
MichaelKohlerweird.. alt+T (new terminal) and alt+f2 don't work.. but alt+f does (starting the web browser00:02
nemoin unity?00:08
MichaelKohlersorry, got disconnected00:11
KM0201majnoon: they should just nuke wubi from orbit.. putting it on the live cd, is terrible... to many people use wubi, and have no idea what they are doing00:20
majnoonmay try on windows 7 virtualbox first]00:21
KM0201majnoon: what, ubuntu 11.04/00:22
KM0201been a lot of issues getting it working w/  Vbox.. but maybe you'll have better luck00:23
majnoonsee if it working00:23
KM0201well, jsut cuz it boots(or in many cases, doesn't boot) on vbox, doesn't mean its not working00:23
majnooneven if x no work can see if the wubi part does00:23
majnoonon reg partitions have meerkat,opensuse,darwin,vista and freebsd running00:24
majnoon(mostly boredom and lotsa time)00:25
linuxman410jcgs you here00:29
linuxman410i need help with intel 845gl graphics card00:29
jcgslinuxman410: yeah :)00:29
jcgslinuxman410: still not fixed yet? :(00:30
linuxman410jcgs still have not got it fix to change resolution00:30
linuxman410jcgs how do i rewrite the xorg.conf file and replace existing one00:31
linuxman410jcgs i lost that link you found me00:32
jcgslinuxman410: do you have one? it isn't there by default. is this the link you were after? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Mavericki8xxStatus00:32
linuxman410jcgs how do i do this00:33
jcgslinuxman410: go to the bottom section called "enabling the vesa driver"00:34
linuxman410jcgs how do i create the file00:34
jcgsyou're using gnome, aren't you?00:35
scbWell. I found out what updating with a CD just uninstall everything and install the base system.00:35
linuxman410jcgs yes i am using gnome00:35
jcgsthen press alt+f2 and type "gksudo gedit" (without quotes) and hit enter00:35
jcgsit should ask for your password, then open the text editor. paste in the file contents and then "save as" /etc/X11/xorg.conf like normal :)00:36
scbEitherway, I am experiencing an issue with multiple desktops that I am almost sure is a known bug but which I cant find. When I try to select an app with the unity panel that is in a another desktop "touching" the borders, it doesn't move  to that workspace. Somebody experiencing this?00:37
jcgssorry scb, I'm using kubuntu on only one monitor, so I'm no use :(00:37
linuxman410jcgs now what00:38
majnooni find a somethings i LIKE :)00:38
scbjcgs: how is Kubuntu on this release? I really liked KDE 4.6 but Ubuntu is very well known for its below average kde releases.00:38
jcgslinuxman410: restart X :)00:39
majnoonif run wubi from the cdrom it no download :)00:39
linuxman410restart whole computer00:39
majnoon<--has  virtual cdroms in vista :)00:40
arandlinuxman410: just loggin out and logging in again should do it..00:40
linuxman410hang on trying now00:41
majnoonis there a virtualbox chan on this server ??00:42
jcgsscb: not bad, never used plain ubuntu because i think gnome looks a bit corny, and kde's structure is closer to windows. they fixed some problems with the graphics, so the desktop effects are much improved.  transparent popups look pretty smart :)00:43
scbjcgs: interesting, I'll install it. kubuntu-desktop is the meta-package right?00:43
jcgsalso, sorry for being inflamatory about gnome, not generally advisable for long-term peace, tight00:43
scbjcgs: meh, just use the right tool for the job :-)00:44
jcgs*right. scb: yeah that's the one.00:44
majnooni found out YUP :)00:44
jcgsi think gnome is a little to close to mac for my liking...00:45
linuxman410jcgs that went very bad computer will not boot am on backup computer00:48
linuxman410jcgs now what00:50
Deithrianyofel_,  well it seams that everything is working finally :) he problem was that when i replace the file in usr/share/blabla/kaffeine/ it changed the "Group" permissions of the file so Kaffeine couldn't read it :) so your build works just fine thanks again00:51
linuxman410jcgs how can i delete the file we created so computer will boot again00:52
jcgslinuxman410: what happened? can you login on text terminal (press ctrl+alt+f2)?00:54
jcgslinuxman410: did you need to reboot00:54
linuxman410jcgs i rebooted and it stops and hangs up00:54
linuxman410jcgs is there a safe mode or a way to boot straight into commandline00:56
linuxman410jcgs i booted in using ctrl alt f2 i am logged in now what00:57
jcgsdo this command: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:58
hardcolddoes anyone know what the rough percentages are of people using Natty on gnome, kde, etc?00:58
jcgsthat will delete the xorg.conf file00:59
majnoonso far so good in vbox00:59
hardcoldyou said you were using KDE right, jcgs?00:59
KM0201hardcold: be tough to get accurate data on.. you could probably generalize by looking at download statistics of ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, etc00:59
jcgshardcold: yeah :)00:59
KM0201majnoon: you're having better luck than i did from the sounds of it.00:59
jcgslinuxman410: now do: sudo gdm01:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* KM0201 is now known as KM020101:00
hardcoldKM0201, so if I want to use KDE I install Kubuntu?01:00
linuxman410jcgs i am in gnome desktop now01:00
KM0201hardcold: you don't *have* to do that.. you can install KDE on top of Gnome.. (although i hate mixing the two).. but that would be the only real way to get any sort of statistical data01:01
yofelwell, either kubuntu, or you install 'kubuntu-desktop' in ubuntu and switch from gdm/kdm01:01
linuxman410jcgs any other ideals i could try01:01
jcgshardcold: you could also use a virtualbox if you wanted to try it out01:01
hardcoldit seems like gnome is trying to be more OSX'ish and KDE is trying to be more Windows'ish01:02
jcgslinuxman410: which xorg.conf did you use?01:02
jcgslinuxman410: the one from the top of the page, or the one from the bottom?01:02
linuxman410jcgs bottom01:03
* yofel is off to bed, gn01:03
jcgslinuxman410: oh well, just a thought. you could try the other set of instructions? sadly, messing around with the graphics is going to cause lots of things like that to happen, where X just  won't start properly  :(01:04
hardcoldKM0201, do you have a quick link to those download figures?01:05
KM0201hardcold: no i don't..01:06
KM0201thats what i was saying, unless you had access to them, it'd be really tough to tell.01:06
hardcoldI'm not successfully googling at the moment01:06
jcgslinuxman410: which kernel are you using? command: uname -r01:06
KM0201hardcold: i believe distrowatch.org counts how mahy times a distor has been downloaded... (could be wrong)..  but its not gonna break it down by natty, maverick, etc..01:07
KM0201hardcold: that might give you a *VERY* general idea01:07
jcgshardcold: there probably just aren't any because there's loads of mirrors, and people can get it through bittorent and stuff01:07
KM0201i wouldn't count on it being very accurate01:08
linuxman410jcgs 2.6.38-8-generic01:08
jcgskk same as me :)01:08
hardcoldKM0201, yeah I was just interest in a rough idea of how many ubuntu users are on kde, gnome, and so on. I assume the majority are on the ubuntu default.01:09
lucas_hey guys, can someone check this bug out? http://img151.imageshack.us/i/pantallazong.png/01:10
KM0201hardcold: that would be my guess as well.01:10
lucas_is weird.... i dont know if theres something wrong with my installation or if this happened to someone else?01:11
hardcoldKM0201, wow. when you google "linux" ubuntu is at the top of the list now.01:11
KM0201hardcold: that surprises you?01:11
KM0201although, i have to admit its a little odd that its higher than the 'Linux' wiki..lol01:12
jcgswhen i just googled it, debian was top :S01:12
hardcoldKM0201, wasn't that way the last time I checked. Used to be linux.com01:12
KM0201wonder if it matters based on what OS you use.01:12
KM0201anybody here got a windows PC?01:12
KM0201if you google Linux from a windows PC, it probably pops up a malware warning01:12
hardcoldAh, yeah, I'll check in OSX01:13
jcgshardcold: http://imagebin.org/149534 not what you get?01:14
majnoonok what is the EASIEST WAY TO GET KERNL HEADERS ??01:18
majnoon(sorry hit capslock:(01:19
PiciInstall your linux-headers package of choice01:20
linuxman410jcgs the top one work i have no 3d  effects but i can change resolution01:24
jcgslinuxman410: that's good :) can you switch the effects on by pressing alt-shift-f12? (may need to do this twice)01:24
mongyah, yes...http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/how-to-add-folder-quicklists-to-the-home-launcher-in-ubuntu-unity/01:25
KM0201link fail01:28
scbI have always wondered how hard it is to have a PPA and make ubuntu packages.01:29
Belial`anyone using empathy and having a problem setting themselves away in 11.04?01:32
Belial`keeps going to busy.01:32
mongyinvisible does01:34
mongydone it since, forever01:35
mongy1 more bug never getting fixed ever it seems.01:35
* mongy releases the pidgins01:35
fictivehi guys, I just dist-upgraded from 10.10 to natty, but I'm not getting unity as my window manager, isn't this supposed to be default?01:41
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hardcoldjcgs, no, it's ubuntu at the top in every browser on every platform I haves tested. Keep in mind I don't use cookies and clear flash lso, so I don't get targetted stuff beyond location and browser type.01:48
spacebug-is there a way to get more than 4 desktops? Is there a way to get rid of the snap area at the buttom right for application windows? (I have a screenlet that is a clock and that looks terrible with that)01:48
Daekdroomspacebug-, you can get more than 4 desktops through ccsm01:50
spacebug-I'll look into that, tnx01:50
DaekdroomActually, ccsm is compizconfig-settings-manager package01:50
DaekdroomIt's upon "General Options"'s last tab, I thinkj01:51
jcgshardcold: indeed, how bizzare, how google mistreats it's users :(01:51
hardcoldjcgs, I'll e-mail you a screenshot01:52
jcgshardcold: don't bother, i trust you :) did it in an 'incognito' window (privacy mode) and got ubuntu top :S01:52
hardcoldYou are Chris, yes?01:53
hardcoldyou posted your e-mail address in that shot (perhaps you want to remove it)01:54
hardcoldjcgs, ^^01:55
jcgshardcold: how do i do that?01:56
hardcoldjcgs, remove an image from imagebin?01:56
jcgsyeah, how do i do it?01:57
Belial`pidgin uses app indicators now too for 11.04, right?01:57
hardcoldjcgs, it appears you can't01:58
hardcold--yet another reason I don't use cookies let alone google tracking "services"01:58
hardcoldit's no big deal, though01:59
jcgshardcold: i didn't think about that :(  why does ubuntu recommend it?01:59
hardcoldjcgs, recommend what?01:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:00
jcgshardcold: it will be gone in 14 days, or after 2000 images are added, so it's no biggie, i guess02:00
hardcoldwell, the probably assume people will not be submitting pictures of stuff they don't want other people to see?02:00
hardcoldjcgs, yeah, like I said, no big deal02:01
hardcoldbut next time you may want to crop before you post, or double check what it is your are sending (or sent, for that matter)02:01
hardcoldI shouldn't have said anything, I just notice details.02:02
jcgsyeah, i'd normally blur or w/e, but i just didn't think about it. anyway, nice to know that someone else is looking out for you :)02:02
jcgsty for that ;)02:02
hardcoldjcgs, I learned something new too, never heard of imagebin before. That's a really handy service! http://imagebin.org/14954402:10
jcgsyeah. i never used it before either, always just used opera unite (essentially a webserver on my computer)02:11
AiyaI want to know when I looked at the release of ubuntu 11.04 for netbook edition its stated as "starting with Ubuntu 11.04 the netbook edition has been merged into the desktop edition."    What is that mean?02:59
KM0201Aiya: it means that the "unity" desktop, on 11.04, is "default"03:00
rwwAiya: There is no more netbook edition in natty. Instead, the desktop interface adapts to different screen sizes.03:00
buff27I like the new xubuntu better for my netbook03:02
AiyaI wounder Im now running on 10.04,So I can update straight to 11.04 right or need to reinstall?03:02
rwwAiya: you'd need to upgrade to 10.10 and then 11.04.03:02
Aiyarww  : I have upgrade to 10.10(i test in vertual disk) but the 3D effect is freezing often so I didnt upgrade on my laptop.03:04
Admin__hi i have installed ubuntu server i need some tool for monitor my network03:08
