
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
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* nlsthzn-work waves07:45
superflyhi all07:49
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: hey07:51
DraZoroGood morning everyone !08:42
=== DraZoro is now known as DraZoro_Away
=== DraZoro_Away is now known as DraZoro
inetprohow do I know whether a ubuntu server needs a restart after an update?11:29
nlsthzn-workinetpro: install a gui and you will see the shutdown button will be red :p11:39
inetpronlsthzn-work: haha11:39
Vhata$ tail -n1 /etc/motd11:50
Vhata*** System restart required ***11:50
inetproVhata: did they have this even in 8.04 Hardy?11:51
Vhataprobably not11:51
Vhatabut your question isn't really a real question11:52
Vhataservers don't need restarts.11:52
Vhatayou reboot a linux machine for (a) a new kernel, and (b) new hardware11:52
inetproVhata: hmm... 11:53
Vhataso if your update installed a new kernel, and you want to start running it, then you should reboot (and you can work this out with `dpkg -l | grep linux-image` and `uname -a`)11:53
drubininetpro: 11:55
inetproVhata: thanks11:56
inetprodrubin: .11:56
drubinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1012637.html   and look for /var/run/reboot-required 11:56
drubininetpro: ^ sorry stupid copy and paste11:56
inetprodrubin: I just read that, thanks11:56
Vhatadrubin: Ubuntu are taking all the fun out of server admin!12:00
drubinVhata: No they are giving you time for ibid12:03
tumbleweedof course /var/run might go away in a year or two. /run seems to be picking up momentum fast12:09
tumbleweedwell, it'll probably be there by the next LTS12:11
tumbleweed/var/run makes things complicated because it isn't ready yet in initramfs / before /var is mounted12:11
tumbleweedactually what am I saying it'll still be there, but some more important bits will have switched to using /run instead12:14
cocooncrashtumbleweed: Hrm, fair enough12:28
Kiloshiya superfly and all ya other peeps12:58
KilosMaaz, coffee on12:58
* Maaz flips the salt-timer12:58
Kilosnlsthzn-work, ping12:58
superflyheya Kilos13:01
nlsthzn-workKilos: pong13:01
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!13:02
Kiloshi nlsthzn-work i got my boets saudi stc modem here and wondered if you or anyone else knows how i can change the firmware to use here in sa13:02
KilosMaaz, ty13:02
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure13:02
nlsthzn-workKilos: hmmm... is it locked to the service provider?13:03
Kilosnl i dont even know how to look for that but cant get it to work here13:04
Kilosboet had it at vodacom peeps and they just said no ways and sold him another modem13:04
Kiloswhen i plug it in it flashes like trying to connect but thats as far as it gets13:05
Kilosmaverick sees itr as a usb modem13:05
Kilosit says TCT mobile CE0700 inside and the imei number is here too13:07
nlsthzn-workis it 3G? (I have no clue how you would go about doing anything with it to be honest)13:09
Kilossomething to do with flashing the sofware and installing the right stuff. but i need expert advice so i dont mess it up completely13:14
Kilosyip its 3g hsdpa13:14
Kilosmust be similar to flashing a cellfone13:14
Kilosbut you need the right firmware available beforehand and need to know how to do it13:15
Kilosim scared to just try on my own and maybe duff it for good13:16
superflyKilos: did you plug it in and then type in "lsusb"?13:17
Kilosno superfly i dunno about that. can i do it with my cellphone still connected13:17
Kilosis that list usb devices13:18
Kilosin my network manager it shows as a modem but cant connect13:19
nlsthzn-workKilos: thing is you need a sim card in there with recharge on... and it has been set to use a different provider so you are right... you need to "jail" break it... I am sure there must be one of those dodgy small cell phone shops that can do it for R50.00... and seeing as your not in SaudI I guess no laws will be broken :p13:21
Kilosboet has tried local cellphone shops13:22
Kilosi am sure it can be done . i did a cellc fone when i first started but cant go googling now with data so low13:23
