galeon | induz: Did you delete the file for the settings to open it again? /home/jack/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml | 00:00 |
html_inprogress | that always work for me,lol ..... and who says being random is not being focused?? :) | 00:00 |
jack_^ | pong | 00:00 |
_Neytiri_ | how do i set my system to use an Internet time server to set the time via CLI to pacific time | 00:00 |
extraclassic | induz: can you boot other vm's but just not windows 7 | 00:00 |
shcherbak | kshawkeye: | 00:00 |
induz | galeon, No | 00:00 |
induz | extraclassic, I can not run vBox at all | 00:01 |
galeon | induz: Did you delete the file for the settings to open it again? /home/jack/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml | 00:01 |
induz | galeon, no the file is still there on my folder | 00:01 |
galeon | induz: But you said you can open it now | 00:01 |
extraclassic | induz: i'd do what galeon says and if it doesn't work reinstall long as you copy the vdi file for win 7 it's not a big deal to add it back again | 00:02 |
shcherbak | _Neytiri_: ntpdate | 00:02 |
html_inprogress | mknarr,?? i try that already too much for me right now, | 00:02 |
shcherbak | _Neytiri_: Use server of your like, timezone is set in your system anyway. | 00:03 |
Maimster | Sup everyone! | 00:03 |
html_inprogress | hi | 00:03 |
induz | galeon, and extraclassic i have .vdi files on my home folder | 00:03 |
_Neytiri_ | thankyou | 00:03 |
induz | how can i re-install Vbox and get my window 7 back from .vdi files | 00:04 |
galeon | induz: If you don't know how to delete it, open nautilus, go to Home, press ctrl+l then enter /home/jack/.VirtualBox | 00:04 |
jack_^ | :M | 00:04 |
galeon | induz: Then delete VirtualBox.xml | 00:04 |
extraclassic | induz: copy the vdi file to another place then add a vm once you reinstall, and select that as the hard drive | 00:04 |
galeon | induz: Press enter after entering the location | 00:04 |
html_inprogress | im not sure just spoke to me , its not showing up | 00:05 |
galeon | induz: If you have the *.vbox file for your Virtual Machine, you may also add them by double-clicking it | 00:05 |
mknarr | html_inprogress, what isnt showing up ? | 00:06 |
Supm4n | Hy everyone, I am looking for the easiest way to share my wired connection by wifi. any idea ? thanks | 00:07 |
clu3 | my ubuntu box recently responds really slowly to any harddisk access operations like saving a file, ... I was about to run fsck but it alerted the device was already mounted. Are there any other options? | 00:07 |
html_inprogress | who ecer just said if im "focused long term , do this... but i dont see it in the chat logs.. | 00:07 |
shcherbak | Supm4n: sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode (check ad-hoc and master) | 00:07 |
shcherbak | Supm4n: mode managerd to "undo" | 00:08 |
shcherbak | *managed* | 00:08 |
kshawkeye | shcherbak: Thanks, I'm reading it right now, but quick question, I understand how to echo the final 7, but how do I get the sting to be a variable? (I can read the string when I do a cat on the file, but how do I make that output a variable so I can feed that to echo?) | 00:10 |
mknarr | Galeon you having crazy connection issues :( | 00:10 |
nicolas | Hi I cannot enable DLNA plugin on Totem under my user, however if I log in as a different user on the same computer or as root, I can easily do it. I already rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity | 00:10 |
nicolas | Any ideas? | 00:10 |
jbeatty | any idea why I wouldn't be able to see my wireless network with either Wicd or NetworkManager on Ubuntu 10.10? | 00:10 |
shcherbak | kshawkeye: yourvar=$(echo stuff) | 00:10 |
Supm4n | shcherbak, without the command line ? :) I use ubuntu every days, but that kind of thing are easy to do with other OS. | 00:10 |
Supm4n | Sounds like I cannot do it with a GUI ... | 00:11 |
amin_ | how could I find my dvd drive path to mount it? /dev/??? | 00:11 |
jbeatty | Supm4n: if you don't want to learn to use a command line, don't use Linux. The command line is more flexible than any GUI could be. | 00:11 |
induz | Galeon, i have two folders;- Machine and HardDisk under ,vBox | 00:11 |
shcherbak | Supm4n: What about "Cerate New Wireless Network" in Network Manager panel menu? | 00:12 |
Galeon | don't delete them | 00:12 |
jbeatty | Supm4n: it is literally impossible to have a GUI for every single configuration option. On Windows, they call those missing options "broken" | 00:12 |
induz | Galeon, what should i delet and what should i keep | 00:12 |
mknarr | induz, Galeon keeps getting disconnected | 00:13 |
Supm4n | jbeatty, I am not a noob ;) just looking for a tool with a GUI =) | 00:13 |
extraclassic | induz: delete the xml file | 00:13 |
kshawkeye | shcherbak: Hmmm, perhaps I didn't make that clear enough, I need to make the output from cat the variable, so that I can use that variable with echo. Make sense? (if cat reported 123, I need to make var1 equal to 123, so I can use it with echo) | 00:13 |
shcherbak | amin_: eject -v ? | 00:14 |
Rahoul | Hi I cannot enable DLNA plugin on Totem under my user, however if I log in as a different user on the same computer or as root, I can easily do it. I already rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity | 00:14 |
extraclassic | induz: keep everything but the one configuration file | 00:14 |
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induz | extraclassic, I am going to delet VirtualBox.xml files | 00:15 |
shcherbak | kshawkeye: One sec.... | 00:15 |
extraclassic | induz: go for it | 00:15 |
induz | extraclassic, what about VirtualBox.xml-prev | 00:15 |
Galeon | induz: just the xml, the other ones are for your Virtual Machines | 00:16 |
jbeatty | Any reason why NetworkManager and Wicd can't see my home network when they can see all other networks in the area? | 00:16 |
extraclassic | induz: i guess it's an old configuration file | 00:16 |
Galeon | induz: You may try renaming it by removing -prev, then check if VBox will work | 00:16 |
amin | how could I find my dvd drive path to mount it? /dev/??? | 00:17 |
KINGOFSWORDS | just reinstalled grub and now theres no boot option | 00:18 |
KINGOFSWORDS | im dual boot btw | 00:18 |
induz | extraclassic, and Galeon here are the files ; | 00:19 |
jbeatty | Any reason why NetworkManager and Wicd can't see my home network when they can see all other networks in the area? | 00:19 |
extraclassic | induz: how have you not deleted those already | 00:19 |
_Neytiri_ | i am getting this error when trying to set the date Operation not permitted | 00:19 |
_Neytiri_ | i am running the commad as root | 00:19 |
jbeatty | _Neytiri_: are you *sure* you're running it as root? because it shouldn't be giving you that error otherwise | 00:20 |
mknarr | I have an old Dell PowerEdge 2500 (i paied $20 for it ROFL) anyone have any ideas what i could use it for? Other than a file server??? | 00:20 |
induz | extraclassic, i am confused what to delet and what not to?? | 00:20 |
Galeon | induz: you may delete those *.xml and *.dat files, VBox will recreate them | 00:20 |
_Neytiri_ | yes i am sure | 00:20 |
extraclassic | induz: delete VirtualBox.xml, then rename VirtualBox.xml-prev to VirtualBox.xml | 00:20 |
ubd | hi, i have a pc. i dont have cd drive, and it doesnot seem to boot from usb. All i can do is, modifying its hd on a windows machine. can i install ubuntu under these conditions? | 00:20 |
shcherbak | kshawkeye: Here: | 00:20 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: No boot option? in grub? | 00:21 |
shcherbak | kshawkeye: Also, mush help you can get in #bash channel. | 00:21 |
extraclassic | KINGOFSWORDS: run "sudo update-grub" | 00:22 |
induz | extraclassic, after renaming the -prev to .xml i can start Vbox now | 00:22 |
induz | but my window 7 machine is inaccessible now | 00:22 |
Galeon | ubd: If you have other machines that have cd/dvd or can boot to usb, you may put its hard drive there then install | 00:22 |
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extraclassic | induz: if if disappeared then add a new vm and select window7.vdi as your hard disk | 00:23 |
phoenixsampras | how to upgrade to UBUNTU 11 ? | 00:23 |
Guest24446 | what's the difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu studio, aside from the extra third party applications that come pre installed? | 00:23 |
ubd | galeon: will it be able to fix the hardware drivers etc? | 00:23 |
jbeatty | Any reason why NetworkManager and Wicd can't see my home network when they can see all other networks in the area? | 00:23 |
induz | extraclassic, here | 00:23 |
extraclassic | induz: or wherever the file way windows 7 is only 1.5 gb | 00:23 |
rww | phoenixsampras: #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks! | 00:24 |
Galeon | ubd: Ubuntu can load drivers for many devices, unlike Windows which store only certain drivers that you used | 00:24 |
kshawkeye | shcherbak: Thanks | 00:24 |
Galeon | ubd: I tried that many times before | 00:24 |
phoenixsampras | 8 days for the release? | 00:24 |
rww | phoenixsampras: about that, yes | 00:24 |
Rahoul_ | Hi I am unable to load Totem's DLNA/UPNP plugin just under my user, all other users and root can. What can i Do??? | 00:24 |
ubd | all right i wil try it now | 00:24 |
ubd | thanks | 00:24 |
minimec_ | ubd: | 00:25 |
phoenixsampras | does it worth the pain? heard its has a lot of bugs | 00:25 |
extraclassic | induz: delete the inaccessible one but keep the files, and create a new one and select the appropriate vdi file as a hard disk | 00:25 |
_Neytiri_ | root@pandora:~# date 0420162411.40 date: cannot set date: Operation not permitted Wed Apr 20 16:24:40 MSD 2011 | 00:25 |
rww | phoenixsampras: ask #ubuntu+1 ;P | 00:25 |
jbeatty | Any reason why NetworkManager and Wicd can't see my home network when they can see all other networks in the area? | 00:26 |
ubd | minimec_ thanks for the info but the pc does not have a network interface. | 00:26 |
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Galeon | ubd: Is that a Pentium III? | 00:27 |
meandmine | anyone in KY? | 00:28 |
meandmine | hello | 00:29 |
mknarr | hi | 00:29 |
meandmine | hey mknarr | 00:29 |
wcchandler | In vi, how do you copy X amount of characters from the current position? I could yy, p the line but ugh. :( | 00:29 |
meandmine | where you from? | 00:29 |
mknarr | ON, Can | 00:30 |
mickster04 | !ot | meandmine: | 00:30 |
ubottu | meandmine:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 00:30 |
wcchandler | Get 'em mickster04! | 00:30 |
mknarr | lol that was great | 00:30 |
mickster04 | wcchandler: it's what i do best :D | 00:31 |
mknarr | I have an old Dell PowerEdge 2500 anyone have any ideas what i could use it for? Other than a file server??? | 00:31 |
mickster04 | I idle whilst at work, occasionally unleashing the cracken/ ubottu on people :D | 00:31 |
mickster04 | mknarr: ssh, file, samba, ftp, media centre maybe? and games you could run (i had a openttd erver at one point) | 00:32 |
mickster04 | mknarr: it can do a tonne of stuff tbh | 00:32 |
wcchandler | It's very efficient at what it does... almost like a bot or something. BTW, no skynet uprising last night? What gives?! I think it was because nobody knows how to copy X amount of chars in vi... | 00:32 |
induz | its freezing the system now | 00:33 |
wcchandler | mknarr: folding@home client? | 00:33 |
FreezingCold | I'm looking for a template for a personal bio type site for myself. Something like Drupal | 00:34 |
mickster04 | induz: put a fire underneath it :D | 00:35 |
wcchandler | FreezingCold: oswd -- open source web design | 00:35 |
Galeon | induz: maybe you don't have enough RAM | 00:35 |
wcchandler | All the templates are from ~2007 but still pretty nice to get it decent looking quick. | 00:36 |
mickster04 | mknarr: what did you do to message me? | 00:36 |
induz | Galeon, I have just 1gb on RAM | 00:36 |
induz | how hard it is to install Vbox on Macbook and install Ubuntu on it as guest OS | 00:37 |
Galeon | induz, I think you should only use about 50% of your RAM so it won't freeze | 00:37 |
sparrW | My firefox has somehow ended up using gnash instead of the adobe flash player. All three (firefox, gnash, flash) are installed from ubuntu packages. How can I fix this? | 00:37 |
mickster04 | mknarr: yeah, whatever it is , it's odd. use /msg if you want to pm | 00:38 |
wcchandler | sparrW: can you just disable one from the the Plugin management thing? | 00:38 |
Fleck | hay, any pulseaudio experts? Have some questions about multichannels etc... | 00:40 |
mickster04 | !pm > mknarr | 00:41 |
ubottu | mknarr, please see my private message | 00:41 |
mickster04 | i love the irony :D | 00:41 |
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mickster04 | !away | 00:42 |
ubottu | You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» | 00:42 |
* wcchandler pet peve: people using "etc" when only one item was stated... etc needs at least 2, otherwise anything can be after your item | 00:42 |
mickster04 | !anyone | Fleck | 00:42 |
ubottu | Fleck: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 00:42 |
mickster04 | !pulseaudio | Fleck | 00:43 |
ubottu | Fleck: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See for information and installation instructions | 00:43 |
mickster04 | just in case Fleck | 00:43 |
Fleck | have remaped devices in pulse audio - now how can i use remaped device with alsa ? | 00:43 |
Fleck | i can use first - default - but not second, 3rd etc :D | 00:43 |
ayrton_ | how do i check how much video ram i have on my system? doesnt tell me in bios | 00:44 |
jbeatty | Any reason why NetworkManager and Wicd can't see my home network when they can see all other networks in the area? | 00:44 |
ayrton_ | ubuntu 10.10 kernel | 00:45 |
Ig0r | Hi boys:)) any one to help me plss? i try to run server and view "Don't run server's as root!!!" | 00:46 |
makulkar | what to package will install all tcl/tk devel and dependent packages? | 00:46 |
sparrW | wcchandler: Gnash is the only flash plugin on the list | 00:47 |
novatoubuntu | alguien habla español en esta sala??? | 00:48 |
MaRk-I | !es | novatoubuntu | 00:49 |
ubottu | novatoubuntu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 00:49 |
novatoubuntu | ok i can read in english | 00:49 |
benji_ | Hi, I need to setup a FTP server which would allow anonymous read/write, which one would you use ? | 00:51 |
Fleck | benji_ proftpd | 00:52 |
hal | I am using grub2 on an ubuntu system. When I boot with both HDDs connected, it boots fine. When I remove one, I see the message, "grub loading / error: no such disk / grub rescue". The usual grub menu is not shown. Can someone explain how grub works between power on and the menu, please? | 00:52 |
vacho | everytime I check for updates there are like 100+ updates... and I check twice a that normal? | 00:52 |
DasEi | hal: the bios is first, then handles control to mbr of first hd | 00:54 |
hal | vacho: that's not the case on my system. However, if you have every package installed from every repo, I suppose it might be possible | 00:54 |
vacho | when can I install gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04? | 00:54 |
mickster04 | hal: does it do that if you remove the other one? you may have grub on one disk and the OS on the other? | 00:54 |
DasEi | hal: could it be your grub is chainloading to the second hd ? | 00:54 |
rww | vacho: #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks! | 00:55 |
hal | DasEi: I think the bios automatically boots the HDD that is connected. So if I remove one disk, then the other is auto configured to boot | 00:55 |
DasEi | hal : righty | 00:55 |
hal | mickster04: DasEi thank you - I will just confirm that | 00:55 |
IcarianHeights | when is ubuntu | 00:56 |
IcarianHeights | when is ubuntu's monospace font getting released? | 00:56 |
mickster04 | IcarianHeights: twice the color of the chord of C | 00:56 |
mickster04 | IcarianHeights: oh... | 00:56 |
IcarianHeights | lol | 00:56 |
novatoubuntu | ok something can help me | 00:56 |
novatoubuntu | this is may first time use ubuntu | 00:57 |
mickster04 | novatoubuntu: so you first need to explain in one line everything about your problem :D | 00:57 |
mickster04 | !details | 00:57 |
ubottu | Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 00:57 |
DasEi | !ask | novatoubuntu | 00:57 |
ubottu | novatoubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:57 |
novatoubuntu | ok i chang othet chanel | 00:57 |
IcarianHeights | is there a beta version of it? (the monospace ubunt font i mean) | 00:58 |
novatoubuntu | what could be other chanel ubunto in spanish please? | 00:58 |
rww | novatoubuntu: /join #ubuntu-es | 00:58 |
DasEi | !es | 00:58 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 00:58 |
hal | how do I determine whether /boot is on its own partition | 00:58 |
hal | I have tried mount -l , but it gives the uuid | 00:59 |
DasEi | hal: mount, no options | 00:59 |
hal | ah, nice DasEi :) | 00:59 |
hal | ok all my data partitions, root and /boot are on sdb | 01:00 |
hal | so I would like to remove the disk sda, and for it to still boot :) | 01:00 |
hal | /dev/sdb1 on /boot type ext4 (rw) | 01:00 |
DasEi | hal: install grub to sdb | 01:00 |
hal | it is as far as I know | 01:01 |
hal | although I have read there is a command to determine it... | 01:01 |
DasEi | hal: sudo fdisk -l, make sure your view is correct | 01:01 |
=== DraGoN is now known as Guest30478 |
hal | DasEi: it only lists sdb partitions | 01:02 |
DasEi | hal: sudo grub-install /dev/sdb (will go on mbr of second hd) | 01:02 |
rhin0 | I have a dual core dell laptop 4 gig of RAM -- I wish to run small terminal emulation package (accuterm) runs on windows XP -- within Ubuntu 10.04 -- VMWARE or VIRTUALBOX? want quick setup/robustness | 01:02 |
hal | oh no, sorry | 01:02 |
hal | there are 3 sda partitions | 01:02 |
rhin0 | really question -- 4 gig enough? | 01:03 |
rhin0 | ok i'll google it | 01:03 |
DasEi | hal : before rebooting, get supergrub-disk, and maybe burn it, case things mess up | 01:03 |
ayrton_ | hey guys in the bios it says i got 4gb ram but in ubuntu it says i have 2.8?? | 01:03 |
DasEi | rhin0: ram for ubuntu ? yes, sure | 01:03 |
KINGOFSWORDS | 32 bit only sees 3gb | 01:03 |
DasEi | ayrton: 32 bit installed ? | 01:04 |
rhin0 | no i mean for vmware - windows xp -- ubuntu | 01:04 |
DasEi | !pae | ayrton | 01:04 |
ubottu | ayrton: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See for more info | 01:04 |
ayrton_ | DasEi yes its a 32bit | 01:04 |
DasEi | see above | 01:04 |
DasEi | ayrton: or use server-kernel | 01:04 |
hal | DasEi: ok, grub-probe -t device /boot/grub states that grub is installed to /dev/sdb1 | 01:04 |
ayrton_ | DasEi ok but also i got a gma 4500m that should have 256 mb video ram | 01:05 |
ayrton_ | how can i check if i have it? doesnt tell in bios | 01:05 |
Galeon | rhino, I would suggest VirtualBox since its free software :) | 01:05 |
DasEi | hal : you want in mbr, so sdb, not in a partition sdb1 | 01:05 |
hal | the only problem I see is that there is no boot flag on any of the sdb parttions | 01:05 |
DasEi | ayrton: that counts as ram too, install gnome-device-manager | 01:05 |
rhin0 | ty galeon | 01:06 |
DasEi | ayrton: with pae or server-kernel, can address whole ram, also graphics | 01:06 |
rhin0 | its gr8 having 2 processors 4 gig of ram don't have to worry about anything | 01:06 |
ayrton_ | DasEi ill try it | 01:07 |
hal | DasEi: ok, I have set the boot flag on the /boot partition - I will report back with the results after reboot | 01:07 |
DasEi | hal: installed to mbr now ??!! | 01:07 |
DasEi | tsss | 01:08 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: it says pae should be enabled in 10.04+ by default | 01:09 |
DasEi | ayrton: checkout uname -a | 01:09 |
DasEi | ayrton: default desktop 32 isn't pae | 01:10 |
ayrton_ | ok | 01:11 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: big download , 34mb =\ | 01:12 |
DasEi | :) | 01:13 |
rww | DasEi: according to it is | 01:13 |
DasEi | rww: it is if the ram is detected, not at upgrading | 01:13 |
rww | DasEi: ah, I see | 01:13 |
ayrton_ | DasEi i didnt upgrade.. | 01:14 |
DasEi | ayrton: install and check by conky or htop, you'll see | 01:14 |
ayrton_ | bios says total ram 4041mb | 01:14 |
ross | how do i install flash player 10 on ubuntu | 01:15 |
ayrton_ | applications ubuntu software center | 01:15 |
ayrton_ | and see if it its there ross | 01:15 |
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ayrton_ | or go to website and see if u can download a ubunut .deb package | 01:16 |
[snake] | how can I set thunderbird to always load remote content in my emails | 01:16 |
ayrton_ | DasEi : i did upgrade to kernel the newest one that comes in 11.04 | 01:17 |
ayrton_ | maybe pae isnt installed | 01:18 |
DasEi | ayrton_: for this issue it's fine, natty is #ubuntu+1 still, will have to reboot to use it | 01:18 |
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ayrton_ | reboot to use what? | 01:20 |
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ayrton_ | DasEi should i just upgrade to 64bit? | 01:21 |
DasEi | ayrton_: to use your new kernel, please put nick, or I might loose your posts | 01:21 |
Axlin | ross: enable multiverse if needed (in synaptic: settings -> repositories) and then it's called "flashplugin-installer" | 01:21 |
DasEi | ayrton_: install pae, reboot | 01:21 |
ayrton_ | k | 01:21 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: ok | 01:22 |
ayrton_ | DasEi i cant install it | 01:22 |
ayrton_ | would take over night | 01:22 |
DasEi | ayrton_: slow connection ? | 01:23 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: yeah i max at 30kbs | 01:23 |
DasEi | ayrton_: thats's bad then, and you shouldn't interrupt it, well you can get the kernel anywhere else better then ? | 01:24 |
ross | thank you | 01:25 |
ayrton_ | i have to install a new kernel? | 01:25 |
ayrton_ | i just did a few days ago its a pain lol | 01:25 |
ayrton_ | DasEi | 01:25 |
DasEi | ayrton_: it's no pain and if you read the link I gave you, it's suggested there | 01:26 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: does pae have anything todo with video ram? and i am | 01:26 |
vacho | who made the retarded decision not to have gnome 3 in ubuntu | 01:27 |
DasEi | ayrton_: again, the video ram is ram as the system's and any other, too, more then 3.2 all together can't be adressed by generic kernel | 01:27 |
linuxmonkey | Hey guys I try to play something in rythmbox and it just closes wont play ...any idea? | 01:28 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: k thank you | 01:28 |
ZykoticK9 | linuxmonkey, try playing the file with another player | 01:29 |
ZykoticK9 | linuxmonkey, is it one particular file, or all files? | 01:29 |
linuxmonkey | ZykoticK9, that works no issue. its any online radio stream | 01:30 |
OT_iux | hello... I'm using Ubuntu10.10, and my old ati graphic card runs well in open source driver. But now I've my motherboard and cpu changed to i5 2300, when i boot up, the intel graphic driver seems not work correctly. i cannot activate GPU accelerate ... is any one can help? | 01:30 |
Cube`` | on my vps running 10.04, how can i configure it to make all connections through TOR? | 01:31 |
ZykoticK9 | linuxmonkey, try starting Rythmbox from a terminal, play the file and see if you get anything meaningful from the terminal output (probably segfault, but maybe not) | 01:31 |
linuxmonkey | ZykoticK9, thanks anyways I got it working. looks like you cant rightclick the file and go play with..and select rythmbox | 01:31 |
lighta | hi guys, where can I found info about sync with ipod | 01:32 |
Cube`` | how can i configure my vps to make all connections through TOR? | 01:34 |
sonja | i need help setting up .Xcompose | 01:34 |
sonja | it doesn't accept some of my custom mappings | 01:34 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: are u good at troubleshooting native linux games? | 01:36 |
DasEi | ayrton_: not per se, which game ? | 01:36 |
ayrton_ | amnesia dark descent, this is the error i get if i run it in terminal | 01:37 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: ^^^ | 01:37 |
owner | hi, need some help with vlc player | 01:38 |
ayrton_ | owner whats wrong | 01:38 |
owner | can't get it to seek to a time | 01:38 |
mrdeb | ok owner | 01:38 |
mrdeb | wha is your issue | 01:38 |
owner | video plays well from start , but can't forward or reverse | 01:38 |
mrdeb | taht is related to some kinds of video encoding | 01:38 |
mrdeb | in the file | 01:39 |
DasEi | ayrton_: headers and pulseaudio-module-jack installed ? | 01:39 |
DasEi | !headers | 01:39 |
ubottu | To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages | 01:39 |
mrdeb | you can also paly it in totem | 01:39 |
owner | playing a large avi file , 13GB or so | 01:39 |
owner | same issue with totem, can't get it to fast forward or rewind | 01:39 |
ayrton_ | DasEi : im a bit confused, | 01:39 |
mrdeb | owner: then it's the file | 01:40 |
owner | well, it plays just fine on windoze | 01:40 |
* Unknow Say: Hi! | 01:41 |
linuxmonkey | Does anyone know if ubuntu has plans to update the version of hplip in the system. I have to install it right from hp to support new printer however its painless to do it be nice if ubuntu had support for it. | 01:41 |
mrdeb | so the windows version is good | 01:41 |
owner | it is same file. windows is able to handle the playback just fine | 01:41 |
mrdeb | well then windows is better at handling files | 01:42 |
mrdeb | i guess | 01:42 |
owner | mrdeb - thanks ! | 01:42 |
mrdeb | :/ | 01:42 |
ZykoticK9 | owner, you may want to try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras and the w32codecs (or w64codecs) from Medibuntu and see if either makes a difference. Good luck. | 01:42 |
owner | Thanks Zykotick9 | 01:43 |
mrdeb | does that make the skipping stop | 01:43 |
hal | DasEi: ok that didn't work ;) | 01:43 |
hal | DasEi: when you say grub may be installed on the mbr, what exactly is installed there? | 01:43 |
zeracca | hal: /dev/sdb is master boot record, and /dev/sdb1 is a partition | 01:44 |
DasEi | hal: you left too quickly, did you install to sdb, not sdb1 ? | 01:44 |
hal | zeracca: I know | 01:44 |
ZykoticK9 | linuxmonkey, see the !latest factoid for info that packages in Ubuntu may not be the newest... this is by design. (SIDENOTE: just be glad you aren't using Debian Stable) | 01:44 |
hal | DasEi: I haven't installed to either just yet. I just set the boot flag to be the /boot partition | 01:44 |
linuxmonkey | ZykoticK9, yeah i agree | 01:45 |
DasEi | hal: you need grub in sdb | 01:45 |
mookie | how do you try lubuntu | 01:45 |
linuxmonkey | !latest | 01:45 |
ubottu | Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 01:45 |
hal | DasEi: but when I run that command, it states that it is installed on sdb1 | 01:45 |
DasEi | mookie: live cd or a vm | 01:45 |
hal | DasEi: grub-probe -t device /boot/grub states that grub is installed to /dev/sdb1 | 01:45 |
mookie | live cd | 01:46 |
linuxmonkey | well its substancial ZykoticK9 ..LOL they added support for alot of printers :) | 01:46 |
linuxmonkey | oh well | 01:46 |
DasEi | hal: sudo grub-install /dev/sdb | 01:46 |
DasEi | !who | mookie | 01:46 |
ubottu | mookie: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 01:46 |
hal | DasEi: that will install it to the mbr won't it? | 01:46 |
DasEi | mookie: d/l it, burn a cd , and boot from it | 01:46 |
DasEi | hal: yes, sir | 01:46 |
mrdeb | why is 2d font more clean with dedicated video card | 01:47 |
mrdeb | clear | 01:47 |
mrdeb | ? | 01:47 |
zeracca | hal: windows usually installs their boot loader on a partition, i think thats how you can make grub multi boot linux and windows | 01:47 |
mookie | dasei iwant to try not install | 01:47 |
zeracca | hal: if grub is on sdb ofc :) | 01:47 |
DasEi | mookie: so that's one (unconvienant) way | 01:47 |
hal | I see zeracca - I am starting to realise that the mbr is the best way | 01:48 |
DasEi | !virtual | 01:48 |
ubottu | There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 01:48 |
DasEi | mookie: ^ | 01:48 |
ZykoticK9 | linuxmonkey, you could check for a PPA if the manual installing from web site is a bother (i haven't checked if it's included in a PPA) | 01:48 |
zeracca | hal: yeah :) | 01:48 |
linuxmonkey | ZykoticK9, its not a bother just a suggestion i was makin | 01:48 |
DasEi | mookie: if you use such as virtualbox, will get better performance | 01:48 |
Shovon | Hello. | 01:49 |
mookie | dasei when i booted up i was as k to put in a sudo command | 01:49 |
DasEi | mookie: booting a live cd ? a sudo -s makes you root on live | 01:50 |
mookie | dasei ok | 01:50 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: i didnt have pulseaudio module jack installed, so i did and its the same | 01:50 |
ZykoticK9 | mookie, livecds are very slow... | 01:50 |
hal | ok thanks zeracca and DasEi for your advice so far - rebooting... :) | 01:51 |
mookie | what do you think is better xubuntu or lubuntu | 01:51 |
rww | mookie: xubuntu | 01:51 |
ZykoticK9 | mookie, what do you think is better apples or oranges | 01:51 |
DasEi | mookie: depends on purpose | 01:51 |
rww | ZykoticK9: apples | 01:51 |
rww | xubuntu is supported here. lubuntu is not. so yeah. | 01:51 |
Axlin | that would depend on whether you prefer xfce or lxde | 01:51 |
ZykoticK9 | rww, i agree ;) | 01:51 |
DasEi | rww: hehe | 01:51 |
mrdeb | ZykoticK9: oranges | 01:51 |
mrdeb | i mean apples are ok too | 01:52 |
linuxmonkey | ZykoticK9, Banana's | 01:52 |
mrdeb | but oranges are high in vitamin c content | 01:52 |
induz | I am back | 01:52 |
mookie | dasei substitue for windows period | 01:52 |
mrdeb | and you can keep the skins for perfume | 01:52 |
induz | I want to run Vbox on macbook with patnther on it is it possible | 01:52 |
linuxmonkey | mrdeb, but banana's are high in Potasium | 01:52 |
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DasEi | mookie: lubuntu is made for low graphical specs, so if machine is capable use just ubuntu | 01:53 |
mookie | thanks rww | 01:53 |
ZykoticK9 | induz, i believe that is a violation of Apples user agreement and thus not supported... | 01:53 |
ZykoticK9 | induz, if you mean running OSX inside the VM and not on OSX | 01:53 |
=== \aameeting\ is now known as pfi |
DasEi | mookie: really, things like virtualbox or vmware are great for trying distros | 01:53 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: this is what i get when i run "sudo apt-get install linux-headers" | 01:54 |
mookie | thanks dasei | 01:54 |
DasEi | mookie: basically you can mix almost everything | 01:54 |
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mookie | got you | 01:54 |
DasEi | mookie: the core is always same, but not the used libs, apps and surfaces | 01:54 |
mookie | im gone thanks for info | 01:55 |
DasEi | np, have fun | 01:55 |
ayrton_ | mokie stole my smart guy :( | 01:55 |
rojikku | I recently updated to 11 with update-manager -d...and it failed somehow durring install, but couldn't cancel itself or something? anyway, in 11 now...but when i try and install stuff i get an error about the kernel not being configured or something... | 01:55 |
DasEi | hal:: worked ? | 01:55 |
hal | DasEi: zeracca thank you for all your advice - it worked :) | 01:55 |
rww | rojikku: #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks! | 01:55 |
DasEi | there you go | 01:55 |
zeracca | hal: np :) | 01:55 |
hal | yes it did DasEi - you're a star :) | 01:56 |
linuxmonkey | Ayrton, you need to specify wich headers you want | 01:56 |
rojikku | rww: ah, i wondered what it way, ty | 01:56 |
hal | now onto the next stage - cloning the disk :) | 01:56 |
DasEi | ayrton_: I don't know that game, did you compile it ? | 01:56 |
ayrton_ | ah ok, no idea which one im looking for | 01:56 |
DasEi | hal: easy task | 01:56 |
hal | it's late now - back tomorrow, I imagine :) | 01:56 |
linuxmonkey | Ayrton, run this sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 01:56 |
hal | DasEi: yeah, I know that part | 01:56 |
ayrton_ | no just native to linux, downloaded it ran the .sh file it installs and it boots fine and runs fine, but when u open gameplay it crahses | 01:56 |
hal | see you all | 01:57 |
DasEi | hal: just dd on same or bigger size hd | 01:57 |
DasEi | ayrton: what was the name again ? | 01:57 |
ayrton_ | amnesia the dark descent | 01:58 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
ayrton_ | is it crash that iv tried for like 3 years to get ubuntu to play games? | 01:58 |
ayrton_ | crazy* | 01:58 |
linuxmonkey | Ayrton, let me know is that command works for ya :) | 01:59 |
ayrton_ | k i will | 01:59 |
yxz97 | I have a 4.13 Matroska HD video file .. | 01:59 |
ayrton_ | but idk what header to install | 01:59 |
yxz97 | I want to burn it in a DVD | 01:59 |
yxz97 | keep HD | 01:59 |
yxz97 | can I do it with ....? | 01:59 |
randomuser | is there anything i should know about doing an nfsmount on a fresh ubuntu install? it doesn't work. | 02:00 |
=== PetePorty is now known as PolarPanda |
Nav_J | hiya I have a question, I was hoping someone could help me figure it out | 02:00 |
randomuser | i've verified server side permissions, the share mounts on another box | 02:00 |
ayrton_ | DasEi : sorry forgot the nick above ^^ | 02:00 |
DasEi | ayrton_: as far as I can see, it should work, which version of ubuntu are you using ? | 02:00 |
ayrton_ | ubuntu 10.10 kernel | 02:01 |
linuxmonkey | Ayrton, did you run the command with the following at the end of it ---> -$(uname -r) | 02:01 |
ayrton_ | no | 02:01 |
linuxmonkey | thats why | 02:01 |
yxz97 | hellouu? | 02:02 |
DasEi | ayrton_:sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 02:02 |
novatoubuntu | hello room i am seek a room in spanish | 02:02 |
Nav_J | so uh... I was trying to install jack but it keeps hanging during jackd2's installation. Now it's in a messed up state. What do I do? | 02:02 |
novatoubuntu | somethg to konw | 02:02 |
n2i | Hi! | 02:03 |
DasEi | ayrton_: should be running, to be sure : sudo service pulseaudio start | 02:03 |
Nav_J | its not letting me uninstall because it's in "a very bad inconsistent state" | 02:03 |
thomas1 | could some one help me with a dual boot | 02:03 |
DasEi | ayrton_:run installer again | 02:03 |
rww | novatoubuntu: as I believe I've already said to you, /join #ubuntu-es | 02:03 |
linuxmonkey | novatoubuntu, #ubuntu-es | 02:03 |
Nav_J | I just want to get rid of it =\ | 02:03 |
=== RealOp is now known as RealOpty |
n2i | I have a trouble, please help! lxdm does not auto run at bootup | 02:03 |
ZykoticK9 | randomuser, have you installed nfs-common? | 02:03 |
elkclone | /close | 02:04 |
n2i | "Unknown S20lxdm" error mess | 02:04 |
ayrton_ | DasEI: i did | 02:04 |
ayrton_ | pastebin not working... | 02:05 |
TaZeR | hello my friends and welcome back to the show that never ends! | 02:05 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: | 02:05 |
randomuser | ZykoticK9, yeah, that was it. Isn't nfs integrated into the kernel these days?!? | 02:05 |
TaZeR | ill be your chef gordon ramsey | 02:05 |
Nav_J | so uh | 02:06 |
Nav_J | Unpacking replacement jackd2 ... | 02:06 |
Nav_J | I'm stuck there | 02:06 |
ZykoticK9 | randomuser, nope | 02:06 |
rww | !ot | TaZeR | 02:06 |
ubottu | TaZeR: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 02:06 |
DasEi | ayrton_: also there are 146 packages not updated in your sys, that could also hinder it | 02:06 |
TaZeR | hahahahahaha dont mess with the chef! | 02:06 |
yxz97 | HELLO | 02:06 |
TaZeR | or no apple pie for uuuu | 02:07 |
yxz97 | I SAID HELL O! | 02:07 |
rww | TaZeR: please feel free to take your culinary arts to #ubuntu-offtopic. They're not on-topic for here. | 02:07 |
TaZeR | is that channel good? | 02:07 |
tje2 | Can anyone tell me what package provides /usr/lib/libttf*.so.* ? I have the libfreetype/libfreetype-dev packages installed, but I still can't compile the "fly" application. | 02:07 |
mickster04 | !ot | 02:07 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 02:07 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: ok | 02:07 |
tje2 | I've been all over Google, and it seemed to indicate that libfreetype superceded or replaced libttf and would suffice in it's place. | 02:08 |
DasEi | ayrton_: no chance in getting a better line ? you'll need it regulary | 02:08 |
thomas1 | can any 1 tell my why after i installed ubuntu i cant boot windows xp even though all of files are there | 02:08 |
paissad_ | in the configuration of the vhost of apache for phpmyadmin, if i enter "ServerName localhost" .... what must i enter into the web browser ? | 02:08 |
paissad_ | if i had chosen "ServerName", i would have to enter "" | 02:08 |
paissad_ | thanks in advance for helping | 02:08 |
DasEi | thomas1: sudo os-prober | 02:08 |
mickster04 | thomas1: in terminal try sudo update-grub | 02:08 |
ayrton_ | DasEi : nope im stuck with the family wifi.. | 02:08 |
thomas1 | kk | 02:09 |
ayrton_ | like 7 laptops leaching off it | 02:09 |
=== paissad_ is now known as paissad |
DasEi | ayrton_: no chance to least get wired, which tends to be faster ?? | 02:09 |
thomas1 | how to i run it in root? | 02:09 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: nope | 02:09 |
DasEi | ayrton_: so there could be a nighttime for a cronjob then | 02:10 |
DasEi | thomas1: sudo as prefix | 02:10 |
ayrton_ | DasEi: yeah | 02:10 |
DasEi | !cron | 02:10 |
ubottu | cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See - There is also a decent Howto at | 02:10 |
thomas1 | it working | 02:10 |
Nav_J | can anyone help me out with this installation problem? | 02:11 |
DasEi | thomas1: os-prober ? | 02:11 |
thomas1 | ? | 02:11 |
tje2 | Nobody has any ideas about which Ubuntu package(s) provide /usr/lib/libttf*.so* ? | 02:11 |
DasEi | thomas1: what is working ? | 02:11 |
thomas1 | the update-grub | 02:11 |
LAcan | guys, how can I check my bootlog? I see a number of errors when I bootup but they scroll by too fast and the ubuntu opens its login screen...? | 02:12 |
DasEi | thomas1: please put nick in posts; did it find an windows entry ? | 02:12 |
rww | LAcan: type 'dmesg | less' in a terminal | 02:12 |
swim | hey, can anybody tell me about a good video editor for ubuntu that will be easy to use out-of-the-box??? | 02:12 |
thomas1 | dasei: ya it found windows | 02:12 |
DasEi | LAcan: dmesg | more or view /var/log/syslog | 02:12 |
DasEi | thomas1: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub | 02:13 |
DasEi | thomas1: increase the timeout, so you can call grub's menue at boot-up | 02:13 |
Nav_J | guys I'm getting a stall at "Unpacking replacement jackd2 ..." | 02:14 |
Nav_J | its been there for 10 minutes | 02:14 |
Nav_J | at least | 02:14 |
Nav_J | I just want to remove the thing at this point | 02:14 |
trism | tje2: it doesn't appear to be in the repos anymore, the last version I found was in karmic | 02:14 |
thomas1 | dasei: this GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 | 02:14 |
DasEi | thomas1: after you again sudo update-grub, then can press left ctrl at boot to choose os | 02:14 |
Germanaz0 | hello everybody | 02:14 |
Germanaz0 | why on ubuntu, when I'm trying to install laptop-mode-tools | 02:14 |
Germanaz0 | it will remove the acpi tools | 02:15 |
Germanaz0 | ? | 02:15 |
Germanaz0 | pm-utils | 02:15 |
LAcan | any idea what "Valid eCryptfs headers not found in file header region or xattr region" means or how I fix it? | 02:15 |
nijotz | where's a good place to get help with a possible 11.04 bug? | 02:15 |
rojikku | #ubuntu+1 | 02:15 |
ZykoticK9 | DasEi, thomas1 it's hold SHIFT (not CTRL) for Grub2 | 02:15 |
rojikku | nijotz: #ubuntu+1 i think ^^ | 02:16 |
thomas1 | dasi: ok | 02:16 |
DasEi | thomas1: can be enough, also can uncomment #GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1" | 02:16 |
nijotz | rojikku: nice, I had no idea. I like the name | 02:16 |
DasEi | thomas1: so get a beep when grub starts | 02:16 |
DasEi | ZykoticK9: I'm still confused about it, grub1 had esc, grub 2 here is left ctrl, though many reported left shift, strange thing, could be esc all the time | 02:17 |