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pmatulisAiya: you can use the 11.04 cd03:28
pmatulisAdmin__: monitor what on your network?03:29
Admin__band width03:35
Admin__pmatulis: band width03:35
pmatulisAdmin__: one logical place is at a f/w .  iptables f/w can do it03:36
pmatulisAdmin__: http://is.gd/Uv0nJ503:37
Admin__ok can it do openmns03:38
unstableI have dual screens, my laptop is on the right, and another monitor is on the left. So this unity var is very awkwardly in the middle.03:48
unstableany advice to change this and make it less clunky for me?03:48
unstableunity bar* rather03:50
unstablethe vertical bar thing03:50
KM0201upgrades upgrades upgrades104:01
unstablehmm, it looks like there is no good solution04:02
KM0201man, i just bought this keyboard and the friggn shift key is gioing bad..04:02
unstableI guess I'll switch back to gnome or something else04:02
KM0201unstable: no good solution for what?04:02
unstableI have dual screens, my laptop is on the right, and another monitor is on the left. So this unity vertical bar is very awkwardly in the middle.04:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 683084 in unity (Ubuntu) "Global menu doesn't work well with more than one screen" [Medium,Triaged]04:03
Strykerhello, my install seems to not work perfectly on boot04:04
KM0201unstable: hmm04:04
KM0201not messed w/ unity on dual screens yet04:05
unstableIt works badly04:05
unstableThere is no solution.04:05
unstableexcept to not use unity04:05
unstableor get rid of a monitor04:05
Strykerit goes to a black screen, where it shows those startup sequences and numbers like 2.012x000 or something like that04:05
Strykerand does not load at all04:05
unstableo look Shuttleworth has dual screens and he is on this bug report also04:08
unstableI wonder what he does.04:08
luckybunnyhere is the last few lines of output while trying to run compiz on my Natty desktop:04:08
luckybunnycompiz (unityshell) - Error: OpenGL 1.4+ not supported04:08
luckybunnycompiz (core) - Error: InitPlugin 'unityshell' failed04:08
luckybunnycompiz (core) - Error: Couldn't activate plugin 'unityshell'04:08
luckybunnySegmentation fault04:08
luckybunnygoogle gives me nothing04:09
Strykeri don't believe that unity is supported enough to be in the final release officially04:09
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KM0201Stryker: neither was kde4 in its first official release, and they still did it.. to me, the fact unity kinda blows, is totally expected.. but you gotta get people using it, so you can work out the bugs04:22
Strykerit doesn't work for me at all KM020104:23
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.04:23
KM0201Stryker: again, its beta, and 2, its just gonna take time..04:23
KM0201oh geez.. omega are we gonna start this again?.. how on earth is unity off topic?04:23
StrykerOmega, we are talking about development04:23
KM0201Stryker: he's doing it cuz you're talking to me.. he has it out fo rme, just ignore him04:23
OmegaThis channel is for support.04:23
Strykerit goes to a black screen, where it shows those startup sequences and numbers like 2.012x000 or something like that04:24
Strykermy startup^04:24
OmegaStryker: What ahrdware?04:24
KM0201Stryker: like i said, its not perfect by any stretch, its just gonna take time..04:24
Strykernvidia 8600 gt video card, and a standard compaq body04:25
fictiveare there any problems with VMware and getting compiz with unity to work?04:25
Strykeri have heard them earlier04:26
fictivea friend of mine has natty on his desktop natively, working fine for him, I'm running in vmware and I can't get it to work, even went so far as to reinstall from the latest iso04:26
Strykervmware isn't a perfect system of course04:27
KM0201fictive: there was a link posted earlier on getting it to work.04:28
fictivecould it be because vmwaretools is currently for maverick and not for natty?04:28
KM0201. but i can't remember it.04:28
KM0201lemme find it04:28
fictiveKM0201: could you refresh me on that?04:28
fictivethank you04:28
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KM0201fictive: i can't find it unfortunately.04:29
fictiveaw snap04:30
fictivehow far back was it, can you remember?04:30
KM0201fictive: not far, but my search-foo is strong.. :-)  http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/04/21/ubuntu-natty-in-virtualbox-with-unity/04:31
fictiveKM0201: thank you! =) I will try it right now04:33
fictiveerr. before I go ahead and delete my whole guest os, any way to remove the vmwaretools?04:33
KM0201fictive: good luck04:33
KM0201fictive: not sure...04:35
fictiveno worries, nothing I can't fix in a few minutes anyway =) thanks again04:35
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=== mkv is now known as m4v
fictiveKM0201: hehe, I didn't notice, but that fix was for virtualbox :p05:14
fictivedoesn't seem to work in vmware05:15
KM0201fictive: i thought thats what you had.. sorry about that05:15
KM0201(thought i said it was for vbox.. maybe i was mistaken)05:15
fictiveno problem :)05:15
fictivethanks for trying anyway!05:15
KM0201fictive: well.. vbox is a free download.. :)05:15
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drmorphiasokay, i dont know where the issue lies with this problem.  I installed openjdk and the browser plugin so i can play runescape.  The game sometimes runs, sometimes freezes the browser, or is just inresponsive.  I am simply having troubles logging in.05:36
drmorphiasWhere can i get help with this?05:36
drmorphiasok better question, where is a step by step for installing sun's java?05:46
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.05:47
rwwplease just use the channel you're supposed to be using given your Ubuntu version :)05:47
drmorphiasjust trying to find help :(05:49
drmorphiasi just want to play runescape and i think openjdk is buggy or something.05:50
drmorphiasok for referance, heres this : http://www.clickonf5.org/linux/how-install-sun-java-ubuntu-1004-lts/777705:54
KM0201drmorphias: isn't sun-java6 in the repos?.. or are you looking for something else?06:05
deadheadthere a ppa for google gadgets or a deb amd64 ?06:07
drmorphiasKM0201, it wasn't in the repos, i had to use that link to add and update my repos in ubuntu06:13
KM0201drmorphias: weird, its in the repos for me06:13
deadheadE: Type 'ttp://ppa.launchpad.net/nilarimogard/webupd8/ubuntu' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nilarimogard-webupd8-natty.list06:24
deadheadE: The list of sources could not be read.06:24
deadheadGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.06:24
deadheadE: _cache->open() failed, please report.06:24
deadheadwhat do i do?06:24
deadheadi can i purge that06:24
rwwdeadhead: open the file it mentioned and change ttp to http06:24
deadheaddont know how06:24
rwwdeadhead: you might also be missing a 'deb' at the start of the line06:24
deadheadhow do i launch gedit06:25
seminattyis there a way to uninstall grub06:27
seminattyit keeps overwriting my burg bootloader that my main partition has installed06:27
KM0201seminatty: not really, its written to the mbr.. there's some good windows freeware, to rewrite the windows mbr06:27
rwwseminatty: remove the grub-pc package06:27
KM0201will that actually uninstall grub?06:28
seminattyI can reinstall burg over grub with no problem06:28
seminattyI just don't want natty to install grub each time they push a kernel out06:28
nit-witseminatty, you can completely remove grub, as burg is actually grub with bling, but any grub updates will be installed unless you lock it out06:32
rwwnit-wit: why would any grub updates be installed if you remove the grub packages?06:33
rwwis there some silly dpkg rule I don't know about?06:33
nit-witrww, may not be the case, but thought worth mentioning, as grub is a great bootloader but not known for always knowing when its wanted ie as in wubi installs.06:34
deadheadit says i have a synaptic running yet i cant see it06:35
rwwnit-wit: I'm sorry, I can't parse that :(06:35
rwwmay just be too late06:35
deadheadis there terminal command that kills synaptic?06:36
nit-witrww, in wubi installs grub will happily go to the mbr no questioned asked of the user06:36
seminattynit-wit, burg is on the /boot of another partition -- I have a separate partition for testing natty06:36
nit-witrww, sorry wubi grub updates06:36
rwwnit-wit: right, but once you remove the packages, grub updates won't happen, will they?06:37
nit-witrwww,not sure just erroring on the side of caution.06:37
seminattyrww, no, that's one of the annyoing things about burg actually, is when you get a kernel update, you have to remember to run update-burg06:37
seminattysince grub is not installed, there is no auto update06:38
nit-witseminatty, in a couple of weeks the grub updates will slow down, I have supergrub on a thumb for just getting back into my main partition and reinstalling burg there as well.06:39
seminattyis there a simple way to find out what touchpad driver is in use?06:39
seminattyI want to report a bug on it06:39
nit-witfaster with supergrub06:39
seminattynit-wit, you mean SGD?06:40
nit-witseminatty, sgd206:41
nit-witdoesn't fix grub just gets you in06:42
seminattyone thing I'm curious about though -- can't you just use the grub natty installs to get into your main partition?06:43
seminattysince it probes the hard disk for OSes06:43
seminattythat's how i do it06:43
nit-witseminatty, your rewriting the mbr06:43
nit-witif it is another OS06:44
seminatty... no?06:44
seminattyi mean natty rewrites the mbr whenever it does update-grub06:44
nit-witseminatty,  thiught you said the burg was on a non natty install06:44
softcoderhello, who can i talk to in order to get something included in natty?06:44
seminattythat's why I keep losing it06:44
seminattyit might be a little late for that...06:45
nit-witseminatty, so natty does a grub update and you lose the burg in what install?06:45
seminattysoftcoder, you might want to try #ubuntu-motu06:45
seminattynit-wit, it overwrites burg on the mbr. Burg config lives in my maverick partition.06:46
seminattybut I can boot into the maverick partition through the grub that natty installs, since it "sees" it06:46
nit-witseminatty, same set up as mine, I just use sgd2 to boot to maverick and run sudo burg-install dev/sda    then update06:47
seminattymy question to you though is why use sgd2?06:47
nit-witseminatty, I only know of two ways to load the mbr from a live cd or the actual install.06:48
nit-witsgd2 is faster then booting a mav cd06:49
seminattynit-wit, what happens if you boot the computer with no cd in it06:49
seminattyor usb06:49
nit-witif natty loaded a new grub its grub06:49
seminattyand on that grub, you can boot into your main OS06:49
nit-wityes, I seee what your saying yeah boot into mav and change it I wasn't thinking.;(06:50
seminattyit's cool, it just seemed like a lot of extra work :p06:51
nit-witI got thrown by the I keep losing it, and ran with it, a litle 420 here.;)06:51
seminattymaybe next year i'll celebrate06:52
* seminatty looks around to see if this channel is publicly logged06:53
rwwseminatty: #ubuntu+1 is publicly logged06:53
seminattyrww, i'm now looking up all these ubuntu irc channels with interesting names that i've never heard about :p06:58
torchielike what :o07:03
modulexploitedis it possible to enable the bottom toolbar in Ubuntu 11.04 along with the launcher ?07:12
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tsheringmy external mic (headset) has stopped functioning in natty... what packages might be at issue?07:12
eruditehermithey, anyone got any tips for saving battery life?07:19
eruditehermitubuntu seems to drain battery a lot faster than other OSes07:19
topyligoogle -> akonadi -> kontact integration is broken, as per https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=268643 - do we know of any workaround? i would really like my clock applet to remind me how busy i am so i can panic accordingly07:34
ubottuKDE bug 268643 in Google Resource "Cannot create Akonadi calendar that will sync with Google Calendar" [Normal,New]07:34
rwwso weird seeing topyli talk about KDE bugs07:36
topylii'm a newbie again. feels great! :)07:36
topyliso many First Times, creating accounts on bugzillas and such07:37
SaammIs it possible for default metacity controls on panel to inherit color from GTK themes just like ayatana scrollbars does. The metacity controls for themes other than ambiance and radiance does not look good in unity07:38
topyliunity problems live in #ubuntu+1, Saamm07:38