Kilosif i member right it was an aus company that i googled by saying unlock or unblock motorolla fone13:24
Kilosbut with a fone you can type in the unblock code13:25
Kilosmodem got no keyboard13:25
Kilosi have tried it with this sim outa my fone but it wont connect even after setting up network manager for voda13:26
nlsthzn-workKilos: I am pretty sure it will have the same steps as flashing your PC's bios... and the same dangers :)13:26
Kiloslol yeah thats why i dont wanna try it without advice13:27
Kilosmodems arent cheap13:28
CybrisbobAfternoon ubuntu lovers13:29
Kiloslo Cybrisbob 13:29
superflyKilos: put it in, type "lsusb" and look for a device that looks like a modem if you look at the output, then take the device id (something like "0ac0:f30c") and google it13:29
CybrisbobSo where is the ubuntu natty launch party in Stellenbosch, never heard of the venue13:29
Kilosok ty superfly  will try that. see ya later then13:29
Cybrisbobwelcome Robert13:33
CybrisbobOk happy easter to all enjoy the long weekend, I am off to break glusterfs13:34
Kiloswould this be it superfly ?13:37
KilosBus 001 Device 017: ID 1bbb:0000 T & A Mobile Phones 13:37
nlsthzn-workKilos: looks right13:37
Kilosok now i just google the id or must i add something else as well13:38
Kilosi sukkel with googling13:38
Kilosnever know what to actually google13:39
nlsthzn-workI'm not sure... I wouldn't have thought of that way to find info... I would have searched for "unlock tct ce0700" or something similar13:40
Kilosok i will try13:40
superflyMaaz: google for usb modem 1bbb:000013:44
Maazsuperfly: "USB_ModeSwitch ~ View topic - correlation between /dev/ttyUSB* and ..." http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/bb/viewtopic.php?t=310&sid=9847374dd024e427c3f6e01b8d928b3e :: "10.04 - How do I get a 3G USB modem to work? - Ask Ubuntu - Stack ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/3084/how-do-i-get-a-3g-usb-modem-to-work :: "Ubuntu 10.04 LTS & Alcatel x200" http://forum.sakis3g.org/smf/index.php?topic=39.0 :: "Sakis3G configuration13:44
nlsthzn-worklooks like a very genericaly used device with more specialized instructions flashed to it...13:46
superflydo you really need to flash it?13:46
superflywhy all the talk about flashing it?13:46
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: it has been locked to work on a specific network... and it needs *something* to "unlock: it... maybe the terminology is wrong...13:47
nlsthzn-workbut the idea remains the same :p13:47
superflynlsthzn-work: has it actually been locked, or is that just speculation?13:48
Kilosdunno superfly . boet tried getting it to work here but cell shops say cant be done13:50
Kilosmaybe i am missing somethin13:50
Kilosit shows in lsusb and network manager but wont connect. just keeps flashing13:51
superflyKilos: run "tail -f /var/log/syslog" and watch for error messages when you try to connect13:51
Kilosok will try that13:52
Kilosbe back as soon as its done13:52
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: most vendors lock their devices where there is more than one supplier in the same country... either that or there is some compatibility issues with the sims maybe... but yes, I am speculating here...13:53
superflynlsthzn-work: yeah... I'm just saying, do your investigation, don't rely on hearsay13:54
superflyand don't rely on a cellphone shop, cause they just want to make money off you ;-)13:54
Kilosyeah they already sold him another one13:55
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: sure... but if you see a something looking like a horse with black and white stripes chances are its a zebra ;)13:55
superflynlsthzn-work: unless it's been painted ;-)13:55
nlsthzn-workonly in south africa :p13:55
Kilosdoes that make sense to you superfly 14:08
superfly<warn> GSM modem enable failed: (32) Network personalization PIN required14:08
Kilosyeah but where you get that from superfly . boet says he didnt put a pin in14:09
superflyKilos: it's asking for a "Network personalization PIN" - whatever that is14:10
Kilosis that the saudi network pin or a voda one14:10
Kilosi got no pin on my sim14:11