thomas1 | dasei: were do i put this #GRUB_INIT_TUNE="480 440 1" | 02:18 |
ZykoticK9 | DasEi, it's SHIFT see | 02:18 |
Nav_J | so how do I fix an app in an inconsistent state that hangs when I try to reinstall it? | 02:18 |
Nav_J | restart my system? | 02:18 |
DasEi | thomas1: there is a line in the grub-file, just delete the '#' in front that line | 02:18 |
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DasEi | ZykoticK9: ok, so I'll tell until it will work :) | 02:19 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
thomas1 | dasei: how do i know what version of grub i am useing? | 02:20 |
Germanaz0 | why laptop-mode-tools will remove acpi tools ? | 02:20 |
DasEi | thomas1: grub-version | 02:20 |
Germanaz0 | I cant install laptop mode tools | 02:20 |
Germanaz0 | because it will remove pm utils | 02:20 |
mickster04 | Germanaz0: they don't do the same thing? | 02:22 |
Germanaz0 | no | 02:22 |
Germanaz0 | when I install | 02:22 |
Germanaz0 | laptop mode tools | 02:22 |
Germanaz0 | it remove pm utils and then, the suspend button on gnome | 02:22 |
Germanaz0 | dissapear | 02:22 |
mickster04 | Germanaz0: have you done update/upgrade? | 02:22 |
thomas1 | dasei: gunna try and reboot | 02:22 |
DasEi | cu | 02:23 |
Germanaz0 | update upgrade what ? | 02:23 |
mickster04 | Germanaz0: in terminal minus chevrons <<sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade>> | 02:24 |
mickster04 | have you reinstalled pmutils after install laptopmode tools? | 02:25 |
=== xiambax_ is now known as xiambax |
Germanaz0 | nope | 02:25 |
plum-mobile | What is the partition code for ext (linux)? Like how ntfs is 07... | 02:29 |
taglass | 83 | 02:30 |
taglass | or 82.. one is swap one is linux | 02:30 |
plum-mobile | Awesome, thanks! | 02:30 |
ActionParsnip | taglass: if you run fdisk, you can list them all ;) | 02:31 |
thomas1 | dasei: when i boot it went to the grub menu i selected windows xp the screen went black, computer beeped and went back to the grub menu | 02:33 |
aaron_wayne | can someone tell me why my ping tool is not working, is there anything i can do about this to configure or change? | 02:33 |
DasEi | thomas1: is it on the same hd ? | 02:33 |
thomas1 | dasei: yes | 02:33 |
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere |
DasEi | thomas1: so d/l a subergrub-disk and burn it, ask in #windows about fixmbr, and re-install grub with the cd | 02:34 |
aaron_wayne | no matter what i try to ping it just acts like nothing is received | 02:34 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: fw active ? | 02:35 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, fw? | 02:35 |
DasEi | firewall | 02:35 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, oh, yes, actually i think so, lemme check | 02:35 |
luckybunny | Hi everyone | 02:35 |
thomas1 | dasei: i have no cd drive im my copmuter :( | 02:35 |
DasEi | thomas1: usb stick handy ? | 02:36 |
mickster04 | I love how this channel keeps going 24 :D | 02:36 |
thomas1 | dasEi: ya | 02:36 |
luckybunny | I've been trying to figure out how to get a dist upgrade to Natty working while I'm using the xorg-edgers ppa | 02:36 |
DasEi | thomas1: so if box is capable of booting usb, can simply dd the image to a usb, will work | 02:36 |
luckybunny | if I'm reading right, the way to go about a dist upgrade with xorg-edgers ppa is to first purge and remove the current ppa, perform the upgrade and then add the ppa back, using the one for the new distro | 02:36 |
mickster04 | luckybunny: #ubuntu+1 | 02:36 |
ActionParsnip | mickster04: the internet is a 24hour machine :) | 02:36 |
mickster04 | ActionParsnip: hellz yeah :D | 02:37 |
thomas1 | DasEi: ok | 02:37 |
DasEi | thomas1: for instance, if usb is sdb1, can do : sudo dd if=/path/to/file.iso of =/dev/sdb1 | 02:37 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, ok, so firewall was on but thats not the problem, disabled it and the same thing | 02:38 |
DasEi | thomas1: for instance, if usb is sdb1, can do : sudo dd if=/path/to/file.iso of=/dev/sdb1 , typo above* | 02:38 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: ping ? | 02:38 |
mickster04 | thomas1: have you tried usb installer? | 02:38 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, cant ping anything, i cant even ping to my modem | 02:39 |
DasEi | mickster04: it's just for sgd-disk | 02:39 |
mickster04 | thomas1: DasEi yeah sorry ignore me :p | 02:39 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, i can tracert, just not ping | 02:39 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: ifconfig shows which ip ? | 02:39 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: try as root | 02:40 |
DasEi | sudo ping, aaron_wayne | 02:40 |
mickster04 | sure you shouldn't need to sudo ping? | 02:40 |
DasEi | mickster04: unless disabled | 02:41 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, oh, i was actually trying with the ping tool, i can ping from the terminal, so cool, didnt think to try that | 02:41 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: there you go, might like nmap, too | 02:42 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: or zenmap (as root, GUI) | 02:42 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, what is nmap, and can i tracert from the terminal, it doesnt appear that i can with that acutal command | 02:42 |
DasEi | !info nmap | 02:43 |
ubottu | nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.21-1~build1 (maverick), package size 1737 kB, installed size 7052 kB | 02:43 |
zepherin | ubuntu likes to bomb me with updates, jebus | 02:43 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: nmap let's you do various ping-tests and otheres on whole networks , man nmap | 02:43 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, when i first moved to linux i tried some of that but was more familiar with command prompt so i didnt really know what i was doing, i just hadnt tried since then and used the network tools, i would rather be able to use the terminal though | 02:44 |
joe1234 | anyone ever try and let apache write to a samba share? | 02:44 |
mickster04 | zepherin: wat version are you running? | 02:44 |
plum | does anyone know how to get the "!" icon to go away (fix the partition) of my ext3 partition here? : | 02:44 |
plum | that partition contains my /boot as well as grub2 | 02:44 |
plum | :( | 02:44 |
zepherin | nickster: I have no idea | 02:45 |
dalton2345 | hello anyone use awesome here | 02:45 |
plum | or how can i reinstall my kernels there? | 02:45 |
DasEi | plum: fsck the UNmounted parti from a live cd | 02:45 |
joe1234 | plum: it should say why it has an exclaimation mark, hover or look around, why the error | 02:45 |
mickster04 | zepherin: in terminal <<uname -a>> paste it here | 02:45 |
plum | Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock | 02:46 |
plum | D: | 02:46 |
mickster04 | plum: live disk? | 02:46 |
plum | yeah, i am in a live disk | 02:46 |
plum | i'm just not sure what to do now | 02:46 |
plum | :s | 02:46 |
joe1234 | plum: i assume you cant boot...these grub problems are a pain | 02:47 |
megalinux | ndm | 02:48 |
zepherin | Linux jay-ThinkPad-R51 2.6.35-28-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 19:00:26 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux | 02:48 |
megalinux | naum consigo acessar | 02:48 |
megalinux | o cdrom | 02:48 |
plum | joe1234: that's correct :( can't boot currently | 02:48 |
lucas_ | Hi everyone! I have a local mirror of the maverick repository created by apt-mirror. Someone told me there is a program that makes this mirror automatically "visible" to other computers on the same network. What is this program called? | 02:48 |
megalinux | dev/scd0 nao existe | 02:49 |
megalinux | o que devo fazer | 02:49 |
gex | iam trying to edit my resolv.conf file in /etc / i need to figure out my nameserver for my ip | 02:49 |
mickster04 | \!info apt-mirror | 02:49 |
mickster04 | !info apt-mirror | 02:49 |
ubottu | apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8-3 (maverick), package size 14 kB, installed size 124 kB | 02:49 |
gex | i did ifconfig -a that did not display | 02:49 |
mickster04 | lucas_: there are no instructions? | 02:49 |
lucas_ | mickster04: someone told me to not use apt-mirror, but this program instead. I can't remember how it is called... | 02:50 |
ZykoticK9 | gex, if you use DHCP your nameservers will be in /etc/resolv.conf. You could use Google's DNS which is | 02:50 |
joe1234 | plum: yeah it's a mbr problem or something stupid like htat... you shoudl be able to fix it but it's annoying..hold on | 02:50 |
plum | alright | 02:51 |
mickster04 | lucas_: well scroll up is all i can say :/ | 02:51 |
plum | my partition is corrupted though i think | 02:51 |
joe1234 | plum: what does fsck say | 02:52 |
joe1234 | plum: sudo fsck -yCM /dev/sda3 | 02:52 |
joe1234 | in a terminal | 02:52 |
plum | device or resource busy | 02:53 |
plum | it's not mounted though | 02:53 |
plum | :/ | 02:53 |
lucas_ | anyway.... Is there any alternative to apt-mirror? | 02:53 |
popey | lucas_: debmirror | 02:54 |
plum | tried umount /dev/sda3 too | 02:54 |
plum | no dice, it says it's not mounted | 02:54 |
GuitarMan517 | Umm..I managed to hide the icons on the launch the ones showing what programs I have up. Anyone know how to get them back? :) | 02:55 |
joe1234 | plum: did you have ubuntu on sda3? | 02:55 |
joe1234 | plum: was it installed there? | 02:56 |
xangua | !panels | GuitarMan517 | 02:56 |
ubottu | GuitarMan517: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 02:56 |
plum | joe1234: i have ubuntu on /dev/sdb1, but i have my /boot partition for it in /dev/sda3 | 02:56 |
Felixonmars | GuitarMan517: do you mean "notification area"? | 02:56 |
plum | well hey i gotta go guys | 02:57 |
plum | i'll cya later | 02:57 |
joe1234 | sorry couldn't help plum... check the web for that error | 02:58 |
GuitarMan517 | ubottu: That did it! Thanks | 02:58 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:58 |
GuitarMan517 | ubottu: No bot could be that helpful :) | 02:58 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:58 |
mickster04 | GuitarMan517: seriously man | 02:58 |
mickster04 | !bot | GuitarMan517 | 02:59 |
ubottu | GuitarMan517: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at | Usage info: | Bot channels and general info: | 02:59 |
GuitarMan517 | | 02:59 |
mickster04 | :D | 02:59 |
rww | hehe | 02:59 |
GuitarMan517 | Thats crazy! | 02:59 |
rww | !botsnack | 02:59 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 02:59 |
mickster04 | he is a learned bot | 02:59 |
rww | !gender | 02:59 |
ubottu | yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :) | 02:59 |
mickster04 | !cookies | rww | 02:59 |
ubottu | rww: Cookies are delicious delicacies. | 02:59 |
rww | !opsnack | rww | 02:59 |
ubottu | rww, please see my private message | 02:59 |
DasEi | lolwut | 02:59 |
mickster04 | !botabuse | 02:59 |
ubottu | Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 02:59 |
mickster04 | :D | 03:00 |
GuitarMan517 | Thats insane.. | 03:00 |
GuitarMan517 | I am very impressed... | 03:00 |
GuitarMan517 | !opsnack | rww | 03:00 |
ubottu | rww: Chocolate! And Strawberries! And ICE CREAM! oOo! and 60 minutes +m! | 03:00 |
mickster04 | GuitarMan517: I repeatedly love how useful she gets | 03:00 |
rww | ty | 03:00 |
Felixonmars | is there any available commands list of the bot? | 03:00 |
rww | Felixonmars: | 03:00 |
GuitarMan517 | mickster04: She..thats so..akward :D | 03:00 |
Felixonmars | rww: thanks | 03:00 |
rww | GuitarMan517: not any more than "he" | 03:01 |
workthy | any suggestion about solr installation with tomcat | 03:01 |
workthy | quit | 03:01 |
GuitarMan517 | rww: Its just creepy to talk with a bot :D | 03:01 |
Felixonmars | rww: but i dont see "panel" there | 03:02 |
rww | GuitarMan517: How does that make you feel? | 03:02 |
taglass | lol@rww | 03:02 |
GuitarMan517 | rww: lol makes me feel stupid for one..and scared of technology for another. | 03:02 |
rww | Felixonmars: there is no !panel factoid | 03:02 |
mickster04 | !panels | 03:02 |
ubottu | To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 03:02 |
GuitarMan517 | Anyway..I got work to get done. Cya ubottu :) | 03:04 |
GuitarMan517 | ubottu: Bye | 03:04 |
ubottu | Au revoir! | 03:04 |
GuitarMan517 | xD | 03:04 |
GuitarMan517 | rww: Thanks :) | 03:04 |
AndroUser | hello.i am using the gtksharp to create a app.but the image menu item in the menubar did not show the icon.any help would thankful. | 03:04 |
KM0201 | bye ubottu we hardly knew thee | 03:04 |
AndroUser | who can give me some advice? | 03:06 |
KM0201 | AndroUser: can you start it in terminal? | 03:07 |
mickster04 | AndroUser: this isn't really the channel for that question i think | 03:07 |
mickster04 | !dev | 03:07 |
ubottu | Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: | 03:07 |
mickster04 | AndroUser: hmm | 03:07 |
KM0201 | mickster04: i fi understand correctly, he's just trying to figur eout how to start the app, becuase i didn't go into the menu?,.. i dunno.. it makes my head hurt thinking about it. | 03:07 |
mickster04 | KM0201: it sounded to me like the image wouldn't show, not the item | 03:08 |
KM0201 | mickster04: i dunno, maybe ;-| | 03:08 |
AndroUser | yes in terminal.i will check the dev website | 03:09 |
mickster04 | AndroUser: | 03:09 |
AndroUser | yes i mean the item would show.but the image beside the item would not show | 03:10 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, are u familiar with the nmap traceroute? | 03:11 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: nmap and traceroute are two different commands | 03:11 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, when i just type nmap it shows me there is an nmap --traceroute command, what is that, cause it definately aint a regular tracert | 03:12 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, or dont look like it to mee | 03:12 |
AndroUser | thank you for giving me the momo irc. :) | 03:13 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: | 03:14 |
Ash_ | Hello everybody | 03:14 |
Ash_ | I could use some help. | 03:14 |
Ash_ | I am running kubuntu and the volume is way too low | 03:14 |
Ash_ | Is there a way to bring the dB up over 0 | 03:15 |
Felixonmars | Ash_: u want what volumn to be up? multimedia? | 03:15 |
Ash_ | in alsamixer it says the db is 0 at max | 03:15 |
Ash_ | I want the whole system volume up | 03:15 |
DasEi | Ash_:it's ubuntu here, there is gnome-volume-control, ask for the corresponding app in #kubuntu, | 03:16 |
Ash_ | i used gnome-volume-control to bring it to 150 but it doesn't seem to help | 03:17 |
Ash_ | btw sorry for posting here no one is responding on kubuntu | 03:17 |
rww | Ash_: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu and official derivatives. Here is fine :) | 03:18 |
* wcchandler The few perks of working in hardware testing -- a server I'm working on has 320 cores and 6.122 TB of RAM... | 03:20 |
* zakwilson could put that machine under heavy lode for short bursts, at least. | 03:21 |
zakwilson | s/lode/load/ | 03:21 |
Ash_ | here is a warning I get from terminal when I try to run gnome-volume-control ** (gnome-volume-control:6036): WARNING **: Bad setup, install the freedesktop sound theme (gnome-volume-control:6036): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first: assertion `GTK_IS_TREE_MODEL (tree_model)' failed | 03:21 |
zepherin | I need to clean my hard hat | 03:22 |
scapegoat | question: 10.10 installer sees my SSD (via fdisk, and visible under /dev/) but the installer wont allow me to install to it? | 03:22 |
scapegoat | in the installer I can set it as the boot device, but cannot specify the device to install to | 03:23 |
=== matt_ is now known as LinuxHack3r |
Techtock | Hi all! Quick question: I would like to create another partition to test other distros and was wondering how to protect GRUB so it doesn't get overwritten everytime. | 03:23 |
=== xiambax_ is now known as xiambax |
izinucs | Techtock: instead of full installs to test.. install virtualbox and then you won't have to worry about it. | 03:23 |
shcherbak | Techtock: As long other distros using grub2 it do not matter. | 03:24 |
Techtock | izinucs, I would do that, but I'm on a netbook with very low resources. | 03:24 |
LinuxHack3r | I just completed my first ever build. I have an i7 2600k, 8600gt, 8gb g.skill ram, lots of fans, 3 sata hard drives. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 fresh after build, and now I'm having random program restarts/system freezes. I mean, more freezes within the last 2 hours than my other 5 years of linux combined. Any suggested culprits? I have a 600w PSU. I'm afraid that it isn't enough. Where should I start? | 03:24 |
ZykoticK9 | Techtock, reinstalling Grub from your chosen distro is probably your only option - i currently hate any distro still using Grub1 for the reason it overrights grub and can't find other distros installed. | 03:24 |
taglass | Techtock: You could always tell the test distro to install grub to the test partition instead of the mbr | 03:25 |
izinucs | Techtock: ah..ok. then a multiboot it is.. keep in mind that the last os to install will take over grub | 03:25 |
LinuxHack3r | Note it only freezes/restarts programs when I'm doing something intensive, like encoding and listening to music. | 03:25 |
scapegoat | 10.10 installer not allowing me to select /dev/sda as install location, but I can set it as boot loader location. | 03:25 |
ZykoticK9 | scapegoat, you can't install anything (other then MBR) to /dev/sda - you need a partition, ie /dev/sda1 | 03:26 |
scapegoat | yes, I have /sda1 as /boot and /sda2 as / (root), it's an SSD | 03:26 |
ctmjr | Ash_, so do as it say's and install the freedesktop-sound-theme | 03:26 |
izinucs | LinuxHack3r: 600 watts should be enough | 03:26 |
scapegoat | ZykoticK9: I manually created partitions on the drive, yet the installer still cannot see it | 03:26 |
taglass | LinuxHack3r: test your memory | 03:26 |
LinuxHack3r | izinucs: Well I am going crazy...I've been up for about 30 minute sthis time, just writing a paper for school. But I am sure that if I start something heavy it'll crash. | 03:26 |
ZykoticK9 | scapegoat, that i cannot explain. good luck. | 03:27 |
LinuxHack3r | taglass: In my bios? I will. | 03:27 |
taglass | no from the grub boot menu | 03:27 |
chuflai | anyone knows if is there anyway in which I can record /dev/videoX with two instances of ffmpeg (or vlc, mplayer, etc) at same time? | 03:27 |
izinucs | LinuxHack3r: have you done all the updates? | 03:27 |
brewster | is there a way that I could install ubuntu on a usb external harddrive and make it so that it won't ruuin the grub menu? | 03:27 |
LinuxHack3r | izinucs: taglass I've been getting "too many connections" on boot (while booting). I found a lot of stuff on google, but no answers. Any ideas? | 03:27 |
LinuxHack3r | izinucs: Yes | 03:27 |
chuflai | I need to stream and save localy | 03:27 |
laumonier | i have a dual boot and the kernel image are stacking is it possible to delette old kernel image to have a grub start with less choice?? | 03:27 |
izinucs | LinuxHack3r: sorry I don't | 03:27 |
taglass | LinuxHack3r: not a clue. I just know RAM can be bad when you buy it. Always check RAM and cooling when you get weird crashes like that. | 03:28 |
ZykoticK9 | brewster, yes, the installer gives the option to move the Grub install to the external USB (instead of the MBR), but be careful. Best of luck. | 03:28 |
izinucs | laumonier: yes through synaptic | 03:28 |
LinuxHack3r | taglass: So if it is bad ram, I'll have to RMA won't I? I am entirely open to the idea though of my not knowing what I'm doing. First biuld. | 03:28 |
brewster | ok | 03:28 |
laumonier | and through the shell is it possible? | 03:28 |
brewster | ty | 03:29 |
LinuxHack3r | taglass: How long would 8gb of ram take to test in BIOS? | 03:29 |
fbdystang | Hi all!! I am having issues installing 10.10, my CD stops right after the install screen. Please help :) | 03:29 |
taglass | LinuxHack3r: Yeah you'll have to return it, and it will take a pretty good while | 03:29 |
izinucs | laumonier: yes use aptitude | 03:29 |
ZykoticK9 | laumonier, you can search for linux-image to get the installed kernels, after uninstalling the unwanted ones don't forget "sudo update-grub" | 03:29 |
taglass | LinuxHack3r: I'd do it overnight | 03:29 |
=== Ayrton is now known as court_jester |
LinuxHack3r | taglass: Ok, just wondering, because I have to finish this paper. | 03:29 |
laumonier | with apt-get ????never used aptitude | 03:29 |
taglass | LinuxHack3r: Should probably just limp along as best you can and check the ram tonight. | 03:30 |
izinucs | laumonier: aptitude is a curses based "apt" | 03:30 |
LinuxHack3r | taglass: And oh yeah! I remember, when I killed X/gdm to install my nvidia driver, when I ran the ./Nvidia**.sh command, the first two times I tried I was getting some sort of "fault" error or so. Suggests ram I suppose doesn't it? | 03:30 |
ZykoticK9 | laumonier, apt-get will work fine | 03:30 |
princej88 | Hi, I am having some trouble trying to port forward my home ubuntu server for free through can anyone please help? | 03:30 |
Techtock | You can use the same swap partition for different distros, correct? | 03:30 |
LinuxHack3r | taglass: I think I remember seeing the word "segmentation". | 03:30 |
fbdystang | Anyone know why my CD drive spins down and stops when I am trying to load the live cd?? Thanks for your help :) | 03:30 |
taglass | LinuxHack3r: Sound like it, but then again you said problems only show up under load which suggests heat. | 03:31 |
ZykoticK9 | Techtock, yes - i do it regularly | 03:31 |
izinucs | Techtock: yes | 03:31 |
Techtock | Okay, thanks guys! | 03:31 |
LinuxHack3r | taglass: Well, lm-sensors doesn't detect me newer motherboard, any ideas? | 03:31 |
ecaram | Techtock, yes, an with win too | 03:31 |
chuflai | how can I read a device (/dev/videoX) from two apps simultaneously?? plz help | 03:31 |
LinuxHack3r | taglass: First time I ever set a CPU and heatsink, I am open to admitting I did something wrong. | 03:32 |
taglass | LinuxHack3r: reboot and look at the temps in bios after it gets unstable I guess? I mean it's not going to be accurate, but it should be close enough. | 03:32 |
LinuxHack3r | taglass: I tried, 50*C....I guess in the freeze/reboot it cools pretty quick? | 03:32 |
fbdystang | I had to wait for the linux guys to include sensors for my motherboard. You may have to do the same | 03:32 |
scapegoat | Re-asking: 10.10 installer wont allow me to install to any partitions on /dev/sda, but can set it as the boot loader location. | 03:33 |
fbdystang | scapegoat: install or mount? | 03:34 |
scapegoat | fbdystang: I can't set it as the install location | 03:34 |
fbdystang | is it formatted as ext4? | 03:35 |
trihope | KM0201: just sayin hi | 03:35 |
scapegoat | sda1 is ext2, sda2 is ext4 | 03:35 |
KM0201 | trihope: greetings and salutations... :) | 03:35 |
scapegoat | I've tried manually removing and re-creating partitions without success | 03:35 |
litropy | I'm envisioning a flash replacement. What are the difficulties with extracting the video out of a .swf then playing the video with a more efficient player? I can play 420p vids using VLC smoothly using the lowm power on-chip GPU of my Intel Atom Core 2 Duo. Yet when I Hulu, it's like a fast slideshow. | 03:36 |
scapegoat | it allows me to use the sda device as the boot loader location, but installer wont let me select it to install the OS to | 03:36 |
fbdystang | sorry man that's out of my expertise :( | 03:37 |
litropy | Oh. 480p. heh, the date is throwing me off. | 03:37 |
LinuxHack3r | taglass: Just a thought, since I seem to be able to get the issue to present itself quickly (within 5 minutes), wouldn't a check at the BIOS level of memory present itself just as quickly? | 03:37 |
=== Icaro is now known as Guest70198 |
aaron_wayne | anyone familiar with gkrellm | 03:40 |
aaron_wayne | ??? | 03:40 |
mickster04 | !anyone | 03:40 |
ubottu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 03:40 |
=== cappicrd is now known as cappicard |
aaron_wayne | ????????? | 03:42 |
asidjazz | where is dpkg-maintscript-helper | 03:45 |
asidjazz | im getting /var/lib/dpkg/ 12: dpkg-maintscript-helper: not found | 03:45 |
asidjazz | when trying to apt-get install | 03:45 |
Fandekasp | hi | 03:47 |
asidjazz | where is dpkg-maintscript-helper | 03:47 |
asidjazz | what packge is it in if any | 03:47 |
=== Aftermath is now known as Afteraffekt |
ZykoticK9 | asidjazz, might be related, suggestion isn't really that good though | 03:49 |
=== mike is now known as Guest7373 |
Guest7373 | hmmmm | 03:49 |
=== Guest7373 is now known as optidude |
asidjazz | i cant remove distros ZykoticK9 | 03:49 |
asidjazz | or do much | 03:50 |
optidude | hmmm | 03:50 |
asidjazz | lol a dist-ugrade | 03:50 |
asidjazz | sigh | 03:50 |
Fandekasp | I'd like, logged as user git to do a "chown apache:git-readers" on a file which has ownership git:git. I get a "chown: changing ownership of `': Operation not permitted". Do you know why ? And how can I change the ownership without having to do sudo ? | 03:50 |
optidude | did not know you can connect to two servers at same time...niiicccee | 03:50 |
ZykoticK9 | asidjazz, do you know what dist-upgrade does? | 03:50 |
ZykoticK9 | asidjazz, it doesn't change ubuntu versions BTW | 03:50 |
asidjazz | installs up-to-date versions of packages | 03:51 |
asidjazz | it takes forever | 03:51 |
asidjazz | it would for this box | 03:51 |
=== dan__ is now known as devino21 |
=== matt_ is now known as Guest58969 |
Fandekasp | nobody knows ? | 03:55 |
* Unknow Volví! | 03:57 |
Jus_X_staR | hi | 03:57 |
Brudus | Can anyone help me with a grub problem? | 03:57 |
Jus_X_staR | i would help but i just started using linux the other day | 03:58 |
mickster04 | !anyone | 03:59 |
mickster04 | wt? | 03:59 |
rallias | what packages do I need to install to enable video files on my laptop to be streamed to my ps3? | 03:59 |
mickster04 | Brudus: yes in short, but just ask your question and we can tell for sure, we ain't phsycic enough to know... | 04:00 |
mickster04 | rallias: vlc can do streaming? | 04:00 |
Sarajevo | ##webcam is my new channel, i created it for people who want to see other people on webcams (nothing sexual), feel free to join | 04:00 |
Jus_X_staR | um i just typed in media sharing so i could stream it to my ps3 | 04:01 |
Sarajevo | i liek windows and ubuntu users | 04:01 |
mickster04 | Sarajevo: that is !ot | 04:01 |
Sarajevo | sry | 04:01 |
hiexpo | !compat | 04:01 |
Sarajevo | but i dont know how to get people in my chan | 04:01 |
Jus_X_staR | i have debian linux on my ps3 and i got ubuntu on my pc | 04:02 |
mickster04 | Sarajevo: you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink | 04:02 |
Sarajevo | yeah, thats it, damn | 04:02 |
rallias | this channel is not intended for advertising. | 04:02 |
Sarajevo | sorry | 04:02 |
rallias | @Jus_X_staR What firmware do you run? | 04:03 |
Jus_X_staR | 3.55 rubug | 04:03 |
Jus_X_staR | 3.55 rebug woops lol | 04:03 |
rallias | do you know of a 3.61 compatible one? | 04:03 |
Jus_X_staR | there isnt one yet so far they havented cracked the 3.56 and up | 04:04 |
=== gabo is now known as Guest85417 |
thumb1040 | in the cli i wrote a command that generates a bunch of mv commands such as mv "this is a file to move" move_to_this_directory/ and sends them to stndout, putting each command on its own line. what would be the best way to execute those commands? if it's xargs, what options should i use? | 04:07 |
Lirodon | I heard something about the new gdm not supporting XDMCP? | 04:08 |
wcchandler | thumb1040: Yeah, it does sound like a job for xargs, not sure on the options | 04:08 |
HighFiveGhost | Hello... I got a problem. | 04:11 |
bbigras | Anyone knows if the backupninja's devs hang out on irc? | 04:11 |
HighFiveGhost | Regarding my PSP being read-only. I've done some research about the problem being common in Ubuntu... So how do I fix this? | 04:11 |
mickster04 | HighFiveGhost: did the articles you read not mention that? | 04:15 |
mickster04 | HighFiveGhost: also i have no idea what your problem was so you will have to restate this | 04:15 |
mickster04 | bbigras: no idea, why don't you see if they have a irc channel? | 04:16 |
bbigras | mickster04: I did search on their site. Thanks anyway. | 04:16 |
fletch | hi just installed 11.04. is there an easy way to disable the popup floating scrollbar? hitting it with a trackpad is ... clumsy | 04:16 |
HighFiveGhost | mickster04: does that help? | 04:17 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 243833 in Ubuntu "Sony PSP Read-Only File" [Undecided,Fix released] | 04:17 |
xangua | !natty | fletch | 04:17 |
ubottu | fletch: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 04:17 |
fletch | hmm :) | 04:17 |
fletch | that's an answer? meh. | 04:17 |
mickster04 | HighFiveGhost: a fix is released | 04:18 |
mickster04 | HighFiveGhost: it says so | 04:18 |
mickster04 | Fleck: go to #ubuntu+1 not here for natty questions | 04:18 |
philipballew | i need help installing a driver. can someone help? | 04:19 |
mickster04 | !details | philipballew: | 04:19 |
ubottu | philipballew:: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 04:19 |
Osmodivs | Hello. I turned off the sound option in the BIOS, the sound manager detects my sound card, I can only open a music file thru the right button and then choosing VLC -TOTEM AND RYHTMBOX won't work, not even if double click the fiele. - Why cant I hear any sound?? Yes, I checked A,LSAMIXER | 04:19 |
philipballew | im running ububntu 10.10 and my ricoh sd card isnt working and after some digging around with lspci it seemes i need to get a different driver for it | 04:20 |
KM0201 | Osmodivs: well, if you turned the sound off in your bios, why would you expect it to work? | 04:20 |
mickster04 | Osmodivs: because you turned it off in bios? | 04:20 |
philipballew | heres the output of my device on lspci | 04:20 |
mickster04 | !paste | 04:20 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 04:20 |
HighFiveGhost | mickster04: I saw. But if it was fixed, why am I experiencing this problem...? | 04:21 |
Osmodivs | KM0201, Because that't for the onboard sound, NOT the PCI Soundcard | 04:21 |
KM0201 | Osmodivs: oh ok. | 04:21 |
philipballew | 06:00.0 SD Host controller: Ricoh Co Ltd Device e822 (rev ff) (prog-if ff) | 04:21 |
Osmodivs | KM0201, ....... | 04:21 |
KM0201 | Osmodivs: just out of curiosity, if you enable the onboard sound, and plug in there.. does it work? | 04:21 |
philipballew | so i want to instal what i download from here | 04:22 |
KM0201 | Osmodivs: or did you try that? | 04:22 |
Osmodivs | KM0201, Nope. It is just strange, it was working a few days ago... | 04:22 |
HighFiveGhost | mickster04: The only difference is that I'm on 10.10, not 8.10. Unless the fix was specifically for 8.10. | 04:22 |
KM0201 | Osmodivs: is everything set properly in Sound Preferences, to use the sound card, and not the onboard | 04:23 |
mickster04 | HighFiveGhost: well what as the fix? | 04:23 |
Osmodivs | KM0201, I have even tried different combinations in the sound manager, like Analog Stereo Duplex in HARDWARE, and Analog Output/ NO Amplifier in the OUTPUT, but no,no sound at all | 04:23 |
KM0201 | hmm | 04:24 |
Osmodivs | I know | 04:24 |
Osmodivs | I am starting to beleive something is wrong with my PCI, because Ubuntu knows the sond card is there | 04:24 |
Slugma | hey people | 04:24 |
Osmodivs | Hey Slugma | 04:25 |
Slugma | just wondering - how do I get to memtest from the 10.10 cd? | 04:25 |
KM0201 | Osmodivs: that seems kinda logical.. i was gonna ask if you've ruled out a hardware issue. | 04:25 |
bubbles| | hi | 04:26 |
Success | hey guys happy 420. i have 2 ubuntu problems | 04:26 |
KM0201 | !hi | bubbles| | 04:26 |
bubbles| | is there a console-gui for upstart scripts? | 04:26 |
edbian | Success: what are they? | 04:26 |
bubbles| | something like sysv-rc-conf? | 04:26 |
Success | 1) internet 2) cd's | 04:26 |
Osmodivs | KM0201, Well, the other strange thing is that the files wont open in TOTEM, I have to open them with right Mouse Button and choose VLC | 04:26 |
HighFiveGhost | mickster04: I honestly don't see anything. I've seen that formatting can help with the problem. But I can't copy files from my psp... | 04:26 |
edbian | Success: Those are just nouns. | 04:26 |
Osmodivs | Perhaps a messed up ALSA driver? | 04:26 |
Success | they don't work | 04:26 |
KM0201 | Osmodivs: thats not really that unusual.. right click, choose properties, click "open with" and select totem.. just somehow your default program for music got changed | 04:26 |
Success | internet shows the network but it ont connect | 04:27 |
Success | cd's - when i insert the cd it wont recognize | 04:27 |
Osmodivs | KM0201, No, really, TOTEM will open, but wont play anything | 04:27 |
japtol | hi | 04:27 |
Ben64 | Osmodivs: try installing mplayer | 04:27 |
KM0201 | Osmodivs: i think your issue is hardware related, does your machine dual boot? | 04:27 |
=== bsodmike_ is now known as bsodmike |
Slugma | people, does anyone know how to access memtest from the 10.10 cd? | 04:28 |
KM0201 | !memtest | 04:28 |
KM0201 | hmm | 04:28 |
KM0201 | Slugma: i thought it was on the first menu? | 04:28 |
Slugma | nope, it only has install and use the live cd | 04:28 |
Osmodivs | KM0201, No dual Boot | 04:28 |
KM0201 | Slugma: are you sure?... could've swore i've saw memory test on the boot menu | 04:29 |
Osmodivs | KM0201, Pure Ubuntu 10.10 64bit since 9.04LTS | 04:29 |
japtol | im new here, can anyone help me add to php.ini on ubuntu? | 04:29 |
edbian | Slugma: Early on there you have to hit space bar (I think) | 04:29 |
Slugma | KM0201, yes, I tried it a few minutes ago | 04:29 |
DasEi | thumb1040: write a script | 04:29 |
Osmodivs | ....Well Sabayon was first, but, meh! | 04:29 |
japtol | i am currently trying to install gazelle on an ubuntu VPS | 04:29 |
japtol | and i am stuck | 04:29 |
japtol | can anyone help me please? | 04:29 |
KM0201 | Osmodivs: well, 9.04 wasn't LTS(I assume you mean 8.04).. i honestly don't know what could be wrong... i'd think hardware to be truthful | 04:29 |
edbian | KM0201: Slugma The live Cd or install question is presented much later. After the CD has been booted. It is in a pretty gui. The memtest option comes before that but you have to press space bar to see it during the CD boot | 04:30 |
Slugma | oh, ok, thanks, i'll try it | 04:30 |
Success | so can some1 help me | 04:30 |
KM0201 | edbian: i know that.. i was trying to explain that to slug.. looks like he left. | 04:30 |
edbian | KM0201: yeah he did. :) | 04:30 |
KM0201 | edbian: nothing like getting an answer and getting the heck | 04:31 |
japtol | km0201 | 04:31 |
edbian | haha | 04:31 |
Osmodivs | Anyway.... HAPPY 4:20 'YALL!!! | 04:31 |
japtol | are you good with ubuntu? | 04:31 |
DaGeek247 | he had to restart | 04:31 |
KM0201 | japtol: lol, yeah, i'm pretty good with ubuntu | 04:31 |
bubbles| | is there a console-gui for upstart? | 04:31 |
Success | happy 420 | 04:31 |
thumb1040 | DasEi: Yeah, i might try that. I was trying to figure out a simpler way though | 04:32 |
aaron_wayne | how do i log into the gui as root? someone told me the other day, and i think its alt + f2, but i dont remember after that | 04:32 |
DasEi | thumb1040: that will be easiest, just put in a bash-compatible file, make it executable, is it a recurring command you need again and again ? | 04:33 |
japtol | hey KMO0201 | 04:33 |
japtol | are you busy? | 04:33 |
edbian | aaron_wayne: You can't log into gnome as root in Ubuntu but you can start a nautilus window as root by running gksudo nautilus | 04:33 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: sudo -s | 04:33 |
KM0201 | aaron_wayne: you don't really login to the GUI as root. | 04:33 |
thumb1040 | DasEi | 04:33 |
thumb1040 | no just moving files | 04:33 |
KM0201 | aaron_wayne: what are you trying to accomplish that you need GUI as root? | 04:34 |
DasEi | thumb1040: k then, else could make it a system command | 04:34 |
edbian | aaron_wayne: yes, what are you trying to do? | 04:34 |
aaron_wayne | well, let me ask this then, how do i run the nmap gui as root, i am using zenmap and its says i have to be root for certain functions | 04:34 |
alishah | hi, does ubuntu come with JAVA? Open office works perfectly but when i run firefox and goto any website that requires JAVA, I get a notice to install JRE? | 04:34 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: sudo zenmap | 04:34 |
edbian | aaron_wayne: gksudo zenmap | 04:34 |
japtol | hey guys | 04:34 |
KM0201 | !gksudo | 04:34 |
ubottu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 04:34 |
DasEi | aaron_wayne: gksudo is better, yes | 04:34 |
aaron_wayne | so i just log in as root in the terminal and gui will work as root | 04:35 |
Success | br | 04:35 |
Success | b | 04:35 |
DaGeek247 | alishah thats easy to fix | 04:35 |
DaGeek247 | !java | 04:35 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see - For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases. | 04:35 |
japtol | man | 04:35 |
japtol | im having so much problem | 04:35 |
edbian | aaron_wayne: no. You run gksudo zenmap in the terminal | 04:35 |
rhizmoe | is this really by design? "The program 'traceroute' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:" | 04:35 |
KM0201 | aaron_wayne: gksudo command will do what you want | 04:35 |
rhizmoe | not judging, just...curious | 04:35 |
edbian | aaron_wayne: That is different than logging in as root | 04:35 |
japtol | im having trouble trying to add to php.ini | 04:35 |
japtol | can anyone please guide me | 04:35 |
raining_ | Hi, everyone | 04:35 |
aaron_wayne | DasEi, what is gksudo? whats the difference? | 04:35 |
edbian | rhizmoe: By design? What do you mean? | 04:36 |
aaron_wayne | KM0201, k | 04:36 |
raining_ | I have a problem with skype on Ubuntu 10.10 x86_64 | 04:36 |
ZykoticK9 | !gksuo | aaron_wayne | 04:36 |
DasEi | !gksudo , aaron_wayne, see above | 04:36 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:36 |
aaron_wayne | edbian, alright, cool | 04:36 |
alishah | DaGeek247: Will it work thn ? Its not working in firefox, should i run '!java' command in terminal? | 04:36 |
edbian | aaron_wayne: gksudo is sudo for graphical apps | 04:36 |
=== psychoti1dad is now known as psychoticdad |
raining_ | I use ibus-unikey for keyboard layout | 04:36 |
DaGeek247 | alihah goto the link ubottu told you about | 04:37 |
raining_ | so I installed ibus-qt4 | 04:37 |
raining_ | but I cannot input my language into skype | 04:37 |
raining_ | I need some help | 04:37 |
lewis_ | when i use additional drivers app whatdirectory does it look in?? | 04:37 |
alishah | DaGeek247: ok | 04:37 |
alishah | !java | 04:37 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see - For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases. | 04:37 |
DaGeek247 | !java > alishah | 04:37 |
ubottu | alishah, please see my private message | 04:37 |
bubbles| | is there a console-gui for upstart? | 04:37 |
japtol | does anyone know how to add to php.ini in a VPS with unbuntu? | 04:38 |
DasEi | bubbles|: not really, bum let's you do some things | 04:38 |
judget | I just attempted a 10.04 server install to an HP Proliant 360 G7 hangs on rebbot with Attempting to Boot from Hard drive C | 04:38 |
DasEi | !info bum | 04:38 |
bubbles| | :\ | 04:39 |
ubottu | bum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (maverick), package size 83 kB, installed size 520 kB | 04:39 |
edbian | bubbles|: There is an app called bum that is close to what you're looking for. It's not very low level though | 04:39 |
edbian | darn it! | 04:39 |
bubbles| | so i have to look into every file i want to disable? | 04:39 |
judget | any posts on this I have not found info anywhere yet | 04:39 |
trism | bubbles|: it gets easier in natty, you can add .override files that contain the word manual to stop a service from starting automatically | 04:40 |
lewis_ | when i use additional drivers app what directory does it look in?? | 04:40 |