topyliwhich we're at, sorry :)07:39
Saammtopyli, wut this is +107:39
Saammtopyli, coffee time? xD07:39
topyliSaamm: this channel, never mind me :)07:39
unityproblemhello people08:00
unityproblemi am not able o install any packages..08:02
unityproblemany body canh help?08:02
bazhangunityproblem, paste.ubuntu.com the output from sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade08:02
unityproblemSub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:03
bazhangunityproblem, pastebin please,08:03
unityproblemgot it?08:05
bazhangyou were trying to fix this earlier iirc08:05
unityproblemany solution for that?08:06
unityproblemi waz not able to..08:06
unityproblemcan u help bazhang??08:06
bazhangunityproblem, check lines 17-21 in that error message and fix first08:07
unityproblemhow do i do it?08:08
unityproblemany idea??08:09
bazhangTo view Postfix configuration08:09
bazhangvalues, see postconf(1).08:09
unityproblemcorei5@corei5:~$  postconf(1)08:10
unityproblembash: syntax error near unexpected token `1'08:10
ryeunityproblem, is there any other administrator on your system? It looks like /etc/newaliases file got a numerical forward domain08:11
unityproblemno i am the only admin..08:11
rwwunityproblem: postconf(1) means the manual page for postconf in section 1 of the manpages08:12
unityproblembut  iam a newbie to ubuntu so i may  not know if there is any...08:12
rwwthe actual command is 'postconf'08:12
rwwand why are you using a development release if you're a newbie :|08:12
unityproblemcoz indont wanna remain a newbie for long time..!!08:13
ryerww, well, it is still weird to have a numerical domain in /etc/aliases and this breaking an update08:14
rwwrye: I haven't been paying attention to the actual problem, was just commenting on what postconf(1) means.08:14
piccaanyone here have character encoding issues with Ubuntu 11.04 ... i use UTF-8 and my locale is set to en_GB.UTF-8 yet when i do a directory listing i see filenames with strange characters in them that otherwise display fine in Ubuntu 10.1008:15
geekMePl1ase11.04, updateManager's settings => http://img851.imageshack.us/i/screenshotsoftwaresourc.png/08:30
geekMePl1ase* bug?08:30
piccalooks like it08:33
piccamine does the same08:34
geekMePl1aseCould s/one fill in the bug report about it? I do know how to do it.08:36
bazhangfdffdfd, hi08:38
piccageekMePl1ase, i am not your secretary08:39
geekMePl1aseok, I will do it08:39
fdffdfdi have a question, when does 11.04 come ?08:44
ubottuA schedule of Natty Narwhal (11.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule08:45
bazhangfdffdfd, 4/28, but you know that08:45
fdffdfdnow i dont08:45
fdffdfdnow = no08:45
bazhanggurke_ sure you do fdffdfd08:45
fdffdfdi am not Gurke, ?? its a german word for an vegetable08:46
fdffdfd!pm | bazhang08:47
ubottubazhang: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:47
Harakencan someone help me with enabling nvidia drivers so I can get unity to work?  I installed them using "apt-get install nvidia-current" but when I check them in "Additional Drivers" it says they are only activted and not currently in use08:49
sam-_-can someone take a look at this: http://i.imgur.com/dvgrR.jpg in the upper right corner. how do i change the color of this thing to dark grey like it is supposed to.08:57
damian_-_how do i install kde? unity and gnome 3 suck (no offence to anyone) i can find some kde packages like kdebase but is there a metapackage for everything09:06
bazhangdamian_-_, kubuntu-desktop09:06
damian_-_ah awesome. thanks09:06
bazhangall the -desktop packages , in fact; lubuntu, ubuntustudio, xubuntu etc09:07
bazhang!info kubuntu-desktop09:07
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.222 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 56 kB09:08
damian_-_love it.09:08
damian_-_just what i need. unfortunately gnome changed what wasnt broken. unity is the same..09:09
bazhanguse gnome-classic then09:10
damian_-_i am09:10
bazhangah ok09:10
damian_-_but its going o be deprecated sooner or later09:10
damian_-_rather use a supported system09:10
damian_-_no offence to anyone, just not my thing09:11
topaz1hello ppl09:11
topaz1i have this issue of when logging in the desktop wont show up09:12
damian_-_or classic09:13
topaz1ati HD 4250 on board09:15
topaz1so i switch to another screen and then reboot09:17
sam-_-can someone take a look at this: http://i.imgur.com/dvgrR.jpg in the upper right corner. how do i change the color of this thing to dark grey like it is supposed to.09:17
topylisam-_-: the theme is incompatible with unity. fix one of them :)09:21
sam-_-topyli: ok. how?09:21
topylinot sure which would be easier, but neither is likely very easy09:21
topaz1does any one has this issue of a blank desktop , or desktop not loading ??? after first cold boot ???? right after logging in09:24
Visitor-integerhello, I am trying to get quake 4 to run on 64 bit 11.04. does anyone know how to make it run? it seems to load but won't start fully. or point me to a good guide? (help)09:42
piccatempted to now replace my ubuntu 10.10 installation with 11.0409:45
Visitor-integerit's fun :D09:46
vivek40Hi I am trying to upgrade from maverick to natty beta 2 but my update manager just does not show that natty is available to upgrade to. In the software sources I have set-->show new distribution releases to->normal releases..... can someone help me here..09:48
nijabodo the upgrade-manager -d09:51
vivek40nijabo: I did that09:51
vivek40oh ok09:51
piccathink i've found a bug in samba09:51
nijaboThere should be a little button that says "upgrade"09:51
vivek40i did update-manager -d09:51
nijaboDid you do Alt+F2 then wrote update-manager -d?09:51
nijaboThat worked for me09:52
nijaboThere's a bit better explanation than I can give you09:52
nijabovivek40, is your /home backed up?09:53
nijaboAnd do you have 1-2 hours of time? Because it took 1.5 hours for me to upgrade09:54
nijaboYou might have a faster computer though09:54
vivek40nijabo: thanks but that just opens the update manager and my uodate manager does not show the upgarde available to natty09:55
daedaluzis it possible to use gnome shell in 11.04 instead of unity?09:59
vivek40daedaluz:seems like you are using 11.04.. can you please tell me how you upgraded to natty from maverick10:00
vivek40the update manager in my system just does not show natty available for upgrade10:00
andyccvivek40, "update-manager -d" in the Alt-F2 box, I believe.10:00
daedaluzthis is 10.1010:00
andycc!gnome3 | daedaluz10:01
ubottudaedaluz: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are _experimental_, _unstable_ and may break your system.10:01
vivek40andycc: i did that but it does not show natty being available for upgrade10:01
daedaluz11.04 has gnome 3, right?10:01
vivek40andycc:thanks got it10:02
vivek40looks like i was doing something wrong10:02
vivek40how stable is 11.04  someone10:02
piccastable here apart from character encoding issue in samba filenames10:03
andyccvivek40, I guess it depends on your hardware and what you're using it for. I find it quite stable.10:03
vivek40ok thanks I am just going to upgrade .. I have not taken any back up...let me give it a go10:04
nijabovivek40 try doing gksudo update-manager -d in the terminal10:05
vivek40nijabo:thanks but i got it10:06
vivek40I am just going to upgrade without taking a back up10:06
vivek40hope nothing goes wrong10:07
nijaboIs your /home on its own partition?10:07
andyccvivek40, just remember: we gave you no warranty. We/Canonical/other Ubuntu devs are not responsible if your system drowns in the electronic lake of doom.10:07
vivek40lol andycc: electronic lake of doom..awesome10:08
vivek40it has started god help me10:08
tomekhhi. i'd like to install 11.04 beta. how can i easily after April 28 do a update to stable 11.04?10:08
nijaboI wish you good luck vivek4010:08
vivek40do you know by anyway how to recover if  I lose data10:09
andycctomekh, just start up the Update Manager, check for updates and you should see an option to upgrade to Natty.10:09
vivek40Looks like I have company in tomekh:10:09
andyccvivek40, there is a page on the Ubuntu wiki about data recovery that I found very helpful when Vista f'ed up my RAID array.10:10
vivek40I just hope I dont need it andycc:10:10
andyccOh, here it is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery10:10
tomekhandycc: how does it looks? i mean in perspective of purity. will system look as clean as 11.04-release default installation?10:12
vivek40thanks andycc:by the way did any of you have any issues upgrading nijabo:10:12
andycctomekh, you *should* get Unity installed and set as default, but you'll have your settings, wallpaper, apps etc. remain the same. I'm not 100% sure on this, though.10:14
vivek40nijabo:did you have any issues upgrading10:16
gidorahhello,  i am using gnome 3 on natty beta and i want to know that will i be able to install natty's final release and return to unity with that?10:31
vincenzomlHi there, I just installed natty beta to a new ubuntu user since I only had that and it's out in a week or so. But the themes settings in the classic desktop are very broken, they reset to the ugly defaults of gnome and there's no way to restore them... is it today's bug or what?10:57
vincenzomlthis (my fault for installing a beta) is going to decide the fate of the new user, since I don't have time to install maverick now; can someone help? It seems to me gconfd is crashing or something10:58
vincenzomlok, in the guest session, everything is OK. In the main user's session, theme selection does not work. But I erased ALL the configuration files in the users' home. This seems like ghosts to me, anyone knows anything about this?11:05
mtvoidHave you tried creating a new user?11:05
daedaluzwhat the shit? 0.94 compiz beta intended for stable 11.04 release? it's not even in debian sid!11:06
daedaluzgrub 1.99rc1, you're going to use a release candidate for the most important part of the system?!11:07
vincenzomlmtvoid: no, I just ran the guest session11:09
vincenzomlmtvoid: but it works11:10
mortaldaedaluz: :o11:10
mtvoidvincenzoml: The guest session is handled somewhat differently... try creating a permanent new user, it is likely that you have not really cleaned up the home directory of all configuration files.11:11
vincenzomlmtvoid: thanks11:14
vincenzomlmtvoid: sudo -s; rm -rf .[^.]* ought to clean up everything :)11:15
mtvoidvincenzoml: yes... but try doing it when you are not already logged in to an X session, i.e. from a console login.11:16
vincenzomlmtvoid: did that, but I will reboot and retry before logging in11:16
vincenzomlin the GUI I mean11:16
vincenzomlI think it was an update11:17
vincenzomlmtvoid: worked. There was a global gconfd process running . I wonder how that was interfering with the user and I don't know how to reproduce the bug11:18
mtvoidvinenzoml: Well, that's good... as long as the problem's solved!11:19
vincenzomlmtvoid: I fear it's going to be on half ubuntu desktops next week :) but let's hope not11:19
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rwhittlefear and intimidation was your tool yes11:48
rwhittlethe druids would make offerings to their gods due to the overwhelming pressure the romans put on them11:50
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.11:50
rwhittlewrong channel11:50
rwhittlewrong house11:51
psaldenhey folks... what would you say about using the open source radeon driver on a 6970 for using gnome 3 for a while? remotely good idea or? :P11:52
* psalden has been trying to get this to work for some time now but without success11:53
hexa-hey there12:01
hexa-i have an annoying issue since dist-upgrading from maverick to natty yesterday12:01
hexa-it seems like my CTRL-Key is _always_ pressed12:02
hexa-anytime i click into a window it wants to move it12:02
hexa-like when i press CTRL and Drag the window by left-clicking12:02
hexa-when i press CTRL the behaviour is like it usually should be12:03
hexa-so CTRL pressed and not pressed are somehow reversed12:03
=== hajour1 is now known as UndifineD
xgurui'm running kubuntu 11.04....   can i 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'12:17
xguruwill that give me the new unity/gnome desktop?12:17
topylihexa-: that's alt actually, not that it helps you much12:17
andyccxguru, yes, it should pull in Unity.12:19
xguruok we wil find out i'll be the guinea pig12:19
hexa-oh boy12:20
hexa-topyli yeah i noticed12:20
hexa-somehow the compiz plugins hotkey was set to Button112:20
hexa-it's working now12:20