superflyKilos: not sure, probably  the Saudi14:11
Kilosright so that is what i need to unlock then but dunno how to get into a modem14:11
Kilosi have found this. but dunno what to use14:13
Kilosalso another one with password stuff but dunno how to get into the modem even14:14
superflyKilos: pffft that's just a search engine honeypot page14:14
superflyit's mean to catch people who type the wrong thing in14:14
Kiloshoneypot page??14:14
superflyKilos: yes, can you see how it's just a bunch of adverts?14:15
superflyand nothing that actually relates to what you were searching for?14:15
Kilosand the second one?14:15
superflyit killed my browser14:15
Kilosno adds on there but info i dunno how to use14:16
Kiloswhich one killed your browser superfly 14:17
superflyKilos: no, that page is about routers, not usb modems14:17
Kilosi use epiphany14:17
superflyKilos: if you can see what device it is (like /dev/ttyUSB0) then you can try running wvdialconf14:19
Kiloswithout sudo?14:20
superflyactually, you don't even need to know the modem14:20
superflyKilos: quite possibly14:20
Kilosis there something i need to know before i go offline and connect the modem again14:21
superflyKilos: not that I can think of14:21
Kilosok ty i go see whats there14:22
Kilosdoes this help superfly 14:36
Kilosit found a modem there seems like14:37
Kilossorry to be a nuisance14:39
inetproKilos: /etc/wvdial.conf<Warn>: Can't write '/etc/wvdial.conf.tmp6348': Permission denied14:48
inetproline 4314:48
Kiloshiya inetpro so must i chown the thing hehe14:48
inetproKilos: no14:49
Kiloshow do i get it to work then ?14:49
inetproKilos: I didn't follow the conversation was that output from wvdialconf?14:50
inetproare you a member of the dialout group?14:50
Kilostrying to get a stc modem to work in sa on vodacom14:50
Kiloswho are they14:50
inetproKilos: groups14:50
Kilosthe modem comes from saudi14:50
Kiloswho are the dialout groups?14:51
Kilosi will become a member if it makes the modem work14:52
inetproKilos: try with sudo14:52
Kilosi am lost here this is like a doctor doing a gearbox overall on an automaitic valiant14:52
inetproKilos: google is your friend14:53
Kiloswill try that and see what happens14:53
Kilosgoogle kills my data which is very low inetpro 14:53
Kilosi have tried14:53
inetproKilos: why you wanting to change your modem?14:54
Kilosi googled spanne already for this but get nothing i understand14:54
Kilosi use a cell but can use the modem if i get it working here then the cell can do smses etc14:55
inetproKilos: what is the make and model of the modem?14:56
Kilosit is a stc on the outside but tct in the inside14:56
inetprohmm... maybe I should read above14:57
inetproKilos: sadly I can not help right now14:58
Kilosi dont mind telling you again14:58
Kilosi will try with sudo14:58
Kilosbe back later14:58
eklikeubuntuIs this a South African chat?15:17
Kiloslooks like it be a bit happier with sudo but still wont connect15:19
Kiloslo nuvolari_ 15:42
nuvolari_lo oom Kilos 15:42
Kiloshoekom altyd die stert15:42
nuvolari_I wonder what happened :?15:42
=== nuvolari_ is now known as nuvolari
nuvolarilike so oom?15:43
Kilosthats better15:43
Kiloswhat you know about getting a tct usb modem to work 15:43
Kiloscomes from saudi and i cant get it to work with vodacom15:44
Kilosyeah modem make tct and service provider is stc15:44
nuvolarihmm, if it's foreight I'm afraid I can't understand it :P15:44
afrodeityno nukes15:51
Kiloslo afrodeity 15:52
afrodeityhi kilos15:56
afrodeityu don't perhaps know which file to delete to reset amarok 2.4 db?15:57
tumbleweedfroztbyte, Symmetria: debian.mirror.ac.za is still out of sync15:59
afrodeitysimulated reboot16:00
afrodeitygood friday 2moro, time to build a new kernel16:01
afrodeityreddit went down16:20
Kilossuperfly, if this modem keeps looking for the stc network pin  will installing new firmware clear what it is looking for17:30
Kilosor how would i get to see and change it/ delete so it doesnt look for a pin17:31
Kilosshould i try follow these instructions17:39
Kiloslo rverrips 17:40
rverripsYo-yo, Kilo'17:40

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