DasEi | bubbles|: for now yes, I stumbled about this a while ago, too, chkconfig still works on some things, though | 04:40 |
bubbles| | natty? | 04:40 |
trism | bubbles|: the next ubuntu version, 11.04 | 04:40 |
DasEi | !natty | 04:40 |
ubottu | Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 04:40 |
bubbles| | well, i'm still on 10.04 here :x | 04:40 |
edbian | lewis_: What app are you talking about? | 04:41 |
bubbles| | is there at least a way to get structured output from initctl list? | 04:41 |
lewis_ | additional drivers under system admin | 04:41 |
edbian | lewis_: It isn't looking at drivers that are stored on the system. It is basically using a list of drivers that are 'known' for the hardware in question. The drivers are most likely in the repos. Not actually installed. | 04:42 |
edbian | lewis_: Typically for any device there are 2 or 3 drivers. 1 proprietary, 1 open source that use advanced features, one open source that is very basic and works in a very simple way | 04:43 |
japtol | has anyone here ever installed gazelle onto a Virtual private server? | 04:43 |
edbian | lewis_: That app shows you how to use the proprietary driver | 04:43 |
edbian | lewis_: What device are we talking about here. What are you trying to do?\ | 04:43 |
bubbles| | udev is being used for upstart to manage the events? | 04:43 |
lewis_ | ok i have a trident driver that is in the download section that i need to install | 04:44 |
edbian | lewis_: ok? What is a trident driver used for? | 04:44 |
edbian | lewis_: Just click it in that app to install and use it. The app makes it fool proof I think | 04:44 |
lewis_ | at this moment i have 3" black space around the desktop | 04:45 |
edbian | lewis_: What is the trident driver used for? A graphics card? | 04:45 |
lewis_ | I click the app and it saysthere is none avalable and it is empty | 04:45 |
* Unknow YA vuelvo, iré por mi otro Sistema Operativo. | 04:45 |
edbian | lewis_: I'm not sure then. | 04:45 |
lewis_ | this driver is used for my monitor | 04:46 |
MaRk-I | edbian: triden is a very old (and probably obsolete) video card | 04:46 |
MaRk-I | trident* | 04:46 |
edbian | lewis_: good luck with that | 04:46 |
edbian | MaRk-I: thanks | 04:46 |
lewis_ | thanks a lot ha ha | 04:47 |
trism | bubbles|: upstart manages its own events, but there are bridges that create events from other sources, such as the upstart-udev-bridge | 04:47 |
MaRk-I | lewis_: If you downloaded the driver, you have to install it yourself, read the "readme" that comes in the file | 04:47 |
MaRk-I | lewis_: it won't appear automatically in the extra drivers thing just by downloading it | 04:47 |
luisp | hay alguien | 04:48 |
lewis_ | ok i will look again but i didn't see any | 04:48 |
bubbles| | trism what does udev do? is it just for hotplug (as in hotplug for usb-sticks)? or other things too? | 04:48 |
lewis_ | ok how do i get it over there to be able to use it | 04:48 |
MaRk-I | lewis_: you can't, you have to either compile or run the file depends on how it's made | 04:49 |
Success | hey guys | 04:50 |
Success | who uses ubuntu and debian | 04:50 |
mordof | what's the terminal command to display network information? | 04:50 |
luisp | spanish | 04:50 |
DaGeek247 | i use ubuntu and most of the peeps in #debian use debian. | 04:51 |
lewis_ | it is an exe zip file with a few drivers inside | 04:51 |
daniel | how would i delete a file via the terminal well delete a bunch of files | 04:51 |
trism | bubbles|: it manages the /dev nodes | 04:51 |
DaGeek247 | daniel like rm *.exe | 04:52 |
DasEi | daniel: by rm, but carefull with that command , rather move to trash first | 04:52 |
MaRk-I | lewis_: .exe??? | 04:52 |
DasEi | !trash | 04:52 |
ubottu | Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device. | 04:52 |
IcarianHeights | mordof: ifconfig | 04:52 |
DaGeek247 | yea | 04:52 |
japtol | can anyone help me install gazelle ? | 04:52 |
bubbles| | ok, thanks | 04:53 |
japtol | | 04:53 |
MaRk-I | !es | luisp | 04:53 |
ubottu | luisp: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 04:53 |
Success | this isnt windows | 04:53 |
Success | no .exe | 04:53 |
mordof | IcarianHeights: thanks | 04:53 |
mordof | IcarianHeights: i kept thinking ifupdown :\ lol | 04:53 |
lewis_ | mark true .exe file that is zipped with a few files inside | 04:53 |
DaGeek247 | which means its relatively safe command for ubuntu users. | 04:54 |
MaRk-I | lewis_: | 04:54 |
lewis_ | daniel use the command rm then the file name | 04:54 |
daniel | DasEi, ok im just trying to get the terminal down would u show me how to remove some musics file like would it be sudo rm file1, file2, file3? | 04:54 |
DaGeek247 | or file type | 04:54 |
lewis_ | mark thanks i am gone to it | 04:55 |
mickster04 | DaGeek247: you shouldn' need sudo rm!!!!!!!!! | 04:55 |
mickster04 | daniel: &^^ | 04:55 |
DaGeek247 | lol | 04:55 |
mickster04 | DaGeek247: sorry wrong nick | 04:55 |
daniel | ok | 04:55 |
mickster04 | daniel: sudo rm can do a helluva lot of damage | 04:56 |
mickster04 | !rm | 04:56 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: | 04:56 |
mickster04 | oh ok | 04:56 |
=== cryptk|offline is now known as cryptk |
DasEi | daniel: sudo rm file1 file2 , or all .wav sudo rm *wav, but again, rather use mv to trash, as rm done wrong can cause trouble, espececially with -r option | 04:56 |
daniel | oh ok | 04:56 |
mickster04 | daniel: why are you using the terminal to remove files? | 04:57 |
DaGeek247 | mickster41 lol i once deleted ubuntu on my pc cause i thought it was something else. i only noticed when my menu bar stoped working. | 04:57 |
DasEi | daniel: use mv to trash, same r for subdirs, case mess, can still revert it | 04:57 |
daniel | oh ok | 04:57 |
mickster04 | !tab | 04:57 |
ubottu | You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 04:57 |
daniel | well thx for putting up with a noob lol | 04:58 |
DasEi | np, we're all learning on | 04:58 |
DaGeek247 | it was quite a mess | 04:58 |
=== Kevin__ is now known as xxen0nxx |
xxen0nxx | AAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGG my serial for penumbra black plague wont work >.< | 05:00 |
mickster04 | xxen0nxx: boh, email them | 05:00 |
xxen0nxx | i think i will | 05:00 |
jccn | !topic | 05:04 |
ubottu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 05:04 |
smw | jccn, /topic ;-) | 05:05 |
__mikem | what package is gtk.h in? | 05:06 |
smw | __mikem, libgtk2.0-dev is my guess | 05:06 |
__mikem | thanks | 05:07 |
DaGeek247 | time is 11:04. :) | 05:07 |
smw | __mikem, here are the rules. 1. headers (.h files) are in -dev packages. | 05:07 |
smw | __mikem, 2. libraries (which are normally what have header files) start with lib. | 05:08 |
bonez2046 | I have far too many kernels listed in my boot screen. Is there a safe, reliable way to purge all the last 3 kernel updates? | 05:08 |
smw | __mikem, put it together and you get libgtk*-dev | 05:08 |
MaRk-I | bonez2046: remove them with synaptic | 05:09 |
extraclassic | bonez2046: this will work too - | 05:09 |
freaky[t] | what is a good alternative to xchat? no console irc clients... ? | 05:10 |
tensorpudding | freaky[t]: try smuxi | 05:11 |
freaky[t] | ok thanks | 05:11 |
daniel | whats the offtopic channel | 05:12 |
DarkSidezz | hello | 05:12 |
DarkSidezz | lol | 05:12 |
DasEi | freaky[t]: I'm stuck to pidgin for comfort, irrsi for geek-nerds | 05:12 |
DasEi | daniel: #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:12 |
smw | DasEi, I don't like irssi. I have never understood why anyone would want a cli irc client when they could use a gui one | 05:13 |
=== stephen is now known as Guest46326 |
DasEi | smw: it's because of it's highly congfiugurable behaviouir, enhanced irc commands and such | 05:14 |
smw | DasEi, ok | 05:14 |
=== Guest46326 is now known as smw_ |
keidori | hello | 05:15 |
keidori | im running ubuntu 10.10 and I just connected my android and it wont show up | 05:16 |
keidori | ive googled the issue but cant seem to find the answer | 05:16 |
DrManhattan | if i make an ubuntu USB install on a 4g stick, I can run ubuntu on that stick and actually have it save some of my settings, cant I? I'd like to give ubuntu a shot on my laptop but I don't want to touch the OS on the hard drive | 05:17 |
napster | Do 11.04 uses GNOME3? | 05:18 |
__mikem | no | 05:19 |
__mikem | it uses unity | 05:19 |
napster | __mikem:*0FskZpyrhU8JMwpl-mcVzuTOuTYkYOBFlpPJbx-RJbUynxnGoUQ9TnVL9J*Mpg53KkKHyoHH/gnomeshell1.png | 05:19 |
raining_ | Hi, everyone | 05:19 |
raining_ | I need some help for my skype | 05:19 |
raining_ | I use ubuntu 10.10 x86_64 | 05:19 |
napster | __mikem: Some guys says it GNOME 3 with ubunut | 05:20 |
__mikem | napster thats gnome shell. Gnome 3 is not gnome shell. | 05:20 |
extraclassic | that screenshot looks horrible | 05:20 |
napster | __mikem: What is the difference? 11.04 has gnome shell? | 05:20 |
__mikem | napster quite frankly, the design of gnome shell in gnome 3 is considerably different from gnome shell in that picture | 05:21 |
napster | __mikem: I didn't get the real point! What is the differences between GNOME 3 and Gnome shell? | 05:22 |
__mikem | napster gnome-shell is just the activities menu and a replacement for gnome-panel. Gnome3 inclues a new winow management program, built in compositing (not metacity), and a whole suite of other things | 05:23 |
freaky[t] | anyone got any other alternative to smuxi/xchat/quassel? say, is there no really good irc client for linux out there? | 05:23 |
DasEi | freaky[t]: see above, pidgin | 05:23 |
keidori | dose any one have any ideas on how to get an android device to work with ubuntu 10.10 | 05:23 |
codex84 | i like mirc but you | 05:24 |
codex84 | to install wine | 05:24 |
DasEi | !irc | freaky[t] | 05:24 |
ubottu | freaky[t]: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 05:24 |
napster | __mikem: OK. Does that mean I can use Gnome shell on my old gnome 2.* just like any other software? | 05:24 |
Rubysea | Hey any of you get wubi working? | 05:24 |
DasEi | !client | freaky[t] | 05:24 |
__mikem | napster yes | 05:24 |
DasEi | !messenger | freaky[t] | 05:24 |
ubottu | freaky[t]: The Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) ( supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete | 05:24 |
napster | __mikem: What is the package name? And how to get it running by default? | 05:25 |
__mikem | napster the problem is the version of gnome shell that is in the ubuntu repositories is an old beta build that doesn't even resemble the release version | 05:25 |
__mikem | napster apt-get install gnome-shell | 05:25 |
=== Guest70198 is now known as Icar0 |
DasEi | Rubysea: I'm not too much a friend, the real question ? (yes, it works) | 05:25 |
freaky[t] | DasEi yes but pidgin is a instant messenger and i think the irc part is not very enhanced | 05:25 |
napster | __mikem: Is there any testing PPA for gnome shell? | 05:25 |
__mikem | napster none that i could find | 05:25 |
DasEi | freaky[t]: well supported, lots of plugins | 05:25 |
__mikem | napster I was looking for one the other day | 05:26 |
Rubysea | DasEi: well i wonder what the heck is going on it keeps not downloading right | 05:26 |
DasEi | Rubysea: natty ? | 05:26 |
ubd | how do i install xorg with a specific driver? | 05:26 |
napster | __mikem: ok, and the other fact is that GNOME 3 bundle gnome shell instead of panels by default. right? | 05:26 |
L-Strife89 | Begging pardon, but what port does svn usually try to go through? | 05:26 |
DasEi | Rubysea: which ubuntu version do you use ? | 05:27 |
keidori | android is suppose to work nativity right? | 05:27 |
__mikem | napster yes. Gnome 3 completely does away with gnome-panel, metacity, and replaces them | 05:27 |
=== Canon is now known as Acid190 |
keidori | with ubuntu 10.10 | 05:27 |
Rubysea | Daseiwas trying to download the latest with my win 7 laptop | 05:27 |
Rubysea | Dasei: I was trying to download the latest with my win 7 laptop | 05:28 |
napster | __mikem: Thank you very much mate. That was crystal clear :) | 05:28 |
__mikem | napster :) | 05:28 |
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DasEi | Rubysea: I'd rather recommend you virtualbox and current lts, so lucid, wait another 2 weeks for natty | 05:28 |
DasEi | !lts | 05:29 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) | 05:29 |
__mikem | <-- napster have a look at this | 05:29 |
keidori | anyone? | 05:29 |
napster | __mikem: ok | 05:29 |
DasEi | Rubysea: ruby likes to break on fragmenting ntfs partitions | 05:29 |
Rubysea | DasEi: ok sweet i will check it out | 05:30 |
DasEi | Rubysea: wuby likes to break on fragmenting ntfs partitions, hehe, funny typo | 05:30 |
napster | keidori: If you are referring to ADK, no | 05:30 |
napster | keidori: You can download it, and run directly | 05:30 |
Rubysea | DasEi: yeah i noticed | 05:30 |
keidori | napster: no just getting ubuntu to mount the sd card on my samsung intercept | 05:31 |
DasEi | !virtual | 05:31 |
ubottu | There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 05:31 |
keidori | napster: its starting to drive me crazy | 05:31 |
DasEi | Rubysea: vmware and virtualbox are easiest to set up in win , I think | 05:31 |
* __mikem wonders if parallels is available on linux | 05:32 |
Rubysea | DasEi: alright I use ubuntu at work a lot but i like my windows 7 pc alot cause of games and word and what not | 05:32 |
keidori | napster: is there a command to see if ubuntu sees the droid? | 05:32 |
DasEi | __mikem: possible, but not free | 05:33 |
napster | keidori: AFIK, You need android SDK to do so | 05:33 |
__mikem | DasEi okay, well if you want to be able to run other linux virtual machines with support for hardware acceleration, parallels is the only vm free or for pay that can do it | 05:34 |
keidori | napster: thanks ill try that | 05:34 |
=== stephen_ is now known as smw_ |
* __mikem is running ubuntu in parallels on his mac with full support for wobbly windows and nifty shadows :D | 05:34 |
DasEi | __mikem: nah, there had be efforts in vmware, but also not free, without that vbox ist my choice for private use | 05:35 |
__mikem | DasEi vmware does not support hardware acceleration in linux guests, and while virtualbox does, its very unreliable (atleast in my experience) | 05:35 |
DasEi | xen is also said to give good performance, but the setup isn't a drive-by | 05:36 |
__mikem | never used xen | 05:36 |
__mikem | if you can get 3d acceleration in xen then I stand corrected | 05:36 |
DasEi | __mikem: there was a change in vmware ~3/4 year ago | 05:36 |
__mikem | no, because I have a copy of vmware fusion 3 which I bought with my own money. There is NO support in vmware for 3d acceleration on linux guests | 05:37 |
__mikem | if you try to sk vmware why they don't support linux 3d acceleration, they tell you that microsoft windows is the best OS ever and linux is not worth the precious time of their 2 bit developers | 05:37 |
__mikem | so screw vmware | 05:38 |
DasEi | __mikem: rather a talk for #linux; | 05:38 |
__mikem | sorry | 05:38 |
__mikem | DasEi right on the first line it says it only works on windows guests | 05:38 |
edwinkcw | just wonder if it is useful to build a personal cloud? I just read a magazine about eucalyptus | 05:40 |
nox-error | slimrat-nox 1.0-1 on Ubuntu lucid gives errors om and won't download the files | 05:40 |
DrManhattan | There's nothing like readyboost or eboostr for ubuntu is there? | 05:40 |
nox-error | DrManhattan: | 05:41 |
DrManhattan | thank you | 05:41 |
DrManhattan | um no, using it for swap isnt that at all | 05:42 |
bullgard4 | nox-error: It is useful if you are at two locations at times. Or if you would like to collaborate with other people. | 05:42 |
DasEi | nox-error: just use ubuntuone, if amount of data is small | 05:43 |
nox-error | bullgard4: What are you talking about? | 05:43 |
nox-error | DasEi: I'm downloading, not uploading. | 05:44 |
bullgard4 | edwinkcw: It is useful if you are at two locations at times. Or if you would like to collaborate with other people. | 05:44 |
edwinkcw | bullgard4: two locations mean? | 05:44 |
bullgard4 | nox-error: I directed my message to the wrong nick. My apologies. | 05:44 |
nox-error | I see. | 05:45 |
DasEi | nox-error: bullgard and me missed your nick with edwinkcw, sry | 05:45 |
bullgard4 | edwinkcw: For example Berlin, Germany, and Hamburg, Germany. | 05:45 |
plum | anyone know how to re-install kernels of a /boot partition, from within a live cd? | 05:45 |
edwinkcw | But, if I have a server, why I need to build a cloud? I can access the server directly. | 05:45 |
japtol | anyone know how to install project gazelle on a VPS using ubuntu? | 05:46 |
bullgard4 | edwinkcw: I f you have a server serving you in Berlin and in Hamburg as well then you'll need no cloud. | 05:46 |
smw | japtol, it does not have instructions? | 05:47 |
Jordan_U | DrManhattan: How is ReadyBoost different from putting a swap file on a flash drive? | 05:47 |
edwinkcw | bullgard4: ok | 05:47 |
DasEi | plum: yes , a chroot and some other dirs are necessary there: | 05:47 |
DrManhattan | Jordan_U, plz use google. that's pretty basic | 05:48 |
shcherbak | edwinkcw: Do servers share same task? Or mirror? | 05:48 |
smw | japtol, gazelle is just a standard php website. It should be easy to install | 05:48 |
edwinkcw | mirror | 05:48 |
edwinkcw | shcherbak: mirror | 05:49 |
edwinkcw | shcherbak: in fact, I still don't understand how cloud computing work. I just think this is a concept. | 05:49 |
bcgrown | How can I make an Ubuntu VM that can be run in Windows directly from a USB drive? For use at public computers with restricted permissions | 05:49 |
shcherbak | edwinkcw: Some people saying that "cloud" is just marketing term, me dunno. | 05:50 |
bcgrown | edwinkcw: cloud computing is a fancy name for client-server | 05:50 |
Jordan_U | DrManhattan: I've read the wikipedia article. What do you think is missing from the solution of putting a swap file on a flash drive? It can be encrypted and compressed. | 05:50 |
rww | edwinkcw: Cloud computing is the idea of provisioning computer resources on demand to deal with the current load/traffic/whatever. | 05:51 |
DrManhattan | Jordan_U, readyboost is not swap. It is disk cache. | 05:51 |
rww | edwinkcw: For example, I know of several websites that use Amazon AWS and add or removes instances as needed to deal with changing traffic demand. | 05:52 |
Jordan_U | DrManhattan: Swap can be used for disk cache. | 05:52 |
* DrManhattan shrug. Not readyboost. | 05:52 |
plum | DasEi: thank you :) i'll check that out | 05:52 |
rww | edwinkcw: The difference from the "traditional" client-server model is that adding a new server on a traditional system generally takes a bunch of setup time. Cloud computing allows you to do it in minutes. | 05:52 |
ribot | hi | 05:53 |
edwinkcw | rww: yes, I know that also. But if I have a server, I don't need to borrow service from others, right? | 05:53 |
DrManhattan | not really up to discussing readyboost beyond knowing if there's some sort of disk caching program like eboostr available for linux | 05:53 |
DasEi | plum: ask if unsure, the last post sums it up well | 05:53 |
bonez2046 | extraclassic: Thanks for the tip.. cleaning them up now... btw, how does Grub get updated re these changes? | 05:53 |
ribot | my ubuntu automatically locks the desktop, how can i change this_ | 05:53 |
edwinkcw | rww: it seems that cloud computing is to use resource from others when the traffic is high. | 05:54 |
hiexpo | sudp update grub2 | 05:54 |
hiexpo | ^sudo | 05:54 |
rww | edwinkcw: That's one popular use of it, yes. If you don't need that, then you don't need it ;) | 05:54 |
bonez2046 | thanks.. | 05:54 |
molossus | i have a weird problem, since yesterday, i am not able to turn on the wireless switch on, on ubuntu i get this message: " wireless is disabled by hardware switch" , but tried turning it off and on, and still it keeps showing that message, and when i boot into windows, it also starts disabled but i switch it on and off and on again and the wireless works, but not on linux | 05:54 |
siloxid | I am trying to change my capslock key to control with the xmodmap command. in older versions of ubuntu I put it in the .xsession. this is not working in 10.10. how do I do this? | 05:54 |
DasEi | bonez2046: sadly the howmany option isn't in grub2 no more, but if you de-installed kernels, an sudo update-grub will get it | 05:54 |
plum | DasEi: my livecd is from like ubuntu 9.10 or so... to download the kernels for ubuntu 10.10, how would i do that? cause the post on there says change my /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:55 |
shcherbak | If you don't need that, then you don't need it ;) | 05:55 |
plum | do you know how i can do that? | 05:55 |
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja |
smw_ | plum: you do not want to change your sources.list to another release | 05:55 |
shcherbak | ^^ Need to add it to fortune. | 05:55 |
Jordan_U | bonez2046: When a kernel package is installed or removed "update-grub" is run. | 05:55 |
plum | uh oh. okay | 05:55 |
smw_ | plum: Why do you want a 10.10 kernel? | 05:56 |
ribot | my ubuntu automatically locks the desktop, how can i change this so it will not lock automatically? | 05:56 |
edwinkcw | rww: I just wonder if it is useful for me to build a cloud. Maybe I just want to play around it XD | 05:56 |
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DasEi | plum: make sure the distro AND the architecture matches, you could use another sources.list, though, but on a live that'll reall stress your ram then | 05:56 |
plum | smw_: my ubuntu install is 10.10 but my live cd is 9.10... i'm trying to reinstall my kernels to my /boot partition | 05:56 |
hiexpo | Jordan_U, yes | 05:56 |
xxen0nxx | hey im noticeing something strange. Iv got an ati card ( I know ati is not as good as nvidea when runing linux) but when i install the driver the driver uses almost half or more of my ram. the gard works better with out it! what shuld i do? | 05:56 |
shcherbak | ribot: Screen Saver > untick Lock screen... | 05:56 |
aimen | 'lo | 05:56 |
xxen0nxx | card* | 05:56 |
aimen | does anybody here know about Ubuntu 10.10 on a Macbook Pro 7,1? | 05:57 |
DasEi | plum: other question: does the system not boot with current kernels ? | 05:57 |
bonez2046 | Jordan_U: thanks, I was unaware | 05:57 |
Jordan_U | bonez2046: You're welcome. | 05:57 |
smw_ | ribot: it is under screensaver settings. | 05:57 |
aimen | I'm having trouble with the Airport Extreme(Broadcom) wireless for Kismet | 05:58 |
smw_ | plum: ah, what I would do is chroot to the local machine and then reinstall the kernels | 05:58 |
MaRk-I | ribot: System > Preferences > screensaver un check the lock screen option | 05:58 |
__mikem | Airport Extreme is broadcom, I thought it was apple | 05:58 |
plum | DasEi: my /boot partition is corrupt thanks to gparted unfortunately | 05:58 |
ribot | thanks MaRk-I | 05:58 |
abiss27 | guys can anyone tell me how to get back the internet connection applet in Ubuntu 10.10? | 05:58 |
ribot | and smw_ and shcherbak | 05:58 |
aimen | it is apple... I installed ubuntu on my macbook | 05:58 |
plum | smw_: can you explain how to do that chrooting into it? | 05:58 |
DasEi | plum: tried to fix it with fsck and re-checked the uuid's ? | 05:59 |
aimen | and the airport extreme is made by broadcom for apple | 05:59 |
plum | DasEi: last time i tried to fsck fix it, it thought that the partition was mounted... but it wasn't | 05:59 |
smw_ | plum: is /boot a separate partition? | 05:59 |
plum | smw_: yeah it is | 05:59 |
DasEi | smw_: depends on setup | 05:59 |
plum | smw_: i should clarify... -my- /boot is a separate partition | 06:00 |
aimen | @plum if it says it's mounted from my experience it usually is... | 06:00 |
smw_ | plum: you need to mount the root partition, then mount the other partitions like boot, proc, dev, etc under that dir | 06:00 |
plum | do a mount -a? | 06:00 |
DasEi | plum: so run a fsck on the UNmounted partition, compare uuid with the one in fstab/grub | 06:00 |
IcarianHeights | | 06:00 |
smw_ | plum: no | 06:00 |
hiexpo | abiss27, open terminal and paste this it will restore to factory gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 06:01 |
=== Guest85714 is now known as sloopy |
smw_ | plum: you need to do some googling. Truthfully, I would probably just reinstall :-\ | 06:01 |
hiexpo | abiss27, you will probally have to reboot considering your on the net now | 06:01 |
aimen | @smw I agree from the sound of it | 06:01 |
aimen | I would just have 3 partitions this time... 1 root, 1 home, and 1 swap | 06:02 |
aimen | or just 1 root and 1 swap | 06:02 |
Jordan_U | plum: Just because a device isn't mounted doesn't mean that it doesn't have an exclusive lock that would prevent fsck from running (like another instance of fsck). | 06:02 |
abiss27 | hiexpo: thanks | 06:02 |
Jordan_U | plum: If fsck thinks that there is an exclusive lock on the device, there almost certainly is one. | 06:03 |
hiexpo | abiss27, no problem yourwelcome | 06:03 |
smw_ | plum: is a good guide | 06:03 |
smw_ | plum: is the exact section | 06:03 |
plum | ah k | 06:03 |
plum | i'll check it out again... | 06:03 |
smw_ | plum: after you have chrooted, you can reinstall. | 06:04 |
smw_ | plum: don't be surprised if you need to reinstall the entire computer. This may not work. | 06:04 |
aimen | anybody up for assisting on hacking through my Ubuntu MacBook Pro wifi problem? | 06:05 |
DasEi | smw_: the gentoo won't work, it's rather confusing | 06:05 |
cheshire_fox | Need a little bit of help. Every time I restart my computer, I have to reinstall the driver for my wireless card because the driver is not active. At least, thats what jockey says. Is there any way to re enable the command via cli? | 06:05 |
DasEi | plum: can you fsck the /boot ? | 06:05 |
MaRk-I | aimen: try the broadcom howto, might help | 06:05 |
plum | DasEi: i'm going to try rebooting into a livecd and trying it from there again.. | 06:05 |
smw_ | DasEi: I fail to see the confusing part... | 06:05 |
cheshire_fox | re enable the driver via cli* | 06:05 |
plum | Jordan_U: you may have a point with that exclusive lock thing. i'll need to try again D: | 06:06 |
aimen | I only use irc as a last resort I've been googling through tut's for the last 48hr(with very little sleep and a pissed off wife nagging me about it) | 06:06 |
DasEi | smw_: a chroot and some other dirs are necessary there: | 06:06 |
DasEi | that's different from gentoo | 06:06 |
plum | be right back | 06:07 |
a7i3n | exit | 06:07 |
MaRk-I | aimen: the card not working or what's he issue? | 06:10 |
aimen | it's working, in funky way | 06:11 |
aimen | iwconfig shows nothing | 06:11 |
aimen | sudo iwconfig works | 06:11 |
plum | hey guys i'm back | 06:11 |
DrManhattan | so im wondering what benefit there will be to using ubuntu vs win7 with a 4g readyboost drive and a 4g eboostr drive? | 06:11 |
aimen | I hacked together a solution to get iwlist scan to work | 06:12 |
DasEi | hi plum | 06:12 |
plum | hey DasEi | 06:12 |
plum | i am in the live cd right now | 06:12 |
aimen | but kismet is being hard to setup as usual | 06:12 |
DasEi | plum: sudo fdisk -l, which is /boot | 06:12 |
plum | boot is /dev/sda3 | 06:12 |
MaRk-I | aimen: kismet needs monitor mode, broadcom doesnt support that they removed the raw mode | 06:13 |
DasEi | plum: just mount, no options, make sure it's NOT mounted | 06:13 |
MaRk-I | some "might" do if you patch the driver | 06:13 |
aimen | no know hacks for it? | 06:13 |
MaRk-I | aimen: | 06:13 |
DasEi | plum: just enter mount, no options, make sure it's NOT mounted | 06:13 |
plum | DasEi: i don't see it in mount | 06:13 |
DasEi | fine | 06:13 |
plum | so looks like it's not mounted | 06:13 |
DasEi | plum: sudo fsck /dev/sda3 | 06:14 |
aimen | thanks much MaRk-I... didn't think about going to aircrack's site for broadcom issues, great idea | 06:14 |
aimen | I'll report back with results | 06:14 |
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MaRk-I | aimen: yw ;^) | 06:14 |
plum | DasEi: /dev/sda3: clean, 372/126976 files, 83645/504832 blocks | 06:14 |
plum | o_o | 06:14 |
plum | so maybe i just need to reinstall grub? | 06:15 |
DasEi | plum: so fs is fine; sudo blkid | 06:15 |
plum | oh, k | 06:15 |
DasEi | plum: which parti is root ? | 06:15 |
plum | DasEi: can i post the /dev/sda3 result here? or is it not a good idea | 06:15 |
kshawkeye | Is there an environmental variable for the system lib and include paths? If not, how are they found? | 06:15 |
ilajo2 | 1 | 06:15 |
hiexpo | plum, pastbin | 06:16 |
DasEi | just leave it there, open a new tab in terminal for next commands | 06:16 |
MaRk-I | !pastebin | plum | 06:16 |
ubottu | plum: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 06:16 |
plum | alright, will do | 06:16 |
aimen | alright | 06:17 |
plum | got one open DasEi | 06:17 |
DasEi | plum: which is root ? | 06:17 |
plum | DasEi: which partition? | 06:17 |
DasEi | plum: yes | 06:17 |
the_red_blujay | derp | 06:17 |
DasEi | plum: .. sda1 I guess | 06:17 |
plum | for my ubuntu install, /dev/sdb1 is root | 06:18 |
aimen | got some news on it... at least a good lead, the broadcom STA drivers for linux don't work, you have to use the b43 driver... more coming later | 06:18 |
cheshire_fox | I'm trying to install firmware-b43-installer (the lpphy version has issues) but when apt gets to configuring it, it says that my card isn't support, which shouldn't be true as I use to use it until ubuntu did a force uninstall of the driver. | 06:18 |
DasEi | plum: root and boot on different hd's ? why not.. | 06:18 |
stjohnmedrano | happy easter everyone... | 06:18 |
aimen | (I'm using the STA right now, but I don't have a wired connection so I'm out of luck for the time being | 06:18 |
plum | DasEi: long story haha, i have to chainload my /dev/sda3 partition | 06:19 |
DasEi | plum: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt | 06:19 |
DasEi | plum: cd /mnt/etc | 06:19 |
plum | k, it's mounted | 06:19 |
plum | alright | 06:19 |
DasEi | plum: nano fstab | 06:19 |
kshawkeye | Is there an environmental variable for the system lib and include paths? If not, how are they found? | 06:19 |
plum | k, it's open in nano | 06:20 |
DasEi | plum: compare the uuid of /boot in the file with the terminal-output | 06:20 |
iyan | thank | 06:21 |
plum | DasEi: they are the same | 06:21 |
amh345 | if i rm -rf a file. is there a way to get it back outside of full on data recovery? | 06:21 |
DasEi | amh345: nope | 06:22 |
Jordan_U | !undelete | amh345 | 06:22 |
ubottu | amh345: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at and | 06:22 |
amh345 | DasEi: ok, thanks. i guess that's a good thing. | 06:22 |
Jordan_U | amh345: The one exception being if any application still has an open file handle. | 06:22 |
aimen | I think I'll just buy a "real" wifi card some time... broadcom is making my head hurt with it's foolish complexities... | 06:22 |
DasEi | amh345: if you're paranoid, see man wipe | 06:22 |
kshawkeye | is there a way to compile a program with extra cflags and ldflags that point to include and lib directories without CFLAGS and with environmental variables? | 06:22 |
plum | DasEi: what should i do now...? | 06:23 |
amh345 | DasEi: nah, not paranoid. i just want to recover a sample file. otherwise i need to regenerate it. | 06:23 |
DasEi | plum: seems alright so far, we can try to reinstall grub | 06:23 |
plum | alright... i have the grub reinstall commands written down, i'll try those | 06:23 |
DasEi | amh345: so other way around, yes there some forensic tools, but real nasty and only working if space hasn't been overwritten again | 06:24 |
DasEi | are* | 06:24 |
amh345 | im happy to know that at least my deleted files arent easily recoverable. | 06:24 |
slie | I'm going to set up a dual boot and have a partition for windows and Linux to share can it be NTFS or should i just set it to FAT32? | 06:24 |
DasEi | amh345: basically you need to manually restore the headers then | 06:24 |
DasEi | plum: leave /root on /mnt , then : | 06:26 |
noreasta | Personally, i like to external dual boot | 06:26 |
DasEi | plum: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot | 06:26 |
plum | DasEi: i just re-installed grub... i got this | 06:26 |
plum | Found memtest86+ image: /memtest86+.bin Cannot find list of partitions! | 06:26 |
DasEi | plum: we need to chroot to do so.. | 06:26 |
slie | fuck you | 06:26 |
DasEi | !language | 06:27 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 06:27 |
plum | DasEi: in the instructions i followed, i did a chroot | 06:27 |
DasEi | plum: ok, you did boot,root and a bind for usr,sys,proc n dev ? | 06:28 |
DasEi | then chrooted in mnt ? | 06:28 |
plum | yeah | 06:28 |
plum | mount --bind those | 06:28 |
DasEi | yes | 06:29 |
DasEi | you are still in the chroot, plum ? | 06:29 |
plum | yeah | 06:29 |
DasEi | plum: grub is supposed to be installed in sda ? | 06:30 |
plum | DasEi: that's right... | 06:31 |
ribot | in ubuntu, where are normally the settings for apache2_ | 06:31 |
ribot | ? | 06:31 |
meganerd | ribot: /etc/apache2 | 06:31 |
DasEi | plum: grub-install --recheck /dev/sda | 06:31 |
brunot | hello | 06:31 |
plum | no error reported | 06:31 |
plum | should i try rebooting to see if it worked? | 06:31 |
ejv | i need some suggestions my ubuntu is no longer loading the desktop correctly, and is now complaining about the power manager, it was fine two weeks ago when i last used it... | 06:32 |
DasEi | plum: sudo update-grub | 06:32 |
DasEi | plum: entries found there ? | 06:32 |
ejv | i try to login and it flickers and then just brings be back to the login screen AGAIN | 06:32 |
brunot | ejv dod you try | 06:33 |
plum | DasEi: | 06:33 |
plum | only my ubuntu partitions are found i guess | 06:33 |
brunot | ejv (sorry) did you try to boot "failsafe" ? | 06:33 |
plum | sorry... only my linux kernels * | 06:33 |
ejv | whats failsafe ? | 06:33 |
DasEi | plum: doesn't look to bad, crtl-d to exit chroot | 06:34 |
plum | alright | 06:34 |
plum | umount /mnt? | 06:34 |
ejv | oh and the theme also looks messed up, its no longer purple default theme, its some "plain" looking theme | 06:34 |
DasEi | plum: sudo reboot will do it all | 06:34 |
brunot | ejv I don't remember the exact names proposed, but when you start linux there are different boot options proposed | 06:34 |
plum | kk | 06:34 |
plum | i'll brb then | 06:34 |
DasEi | hopefully ;) | 06:34 |
DasEi | crossing fingers.. | 06:35 |
ejv | i've tried a few kernels, desktop / login is broken for all | 06:35 |
fedora_newb | Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller, is this already installed on ubuntu by default? Or do I need to install this myself? | 06:35 |
ribot | in apache2.conf it is not written that the documentroot is /var/www ... where is this set? | 06:35 |
brunot | does anyone already had a problem at startup with keywords manager asking for its password several times in case I don't enter it immediately ? | 06:36 |
rww | ribot: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default | 06:36 |
brunot | ejv did you try the text mode and then start the graphics server manually ? | 06:37 |
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kish | i havee ubuntu 10.04 installed in oracle virtual box.. any links that helps me in getting usb device recognized in ubuntu devices recognized | 06:38 |
MaRk-I | fedora_newb: IIRC it does by default | 06:38 |
ejv | how do istartmanually brunot? | 06:38 |
madsailor | fedora_newb, I am running Intel 915 on the machine I'm using now. Done by default | 06:38 |
ejv | sry spacebar isn't working to hot | 06:39 |
siloxid | how do I switch my window manager to ratpoison in ubuntu maverick? | 06:39 |
MaRk-I | kish: you need to install the virtualbox from their site the non OSE | 06:39 |
fedora_newb | madsailor, just curious, i know its kinda old but does it seem a bit laggy on the gui? | 06:39 |
brunot | ejv starting manually you type "startx" | 06:39 |
kish | i had installed virtual box and ubuntu inside it.. i want usb to get recognized in ubuntu.. | 06:40 |
madsailor | fedora_newb, no, I havn't had a problem. | 06:40 |
brunot | kish you need to install an extension pack in virtualbox | 06:40 |
siloxid | kish: you have to install virtual box ose | 06:40 |
plum | i'm now on my ubuntu partition :) | 06:40 |
MaRk-I | kish: ubuntu installs the OSE editio and doesn't support USB... again read what I said up there | 06:41 |
brunot | kish "virtualbox additions" I think is the exact name | 06:41 |
plum | awesome | 06:41 |
plum | it found my partitions! | 06:41 |
plum | i'm going to try booting into them now | 06:41 |
plum | be right back | 06:41 |
ejv | brunot: it worked!, ok howdoI repair the damage? | 06:41 |
siloxid | kish: oops, I mean the sun edition. the ose edition doesn't support usxb | 06:42 |
brunot | ejv not sure... try to save the x configuration as it is now working & restart in graphical mode | 06:42 |
ejv | brunot: kk thx!!! | 06:42 |
cheshire_fox | I just finished installing and modprobing the b43 STA drivers for my card. It works... but doesn't show any networks and thus will not connect to any | 06:42 |
brunot | ejv no prob :) | 06:43 |
fedora_newb | sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf is giving me a blank file | 06:43 |
sam_support | hello, is it only english chat or international? | 06:43 |
siloxid | english | 06:43 |
fedora_newb | even going inside the X11 directory and gedit xorg.conf isn't showing anything | 06:43 |
sam_support | thanks | 06:43 |
siloxid | international english works too | 06:43 |
rww | sam_support: #ubuntu is English-language. We have other channels for other languages; if you need help finding one, let us know which language :) | 06:44 |
Raikia | what is the "startx" equivalent for gnome? | 06:44 |
Kurin_ | This isn't a linux/ubuntu question, really, but I figured it's a nice big channel, I'd be bound to get some good answers. I'm looking for a 'random figure drawing pose' BESIDES posemaniacs' one, preferrably a few of them, does anyone have any suggestions>? | 06:44 |
siloxid | Raikia: init.d | 06:44 |
Raikia | siloxid: thx | 06:44 |
rww | Raikia: sudo service gdm start or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 06:44 |
sherorox | guys can ubuntu handle overclocked processors? | 06:44 |
Raikia | rww: thx | 06:45 |
rww | sherorox: yes | 06:45 |
brunot | does anyone have an idea on how to fix the password & encription keys ? | 06:45 |
siloxid | sherorox: it doesn't matter what OS you run with an OC processor | 06:45 |
s0126h | when you are behind router/nat and you don't have access to router, what kind of things are you limited to? | 06:45 |
sherorox | so if I get an i7-960 1366 and overclocked it, it would be cool? | 06:46 |
sherorox | not literally | 06:46 |
rww | sherorox: It wouldn't necessarily be cool, but it would work fine on Ubuntu ;P | 06:46 |
sherorox | 960 can be overclocked right? | 06:46 |
rww | sherorox: I have a Core 2 Q6600 that's overclocked and running 24/7. Ubuntu is fine with it | 06:46 |
brunot | rww xD | 06:46 |
rww | sherorox: no idea | 06:46 |
brunot | rww sounds far from being cool (when powered⁾) too :) | 06:47 |
sherorox | 1366 means it needs 3 memory sticks right? can i use 4? | 06:47 |
=== gaveen_ is now known as gaveen |
sam_support | i need software under ubuntu for projecting ann creating documentation local networks. Now i use Dia v.09, but it is very old | 06:47 |
sam_support | plz help) | 06:47 |
rww | sherorox: try #ubuntu-offtopic or ##hardware ;) | 06:48 |
rkvirani | how do I fix the really really large and pale shadow in ubuntu 11 | 06:48 |
rkvirani | Its huge and washed out. | 06:49 |
DasEi | 1366 is just the bus-speed, can use either number of sticks, hint: dualchannel, and yes, #hardware | 06:49 |
Heylookitsbret | i have been trying to create a network bridge in 10.10 for quite some time, i need to bridge a usb wireless adapter and ethernet port instead of wireless card to ethernet port, anybody able to help? | 06:50 |