andyccSo I'm getting X freezes on suspend with Natty (everything just freezes and/or the screen turns black, but I can move the mouse cursor). Does anyone know if it's a common issue?12:24
DaekdroomYeah. It's a common issue.12:24
DaekdroomIt can be fixed by running 'killall -9 compiz && unity' in tty12:25
jo-erlend_andycc, thanks for mentioning that. I think that happened on my subnotebook yesterday.12:25
andyccDaekdroom, thanks, I was restarting the whole X server. Would you think putting a keyboard shortcut for that command would work?12:26
Daekdroomandycc, not sure. I didn't try that.12:26
andyccOkay, I assigned it to Ctrl-Alt-Del and it does restart Unity. Thanks again! Will see if it actually works after resume.12:27
aviswrong, andy12:35
andyccavis, talking to me? What's wrong?12:39
avisi didn't think that would work12:39
andyccavis, I could type my password into the lock screen with X "frozen" and unlock it, so I think it just might work.12:40
mfraz74Is anyone else experiencing bug #768876?12:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 768876 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "terminal autocompletion adds space after "cp" target folder using Tab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76887612:44
andyccmfraz74, no, I use zsh for my autocompletion needs.12:44
penguin42hmph. X server segged12:46
mfraz74there have been some changes to /etc/bash_complete, but I'm not sure what they are12:51
MichaelKohlergood day, what can I do when some keyboard shortcuts don't work anymore using ubuntu classic? (like alt+f2)12:51
andyccMichaelKohler, try looking in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts.12:56
MichaelKohlerandycc: they're defined there12:57
andyccMichaelKohler, Alt-F2 is handled by gnome-panel, try killing & restarting it. (killall -9 gnome-panel && gnome-panel & disown) <- type in a terminal12:58
MichaelKohlerandycc: disown hasn't returned yet, but the shortcuts are not yet working13:01
andyccMichaelKohler, you can hit enter and kill the terminal (ctrl-d). Tried logging out and in again? I'm out of ideas.13:02
MichaelKohlerandycc: have tried it before, but I'll give it another try13:02
* zolw should be more careful not to lean on keyboard...13:04
MichaelKohlerandycc: didn't work. but thanks anyway13:08
mongytried reducing drop shadow around windows with ccsm (window decoration plugin) but changing the values changes nothing.13:09
coz_mongy,  I havent tried this but  open gconf-editor  maneuver to apps/compiz/plugins/decoration/allscreens/options13:10
coz_mongy,  see if you can effect the shadows from there13:10
mongyhas the same options to change, but do nothing13:14
phibxrhow can I access xchat after minimizing it to the system tray instead of closing it in unity? it disappeared, and I had to kill it since starting it again only started a new process.13:17
zniavreinstall xchat-indicator and then yuo get icon in indicator things13:18
zniavre(the envelop)13:18
phibxrah, thanks. shouldn't it be a dependency for xchat under natty really? :P13:20
coz_or he could have just make the xcaht icon part of the launcher13:21
zniavrethat s true also (i do not like 2 or 3 icons for same action)13:22
coz_as I mentioned yesterday,, the biggest issue for me with ubuntu natty and ubuntu in general recently is that the developers are developing on laptops... and as a result have remove  the ability to automatically boot from scsi drives ,, which will always drop to busybox initramfs  ,, then rootdelay=40 always has to be put into default/grub,, it was not always like this13:25
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diegoviolawill ubuntu use wayland in the future?13:42
diegoviolawow, nice13:45
diegoviolaI wish most distributions would contribute to the future of Linux on the desktop by developing the software also, other than just packaging.13:46
diegoviolalike supporting innovative projects like Wayland, etc13:46
diegoviolawhen Shuttleworth announced Wayland support I was really happy13:46
MichaelKohlerthe skype icon doesn't show up in the notification area, how can I fix this?13:47
MichaelKohler(ubuntu classic)13:48
MichaelKohlerthe skype icon doesn't show up in the notification area, how can I fix this? (ubuntu classic)13:55
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=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
vincenzomlhi there anyone. I have wasted a whole day trying to install either natty or maverick in wubi. The pc is not mine and I can't repartition it. So this morning wubi worked for natty. Then it didn't for maverick, then I decided to give natty's bugs a second try, but now my wubi install (I re-did it twice) hangs on try (hd0,0): NTFS5  and I don't know what to do.14:33
vincenzomlI can't even join the regular #ubuntu because floodbot doesn't want private messages and empathy gives an unknown error when trying to write in the channel. I am about to throw my netbook and the laptop out the window :)14:33
KM0201vincenzoml: wubi is a trainwreck waiting to happen.. DO NOT USE IT.14:34
vincenzomlKM0201: I agree, but my logical side can't accept that this morning it was working... and there are no wubildr or things in the C: of the machine14:35
KM0201vincenzoml: well, yoru logical side is right, and you need to listen to it.... sorry.. thats just how it is.14:35
vincenzomlKM0201: are you a bot programmed on a philosophy book :)14:35
KM0201vincenzoml: no14:36
KM0201vincenzoml: biggest issue is.. when wubi bricks.. it usualy messes up both OS's.. if you properly partition and install Ubuntu... it takes something pretty serious to not be able to at least boot one of the drives14:37
vincenzomlKM0201: yes, I'm just scared that it might actually happen. I guess I'll go with a regular maverick install, sorry I can't still join #ubuntu so... any caveats for maverick resize NTFS?14:37
vincenzomlHi BUGabundo how long...14:38
KM0201vincenzoml: it's actually pretty easy to install...14:38
KM0201if you need some help, i can talk yoyu through resizing your partitions and installing14:38
vincenzomlKM0201: thanks a lot. I'm supposed to know. I mean are there any caveats about possible bugs in resize ntfs; it's easter and if I screw up that windows install I'm *****d14:39
KM0201there shouldn't be.. as long as you pay attention, its easy to partition and install.. like i said, if you want some help, just PM me, i'll talk you through it.. i've installed ubuntu more times than i care to think14:40
blithi, i've installed 11.04 beta 2 on a fujitsu laptop and I'm havin problems with bluetooth not working; it looks there's an Atheros AR9285 chip in between; even if the param btcoex_enable should default on in the driver source, manaually enablin it does't change the result. To be honest 2 days ago after an apt-get update/upgrade and reboot it worked for an afternoon; the next upgrade/reboot reverted to the non functional sta14:45
blitte. any suggestion? thx14:45
SeRVeR01hey there is there any way to install emesene 1.6 on natty cause i don't like emesene 2  ?14:49
=== cryptk is now known as cryptk|offline
KM0201SeRVeR01: you'l probably have to download the source code and compile it.14:51
KM0201if its still available14:51
SeRVeR01KM0201, ok i'll try thanks14:51
penguin42SeRVeR01: If you can get the .deb from the repositories from Maverick or older there is a cahnce it will install14:51
KM0201yeah, that would work to.14:51
KM0201*could* i should've said14:52
SeRVeR01done , installed from the old deb file14:53
SeRVeR01thanks guys :)14:53
KM0201amazing, the powers of ubuntu.. now make suer it doesn't update during system update (it shouldn't)14:54
SuperstarIs it worth installing Ubuntu 11.04? If so why?14:54
BUGabundoguud Easter afternoon. take care with all the eggs14:55
KM0201go find the little hoppity hop14:56
KM0201Superstar: i'm having very good experiences w/ 11.04.. YMMV.. it is still beta though, so if you want to wait till the 28th when its stable.. then i don't see that as a big deal either14:56
Superstarkm0201 what specs do you run it on if you don't mind me asking?14:58
KM0201several different14:58
KM0201my main pc.14:58
Superstarkm0201 what's the lowest spec machine?14:58
blithi, i've installed 11.04 beta 2 on a laptopwith an Atheros AR9285 wifi chip  that doesn't play nice with bluetooth; the param btcoex_enable should already be on in the driver source, manually forcing it does't change result. To be honest 2 days ago after an update/upgrade/reboot it worked for an afternoon; next  uppgrade it reverted to non functional state. any suggestion? thx14:59
KM02012.4ghz AMD, 3gigs of ram, 500gig hard drive, 512mb Nvidia video card,14:59
Superstaris that pci express or agp?14:59
KM0201Superstar: my laptop, is a 1.8ghz Acer, 160gig hard drive, some intel graphics chip, 1.5gigs fo ram...14:59
KM0201Superstar: AGP... i built it right when PCI-e was still way to expensive14:59
bjsniderblit, you won't get any help for such a specific issue in here15:00
Superstarkm0201 does your laptop run it well? or is it a bit sluggish15:00
KM0201Superstar: runs it very well.15:00
bjsniderblit, you might possibly get help from the kernel team, but i doubt it15:00
Superstarkm0201 ok thanks. I've gone back and fourth between 10.10 and 11.04 2/3 times a day it's doing my head in15:00
KM0201Superstar: i'm happy w/ 11.04, but like i said, it is still beta15:01
SeRVeR01it's so good :) btw Superuser and i don't have any probs with it :)15:01
carlossalazarhelp in spanish in the channel15:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:02
Superstarhttp://translate.google.com is your lover15:03
carlossalazargreetings sent me over here the question is that icing me both ubuntu is 11.04 which is a beta but would like to know the bug or error that thanks15:07
* ceed^ thinks Google Translate sometimes messes up a little... :)15:08
donrigtk seems broken for me with gnome3 in virtualbox oracle; the clutter stuff works fine and unity worked fine15:21
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donriit renders "unthemed" and lots of rendering bugs / flicker, mostly completely unrecognizable15:22
donriis it an issue with virtualbox or the gnome3 ppa?15:22
phibxr"greetings sent me over here the question is that icing me both" could easily become a new meme. <315:27
KM0201phibxr: just ask your questino, if we can help, we will15:31
mahfrkhow to use 'tesdtrive' feature in s/w center in natty beta 2?15:31
BluesKajphibxr, pls translate...difficult to understand that statement15:31
phibxrthat was a quote from six messages before in this channel. someone using google translate. :P15:32
BluesKajthat was obvious, but was it swedish=svensk ?15:33
BluesKajgoogle translate can be helpful but parsing isn't it's strong suit15:35
BluesKajKM0201,have you heardanything from or about scoundrel  and partitioning/installs15:38
KM0201BluesKaj: nope.. was he having a problem?15:38
BluesKajKM0201, I had to leave to some errands so I never did find out if he succeeded15:39
KM0201oh ok.15:39
BluesKajto do15:39
patxyea so i just upgraded and i am restarting however it seems that it is stuck on the splash screen what should i do?15:43
penguin42patx: Select the recovery option from the grub menu and see if you get any further or any good error messages15:45
BluesKajstalling at te splashscrn is unusual , it's usually at the plymouth dots15:49
* KM0201 has read bad stories about "upgrading"... thts why i never do it.. :)15:50
* BluesKaj updates/uprades 'ti everything works :)15:51
SuperstarUpgrading = bloating15:52
BluesKajbloatingused to be a concern on older pcs , now I hardy notice  , and just run autoclean and the leftovers are taken care of15:55
penguin42this <--- machine has been upgraded since about hardy (sometime in 2006) - it's a bit messy though16:02
SuperstarIt's probably because you have a machine capable of controlling the world16:03
* BUGabundo is almost tempted to try another distro... a bit tired of *buntu community discussions 16:03
penguin42Superstar: It *does* control the world16:03
Superstarpenguin24, have you considered a fresh install?16:04
penguin42Superstar: I can't be bothered - it is working; I'll only do it if it's broken beyond me being able to kick it back into life16:05
KM0201BUGabundo: what do you mean?16:05
Superstarblueskaj: auto cleaning doesn't clean everything, it always leaves modified files. you can test this by installing ubuntu 10.10 and upgrading it to 11.04 beta, calculate the size, then do a fresh install of the same 11.04 beta and you will see a considerable difference in size. I've gone back and fourth so many times it's the only thing I learned16:05
