sings, a kitten is mauled to death [15:42] * Xpistos hates cats [15:42] I feel a chorus of Never Say Never coming up [15:42] this just makes sure we can do this, we'll come back to adding it long term [15:43] 'EDITOR=/user/bin/nano sudo crontab -e' [15:43] what is so wrong with justin bieber? [15:44] lol [15:45] "user" [15:45] okay I see it now [15:45] vychune: should I list alphabetically or chronalogicly [15:46] whatever works for you [15:47] vychune: Usher as a role model would be a good start [15:47] Okay I am looknig at it in cron [15:47] whats wrong with that? [15:47] # Email backup to windows server [15:47] 0 1 * * * root /usr/src/ oZimbraBackup_1.0.1/oZimbraBackup.sh -msg-diff > /dev/null 2>&1 [15:48] as long as you dont look behind the scenes [15:48] "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" [15:48] pointing and picking the women he wants [15:52] cyberanger: oh, and for some reason my "A" record was point to the wrong place at godaddy that is why my ssh wasn't working [15:53] so a few more days [15:54] Xpistos: ah [15:54] I'm seeing a space again [15:55] that's part of it [15:55] "0 1 * * * root /usr/src/ oZimbraBackup_1.0.1/oZimbraBackup.sh -msg-diff > /dev/null 2>&1" [15:55] damn [15:55] I didn't see that [15:55] that's what you have? [15:55] and remove root [15:55] it's implied anyhow [15:56] those two should allow it to run [15:56] provided permissions are right, and the script itself works [15:56] 0 1 * * * /usr/src/oZimbraBackup_1.0.1/oZimbraBackup.sh -msg-diff > /dev/null 2>&1 [15:56] sudo chmod +x /usr/src/oZimbraBackup_1.0.1/oZimbraBackup.sh [15:56] yes [15:57] I am checking that right now [15:58] actually, in crontab -e, I'd change 0 1 to 0 3 [15:58] why? [15:58] can I change the name of the file? [15:58] 1 AM for email seems likely, we've chatted past 1AM before [15:58] cause it is saving it as /tmp/crontab.XXXhpDzjV [15:58] these are for work not home [15:59] so 6pm everyone is gone [15:59] ah, then that's good [15:59] I would like the file to be called crontab.embackup [16:00] don't change that, it's being saved to tmp cause there is a script that follows that takes it an has it applied to the current cron daemon [16:00] when you close, that file will vanish shortly [16:01] cdit has full permissions [16:01] it has full perms [16:01] yes I don't see it there [16:01] now if I want to edit it. Where can I find it? [16:02] and I have two other crontab.XXXX files that do show up [16:02] can I delete those [16:02] their in /tmp right? [16:02] yes [16:03] leave them [16:03] ok [16:03] that directory has a way of managing itself [16:03] short of any real problems [16:22] did i get kicked or something [16:24] you quit [16:25] according to the message I see, perhaps a networking glitch [16:36] mustve stepped on my wire [16:38] wrst, fedora and it was all beautiful [16:39] I keep trying to do that at the library, used to wires, wifi is just so odd [16:39] chris4585: and yum? [16:39] Xpistos: but you cannot test it, right? [16:39] not now [16:39] but I will know in the morning [16:39] cyberanger, I don't know the first thing about yum [16:40] I am off tomorrow, but I will check it to make sure cause we need to get this retnetion policy setup [16:40] well this one uses apt actually [16:40] CentOS with Apt-Get [16:40] Clear OS - gateway/firewall [16:40] chris4585: i agree with you about unity [16:41] unity could be as good as gnome but I think mark has blinders on [16:41] Xpistos: perhaps we want to edit it one more then, have output to a file, instead of /dev/null [16:41] further proof it's working, and we'll go back once it is [16:42] chris4585: i agree why depart from gnome 3 when it is very good now and will only improve [16:42] well the script will shutdown the email server so that can't happen now [16:42] you could put the ubuntu touch on it and have something much better out of the box [16:42] exactly [16:42] chris4585: i think unity looks dated/old compared to gnome 3 [16:42] you can add gnome 3 to ubuntu [16:42] a little bit, its not as dynamic [16:42] indeed you can but thats not the argument [16:43] the argument is that ubuntu made the wrong choice [16:43] yes chris4585 [16:43] i certainly agree [16:43] chris4585: i love ubuntu but i don't see me using it much with unity [16:45] yeah, I'm currently using ubuntu / unity on my desktop and wish I had gnome 3 on it, but I'm keeping unity to see how it turns out by release [16:45] fedora / gnome3 on my laptop and