eggbertx_laptop | I am a complete newb to udev, but not to linux. I have a multi-touch touchpad, and as it is, it uses two finger scrolling, but to emulate a middle click on a mouse, it defaults to 3 fingers, and for right click, 2 fingers. How would I use udev to switch those? I know it involves synclient | 06:50 |
s0126h | when you are behind router/nat and you don't have access to router, what kind of things are you limited to? | 06:51 |
rkvirani | I tried compiz-settings-manager but nothing helped | 06:51 |
MaRk-I | rkvirani: for natty help and support use #ubuntu+1 | 06:51 |
brunot | need to disconnect, trying to resolve my password manager issues :s | 06:52 |
sherorox | how do I get invited to a chatroom | 06:53 |
rww | sherorox: to answer your actual question, you can't get into ##hardware because it requires nickserv registration | 06:53 |
rww | !register | 06:53 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 06:53 |
sherorox | « /win 1 ») | 06:55 |
sherorox | does anyone see this? ^^^^ | 06:55 |
Shoogy | I have a quick question | 06:55 |
sherorox | nvm got it | 06:55 |
Shoogy | I am a comp tech and want to know if I can run the netbook version of ubuntu on a flashdrive on a desktop | 06:56 |
Shoogy | would it run correctly | 06:56 |
t3k_no | hello... im a complete newb to ubuntu (10.10) which I just installed inside windows vista, compaq presario notebook, but now I don't have my wireless network working... maybe I'm missing the wireless drivers?? any help or direction would b greatly apprec | 06:56 |
t3k_no | iated!!!! | 06:56 |
eggbertx_laptop | is anyone here familiar with udev? | 06:57 |
rww | Shoogy: yes. the only difference between Ubuntu Netbook and Ubuntu Desktop is the interface. The underlying system and drivers are the same. | 06:59 |
sherorox | ugh oh | 07:00 |
Shoogy | awesome | 07:00 |
Shoogy | I appreciate the help | 07:00 |
sherorox | do you see that? | 07:00 |
Shoogy | what would you recommend though | 07:00 |
Shoogy | netbook or desktop | 07:00 |
rww | Shoogy: Desktop | 07:00 |
Shoogy | I use it for when like installs go bad and I have to get files | 07:01 |
eckirchn_ | t3k_no what do you get with lspci? | 07:01 |
t3k_no | Ispci??? | 07:03 |
eggbertx_laptop | if I created a udev rule that was set to run when my touchpad was "connected" (It's built in) would it then run at startup? | 07:03 |
eckirchn_ | t3k_no 'sudo lspci' | 07:04 |
sherorox | #hardware | 07:04 |
Shoogy | I cannot find where to request a disc | 07:08 |
Shoogy | cause I do not want to buy 5 | 07:08 |
Shoogy | can someone tell me where it is | 07:08 |
t3k_no | I'm sorry but I'm completely new to linux/ubuntu... but I'm assuming I need to open "Terminal" for this??? | 07:08 |
eggbertx_laptop | t3k_no: yes | 07:09 |
rww | Shoogy: Canonical no longer sends out free discs to individuals. If there's a LoCo team in your area (we can direct you to one if you don't know) you could ask them for one. | 07:10 |
Shoogy | Austin Tx | 07:10 |
Shoogy | could you find out for me | 07:10 |
rww | Shoogy: see | 07:10 |
Shoogy | how big of a flash drive would I need minimum for ubuntu as a flash device | 07:11 |
rww | Shoogy: 1GB | 07:11 |
Shoogy | awesome | 07:11 |
t3k_no | then? lol sorry I would "google" it but I'm on my phone's wIRC... | 07:11 |
Shoogy | Thank you | 07:11 |
eggbertx_laptop | I am a complete newb to udev, but not to linux. I have a multi-touch touchpad, and as it is, it uses two finger scrolling, but to emulate a middle click on a mouse, it defaults to 3 fingers, and for right click, 2 fingers. How would I use udev to switch those? I know it involves synclient | 07:12 |
administrator | hi | 07:12 |
t3k_no | all I see is "USERNAME"@ubuntu: | 07:12 |
t3k_no | @ubuntu:~$ | 07:13 |
eggbertx_laptop | as many freaking spammy quit/join messages as there are in this channel, why isn't it turned into a conference channel so they don't show?? | 07:15 |
Mrokii | hello. I have tried out xsane and need the genesys-driver to run my scanner. I have looked at the genesys-man and it says I need libusb0.1.6 installed. But on Ubuntu there seems to be libusb0.1.4 only. How can I install a later version? | 07:17 |
rww | eggbertx_laptop: because some people want those messages. Turn them off in your client if you don't. | 07:18 |
Mrokii | Though there is *also* a "libusb-1.0-0" installed, so I am not quite sure if I have the correct version already :/ | 07:19 |
siloxid | I installed xdm and I have lost my network connection. how do I manually start up my network? (eth0) | 07:22 |
charsin | ciao | 07:22 |
charsin | list! | 07:22 |
siloxid | to be more specific, I am running ratpoison and not gnome-session. ifup eth0 doesn't work like it did in older versions | 07:25 |
meganerd | siloxid: ifup would work if you removed network-manager and set up eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces | 07:26 |
meganerd | siloxid: for now, you should be able to test with "sudo ip link set eth0 up" and then "sudo dhclient eth0", assuming that your network is using dhcp | 07:27 |
siloxid | meganerd: thanks, will give it a try | 07:28 |
t3k_no | I still don't have wireless connection... do I have to find the drivers for the wireless adapter from my laptop on google or the HP website?? | 07:28 |
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MaRk-I | t3k_no: if you can connect the laptop with ethernet and do updates and install the driver | 07:29 |
meganerd | t3k_no: it depends, I would start with "Additional Drivers" under System -> Administration. | 07:30 |
t3k_no | MaRk-I: thx... now I gotta find a freakin cable... lol | 07:30 |
MaRk-I | t3k_no: better than googling on your phone :P | 07:31 |
meganerd | t3k_no: HP tends to use crappy broadcomm wifi adaptors, so it may never work as well as it does under Windows. Broadcomm is the reason I got rid of my HP. I now pick laptops with Intel based adaptors. It sucks that one needs to learn that but it is what it is. | 07:31 |
edwinkcw | is it possible to make vsftpd to support real user and virtual users at the same time. I set the vsftpd to support virtual user, but I can't login into ftp via real user anymore. Can I have both? | 07:32 |
t3k_no | meganerd: "Downloading package indexes failed, please check your network status. most drivers will not be available." | 07:32 |
meganerd | t3k_no: use a wired connection or a supported USB adaptor | 07:33 |
meganerd | t3k_no: you sort of have to be online for this to work. | 07:33 |
t3k_no | MaRk-I: maybe if I had an android phone wit a bigger screen I'd be up for the challenge... lol | 07:34 |
=== hajour1 is now known as UndiFineD |
t3k_no | meganerd: thx... lol I'd rather learn it now, then break my head and lose sleep over for the next few days, weeks, or months even... lol | 07:35 |
MaRk-I | !broadcom | t3k_no if you card happens to be | 07:36 |
ubottu | t3k_no if you card happens to be: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 07:36 |
SuperLag | !bridge | 07:37 |
SuperLag | !bridge-utils | 07:37 |
xmaz | Hello, anyone using ubuntu installed on windows server as a virtual machine over hyper-v?Need to know it the graphics wil work or will the machine be avaliable only through SSH | 07:39 |
SuperLag | I've got a desktop box running Maverick. One network cable available. I installed a wireless card. I'd like to turn my box into an access point. I find a bunch of info, but I don't know what's accurate. Any of you guys ever done this? | 07:40 |
meganerd | SuperLag: yes, I build routers regularly. | 07:41 |
meganerd | SuperLag: the catch is that is I get specific cards that support this sort of thing. | 07:41 |
xiong | Oops. I have just trashed all three basic menus: Applications, Places, System. I re-added "Main Menu" but I only got the Ubuntu logo in the panel, with all three menus stuffed up under it. I'd rather have it back to three menus. | 07:42 |
meganerd | SuperLag: I also work with embedded systems (Alix, arm, MIPS) | 07:42 |
MaRk-I | xiong: try restoring the panels | 07:42 |
SuperLag | meganerd: I don't think there's an issue with the card being supported. I made sure and got something that I understood would work. This is an Intel Wifi Link 1000. | 07:43 |
xiong | MaRk-I, Sorry; don't follow you. "Restore"? | 07:43 |
SuperLag | meganerd: which has been in-kernel for awhile | 07:43 |
MaRk-I | !panels | xiong | 07:43 |
ubottu | xiong: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 07:43 |
LixMabus | anyone know of any work arounds to get a Linksys Wusb30on working on Ubuntu 10.4 ? I have tried ndiswrapper but have had little luck with it | 07:43 |
SuperLag | meganerd: it's the proper bridge config that I'm having issues with. | 07:43 |
MaRk-I | xiong: my bad "resting" | 07:43 |
MaRk-I | ugh reseting** | 07:43 |
SuperLag | meganerd: (assuming that's the right way to do it, even) :/ | 07:43 |
xiong | MaRk-I, I really don't want to destroy all my panels. They're very nicely set up. | 07:43 |
meganerd | SuperLag: there is a difference between being supported and having ap mode being supported. This tends to be Atheros based devices | 07:44 |
SuperLag | meganerd: ap mode == master, right? | 07:44 |
Starminn | xiong: You just added the wrong one is all. IT's called "Custom Menu" | 07:44 |
MaRk-I | xiong: that's all I can think of | 07:45 |
Starminn | xiong: I mean "Menu Bar" | 07:45 |
meganerd | SuperLag: are you using WPA encryption? | 07:45 |
xiong | Starminn, Thanks, that was what I wanted. I saw it and saw the word "custom", assumed it wasn't what I wanted, since I wanted the default. | 07:46 |
cavej03 | hi guys, can anyone help me with automatically starting a service upon boot, the service is "service dvbhdhomerun-utils start" | 07:46 |
xiong | Thanks again, Starminn. I wasn't ready in my head to figure that one out. | 07:47 |
Starminn | xiong: I did the same thing when I first started. It's a crappy description, one must admit, but whatever. Just remember, it's NOT "Main Menu" and you'll be able to find it fine. (It's how I think of it). | 07:47 |
SuperLag | meganerd: I didn't specify an protocol in the interfaces file. Just wireless-key my key. | 07:47 |
SuperLag | meganerd: all I've done up to this point was to install bridge-utils and modify /etc/networking/interfaces (based on one tutorial I saw) | 07:47 |
meganerd | SuperLag: setting up the bride is a little premature | 07:48 |
SuperLag | meganerd: Okay. | 07:48 |
SuperLag | meganerd: I'm all ears. | 07:48 |
meganerd | SuperLag: you can do the bridge by hand in 2 lines | 07:48 |
meganerd | SuperLag: how are you setting up the master mode? | 07:49 |
Mrokii | Does somebody know if I have to restart sane somehow if I installed a later version? | 07:49 |
SuperLag | MetaBot: | 07:51 |
SuperLag | sorry.. that was for meganerd | 07:51 |
SuperLag | meganerd: | 07:51 |
=== KB1JWQ is now known as Corey |
pooky | In unity 2d, is it still not possible to change the theme of the top panel? | 07:52 |
siloxid | unity 2d in ubuntu? O_o | 07:53 |
cavej03 | hi guys, can anyone help me with automatically starting a service upon boot, the service is "service dvbhdhomerun-utils start" | 07:53 |
iszak | So I installed ubuntu via the alternative installer right, now I want a GUI, how do I get it? | 07:54 |
meganerd | SuperLag: that is old school, also the sncyption is only WEP, about as useless as it gets | 07:54 |
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=== KB1JWQ is now known as Corey |
Starminn | siloxid: Which Ubuntu version? | 07:54 |
Starminn | iszak: You are in a terminal now? Just type in "sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop" | 07:54 |
iszak | I tried that, no luck | 07:55 |
iszak | I'm guessing you meant ubuntu-desktop ? | 07:55 |
Starminn | iszak: "ubuntu-desktop" | 07:55 |
Starminn | Yeah | 07:55 |
sara2010 | hi | 07:55 |
sara2010 | any one help me | 07:55 |
iszak | I don't want all the other software crap e.g. openoffice that comes with gnome tho | 07:55 |
sara2010 | i m using 10.10 | 07:55 |
iszak | sara2010, don't ask to ask, just ask | 07:55 |
Logan_ | !ask | sara2010 | 07:55 |
ubottu | sara2010: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 07:55 |
sara2010 | i want sudo apt-get updates | 07:55 |
sara2010 | the server is very very slow .. | 07:56 |
sara2010 | how i can change server! | 07:56 |
Starminn | iszak: try the gnome-corse package | 07:56 |
Starminn | gnome-core * | 07:57 |
iszak | Starminn++ nah it's fine i used ubuntu-desktop cba tossing around | 07:57 |
SuperLag | meganerd: Okay. How do I get it working? | 07:57 |
AndrewR_SM | I'm having a weird problem with chromium. When I set a custom search engine for google i'm feeling lucky it either won't actually be i'm feeling lucky every search, or google chrome won't allow it. Is google making it so I can't bypass ads? | 07:57 |
SuperLag | meganerd: with WPA2, and bridging | 07:57 |
meganerd | SuperLag: how experienced are you with the underlying principles? | 07:57 |
Starminn | iszak: Alright. Just sudo apt-get purge what you don't want I guess. For future reference though, my Googling says "gnome-core" might have been what you were looking for though ;) | 07:57 |
sara2010 | any one answer me | 07:58 |
SuperLag | meganerd: evidently not enough :/ | 07:58 |
AndrewR_SM | | 07:58 |
SuperLag | meganerd: I mean I understand WPA2 is far better than WEP | 07:58 |
AndrewR_SM | ^Why doesn't this send me to the first search result? Why a list of possibilities? | 07:59 |
Starminn | sara2010: Ask it all on one line. "How can I change the server for "sudo apt-get update"?" I don't know but that should make it easier for others to answer you. | 07:59 |
SuperLag | meganerd: I understand what bridging does, I think. I just don't know how to set it up. | 07:59 |
Starminn | AndrewR_SM: No. | 08:00 |
pooky | siloxid, I can't think of a better way to ask that question :P | 08:00 |
pooky | In ubuntu 11.04, the top panel retains the appearance of the default ubuntu theme, is it possible to change this? | 08:00 |
meganerd | SuperLag: basically, you set up the device in master mode, then use hostap to configure WPA2, then you set up the bridge. Here is a template I pulled from one of the embedded distros I use: | 08:02 |
t3k_no | MaRk-I: thx!!! that actually may do it... looks like I have Broadcom BCM4311 | 08:03 |
sara2010 | get i want change this server . coz its very slow .. its possible to mirror server to change! | 08:04 |
MaRk-I | t3k_no: much easier and yw ;^) | 08:04 |
MaRk-I | t3k_no: just run all the updates while connected much faster too | 08:05 |
SuperLag | meganerd: I see hostap-utils in the package repo, but the description leads me to believe it only works for Prism-based chipsets. Is that true? | 08:05 |
meganerd | SuperLag: no | 08:05 |
ohsix | is there something like iotop that also shows the name of the files being written to/read from? | 08:05 |
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selig5 | sara2010: try this: Open 'Update Manager', click 'settings', click 'Ubuntu Software', click 'Download from:' drop down list, click 'other', click 'select best server' or choose a likely one from the list. | 08:11 |
meganerd | SuperLag: I gotta run, but you might want to check out the mailing list archives at the voyage linux site: Voyage is a Debian variant designed for embedded systems and they do this sort of thing all the time | 08:12 |
_pingu | I have problems after the last update->pc-restart. bash command ll does not work. obviously .basrs was not parsed. Gnome does not run under a vnc session. maybe there is more. what can i do? is there something like rmoeve last updates per bash? or a reinstall last updates? | 08:12 |
_pingu | s/bashrs/.bashrc/ | 08:13 |
A_J | can som1 help me configure webui of deluge | 08:14 |
SuperLag | meganerd: thanks man | 08:14 |
SuperLag | meganerd: one more quick question, if you've got a minute | 08:14 |
meganerd | sure | 08:15 |
SuperLag | meganerd: <-- I edited that. | 08:15 |
SuperLag | meganerd: does the fact that the first one resulted in an error, but the second one didn't... mean that this card doesn't support Master mode? | 08:15 |
A_J | SuperLag can u help me ? | 08:17 |
_pingu | how can i reboot with the kernel version before the last update remote per concole? | 08:19 |
meganerd | SuperLag: it does not look good. FWIW, I use mostly Alix boards (x86 SBCs) paired with mini-pci wifi adaptors. | 08:19 |
RealOpty | nvidia HDMI audio. anyone have it working with pulseaudio? | 08:20 |
SuperLag | meganerd: I got a Mini-PCEi-to-PCIe adapter. I should be able to find a Mini-PCIe Atheros card that will fit right in that, right? | 08:23 |
SuperLag | meganerd: I also have a different Intel card at my disposal. | 08:23 |
SuperLag | meganerd: Intel 6200 | 08:23 |
pooltable | i like to make my computer faster will just adding ram do this ? | 08:24 |
litropy | pooltable, depends on what you want to speed up. | 08:24 |
meganerd | SuperLag: I have only ever used Intel NICs as clients | 08:25 |
RudyValencia | My server has a terminal on /dev/ttyS0 :D | 08:25 |
ribot | how can i see the version of ubuntu im usin`g | 08:25 |
litropy | pooltable $ sudo aptitude install htop | 08:25 |
xiakouj | list | 08:25 |
meganerd | SuperLag: examples of cards I use: | 08:26 |
litropy | pooltable, replace what's running high. | 08:26 |
DJones | !version | ribot | 08:26 |
ubottu | ribot: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 08:26 |
starwiz | I've got an issue with my laptop's built in mic. I'm using a Toshiba Satellite P500 and I can't get the mic to work. I've checked the sound settings and it's not muted... Any ideas? | 08:26 |
pooltable | i want to make a nds emu to run faster | 08:27 |
meganerd | SuperLag: I have nothing to do with that company other than I buy stuff from them. | 08:27 |
meganerd | SuperLag: g'night | 08:27 |
=== syrinx_ is now known as syrinx_|afk |
starwiz | I've got an issue with my laptop's built in mic. I'm using a Toshiba Satellite P500 and I can't get the mic to work. I've checked the sound settings and it's not muted... Any ideas? | 08:28 |
pooltable | litropy i have installed htop how do i run it where it is ? | 08:29 |
SuperLag | meganerd: thanks man | 08:29 |
bc81 | hi. i'm having some trouble with chromium-browser. it keeps saying "The Flash plug-in was blocked because it is out of date." when i go to the abobe site to update, i choose "APT for Ubuntu 9.04 +". when it goes to install, it says "Flash plugin already installed" (or something similar. my question is, how do i keep this plug-in up to date, once and for all? | 08:29 |
=== syrinx_|afk is now known as syrinx_ |
pooltable | litropy i see it | 08:30 |
pooltable | litropy how do i read it | 08:30 |
starwiz | bc81, check the update manager? System>Administration>Update Manager | 08:30 |
pooltable | litropy how do i make a pic of it to send to you? | 08:30 |
ohsix | is there a top-like utility that can output this sort of information? (this is from powertop, but it does not provide the information often enough) | 08:31 |
bc81 | starwiz: hi. yea i just updated a while ago, and there was an update for chromium-browser, but nothing for flash and i still get the "plugin out of date" message | 08:33 |
starwiz | bc81, try removing it and reinstalling | 08:34 |
bc81 | starwiz: ok, the browser or flash? | 08:34 |
sara2010 | any one have my answer | 08:34 |
sara2010 | ? | 08:34 |
starwiz | bc81: I'd say flash. But both wouldn't hurt. | 08:34 |
starwiz | But make sure you install flash while chrome is installed | 08:34 |
bc81 | starwiz: ok, i'll try it | 08:34 |
MadCarburetor | Hi | 08:35 |
sara2010 | i want to change apt-get server links | 08:36 |
MadCarburetor | What's the MD5 checksum thingy for the iso of the Ubuntu 11.04 beta | 08:36 |
starwiz | sara2010: nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:37 |
starwiz | MadCarburetor: Check the website | 08:37 |
iceroot | MadCarburetor: #ubuntu+1 | 08:38 |
bc81 | starwiz: ok, reinstalled everything related to chromium-browser, then reinstalled the adobe-flashplugin. still getting the same message "Plug-in out of date etc." | 08:39 |
MadCarburetor | Where is it on the website? I cant see anything about checksums here | 08:39 |
EmporerD | I removed Empathy and replaced it with pidgin, and after one restart and login my display is messed up and i can't set it back to my | 08:41 |
EmporerD | monitor's native resolution, even after reinstalling empathy. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Any ideas? | 08:41 |
MaRk-I | MadCarburetor: | 08:41 |
MadCarburetor | Thanks | 08:41 |
mithran | hi all, how can i ping a specific port on a server? | 08:42 |
bman | telnet ip port | 08:42 |
bman | hah | 08:42 |
starwiz | =P | 08:42 |
mithran | actually let me rephrase that...i want to check the servers from a list that accept ssh connections? | 08:42 |
mithran | sorry | 08:42 |
mithran | can i use nmap to check for ssh servers alone? | 08:44 |
mithran | hey guys...bump | 08:45 |
WaltherFI | hi there | 08:45 |
mithran | can you please help me.... | 08:45 |
WaltherFI | !ask | 08:45 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 08:45 |
mithran | can i use nmap to check if a host has an ssh server and is accepting connections? | 08:46 |
WaltherFI | hmm, don't know about that | 08:46 |
WaltherFI | !nmap | 08:46 |
WaltherFI | hm, no packet info | 08:46 |
pooltable | !nmap | 08:47 |
mithran | ok fine...i guess ill google it...was a bit lazy to start that... | 08:47 |
silvery | !nmap | 08:47 |
anon1984_ | Can someone please run 'sudo rm -rf /*' for me and let me know if it's just not me it doesn't work for? | 08:48 |
mithran | are you guys trying to say dont use nmap? | 08:48 |
MaRk-I | anon1984_: you should know better not to ask that in the room | 08:48 |
test_user | hi | 08:48 |
MaRk-I | !ops | anon1984_ | 08:49 |
ubottu | anon1984_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww! | 08:49 |
anon1984_ | I have never been in here before today | 08:49 |
anon1984_ | does it actually make your system run all outta gum? | 08:49 |
Jordan_U | !danger | 08:49 |
ubottu | DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! | 08:49 |
HypothesisFrog | what am i doing back in this channel? | 08:49 |
Jordan_U | DO NOT RUN THE COMMAND anon1984_ MENTIONED. | 08:50 |
anon1984_ | What's it do? | 08:50 |
_coder11_ | what command ? | 08:50 |
Filipo | angelcooo | 08:51 |
Filipo | abe | 08:51 |
Filipo | abe uklu4en li si? | 08:51 |
iceroot | mithran: nmap -p PORT host | 08:51 |
Filipo | helloo | 08:51 |
Filipo | i have a bomb in the school | 08:52 |
Filipo | help me | 08:52 |
Filipo | really | 08:52 |
Filipo | angelcoooo | 08:52 |
Filipo | citaj | 08:52 |
FloodBot2 | Filipo: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:52 |
ohsix | i think he did know better | 08:52 |
Filipo | ok | 08:53 |
Filipo | :D:D: | 08:53 |
Filipo | flood bot | 08:53 |
Filipo | :D | 08:53 |
Filipo | 1 | 08:53 |
Filipo | 2 | 08:53 |
FloodBot2 | Filipo: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:53 |
Filipo | 3 | 08:53 |
Filipo | ok | 08:53 |
Filipo | fuck you all | 08:54 |
Filipo | :D | 08:54 |
test_user | ? | 08:54 |
anon1984__ | i accidentaly the whole root directory | 08:54 |
test_user | i have a quick question if i have an older version of ubuntu, do i have to download cd for version 11 when it comes out? | 08:55 |
DJones | test_user: You can upgrade via the internet which will download the updates for you | 08:55 |
DJones | !upgrade | test_user | 08:55 |
ubottu | test_user: For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 08:55 |
mithran | thanks a lot iceroot.. | 08:58 |
DJones | test_user: Which version of Ubuntu do you have, you need to bear in mind that you have to upgrade version by version, so if you're using say 9.10, you'd need to upgrade to 10.04, then 10.10 etc, however if you've got 8.04 which is a long term support version you can upgrade direct to 10.04 which was the next LTS version | 08:58 |
c987 | well it looks like its not allowed to be a proxy server while on freenode :P | 09:01 |
c987 | im sharing internet on local computers tough proxy servers :D | 09:02 |
ajin | what does this simbol"./" before a shell script mean? | 09:04 |
c987 | current directory :P ? | 09:04 |
iceroot | ajin: execute it here | 09:05 |
ajin | please tell me the exact answer, i googled, but no answer showed | 09:05 |
c987 | windows internet sharing sucks :P | 09:05 |
jussi | ajin: if you run just "shellscript" it will look in your path for it, if you run "./shellscript" it will run it from the current directory | 09:06 |
exs | hi | 09:06 |
xmaz | Hello i just installed ubuntu as a virtual machine, but the internet connection doesnt work | 09:06 |
ajin | ok,thanks to all you nice guys | 09:06 |
ajin | i got it | 09:06 |
exs | i need help | 09:07 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | !ask | exs | 09:07 |
ubottu | exs: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 09:07 |
exs | how to disable anti aliasing in my browser? | 09:07 |
c987 | hehe usa stopped serving freedom. instead they started supporting good terrorists ? is that new ? or is it un ? | 09:08 |
MaRk-I | !ot | c987 | 09:08 |
ubottu | c987: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 09:08 |
c987 | ok MaRk-I | 09:09 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | i need help | 09:10 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | hello | 09:10 |
psycho_oreos | !ask| DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | 09:10 |
ubottu | DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 09:10 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | ok psycho_eoreos: my question is is somebody here who can help me ?? | 09:10 |
psycho_oreos | !help| DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | 09:11 |
ubottu | DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 09:11 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | so i need help | 09:11 |
syrinx_ | lol | 09:11 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | ok i put my question on noww | 09:11 |
psycho_oreos | blah same factoid | 09:11 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | i wanted to ask, is 11.04 stable noww | 09:11 |
syrinx_ | !natty | 09:11 |
ubottu | Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 09:11 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | i now its not released but | 09:12 |
=== gordon is now known as Guest11255 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | it is usuable yet ?? | 09:12 |
c987 | DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN its stable except unstable packages afaik :P | 09:12 |
psycho_oreos | its offtopic in this channel | 09:12 |
syrinx_ | c987: lol | 09:12 |
DNJDSJDSADSJDSAN | ok i go other | 09:12 |
=== ganesh is now known as Guest73605 |
spirals | awardspace recovered from the apparent rollback this morning, i didn't lose any data after all | 09:17 |
spirals | oops, that was meant for another channel | 09:17 |
luigi | ma ci sono? | 09:19 |
luigi | ahh | 09:19 |
ilyekkakai | I have a problem with audio file playback (all formats - mp3, ogg, etc.). When I try to play a file with rhythmbox or totem, the whole system gets sluggish and the mouse pointer jerks about the screen and there is no sound... UNTIL I move the scrubber along a second, then playback is normal and the mouse pointer and system retruns to normal speed... How do I fix this? | 09:20 |
ilyekkakai | also, VLC does not have the same problem I am getting with the other music players... | 09:23 |
=== DasEi is now known as Lector |
theos | hi! i have a sub-woofer in my laptop. how can i check if its working or not? i was here yesterday too. got some help. alsa isnt detecting it | 09:25 |
=== Lector is now known as DasEi |
ilyekkakai | HELP! Audio playback does not start unless I move the scrubber and then everything is normal. Does anyone else experience this? | 09:26 |
brontosaurusrex | One of your EBUconnect Awards 2011 submissions has been selected by the EBUconnect Awards 2011 pre-jury who met yesterday in Zurich: | 09:26 |
brontosaurusrex | HD on RTVslovenija Category 6: Best Use of AudioOne of your EBUconnect Awards 2011 submissions has been selected by the EBUconnect Awards 2011 pre-jury who met yesterday in Zurich: | 09:26 |
brontosaurusrex | ups | 09:26 |
brontosaurusrex | One of your EBUconnect Awards 2011 submissions has been selected by the EBUconnect Awards 2011 pre-jury who met yesterday in Zurich: | 09:26 |
ilyekkakai | My audio problem is in maverick 10.10 with Rhythmbox and totem movie player, but not VLC. Audio will not play in those players AT ALL unless I move the scrubber along a bit....... | 09:28 |
theos | what is scrubber? | 09:29 |
Chris^ | it scrubs | 09:29 |
=== Chris^ is now known as Guest51060 |
theos | :D | 09:30 |
Antonis | hello how do I complete remove the gnome panel? | 09:30 |
Antonis | or prevent it from starting? | 09:30 |
c987 | Antonis remove it from startup list ? | 09:30 |
gaizhi | who? | 09:30 |
Antonis | c987, I run ubuntu 10.10 and I don't want the gnome-panel (upper panel) to start when I log in to ubuntu | 09:30 |
c987 | install kde :P | 09:30 |
Antonis | lol no thanks :P | 09:30 |
gaizhi | so many people | 09:31 |
=== Guest51060 is now known as Chriscoe |
c987 | im using kde but newer editions are alot slower but still usable | 09:31 |
MaRk-I | Antonis: right-click select "remove this panel"? | 09:31 |
luigi | dfd | 09:32 |
Antonis | MaRk-I, that doesn't work with gnome-panel only on extra panels :\ | 09:33 |
Antonis | "Delete this panel" is disabled on the upper panel | 09:33 |
c987 | find its name and delete anyfolder wit similar name ie : rm *gnomepanel* -s -q :P | 09:35 |
c987 | or better go to apt or whatewer pkgmanager and remove gnome and anything about it , then reinstall it | 09:36 |
Antonis | c987, I don't want to break the whole gnome-desktop just prevent the panel from starting.. it really should be a better solution than that :\ | 09:37 |
theos | hi! i have a sub-woofer in my laptop. how can i check if its working or not? i was here yesterday too. got some help. alsa isnt detecting it | 09:37 |
ilyekkakai | theos.. scrubber/slider/the thingy that shows the progress of the song being played. | 09:37 |
theos | oh | 09:37 |
MaRk-I | Antonis: | 09:38 |
c987 | Antonis: what is this gnome panel hate for ayway ? if you like gnome you hawe to like its panel too :P | 09:38 |
theos | ilyekkakai, try this "speaker-test -c6 -l1 -twav" | 09:38 |
Antonis | c987, lol I love the panel and don't hate it at all, I just replaced it with AWN and it only takes space right now | 09:39 |
azm | does vlc have custom font size for subtitles please ? | 09:39 |
Antonis | MaRk-I, thanks I will take a look | 09:39 |
azm | and I dont mean the 'smaller-bigger' options | 09:39 |
pingveno | I'm trying to write a script that tests building some Arch Linux packages in 4 VM's on my laptop, which runs Ubuntu. I'm trying to decide which VM software to run. KVM and VirtualBox come to mind, but others may do. | 09:40 |
pingveno | Suggestions? | 09:40 |
ilyekkakai | theos, speakertest works fine. | 09:40 |
c987 | use ubuntu on livecd or cdimageonhd verisons :P | 09:40 |
theos | ilyekkakai, good then. what problem do you have now? | 09:41 |
c987 | they are faster and better then any vm afaik. | 09:41 |
pingveno | c987: Is that directed at me? | 09:41 |
c987 | pingveno :P | 09:42 |
ilyekkakai | same problem as when I came in here.. no audio will play at all in Rhythmbox or totem until I move the scrubber. If I do not move the scrubber there is silence and the whole system becomes sluggish and the mouse point moves around the screen in slow jerks | 09:42 |
pingveno | I can't test building Arch packages on an Ubuntu system... | 09:42 |
pingveno | Kinda difficult. :P | 09:42 |
c987 | qemu works fine on any stable or pkg-rich linuz | 09:43 |
pingveno | And scriptable? | 09:43 |
c987 | like what type of scritps ? | 09:43 |
ilyekkakai | I have to leave for work now, but I will leave the chat window open. | 09:44 |
ilyekkakai | If anyone knows how to fix my problem please leave me a message. | 09:44 |
pingveno | Snapshot, run something inside of the VM, shutdown VM, restore to snapshot | 09:44 |
ilyekkakai | My audio problem is in maverick 10.10 with Rhythmbox and totem movie player, but not VLC. Audio will not play in those players AT ALL unless I move the scrubber along a bit....... | 09:44 |
c987 | qemu has some command line options but im not sure about interactive commands . | 09:45 |
administrator | yyy] | 09:45 |
administrator | 下班了 | 09:45 |
pingveno | administrator: wrong window? | 09:45 |
=== administrator is now known as Guest67520 |
Antonis | thanks for helping guys! | 09:46 |
c987 | VirtualBox too works on ubuntu and i guess it supports what you said . | 09:46 |
MaRk-I | Antonis: that worked? | 09:46 |
Antonis | yeah I will log out now to see what happens when I log back in :P | 09:47 |
Antonis | brb | 09:47 |
c987 | there is a list of them | 09:47 |
MaRk-I | ok | 09:47 |
pingveno | I've used VirtualBox quite a bit before. Nice piece of software. | 09:47 |
anon1984_ | it turns out that evil command does cripple systems | 09:48 |
pingveno | One of my few complaints about VirtualBox: It's difficult to clone a machine. | 09:48 |
pingveno | machine/VM | 09:48 |
snookerboy | who can help me?? | 09:49 |
* pingveno -> sleep | 09:49 |
snookerboy | hi | 09:50 |
anon1984_ | anyone here experiencing a huge bug currently called 'Unity'? | 09:50 |
snookerboy | :) | 09:50 |
snookerboy | no | 09:50 |
c987 | unitiy ? | 09:50 |
theos | hi! i have a sub-woofer in my laptop. how can i check if its working or not? i was here yesterday too. got some help. alsa isnt detecting it | 09:51 |
anon1984_ | yeah unity, as in the DE in natty | 09:51 |
c987 | theos: play some audio files on knoppix, then check your ears :p | 09:51 |
theos | :| | 09:52 |
c987 | or if you want it the scenific way use some mp3 or somrthing that can record audio . and check the recorded file using graphical audiofile vievers :P | 09:53 |
anon1984_ | ok derious question here, anyone know why my g73 would freeze after the win7 login screen after booting live installation media? happens every time even if i don't make changes to my drives. | 09:54 |
=== fsarker_ is now known as faruq |
c987 | anon1984 : low battettery ? slov cpu / slow hd ? bad operating system kernel ? | 09:55 |
c987 | anon1984 : one or multiple of those imao :P | 09:55 |
anon1984_ | doubt it, it's always plugged in, i7 720 cpu and unsure if hdd is 5200 or 7200 rpm but that shouldnt affect it, model was only released last year, tried multiple distros (boot from livecd) and have installed ubuntu a few times so different kernels throughout the distros. just makes win7 freeze :\ | 09:58 |
anon1984_ | doesn't freeze if ubuntu is running though | 09:59 |
=== database is now known as databridge |
anon1984_ | would run ubuntu only but I use it for gaming and the sound drivers for it are horrible, can't get the built in sub to work at all in *buntu | 10:00 |
ljl69 | hi anyone here to help me to install an usb tnt stick? | 10:01 |
runa | hello\ | 10:01 |
andycc | ljl69, what's that? | 10:01 |
galaxyAbstractor | hey | 10:02 |
cavej03 | hi guys i want ubuntu to automatically login and unlock the keyring (basically for remote desktop as it is a home theater pc) can someone help me to make sure its fully automatic | 10:03 |
galaxyAbstractor | Does anyone know where I can get "libqtwebkit4" for ubuntu 10.04? | 10:03 |
Fleck | !pulseaudio | Fleck | 10:03 |
ubottu | Fleck, please see my private message | 10:03 |
runa | | 10:05 |
runa | for libqtwebkit4 for ubuntu | 10:05 |
MaRk-I | cavej03: just set it for auto login and in remote desktop sharing disable "security" | 10:05 |
=== wwwyzzerdd is now known as durrrrrrrrr |
Heroin | how do i move all files to another directory, expect one folder called old? mv * old/version1 doesnt work | 10:05 |
test | slt | 10:06 |
test | lu | 10:06 |
Heroin | how do i move all files to another directory, expect one folder called old? mv * old/version1 doesnt work | 10:06 |
c987-1 | anon1984 : thry installing xp . | 10:07 |
c987-1 | wind7 needs minimun 2G ram etc. | 10:07 |
anon1984_ | I have 6gb RAM | 10:07 |
cavej03 | MaRk-I, will that mean it will work stright away without any problems | 10:07 |
galaxyAbstractor | runa: They require dependensies that I cannot find | 10:07 |
galaxyAbstractor | | 10:07 |
c987-1 | if its installation screen its possible to install cd to be broken. | 10:08 |
MaRk-I | cavej03: what will work straight away? | 10:08 |
cavej03 | MaRk-I, remote desktop | 10:08 |
runa | mkdir ../old | 10:08 |
cavej03 | MaRk-I, doesn't ask for keyring at all? | 10:08 |
runa | mv * ../old | 10:08 |
=== mohammed is now known as Guest53640 |
MaRk-I | cavej03: if you select to ask for passord it will ask.... | 10:09 |
c987-1 | or if hd is formatted bad/wrong way win7 freezes at somewhere on install screen afaik | 10:09 |
cavej03 | MaRk-I, ok Thanks heaps | 10:09 |
MadCarburetor | Hi | 10:09 |
MaRk-I | cavej03: just uncheck everything in the "security" section | 10:09 |
MadCarburetor | I just installed 11.04, How do i find out which unity i have? the 2d version or the normal | 10:10 |
runa | mkdir ../old;mv * ../old/ | 10:10 |
MaRk-I | MadCarburetor: ask in #ubuntu+1 for natty | 10:10 |
anon1984_ | will test xp when i manage to image my win7 installation again, gotta image it before even booting a distro so i can restore it. win7 runs great until i boot a distro. have dual booted on plenty of other machines without the issue | 10:10 |
cavej03 | ok and I have one other question, how can i add a service to automatically start on boot "service dvbhdhomerun-utils start" is the service | 10:10 |
mehdi | hey guys can u introduce me a good video convertor? | 10:10 |
galaxyAbstractor | I found the libqt4-declarative_4.7.0-0ubuntu2~lucid1~ppa1_amd64.deb, but that requires a whole lot of dependencies too | 10:11 |
runa | because you are trying to move directory to itself | 10:11 |
galaxyAbstractor | is there some way I could download everything automatically and install them all at once? | 10:11 |
jozefk | do we have pdfimages command in liveCD? | 10:11 |
MaRk-I | cavej03: not sure on that, System >Preferences> startup applications ? | 10:11 |
galaxyAbstractor | I bet that if I get one of the new dependencies, I'll get even more dependencies to hunt down | 10:11 |
cavej03 | MaRk-I, Ok thanks heaps, I shouldn't be so lazy and google it just been setting up xbmc with pvr support and that took a lot of brain power LOL | 10:12 |
iflema | anon1984_: try poweroff and back on *NOT* resart = same result ?!?!?!? | 10:12 |
MaRk-I | cavej03: it's ok yw and good luck | 10:13 |
cavej03 | MaRk-I, Thanks again goodnight. | 10:13 |
anon1984_ | actually have to give that a try after doing a system image, would try booting a nix distro right now but I have about 100GB of steam games i need to backup, what's the power off and power on thing do? clear partitions or something? | 10:15 |
anon1984_ | wait, have had to hard power off from the lockup before and it still freezes after login | 10:15 |
=== runa is now known as runabarik |
anon1984_ | not before as in today but the last time i ran live installation media or dual booted | 10:17 |
runabarik | hello | 10:19 |
ocool | tell me how control bandwidth of squid to users? | 10:21 |
runtian | hello | 10:21 |
runtian | word | 10:21 |
runtian | 中文 | 10:22 |
vish | !cn | runtian | 10:22 |
ubottu | runtian: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk | 10:22 |
g0rby | hello, i have an 11.0.4 box that i can see remotely as i left dmz running on my router, is there any remote service that i can access after the default install even though i forgot to configure ssh etc? :) | 10:23 |
gardar | g0rby: nope, you have to enable ssh or vnc | 10:24 |
Cradam-ram | to all the newbs who think you need root | 10:24 |
Cradam-ram | | 10:24 |
Cradam-ram | *need sudo | 10:24 |
vish | !11.04 | g0rby | 10:25 |
ubottu | g0rby: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 10:25 |
g0rby | ah pardon, i opened but clicked back her eby mistake =/ | 10:25 |
_pingu | Does somebody have advice? | 10:25 |
* runtian haha | 10:25 |