KM0201i never upgraded an MS OS either.. always clean installed.. so maybe my habits just carried on from that16:06
SuperstarIs it possible to flash bios from Ubuntu?16:08
penguin42Superstar: Depends on the board vendor16:08
KM0201Superstar: it orobably depends on the board vendor16:08
* KM0201 glares..16:08
* penguin42 giggles16:08
KM0201Superstar: i'd say, most likely, a vast majority of them, the answer is no.. it would require windows16:08
SuperstarI have a MSI 865gm I screwed up, I'm waiting on a floppy drive (lol) to fix the BIOS ROM checksum error, just wondering never would do it though16:09
KM0201Superstar: i can almost guarantee you, MSI wwill not flash through liniux.16:09
penguin42Superstar: You might be able to do that off a thumb drive image or boot the floppy image via grub16:09
KM0201(at least w/ their auto tool)... if youc an download the image to a floppy, it should work.16:10
SuperstarAfter my last attempt I don't think I'll ever update the bios. It's very old board, p4 :)16:10
KM0201so many board manufacturers are making their bios upgrades in .exe's, etc.. rather than the old days where yo put the image on a floppy, and rebooted..16:10
SuperstarCan Ubuntu control fans?16:10
KM0201Superstar: sometimes...16:10
Superstarah yes it uses lmsensors16:11
KM0201but.. sometimes some motherboards/fan controls, do not work w/ lmsensors16:11
KM0201its a crapshoot..16:11
SuperstarI found this article, will give it a shot once I get my BIOS done:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto16:13
SuperstarThanks for the help km0201, take care16:13
KM0201Superstar: best of luck16:13
BluesKajSuperstar, well whatever the diff in size really doesn't concern me much , not really all that strict about what's there as long as it works ..to me a little what is referred to as bloat shouldn't be a concern for most users.16:15
BluesKajoops , too late ..o well let him worry about bloat , I know I won't :)16:18
UbuntufreakHi guys i updated my Kubuntu 11.04 from 10.10 and everything worked fine. Today when i try to run apt-get upgrade && update im facing error  http://paste.kde.org/20311/16:27
penguin42Ubuntufreak: Are you running the apt-get update first or 2nd ?16:29
Ubuntufreakpenguin42: After running update when i try to upgrade i get the error16:31
penguin42Ubuntufreak: That says that the index doewnloaded by update doesn't quite match what is in the mirror; probably the mirror was in the middle of updating; just do the update and then upgrade again16:31
Ubuntufreakpenguin42: will try that now16:32
crazedpsycUbuntufreak, those packages (at least the phonon one) dont  exist16:32
Ubuntufreakcrazedpsyc: so should i deselect those packages are try updating16:33
BluesKajUbuntufreak, as well you could always change mirrors16:33
crazedpsycUbuntufreak, or try switching temporarily to a different mirror like BlueKaj just said as I was typing this ;)16:33
BluesKajcrazedpsyc, my phonon just updated this morning16:34
UbuntufreakBluesKaj: It seems the mirrors have been automatically choosen while installing since most of them points to indian mirrors16:34
crazedpsycBluesKaj, what is it anyway?16:34
UbuntufreakBluesKaj: How can i change to another mirror from the current ?16:35
crazedpsycUbuntufreak, SHould be able to switch it in Software Sources16:35
BluesKajyeah, just like mine do to Canadian ones, but sometimes it's good to witch in case of lags faster updates at diff mirrrs16:35
crazedpsycNot sure how to get to it in KDE, but I know its there16:35
BluesKajcrazedpsyc, phonon is a kde audio configuration app16:36
Ubuntufreakcrazedpsyc: should i edit those entries manually to point other repo's ?16:36
crazedpsycBluesKaj, ok16:36
crazedpsycUbuntufreak, no...16:37
crazedpsycUbuntufreak, you have a menu with search right?16:37
Ubuntufreakcrazedpsyc: yes16:37
crazedpsycUbuntufreak, open it up and find "Software Sources"16:37
BluesKajUbuntufreak, no , you do in the kpackagekit16:38
BluesKajUbuntufreak, you're on kde rigt ?16:38
UbuntufreakBluesKaj: Yes im using KDE and in the KpackageKit there are many entries16:39
penguin42Ubuntufreak: I always find kpackagekit a bit touchy16:40
crazedpsycBluesKaj, I installed KDE a while back and I have a 'software-properties-kde' which is just like 'software-properties-gtk' but written in QT. In it there is a "Download From:" drop-down for choosing the mirror. Isn't that right?16:40
DasEiwill there be a second support channel gnome/unity ?16:41
Ubuntufreakcrazedpsyc: Did you install that app separately or is it available by default ?16:42
crazedpsycUbuntufreak, it came with kubuntu-desktop, which is exactly what kubuntu has.16:42
crazedpsyctry running it in a konsole16:43
Ubuntufreakcrazedpsyc: can you tell me the exact command16:43
nononicknois there no libdvdcss on 11.04?16:44
Ubuntufreakcrazedpsyc: tried it and i get this error http://paste.kde.org/20413/16:45
BluesKajcrazedpsyc, I'm not familiar with software-properties-kde , since I'm prertty exclusive to the cli/apt for installs and updates , and I use muon mostly as a reference16:48
crazedpsycUbuntufreak, 'Fix application.' what a lovely thing for it to say! Lets see what BluesKaj has to say16:49
crazedpsycBluesKaj, me too ;)16:49
crazedpsycBluesKaj, so do you know how to do this from the command line?16:50
Ubuntufreakcrazedpsyc: i guess changing the repos would allow me to update the softwares16:50
BluesKajwhoa Ubuntufreak , try changing the mirror16:51
semitoneswhy is XOrg using 50% of my cpu...16:51
DasEinononickno: medibuntu activated ?16:52
Ubuntufreak BluesKaj: how do i change that uisng the kPackagekit ?16:52
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:52
nononicknoi just installed the deb file from the medibuntu site16:52
BluesKajnononickno, instll ubuntu-restricted-exrtas , then libdvdcss216:52
BluesKajUbuntufreak, give me a minte pls16:53
UbuntufreakBluesKaj: sure take your time :)16:53
lubun2nononickno, are you trying to play encrypetd dvd?16:56
crazedpsycWhat does IRC deaf mode block?17:00
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
BluesKajUbuntufreak, there don't seem to be any options to change mirrors in kpkit...seems they've taken them out of synaptic as well17:03
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!17:03
ArGGu^^which compression mksquashfs uses in natty? gzip or lzma?17:04
abhinav-I am upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 using the daily live ISO, currently the installer is saying "restoring previously installed packages" and it seems to be some stuff over the network. Is it trying to update all of my installed packages ?17:05
abhinav-*it seems to be downloading some stuff17:05
UbuntufreakBluesKaj: Oh that seems bad, so i have to edit the mirrors list file manually i guess17:05
BluesKajthere used to ba an option to change the mirrors to USA and Canonical(UK) , but since mine have ben working so well over the last few yrs I haven't even bothered to check for any17:08
zniavreunity can't run due to hardware in my pc but i can run unity in new vbox in full screen ...17:09
zniavrethat s unbelivable17:10
zniavrewithout the 'no-icon-in-launcher' bug17:10
BluesKajUbuntufreak,you can always find a new mirror repos list and copy it to your /etc/apt/sources.list , that will also edit any package manager sources afaik17:11
UbuntufreakBluesKaj: Yeah even i was thinking about editing the sources.list file manually, thanks for the info :)17:12
DasEizniavre: you can run default 3 d in vbox ?17:17
BluesKajUbuntufreak, yup, back to basics is always best when the gui stuff does't give any options17:17
BluesKajabhinav-, yes that's a normal message whern updating17:18
DasEiUbuntufreak: you can always use synaptic to find the mirror fastest to you17:18
mongystill getting the files/apps dash icons vanishing whenever I enable/disable a compiz plugin (compiz restarts)17:19
BluesKajDasEi, where in synaptic?...maybe I missed something17:19
UbuntufreakDasEi: Could you please explain it a bit ?17:19
DasEiUbuntufreak: gksudo synaptic17:20
DasEiUbuntufreak: settings > sources17:20
UbuntufreakDasEi: I am using Kubuntu with KDE17:20
DasEiUbuntufreak: synaptic should be there, too17:21
DasEiUbuntufreak: say when there17:21
abhinav-BluesKaj: hm too bad, I think I will have more than 1 GB of download then, and I can't even skip this. With my slow internet connection it will take the whole night :-/17:22
fictiveanyone have any experience in getting 3d-acceleration to work in vmware with w7 as host system and natty as guest?17:22
UbuntufreakDasEi: seems it has to be installed in Kubuntu not present by default17:22
DasEiabhinav-: too late now, you could have benn d-upgrading by putting the d/l cd in sources.list17:22
Ubuntufreakabhinav-: Yep even for me the update from 10.10 to 11.04 took around 2hrs with close to 600MB download17:23
BluesKajDasEi, where can one change mirrors in synaptic , i don't see the option in synaptic?17:23
DasEifictive: i managed to get unity running in vbox by using it's 2d repo17:23
DasEiUbuntufreak: settings > sources17:23
DasEiUbuntufreak: download from > other17:24
fictivevbox won't let me have any higher resolution than 102417:24
DasEiUbuntufreak: download from > other > choose best mirror17:24
DasEifictive: can't help then, not using vmware17:24
fictivethanks anyway, I will give it another shot with vbox17:25
UbuntufreakDasEi: Still installing Synaptic in Kubuntu17:25
fictivebtw, what are the crusial differences between vbox and vmware?17:25
DasEifictive: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-ubuntu-unity-2d-using-ppa-in-ubuntu-11-0410-10.html17:26
DasEifictive: look at their homepages17:26
BluesKajUbuntufreak, don't think you'll see any mirror options in synaptic ...I can't find any17:26
DasEiBluesKaj: i just have it open in natty17:27
BluesKajDasEi, ok where is the mirror option ?17:27
DasEiUbuntufreak: settings > sources17:28
DasEiUbuntufreak: download from > other > choose best mirror17:28
UbuntufreakDasEi: In Setting-->Repositories-->Software Sources17:28
DasEiwill take some time, pings all server and reports fastest , yes, there, Ubuntufreak17:28
Ubuntufreaki chose Main Server instead of India17:28
UbuntufreakDasEi: Oh ok you want me to scan and then choose the best mirror ?17:29
DasEifor fastest results, yes , Ubuntufreak17:30
DasEidepends on network more then on location, I experienced17:30
BluesKajvery strange , i just get a gui with the a list of repositories , no mirrors are listed anywhere17:31
UbuntufreakDasEi: But will the mirrors all over the world be in sync with the latest updates ?17:31
DasEimake sure no firewall is blocking ping17:31
DasEisupposed to, hours lag maybe, they are mirrors , Ubuntufreak17:31
UbuntufreakBluesKaj: Just choose the drop-down in Download From and choose other, you will presented with a new window to test17:31
DasEiBluesKaj: click on the download from icon17:32
UbuntufreakDasEi: But is it good to choose the local mirror or the main server, since the main server is more reliable than the others imo17:32
BluesKajDasEi, there is no "download from"17:32
DasEithere also is a commandline-way, but I don't have it handy now17:33
* BluesKaj purges synaptic, hopefully I'll get a fully loaded synaptic this time17:34
fritschIs there a current problem in natty concerning mouse and keyboard stop working?17:34
fritschThis is a funny incident, because, the screen gets further updated. Cursor freeze and keyboard not reacting :-)17:34
DasEiUbuntufreak: do as you wish, I experienced it just one time since using ubuntu a mirror was down17:34
fritschsomething todo with evdev changes?17:34
UbuntufreakDasEi: Ok i would go with the main server and try the updates, thanks guys for your help :)17:35
dude456Is there a way to set Gnome Desktop as default when performing a new install of Natty? I dont't want Unity ...17:36
BluesKajDasEi, strange that I have no download from option17:36
UbuntufreakBluesKaj: Download From is not an option its just a text in the window and corresponding to that you would have the drop-down17:36
DasEidude456: hey firend , sure, powerbutton>settings>loginscreen>LogIn>default session>gnome classic17:37
fictiveDasEi: this works, thanks : )17:37
DasEifictive: dualboot is next, gg17:37
fictivenono, I installed vmware so I don't have to reboot ;)17:38
DasEifictive: for work vm is lil' slow, unless you use a lorry as cpu17:38
fictiveI have an i5 540M17:39
