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paultaghey LP-ers. I used to be able to request import of a git repo's non-master branch. Was this feature removed or am I loosing my mind?02:27
wgrantpaultag: That's never been supported. But it should be within the next few months.02:32
wgrantpaultag: Only Subversion and CVS non-master branches have ever been supported.02:33
paultagwgrant: humm. Must be hallucinating features.02:33
paultagwgrant: Ohhhhh, right right right02:33
paultagwgrant: I had an SVN project I was doing that for02:33
paultagwgrant: great, thanks.02:33
ezrahowdy. anyone around that can help w/ a SSO merge?04:58
wgrantezra: https://forms.canonical.com/sso-support/ is probably your best bet.05:17
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mikhashi, what is LP trying to tell me? got a "dpkg-deb - error: Debian revision (`lucid') doesn't contain any digits"12:21
mikhaswhen i replaced lucid with maverick in the debian changelog, it passed12:21
mikhasbut I really want it to builld for lucid as well, in my PPA ...12:21
wgrantmikhas: That's a message from dpkg-deb, not Launchpad. I think the version string in your changelog is bad. Do you have a link to it?12:23
mikhaswgrant, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/70165173/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.meego-im-framework_0.20.7-0ubuntu1ppa2-lucid_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:24
wgrantAh, there's your problem.12:24
wgrantmikhas: Everything before the final - is part of the upstream version.12:24
wgrantPerhaps you meant ~lucid instead of -lucid12:24
mikhasyeah, probably12:25
mikhasI either need more sleep, glasses, or more coffee12:25
mikhasI could just go for bigger displays, too12:27
wgrantVersion string in blinking red text?12:29
mikhasbrilliant idea, will patent it12:29
ftawgrant, fyi, i filed bug 767258 for the ppa stats14:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 767258 in Launchpad itself "weird PPA stats before Feb 10" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76725814:21
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Cas07Hi, I'm getting a message 'The key  has already been imported'. ive gone to editpgpkeys and its not there18:24
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TheEvilPhoenixCas07:  you mean imported into apt or  similar?18:34
Cas07oh sorry forgot to say, when trying to sign the launchpad agreement18:34
TheEvilPhoenixCas07:  did you upload to launchpad a pgp key already?18:35
Cas07not that i know of18:35
mdkeI'm struggling to find documentation fo how Launchpad imports pot templates from Ubuntu packages - any hints?18:39
mdkeah, I've found something on the Ubuntu wiki that answers my question, no problem18:41
Cas07TheEvilPhoenix: ah it seems that key returned by gpg --fingerprint was the torproject one18:43
TheEvilPhoenixthat explains it18:43
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ScottKIs showing more than one version in a release like in http://kitterman.com/kubuntu/multi.jpeg by design now?20:11
akoskmhi! I'm using the OTHERMIRROR option in ~/.pbuilderrc to get my packages built. I put my source packages with dput to launchpad but the build failed there because it can not find the mirror specified in OTHERMIRROR (in my local configuration). how can I make this mirror visible for launchpad?20:30
maxbYou cannot ask Launchpad to satisfy build-dependencies from arbitrary apt repositories -  you would need to upload the dependencies to a PPA20:34
geserScottK: you might have hit the short window where the new version is already marked as published but the old version isn't marked as superseded yet (I've seen similar in my FTBFS script)20:43
ScottKgeser: Thanks.20:43
ScottKIt did go away later.20:43
akoskmmaxb: thank you. I'm referring to an existing PPA which contains the required pacakages20:57
maxbakoskm: Go to the PPA you are building the packages in and click "Edit PPA dependencies" in the top right portlet20:58
akoskmmaxb: indeed. thanks again :)20:59
NCommanderis codinghosting down or is it just me? (bzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/utilities/rocketfuel-setup/.bzr/branch-format: Bad status line received21:43
jcsackettNCommander: i can't replicate any problem from my computer. my very teeny bit of empirical data suggests it's just you.22:00
jcsackettreplicate was entirely the wrong word to use there.22:01
NCommanderjcsackett: I got it working.22:01
jcsackettgood stuff. :-)22:01

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