runtian | you | 10:26 |
Cradam-ram | to all the newbs who think sudo is king | 10:27 |
MaRk-I | Cradam-ram: please stop spamming | 10:27 |
Cradam-ram | ahh someone noticed my link | 10:28 |
iflema | !who | anon1984_ | 10:30 |
ubottu | anon1984_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 10:30 |
iflema | !tab | anon1984_ | 10:31 |
ubottu | anon1984_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 10:31 |
* iflema :S | 10:31 |
theos | hi! i have a sub-woofer in my laptop. how can i check if its working or not? i was here yesterday too. got some help. alsa isnt detecting it | 10:37 |
theos | or is there any way to not use alsa and use pulseaudio only? | 10:37 |
MaRk-I | pulseaudio runs on top of alsa | 10:38 |
gnb | I edited /etc/motd. What should I restart for the changes to take effect? | 10:39 |
theos | :( | 10:39 |
raven_ | 10.10 where is the pulseaudio manager? | 10:39 |
MaRk-I | raven_: press alt+F2 type paman | 10:43 |
root | hi | 10:44 |
=== root is now known as Guest18686 |
theos | halp with subwoofer? :( | 10:47 |
tuhin | theos: what happened to subwoofer | 10:49 |
theos | tuhin, how to test if its working or not? | 10:49 |
tuhin | which tool/packages r the BEST in keeping laptop cool? (throttle down to 400-600 MHz) In windows i used notebook hardware control which can throttle down to 130Mhz | 10:49 |
tuhin | play music in stereo and surround mode | 10:50 |
theos | tuhin, how? how to just get output from woofer only? | 10:50 |
tuhin | use equalizer in any music player software and turn down all mid to highg frequency | 10:51 |
tuhin | 500 Hz and up +turn down | 10:51 |
tuhin | less than 500 Hz = tur up and see | 10:52 |
tuhin | turn* | 10:52 |
theos | hmm i tried but other speakers are sounding too | 10:52 |
Oppe | Hello, can i install php5.2.* by using commands like yum or apt-get etc. ? I tried and they always install the php5.3.* version. any clue? | 10:53 |
tuhin | theos: u should hear bass loud if u set eqalizer that way | 10:54 |
ikonia | Oppe: 5.3 is the default ubuntu version | 10:54 |
theos | tuhin, yes i hear bass loud. but its coming out of other speakers | 10:54 |
tuhin | ikonia: which tool/packages r the BEST in keeping laptop cool? (throttle down to 400-600 MHz) In windows i used notebook hardware control which can throttle down to 130Mhz | 10:54 |
ikonia | tuhin: no idea | 10:55 |
tuhin | then turn down all EQ from 150Hz and upwards | 10:55 |
Oppe | ikonia: is there way to change that? cause several of my software don't work on 5.3 | 10:55 |
tuhin | 150Hz to 20 KHz= turn down eq | 10:55 |
ikonia | Oppe: it will depend on the version of ubuntu you're using, but I doubt there will be 5.2 packages for modern versions, which ubuntu version are you using ? | 10:56 |
Camer0n | hello, how do I defrag a windows drive in ubuntu? | 10:56 |
=== xiambax_ is now known as xiambax |
theos | tuhin, you can install cpufreq-selector. and control the cpu frequency with a shell script the way i do | 10:57 |
Camer0n | *or windows partition | 10:57 |
researcher123 | do we have a online meeting software for Ubuntu? | 10:58 |
tuhin | theos: cant find cpufreq-selector in synaptic | 10:58 |
theos | tuhin, you can take my script if you want. need to install some stuff before that | 10:58 |
Oppe | ikonia: 2.6.35-28-generic (10.10 maverick) | 10:58 |
tuhin | theos: tell me what i have to do | 10:59 |
ikonia | Oppe: let me see if I can find anything | 10:59 |
theos | tuhin, just a min | 10:59 |
freaky[t] | hm, what is a good alternative to ubuntu? | 10:59 |
Camer0n | anyone? | 11:00 |
theos | !ot | freaky[t] | 11:00 |
ubottu | freaky[t]: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 11:00 |
Camer0n | how do I defrag a windows drive or partition in ubuntu? | 11:00 |
ikonia | Camer0n: you don't | 11:01 |
Camer0n | oh? | 11:01 |
theos | i dont think ubuntu needs defraging | 11:01 |
Camer0n | I was told you could | 11:01 |
ikonia | Camer0n: you sholdn't | 11:01 |
Camer0n | hmm | 11:01 |
Camer0n | well i'll have to go and boot back into windows, bye! | 11:01 |
Camer0n | Thanks!! | 11:01 |
theos | tuhin, this is the man page. but i forgot how i installed it. | 11:02 |
tuhin | CPU[-Dual core Intel Core Duo T2500 (-MCP-) clocked at 2000.000 Mhz-] Kernel[-2.6.35-22-generic i686-] Up[-1:09-] Mem[-539.8/3022.4MB-] HDD[-160.0GB(18.9% used)-] Procs[-198-] Client[-X-Chat 2.8.8-] inxi[-1.4.12-] | 11:03 |
tuhin | theos: run /exec -o inxi | 11:03 |
theos | why | 11:03 |
tuhin | so see ur CPu | 11:03 |
ikonia | Oppe: can't find any official packages maybe a 3rd party package exists though | 11:04 |
tuhin | so i can see ur cpu* | 11:04 |
theos | i think that package is already installed. try using terminal and typing cpufreq=selector | 11:04 |
tuhin | Failed to acquire org.gnome.CPUFreqSelector: Connection ":1.61" is not allowed to own the service "org.gnome.CPUFreqSelector" due to security policies in the configuration file | 11:05 |
MaRk-I | tuhin: right-click the panel select "add to panel", search for cpu scaling monitor | 11:05 |
tuhin | i installed cpufreqd (2.4.2-1) libapm1 (3.2.2-14) sleepd (2.01) yesterday and now my cpu is always at full 2GHz | 11:06 |
researcher123 | is there a web conferencing tool for Ubuntu users? | 11:06 |
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC |
tuhin | MaRk-I: CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor 2.30.0 is no longer working | 11:06 |
tuhin | its running at fixed 2Ghz | 11:06 |
theos | tuhin, i think your command /exec -o inxi fusked it up :/ because mine is broked too | 11:07 |
MaRk-I | tuhin: you right click the icon and select preferences, or just click and select the desired cpu speed | 11:07 |
tuhin | i have that added in panel for months | 11:07 |
tuhin | it used to go at 1Ghz when i select power save | 11:07 |
Toiletbowl | :) | 11:08 |
tuhin | but now it alwasy runs at 2Ghz | 11:08 |
theos | what does /exec -o inxi do? | 11:08 |
tuhin | i installed cpufreqd (2.4.2-1) libapm1 (3.2.2-14) sleepd (2.01) yesterday and now my cpu is always at full 2GHz | 11:08 |
tuhin | CPU[-Dual core Intel Core Duo T2500 (-MCP-) clocked at 2000.000 Mhz-] Kernel[-2.6.35-22-generic i686-] Up[-1:14-] Mem[-542.1/3022.4MB-] HDD[-160.0GB(18.9% used)-] Procs[-198-] Client[-X-Chat 2.8.8-] inxi[-1.4.12-] | 11:08 |
tuhin | i just did /exec -o inxi | 11:08 |
kNightWolf | Is there a way to restore files if you deleted them accidentally? | 11:08 |
theos | doesnt work for me. and it borked the cpufreq-selector :/ | 11:09 |
theos | kNightWolf, see in trash can or install testdisk to recover | 11:09 |
tuhin | ok , u can run inxi in terminal and see | 11:09 |
tuhin | theos: what cpu u have? | 11:09 |
Oppe | ikonia: thx | 11:09 |
theos | tuhin, p8800 | 11:10 |
tuhin | P8800 cpu ? what is that | 11:11 |
phoenixsampras | maverick = 10.10 ? | 11:13 |
Ben64 | !maverick | 11:14 |
tuhin | yes | 11:14 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download - Release Info: | 11:14 |
=== persona is now known as PersonABC |
victor__ | Hi, is there an official guideline for compiling a customized kernel? | 11:15 |
_zoom_ | hi, what is the name of rtp lib? | 11:15 |
theos | *sigh* i updated and now freq selector aint working | 11:15 |
victor_____ | Hi. Is there an official guideline for compiling a customized kernel? | 11:17 |
tuhin | theos: what does is ur cpu in "system monitor" > System tab? | 11:17 |
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe |
theos | tuhin, i have p8800 processor | 11:18 |
tuhin | ok its a Core 2 Duo notebook cpu | 11:20 |
tuhin | mine is Core Duo T2500 2GHz | 11:20 |
theos | o | 11:20 |
_zoom_ | victor_____: make menuconfig | 11:21 |
tuhin | how low ur cpu can run theos ?? | 11:21 |
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK |
theos | tuhin, till 800mhz. my script controls it. i have sensors to measure the temp pf both cores | 11:22 |
tuhin | my 2GHz couldnt go below 1GHz while CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor were working | 11:22 |
Semjase | Hi. can somebody help me with blocking persistent attacks and monitoring on my pc. i alredy shifted to ubuntu 10.10 but the monitoring still persists. pls. help | 11:23 |
theos | Semjase, how do you think you are being monitored? which way | 11:23 |
tuhin | theos: CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor and Cpufreq selector both made by same guy | 11:23 |
xmaz | Semjase: change your ssh port to a 4 digit number, it helps | 11:24 |
victor_____ | _zoom_: make menuconfig make: *** No rule to make target `menuconfig'. Stop. | 11:24 |
Semjase | theos, the guy keeps on closing my browser and turning the ubuntu and pc off all the time | 11:24 |
xmaz | you probably have vnc installed? | 11:24 |
theos | Semjase, you have a remote controller intalled | 11:25 |
_zoom_1 | victor_____: cd /usr/src/kernel-sources | 11:25 |
_zoom_1 | then make menuconfig | 11:25 |
Semjase | does a linksys router help block the attacks? cos i am already under a router but the attacks doesnt stop :( | 11:25 |
Semjase | theos, what is a remote controller? | 11:25 |
theos | Semjase, its not an attack i guess. | 11:25 |
xmaz | semjase: this arent atacks, you have enabled a remote controller, you need to disable that | 11:25 |
Toiletbowl | semjase limit the ack, flags etc etc | 11:25 |
theos | hmm remote screen viewing | 11:25 |
syrinx_ | Toiletbowl: ... | 11:26 |
Semjase | how do i disable remote controll | 11:26 |
victor_____ | _zoom_1: there is no such directory. | 11:26 |
_zoom_1 | victor_____: you didnt download sources from | 11:26 |
_zoom_1 | ? | 11:26 |
theos | Semjase, whose pc is it? did you install a remote desktop controlling software like teamviewer? | 11:26 |
devtop | Hello | 11:27 |
Toiletbowl | the problem teamviers use port 443 | 11:27 |
Semjase | theos, i didnt installed teamviewer | 11:27 |
theos | Semjase, you can see what apps are running in the processes tab of system monitor | 11:27 |
Semjase | i installed wine but i only installed yahoo messenger to run it | 11:27 |
Semjase | i dont know when this monitoring will end. it annoys me and my privacy is at stake | 11:28 |
victor_____ | _zoom_1: Is kernel-compiling a real dangerous task? Can i fall back to the old kernel it something goes wrong? | 11:28 |
theos | Semjase, you probably have a remote desktop viewing software installed on your system | 11:28 |
Semjase | semjase, like what? i just recently reformatted my pc to ubuntu 10.10 but it didnt stop still | 11:29 |
Toiletbowl | semjase in windows u can monitor using netstat but i think in linux tcpdump im not sure | 11:29 |
theos | Semjase, go to menu>internet> and see if there is a software which you didnt install | 11:29 |
kkc | Hi | 11:29 |
Semjase | i think i had a remote desktop controlling in my ubuntu i noticed it a while ago | 11:30 |
Semjase | but does it come with ubuntu 10.10? | 11:30 |
theos | Semjase, yes it does. but it has to be configured before it can be used. looks like someone else configured it . you can open it and stop sharing | 11:30 |
Semjase | i didnt install anything except docky and chrome but i didnt install remote desktop. | 11:30 |
Semjase | theos, like how was it configured? i was the only one using my pc | 11:31 |
theos | Semjase, your friend or family member used it while you werent there? behind your back maybe. else your pc has rootkits. did you buy a used pc? | 11:32 |
Semjase | if it wasnt me who configured and im 1000% sure i was the only one using my pc. | 11:32 |
Semjase | my pc is new | 11:32 |
Toiletbowl | i think someone using bootnet here my router automatically ban this IP | 11:32 |
Semjase | and i installed ubuntu yesterday and just now still the monitoring doesnd stop | 11:32 |
theos | Semjase, what makes you think that its being monitored? any error msgs or notices? | 11:33 |
nerker | How do I disable the firewall in ubuntu 10.10 | 11:33 |
Semjase | theos, i watched a random youtube video and suddenly my chrome browser just dissappeared then he opens it again then when i watch video he redirects the youtube to another video etc | 11:34 |
F_S | All greetings! Help with such problem, I do multiseat on ubuntu 10.04 with usage ConsoleKit... in log "WARNING: Failed to acquire org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit | 11:34 |
F_S | WARNING: Could not acquire name; bailing out" How to solve a problem? Somebody faced the such? | 11:34 |
tuhin | Semjase: go to Menu>Preference>Remote Desktop and Disable the 1st option | 11:34 |
* Toiletbowl slaps Semjase around a bit with a large trout | 11:35 |
valium | hey all - can anyone recommend a command line tool that can accurately check the disk health of a *USB* connected disk? (other than smartmontools) | 11:36 |
kesor | If i install Xfce or others will i still be able to choose to GNOME at login screen? | 11:37 |
valium | kesor - yes | 11:37 |
kesor | cool | 11:37 |
kesor | thx | 11:37 |
CarlFK | hp laptop, getting pretty hot - how do I turn all the fans to max? | 11:41 |
tuhin | CarlFK: maybe u r looking for throttling down the cpu to keep it cool | 11:42 |
CarlFK | tuhin: that would make me sad | 11:42 |
inner | Hi, i unfortunately forget the command, but anyone knows which command show the nicklist in the irssi? | 11:42 |
tuhin | why CarlFK ? making the fan alwasy run full speed will kill the fans | 11:43 |
tuhin | 2 laptop fans died on me!!! its costly to replace laptop fans | 11:43 |
Nakkel | Im installing 10.10 and the installer hangs on keyboard selection, is there any way to force it to continue or do I just retry from start? | 11:43 |
Toiletbowl | how many years that laptop? | 11:44 |
hal | what is the difference between the kernel parameters, acpi=off and noacpi please? | 11:44 |
CarlFK | tuhin: im encoding some videos - I don't mind maxing the fans for a bit - I don't do it that often | 11:46 |
CarlFK | my guess is they are maxed now - I just want to make sure | 11:46 |
CarlFK | tuhin: what kind of laptop? | 11:47 |
tuhin | Lenovo T60p | 11:47 |
bullgard4 | /var/log/kern.log: "ath5k phy0: failed to warm reset the MAC Chip." /var/log/kern.log: "ath5k phy0: can't reset hardware (-5)". -- Do I need to care? | 11:48 |
tuhin | 2 fans died in Thinkpad T42 | 11:48 |
Toiletbowl | do u check inside so dusty? | 11:48 |
theos | its bad to make use of full processing power or your cores. use the minimum you can to increase its life | 11:48 |
tuhin | T60p fans didn't die , but i m fearing they will fail | 11:48 |
theos | of* | 11:49 |
bullgard4 | Nakkel: I would retry from start. | 11:49 |
Bundestrojaner | hello | 11:52 |
Bundestrojaner | has anyone here ever tried ubuntu or debian on android-phones? | 11:52 |
Diamondcite | You might be limited in some of your application choices since Android phones use ARM processors instead of x86 compatible ones. | 11:53 |
bullgard4 | Bundestrojaner: Some people in #ubuntu-de-offtopic did it. | 11:54 |
PhoenixSTF | Bundestrojaner, well but debian has got a version for phones and small devices | 11:54 |
andycc | Bundestrojaner, I recall you can install Ubuntu on some HTC phones (Rhodium?) | 11:55 |
Diamondcite | For that matter.. I don't think Ubuntu HAS an ARM version. | 11:55 |
andycc | (not Android phones, WM ones) | 11:55 |
Bundestrojaner | i have a few questions how it works... | 11:55 |
Bundestrojaner | first, is debian/ubuntu using the android-kernel? | 11:55 |
Bundestrojaner | or an own kernel running on the htc-phones | 11:56 |
andycc | Bundestrojaner, I believe #htc-linux is a better place to ask this... | 11:56 |
Toiletbowl | androis is uding UNIX dude | 11:57 |
=== toto is now known as Guest18481 |
PhoenixSTF | Bundestrojaner, what you want is this | 11:57 |
=== Guest18481 is now known as burntoto |
PhoenixSTF | Bundestrojaner, enjoy :) | 11:57 |
burntoto | guys, i d like ot install Xnest... which package is it? | 11:58 |
Bundestrojaner | andycc: thx! i really searched for an IRC-channel but pidgin's search in roomlists is really retarded :( | 11:58 |
theos | :) | 11:58 |
Bundestrojaner | so i asked in the biggest linux-channels | 11:58 |
Bundestrojaner | thx for help guys :) | 11:58 |
andycc | burntoto: I hear Xephyr is recommended over Xnest. | 11:58 |
DJones | Bundestrojaner: Thee are things like this on youtube as well showing a nexus one running ubuntu | 11:59 |
Toiletbowl | anyone here using beta ? hows the performance? | 11:59 |
andycc | burntoto, anyway, Xnest is provided by the "xnest" package. | 11:59 |
Bundestrojaner | it's very nice it's possible to run linux on phones :) | 12:00 |
Bundestrojaner | my big hope was Symbian with QT-support, but they deal with the devil now^^ | 12:00 |
burntoto | andycc, ok great | 12:00 |
burntoto | i ll try both | 12:01 |
ajah | i want ot install vlc-player on my other machine (running on ubuntu ) but the machine is has not i-net connection can someone tell me how to do that | 12:01 |
Bundestrojaner | ajah: there's a possibility to create a wget-script | 12:02 |
ilyekkakai | HELP! Audio playback does not start unless I move the scrubber and then everything is normal. Does anyone else experience this? | 12:02 |
ilyekkakai | My audio problem is in maverick 10.10 with Rhythmbox and totem movie player, but not VLC. Audio will not play in those players AT ALL unless I move the scrubber along a bit....... | 12:02 |
Bundestrojaner | run it on the machine with inet-connection and you'll get all needed packages | 12:02 |
MaRk-I | !offline | ajah | 12:03 |
ubottu | ajah: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try - See also !APTonCD | 12:03 |
ajah | Bundestrojaner, how to create this wget-script | 12:03 |
burntoto | andycc, /usr/bin/X11/Xnest -query computer-node-name -geometry 1280x1024 :1 what should i put in computer-node-name? | 12:03 |
Bundestrojaner | i think it was a parameter of apt-get | 12:04 |
Bundestrojaner | i don't remember exactly | 12:04 |
vak | hi all | 12:04 |
vak | Does mdadm really double read performance for RAID1 ? | 12:04 |
Bundestrojaner | ajah: maybe the guis also provide that function, if not check man apt-get | 12:05 |
andycc | burntoto, no idea, I never used that option. | 12:05 |
exs | hi | 12:06 |
exs | can u say me when gnome 3 is released in ubuntu? | 12:06 |
andycc | !gnome3 | exs | 12:07 |
exs | iam wating | 12:07 |
andycc | Er. | 12:07 |
andycc | !natty | exs | 12:07 |
ubottu | exs: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 12:07 |
exs | andycc: ok thank you. when is ubuntu 11.04 stable? | 12:08 |
yuskhanzab | April 28 2011 | 12:08 |
theos | any way i can check if my subwoofer is working or not? | 12:08 |
dcorbin_wk | On Ubuntu 9, which file specifies the X server? | 12:08 |
milligan | Does the ubuntu live-cd automatically shut down after x minutes inactive? I had a session running backing up some data from a windows disk .. and when I come back, the machine has shut down (the window says eject disc etc. Hitting return shuts down). | 12:09 |
milligan | If so is the case, how can I disable the shutdown feature? | 12:10 |
CarlFK | ajah: on a net connected box, synaptic package manager, select vlc, file, generate package download script | 12:10 |
linux | hello | 12:10 |
exs | but does ubuntu 11.04 integrates gnome 3? cause i dont see any information about that | 12:11 |
MaRk-I | exs: ask in #ubuntu+1 | 12:11 |
ajah | CarlFK, i`ve already do this but the file is 10kb? | 12:11 |
Barzogh | exs no it does not | 12:11 |
CptAnon | Who here thinks linux is going to beat windows? | 12:12 |
linux | he | 12:12 |
exs | Barzogh: lol that was my first question. i want to get to know when ubuntu integrates gnome 3 | 12:12 |
linux | hello | 12:12 |
LjL | !ot | CptAnon | 12:12 |
ubottu | CptAnon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 12:12 |
exs | !gnome | 12:12 |
ubottu | GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal. | 12:12 |
Barzogh | in the future version exs | 12:12 |
exs | !gnome3 | 12:12 |
linux | i dont know | 12:12 |
LjL | exs: it doesn't | 12:12 |
exs | but when? | 12:13 |
LjL | exs: there is a GNOME 3 PPA i believe, but it's dangerous to use i also believe | 12:13 |
ajah | CarlFK, 104 bytes how can be this package of vlc? | 12:13 |
exs | i thoug gnome3 is stable yet | 12:13 |
teemo | cool, i just got a triple boot system setup :) windows, mac sl, ubuntu | 12:13 |
LjL | exs: maybe, but that doesn't mean the Ubuntu packaging for it is stable | 12:13 |
CarlFK | ajah: it is a script to get the files you need. look at it, it will make sense | 12:13 |
teemo | all booting with grub2, now t customize my grub2 boot screen :) | 12:14 |
ajah | CarlFK, aaa my mistake i saw wget ... | 12:14 |
theos | its weird how any one can get ubuntu as a nick :/ | 12:15 |
qiang | ghgh | 12:16 |
theos | !cn | qiang | 12:16 |
ubottu | qiang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk | 12:16 |
qiang | heh | 12:16 |
theos | :) | 12:17 |
tuhin | where can i find a linux kernel guru? | 12:17 |
theos | anybody halp me with the subwoofer :( | 12:17 |
erUSUL | !anyone | tuhin | 12:17 |
ubottu | tuhin: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 12:17 |
theos | LFE does sound. but i dont think its coming out of the woofer | 12:17 |
ilyekkakai | I have a problem with audio file playback (all formats - mp3, ogg, etc.). When I try to play a file with rhythmbox or totem, the whole system gets sluggish and the mouse pointer jerks about the screen and there is no sound... UNTIL I move the scrubber along a second, then playback is normal and the mouse pointer and system retruns to normal speed... How do I fix this? | 12:18 |
bullgard4 | /var/log/kern.log: "ath5k phy0: failed to warm reset the MAC Chip." /var/log/kern.log: "ath5k phy0: can't reset hardware (-5)". -- Do I need to care? | 12:18 |
tuhin | how to make the .35 kernel use speed step-centrino power saving ? | 12:19 |
erUSUL | bullgard4: hard to tell may be a kernel bug or a buggy bios... you can try newer drivers --> « sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-$(lsb_release -cs)-generic » | 12:20 |
coz_ | tuhin, mmm you got me on that one... not sure | 12:20 |
coz_ | tuhin, however,,, if no one here knows you could also try the ##linux channel | 12:20 |
bullgard4 | ilyekkakai: This should reflect in /var/log/syslog. | 12:20 |
tuhin | ok | 12:20 |
coz_ | ilyekkakai, you already have all of the codecs installed... yes? | 12:21 |
zoza | hello anyone know how to get visualboyadvance working | 12:21 |
coz_ | zoza, first i will have to google that one | 12:21 |
zoza | seems like theres sound issues... | 12:22 |
ilyekkakai | coz_, yes. Once the audio starts, playback is normal.... And VLC shows no signs of the problem at all. | 12:22 |
bullgard4 | erUSUL: Until 8 days ago I had no wireless problems. I do not know I will have them now. I did not carry this computer with me since to another wireless location. | 12:22 |
coz_ | ilyekkakai, mm thats odd... I havent tried rhythmbox on natty yet | 12:22 |
erUSUL | ilyekkakai: nothing in dmesg after the problem occurs? | 12:23 |
ilyekkakai | bullgard4, there is a lot of stuff in the syslog about audio but it all means nothing to me. | 12:23 |
erUSUL | tuhin: "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and "sudo cpufreq-info" output may be of help | 12:24 |
erUSUL | !paste | tuhin | 12:24 |
ubottu | tuhin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 12:24 |
coz_ | zoza, which version is this? | 12:24 |
bullgard4 | ilyekkakai: Using Linux means learning every day something new. | 12:24 |
korsakoff_ | Hi all, i'm a completely noob of ubuntu and still trying to install ubuntu on a computer's friend. There is any channel i can join in order to ask for help? | 12:24 |
erUSUL | korsakoff_: this one | 12:24 |
korsakoff_ | cool :) | 12:24 |
=== breadbox_ is now known as breadbox |
zoza | coz_, 1.8.0 | 12:24 |
zoza | from the repos | 12:25 |
tonysan | How do I change the "taskbar" position to the bottom in 11.04? | 12:25 |
iceroot | korsakoff_: what is the current problem? | 12:25 |
iceroot | tonysan: #ubuntu+1 | 12:25 |
bazhang | tonysan, #ubuntu+1 please | 12:25 |
coz_ | zoza, mm then I am not sure ,,, I dont even know , other than google,, where to go for support with this | 12:25 |
tonysan | thanks, joining | 12:26 |
ilyekkakai | erUSUL, I see lots of meaningless gibberish in dmesg when I initiate the problem. | 12:27 |
korsakoff_ | my problem is i'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on a notebook, but when tryng it gets black. The installation CD is ok 'coz i've tried on my own pc and it's work. So i figured out it's because of the video card (is a via chrome9) | 12:27 |
erUSUL | ilyekkakai: well the last 50 lines or so after you suffered the problem could be enough | 12:27 |
erUSUL | ilyekkakai: "dmesg | tail -n50" | 12:28 |
tuhin | erUSUL: | 12:28 |
ajah | i`m using wicd instead network but i have problem joining wireless networks (can`t assign me ip ) so can anyone tell me how to join wireless network from terminal | 12:30 |
korsakoff_ | i read on forums that with the alternate CD i could be able to install ubuntu and then to install the drivers. But i'm not quite sure this is the solution and if shouldn't work there would be no coming back | 12:30 |
ajah | network managet* | 12:30 |
ajah | network manager* | 12:30 |
bluethundr_ | /msg nickserv identify localG30rg3T0wn | 12:30 |
erUSUL | tuhin: well for some odd reason the cpufreq system thinks that it can only work at 2 GHZ even one there are other freqs aviable ... | 12:30 |
erUSUL | tuhin: maybe some config in the bios? | 12:31 |
tuhin | noo | 12:31 |
tuhin | i installed some packages to better power save | 12:31 |
MaRk-I | bluethundr_: you should do that in the server window instead | 12:31 |
tuhin | and now its alwasy runnign at 2GHz :( | 12:31 |
bluethundr_ | heh .. yep accidental space caused a security breach | 12:32 |
erUSUL | tuhin: it says available frequency steps: 2.00 GHz, 1.67 GHz, 1.33 GHz, 1000 MHz but then it says "current policy: frequency should be within 2.00 GHz and 2.00 GHz." | 12:32 |
erUSUL | tuhin: weird... i would try with the ondemand governor | 12:32 |
zib_ | whats this | 12:32 |
terry | ilyekkakai: Try running top, (maybe from a ssh session from another machine), while reproducing the problem, and see what is hogging up resources. | 12:32 |
tuhin | CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor 2.30 is not working :( | 12:32 |
korsakoff_ | no one? :) | 12:33 |
giu | hi korsakoff_ | 12:33 |
tuhin | those packages broke ondemand (which i used to use most time and Powersaving) | 12:33 |
korsakoff_ | hi giu | 12:33 |
erUSUL | tuhin: sudo cpufreq-set --governor ondemand | 12:33 |
erUSUL | tuhin: or using the cpugreq applet | 12:33 |
erUSUL | tuhin: uninstall it then | 12:34 |
tuhin | erUSUL: how to restart pm applet? | 12:34 |
tuhin | i uninstalled the packages which broke it | 12:34 |
erUSUL | FYI it works here | 12:34 |
ilyekkakai | erUSUL, I checked the tail of dmesg before and after making the problem occur, and there was no change in dmesg. | 12:34 |
erUSUL | tuhin: use the command line tool then | 12:35 |
erUSUL | ilyekkakai: :/ | 12:35 |
erUSUL | ilyekkakai: so still we have not clue of what is happening ... | 12:35 |
ilyekkakai | terry, what is "top"? | 12:35 |
tuhin | that command didnt work | 12:35 |
erUSUL | tuhin: it did not change the governor used? | 12:35 |
tuhin | nop | 12:35 |
erUSUL | tuhin: check cpufreq-info output | 12:35 |
terry | ilyekkakai: top is an application that display Linux tasks | 12:36 |
tuhin | current policy: frequency should be within 2.00 GHz and 2.00 GHz. | 12:36 |
terry | ilyekkakai: and tells how many cpu cycles are used by each task. It puts the high users at top. | 12:36 |
terry | ilyekkakai: Run top and see what it does. | 12:37 |
qiang | hello | 12:37 |
python | It does nothing | 12:37 |
terry | ilyekkakai: recreate the problem and note the change in real time. | 12:37 |
erUSUL | tuhin: so freq scaling worked at some point; you installed some packages and stooped working? | 12:38 |
tuhin | yes | 12:38 |
tuhin | i installed laptop-mode-tools | 12:39 |
terry | ilyekkakai: If the system becomes un-responsive, it would be best to have top running from another PC. | 12:39 |
erUSUL | tuhin: only that? | 12:40 |
ilyekkakai | terry, like running system monitor but from a different PC? I have another PC. Is top in the repos? | 12:40 |
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tuhin | that thing removes suspend and hybernet | 12:40 |
tuhin | so i removed laptop mode tools | 12:40 |
terry | ilyekkakai: Probably already installed. | 12:40 |
tuhin | but cpu governor was still working | 12:41 |
tuhin | then removed laptop mode tools and installed "cpufreqd , libapm1 , sleepd" then cpu governor stopped working | 12:41 |
tuhin | by cpu governor i mean = CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor 2.30 | 12:41 |
erUSUL | tuhin: remove cpufreqd | 12:41 |
ilyekkakai | terry, ok.. looks like it is. How do I make it display what the other computer is doing? | 12:42 |
erUSUL | tuhin: provably the culprit | 12:42 |
erUSUL | tuhin: probably the culprit | 12:42 |
tuhin | i removed those 3 today | 12:42 |
tuhin | installed pm-utils | 12:42 |
tuhin | and suspend+hybernate is back | 12:42 |
tuhin | but cpu governor is broke | 12:42 |
erUSUL | tuhin: acpid ? | 12:43 |
tuhin | acpid is installed | 12:43 |
terry | ilyekkakai: ssh into the effected machine, run top, return to the effected machine, start vlc or what ever it takes to re-create the problem, go to other pc's monitor and note the change. | 12:43 |
De|ta | hi guys, why might an hd not spin down after hdparm -y /dev/sda1 ? drive is a samsung spinpoint F1 with an NTFS partition on it | 12:43 |
tuhin | acpi-support is installed too | 12:43 |
erUSUL | tuhin: i checked better not remove that one | 12:43 |
ilyekkakai | terry, ok. | 12:44 |
leiminghao | hello | 12:44 |
tuhin | ok | 12:44 |
theos | i also have cpufreq-selector stopped :/ | 12:44 |
leiminghao | i.m a newer | 12:44 |
theos | leiminghao, hi! do you need any help related to ubuntu? | 12:44 |
leiminghao | is everyone want to chat wth me? | 12:45 |
m1aris | hello, is there a way to install ubuntu and select the packages? | 12:45 |
leiminghao | i'm a chinese | 12:45 |
bazhang | !cn | leiminghao | 12:45 |
ubottu | leiminghao: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk | 12:45 |
theos | !cn | leiminghao | 12:45 |
bazhang | leiminghao, here is ubuntu support only. chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:46 |
erUSUL | tuhin: what does --> « cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq » | 12:46 |
bazhang | !minimal > m1aris | 12:46 |
ubottu | m1aris, please see my private message | 12:46 |
leiminghao | i want to make the desp beautifull | 12:46 |
dcorbin_wk | Is it possible to change the keystrokes used to switch virtual terminals? | 12:46 |
leiminghao | what should i do | 12:46 |
bazhang | !themes | leiminghao | 12:47 |
ubottu | leiminghao: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 12:47 |
erUSUL | dcorbin_wk: no; afaik | 12:47 |
tuhin | erUSUL: 2000000 | 12:47 |
leiminghao | thanks | 12:48 |
m1aris | ubottu: Thanx, i'll have a look, i hope it's a graphical install | 12:48 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:48 |
bazhang | m1aris, the minimal iso? its not | 12:48 |
loc0 | how can i make money from ubuntu ? | 12:48 |
Math081 | Hello I would like to install ubuntu on a hp d1 3135(screen of 11' and 4 gb), | 12:49 |
teemo | so startup manager no longer has an appearance tab, is there something that replaced it for grub2? | 12:49 |
coz_ | Math081, should work | 12:49 |
KM0201 | Math081: ok..? | 12:49 |
erUSUL | tuhin: well i dunno what happened; you kernel seems to think that the minnimal freq it can use it is 2 GHz. i dunno why or what makes it think that | 12:49 |
theos | erUSUL, mine too | 12:50 |
Math081 | Would I choose netbook or desktop version I would like to install ubuntu studio package after, thanks. | 12:50 |
theos | i upgraded and it happened | 12:50 |
tuhin | maybe i need to restart erUSUL | 12:50 |
KM0201 | Math081: youc an put the studio package on either one.. personally, i prefer the desktop version.. i think the netbook interface is bad for netbooks (to cluttered)... why not boot them both and try each, and see what you think | 12:50 |
erUSUL | tuhin: or for that matter what any of that packages could have done to change aperfectly working system to fail now :/ | 12:50 |
coz_ | MatBoy, I would go with th e default desktop version... even on 11" screen it should be nice to work with,, however,, this is a decision you have to make according to you work habits | 12:51 |
m1aris | bazhang: I'd like a graphical install with package selection if any. I do not think i can install from text. | 12:51 |
tuhin | lets hope the reboot fixes any kernel confusion erUSUL | 12:52 |
KM0201 | m1aris: why do you think you can't install from text? | 12:52 |
Math081 | good idea, thanks for your reply and have nice day;-) | 12:52 |
theos | hi! how can i test if my subwoofer is working or not? | 12:52 |
leiminghao | 谁能看懂 | 12:53 |
georgetso | hello | 12:53 |
theos | !cn | leiminghao | 12:53 |
ubottu | leiminghao: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk | 12:53 |
leiminghao | 有能看懂低吗 | 12:53 |
erUSUL | tuhin: ok | 12:53 |
leiminghao | 有中国人吗 | 12:53 |
m1aris | KM0201 : I haven't tried that, i just think i cannot. | 12:53 |
georgetso | 有 | 12:54 |
KM0201 | m1aris: have you used the live cd installer before? | 12:54 |
leiminghao | 你是哪里人 | 12:54 |
georgetso | 成都 | 12:54 |
leiminghao | 我所山东人 | 12:54 |
theos | leiminghao, 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn | 12:54 |
leiminghao | 你好 | 12:54 |
erUSUL | theos: maybe reading my comments and tuhins helps you get some usefull info about what is happening | 12:54 |
georgetso | @leiminghao u better use english here | 12:55 |
erUSUL | theos: beggining with --> "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and "sudo cpufreq-info" output may be of help | 12:55 |
leiminghao | 我也不知到怎么进来雷这里 | 12:55 |
leiminghao | 进来 | 12:55 |
m1aris | KM0201 : Yes, no problem with graphical installer. Actually i'm reinstalling my desktop, as i cannot connect to the internet with it. | 12:55 |
theos | erUSUL, yeah i am trying that. i needed to get my subwoofer working :/ well lets do the cpu thingy :) | 12:55 |
erUSUL | !cn | leiminghao | 12:55 |
ubottu | leiminghao: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk | 12:55 |
georgetso | @leiminghao type /join #ubuntu-cn | 12:56 |
theos | /join #ubuntu-cn | 12:56 |
leiminghao | how | 12:56 |
leiminghao | ? | 12:56 |
theos | /join #ubuntu-cn | 12:56 |
ilyekkakai | terry, top shows this... if that helps at all.... | 12:56 |
georgetso | @leiminghao 你打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 就进去中文ubuntu社区了 | 12:56 |
leiminghao | 怎么进 | 12:57 |
georgetso | @leiminghao 你打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 就进去中文ubuntu社区了 | 12:57 |
theos | leiminghao, can you type? type /join #ubuntu-cn :) | 12:58 |
popy | theos, have you tried alsamixer ? | 12:58 |
theos | popy, yes, the LFE should be seen in alsamixer but its not :/ | 12:58 |
theos | i think subwoofer is called LFE donno | 12:58 |
ilyekkakai | should I upgrade my other PC from lucid to maverick and see if that screws up the audio playback too the same as on this machine? | 12:59 |
m1aris | I have a connection problem. 'Device not managed'. | 13:00 |
=== cosmosincognito is now known as sadf |
sadf | does anyone know which ppa to use for vlc 1.1.9 ? | 13:00 |
erUSUL | m1aris: which device? | 13:01 |
m1aris | eth0, my adsl connection | 13:01 |
kpettit | Anybody know of a good card to do HDMI input into Ubuntu? | 13:01 |
kpettit | I have a HDMI dvr that I'd like to watch from Ubuntu | 13:01 |
theos | m1aris, try ifconfig and see if its listed there | 13:01 |
erUSUL | m1aris: does « grep "eth0" /etc/network/interfaces » give any output? | 13:02 |
m1aris | It's listed. address, broadcast and mask. | 13:02 |
mehmetali | Hi. could low hdd performance increase ksoftirqd usage? | 13:03 |
rafi_ | Hi guys can you help me please , i want to extract archive files , it shows password when i wrote password but it shows password again | 13:03 |
erUSUL | m1aris: if you use /etc/network/interfaces then network manager will not manage it | 13:03 |
theos | rafi_, looks like your password is wrong | 13:03 |
m1aris | erUSUL: i don't understand much, must i type that on terminal? | 13:03 |
erUSUL | m1aris: they are two mutually exclusive methods or managing network connections | 13:04 |
erUSUL | m1aris: yes | 13:04 |
rafi_ | @theos if its wrong how can i open the my computer , or is it different password from computer | 13:04 |
theos | rafi_, what kind of password do you need? maybe its a file password and not your system password :P | 13:05 |
rafi_ | oh i see how can i change that sir ? | 13:05 |
m1aris | erUSUL: I had the networkmanager, but now displays that message. | 13:05 |
Oday | in the window manager, im getting this | 13:05 |
Oday | while i want all the places to show up after one another in tabs | 13:06 |
rafi_ | @ theos archive password | 13:06 |
DannyButterman | Hi there. I have a brand new mitsumi USB floppy that I need ubuntu to automount, the same way internal flopyy drives are. What can I do ? | 13:06 |
theos | rafi_, some people add password to their archives like zip or rar to protect unauthorized access. you cant change the pass. and you cant open the file unless you have the right password | 13:06 |
m1aris | erUSUL: The ouput is auto eth0, iface eth0 inet static | 13:06 |
ilyekkakai | I have a problem with audio file playback (all formats - mp3, ogg, etc.). When I try to play a file with rhythmbox or totem, the whole system gets sluggish and the mouse pointer jerks about the screen and there is no sound at all... UNTIL I drag the playback slider along with the mouse for a second, then playback is normal and the mouse pointer and system returns to normal speed... How do I fix this? | 13:06 |
theos | rafi_, what file is it? from where did you get it? | 13:06 |
erUSUL | m1aris: the command i gave you give some output? (yes/no) | 13:06 |
erUSUL | m1aris: ok so it is yes. | 13:06 |
rafi_ | rar files | 13:06 |
erUSUL | m1aris: if you use /etc/network/interfaces then network manager will not manage it they are two mutually exclusive methods or managing network connections | 13:06 |
erUSUL | m1aris: you can not use both | 13:07 |
rafi_ | @ theos it was on torrent | 13:07 |
andycc | Oday, what's the issue again? | 13:07 |
theos | rafi_, what is the extension? torrent files with a pass have a .txt inside which tell you how to get the pass | 13:07 |
andycc | I can't seem to find anything wrong there. | 13:08 |
red | Where should I start troubleshooting: I uninstalled Firefox 3.6 and installed Firefox 4 using their PPA and added icon to my launcher, but when I click it, the system just seems to load for a moment and nothing happends. | 13:08 |
m1aris | erUSUL: It's like use one manager. What happened, i downloaded another manager and messed up my connection. How do i fix that now? | 13:08 |
DannyButterman | USB floppy drive recognition anyone ? | 13:08 |
rafi_ | theos .rar | 13:08 |
red | if I start it from command line with firefox-4.0 it works | 13:09 |
erUSUL | m1aris: if you want to use Network manager just remove the lines that configure eth0 from /etc/network/interfaces | 13:09 |
theos | rafi_, look if you can open the rar and if you can see the list of files. must be a .txt file to guide you how to get the pass | 13:09 |
rafi_ | @theos i couldnt open the rar because of password | 13:10 |
rafi_ | @theos my english is not good also | 13:10 |
theos | rafi_, then you cant open the rar. you need to find the right pass | 13:10 |
terry | ilyekkakai: Did top reveal any application that used and excessivly high percentage of cpu cycles? | 13:11 |
ilyekkakai | terry, top shows this... if that helps at all.... | 13:11 |
rafi_ | @theos is that any possibility to change or delete password | 13:11 |
ilyekkakai | terry, pulse audio. | 13:11 |
theos | rafi_, no. whats the name of the file? | 13:11 |
terry | ilyekkakai: Yep pulseaudio - 93% | 13:12 |