xTheGoat121xMy laptop is doing something incredibly weird. There's a whole section of my screen that will not recognize mouse clicks.17:39
fictiveand another 4gig of ram incoming =) so it's good17:39
BluesKajUbuntufreak, I have it now . it was going directly to the sources list and bypassing the software sources window , now that I purged synaptic  and reinstalled , the software sources window appears .17:39
DasEifictive: another.. he17:40
fictiveram is cheap ^17:40
DasEidude456: found the setting (friend of gnome, not firend)17:41
UbuntufreakDasEi, BluesKaj: After switching the mirror to 'Main Server' the updates are installed correctly :)17:42
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)17:42
Saammhelp i installed kubuntu-desktop through synaptic from unity....how do I remove it my system is a mess17:42
BluesKajUbuntufreak, cool :)17:42
dude456DasEi: can it be done while installing? or do I have to perform a standard install and later modify it to have Gnome as default?17:42
dude456DasEi : It works thanks17:43
DasEidude456: the latter, it defaults to unity, but gnome is also installed and can be choosen as default later17:43
BluesKajSaamm, do you like Unity , if so remove sudo apt-get remove kubuntu desktop, if not remove Unity :)17:43
SaammBluesKaj, nothing happens when i remove kubuntu-desktop...all packages of 300mb still installed....i can still open kubuntu settings from unity17:44
BluesKajSaamm, err, sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop or you can always purge it with synaptic17:44
DasEiBluesKaj: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-select-fastest-mirror-in-ubuntu.html17:45
SaammBluesKaj, how to purge?17:45
UbuntufreakI guess the KPackageKit should offer something of this sort present in Synaptic GUI, may be it could be my first contribution if its not already present :)17:45
datenshiSaamm, sudo apt-get remove --purge17:45
BluesKajSaamm, click on remove then, you'll see the purge option in synaptic17:45
DasEiSaamm: sudo apt-get remove --purge PackageName( s)17:45
Saammok wait i try purge option17:46
DasEiSaamm: or as said, synaptic > complete removal, does same17:46
SaammDasEi, nothing happens when i do complete removal :(17:46
DasEiSaamm: I haven't followed you from beginning, what do you want to get rid of ?17:47
datenshiSaamm, if you want to remove kubuntu, then best way is to remove something like kdelibs ^)17:47
BluesKaj!pure gnome17:47
BluesKaj!info pure gnome17:48
ubottu'gnome' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable17:48
SaammDasEi, I installed kubunt-desktop and it download 300mb stuff now i wanna remove it17:48
BluesKaj!pure ubuntu17:48
trismBluesKaj: puregnome was correct, just no space17:48
BluesKaj!info pure ubuntu17:49
ubottu'ubuntu' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable17:49
DasEiBluesKaj: yes, there was this factoid17:49
BluesKajthe bot is defintely off kilter17:49
SaammPURGE option NOT working  :(((17:49
DasEiSaamm: so you removed kubuntu-desktop ?17:49
Saammyep it removed only 50kb i can still launch amarok17:50
Saammi used sudo apt-get remove --purge17:50
datenshiSaamm, try sudo apt-get autoremove, but I don't think it will help17:50
DasEiSaamm: try : sudo apt-get remove kdelibs* --dry-run   , that..17:51
Saammdatenshi, nothing happens with the command...no packages17:51
DasEiSaamm: try : will show what would be removed, look at it carefully17:51
DasEiSaamm: if that's fine,  cut the --dry-run of the above command17:52
BluesKajSaamm, Search for "KDE Desktop" When the search completes, scroll down and find "kde" Description will be "the K Desktop Environment Official modules"17:53
BluesKajSaamm, that's i synaptic17:53
BluesKajSaamm, Right Click/Mark for Complete Removal, Hit apply at the top and let it uninstall17:54
SaammBluesKaj, uhm no package name kde...i searched for kde desktop17:56
Saammwhen i installed kubuntu-desktop it installed hundreds of files...why cant it remove it baqck?17:57
DasEiSaamm: tried the mentioned autoremove or the ""would" command ?17:58
BluesKajSaamm, kde-plasma-desktop17:58
lubun2Saamm, kubuntu-desktop is the meta package. you can un-install the things you don't want17:59
SaammBluesKaj, no package name  kde-plasma-desktop18:00
Saammapt-get auto remove lists 0 packages18:03
BluesKajSaamm, I'm taslking about using synaptic18:03
SaammBluesKaj, ok i tried it only removed 2 mb i can still launch amarok18:04
SaammDasEi, sudo apt-get remove kdelibs* --dry-run looks good but i am scared will it reove something from my uniry install?18:05
DasEilook at the output, it tells you what would/will be removed18:06
DasEiSaamm: ^18:06
SaammDasEi, it huge xD18:06
BluesKajSaamm, this might work altho it's meant for maverick18:08
DasEiany unity-packages amongst them, Saamm ?18:08
arand!puregnome | BluesKaj :þ18:08
ubottuBluesKaj :þ: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome18:08
BluesKajarand, thanks , altho it's meant for Saamm18:10
BluesKajSaamm, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome18:10
arandBluesKaj: I know, just wanted to tease a bit.18:11
Saammok guys i am going to try aptitude gimme a minute18:11
BluesKajarand, yeah i tried the factoid a while back , but I used a space between pure and gnome , just some gobbldy gook output :)18:12
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »18:12
UbuntufreakAlright guys its time for me to leave, thanks for all your help :)18:13
Saammwhat is strange that when i go for a dry run....100s of packages are listed and I am asked to use apt-get autoremove...but when i use this command it syas that 0 packages will be removed18:13
BluesKajaltho synaptic still the best package manager IMO , kde needs to work on theirs ... alot18:14
BluesKajSaamm, just do yjre puregnome route18:14
Saammwhoa the link is for ubuntu 10.04 command does not work :(18:15
DasEiSaamm: use the factoid, for my -scary- suggestion you need to cut the --dry-run to execute, do that on your own risk18:17
SaammDasEi, why the heck i installed kubuntu18:17
samirani need help using ubuntu 11.04 beta18:18
samiranwifi is always disabled18:18
DasEiSaamm: why not, why not just changing default session back ? so aware of this 300MB space ?18:18
samirani am using acer timelineX 4820t18:18
SaammDasEi, the problem is that it have changed many default apps, there are two system monitors, two sytem settings and so on18:19
DasEiI see18:19
DasEireinstall is another option18:20
DasEiSaamm: for playing around, vm's are fine. easy to backup, so no hassle when one borked the system18:21
SaammDasEi, it happened i didnt used protection lol18:21
kujuleshttp://paste.ubuntuusers.de/400113/ <- can anybody give me some hints how i can resolve that problem? thank you18:22
SaammDasEi, check out my dry run output http://pastebin.com/2KGzAvRK18:24
DasEiSaamm: err, kubuntu-desktop is still installed, so why didn't you simply purge that ?18:25
Saammi installed it back18:26
Saammi tried purging nothing happens18:26
DasEiSaamm: looks fine to me, and if something is missing, you can re-install, looks like is what you wanted;; the factoid also didn't help ?18:27
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome18:27
DasEiSaamm: so proceed then18:28
Saammokey dokey18:28
DasEiSaamm: you'll need sudo apt-get autoremove afterwards18:29
Saammok i hit enter hope everything works i have lots of movies and music in my hard disk hope i dont have to reinstall ubuntu18:30
samirancan someone please help me with my wifi issue18:30
MichaelKohlerSince I updated to natty Alt+F2 and other shortcuts don't work anymore. But there are a few defined in Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts that work.. and Alt+F2 is still defined there. any idea? (I'm using "Ubuntu classic")18:30
SaammMichaelKohler, go to compiz config settings manager manager and in prefrences reset your profile to defualt settings18:32
DasEiSaamm: I don't think so, sources should be set to natty and else can install ubuntu-desktop again18:32
Saammok a reboot is required hope i see my desktop again....coming back again in a minute18:32
DasEigood luck18:33
MichaelKohlerthanks Saamm18:33
Saamm_DasEi, all right i see my desktop again..now doing autoremove....many thanks to you Xd18:36
DasEiSaamm_: have fun. I'll leave soon18:36
Saamm_MichaelKohler, you got ur shortcuts back?18:36
MichaelKohlerSaamm_: yes, resetting helped, thanks18:36
DasEigood hint. compiz, haven't rebooted since switching18:37
Saamm_MichaelKohler, :)18:38
Saamm_ok auto removed now another restart required wil be back18:39
DasEiSaamm: shot, but not killed, fine then18:41
SaammDasEi, ok your trick worked but i still get kubuntu plymouth theme hahaha and inside it there is ubuntu uni9ty18:42
DasEiSaamm: but the duplicate apps are off now18:42
SaammDasEi, yep18:42
MichaelKohlerhow can I rearrange windows in the window list in the panel? in 10.10 it worked with just moving, but it doesn't in 11.0418:43
SaammDasEi, so todays lesson for me...install only one DE at a time18:43
arandMichaelKohler: Pull out to the right and then move them.18:44
DasEiSaamm: I'm not familiar enough with the changes in unity/x yet, until now you could, maybe I'll crash my vm later18:44
DasEiI just changed back to classic as unity really hinders my workflow18:45
MichaelKohlerarand: I don't quite understand. what exactly do you mean by "pull out to the right"?18:45
arandMichaelKohler: Grab the icon, drag it off the panel straightto the right, then when it is outside of the panel, move it up our down and then place it again where you want it.18:46
SaammDasEi, unity sucks i hate when icons fold i in netbook18:46
=== DJDank is now known as e\ectro_
KM0201Saamm: it takes some getting used to.. i didn't like it at first either, but after a couple weeks, its really growing on e18:47
SaammKM0201, yep it nice but the things i hate are folded icons, no multiple instances of same apps, no wine apps support no custom launcher support18:48
KM0201Saamm: not sure what yo mean by no wine support, (i don't use wine).. but the custom launcher support has annoyed me18:48
trismSaamm: which apps don't support multiple instances? and you can have custom launchers18:49
Saammtrism, you can launch multiple instances by middle mouse click but it not good on a touchpad18:49
trismSaamm: so more like awkward multiple instance support, I will agree there18:50
Saammtrism, there should be a quicklist item 'open new window' in evey app18:50
trismSaamm: I agree with that too, although you can easily add one18:50
Saammtrism, i cant' do it for each and every .desktop file18:51
Saammtrism, shell scripts does not work when i launch them from unity launcher18:52
trismSaamm: I'm not disagreeing with the issues, it still needs work18:53
MichaelKohlerarand: doesn't work. I think you misunderstood me. here's what I want to do: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/4994/unledpe.jpg18:53
arandMichaelKohler: Oh, right I though you meant for Unity, not classic... Hmm if that isn't working, I don't know how to solve it, I would report a bug..18:55
Saammtrism, yeh18:55
MichaelKohlerarand: ah sorry, didn't write I'm using classic. thanks anyway :)18:55
Saammall right thanks alot to all those who helped me time for some football18:55
MichaelKohlerarand: report to ubuntu or gnome?18:57
arandMichaelKohler: run "ubuntu gnome-panel" I think18:57
arand* "ubuntu-bug gnome-panel"18:58
MichaelKohlerwow, that's a nice feature18:59
arandMichaelKohler: It works for me in my unupdated version, 'll test updating and see if I get the same issue as you.18:59
MichaelKohler"unupdated" version?18:59
arandMichaelKohler: I need to update 192 packages some upgrades might affect this behaviour ;)19:00
MichaelKohlerah okay19:00
arandif, so, it's a simple regression, presumably.19:01
MichaelKohlerI hope it is easy to track down. That's really annoying (and for what it's worth one reason I don't use Windows)19:01
semitonesso are bugfixes still ongoing?19:05
semitonesor is there a bugfix freeze19:05
KM0201semitones: i don't imagine there will be a "freeze" until the release candidate, but i could be wrong19:07
semitonesat what point on the schedule is the rc released?19:09
MichaelKohlerarand: filed bug 76912119:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 769121 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "rarranging windows in window list in panel doesn't work anymore" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76912119:10
arandMichaelKohler: Cool, I'll confirm it if it turn up in my case as well.19:11