its so awesome.. [16:47] chris4585: i agree i was shocked at how well i liked gnome 3 after hearing all the negatives against it [16:47] there are some work flow things that take some getting used to [16:47] but as they say if you use it for a week [16:47] the only thing I wish gnome3 had is the global menu and the controls on the panel.. that would make it complete [16:48] wrst, exactly, at first I hated unity but after using it on my laptop for a week I liked it [16:48] chris4585: i'm not so big of a fan of the global menu especially since i use dual monitors some [16:48] ah I'd say not then, but I love it [16:48] but i think they could tone down the theme a little to save some space that would be nice [16:48] wrst, did you edit gnome3 so it has minimize too? [16:49] but over all gnome3 > unity [16:49] chris4585: yes [16:49] Xpistos: why do you need the script to shutdown the email server? [16:49] chris4585: do you have the gnome-tweak-tool installed? [16:49] pace_t_zulu: part of the backup process [16:49] wrst, no, I don't know fedora well enough.. [16:49] just use the pacakge gui and search for it, has some useful settings [16:50] Xpistos: I understand it can't be run now, but when it runs tonight, you'll have more data, more proof it did run [16:50] when you check it in the morning [16:50] cyberanger: you reckon it's a necessary part? shouldn't the server have some functionality that allows you to export a backup if its running (if it is ill advised to run an ordinary backup with the server running) [16:50] wrst, I'm surprised its in there, installing [16:51] Xpistos: you can use a dummy cronjob that doesn't shut down the server to test and be sure that you've got your crontab right [16:51] chris4585: i think from the cli it would be # yum install gnome-tweak-tool [16:51] if i remember yum at all [16:51] chris4585: i think that should be standard with gnoem actually, its not 100% ad you have to log out and back in for many changes to take place [16:51] wrst: that is correct yum syntax [16:52] pace_t_zulu: to an extent, some daemons are that big a kludge, so it depends on what's actually rused [16:52] thanks pace_t_zulu its been a while after opensuse and fedora can't say i'm fond of the 'rpm' based distros [16:52] the gnome tweak tool i believe is not standard in gnome 3 ... it's just a stopgap till they flesh out the control panels [16:52] and I did forget about a dummy run, but it won't test the actual script [16:52] too [16:52] pace_t_zulu: i think you are correct [16:53] i doubt the gnome tweak tool is an official part of gnome [16:54] i'm going to have to go afk for a little bit at 11 [16:54] wrst, I agree completely that or gnome improve their settings [16:54] pace_t_zulu: you saw my latest PM? [16:55] pace_t_zulu: hit me with one big pappa! [16:56] but chris4585 hurts me to leave ubuntu but i think if i set anything up for people it will probably be kubuntu now [16:56] cyberanger: you're a definite maybe ... ? for the natty party [16:57] in all seriousness, I don't really try to set people up with ubuntu anymore, it just gives me a headache and I'm tech support until someone dies [16:58] ha ha what do you do chris4585? just fix windows? [16:58] pace_t_zulu: the desire is there, two things got added to that same weekend since we planned it, one was a clerical error [16:59] so yes, not confirmed, but extremely high odds [16:59] 90% [16:59] wrst, pretty much [17:00] one thing might much it up, and as it currently stands, puts me roughly 20-30 minutes late [17:00] depends on the situation with me chris4585 [17:00] bbiab [17:00] if they are straight up browse the web, chat/IM, email i put ubuntu on their machine [17:01] it's a meeting, never leave on time, either early or late, and I'm factoring the usual when I say that [17:01] pace_t_zulu: does that make sense? [17:02] How can I setup a dummy cronjob [17:02] wrst: I've wound up in a middle ground, lubuntu or crunchbang [17:04] Xpistos: we can create another crontab set to go off at 11:30 [17:04] that'd be the best way [17:04] okay well what do I put like touch testfile or something like that [17:05] lubuntu is a possibility, but i think kubuntu is the easiest transition from someone who has been a windows user [17:09] 15 11 * * * touch /tmp/testfile [17:10] look okay? [17:11] it's gotta be 20 11 now [17:11] a certain amount of time to kick in [17:11] time on server is 11:10 [17:11] OH, and one blank line at the end [17:11] yes, plus