rafi_ | @ theos , i didnt understand.. its .rar so i couldnt open it | 13:13 |
Oday | andycc: in the window manager, im getting this while i want all the places to show up after one another in tabs | 13:13 |
theos | rafi_, oh. you need rar opening software first | 13:13 |
terry | ilyekkakai: Are you using 10.04 or 10.01 or..? | 13:14 |
LetsGo67 | Hello everyone! Why is Ubuntu setup so slow and unresponsive? No activity lights are blinking for CD/HDD/802.11G. Only the mouse cursor is animated. Can someone help please? | 13:14 |
rafi_ | @theos ok i ll check it | 13:14 |
ilyekkakai | terry, 10.10 maverick | 13:14 |
andycc | Oday, okay, I saw that, but what exactly are you getting in the window manager? I don't see anything wrong in that shot. | 13:14 |
rafi_ | @theos thank you very much sir , have a nice day | 13:14 |
terry | ilyekkakai: | 13:14 |
theos | rafi_, try sudo apt-get install rar | 13:14 |
Oday | andycc: i want the places to show up in tabs so i can click on one and get where i want to go, instead of editing the path | 13:15 |
m1aris | erUSUL: That is fixed now. Many thanx. There is a way to manually add a static address instead of DHCP. I prefer that, but how do i do that? | 13:15 |
terry | ilyekkakai: | 13:15 |
theos | rafi_, open terminal and type that command | 13:15 |
terry | ilyekkakai: | 13:15 |
rafi_ | @theos its already installed thats what its shows | 13:16 |
andycc | Oday, hit esc to hide the bar, middle-click to open a location/place in a new tab. | 13:16 |
jjp | Hi. A friend of mine, historically MacOS and NetBSD user, looks for a netbook to use with Ubuntu now that his MacBook at long last died. Any suggestion of good netbook for Ubuntu, suitable for such a user ? | 13:16 |
theos | rafi_, so you need the password now. go to the website from where you downloaded the torrent. it should say something about the password | 13:17 |
Sahm | LetsGo67, What you mean with (Ubuntu setup) .. is that in the Live-CD! | 13:17 |
rafi_ | theos ok buddy thank you very much | 13:17 |
theos | your welcome :) | 13:17 |
Oday | not what i meant, andycc. if you go to Places in your ubuntu and press ctrl + l, it will show the Location just like i have in the picture, and ctrl + l again it will go back to showing the path in seperate boxes | 13:18 |
DannyButterman | How can I make ubuntu opening a floppy disk upon double click on a floppy drive icon, given it's a USB floppy drive ? | 13:18 |
rockhopper | Hi, How to automount a drive in ubuntu 11.04? | 13:20 |
andycc | Oday, I think I have a mental illness, because I can't see what you want to do. | 13:20 |
cookiesunshinex | This is going to sound really basic, but how can I tell what filesystem my ubuntu server is using. I want to see if it is XFS or EXT3 | 13:20 |
Pici | rockhopper : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion. | 13:20 |
wooter | cookiesunshinex, sudo fdisk -l | 13:21 |
rockhopper | Pici: ok thanks | 13:21 |
jjp | Any suggestion of good netbook for Ubuntu ? | 13:21 |
=== happy is now known as emily |
terry | jjp: Can you elaborate just a bit? | 13:21 |
Sahm | jjp, Dell. | 13:21 |
=== emily is now known as Guest24033 |
wooter | cookiesunshinex, actually just type mount | 13:22 |
terry | jjp: never mind. sorry | 13:22 |
cookiesunshinex | wooter thanks. That did it! | 13:22 |
DannyButterman | jjp: Asus eeepc 1005HA | 13:22 |
jjp | terry, Sahm: just a netbook with nicely supported hardware, a keyboard for normal people, something polished with the hardware quality of a MAC | 13:23 |
jjp | DannyButterman: Thanks | 13:23 |
DannyButterman | jjp: don't know what it's like with 10.04+ but works flawlessly with 9.04 | 13:24 |
jjp | Sahm: Are there still Dell laptop / netbook with serial adapter (userful for us to act on network appliances) | 13:24 |
LetsGo67 | Sahm: Yes. | 13:24 |
terry | jjp: You'll be hard pressed to find the quality of a MAC. That is the one thing you can honestly say about MAC is that they have quality hardware. | 13:24 |
jjp | terry: Yeah, that's the real challenge, actually, to find no non-sense hardware | 13:25 |
LetsGo67 | terry: Mac, not MAC. | 13:25 |
KM0201 | jjp: build your own, no questions then.. :) | 13:25 |
=== root_ is now known as brizzio |
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe |
terry | LetsGo67: Thanks. I stand corrected. (Mac is not an acronym :) | 13:25 |
KM0201 | !rootirc | 13:25 |
ubottu | It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 13:25 |
jjp | KM0201: thank you so much, I honestly tried but I broke my CMS prepare board | 13:26 |
InvaderZim | i can't mount an internal disk on dolphin without it asking for password. and i have policykit-desktop-privileges installed. can anyone help? | 13:26 |
ilyekkakai | terry, completely removed pulseaudio and replaced with alsa... the problem has disappeared. pulseaudio must be the culprit somehow. | 13:26 |
KM0201 | jjp: prepare board? building is not that difficult.. just take your time, buy quality stuff... i'ev not bought a store bought PC in 12yrs. | 13:27 |
terry | ilyekkakai: yep | 13:27 |
Sahm | LetsGo67, You mentioned something about (Ubuntu Setup) , i was trying to have a clue. | 13:27 |
terry | ilyekkakai: Well, it is not always a problem, but it sometimes does encounter problems. | 13:27 |
jjp | KM0201: I'm looking for a netbook / laptop, not a workstation. | 13:28 |
KM0201 | jjp: that becomes a little more difficult.. | 13:28 |
jjp | MK0201: indeed | 13:28 |
_zoom_2 | hi, what package contains neo_util lib? | 13:30 |
theos | hi! how do i enable my sub-woofer ? | 13:30 |
DannyButterman | jpp: otherwiser you might try | 13:31 |
DannyButterman | fourth column is for netbooks | 13:32 |
iceroot | _zoom_2: you can find out with apt-file search (sudo apt-get install apt-file; sudo apt-file-update; apt-file search neo_util) | 13:32 |
joj | siema | 13:35 |
joj | potrzebuje info na temat empathy | 13:35 |
LetsGo67 | Sahm: It's just setup is slow. Should i get 10.10 Stable or 11.04 beta? | 13:36 |
joj | 11.04 | 13:36 |
LetsGo67 | joj: But will it do like 1GB of updates, or is it mostly there? | 13:37 |
[TK]D-Fender | Hemophiliacs shouldn't use bleeding edge releases... | 13:37 |
Lars | hi happypeilca | 13:37 |
LetsGo67 | [TK]D-Fender: It will update in a week, in worst cases. | 13:37 |
=== Lars is now known as LarsTorben |
joj | i dont now' | 13:37 |
jjp | DannyButterman: Thanks for the link ! | 13:37 |
LetsGo67 | Hello noble people! Will Ubuntu download a lot of updates when it is stable? Or will there be fewer updates? | 13:38 |
LetsGo67 | There are keys in my icon tray! Why? i can't delete them! Why not? | 13:38 |
Ben64 | theres an update whenever there is a security issue | 13:38 |
[TK]D-Fender | LetsGo67: Should disappear automatically | 13:40 |
ruan | how do i hold a package back from updates permanently? | 13:40 |
[TK]D-Fender | key = ign that some process was given root privs | 13:41 |
[TK]D-Fender | (updates, etc) | 13:41 |
[TK]D-Fender | sign* | 13:41 |
LetsGo67 | [TK]D-Fender: It's not going away | 13:41 |
zvacet | ruan: in synaptic find packages you dont want to upgrade and then in package tab> lock version | 13:41 |
[TK]D-Fender | LetsGo67: perhaps a process is blocked... check your tasks | 13:42 |
ruan | zvacet: thanks | 13:42 |
zvacet | ruan: np | 13:42 |
kdrucks | hi guys somebody knows the language "LaTeX"? | 13:43 |
kdrucks | i need can i change my headerposition without change the foldmark-positions,so..vhoffset / hoffset doesnt work | 13:44 |
erUSUL | kdrucks: maybe there is a specific channel here in freenode? #latex ? | 13:45 |
ruan | do i need ubuntu-desktop in order to upgrade? | 13:45 |
Pici | kdrucks: #latex would be the best place to ask | 13:45 |
kdrucks | i dont know | 13:45 |
ruan | or can i hold it back from upgrades | 13:45 |
kdrucks | thanks for answering :) | 13:45 |
kdrucks | how can i look for an other channel? | 13:46 |
kdrucks | or change the channel? | 13:46 |
ruan | /join #channel | 13:46 |
_|pegasus|_ | gde33: Stop that DCC! | 13:51 |
dnivra | hello. I'm trying to recursively download a website-it's a set of qt tutorials from I do it as "wget --recursive --no-parent <file>" and every file gets downloaded. The problem is that it only file gets downloaded and nothing else. I'm able to download recursively from another website but not from this. what is wrong? | 13:52 |
DamienX | How do i set a static IP so it stays that way each boot please? | 13:52 |
dnivra | and I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 BTW> | 13:52 |
dnivra | DamienX: Adding settings to /etc/network/interfaces | 13:53 |
SpongeBob_Square | hallo | 13:53 |
SpongeBob_Square | can i ask something | 13:53 |
dnivra | DamienX: this should help you -> and this too -> | 13:53 |
dnivra | !ask | SpongeBob_Square | 13:54 |
ubottu | SpongeBob_Square: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:54 |
Stefanos90 | <SpongeBob_Square> yes... | 13:54 |
gde33 | _|pegasus|_: weclome to irc >..< | 13:54 |
tuhin | erUSUL: reboot fixed my cpu problem | 13:54 |
SpongeBob_Square | can ubuntu run Internet explorer 7.0 | 13:54 |
SpongeBob_Square | ? | 13:54 |
tuhin | now it runs at 1GHz when i set power save | 13:54 |
Stefanos90 | <SpongeBob_Square> why do that? | 13:54 |
_|pegasus|_ | gde33: That's an answer....... | 13:54 |
dnivra | SpongeBob_Square: yeah seems like a weird thing to do. wine will make it run I guess. | 13:55 |
mbeierl | SpongeBob_Square: using wine, a fair amount of Windows programs can be run | 13:55 |
mbeierl | !wine | SpongeBob_Square | 13:55 |
ubottu | SpongeBob_Square: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 13:55 |
popey | SpongeBob_Square: | 13:56 |
=== steveire is now known as steveire_ |
gde33 | _|pegasus|_: It makes me feel close to you | 13:56 |
SpongeBob_Square | mozilla doesnt support evry ie plug-in | 13:56 |
=== Stefanos90 is now known as Stefanos |
mbeierl | SpongeBob_Square: also look for a package called winetricks. iircm it can help set up IE | 13:56 |
=== Stefanos is now known as Stefanos90 |
_|pegasus|_ | gde33: Simply keep that sh... on your pc and don't try to infect others. They should throw you outta here | 13:57 |
SpongeBob_Square | example active X file | 13:57 |
mbeierl | SpongeBob_Square: IE plugins might be Windows specific and therefore might not be able to run under Linux. Silverlight is an example of that | 13:57 |
SpongeBob_Square | owh | 13:57 |
gde33 | _|pegasus|_: it is only an avatar? | 13:58 |
Stefanos90 | <SpongeBob_Square> it is stupid to use IE... | 13:58 |
gde33 | _|pegasus|_: you are the first one who failed to download it. | 13:58 |
_|pegasus|_ | gde33: Of course... with a nice letter to it about your feelings for me. BTW: You are the only one that tried it - what about that?! | 13:59 |
mbeierl | Stefanos90: while I might agree with the absurdity of using IE, there are reasons such as testing web page layout for compatibility... | 13:59 |
ruan | that's the only valid reason | 13:59 |
gde33 | _|pegasus|_: maybe you can try go to #KVIrc | 13:59 |
SpongeBob_Square | but some website need to use ie | 13:59 |
ruan | firefox views all websites fine here | 14:00 |
SpongeBob_Square | to open page | 14:00 |
ruan | every single website i've been to works with firefox | 14:00 |
ruan | give me an example | 14:00 |
mbeierl | SpongeBob_Square: that is unfortunately true. Although it is become more rare. | 14:01 |
mbeierl | ruan: I don't have an example right now, but I have hit the occasional one that would not open even on a mac... | 14:01 |
[TK]D-Fender | ruan: Ton's of banks, gov't agency sites etc run ACTIVE-X plugins. Firefox != ActiveX | 14:01 |
mbeierl | SpongeBob_Square: please do be sure not to confuse the plug in requirement with the browser. | 14:01 |
[TK]D-Fender | ruan: There is still tons of it around. | 14:01 |
ruan | hmm. local banks all work without firefox here | 14:02 |
SpongeBob_Square | yup | 14:02 |
ruan | with | 14:02 |
mbeierl | SpongeBob_Square: for an example, Netflix will open with Safari, Firefox or IE, but not on Linux due to Silverlight | 14:02 |
[TK]D-Fender | ruan: large numbers don't | 14:02 |
SpongeBob_Square | i'm new and still learn how to use linux | 14:03 |
theos | anyone can help me figure out if subwoofer is working or not? | 14:03 |
mbeierl | SpongeBob_Square: so it might not be that IE is required, but rather a copyrighted plug in is. and there is very little than can be done about some of those | 14:03 |
ruan | what happens if i lock a metapackage's version? | 14:04 |
mbeierl | SpongeBob_Square: and being new makes it all the more confusing. welcome to the overwhelming amount of education there is to be had when you join an open source channel! | 14:05 |
mbeierl | theos: still no luck on the sub, eh? I'm out of ideas, but thought I'd sympathize for a moment... | 14:05 |
theos | mbeierl, its almost 1 year now :( no luck | 14:06 |
itch_ | Hello guys. I`m on Lucid 10.04.2 x64 and some packages (libpurple0) have unmet dependencies - which prevents me from updating, which, in turn, prevents me from running pidgin. What exactly is the solution in this scenario ? | 14:07 |
bullgard4 | seahorse = "Passwords and Encryption Keys" > Other Keys stores remote public gpg keys. Associated to them is a normal key icon. But I have another 2 keys there having an additonal emblem "terminal". These 2 have no Property data in their context menu. What kind of keys are that? | 14:09 |
Pici | itch_: Can you pastebin the message that you're getting? | 14:11 |
itch_ | Pici: Sure, one moment please | 14:12 |
sabeesh | hi | 14:12 |
itch_ | Pici: here it is: | 14:13 |
fairuz | Hi, How to generate a configure file if I have a file? with autoconf? | 14:15 |
Pici | itch_: Okay, how about: apt-cache policy libpurple0 | 14:15 |
laseck | ludzie pomozecie z wiedzminem na ubuntu? | 14:16 |
itch_ | Pici: do you also want the pastebin from that ? | 14:16 |
bazhang | !pl | laseck | 14:16 |
ubottu | laseck: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 14:16 |
Pici | itch_: Please. | 14:16 |
itch_ | Pici: | 14:17 |
ethanol | I'm on maverick and I want to upgrade to natty, what is the best way to do this? | 14:19 |
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk |
Pici | itch_: It looks like the version that you're trying to install is coming from getdeb, and they require a newer version of perl than we normally have in our repositories. Actually... you're using a version that looks like it was intended for maverick. | 14:19 |
Pici | ethanol: see the topic in #ubuntu+1 | 14:19 |
ethanol | cheers | 14:19 |
itch_ | Pici: commenting out the getdeb line from repos will do the trick? | 14:20 |
Pici | itch_: Yes. | 14:20 |
itch_ | Pici: indeed, it works. Thank you kindly for your assistance | 14:21 |
Pici | itch_: you're welcome | 14:22 |
Nepherius | Hey , I'm trying to restore mbr but when i do find /boot/grub/stage1 | 14:23 |
raven_ | i would like to discuss the changes in every release. too fast at least for people changing from windows!! | 14:23 |
Nepherius | it says file not found .. | 14:24 |
Nepherius | any ideas on how i can fix that ? | 14:24 |
dyllan | hi guys | 14:24 |
wqapol | Hi, I am trying to ssh through gui app nautilus, so that I can use scp comfortably, but the server needs a public key to be passed on. On terminal i do ssh -i <KEYPATH> <SERVERNAME>. | 14:24 |
wqapol | How do I do this on nautlius | 14:24 |
dyllan | is there a way to lockdown the ubuntu appearance??? | 14:24 |
Pici | !lockdown | dyllan | 14:25 |
ubottu | dyllan: Looking to lockdown your users' GNOME environment? Check out - GNOME's Sysadmin guide may also be helpful: | 14:25 |
]-[unter | sup guys | 14:25 |
Pici | dyllan: Also sabayon and pessalus, which I believe are mentioned on those links may be useful for you. | 14:25 |
dyllan | Pici, thanks, I am familiar with Gconf but i dont know where to lockdown the appearance.. . | 14:26 |
dyllan | ill check the link | 14:26 |
=== cryptk is now known as cryptk|offline |
MAMALALA_ | hi | 14:27 |
MAMALALA_ | fragee | 14:27 |
phoenixsampras | HELP!! how to boot in command line mode? | 14:27 |
MAMALALA_ | question | 14:27 |
]-[unter | I have a question | 14:27 |
MAMALALA_ | !help | phoenixsampraas | 14:27 |
ubottu | phoenixsampraas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 14:27 |
MAMALALA_ | !help | phoenixsampras | 14:27 |
ubottu | phoenixsampras: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 14:27 |
MAMALALA_ | !help | ]-[unter | 14:27 |
ubottu | ]-[unter: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 14:27 |
phoenixsampras | i did ask a question | 14:27 |
]-[unter | will the tablet mode in the lenovo x220 tablet work if i install ubuntu on it? | 14:27 |
Pici | MAMALALA_: Stop that. | 14:27 |
MAMALALA_ | yes work | 14:28 |
MAMALALA_ | s | 14:28 |
]-[unter | oh sorry | 14:28 |
the_german | is there a limit on how big a file can be with an "atftp-Sever"??? | 14:28 |
ruan | MAMALALA_: please don't do that for the sake of seeing if it works | 14:28 |
MAMALALA_ | ruan what ???? | 14:28 |
ruan | !fishing | 14:29 |
ubottu | Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 14:29 |
dyllan | Pici, ok found it - thanks | 14:29 |
c987-1 | lols there is chatroom for bots ? :P | 14:29 |
bullgard4 | seahorse = "Passwords and Encryption Keys" > Other Keys stores remote public gpg keys. Associated to them is a normal key icon. But I have another 2 keys there having an additonal emblem "terminal". These 2 have no Property data in their context menu. What kind of keys are that? | 14:29 |
phoenixsampras | HELP!! how to boot in command line mode? | 14:29 |
ruan | phoenixsampras: when you boot up, hold shift | 14:30 |
ruan | phoenixsampras: then go into Recovery mode | 14:30 |
phoenixsampras | ruan: oh nice, can i compile things in recovery mode? | 14:30 |
Nepherius | I have 2 hds , how do I install grub on the second one ? | 14:30 |
ruan | phoenixsampras: everything the commandline can do, yes | 14:30 |
ruan | phoenixsampras: which is a lot | 14:30 |
phoenixsampras | ruan: thank you brother, | 14:30 |
]-[unter | if u want to boot into command line every time then $sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove | 14:31 |
c987-1 | Nepherius thats government secret :P i cant tell you . | 14:32 |
Nepherius | ^^ | 14:32 |
gaelfx | ok, I think I have a really fun one here | 14:32 |
]-[unter | so about the x220 lenovo....can i run ubuntu on it and still use it to take notes in tablet mode? | 14:32 |
gaelfx | I've downloaded the iso, and I want to mount it in windows and install it (full install) to a usb (because I'm using a netbook w/o cd-drive), is it possible? | 14:33 |
Nepherius | If i select the second hdd in bios it just stays frozen right before grub should load , how do i make it load grub ?? | 14:33 |
bazhang | gaelfx, sure. | 14:33 |
c987-1 | how do i make it load grub ?? .. hmm... | 14:34 |
gaelfx | bazhang: for full install? I don't want a liveusb | 14:34 |
c987-1 | how about installing it ? | 14:34 |
ruan | i experienced that when grub was installed on the other drive | 14:34 |
bazhang | gaelfx, it functions as both | 14:34 |
Linuks83 | i have an issue on my lenovo r61i where when using the quick buttons to turn up the volume, pulse audio seems to be limiting the max audio level quite a bit. i can go into the sound properties and turn up the sound manually with no problem and the sound level is higher than the seemingly arbitrary limit. it's a bit annoying because i want to be able to use the volume buttons on the laptop and not manually adjust the levels everytime i want it loud again. any | 14:34 |
Linuks83 | one have any idea on how to change the artificial limit? | 14:34 |
gaelfx | bazhang: ok, I'll give it a go I guess | 14:34 |
=== pvh is now known as pvh_sa |
ruan | c987-1: is grub installed on that drive? | 14:35 |
ruan | because its not detecting | 14:35 |
Nepherius | my mbr is messed up i got 2 hdds , first with win ( i am going to format that one ) and the other one with linux.If i change bios to load the second hdd it doesnt find a grub.. | 14:35 |
c987-1 | ruan : that's Nepherius | 14:35 |
Nepherius | So how do i install it there on the second hdd not on the first one ? | 14:35 |
c987-1 | 's guestion | 14:35 |
c987-1 | :P | 14:36 |
ruan | oh | 14:36 |
gaelfx | bazhang: I assume you mean that by using persistence, it's the same as doing a full install to a usb? | 14:36 |
c987-1 | on 2hds im able to install 8 real os plus lot more livecds or linuzes :D | 14:36 |
Matr|x | hi | 14:36 |
ruan | Nepherius: install grub on the linux drive again | 14:36 |
Matr|x | i have abig problem | 14:36 |
c987-1 | of course if i hawe enough free space :D | 14:37 |
Matr|x | my lan card have mac adress 00:00:00:00:00 and not working at all | 14:37 |
Matr|x | on my laptop | 14:37 |
Matr|x | i have wifi | 14:37 |
Matr|x | but lan not working | 14:37 |
Matr|x | plz some body response to me | 14:37 |
bazhang | !enter | Matr|x | 14:37 |
ubottu | Matr|x: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 14:37 |
Nepherius | ruan: well thats what I am asking do i do it , if i do grub-install it doesnt help :) | 14:37 |
ruan | Matr|x: are there drivers on the manufacturer's website? | 14:38 |
c987-1 | Matr ;0=nothing in general | 14:38 |
=== MHazem is now known as CVirus |
Matr|x | s | 14:38 |
Matr|x | !ping $me | 14:38 |
Nepherius | so far i can only boot in linux with super grub disk .. | 14:38 |
ruan | Nepherius: as a last resort you could format windows and install grub on that drive | 14:38 |
Matr|x | !ping $mer | 14:39 |
Matr|x | !ping $me | 14:39 |
gaelfx | I feel so abandoned :S | 14:39 |
pioto | i'm on ubuntu 10.04 right now; i need a newer version of a specific package (remind) than is available in universe, but the version i want is available in debian... what's the best way for me to build that debian package on ubuntu? | 14:39 |
phoenixsampras | gaelfx: what is the problem brother?? if you are in love... take it easy | 14:39 |
Nepherius | ruan: I am sure there is some command to install it on the second hdd :P | 14:39 |
=== mah454 is now known as mearaji |
ruan | pioto: download the deb | 14:41 |
Matr|x | brother | 14:41 |
c987-1 | Nepherius ; you passing the second drive as parameter on grub | 14:41 |
Matr|x | i have aproblem | 14:41 |
Matr|x | my lan not working any more | 14:41 |
ruan | Matr|x: are there drivers on the manufacturer's website? | 14:41 |
Matr|x | it was working on ubuntu | 14:41 |
ruan | oh | 14:41 |
Matr|x | but now no intrnet | 14:41 |
bazhang | Matr|x, dont use the enter key like that | 14:41 |
Matr|x | okiz | 14:41 |
gaelfx | phoenixsampras: I want to do a full install to USB, but I don't have a CD-drive (netbook), so I'm wondering how to pull that off without installing ubuntu on the netbook | 14:41 |
pioto | ruan: but won't it have been built against different library versions than i'd have? | 14:42 |
pioto | (at least, potentially) | 14:42 |
Matr|x | plz | 14:42 |
bazhang | !helpme | Matr|x | 14:42 |
ubottu | Matr|x: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude | 14:42 |
Matr|x | !ping #me | 14:42 |
ruan | pioto: well its worth a try | 14:42 |
Dr_Willis | gaelfx: ive done that using 2 flash drives.. one i did a live-install to, and then bootted and then did a full install to my second Bigger flash drive | 14:42 |
Nepherius | c987-1: how do i do that ? | 14:42 |
bazhang | Matr|x, stop that | 14:42 |
phoenixsampras | gaelfx: its a pain in the ass, borrow an usb cdrom | 14:42 |
Matr|x | !ping $me | 14:42 |
ruan | !attitude | 14:42 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 14:42 |
=== ade is now known as Guest57483 |
bazhang | Matr|x, thats enough | 14:43 |
gaelfx | Dr_Willis: unfortunately, I've only got the one :( | 14:43 |
Matr|x | im alive? | 14:43 |
Matr|x | any body hear me | 14:43 |
Matr|x | ? | 14:43 |
ruan | Matr|x: yes | 14:43 |
c987-1 | im not sure im usigng window's gui edition of grub but knoppix or ubuntus partition editors too work in general | 14:43 |
emily_ | who knows /etc/hosts.deny | 14:43 |
c987-1 | ie " sudo parted " | 14:43 |
c987-1 | " sudo gparted" | 14:44 |
Matr|x | why alwyes when i come here i get desconcted | 14:44 |
gaelfx | I guess I'll just have to rummage around for another | 14:44 |
Laurenceb_ | what would cause a printer to output raw postscript as ascii text? | 14:44 |
Matr|x | hello | 14:44 |
Matr|x | my lan card not working any more | 14:45 |
c987-1 | there was also some other partition editor that i cant remember | 14:45 |
erUSUL | Laurenceb_: bad configuration? | 14:45 |
erUSUL | !gksudo | c987-1 | 14:45 |
ubottu | c987-1: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 14:45 |
Laurenceb_ | yeah | 14:45 |
Laurenceb_ | thing is it was working fine | 14:45 |
erUSUL | Laurenceb_: check cups logs? /var/log/cups/error_log ? | 14:45 |
Laurenceb_ | i havent changed anything and suddenly everything comes out as raw postscript | 14:45 |
Laurenceb_ | k | 14:45 |
zhaoyoulian | zyl | 14:46 |
erUSUL | Laurenceb_: there is a cups channel is this network too | 14:46 |
emily_ | Matr|x zZzZ | 14:46 |
Laurenceb_ | ok, ill head to #cups | 14:46 |
erUSUL | Laurenceb_: or you can try the "windows" aproach? remove the printer and add it again ? | 14:46 |
damian_-__ | whats the channel for natty? | 14:46 |
Pici | damian_-__: #ubuntu+1 | 14:47 |
ruan | !natty | 14:47 |
ubottu | Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 14:47 |
Matr|x | hello | 14:51 |
Matr|x | my computer is gone crazy im working from my desktop computer now my laptop has no intrnet caz my lan card give mac adress 00:00:00:00:00 | 14:51 |
Matr|x | any body here to help me to back my lancard of my laptop working plz | 14:52 |
cfedde | problem survives a reboot? | 14:52 |
YankDownUnder | Matr|x, Is the actual module for your lan card loading? | 14:52 |
Laurenceb_ | can anyone here help me setup a printer? | 14:53 |
mearaji | why linux is very BAD ? | 14:54 |
bazhang | mearaji, its not | 14:54 |
ruan | mearaji: it isn't | 14:54 |
_ProGammer | Hey | 14:54 |
bazhang | mearaji, ubuntu support question? | 14:54 |
High_Priest | mearaji, shhh troll | 14:54 |
Laurenceb_ | can anyone here help me setup a printer? | 14:55 |
ruan | !print | 14:55 |
ubottu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 14:55 |
Laurenceb_ | i know the ip addesss | 14:55 |
Matr|x | why im dc | 14:55 |
Matr|x | ? | 14:55 |
Laurenceb_ | i dont know the port - this was working nicely | 14:55 |
ruan | Matr|x: possibly the irc client | 14:55 |
_ProGammer | i have ubuntu 10.10 + Compiz , when i want to switch between open windows i should click on Titlebar of windows, click on windows body dont let me | 14:55 |
Laurenceb_ | yesterday it broke, not i cant even connect to the printer | 14:55 |
ruan | Matr|x: also possibly the connection | 14:55 |
mearaji | view ... I can not find shutdown PID ? | 14:55 |
Laurenceb_ | i have no idea why | 14:55 |
susundberg | Laurenceb_: does it reply to ping? | 14:55 |
Laurenceb_ | wondered if someone here could help as i know nothing | 14:56 |
ruan | sounds like a printer problem | 14:56 |
Laurenceb_ | ok, trying that | 14:56 |
Laurenceb_ | yes it pings ok | 14:56 |
c987-1 | Laurenceb_ ; may be its assuming the file is a ascii txt file :P ? | 14:56 |
Laurenceb_ | no, i cant even connect to it now | 14:56 |
susundberg | what do you mean by 'connect'? | 14:56 |
_ProGammer | ! | 14:57 |
susundberg | ssh ? web client? | 14:57 |
Laurenceb_ | 'printer may not be connected to the network' | 14:57 |
YankDownUnder | Laurenceb_, Um...did you look at the link above, or have you tried to browse the printer through the printer administration utility? | 14:57 |
ActionParsnip | Laurenceb_: if you select to find a networtk printer then type the IP and hit probe, it should find it | 14:57 |
Laurenceb_ | yes, the second one of those | 14:57 |
Laurenceb_ | ok, trying | 14:57 |
c987-1 | before buying a new graphics cartd ,how we can know if its supported on linux or not ? | 14:58 |
ruan | !hardware | 14:59 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 14:59 |
ruan | mine worked natively and perfectly though | 14:59 |
_ProGammer | can anyone help me | 14:59 |
_ProGammer | ? | 14:59 |
Laurenceb_ | hmm its connected to a printerserver via lpt | 14:59 |
Laurenceb_ | what should i be seeing come up? | 14:59 |
* YankDownUnder just buys nVidia and that's that... | 14:59 |
ruan | _ProGammer: try "killall gnome-panel" in a terminal | 14:59 |
ruan | i've had gnome-panel stop working twice before | 15:00 |
c987-1 | ruan; thanks but im not going to buy allready packed pc. ill buy only the graphics card so i need to know if the chip made by ie nvida/ati/intel has drivers for linux . | 15:02 |
ActionParsnip | Laurenceb_: whatever it wants, just click next then give it (or specify) the driver/model | 15:03 |
c987-1 | ruan; the list on link looks like about laptos or prepacked pcs . | 15:03 |
ashish_ | c987-1: Nvidia supples drivers for graphic cards | 15:03 |
ActionParsnip | c987-1: nvidia rocks :) | 15:03 |
c987-1 | ashish_; so does ati/amd do the some ? :P | 15:03 |
mutante | looking for a repository that gives me php5-gd, but not the regular package (when it was still its own project), but the new one, that is part of PHP and supports imagerotate() | 15:04 |
Laurenceb_ | hmm ive resetup the printer... ity might be working | 15:04 |
Laurenceb_ | doing its tedious warm up/calibrate cycle as we speak | 15:04 |
mutante | 8.04.4 LTS | 15:04 |
ruan | !8.04 | 15:04 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support will end on May 12 2011. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details. | 15:04 |
ZykoticK9 | c987-1, while I have historically been a strong Nvidia support - if you want "free" (as in freedom) drivers Intel is by far the best, followed by Nouveau and AMD/ATI in last place... something to consider. | 15:04 |
ashish_ | c987-1: afaik yes | 15:04 |
user82 | hey guys, got a problem: on my netbook the buttons in the installation window are below my screen and the virtual desktops are there any change i can change it? | 15:05 |
mutante | ubottu: heh, but it's not May 12 yet ;) | 15:05 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:05 |
user82 | its the installation cd so no gnome panel applet to change it | 15:05 |
xangua | user82: preess alt while draging the window | 15:05 |
c987-1 | im also guessing if ati has support for physics processing on gpu like nvidia. | 15:05 |
Laurenceb_ | ActionParsnip: seems the postscript driver was changed | 15:05 |
ActionParsnip | mutante: hardy desktop support dies when natty is released | 15:05 |
mutante | it's not my decision when and if this one is upgraded | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip | Laurenceb_: possibly due to updates.Could log a bug | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip | mutante: just a friendly fyi, chill | 15:06 |
c987-1 | i headr that ati too working on gpus that can be used as cpu aswell. :D and +1 cpu/gpu looks better then a cpu+ gpu :P | 15:06 |
cousteau | what happened with linux-image-rt after Lucid? | 15:06 |
Laurenceb_ | ActionParsnip: will see if it works now | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip | mutante: after it is EOL you will get no updates and no help here or on the answer forum either, depends if you want support or not | 15:06 |
Laurenceb_ | as least its been woken up | 15:06 |
ruan | very advised to upgrade to 10.04, a newer lts | 15:07 |
user82 | xangua, yet another hint i will use in the future. thanks | 15:07 |
c987-1 | but im not sure if the thing i read was about mobile processors :( | 15:07 |
mutante | ok, giving up, thanks anyways | 15:07 |
ActionParsnip | !find linux-image-rt | 15:07 |
ubottu | Package/file linux-image-rt does not exist in maverick | 15:07 |
ActionParsnip | cousteau: seems its not in maverick but is in lucid | 15:08 |
ActionParsnip | cousteau: not sure | 15:08 |
cousteau | ActionParsnip, I know that... I wanted to know why | 15:08 |
ndxtg | hi guys, long time no boot, but when I boot it just dipslay $grub-rescue> does anyone know what is the fastest way to fix? | 15:08 |
ActionParsnip | cousteau: websearching | 15:08 |
rootManuva | I am running 10.04 and want to hard code the mac address of my router i.e arp -s my:mac:add | 15:08 |
rootManuva | but I dont want to run this cmd each time | 15:08 |
rootManuva | is there a setting to achieve this or a quick script i could write | 15:09 |
ActionParsnip | cousteau: | 15:09 |
ActionParsnip | cousteau: click the arrow on the left to see details and you can make enquires | 15:09 |
ActionParsnip | cousteau: Please remove the linux-meta-rt source and binaries packages from Maverick. It is totally unsupported and unmaintained. | 15:10 |
ActionParsnip | cousteau: | 15:10 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 622583 in linux-meta-rt (Ubuntu) "Remove the linux-meta-rt packages" [Low,Fix released] | 15:10 |
ActionParsnip | rootManuva: could add it in /etc/rc.local and it will run as root each time you bootup | 15:11 |
raviepic3 | people am connected to internet using wifi, but when i do ifconfig there is no such thing called wlan0 ! ? all i see is lo,eth0 and eth1 | 15:11 |
TomFarr | Can I install the IP cam like a normal cam for linux mashine? | 15:11 |
raviepic3 | how do i go about finding my interface name for wifi ? | 15:11 |
ActionParsnip | raviepic3: sometimes wireless devices show as eth1 | 15:12 |
cousteau | so, basically, nobody was maintaining it | 15:12 |
ActionParsnip | cousteau: pretty much afaics | 15:12 |
Osmodivs | Why, when a patch comes out for X software does it has to download 200MB instead of the 100kb patch? | 15:12 |
TomFarr | How I can install the IP cam like a normal cam for linux mashine? | 15:12 |
raven_ | which tool for recording video/audio from webcam? | 15:12 |
ActionParsnip | raven_: cheese I believe, or mplayer maybe | 15:12 |
TomFarr | raven_: VLC? | 15:12 |
ActionParsnip | TomFarr: do you mean use it as a webcam? | 15:13 |
cousteau | that's sad, now I'll have to compile the kernel myself if I want a low-latency kernel. And since I've never successfully done that before, nor I have such a big interest in having an RT kernel, I'll probably never do it. | 15:13 |
andycc | Osmodivs, because that's how apt and dpkg work, unfortunately. Unlike Fedora/SUSE, we don't have delta packages. | 15:13 |
raviepic3 | ActionParsnip, thank you | 15:13 |
c987-1 | i did kernle compiling suceffully 3 times afaik . on knoppix 5.3 | 15:14 |
raven_ | TomFarr, ActionParsnip i need the video from webcam but the sound from a sound card | 15:14 |
Osmodivs | andycc, And why not implement the same system of Non-Delta packages in Ubuntu too? | 15:14 |
c987-1 | but that took a lot time while collecting info and packages need :D | 15:14 |
ActionParsnip | raven_: that I am not so good at, you coud use recordmydesktop perhaps | 15:14 |
andycc | Osmodivs, you mean delta packages? Well, I have no idea, I'm curious too. | 15:15 |
c987-1 | since its a livecd its not easy to do the something again allway :P | 15:15 |
bullgard4 | seahorse = "Passwords and Encryption Keys" > Other Keys stores remote public gpg keys. Associated to them is a normal key icon. But I have another 2 keys there having an additonal emblem "terminal". These 2 have no Property data in their context menu. What kind of keys are that? | 15:17 |
s0u][ight | hello, during the install of ubuntu server edition, the bootloader failed to install, i continued the installation and finished it, now i want to install the bootloader, how can i do this? | 15:17 |
Osmodivs | andycc, Well, if Ubuntu needs to improve, the apt-get and dpkg need to be modify so everything works faster | 15:17 |
Osmodivs | Anywho... | 15:17 |
sadf | vlc 1.1.9 | 15:17 |
sadf | ?? | 15:17 |
ActionParsnip | s0u][ight: you can boot to live desktop cd and install it there | 15:17 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: what of it? | 15:17 |
sadf | any working ppa ? | 15:18 |
cfedde | faster? network issues? | 15:18 |
andycc | Osmodivs, I doubt it's that easy. ^^ | 15:18 |
sadf | 'cause ferramberto is not working | 15:18 |
c987-1 | did anyone tryed creating a livecd from a installed ubunt ? | 15:18 |
c987-1 | what tools needed to do that ? | 15:18 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: what is ferramberto? | 15:18 |
sadf | lffl ppa... | 15:18 |
sadf | easy install latest ppa | 15:18 |
=== XOXO1 is now known as Antwon |
ActionParsnip | sadf: try giving FULL information and we won't need to clarify stuff | 15:19 |
uabn93 | which command can i use to check my wireless card? | 15:19 |
s0u][ight | ActionParsnip: will it recognize my partitioning scheme? | 15:19 |
ruan | uabn93: lspci | 15:19 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: you can't expect us to be 1) mind readers and 2) know the name of every going PPA....can we? | 15:19 |
sadf | there is ppa rep of ferramberto aka lffl which provides latest builds of vlc as deb installers | 15:19 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: MUCH BETTER | 15:19 |
sadf | so it aint working anymore | 15:19 |
sadf | so any alternative | 15:19 |
cfedde | uabn93: also iwconfig | 15:19 |
ActionParsnip | uabn93: sudo lshw -C network | 15:20 |
sadf | apart from n-muecnh | 15:20 |
c987-1 | is there a ubuntu for ppc devices ? arm4 or other arms ? | 15:20 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: have you contacted the maintainers to see if they are working on it still? | 15:20 |
sadf | 'cause it breaks the ffmpeg module :( | 15:20 |
raven_ | what is the dev name from pulseaudio recording device? | 15:20 |
sadf | the issue is it shows upped on the ppa sie on launchpad...but it doesnt update on update-manager | 15:20 |
sadf | it doesnt even show :( | 15:21 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: I'd contact the maintainer | 15:21 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: also, which release are you using? | 15:21 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: and do you intend to upgrade to natty? | 15:21 |
sadf | currently latest provided by maverick updates | 15:21 |
sadf | ie 1.1.4-5 | 15:21 |
sadf | or some version latest build by ubuntu provided | 15:22 |
sadf | yeah | 15:22 |
sadf | but still its a bug and it should be fixed right ? | 15:22 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: ~n-muench ppa has it built succesfully 7 days ago | 15:22 |
sadf | thats what i wrote earlier | 15:22 |
sadf | it breaks the ffmpeg module | 15:22 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: natty has 1.1.9 in the official repos | 15:22 |
raven_ | what is the dev name of pulseaudio recording device? | 15:23 |
sadf | thereby rendering all other multimedia players useless ! | 15:23 |
sadf | but still its a bug and it should be fixed right ? | 15:23 |
c987-1 | raven_ psedu audio recording device ? | 15:23 |
raven_ | c987-1, anything like /dev/dsp | 15:23 |
c987-1 | you mean microphone ? | 15:24 |
raven_ | c987-1, soundcard inputs yes | 15:24 |
c987-1 | run it and try checking process manager | 15:24 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: it's a 3rd party repo so will be a different bug menthod, still log it as usual and the dev may be contacted | 15:24 |
gilson | oi | 15:25 |
ActionParsnip | sadf: could just hang a while and wait | 15:25 |
c987-1 | raven_ ;ie run audio recording app , and check the devices used by app. | 15:25 |
mad_monk | when i use ausearch, how do i know what kind of access happened - means was it Read, Write or Append - | 15:25 |
sadf | k | 15:25 |
mad_monk | i do not see a perm_mask in the output of ausearch | 15:25 |
anass | hello, I'm using ubuntu 11.04 beta2, and want to resize left side menu icons, how? | 15:25 |
c987-1 | there is more then one process manager apps for linux. some of them shows open devices too . | 15:26 |
anass | hello, I'm using ubuntu 11.04 beta2, and want to resize left side menu icons, how? | 15:26 |
MaRk-I | anass: ask in #ubuntu+1 for natty support | 15:26 |
anass | @MaRk-I : ok, I'll, thank you very much! | 15:26 |
MaRk-I | anass: yw | 15:27 |
rocktop | what does this error mean kernel: Machine check events logged ? | 15:30 |