phibxris anyone able to alt+tab to wine-windows in unity?19:13
KM0201phibxr: yup19:13
phibxrKM0201, thanks. you just restored the functionality for me. o.O19:14
MichaelKohlerwhich programming languages are used in Ubuntu?19:16
jo-erlendMichaelKohler, all of them, more of less. Python is very popular and easy to learn though.19:17
jo-erlendwell, probably not more than all of them. That would be too cool, even for Ubuntu.19:18
MichaelKohlerhehe, okay, thanks19:18
gordonjcpMichaelKohler: same as any other distribution19:19
gordonjcpMichaelKohler: I haven't seen any PL/119:19
gordonjcpor for that matter FOCAL19:19
gordonjcpgordonjcp@saito:~$ apt-cache search focal19:20
gordonjcpfocal - Interpreter for FOCAL programming language19:20
gordonjcpwell, I'll be...19:20
jo-erlendcorrected by apt-cache? :)19:20
* gordonjcp digs out the PDP-8 FOCAL Programmer's Reference19:20
gordonjcpnot only that but:19:21
* jo-erlend takes his hangover and goes to bed.19:21
gordonjcpesix - PDP-8 Engineering and Scientific Interpreter eXtended19:21
jo-erlendthe only reason I can think of why a language would not be supported in Ubuntu, is 1) it's proprietary and 2) it's not useful enough that anyone has bothered to implement it. Of course, not all languages will have perfect support, but ..19:23
BluesKajis there a method to edit the sudoers file to include applications that reside in /usr/sbin/ like synaptic , using the ALL NO_PASSWORD command ?19:33
gordonjcpjo-erlend: I think the original question is which ones are *used*19:33
semitonesi had all these cool indicators on my gnome panel -- are you guys aware of unity alternaves to things like gnome-panel's hardware monitor?19:34
BluesKajerr command is a bad word choice , I meant path to19:35
arandMichaelKohler: Hmm, seems to work for me still after update and reboot, can rearrange windows in the windowlist as ususal..19:39
MichaelKohlerarand: good for other peope, too bad for me.. thanks for testing19:40
MichaelKohlerany idea what I could do about that?19:40
vinsonizeris there any way to get panel applets in unity?  like system monitor etc?19:42
mongy+1.  I want my netspeed applet19:43
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arandMichaelKohler: Does it make a difference if you create a new window list applet, or a new bottom panel with it as well?19:47
MichaelKohlerarand: I'll try that, good idea19:48
semitonesvinsonizer, mongy, ++19:48
MichaelKohlerarand: unfortunately it doesn't make any difference19:49
arandTest with new user?19:50
MichaelKohlerworth a try19:51
arandIf it work there, must be a per-user setting, if not, likely a system-wide thing...19:52
penguin42I could swear there was a gconf key for allowing certain panel items through - not found it thouygh19:52
arandMichaelKohler: By the way, are you running compiz?19:52
MichaelKohlerarand: yes I am19:52
arandMichaelKohler: If you "metacity --replace &disown" does it work then?19:52
MichaelKohlerarand: oh, thanks, it works now19:54
MichaelKohlerwhat does this command do?19:54
arandI'm not sure what the *correct* way to get compiz back is "compiz --replace &disown" should do it though19:54
arandMichaelKohler: It disables compiz.19:54
MichaelKohleris disown thought to return, it's still running19:54
arandMichaelKohler: I assume you can change the bug to point to compiz instead ;)19:54
mongyok, I tried adding netspeed to the gsettings panel thing, now how do I add it to the panel?  there is nothing to run19:55
arandMichaelKohler: disown is simply so that it doesn't exit when you close the terminal.19:55
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MichaelKohlerarand: but I need to Ctrl+C to exit the terminal, is that normal?19:56
arandMichaelKohler: compiz and metacity are the two wondow managers, using one will disable the other.19:57
arandMichaelKohler: If you used "&" it shouldn't be in the foreground of the terminal..19:57
frithis there a feature roadmap for unity?19:57
arandMichaelKohler: If it works when you ran the metacity command that means it seems to work in metacity, but not in compiz, i.e. the bug is likely soething related to compiz.19:58
MichaelKohlerarand: it is in the foreground even though using the &, that's weird19:59
MichaelKohlerhaha, nice, I used "compiz --replace & disown" now and it can still rearrange the windows20:00
arandYou don't get the prompt even if you press enter once or twice?20:00
MichaelKohlerah, enter works20:00
arandYea, the "error" messages will still get outputted to the terminal.20:01
MichaelKohlerah nice20:02
flan_suseThere still exists a major bug in Xubuntu beta 2.20:02
MichaelKohlerarand: I updated the bug, can you close it as invalid or something?20:02
MichaelKohlerflan_suse: tell us ;)20:02
flan_suseMichaelKohler: It might have already been reported to Xubuntu, but I know upstream Xfce has this bug as well. I bumped into it on Arch Linux, and verified it on the Arch BBS: User cannot reboot/shutdown because xfdesktop segfaults before logging out.20:03
arandMichaelKohler: Well you should be able to do so (if you don't see the issue anymore, even after re-login)20:03
flan_suseI verified this on Xubuntu 11.04 beta 2.20:03
MichaelKohlerarand: I will, thanks a lot again :)20:03
arandMichaelKohler: Just click the status and edit on the bug iirc20:04
MichaelKohlerflan_suse: I think you should report this directly to upstream xfce20:04
flan_suseXubuntu 11.04 will go stable soon, but this is a severe bug from upstream. Not sure who's going to fix it really?20:04
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flan_suseMichaelKohler: If upstream doesn't fix it by Xubuntu's release, will Xubuntu include an upgrade to xfdesktop afterwards, or will it freeze on the xfdesktop it releases with?20:05
flan_suse*version freeze20:05
MichaelKohlerflan_suse: frankly, I have no idea ;)20:05
arandflan_suse: If it is a major bug it can be backported as per...20:06
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates20:06
arandI depends on the intrusiveness though.20:06
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 7442 in General "xfdesktop crash on exit with xorg-server 1.10" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]20:06
flan_suseOh... wow.20:07
flan_suseIt was fixed today, lol.20:07
flan_suseOkay, so yeah, I guess problem solved? :P20:07
flan_suseWonder if it's been merged into xfdesktop.20:07
MichaelKohlerarand: I'll log out and back in to see whether my problem is fixed20:08
arandflan_suse: Just make sure to request the fix for a feature freeze exception, if not already planned. Or SRU, post-release.20:08
flan_susearand: On the Xubuntu bug tracker, right?20:09
arandHmm, well it shoudln't really be an feature exception though, since it's just a bugfix, Yea, that is likely the case.20:09
arandflan_suse: If you want I could attempt to make a proposed patched version..20:11
flan_susearand: Sure.20:11
flan_susearand: I was going to make a report on the bug tracker about the request, but whatever works better.20:12
arandPlease do create it, I will attach it there if it works20:12
flan_susearand: I'm not very sharp about the whole upstream / distro / feature freeze / merge / patch stuff.20:12
flan_suseOh, okay.20:13
arandIt helps to keep structure and reviewability with a report.20:13
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MichaelKohlerarand: logged out and back in, now it doesn't work anymore :(20:16
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arandMichaelKohler: Note it on the bug ;)20:16
MichaelKohlerarand: I have, how can I point it to compiz?20:17
flan_susearand: Is this correct? https://bugs.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team20:17
arandMichaelKohler: You should be able to just change the package by clicking it.20:17
flan_susearand: Nevermind. It's via Ubuntu's bugs as well.20:19
arandhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4 would likelt be the place20:19
flan_susearand: Ever time I try to report a new bug, I'm directed here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs20:19
arandflan_suse: If you have the sytem up, use "ubuntu-bug xfdesktop4" If not, there should be instructions on how to get around it...20:20
flan_susearand: With your link, the "Report bug" actually works, hah.20:20
arandAh, =)20:20
flan_susearand: Never reported this type of request before. Should I name it something like "Request to patch xfdesktop" ?20:21
flan_susearand: Because the "xfdesktop crashes on logout/reboot" is already filed with upstream xfce.20:21
arandflan_suse: Link to the upstream bugs "This serious bug was fixed upstream, please apply in xubuntu as well"20:23
flan_susearand: Okay, I'll pastebin what I wrote.20:24
arandflan_suse: Is it's for the description just fire away, it can always be changed later.20:24
flan_susearand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/597571/20:25
arandflan_suse: Sure.20:27
flan_susearand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/76916320:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 769163 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "Request to include patched xfdesktop for Xubuntu 11.04" [Undecided,New]20:28
socommHey is there a way to put 11.04's interface back to the old GNOME layout?20:31
coz_socomm,  just log out  and change the session to  Classic gnome20:31
socommcoz_: oooooooooooooh, let me try that20:31
socommcoz_: beautiful - this gnome-shell thing is not my cup of tea20:32
MichaelKohlersocomm: and you probably want to go to Administration -> Login Screen and change the default there20:32
coz_socomm,  I understand :)20:32
MichaelKohleror is the choice remembered when selecting it at the login screen?20:32
coz_login screen20:33
hdrodmananyone able to install citix client on natty?20:33
socommgood deal thanks guys20:33
flan_susearand: Have to run. I'll get emailed automatically with any updates, so thank you for being patient with me and helping me to do this.20:34
socommhere's a funny thing about the new shell whenever I run "smb://server" it doesn't take it *and* theres no "connect to server" option20:35
MichaelKohleragain, thanks for all the help and have a good day/night20:39
leandrodeassisis there a chance to remove unity and use gnome classic in my image?20:42
penguin42leandrodeassis: Just choose ubuntu classic on the gdm login page20:43
KM0201leandrodeassis: why not just install, then use gnome-classic, and uninstall unity?20:43
leandrodeassisKM0201 penguin42 Yes but i don't know how to remove the top panel =/20:45
penguin42leandrodeassis: Hmm the classic mode should just be the same as before; so you're in classic mode? And you have panels where?20:45
* KM0201 quotes what penguin42 said.. :)20:46
KM0201leandrodeassis: classic is gnome 2.xx, just like youv'e used in previous iterations of Ubuntu..20:46
leandrodeassispenguin42 KM0201 ok.. will try, thanks.20:47
=== BUGa_fewd is now known as BUGabundo
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Rimojust installed 11.04 and software center doesn't open20:49
Rimoit stays gray20:49
th^^any idea how to prevent firefox from launching again when clicking it in unitys launcher bar21:08
th^^i mean i can't 'select' running firefox anyhow from the panel, just launch new ones :/21:08
shaneocan someone please assist me with adding Yarrssr to startup i found alot of files to link to but not sure which one to use21:11
th^^damned unity21:22
KM0201anybody else having problems w/ VLC (playing .avi's) locking up the system?.. it's happened to me on several occasions21:25
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KM0201totem works fine21:25
darthanubisKM0201: yes!21:25
KM0201ok, at least i knw i'm not crazy21:25
darthanubisty me too21:25
darthanubisits a pain21:25
th^^all i'd like to do is *select* the running firefox from unity panel.. pffh.. but noo... launches new one on every click21:26
KM0201th^^: huh?.. it always brings up the currently open one for me21:26
th^^KM0201: that's what i would EXPECT it to do, too21:26
th^^this is getting annoying21:27
KM0201i just checked, thats exactly what its doing to me... assuming FF is minimized, it maximizes it.21:27
th^^lucky you21:27
KM0201th^^: strange, not sure why its behaving differently for you21:28
th^^there doesn't seem to be much logic behind unitys bugs, usually21:29
th^^so i'm not surprised21:29
SeRVeR01SMplayer is the best for me21:29
KM0201SeRVeR01: i've always liked VLC.. looks like i'm gonna have to change my position on that.21:30