at least 5 minutes [17:12] okay 6 mins from now [17:12] (the commands run on time, but we're adding too close to the time, a update delay of 5 minutes I think) [17:12] one blank line at the end [17:13] hit enter twice [17:13] do I have to have blank lines after each cron command in there or just after the end [17:13] for sure, just after [17:13] mine is just at the end [17:13] you should post a copy of your crontab so I can see [17:20] 2 */12 * * * /usr/local/bin/mirrorbuild.sh [17:21] that runs 2 minutes after the hour, every 12 houls [17:21] I've got others on other servers, happen to have that one close by [17:28] mtest file worked [17:28] 18 11 * * * touch /tmp/testfile [17:28] worked [17:31] ok, so as long as your script itself works, that line looked good [17:38] good [17:39] now I can do this on my own machine at home too [17:39] yeah [17:42] anybody know how to make an animate graphic [17:47] So am i going to be better off with 10.10 than 11.04 or what?> [18:17] xpistos rolls through here like a tornado ... and then he's gone [18:20] pace_t_zulu: i think Xpistos needs a personal tech support :) [18:20] wrst: he's doing many (seemingly) unrelated things [18:21] yes, adult ADD/ADHD ? [18:22] pace_t_zulu: that really seems to be something common I help with some tech support with a project and once you get people to focus on the issue at hand they then see how simple it is [18:22] not that all that cron stuff is simple but what i help with usually is simple [18:23] wrst: cron doesn't need to be hard.... it's a very simple tool.... he never communicated his problem to me [18:23] pace_t_zulu: i have found there are usually simple tutorials out there for most things in cron [18:52] wrst: do you know what his issue was? [18:52] wrst: was he just trying to verify the job ran? [18:53] i don't know cyberanger was helping him out, he's a little rapid fire for me to help while i'm at work [18:58] wrst: i hear that [18:58] cyberanger: what was the nature of xpistos' cron problem? [20:33] i guess no one else is around [20:36] my voice just echoes off these walls.... [20:38] ha ha i'm here :) [20:43] yay [20:43] i'm not alone [20:55] wrst: fair to assume you will not be available to attend a natty release party? [20:57] yes sir if i tried that it would be fair to assume i would need a divorce attorney :) [20:58] wrst: not a problem at all [20:58] family always comes first [21:09] i am finding that out more than ever [21:16] i imagine it becomes considerably more serious when the little ones arrive [21:17] ha ha more for the mother's sanity :) [21:37] when you move large files around on a hard drive, it shouldn't take long because the physical file itself doesn't move right? just the header changes [21:40] chris4585: if you do an 'mv' it should be pretty much instant [21:41] a 'cp' of course copies the file [21:41] chris4585: what's the problem/ [21:41] ? [21:41] there is no problem just trying to understand [21:42] its not every day I move 20gbs on my hard drive, so it was instant [21:48] I wish there was a history window for nautilus that showed every file operation, that would be pretty useful [21:48] chris4585: you still in gnome 3? [21:49] no my desktop will stay unity for a while [21:50] my laptop is gnome3 though [21:50] i have it on my laptop and love it, on my desktop i love it two but didn't like how it handled dual desktops but got that resovled [21:50] ah [21:51] yes only had workspaces on one monitor and that is the intended default [21:56] chris4585: isn't journaling supposed to provide some of that functionality [21:56] ? [21:56] i'm not an expert of file systems [21:56] wrst: does that fat titlebar not annoy you at least on the laptop? [22:14] no not really but it is a little wide i will readily admit that [22:14] and wide for no reason pace_t_zulu [22:14] i suspect that will be tweaked in the future [22:21] wrst: no doubt it will be tweaked... and no doubt native theming support will be added in the future as well [22:21] yes that is a little bit annoying that it can't really be themed right now [22:21] but i think they have done what they have done well so i'm sure the rest will come [22:22] wrst: yea, but theming should never have been release critical... [22:22] wrst: that is a feature that can easily be added in the future ... there are bigger priorities for the initial rollout [22:22] yes [22:22] and the default look is very very nice [22:30] wrst: its a good first release