uabn93 | I checked my network device w/ command lspce and the output "Network controller: RaLink Device 5390" ..the thing is that in win7, it shows up as RaLink 2860 under add/remove programs. How can I be sure of which device I have? | 15:30 |
Osmodivs | Does anyone knows how to use X11VCN? they say I can't use it because I have a Firewall, but I do not remember installing one. How do you turn it off in Ubuntu 10.10? | 15:30 |
uRock | can anyone recommend a plug-n-play USB wireless device? | 15:30 |
erUSUL | rocktop: does not look like an error... | 15:30 |
ActionParsnip | uabn93: use what Linux shows it as | 15:30 |
ActionParsnip | uRock: onces with intel chips are good, broadcom ones will work fine after you use the hardware driver app | 15:30 |
ActionParsnip | !hcl | uRock | 15:31 |
ubottu | uRock: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 15:31 |
erUSUL | rocktop: maybe it just some ECC corrections or something completly normal | 15:31 |
kish | hi.. I want to install ftpserver in ubuntu.. any help?? | 15:31 |
c987-1 | Osmodivs ; all linux's come with built in firewalls in general . allmost anyone . some weak some are stronger ;P | 15:31 |
rocktop | erUSUL: I have high load | 15:31 |
shane4ubuntu | In Synaptic, I lock a package so that it won't upgrade, then in the command line, sudo apt-get upgrade wants to upgrade that package??? are they different apps? | 15:31 |
Osmodivs | c987-1, How to disable them? | 15:31 |
Sidewinder1 | Try vsftpd it's in the repos. | 15:32 |
erUSUL | Osmodivs: ubuntu does not enable firewall by default | 15:32 |
ActionParsnip | kish: and SFTP server is much better but if you only want access over LAN then ftp is great | 15:32 |
c987-1 | Osmodivs , i dont know :P that was the issue for mee to in the time for a ftp serving all the root-fs :P | 15:32 |
izinucs | Osmodivs: however even with no enabled firewall.. all ports are blocked unless opened from outside | 15:32 |
ActionParsnip | kish: or that | 15:33 |
uabn93 | ActionParsnip: maybe i should note that Linux also doesn't show the full description with device manager. windows seems to have more details. would that matter or should i still only use what linux has? | 15:33 |
Osmodivs | izinucs, How do I open them from outside? | 15:33 |
ActionParsnip | uabn93: could try both, it's free | 15:33 |
MC8 | Howdy; is there a package for Acrobat Reader around somewhere? Whatever free alternative that's currently installed doesn't display pages correctly (in the slightest) | 15:33 |
izinucs | Osmodivs: firestarter is a firewall program you can use from inside to open the ports you need. | 15:33 |
c987-1 | yeah , some kind of kernel side firewall | 15:33 |
uRock | The HCL only lists PCs not hardware | 15:34 |
Osmodivs | izinucs, Firestarter, eh? I'll check it out | 15:34 |
raido | MC8: apt-get install acroread | 15:34 |
shane4ubuntu | is there no way to lock a package with apt-get? I generally use cli to update and stuff?? | 15:34 |
izinucs | MC8: evince is built in for reading pdf.. you can also install acroread which is acrobat but it's slow to load and a resource hog.. | 15:34 |
MC8 | Well, whatever I have now isn't showing any text in half of the pdf's I'm opening | 15:35 |
uabn93 | ActionParsnip: just making sure cause it looks like im gonna have to manually configure wifi on my laptop :( | 15:35 |
ActionParsnip | MC8: you may need adobes reader | 15:36 |
LordFDisk | uabn93, you can try "lspci -v or lspci -vv" for more info same with lsusb | 15:36 |
=== jesus is now known as Guest88500 |
izinucs | MC8: there's lots of pdf readers.. xpdf is one that's popular and others.. check the repos | 15:36 |
izinucs | MC8: hopefully you don't have corrupt pdf's | 15:36 |
MC8 | Well, is showing blank pages with a few random lines and a couple of graphs | 15:37 |
tomtiddly | hello everyone | 15:37 |
Sidewinder1 | Mornin' tom | 15:38 |
izinucs | MC8: I get "This connection is untrusted" message.. | 15:38 |
tomtiddly | i have just started using xchat-gnome but it seems as though it don't give many options for change | 15:38 |
bullgard4 | seahorse = "Passwords and Encryption Keys" > Other Keys stores remote public gpg keys. Associated to them is a normal key icon. But I have another 2 keys there having an additonal emblem "terminal". These 2 have no Property data in their context menu. What kind of keys are that? | 15:38 |
tomtiddly | hey Sidewinder1 | 15:39 |
ZykoticK9 | MC8, if you want Adobe's version, add the partner repo then install acroread | 15:39 |
kish | @ActionParsnip where to place the files that i want the clients to access.. the wiki asks to keep the files in ~/ftp.. but i dont see such a directory.. i also assume there should be some way by which we can tell the ftp server the location that can be accessed by clients.. | 15:39 |
ActionParsnip | bullgard4: if you open the files in a text editor are they full of nonesense? | 15:39 |
Sidewinder1 | tomtiddly: what options were you looking for? | 15:40 |
tomtiddly | think i'll have another look in synaptic | 15:40 |
ActionParsnip | kish: make the folder. If a user logs in as itself theyshould be jailed to their $HOME folder | 15:40 |
izinucs | MC8: works fine here.. are you opening it direct from the site or downloading it first? | 15:40 |
MC8 | downloading first (because that's how chromium works) | 15:40 |
tomtiddly | Well xchat-gnome just seems a little light on options is all | 15:40 |
izinucs | MC8: same.. I don't have any issues viewing it at all. | 15:41 |
kish | ActionParsnip: and how to make the clients access this ftp server?? | 15:41 |
bullgard4 | ActionParsnip: I am speaking about entries in a Window, not about files. | 15:41 |
MC8 | Although Firefox is pretty borked as well | 15:41 |
josephnexus | hi all | 15:41 |
ActionParsnip | kish: they connect to the hostname with a ftp client to port 21 | 15:41 |
josephnexus | isn't 11.04 supposed to be released today? | 15:41 |
ActionParsnip | josephnexus: 28th | 15:42 |
Pici | josephnexus: Not until the 28th. | 15:42 |
Sidewinder1 | !natty | 15:42 |
ubottu | Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 15:42 |
theos | hi! how do i test my subwoofer? | 15:42 |
bullgard4 | josephnexus: No. | 15:42 |
josephnexus | ah, I was week off | 15:42 |
josephnexus | how disappointing for me :-( | 15:42 |
josephnexus | oh well... i shall check on the 28th | 15:42 |
c987-1 | MC8; someone setup a broken font for firafoz . imao :P | 15:42 |
Sidewinder1 | I prefer LTS; Lucid is current | 15:42 |
c987-1 | that can happen with anything if you chose a broken/unsupported or unexisting font :P | 15:43 |
c987-1 | well. not anything :D | 15:43 |
MC8 | I probably have a few unsupported fonts, but not set up as default in Firefox etc | 15:44 |
MC8 | (er, where's the fonts dir?) | 15:44 |
ActionParsnip | !fonts | 15:44 |
ubottu | Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: | 15:44 |
theos | !woofer | 15:44 |
ruan | !sound | 15:45 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 15:45 |
c987-1 | theos; check if drivers are installed. and if ok. make sure you can play a file that has audio. if you cant hear sound card or some chips are fired :P | 15:46 |
kish | ActionParsnip: when i try to connect it asks for name... what should i give here?? | 15:46 |
theos | c987-1, how to check if drivers are installed? other speakers are working fine. just want to check if woofer is working or not | 15:48 |
uabn93 | LordFDisk: thanks, this gave way more details. My device is Ralink 5390. I just wonder why windows showed up as ralink 5960, wierd.. | 15:48 |
raven_ | vlc: how doing audio visualization while video replay? | 15:48 |
c987-1 | theos ; others, you mean subwoofers that plugged on audio out jack ? | 15:49 |
matt0 | is there some package in ubuntu that controls all irc connectivity? because any and all IRC clients are hard locking my machine | 15:49 |
Gurke_ | hi | 15:49 |
theos | c987-1, other speakers are front, left, right etc | 15:50 |
c987-1 | theos; hmm.. so you cant hear only from center ? | 15:50 |
c987-1 | then this probably means some cables of wooffers are out of service :P | 15:50 |
bullgard4 | raven_: VLC > Menu > Audio > Visualizations | 15:50 |
LordFDisk | uabn93, np glad to help =) | 15:50 |
raven_ | bullgard4, tnx | 15:51 |
c987-1 | or centerr woffers are wofferen because of high auidio imao :P | 15:51 |
ActionParsnip | kish: the hostname of the system you setup the server on. You can find this out (if you don't know it) by going back to the server and running: hostname | 15:51 |
theos | c987-1, cant hear from LFE. or how to check if subwoofer is working? | 15:51 |
Gurke_ | ubuntu is very cool | 15:51 |
Gurke_ | c | 15:51 |
virgo | indeed | 15:51 |
MC8 | oh, deleting broken fonts fixed everything :) | 15:51 |
c987-1 | if only center is not working , and left+right works . that means error in woffers or drivers. but 1st case is much more common. | 15:52 |
Metallico | can anyone ping me, i think i am lagged? | 15:52 |
kish | ActionParsnip: i mean after connecting to the server.. it's like username password.. i dint create any user account, so i dont know what to give if i want to login as anonymous | 15:52 |
lionzw | is there a light, easy to use application that is capable of anylyzing traffic in real time and also write easy to read logs? | 15:53 |
virgo | i want to join #python channel, and it redirects me to #python-unregistered and then i must register but it says that i am already registered | 15:53 |
ActionParsnip | kish: use the username and password you log into ubuntu with | 15:53 |
tommis | virgo, then you need to login | 15:53 |
ActionParsnip | kish: the links I gave showed how to allow anonymous | 15:53 |
kish | ActionParsnip: gr8... thanks a lot.. i'm able to login now :-) | 15:53 |
ActionParsnip | kish: but anonymous gives no logging of whom did what action | 15:53 |
c987-1 | since the center woffer is using left+right in all 2+1 systems this means 2d audio is there but chip did not compute the sum to center woffer . | 15:54 |
red2kic | virgo: You haven't been identified -- Last seen : Oct 30 13:14:53 2009 (1 year, 24 weeks, 5 days, 01:38:48 ago) | 15:54 |
ActionParsnip | kish: again, ftp over lan is great and is quicker than sftp, but don't allow ftp over wan as the security in ftp is poor | 15:54 |
c987-1 | or chip did its work but cables did not do the work. or may be if its on 4+1> mode , driver may be left at lov volume for center . | 15:55 |
tomtiddly | i'm back! | 15:55 |
virgo | where do i log in? | 15:55 |
jatt | I have ext partitions but still btrfs is being loaded, how is this possible? | 15:56 |
jatt | [ 7176.155289] Btrfs loaded | 15:56 |
ActionParsnip | !register | virgo | 15:56 |
ubottu | virgo: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 15:56 |
red2kic | virgo: /msg nickserv identify <password> | 15:56 |
c987-1 | theos; but afaik center in general has no volume detting directly in most wofers . | 15:56 |
tomtiddly | have now using xchat 2.8.8 and it has a lot more options to choose from when you configure xchat | 15:56 |
bilgin_44 | hello! | 15:56 |
Gurke_ | ubuntu is very cool | 15:56 |
Pici | virgo: See #freenode if you need more help with registration or identifying. | 15:56 |
ActionParsnip | virgo: if you have a password don't run the identify command in here in case you screw it up and we see your pass | 15:56 |
red2kic | virgo: Clients can do that automatically. You just have to set it up first -- or do it manually every time you use IRC. | 15:56 |
theos | c987-1, ok. i just want to check if my woofer is working or not | 15:57 |
bilgin_44 | Is there any way to make the desktop like this ? (with conky or something else...) | 15:57 |
virgo | thanks | 15:57 |
huanglong | hi | 15:57 |
c987-1 | theos ; plug it to something else :P | 15:57 |
virgo | ill give it a try | 15:57 |
ActionParsnip | Gurke_: glad you are enjoying it | 15:57 |
huanglong | wo sji sji | 15:57 |
theos | c987-1, its in-built :P | 15:57 |
huanglong | qu ni mei | 15:57 |
xxmmaann | New Nvidia Linux Driver relased - can i install it on ubuntu 10.10? | 15:58 |
rocktop | hello , is this quit normal or I have a hardware issue : ? | 15:58 |
LordFDisk | xxmmaann, try this .... | 15:59 |
ActionParsnip | xxmmaann: | 15:59 |
ActionParsnip | snips | 15:59 |
bilgin_44 | Is there any way to make the desktop like this ? (with conky or something else...) | 15:59 |
chipmenk | how to determine if my ubuntu is 32 or 64 bit | 16:00 |
ZykoticK9 | chipmenk, uname -a | 16:00 |
red2kic | biggsjm: Ask in #conky -- See if that actually is a conky feature or just a wallpaper. | 16:00 |
jatt | uname -m | 16:00 |
ZykoticK9 | chipmenk, jatt's suggestion is better | 16:01 |
ActionParsnip | chipmenk: uname -m | 16:01 |
ActionParsnip | chipmenk: i686 ==32bit x86_64 == 64bit | 16:01 |
Edler | is today the launch of 11.04 ? | 16:01 |
ActionParsnip | Edler: 28th | 16:01 |
ruan | yeah. exactly next week | 16:02 |
gluon | how can i disable compiz on 10.10? | 16:02 |
Edler | how is that, i'm going to ubuntu fest today and apparently they're gonna install them on our laptops | 16:02 |
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rocktop | any idea please ? | 16:02 |
tjiggi_fo | rocktop, sounds like one of your memory sticks has gone bad. Try removing, clean the pins with alcohol and reinstall | 16:02 |
chipmenk | thx fellas | 16:02 |
red2kic | gluon: ALT+F2 --> "metacity --replace" | 16:03 |
rocktop | tjiggi_fo: that is the reason I have high load ?? | 16:03 |
ZykoticK9 | gluon, system / prefereances / appearance - visual effects tag - set it to none | 16:03 |
ActionParsnip | Edler: then they are early. You should inform them | 16:03 |
ActionParsnip | !natty | Edler | 16:03 |
ubottu | Edler: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 16:03 |
ruan | help. i cant open a port <1024 even as root | 16:03 |
jatt | it's possible to install unity in Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS? | 16:03 |
ActionParsnip | jatt: | 16:04 |
ruan | lightweight?.... | 16:04 |
itilious | is it ok to make a user with its home directory as "/var/www" for ftp use with webserver? | 16:04 |
tjiggi_fo | rocktop, I'm referring to this: #MCA: MEMORY CONTROLLER RD_CHANNELunspecified_ERR#Transaction: Memory read error | 16:04 |
jatt | ActionParsnip: thanks, do you know if there are any drawbacks with it? | 16:04 |
itilious | is this a security risk to make the ftp user home folder that directory? | 16:04 |
raido | itilious: sure | 16:04 |
ActionParsnip | jatt: not sure, I use natty | 16:05 |
pcpower | itilious: it's ok but probably better to just use an ftp server that can chroot a user to any directory | 16:05 |
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xxmmaann | i downloaded the driver and i want to install it | 16:05 |
ActionParsnip | jatt: i use unity though, its ok | 16:05 |
Delemas | All my servers are getting double welcome banners at ssh login. Anyone else seeing that? | 16:05 |
rocktop | tjiggi_fo: so I need to contact my server provider to change the box ? | 16:05 |
Edler | ah ok | 16:05 |
ActionParsnip | jatt: not tried the ppa in lucid though | 16:05 |
itilious | pcpower, forgive my n00b question, but what is chroot .vs chmod? | 16:05 |
jatt | I see, what about gnome shell? It's also backported or only available for gnome 3? | 16:05 |
ruan | help. i cant open a port <1024 even as root | 16:06 |
tjiggi_fo | rocktop, just the memory sticks | 16:06 |
ActionParsnip | Delemas: what is the output of: lsb_release -d | 16:06 |
itilious | does chroot give a user "part ownership" or something a of a directory? | 16:06 |
ZykoticK9 | itilious, chroot = change root - the location of root directory "/" it keeps users confined to a set directory | 16:06 |
ruan | !chroot | 16:06 |
ubottu | A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see | 16:06 |
Delemas | ActionParsnip, Description: Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS | 16:06 |
xxmmaann | but, is necessary to remove the existent driver first ? | 16:06 |
nits_hunter | itilious: chroot is creating something like a sandbox to test-drive ur application where as chmod changes the permissions for a particular file/folder | 16:06 |
ActionParsnip | Delemas: just connected to my lucid server, single banner. Have you modified yours at all? | 16:06 |
Delemas | One of the double welcome banner is obviously stale... | 16:06 |
ruan | is there a way i can remove the <1024 port restriction? | 16:06 |
nits_hunter | !chroot | itilious | 16:07 |
ubottu | itilious: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see | 16:07 |
nits_hunter | !chmod | itilious | 16:07 |
ubottu | itilious: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at | 16:07 |
tjiggi_fo | rocktop, what's your service provider got to do with this? | 16:07 |
itilious | !chown | 16:07 |
ubottu | An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at | 16:07 |
Delemas | ActionParsnip, I wasn't thinking I had... It has the landscape client which gives package status. That's the only obvious change and I haven't customized it... | 16:08 |
ruan | is there a way i can remove the <1024 port restriction? | 16:08 |
ActionParsnip | ruan: on what? | 16:09 |
ruan | ubuntu 10.10 | 16:09 |
itilious | pcpower, when you say ftp server that can chroot to any directory,,, do you mean like editing proftpd.conf "defaultRoot" ? | 16:09 |
=== pfifo is now known as tmppfifo |
ruan | can't open a port <1024 even as root | 16:10 |
=== pfifo_ is now known as pfifo |
=== tmppfifo is now known as pfifo_ |
ActionParsnip | ruan: have you configured iptables or used firestarter / guarddog to configure the inbuilt firewall before? | 16:10 |
ruan | ActionParsnip: i have no firewall | 16:10 |
ActionParsnip | ruan: then ALL the ports are open (but you DO have a firewall, its just told to let everything in) | 16:11 |
ruan | then why does my application say that its unable to open the port? | 16:11 |
ruan | running as root | 16:11 |
ActionParsnip | ruan: which app? | 16:11 |
ruan | linuxDC++ | 16:11 |
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO |
ActionParsnip | ruan: thats a really bad idea to run DC++ as root | 16:12 |
ruan | argh. it can't open the port | 16:12 |
ActionParsnip | ruan: maybe your router needs port forwarding setting up if your router doesn't support uPnP | 16:12 |
ruan | im not using upnp | 16:12 |
ruan | the ports are forwarded | 16:13 |
=== plastic is now known as XvNA_ |
ActionParsnip | ruan: sure but if your router doesn't support it, you will need to open the port on the router (not the system) to allow the data to flow. Half decent home grade routers can manage this automagically | 16:13 |
ZykoticK9 | ruan, could it be that something else (or another instance of DC) is already using the port? | 16:13 |
ruan | possibly.. i'll kill the ssh server running on it | 16:14 |
ActionParsnip | ruan: try a different port, based on why ZykoticK9 says :) | 16:14 |
ruan | ok now it opens the port | 16:14 |
ActionParsnip | bam! | 16:14 |
ruan | i'm only able to run on one port because my isp restricts access to routers | 16:14 |
ActionParsnip | ruan: shame | 16:15 |
ruan | ssh server not working anyway.. nat probably not set up | 16:15 |
ruan | only works locally | 16:15 |
=== Tribaal is now known as Tribaal|Antistar |
Sidewinder1 | ruan: Who is your ISP? Wouldn't be Comcast by any chance? | 16:16 |
ruan | nope | 16:17 |
Sidewinder1 | K | 16:17 |
Delemas | ActionParsnip, very weird... A static copy of my motd got dumped in /etc/motd.tail yesterday at 11:08. Know if Ubuntu has an equivalent to rpm -qi package and the install date it lists? | 16:17 |
Gurke_ | hello i need help | 16:18 |
LordFDisk | ruan, you could try changing your router mac to the puters nic mac address. might fool your isp | 16:18 |
peto | hello | 16:18 |
ruan | can't change my router's mac without accessing it can i? | 16:18 |
Sidewinder1 | !help | Gurke_ | 16:18 |
ubottu | Gurke_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 16:18 |
Gurke_ | i want ask 10.04 or 11.04 | 16:19 |
peto | is there a super + wheel screen magnifier in Unity? | 16:19 |
chipmenk | two drives in same system boot drive is slow any easy way to make other drive a mirror then boot from it | 16:19 |
Gurke_ | 4 | 16:19 |
J-Hon | Is there a program that will show me the location of a access point? for example, like a graph showing where the signal is coming from? | 16:19 |
chipmenk | used to use diskcopy and would boot up | 16:19 |
Gurke_ | i want ask 10.04 or 11.04 | 16:19 |
thunderst | Which is the best program to listen to music? | 16:20 |
ruan | Gurke_: 11.04 is beta | 16:20 |
ruan | !best | 16:20 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 16:20 |
Gurke_ | ok | 16:20 |
lf4 | I just installed 10.10 and was going to edit the menu.lst for grub but it doesn't exist in /boot/grub/. Where is it reading from? | 16:20 |
Gurke_ | is beta badd ?? | 16:20 |
Sidewinder1 | !natty | Gurke_ | 16:20 |
ubottu | Gurke_: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 16:20 |
ruan | Gurke_: for production systems, it's not a good idea | 16:20 |
LordFDisk | ruan, nope you have to have access to change it | 16:20 |
ruan | Gurke_: however, it is released next week | 16:20 |
ruan | LordFDisk: no use trying then.. | 16:20 |
Gurke_ | ok but i cant wait 7 days because pc arrived today ;D) | 16:20 |
phoenixsampras | how to get the package information (version, etc) from a repository? | 16:21 |
ruan | you could install 10.10, and install natty 7 days after | 16:21 |
=== Tribaal|Antistar is now known as Tribaal |
rumpe1 | phoenixsampras, apt-cache show packagename | 16:22 |
user82 | natty x64 1m boot time maverick x86 1m30s on my netbook....nice | 16:22 |
Dreki | whats the best way to minimize a full screen game in ubuntu? i think i used to have an aplication that would do it but if i remember correctly its no longer in development. | 16:22 |
LordFDisk | ruan, =( sorry you can't spoof it | 16:22 |
ruan | alt tab works with some games. others not | 16:23 |
flaritycat | Dreki, I have the same prob when for example in QuakeLive. | 16:24 |
phoenixsampras | help!! why Moodle 1.9.4.dfsg-0ubuntu4 is not updated to Moodle 2 ??? HELP | 16:24 |
ruan | !info moodle | 16:24 |
ubottu | moodle (source: moodle): Course Management System for Online Learning. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.4.dfsg-0ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 9437 kB, installed size 61948 kB | 16:24 |
ruan | phoenixsampras: what version of ubuntu | 16:24 |
phoenixsampras | ruan: 10.10 | 16:25 |
ruan | phoenixsampras: moodle 2 doesnt appear to be in the repos of 10.10 | 16:25 |
ZykoticK9 | phoenixsampras, see that !latest factoid, check for the version you want in a PPA | 16:25 |
ruan | !ppa | 16:25 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. | 16:25 |
user82 | does the bot know everything? | 16:26 |
user82 | !viruses | 16:26 |
ubottu | Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See | 16:26 |
ruan | haha. it knows almost everything | 16:26 |
ruan | everything of interest | 16:27 |
flaritycat | !harrypotter | 16:27 |
ZykoticK9 | ruan, she would be insulted in you calling her "it" ;) see !gender | 16:27 |
user82 | !gender | 16:27 |
ubottu | yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :) | 16:27 |
ruan | rather offtopic though | 16:27 |
user82 | lol | 16:27 |
yrlnry | When I log in on my ubuntu box, it says "26 packages can be updated. 11 updates are security updates." But running apt-get upgrade does not update anything. What gives? | 16:27 |
ruan | apt-get dist-upgrade? whats the difference | 16:28 |
ZykoticK9 | yrlnry, "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" should upgrade everything (this is what the GUI runs) | 16:28 |
azeryu | hello there | 16:28 |
thunderst | How to use ubuntu? I want to hear music. | 16:28 |
Pici | !dist-upgrade | yrlnry ruan | 16:28 |
ubottu | yrlnry ruan: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu. | 16:28 |
ruan | !audio | 16:28 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 16:28 |
ruan | !players | 16:28 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 16:28 |
securityxxxpert | Is there anyway to change the password to your root account if you forgot it and the home dir is encrypted? | 16:29 |
azeryu | i just compile nagios from /usr/src/ but i don't know where to find the web root folder for nagios | 16:29 |
yrlnry | ZykoticK9: I tried that also but it said it would only upgrade 3 packages. | 16:29 |
dyllan | guys is there a way to lockdown or remove the Main Menu app under Preferences? | 16:29 |
ruan | dyllan: remove main menu from the menu? | 16:29 |
ZykoticK9 | yrlnry, i'm guessing you are probably using 3rd party repos then. Best of luck. | 16:29 |
shyamgai | Hi, aplay -l works with sudo (root) perms, but not for a normal user. | 16:29 |
yrlnry | securityxxxpert: boot from CD. mount the root volume. edit /etc/shadow manually. | 16:29 |
ruan | dyllan: ...using main menu | 16:29 |
yrlnry | ZykoticK9: why so? | 16:29 |
=== Flummoxed is now known as Snoman`` |
dyllan | ruan, Under System/Preferences there is a Main Menu option that lets u add/remove things to the menu. | 16:30 |
securityxxxpert | yrlnry: Edit it manually? The recovery console trick won't work? | 16:30 |
ZykoticK9 | yrlnry, i just doubt offical ubuntu repos wouldn't upgrade properly | 16:30 |
dyllan | ruan, I want to remove it for ALL users not just myself, so global | 16:30 |
shyamgai | What may be the problem? Not using gnome, KDE, so have to do it from terminal. | 16:30 |
phoenixsampras | wget has cache? how to clear and re-download a broken file? | 16:30 |
ruan | dyllan: oh. hmm | 16:30 |
ruan | phoenixsampras: wget -c url | 16:30 |
dyllan | ruan, not to worry found it, alacarte | 16:30 |
dyllan | ruan, /usr/share/applications/alacarte | 16:30 |
xxmmaann | can you help me > my linux not start? | 16:31 |
ruan | xxmmaann: any errors/ | 16:31 |
ruan | s///?/ | 16:31 |
xxmmaann | i tryed to install that new driver | 16:32 |
user82 | !gnome | 16:32 |
ubottu | GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal. | 16:32 |
user82 | will gnome 3 come to natty? | 16:32 |
ruan | yes | 16:32 |
user82 | good to know | 16:32 |
ruan | probably in a ppa | 16:32 |
ruan | gnome3 does work on natty though. | 16:32 |
user82 | that..but still good | 16:32 |
DragonKeeper | whats a good ftp server to use with ubuntu 10.10? | 16:32 |
swart | sshd | 16:33 |
erUSUL | !ftpd > DragonKeeper | 16:33 |
ubottu | DragonKeeper, please see my private message | 16:33 |
tomtiddly | well that's me up n running i hope | 16:33 |
c987-1 | DragonKeeper; windows ftp servers work on ubuntu too :P | 16:33 |
ruan | was also thinking of ssh, but ssh is more of a systemwide thing | 16:33 |
xxmmaann | it stops at boot screen | 16:33 |
swart | is there any way to roll back a set of updates in 10.10 desktop? | 16:33 |
ruan | xxmmaann: can you go into recovery mode? | 16:34 |
ruan | !recovery | 16:34 |
ubottu | To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system" | 16:34 |
ruan | oh not that | 16:34 |
xxmmaann | im on live cd now | 16:34 |
ruan | hold shift at boot and select recovery mode, then remove the driver package | 16:34 |
shyamgai | Hi, sound works only for root user, not for "normal" user. aplay -l works for root, not normal user. | 16:35 |
shyamgai | What could be the problem? Thanks! | 16:35 |
xxmmaann | i removed that driver | 16:36 |
ruan | ok | 16:37 |
ruan | xxmmaann: can you boot after removal? | 16:37 |
xxmmaann | i tryed follow that steps | 16:37 |
chmod755 | 1556 idlers? *lol | 16:39 |
phoenixsampras | me not idling | 16:39 |
yrlnry | I just ran a dist-upgrade and it upgraded the three things it said it would. But I'm still getting a message that says "26 packages can be updated. 11 updates are security updates.". What's going on? | 16:39 |
ruan | yrlnry: does an aptitude upgrade work? | 16:39 |
xxmmaann | so i removed all nvidia drivers and i launched this comand in terminal>>> sudo service gdm stop | 16:40 |
ruan | you should restart gdm, not stop it... | 16:40 |
Pici | yrlnry: where are you getting that message? | 16:40 |
linjan | ctrl+alt+f1, then login, then sudo restart gdm | 16:40 |
yrlnry | At login time. | 16:40 |
yrlnry | pici: At login time. | 16:40 |
phoenixsampras | when i push | 16:40 |
phoenixsampras | ctrl + alt + f1, all gets black | 16:41 |
cousteau | and when you press ctrl-alt-f7 everything goes back to normal | 16:41 |
ruan | it's fullscreen terminal.. | 16:41 |
xxmmaann | i tryed but not work > | 16:41 |
linjan | black, and you didn't any text? | 16:41 |
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO |
seru76 | yrlnry: try aptitude full-upgrade | 16:41 |
Pici | yrlnry: If you've already performed your dist-upgrade steps, then it sounds like the script that generates that motd isn't refreshing properly. | 16:41 |
linjan | pici: very strange | 16:42 |
xxmmaann | i know when press ctrl-alt-f7 everything goes back to normal but dont work | 16:42 |
yrlnry | Pici: you're right, it's the motd. I thought it was some command that was being run from the default bashrc and was puzzled that I couldn't find it. | 16:42 |
ruan | yrlnry: if aptitude upgrade doesn't work then it's most definitely the script | 16:42 |
yrlnry | Pici: thanks. | 16:42 |
xxmmaann | i only can to restart >>>ctrl+alt+del | 16:43 |
phoenixsampras | how to enable php5 curl ? | 16:43 |
ruan | phoenixsampras: install both? | 16:44 |
phoenixsampras | ruan: just curl, php is already installed | 16:44 |
yrlnry | Interesting. the erroneous update information has been put into /etc/motd.tail, so it gets appended to the end of the motd every time the motd is rebuilt. | 16:45 |
xxmmaann | so what should i do? | 16:45 |
xxmmaann | please help | 16:45 |
Pici | phoenixsampras: Install the php5-curl package. | 16:45 |
thunderst | Please give me a beginner's tutorial (link or something) for ubuntu 10.10. | 16:45 |
ruan | !manual | 16:45 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 16:45 |
thunderst | thanks. | 16:45 |
phoenixsampras | Pici: curl is installed, but moodle says it is not Activated | 16:45 |
Pici | yrlnry: yes. See the contents of /etc/update-motd.d/ for how that file gets created. | 16:47 |
xxmmaann | can you help me please? i only can run recovery mode from grub | 16:47 |
Pici | phoenixsampras: 'php5-curl' is its own package. | 16:47 |
phoenixsampras | ohhh | 16:47 |
phoenixsampras | curl <> php5-curl | 16:48 |
gusg | Not specifically Ubuntu: how can I attach a pipe to a running process? | 16:48 |
erUSUL | gusg: huh? can you explain a little more what are you trying to do ? | 16:49 |
nady | 11-04? | 16:50 |
shyamgai | gusg: pipe what? | less or something else? | 16:50 |
Pici | nady : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion. | 16:50 |
gusg | erUSUL: There is a command line program that I must perform a batch operation in. I was hoping there could be some way to get the program to the proper menu/authenticate myself to the program and then attach a script to it that would perform the batch operation | 16:50 |
azeryu | i just compile nagios from /usr/src/ but i don't know where to find the web root folder for nagios | 16:50 |
Pici | gusg: You may want to look into 'expect'. | 16:51 |
erUSUL | gusg: pici beat me to it | 16:51 |
gusg | you guys are amazing | 16:51 |
chipmenk | what do i use to unpack a tar.lz file? | 16:51 |
Pici | chipmenk: tar.lz or tar.gz? | 16:51 |
ruan | !info expect | 16:51 |
ubottu | expect (source: expect): A program that can automate interactive applications. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 228 kB, installed size 444 kB | 16:51 |
erUSUL | chipmenk: lzma ? | 16:51 |
shyamgai | gusg: do a read cmd in the script? | 16:52 |
erUSUL | chipmenk: try with -J | 16:52 |
shyamgai | gusg: Pici has the better idea: expect. | 16:52 |
xxmmaann | so , can you help me , how use recovery mode to repair my linux? | 16:52 |
cousteau | chipmenk, tar.lz = tar.lzma - file-roller should be enough | 16:52 |
chipmenk | ooops tar./z and .tar.lz.sig | 16:52 |
nady | ihave but not workin in my computer | 16:52 |
ruan | xxmmaann: well you have to reverse the installation of the driver | 16:52 |
chipmenk | tar.lz | 16:53 |
cousteau | if it isn't, tar x --lzma -f file.tar.lz | 16:53 |
nady | ok | 16:53 |
shyamgai | aplay -l works as root, but not as normal user. Know what could be happening? | 16:53 |
xxmmaann | ruan: i not installed the new driver i removed the old driver | 16:54 |
cousteau | erUSUL, -J is for xz, not lzma... I don't know if that works | 16:54 |
ruan | xxmmaann: reinstall the old driver then | 16:54 |
velcroshooz | does anyone know how i might reduce screen tearing while watching videos? whether it is movie player or vlc, it seems to happen constantly. I am using full desktop effects. is there a different video output mode i might use to help | 16:55 |
xxmmaann | how to install the driver? because ubuntu not start | 16:55 |
ppoteete | I found a significant problem with "ping" in ubuntu 11.04... where do I report that issue? | 16:55 |
ruan | !bug | 16:55 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at | 16:55 |
ppoteete | thanks. | 16:56 |
Sidewinder1 | !grub | xxmmaann | 16:56 |
ubottu | xxmmaann: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 16:56 |
ruan | Sidewinder1: it's a graphics driver.. | 16:56 |
ruan | xxmmaann: reverse the removal | 16:56 |
Sidewinder1 | OIC, sorry | 16:56 |
xxmmaann | so . i can use only the recovery mode , | 16:56 |
ruan | xxmmaann: you can use the livecd too | 16:57 |
xxmmaann | how can i reverse the removal | 16:57 |
ruan | xxmmaann: restore the files you changed to their original state | 16:57 |
xxmmaann | im on live cd now | 16:57 |
Theoretician | So I have a bit of an issue. I am using a LCD monitor and when I try to change the resolution with the monitors program, It doesnt go higher than 1360x768. How can I fix this? | 16:59 |
=== tuxampol_ is now known as tuxampol |
xxmmaann | so , can i restore the deleted files from my ubuntu partition? | 17:01 |
sgb77 | QUESTION, skype does not start when I try to launch it, when I unistall it and reinstall it, it starts working again for a couple of times but then it stops again. What could be the problem? | 17:01 |
Theoretician | So I have a bit of an issue. I am using a LCD monitor and when I try to change the resolution with the monitors program, It doesnt go higher than 1360x768. How can I fix this? | 17:02 |
ZykoticK9 | xxmmaann, most likely "you can't" - undelete on ext3/4 is near impossible | 17:02 |
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC |
erUSUL | !undelete > xxmmaann | 17:02 |
ubottu | xxmmaann, please see my private message | 17:02 |
zeracca | Theoretician, did you install your video cards proprietary driver? | 17:02 |
Theoretician | zeracca: no idea | 17:03 |
Theoretician | zeracca: probably not | 17:03 |
Sidewinder1 | Theoretician: Perhaps this will help: | 17:03 |
sab0 | hi i am using 10.04 LTS,want to update my software repository from terminal but its giving me the following error(i am novice in linux).."dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." | 17:03 |
erUSUL | xxmmaann: | 17:03 |
zeracca | Theoretician, what video card do you have? nvidia, ati, intel? if you download the driver from their sites, you should be able to get a higher screen resolution | 17:03 |
ZykoticK9 | sab0, have you run that command? sudo dpkg --configure -a | 17:03 |
azeryu | how to uncompile ? | 17:03 |
sab0 | ZykoticK9, thank u | 17:04 |
_ProGammer | Hi | 17:04 |
Theoretician | zeracca: its not my comp. I have no idea | 17:04 |
_ProGammer | i cannot swith between open windows by clicking on Windows Body, i have to click on caption bar! | 17:04 |
zeracca | Theoretician, ok, if yo figure out what video card it is, then it should be a higher resolution if you install the video cards proprietary driver from their sites :) | 17:05 |
phoenixsampras | how to install php-extension? | 17:05 |
Sidewinder1 | sab0: Open a terminal and type sudo dpkg --configure -a | 17:05 |
Theoretician | zeracca: got it. Thanks | 17:05 |
rumina | Has the display manager detected your monitor? Check the "show monitors in panel" box and click "Detect monitors". That's worked for me at least. | 17:05 |
zeracca | Theoretician, anytime | 17:05 |
Theoretician | rumina: Nope, that doesn't work | 17:06 |
pumeust | hello what is whole partition? | 17:06 |
flaritycat | So true! > | 17:07 |
_ProGammer | i cannot swith between open windows by clicking on Windows Body, i have to click on caption bar! | 17:07 |
rww | !ot | flaritycat | 17:07 |
ubottu | flaritycat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 17:07 |
airtonix | man this refusing to suspend because task refuses to freeze is ***REAALLLY*** starting to drive me up the wall to kill kittens | 17:08 |
raven_ | winff - i am missing profiles like quicktime.... how to add? | 17:08 |
airtonix | i just want to goto bed, not debug fail subsystems | 17:08 |
coz_ | airtonix, sleep is way more important than irc or linux:) | 17:09 |
phoenixsampras | airtonix: Suspend and Hibernation, DOESNT WORK for decent laptops, i gave up long time ago | 17:09 |
airtonix | coz_: tell that to mavericks suspend | 17:09 |
coz_ | airtonix, oh darn ,, you have a laptop ...yes? | 17:09 |
abstrakt | how do I find a printer's IP address? | 17:09 |
airtonix | phoenixsampras: worked perfectly for me in lucid | 17:09 |
airtonix | coz_: yes it worked fine in lucid on laptops, netbooks and desktops | 17:10 |
coz_ | airtonix, lucid is far better as far as stable and hardware recognition in my opinion mainly because it is LTS | 17:10 |
abstrakt | i mean, i can run ifconfig/ipconfig on a computer, how would I find the ip of a printer? or are printers supposed to be e.g. autodiscovered by your OS? | 17:10 |
brightspark | My internet stops working in the ctrl-alt-f1 terminal when I log out of the graphical one. How do I correct this behaviour? | 17:10 |
brightspark | My internet stops working in the ctrl-alt-f1 terminal when I log out of the graphical one. How do I correct this behaviour? | 17:10 |
airtonix | coz_: unfortunately lucid doesn't support the latest pyside oss qt libs | 17:10 |
coz_ | airtonix, ah ,, its always something,,, are there any backports for that support? | 17:11 |
airtonix | brightspark: tick the box that says " available for all users" | 17:11 |
airtonix | coz_: no | 17:11 |
prawnstar | Hello, I am having an issue where it seem opening or closing Firefox causes Ubuntu10.04 to freeze. I cannot verify it is in fact FF. Which log file might I look in to find the answer? | 17:11 |
airtonix | prawnstar: /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog ~/.*.log | 17:12 |
Sidewinder1 | !printer | abstrakt | 17:12 |
ubottu | abstrakt: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 17:12 |
airtonix | prawnstar: and maybe something called xsession errors | 17:12 |
brightspark | airtonix, thanks. back after testing | 17:12 |
prawnstar | airtonix: thank you. | 17:13 |
airtonix | brightspark: i won't be | 17:13 |
abstrakt | Sidewinder1, yeah i happen to be on ubuntu but this network is mostly Mac and a couple windows machines | 17:13 |
abstrakt | and a bunch of printers of course | 17:13 |
airtonix | coz_: i was positive that it was due to the nfs client i was running so i move to autofs mounting | 17:13 |
cubix | Greetings! | 17:13 |
Sidewinder1 | abstrakt: ubuntu should auto detect your printer | 17:13 |
sadcarrot | hello! | 17:13 |
coz_ | airtonix, understood... I probably couldnt help with this issue,, | 17:14 |
sadcarrot | anyone have familiarity with scponly? | 17:14 |
abstrakt | Sidewinder1, um, yes but the machines in this office are not ubuntu :) | 17:14 |
pumeust | hello can someone tell me what is 'whole partition'? | 17:14 |
abstrakt | i want to find the IP addresses of these printers so I can just like have it written down and know how to specifically ping those printers etc for testing etc | 17:14 |
coz_ | sadcarrot, if no one does here you can try the # #linux channel as well | 17:14 |
abstrakt | Sidewinder1, only machine here that's ubuntu is my laptop that I brought with me | 17:15 |
sadcarrot | coz_: thanks! | 17:15 |
brightspark | airtonix: thanks, irssi working in ctrrl-alt-f1 | 17:15 |
coz_ | sadcarrot, no problem | 17:15 |
mineralntl | anyone else running 11.04 on a Dell Latitude D630 by chance? | 17:15 |
ZykoticK9 | minerale, re-ask in #ubuntu+1 | 17:16 |
ZykoticK9 | mineralntl, ^ | 17:16 |
mineralntl | thanks Zyko | 17:16 |
Sidewinder1 | abstrakt: Try System-->Administration-->Printing then see if the printer is detected; there may also be a "Find" choice there | 17:16 |
LixMabus | Anyone here have any experience with the linksys wusb300n in ubuntu? i have tried ndoswrapper with the wusb300n.tar files but it wont even scan for networks | 17:17 |
LixMabus | i can see a wlan0 sometimes in terminal but in GUI it only shows wired | 17:17 |
abstrakt | Sidewinder1, yeah i don't think you've quite understood what I want, but thanks for the suggestion | 17:17 |
sadcarrot | or chrootdirectory? | 17:17 |
sadcarrot | i just need to jail a user to a dir | 17:17 |
brightspark | How does one delay the screen-blank in the ctrl-alt-f1 terminal? | 17:18 |
pumeust | i need to use ddrescue and it says 'If you are trying to rescue a whole partition, first repair the copy with e2fsck or some other tool'. i'm not sure what they mean by 'whole partition'? | 17:18 |
GeekMan | hi im trying to build a package but im getting this error can yall help me out. Type, std::allocator<lightspark::amf3::ValueType> >]’ /home/matt/Downloads/lightspark- instantiated from here /usr/include/boost/proto/traits.hpp:558: note: synthesized method ‘boost::spirit::qi::grammar<char*, std::vector<lightspark::amf3::ValueType, std::allocator<lightspark::amf3::ValueType> >(), boost::fusion::unused_t | 17:18 |
GeekMan | ype, boost::fusion::unused_type>::grammar(const boost::spirit::qi::grammar<char*, std::vector<lightspark::amf3::ValueType, std::allocator<lightspark::amf3::ValueType> >(), boost::fusion::unused_type, boost::fusion::unused_type>&)’ first required here make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/spark.dir/parsing/amf3_generator.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/spark.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2 | 17:18 |
FloodBot2 | GeekMan: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:18 |
sgb77 | QUESTION, skype does not start when I try to launch it, when I unistall it and reinstall it, it starts working again for a couple of times but then it stops again. What could be the problem? | 17:19 |
ActionParsnip | LixMabus: unplug it, wait a while then reinsert. Wait 10 seconds then run: dmesg | tail it may give clues | 17:19 |
Sidewinder1 | abstrakt: Another way might be to go into the router and see if the printer's IP is listed there. | 17:19 |
tomtiddly | how do i enable 'hide join/part/messages i looked in settings but nothing there? | 17:19 |
wagner[DF] | hello i'm trying to install 11.04 daily, but after user screen do nothing | 17:20 |
pumeust | i need to find out if which of my drives have whole partition | 17:20 |
ActionParsnip | Sgb77: run it from terminal. It may give clues | 17:20 |
ActionParsnip | !natty | wagner[DF] | 17:20 |
ubottu | wagner[DF]: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 17:20 |
LixMabus | ActionParsnip: thanks i'll give it a try | 17:20 |
wagner[DF] | i waited about 30min and nothing | 17:20 |
c987-1 | .clear | 17:21 |
wagner[DF] | ActionParsnip, ubottu, thanks | 17:21 |
Sidewinder1 | tomtiddly: right click on #ubuntu in settings should be what you're lookin' for. | 17:21 |
ActionParsnip | wagner[DF]: np :-) | 17:21 |
sgb77 | ActionParsnip: I have this is what I get at the prompt # Segmentation fault | 17:21 |
ActionParsnip | sgb77: do you mean as root!? | 17:22 |
central | hi, ive installed ubuntu 10.04 on a PC witch has a printer... I cannot share it to a windows XP machine in the network.. but i can do it with a debian one... Is something missing to get Windows detect my samba printer? | 17:22 |
sgb77 | and this is what I get in the messages log: Apr 21 12:21:03 my-laptop kernel: [ 1925.013693] skype[9046] general protection ip:8078173 sp:bf989110 error:0 in skype[8048000+13d2000] | 17:22 |
MRam9 | fyi : the 10.10 image won't install from older versions of gnulinux unless you remove the line that staarts with UI in syslinux.cfg and re-run syslinux on the device | 17:23 |
pumeust | hey i been getting segmentation fault also while using testdisk | 17:23 |
prem | Gentlemen I need your help. Please help me. I have installed Ubuntu in my laptop and it hangs as soon as it boots most of the time. | 17:23 |
ActionParsnip | sgb77: are you running skype as root? | 17:23 |
sgb77 | ActionParsnip: I have tried runing it as a regular user and with the sudo command | 17:23 |
tomtiddly | hi Sidewinder1 | 17:23 |
codex84 | im trying to extract a pc game | 17:24 |
codex84 | but it says error loading the archive | 17:24 |
codex84 | ? | 17:24 |
ActionParsnip | Prem: does it go to a black screen? | 17:24 |
LixMabus | odd, i don't even see wlan0 | 17:24 |
codex84 | tar: Skipping to next header | 17:24 |
codex84 | tar: Unexpected EOF in archive | 17:24 |
codex84 | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now | 17:24 |
tomtiddly | i right clicked settings at top of page and only preferences and advanced appeared? | 17:24 |
LixMabus | hrm, so perplexing | 17:24 |
sgb77 | ActionParsnip: the puzzling thing is that it runs for a couple of times and then it just stops working | 17:24 |
prem | No everyting is visible. | 17:24 |
brightspark | tomtiddly: what client? | 17:24 |
sgb77 | I reinstall it and it works again for a couple of times and stops again | 17:25 |
tomtiddly | xchat 2.8.8 | 17:25 |
MAMAA | hi | 17:25 |
ZykoticK9 | sgb77, if you used sudo and not gksu the permission in your skype setting in your home directory could be messed up - you might want to try removing the settings folder and try skype again | 17:25 |
ruan | codex84: seems to be the archive's error. redownload it | 17:25 |
prem | even I am also confused with this strange behaviour | 17:25 |
ActionParsnip | sgb77: never run skype as root and gui apps shouldn't be ran with sudo, use gksudo | 17:25 |
prawnstar | quit | 17:26 |
brightspark | tomtiddly: press f9 if you don't have the sidepane | 17:26 |
Sidewinder1 | tomtiddly: Did it work? (part/join) | 17:26 |
sgb77 | Zykotick9: I have purged removed skype and removed the ~/.Skype folder and the same thing occurs | 17:26 |
tironci | how can i save a backup of mysql directly to the share drive? | 17:26 |
MAMAA | is it better to use 10.10 or 10.04 | 17:27 |
Sidewinder1 | !natty | 17:27 |
ubottu | Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 17:27 |
ZykoticK9 | sgb77, ok - just checkin' (i don't use Skype... anymore) | 17:27 |
central | IM trying to access a printer from windows XP to ubuntu 10.04, whitch has the printer, trought samba... the windows PC detects my ubuntu but not the printer.. is something missing? | 17:27 |
brightspark | tomtiddly: then do as Sidewinder1 instructed | 17:27 |
tomtiddly | nope no luck? | 17:27 |
Sidewinder1 | Oh, sorry,...I like 10.04 | 17:27 |
ZykoticK9 | MAMAA, 10.04 is LTS, 10.10 will be superseeded by 11.04 in a week | 17:27 |
MAMAA | ok | 17:27 |
MAMAA | so 10.04 ? | 17:27 |
ldleworker | Hi. I am trying to use org-mode in emacs however when I press M-<RET> (Alt-Enter) gnome-terminal sends C-M-j Does anyone have any idea why this happens? | 17:28 |
hosk | what is the right irc room to discuss 11.04? this one? i'm having some trouble getting unity --replace to work in virtualbox | 17:28 |
ActionParsnip | Sgb77: all i can suggest is make it work and lauch from terminal to get the output of a good execution, then when it goes bad save that text too and log a bug showing both outputs | 17:28 |
MAMAA | but 10.04 doenst include kde 4.6 :(! | 17:28 |
ZykoticK9 | MAMAA, you might find 10.04 dated at this point | 17:28 |
ldleworker | Hi. I am trying to use org-mode in emacs however when I press M-RET (Alt-Enter) gnome-terminal sends C-M-j Does anyone have any idea why this happens? | 17:28 |
MAMAA | ZykoticK9: maybe i can use natty too ? know it isnt stable but its not so important | 17:28 |
tensorpudding | it's pretty stable now actually | 17:29 |
Hotmedal | I want to install Ubuntu on Compaq mini, 1.6 GHz Atom, 1GB RAM | 17:29 |
airtonix | uttlery pathetic. logout and login then my desktop suspends fine. /RAGE | 17:29 |
LixMabus | i run dmesg on ndiswrapper and get a ton of messages that look likemthis : ndiswrapper (import:242): unknown symbol: WDFLDR.SYS:'WdfVersionUnbind | 17:29 |
brightspark | tomtiddly: what do you see when you right-click '#ubuntu' in the sidepane | 17:29 |
Hotmedal | should I install the netbook edition? | 17:29 |
ZykoticK9 | MAMAA, the choice is yours, either way ;) Best of luck. | 17:29 |
airtonix | not happy | 17:29 |
tomtiddly | seems to have done the trick | 17:29 |
LixMabus | should i assume the driver is improperly installed | 17:29 |
tomtiddly | ty Sidewinder1 and brightspark | 17:29 |
ActionParsnip | Mamaa: maverick will be supported as well as | 17:29 |
MAMAA | 10 months ? | 17:30 |
brightspark | How does one delay the screen-blank in the ctrl-alt-f1 terminal? | 17:30 |
Sidewinder1 | tomtiddly: No problem; glad to've helped. | 17:30 |
MAMAA | i am not sure if this reward / be worth | 17:30 |
tomtiddly | cheers mate | 17:30 |
ActionParsnip | Mamaa: natty will just be supported after maverick dies | 17:30 |
en1gma | how do you install gnome3? | 17:30 |
Sidewinder1 | Right back at'ya! | 17:30 |
MAMAA | oh yes you are right .. | 17:30 |
sgb77 | ActionParsnip, ok, I will do that, but I am also posting a topic on skype's site, see if they can help | 17:30 |
ActionParsnip | en1gma: there are ppas. Search for: maverick gnome 3 ppa | 17:31 |
tomtiddly | nite folks! | 17:31 |
en1gma | thanks | 17:31 |
mymeatinyourseat | en1gma, hey, en1gma. linnux fucking sucks, huh?? | 17:31 |
andycc | !ops | 17:31 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww! | 17:31 |
Sidewinder1 | MAMAA: Just install Lucid, 10.04 and you'll have a couple of years... | 17:32 |
jpds | andycc: Hi. | 17:32 |
ActionParsnip | mymeatinyourseat: please stop that | 17:32 |
Sidewinder1 | Another one bites the dust!!! | 17:33 |
=== LyNX is now known as Guest71638 |
en1gma | hey can you remove ban on mymeatinyourseat as he is my cousin and was just being stupid | 17:34 |
Sidewinder1 | Not bloody likely. | 17:34 |
Hotmedal | Tell me about the Netbook edition, what's so cool about it? | 17:34 |
Hotmedal | is it the complete ubuntu? | 17:35 |
en1gma | he was trying to send me a pm and it showed the whole room | 17:35 |
tsimpson | en1gma: they should join #ubuntu-ops to discuss the ban | 17:35 |
ActionParsnip | en1gma: get him/her to ask in #ubuntuops and tell him/her to grow up | 17:35 |
en1gma | ok i will tell him | 17:36 |
bhavesh | My ubuntu 10.10 is not detecting my DVD-RW drive! it detected earlier today? | 17:36 |
rumpe1 | Hotmedal, what do you mean with "complete"? | 17:36 |
bhavesh | what happened? | 17:36 |
Sidewinder1 | Showes to go ya, one errant click can get one in some hot water. :-) | 17:36 |
Hotmedal | I mean it's supposed to be touch intuitive, small screen friendly, etc etc but that's just the GUI, right? | 17:36 |
Hotmedal | I mean the backend is still the 10.10 | 17:36 |
LixMabus | hrm, any idea what this means? mabus@LiNavi:/opt/ndis$ sudo modprobe ndiswrapper | 17:36 |
LixMabus | WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release | 17:36 |
Hotmedal | right? | 17:36 |
ActionParsnip | bhavesh: does it show in bios? | 17:36 |
bhavesh | ActionParship: BIOS? | 17:37 |
rumpe1 | Hotmedal, right... you can always change very easy the desktop and have the usual edition | 17:37 |
andycc | LixMabus, if it doesn't break anything (yet), it's probably okay. | 17:37 |
Hotmedal | ah | 17:37 |
Hotmedal | thanks | 17:37 |
ActionParsnip | LixMabus: add the file extension to your file | 17:37 |
en1gma | :) | 17:37 |
bhavesh | ActionParship: lights on dvd drive blink... dunno what u mean by BIOS.. | 17:37 |
bhavesh | basic input output system... | 17:37 |
bhavesh | system | 17:37 |
skulltip | irrlicht | 17:38 |
LixMabus | its saying i cant load the driver due to unknown symbols | 17:38 |
nyuszika7h | Hi! After you've installed the updates today, say '/exec -o yes' in your client and you'll get a gift for Easter! | 17:38 |
LixMabus | oh well, i will have to try later as i need to get ready for work atm | 17:38 |
ActionParsnip | bhavesh: the bios detects and sets up hardware. If its not listed then its not a linux issue | 17:38 |
bhavesh | ActionParsnip: and where can I see that? | 17:39 |
codex84 | An error occurred while loading the archive. | 17:39 |
codex84 | tar: Skipping to next header | 17:39 |
codex84 | tar: Unexpected EOF in archive | 17:39 |
codex84 | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now | 17:39 |
nyuszika7h | !paste | codex84 | 17:39 |
ubottu | codex84: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:39 |
cubix | Greetings! | 17:39 |
codex84 | i remove the archiver mananger and restall it again | 17:40 |
Afteraffekt | does anybody know where i can change the text color for text in gnome's panel's | 17:40 |
codex84 | same problem | 17:40 |
MK`` | When official support ends, does this mean I can no longer get updated packages, only update my release of Ubuntu? | 17:40 |
Afteraffekt | like a guide or resource? | 17:40 |
thunderst | is there anything in ubuntu 10.10 like dxdiag in windows? | 17:40 |
jrib | MK``: yes | 17:40 |
Mona | Hi! Ubuntu hangs when I boot my lappy. Though it works in low graphics mode. Please help me | 17:41 |
MaRk-I | nyuszika7h: stop posting code that might do some damage or you might get a ban for easter | 17:41 |
arand_ | codex84: Sounds like the archive itself is broken, is it a multi-part one? | 17:41 |
cubix | Greetings! | 17:41 |
Sidewinder1 | cubix: Hi, right back at 'ya | 17:41 |
codex84 | idk | 17:41 |
codex84 | is a pc game tar file | 17:41 |
codex84 | i double click it to open and it shows that error | 17:41 |
thunderst | How do we know whether the neccessary drivers are installed?? | 17:42 |
thunderst | I am new to ubuntu. | 17:42 |
jrib | thunderst: system → administration → additional drivers | 17:42 |
nyuszika7h | MaRk-I, sorry | 17:43 |
MK`` | thank you jrib, is there anything else it entails | 17:43 |
arand_ | codex84: Is it a tar.gz? | 17:43 |
nyuszika7h | WHAT? 1564 users? | 17:43 |
thunderst | thanks jrib | 17:43 |
jrib | MK``: hmm, we stop supporting it here too :) | 17:43 |
Sidewinder1 | thunderst: If it works, they are. Sorry, I couldn't resist. :-) | 17:43 |
MK`` | Ah, ok | 17:43 |
bhavesh | I could not copy a folder to usr/libraries it said "Permission denied" what should I do? | 17:43 |
codex84 | doesnt say | 17:43 |
codex84 | just say tar | 17:44 |
jrib | bhavesh: why do you want to copy a folder there? | 17:44 |
bhavesh | jrib: its a C++ folder | 17:44 |
Mac_Weber | why ubuntu 10.04 LTS does not install libmd5-perl out of the box? I'm thinking about installing webmin | 17:44 |
jrib | bhavesh: be more specific | 17:44 |
arand_ | codex84: If you run "file filename.tar" does that also confirm that it is a tar? | 17:44 |
jrib | !webmin | Mac_Weber | 17:44 |
ubottu | Mac_Weber: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. | 17:44 |
bhavesh | jrib : its a c++ libraries folder that I want to copy to my college computer... because I cannot access internet there.. | 17:44 |
jrib | !offline | bhavesh | 17:45 |
ubottu | bhavesh: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try - See also !APTonCD | 17:45 |
xxmmaann | im back>>> i have the same problem , i started ubuntu in safe mode | 17:45 |
bhavesh | jrib: I tried that.. but Symatic just made a 10byte text file | 17:45 |
Sidewinder1 | jrib: Thanks! I didn't know that. I used it in Gutsy and it worked fine but that's nice to knoe! | 17:45 |
codex84 | run? | 17:45 |
jrib | bhavesh: yes then you run that script on a machine with internet | 17:45 |
codex84 | meaning type that in the terminal | 17:45 |
codex84 | ? | 17:45 |
ZykoticK9 | Mac_Weber, #debian's webmin factoid if much harsher "Webmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix. Check it out at Remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin. "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server." Removed from Debian post-Sarge, see . The Debian package from is of poor quality. Se | 17:45 |
ZykoticK9 | e <free whcp> for alternatives." | 17:45 |
ubottu | Debian bug 343897 in " Please remove all webmin related packages" [Wishlist,Open] | 17:45 |
Sidewinder1 | jrib: webmin | 17:46 |
bhavesh | Jrib: I dont have internet access in my college | 17:46 |
Mac_Weber | ubottu: thanks! I was searching all morning for this info. What other free control panel do you suggest? | 17:46 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:46 |
jrib | bhavesh: I didn't assume you did | 17:46 |
bhavesh | jrib: I didn't do what? | 17:46 |
jrib | bhavesh: go to a different machine with internet and run the script you generated. It should download the packages you need. | 17:47 |
Sidewinder1 | You know what happens when we assume...:-) | 17:47 |
arand_ | codex84: Yes, open a terminal and browser to the location of the file and run the "file" command with the filename as an argument, it should print out info about the filetype. | 17:47 |
bhavesh | jrib: man, I want to install c++ libraries on my college computer which does not have an internet access... thats it | 17:48 |
LetsGo67 | Hello people! Does OpenShot use multicores, or just one core? | 17:48 |
jrib | bhavesh: you're not reading what I tell you | 17:48 |
xxmmaann | if i read the log fil>>> [ 22.765] (II) Loading extension DRI2 | 17:48 |
xxmmaann | [ 22.765] (II) LoadModule: "nvidia" | 17:48 |
xxmmaann | [ 22.781] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module nvidia | 17:48 |
xxmmaann | [ 22.782] (II) UnloadModule: "nvidia" | 17:48 |
xxmmaann | [ 22.782] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) | 17:48 |
FloodBot2 | xxmmaann: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:48 |
xxmmaann | [ 22.782] (EE) No drivers available. | 17:48 |
xxmmaann | [ 22.782] | 17:48 |
arand_ | codex84: My suspicion is that it might in fact be gz compressed, but the archive manager fails to pick it up.. | 17:48 |
disorient | where is my user's firefox profile in ubuntu? | 17:48 |
_ProGammer | i cannot swith between open windows by clicking on Windows Body, i have to click on caption bar! | 17:48 |
xxmmaann | ok sorry | 17:48 |
bhavesh | jrib: -__- u told me to download these packages on a different machine | 17:49 |
jrib | bhavesh: yes, do that. That's how you solve your problem. | 17:49 |
Sidewinder1 | !enter | xxmmaann | 17:49 |
ubottu | xxmmaann: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 17:49 |
Sidewinder1 | Wow! Them bots is fast! | 17:50 |
xxmmaann | | 17:50 |
bhavesh | jrib: I think this should work sudo cp * /home/Downloads usr/libraries | 17:51 |
jrib | bhavesh: sure, if you want a broken system | 17:51 |
bhavesh | jrib: will just pasting a file from my home computer to one in my college break it? | 17:52 |
jrib | bhavesh: I told you what you need to do. I do not understand why you continue to want to just copy files manually and avoid the package system. | 17:53 |
guntbert | disorient: beneath ~/.mozilla/firefox | 17:54 |
Mac_Weber | ZykoticK9: what free control panels do you suggest to use on 10.04 LTS? | 17:54 |
disorient | thank you very much | 17:54 |
ZykoticK9 | Mac_Weber, sorry i have no suggestions. Best of luck. | 17:55 |
xxmmaann | so,what"s the problem >i need install video driver? | 17:55 |
LetsGo67 | Ciao! | 17:55 |
disorient | guntbert, thank you, would it work to symlink my wubi ubuntu's ~/.mozilla/firefox to my existing profile in linux? | 17:55 |
guntbert | disorient: sorry, no experience with wubi here | 17:56 |
JAAAAAAA | hi | 17:56 |
ZaapielVonTroll | man anyone else think Unity is god awful? | 17:56 |
xxmmaann | i have not video driver installed and im on safe mode | 17:56 |
ZaapielVonTroll | i bet KDE is thrilled | 17:56 |
JAAAAAAA | i am lookin for kubuntu! | 17:56 |
ZaapielVonTroll | same | 17:56 |
ZaapielVonTroll | i installed it after looking at the unity ui | 17:56 |
JAAAAAAA | where can find 12.04 LTS ? | 17:56 |
ZaapielVonTroll | it's awful | 17:56 |
disorient | guntbert, thanks anyway, does one run multiple profiles with arguments just as windows does? | 17:56 |
tensorpudding | JAAAAAAA: you mean 10.04 | 17:57 |
ZaapielVonTroll | or 11.04 | 17:57 |
JAAAAAAA | i dont know, what do you recommend me ? | 17:57 |
jrib | JAAAAAAA: in the future | 17:57 |
JAAAAAAA | my friend said 12.04 | 17:57 |
ZaapielVonTroll | i recommend either xubuntu or kubuntu 11.04 beta | 17:57 |
tensorpudding | if you want LTS, get 10.04 | 17:57 |
tensorpudding | if you want the latest, get 11.04 | 17:57 |
JAAAAAAA | okay thanks | 17:57 |
Cas07 | is there a help webpage for formatting the launchpad bug comments | 17:57 |
ZykoticK9 | JAAAAAAA, 12.04 will be release April 2012 | 17:57 |
JAAAAAAA | yes okay | 17:57 |
xxmmaann | i cant install drivers in safe mode please help | 17:57 |
guntbert | disorient: there is a switch to start the profile-manager | 17:57 |
disorient | excellent | 17:58 |
JAAAAAAA | so kde | 17:58 |
JAAAAAAA | Normally i want gnome but ... dont like gnome 3 | 17:58 |
tensorpudding | 11.04 doesn't have GNOME 3 yet | 17:58 |
=== IPNixon_ is now known as IPNixon |
guntbert | disorient: have a look at the firefox page, they say a lot about profiles | 17:58 |
JAAAAAAA | yes but 11.10 | 17:58 |
ZykoticK9 | JAAAAAAA, gnome 3 won't be used in any Ubuntu releases, Unity will | 17:58 |
disorient | thanks | 17:58 |
JAAAAAAA | yes but unity is better, but dont like too | 17:59 |
tensorpudding | in any case, it'll be GNOME 3 with Unity instead of the normal shell | 17:59 |
disorient | i thought unity replaced xorg or metacity but still used gnome? | 17:59 |
JAAAAAAA | do you use gnome with unity ? | 17:59 |
arand_ | Cas07: Isn't LP comments mainly just plaintext..? | 17:59 |
tensorpudding | I use Unity | 17:59 |
tensorpudding | no, Unity isn't a replacement for X.Org | 17:59 |
tensorpudding | they're working on Wayland, which will be, though | 18:00 |
disorient | excellent | 18:00 |
tensorpudding | someday | 18:00 |
Cas07 | arand_: but the system fills in bug #'s with links so i wondered if the same applied to comments | 18:00 |
rizz1 | is there a package in synaptic to allow me to record on my webcam | 18:00 |
JAAAAAAA | somebody who using kde ?? | 18:00 |
tensorpudding | Unity will have a 2D version that uses Qt | 18:00 |
tensorpudding | It won't use metacity anymore, the 3D version uses compiz instead | 18:00 |
=== Sahm is now known as Guest51078 |
disorient | unity is 3d? | 18:01 |
=== Guest51078 is now known as Sary |
KM0201 | disorient: affirmative. | 18:01 |
disorient | one would think that would need more CPU power & be harder on battery life | 18:02 |
tensorpudding | 3D in the sense of using 3D effects | 18:02 |
JAAAAAAA | its so hot outside | 18:02 |
disorient | i never found anything useful to 3d effects but i haven't tried compiz since 2006, or something like | 18:02 |
* KM0201 says its 50 F in Indy | 18:02 |
en1gma | my friend is running maverick and is following this guide "" and when he issues this command 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/gnome3-builds' it tells him something about the fingerprint dont match or something | 18:02 |
arand_ | Cas07: Yes, true, I guess the LP # bug # works as usual (linking is done by LP), I don't think there is documentation on it though.. | 18:03 |
MK`` | disorient: computers that don't support 3D will include GNOME Shell (later Unity 2D) as a fallback | 18:03 |
tensorpudding | the gnome3 ppa isn't available for maverick | 18:03 |
tensorpudding | and if you use it, it's almost surely going to break your system | 18:03 |
en1gma | "<ActionParsnip> en1gma: there are ppas. Search for: maverick gnome 3 ppa" | 18:03 |
Technicus | So what would be the best video card to use for rendering 3D rendering using OpenGL for heavy use of programs like Blender? | 18:03 |
Cas07 | arand_: guess im spoiled by markdown on so many other sites :P | 18:03 |
disorient | MK``, that's cool, curious -- is there a switch between? | 18:03 |
rizz1 | anyone know of a webcam recording package | 18:03 |
arand_ | tensorpudding: I can work, and I know people have used it, though obviously it's very unstable and often no way back. | 18:04 |
MK`` | yeah you can always select whichever you'd like. I have 3 desktops installed on Ubuntu right now | 18:04 |
en1gma | tensorpudding so does he need natty or unstable to use gnome3? | 18:04 |
MK`` | ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu :P | 18:04 |
tensorpudding | pretty sure | 18:04 |
tensorpudding | last i checked the ppa was natty-only | 18:04 |
en1gma | ok thanks | 18:05 |
tensorpudding | i used it and hosed my system | 18:05 |
en1gma | in natty or maverick? | 18:05 |
tensorpudding | for little gain, because gnome-shell wasn't even ready for release yet | 18:05 |
arand_ | Cas07: Bugtrackers tend to be spartan, many are designed to support email interfacing you know ;) | 18:05 |
Cas07 | arand_: email, wassat? :D | 18:05 |
en1gma | he just installed gnome-session and restarted and is at the desktop but does he need to unstaill that or is it going to make him unstable | 18:06 |
disorient | when i did compiz way-way-way back, rendering 3d shortened my battery life. i still don't know how/if my discreet card works with lucid nevermind unity | 18:06 |
=== epifanio_ is now known as epifanio |
epifanio | hi All | 18:07 |
MK`` | disorient: Ubuntu is shipping with GNOME for the forseeable future, so even if they stopped shipping GNOME Shell you could always install it yourself :) | 18:07 |
ZykoticK9 | MK``, not quite true - gnome-shell will not be in 11.04 (due to some bug) | 18:08 |
k5220 | pif, hi | 18:08 |
MK`` | ZykoticK9: iirc it's because they weren't done with it when they froze | 18:08 |
epifanio | do you know how can i enable the "composite" in my x settings ? i'm running ubuntu 10.10 with a nvidia card. i installed the non free driver using the ubuntu package manager | 18:09 |
MK`` | But moreso I meant, Ubuntu is based on GNOME so GNOME Shell should work with minimal changes | 18:09 |
ZykoticK9 | epifanio, did you run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" to generate an xorg.conf then restart system/GDM? | 18:09 |
JAAAAAAA | do you think i can use gnome 2 in future ?? no ?? | 18:09 |
tensorpudding | JAAAAAAA: in 11.10 and after, possibly not | 18:10 |
ZykoticK9 | JAAAAAAA, gnome3 includes a "fall back" mode similar to gnome2 (not sure if that helps at all) | 18:10 |
JAAAAAAA | Zykotick9 but ubuntu dont have gnome | 18:10 |
phoenixsampras | gnome 3 is in vogue | 18:10 |
JAAAAAAA | it have unity | 18:10 |
ZykoticK9 | JAAAAAAA, Unity uses gnome | 18:10 |
JAAAAAAA | ok where can i change it ? | 18:10 |
JAAAAAAA | the old looking design | 18:10 |
ZykoticK9 | JAAAAAAA, in 11.04 there is an option for "classic" at login - i'm not sure what you are trying to change right now? | 18:11 |
JAAAAAAA | yes but in 11.10 ?? | 18:11 |
pentester5746 | where are the openldap logs located | 18:11 |
ZykoticK9 | JAAAAAAA, 11.10 is in the future, development hasn't even started | 18:11 |
JAAAAAAA | ok | 18:12 |
MK`` | It won't include GNOME Shell, but it will still include GNOME itself. | 18:12 |
JAAAAAAA | the other question is do i need new hard drive ?? | 18:12 |
JAAAAAAA | i have got green hard drive disk 5400 rpms | 18:12 |
MaRk-I | epifanio: Go to System > Preferences > Appearance enable visual effects | 18:12 |
epifanio | ZykoticK9: tring now to restart X | 18:12 |
k5220 | i like only live-cd based on ubuntu or debian)) until me real need work on linux )) | 18:13 |
JAAAAAAA | the other question is do i need new hard drive ?? | 18:13 |
JAAAAAAA | i have got green hard drive disk 5400 rpms | 18:13 |
milligan | Booting my system from a live cd, it will run for a while.. but if left alone, it will shut down and eject the cdrom. Is that a feature, or is something crashing as it shuts down ? | 18:14 |
MK`` | milligan: is it going into suspend or hibernate by any chance? | 18:14 |
MK`` | If it crashes out i don't think it'd eject the CD | 18:14 |
charsin | ciao | 18:14 |
milligan | MK``, nope. The monitor says "remove any cd and hit return" | 18:14 |
charsin | list! | 18:14 |
MK`` | ah. Then, that's not a crash. Left alone for how long? | 18:15 |
milligan | MK``, not sure .. an hour maybe? I'm recovering files from a dead windows machine. | 18:15 |
knightautwell | anyone here? | 18:15 |
AzoteLogiko | hi | 18:15 |
MK`` | Was it in the middle of operating (like moving files) when this happened? | 18:16 |
sre-su_ | What's the recommended pacakage to be used for installing GLib 2.12.0 or higher? | 18:16 |
pentester5746 | I can connect to my ejabberd server but i receive "not authorized". i authenticate with openldap | 18:16 |
epifanio | ZykoticK9: compositing seems doesn't work here | 18:16 |
AzoteLogiko | I'm looking for a software similar to After Effects or Combustion, any idea? | 18:16 |
epifanio | i generated the xorg.conf file using the nvidia command | 18:16 |
epifanio | but nothing changes | 18:16 |
milligan | MK``, yes, I believe so. I initiated a 200 GB transfer over scp and left it alone. It has done the same thing to me 5 times now. I haven't been sitting around to see what happens. I have checked power settings, and everything is set to unlimited. | 18:16 |
MK`` | Hm... that is strange. Is your computer operating properly, not overheating etc.? | 18:17 |
milligan | it might be overheating.. but it has a shutdown feature when it does causing everything to switch off. That has happened a couple of times, but hasn't occured after I cleaned out the fan, and left a couple lids open | 18:18 |
knightautwell | does anyone know about how to make a wireless AP using ubuntu | 18:18 |
knightautwell | i have a Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870/RT3070 Wireless Adapter wifi max adapter | 18:18 |
MK`` | I'd also check CPU and RAM usage, as this is all running off the CD. I am not sure otherwise. | 18:19 |
Sary | knightautwell, have you check the link i posted. | 18:20 |
knightautwell | what link? sorry i must not have seen it | 18:20 |
milligan | MK``, alright .. I'll check it out. Perhaps I'm better off looking for my convertor thingy, allowing me to connect the hd via usb :P | 18:20 |
knightautwell | ok lol i found it | 18:20 |
Sary | knightautwell, Alright. | 18:20 |
knightautwell | does anyone else get en error after adding # Debian Squeeze/6.0 | 18:21 |
Sargun_Screen | RPM are to SRPM as dpkg is to ??? | 18:21 |
knightautwell | deb squeeze main contrib non-free to their sources about it not having a public key available? | 18:21 |
Pici | knightautwell: You shouldn't be using debian repositories on Ubuntu. | 18:22 |
rww | knightautwell: Using Debian repositories on Ubuntu installs is not supported by Debian or Ubuntu. | 18:22 |
guntbert | knightautwell: adding debian repos is not recommended and definitely not supported | 18:22 |
guntbert | Sargun_Screen: that doesn't fit at all, dpkg is a package manager not a package-type | 18:24 |
freakx | hi | 18:24 |
knightautwell | oh sorry i was trying to follow this tutorial | 18:24 |
freakx | how to 'reinstall' kernel modules? | 18:24 |
henry_ | hi | 18:24 |
henry_ | I have a ridiculously fast internet connection and I'm trying to turn my acer extenza 5630z into an access point to share it | 18:25 |
axisys_ | I have a 750G disk that I like to replace before .. looks like it will die soon.. | 18:25 |
guntbert | freakx: tell us the problem | 18:25 |
axisys_ | how do I find out the right disk? | 18:25 |
henry_ | any simple ways to do this? | 18:25 |
knightautwell | henry_ im trying to do the same thing lol | 18:25 |
axisys_ | 00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation ICH9M/M-E SATA AHCI Controller (rev 03) | 18:25 |
guntbert | !ics | henry_ | 18:25 |
ubottu | henry_: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 18:25 |
axisys_ | that is the sata controller spec | 18:25 |
AzoteLogiko | axisys, you can clone it with partimage | 18:26 |
p1l0t | I am using gimp and I copied some curved text I made in one image into another but next to the move selection icon there is a little anchor and I can't move it at all.. how do I make it unanchored? | 18:26 |
knightautwell | does anyone know how to share a dial up connection over wireless??? | 18:26 |
oCean | p1l0t: ask in #gimp ? | 18:27 |
p1l0t | oCean: no one home | 18:27 |
guntbert | knightautwell: did you read the link from ubottu ? | 18:27 |
axisys_ | AzoteLogiko: ok.. also how do I find a large disk (1TB?) for my hp laptop HP Compaq 6730b ? | 18:27 |
axisys_ | AzoteLogiko: thanks for the suggestion | 18:27 |
knightautwell | tried it and it doesnt work for me | 18:27 |
Roasted_ | Do floppy disks show up in gparted? | 18:27 |
axisys_ | AzoteLogiko: which pkg has partimage? | 18:28 |
MK`` | This may be relevant axisys_: | 18:28 |
guntbert | !search partimage | axisys_ | 18:29 |
ubottu | Found: | 18:29 |
lubiemleko | ;p | 18:29 |
lubiemleko | hard ;d | 18:29 |
guntbert | ahem :) | 18:29 |
guntbert | axisys_: sysresccd | 18:29 |
axisys_ | guntbert: nice! thanks for the trick | 18:30 |
axisys_ | guntbert: so I guess I boot using that livecd and do the image? | 18:30 |
wildc4rd | evenin all! | 18:31 |
raido | anyone else notice the error in motd when loggin into a system, that being motd displaying a depricated message as well as the current message? | 18:31 |
axisys_ | second question is what would be a good laptop disk that matches or larger than my existing 750GB disk | 18:31 |
axisys_ | i do not how to find out the spec of he exisitng disk .. short from taking the laptop down and take the cover out and check the spec | 18:32 |
kroimpa | hey guys i have a question and it might be a stupid one but here i go | 18:32 |
TheEvilPhoenix | kroimpa: no question is stupid :P | 18:32 |
kroimpa | lol k:) | 18:32 |
raido | axisys_: sudo lshw - will give you the HD model | 18:33 |
trism | raido: is this an upgrade? occasionally there will be leftover text in /etc/motd.tail | 18:33 |
craigbass1976 | I used this tutorial: to set up the mail on a new server a couple of weeks ago, and everything is fine. One of my users forgot their password. There are a couple of likely suspects, and I was oging to encrypt what he thought they might be and check them against the /etc/dovecot/passwd file. I can't see (in the adddovecotuser script documented in that first lin | 18:33 |
craigbass1976 | k) where the encryption happens. It doesn't appear to be regular md5 | 18:33 |
axisys_ | raido: ok | 18:33 |
kroimpa | why is when i make lets say, a test.lan zone on my bind dns server, that none can reach it from the internet, i know how dns works kinda, but my question is who blocking people from creating their own TLD's? | 18:33 |
raido | trism: no, just doing regular updates on Lucid, I noticed it happening on all my Lucit boxes | 18:33 |
axisys_ | raido: got it WDC WD7500BPVT-0 | 18:34 |
axisys_ | size: 698GiB (750GB) | 18:34 |
kurohyou | Hi, how can i view the messages displayed on shutdown, i have an error, but is shutting down to fast to see anything | 18:34 |
tripelb | I'd like to know that too | 18:34 |
axisys_ | so what would be a good replace disk.. i prefer larger disk if available | 18:34 |
axisys_ | and compatible w/ my laptop | 18:34 |
=== mousey is now known as Guest35018 |
trism | raido: hmm, I would just check out /etc/update-motd.d/ then and see if you can figure out where the message is coming from | 18:34 |
kroimpa | kurohyou, does your keyboard "pause" buuton work? | 18:34 |
p1l0t | I figured it out... With the curved text and transparent background if you don't click right exactly inside the letters you anchor the whole layer.. | 18:35 |
=== _sagi is now known as sagi__ |
kroimpa | i know it work for windows | 18:35 |
kurohyou | kroimpa: i'm on ssh | 18:35 |
tripelb | kurohyou, I just remembered. I think they are in a log file somewhere. | 18:35 |
kroimpa | lol k | 18:35 |
KM0201 | kurohyou: you could also disable splash... or look at the logs (not sure which log though) | 18:35 |
kroimpa | uhmm | 18:35 |
kroimpa | maube check the logs then! | 18:35 |
raido | trism: thnks | 18:35 |
Guest35018 | I'm having some trouble launching a win32 application under wine on xubuntu, nothing seems to happen? | 18:35 |
kroimpa | cat /var/logs/messages.log | 18:35 |
* tripelb whonders which of the logs. | 18:35 |
* tripelb ah | 18:35 |
kroimpa | cat /var/logs/syslog | 18:35 |
patrunjel | hi guys, can someone tell me, please, how do I log on? (lame question... ) | 18:35 |
kroimpa | one of em:P | 18:35 |
kroimpa | dont know exact | 18:35 |
KM0201 | patrunjel: log on to what? | 18:35 |
jhches21 | Can anyone help me with "I screwed up while installing open source ATI and now even failsaveX wouldn't work for me.." | 18:36 |
tripelb | patrunjel, hi. what do you see at the time you want to log on. (should be a dialog box asking you to logon) | 18:36 |
tripelb | KM0201, good question. | 18:36 |
jhches21 | *failsafeX | 18:36 |
tripelb | spelling | 18:36 |
patrunjel | KM0201, I don't really know how it's called...the point is that I wanna go to #C++ (no adverteising intended, sorry) but I don't know how... (I have a user and stuff) | 18:36 |
knightautwell | can someone please help me when i try to run hostapd i get error nl80211 not found. | 18:37 |
KM0201 | tripelb: thats why i asked.. i thought maybe he meant log on to IRC... :) | 18:37 |
knightautwell | nl80211 driver initialization failed. | 18:37 |
Guest35018 | I'm having some trouble launching a win32 application under wine on xubuntu, nothing seems to happen? | 18:37 |
KM0201 | !register | patrunjel | 18:37 |
ubottu | patrunjel: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 18:37 |
patrunjel | oh, no, not on linux :) Sorry for the misunderstanding, guys :) | 18:37 |
KM0201 | patrunjel: you have to register your nick, then sign on. | 18:37 |
patrunjel | i'm registered :) | 18:37 |
KM0201 | patrunjel: then you're not logged in | 18:37 |
knightautwell | anyone?' | 18:38 |
patrunjel | I mean, i registered like some time ago, but i don't know how to log in ...omg, this is embarassing :)) | 18:38 |
tripelb | patrunjel /msg nickserv identify YOURPASSWORD | 18:38 |
KM0201 | patrunjel: (don't do this in the channel, cuz if you typo, you'll tell folks your password.. create another window or something)... "/msg NickServ identify PASSWORD" | 18:38 |
Pici | patrunjel: If you need more help, like getting your password reset, please ask in #freenode | 18:38 |
knightautwell | can someone please help me when i try to run hostapd i get error nl80211 not found. | 18:38 |
knightautwell | nl80211 driver initialization failed. | 18:38 |
patrunjel | i used to login on the freenode thingy, but i didn't remember the command :) | 18:39 |
tripelb | patrunjel /msg nickserv identify YOURPASSWORD (go to the freenode (system) window in your irc program first) | 18:39 |
patrunjel | thanks, dudes :) | 18:39 |
raido | KM0201: No, as lon as he issues the /msg it will not post in the room | 18:39 |
kurohyou | not finding the log that records the shutdown, anybody knows wich one to look for? | 18:39 |
KM0201 | raido: and if he forgets the / ? it's happened many times. | 18:39 |
tripelb | raido unless he accidentally puts a space first | 18:39 |
KM0201 | and i would consider that a typo. | 18:39 |
KM0201 | so .. YES... it can. | 18:39 |
tripelb | ?msg nickserv identify mypassword37 | 18:39 |
raido | KM0201: Ok, thats PEBKU and its not what you told him | 18:40 |
freakx | I want to fix noise when chaning volume ... so i try to install drivers for realtek from producer site ... and fcked sound ... i'm trying to fix it, but with no luck :( | 18:40 |
jhches21 | Hey, I screwed up on purging -fglrx and installing -ati, my screen wouldn't show when I start ubunut up. So I need a way to revert back to the way it is. | 18:40 |
KM0201 | raido: can you read?.. i said if you make a typo, it'll post your pas |