SeRVeR01KM0201, try Smplayer i find it cool21:30
th^^i blame unity for that too :-D21:30
KM0201darthanubis: have you tried it in Ubuntu classic, to see if its the same behavior w/ Gnome (and its just a prob w/ unity?)21:30
KM0201th^^: probably, to be truthful21:30
SeRVeR01KM0201, if u played 10 videos it remember where u stopped at each video in case u replay it xD21:30
KM0201hmm, i got it installing, i'll check it out later21:31
th^^during these two weeks or so, i've had to reboot my machine more than windows 95 during its whole lifetime21:31
th^^with 11.04/unity21:31
SeRVeR01I just reboot after every update :)21:32
slestakwhat nvidia driver is recommended?  173?21:32
KM0201th^^: i'cve not had to update very often at all (going on about 2 weeks also)... i shut downj in the evening, thats abou tit.21:32
SeRVeR01th^^, consider that it still beta release ;)21:32
th^^SeRVeR01: i really doubt things will be any better next week21:32
KM0201th^^: everyone always says taht right before a release.. :)21:33
th^^actually, i can bet on it they are not21:33
SeRVeR01th^^, from my last experience  with 10.10 and it's beta version am sure everything gonna be ok :)21:33
KM0201th^^: unity will still have some bugs, that are going to have to be worked out, that is expected(to me anyway).. but i would expect the "classic" interfacer to work fine21:33
bazhangth^^, then dont use it. it has bugs in beta. stick with LTS21:34
bazhangth^^, or file bugs and make it better21:34
slestakI have a beta1 + 471 updates instaleld on a Dell e1505 that has been termpermental21:36
th^^SeRVeR01: i doubt anything can save unity for this release :) it just bugs wayy too much21:36
th^^better stick to the classic i guess21:36
slestakth^^: is that the way its going down?21:36
bazhangth^^, then file some bugs. complaining here just creates unnecessary noise21:37
slestakunity on my netbook has been pretty solid21:37
slestakintel chipset21:37
slestakon my larger laptop, I cannot get it to start21:37
slestak(unity, not the laptop)21:37
slestakgl is running, tried both nvidia choices in Hardware Settings21:38
penguin42can someone try gconf-editor for me - I'm finding just navigating around the tree is VERY slow21:38
nijabo6 days until 11.04 and I'm really enjoying Unity so far21:39
penguin42it's certainly a lot better than it was21:39
darthanubisKM0201: I'm using Kubuntu21:40
KM0201darthanubis: oh ok.21:40
KM0201darthanubis: then maybe its not related to unity.. i thought it was21:40
penguin42darthanubis: I'm running kubuntu on one of my machines - what problem are you seeing?21:41
KM0201penguin42: VLC locking up.21:42
KM0201the whole system21:42
slestakbazhang: i did file what i consider a showstopper repeatable bug and the experience has been pretty much downplayed21:42
bazhangslestak, got  a link?21:42
penguin42KM0201: I'm seeing problems with full screen flash doing that, especially if I move between virtual desktops at the same time - what graphics hardware? Do you end up with any dmesg logs ?21:43
penguin42oh sorry, that's a redirect from darthanubis isn't it?21:43
KM0201penguin42: no dmesg logs.. graphics device is an Intel GM96521:43
KM0201penguin42: and full screen flash has been no problem21:43
slestakbazhang: got you in a pm21:44
bazhangslestak, here please21:44
boodroscotchHey guys, does the Liquorix kernel play well with Natty?21:44
accipterI am using natty. When I select 'Find Files' (in dash maybe?) I want it to search for all files in my favorite folders that match a name. Is this possible? Right now it seems to only consider files that I have recently opened.21:45
slestakbazhang: bug 76315521:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 763155 in linux-ntfs (Ubuntu) "ntfsresize detected bad sectors but chkdsk does not." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76315521:45
penguin42KM0201: I had my i945 running unity X server die earlierl segging X server - could see the seg in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old21:45
slestakthe description was changed form my original by triage21:45
KM0201penguin42: actualy, vlc locking up, is the only problem i have had.21:45
slestakbazhang: i worked on this with my loco also21:46
penguin42KM0201: Can you login remotely or via ctrl-alt-f1 when it locks up?21:46
slestakthis isnt my first install, and 9.04, 9.10, 10.04, etc all install on this machine well21:46
KM0201penguin42: completely lock up, i have to hard reset.21:46
darthanubispenguin42: VLC hard locks system21:46
KM0201penguin42: a couple of times, my mouse would move for a short time, then it woul dlock up21:47
slestakonly beta2 is doign this.  I have redownloaded the iso and will try again to see if it is repeatable with new media.21:47
KM0201penguin42: all windows freeze, etc.. (movie stops obviously, i was in IRC, and the channel stopped scrolling, etc..)21:47
slestakthe machine is running now on beya1 + 471 updates in uvuntu classic21:48
penguin42KM0201/ darthanubis: Well it's unlikely to be actually a VLC bug - most likely X or kernel; you could try xorg-edgers if you're feeling adventurous; you could also login remotely first and then keep a dmesg or tail -f /var/log/syslog going in the background21:48
slestakdoh, pardon my typonese21:48
penguin42slestak: Hey we both speak typonese21:48
slestakits been a long day21:49
rrvahi! network-manager gui will not let me connect to new networks, the "more networks" choice is empty, also no window appears when choosing "Edit connections..." .. but it has found some other networks which are listed on the first menu.21:51
rrvaso, i'm on eth0 now21:51
rrvathis used to work fine on prev. ubuntu.. anyone recognize this in natty?21:52
slestakrrva: broadcom or intel?21:53
slestakrrva: i had real problems getting my broadcom straight with beta1 on my netbook21:53
rrvait's not a driver problem, it's a UI problem21:54
rrvait lists some wifi networks ok, not just mine, I need to go to "More networks" for this, which is a blank submenu21:54
KM0201SeRVeR01: how do you set brightness, etc.. in SMPlayer?  it doesn't work for me (i found the settings, just changing them does nothing)21:54
rrvaalso "Edit connections..." does not show21:54
rrvaKM0201: try using opengl vo21:55
slestakrrva: this is the same in unity and ubuntu classic?21:55
KM0201rrva: opengl vo  ?21:55
rrva-vo gl221:55
slestakvideo out21:55
KM0201rrva: you mean start the video in terminal and put that at the end?21:55
rrvaopengl has better controls than xv21:55
KM0201sorry, never heard of that21:55
KM0201oh ok21:55
KM0201hang on21:55
rrvaah, in smplayer you need to enable that in your options21:55
rrvabut try starting mplayer from commandline first to verify that the brightness is controllable21:56
rrvamaybe it also has to do with color conversion settings21:56
rrvaso, i'm off to hand-configure wpa-supplicant etc21:56
slestakbazhang: you get a chance to peruse that bug report?21:57
slestakbazhang: ty for your time today21:57
slestakrrva: did you see my post, unity and classic?21:57
KM0201rrva: nope, that didn't work to adjust brightness either21:58
lars_t_hrrva, does this command: "iwlist wlan0 scanning" show anything (assumes wlan0 is your WLAN interface)? if not, then maybe WLAN is diabled, or the driver is not working correctly.21:58
KM0201but SMPlayer does seem to run better21:58
slestakKM0201: are you on battery or a plugged in desktop?21:59
slestakmaybe power scheme is gettign in teh way21:59
KM0201plugged .. its not a powersaving issue (although i am on a laptop)21:59
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rrvalars_t_h: iwlist wlan0 shows a lot of networks, among them the one I want. like I said, it's a UI problem22:05
rrvalars_t_h: network-manager just works partially22:06
arandAnyone on xubuntu care to test the patch in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/+bug/711571 ?22:06
lars_t_hrrva, ok22:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 711571 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu Natty) "Xfce Shutdown/Restart doesn't work (logout instead)" [Low,Triaged]22:06
arand(If you are seeing the bug, of course)22:07
nijaboI'd recommend you to try that out22:09
nijaboWorked for me and I found it useful22:09
piccawhat is the difference between Chrome and Chromium and what do you guys use... since upgrading to 11.04 i am thinking i might use Chromium instead of Chrome22:11
slestakbazhang: you get a chance to peruse that bug report?22:14
slestakbazhang: ty for your time today22:14
bazhangslestak, yep. sorry a bit busy with matters in other channels atm22:15
slestakoh, np.  ty for even looking at this22:15
slestaki am busy too, and I'll be around for another hour so no rush22:15
SeRVeR01KM0201, sorry was away22:15
KM0201no prob.22:15
SeRVeR01KM0201,  adjust the britness from Movie player22:15
KM0201SeRVeR01: doesn't work.22:16
KM0201the equalizer moves, but does nothing.22:16
vincenzomlHi all. What equaliser?22:16
SeRVeR01KM0201, just tried it22:19
SeRVeR01working here22:19
KM0201SeRVeR01: dunno, not working here.. not a huge deal.. but its definitely nojt making any changes...22:19
SeRVeR01KM0201,  do u close it and reopen after making a change in Movie player ?22:21
KM0201no.. that kinda destroys the point.22:21
SeRVeR01do u use twitter ?22:24
KM0201me? lol, no22:24
SeRVeR01i tried several clients but all sux :D22:25
torchiegwibber is quite strange22:26
torchiehave to enter an irc command to follow someone, what22:27
SeRVeR01i tried hotot it's good but still in developments needs alot22:28
BUGabundoSeRVeR01: pidgin with twitter pluing22:28
BUGabundo+ gwibber-service22:28
BUGabundo+ seesmic web22:28
BUGabundotorchie: no you don't22:28
torchiesay what22:29
SeRVeR01BUGabundo, am gonna try pidgin now22:29
torchieI was having a hard time figuring out how to follow someone by going to their profile22:29
torchieand I eventually came to a topic that said to /follow username22:29
BUGabundothat's *one* way22:30
torchiewhat's the other way?22:31
torchieinquiring minds want to know!22:32
BUGabundohaven't used Gwibber GUI in a long time lOL22:33
BUGabundoclicking on a nick should do it oo22:33
torchieis there a gwibber CLI22:33
BUGabundodon't think so22:33
torchiecan't find anything22:34
torchieright clicking the profile pic does nothing22:34
SeRVeR01goodnight all22:52
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
perscitusWhat app is responsible for moving window controls when maximized?22:58
Estragonhi, im facing a huge issue on 11.0423:00
perscitusWhat app is responsible for moving window controls when maximized?23:00
Estragonwhen a session is starting I got error "/home/xxx/.ICEAuthority cant be updated"23:00
Estragonand then "gconf failed with error 256"23:01
zaeryI feel like a huge idiot for not being able to figure this out, but: How do i turn compiz off?23:01
torchielog out and log in as Ubuntu Classic?23:02
torchie(no effects)23:02
zniavrealt+f2 metacity --replace'   should do the trick23:02
torchiethat might work too23:02
perscitusUnity needs Compiz23:02
perscitusUnity is plugin for Compiz23:02
perscitusWhat app is responsible for moving window controls or buttons when maximized?23:03
zaerythen I guess i'll be looking for a way to get gnome on 11.04. I need wine to work, and compiz always messes with wine23:03
penguin42Estragon: It would be worth checking that your disk isn't full23:03
penguin42Estragon: But then also just check your home directory and in particular that .ICEauthority file is readable23:04
perscituszaery, or switch to xubuntu23:04
perscituszaery,  or use classic mode but that wont be avail in 11.1023:04
Estragonpenguin42: disk has 40% free, already done many things about ICEauthority23:04
Estragonincluding chmoding it, deleting it ...23:04
Estragonadditionnaly when I create a new user and log on it23:05
perscitusWhat app is responsible for moving window controls or buttons when maximized?23:05
EstragonI got the exact same issue23:05
penguin42Estragon: Hmm odd - are you using encrypted home directories ?23:05
perscituswhy doesnt anyone know my question?23:05
penguin42Estragon: Hmm odd; if you run 'id' as your user after login does it correspond to the userid shown from ls -ld ~23:06
perscitusim trying to make unity usuable a little more. I removed appmenu, now i need to keep the controls in the window and not in panel23:07
lars_t_hperscitus, X11 is drawing things on the screen, and your desktop is responible moving things, AFAIK23:08
perscitusAnyone know how to keep Window buttons from being moved to panel?23:09
lars_t_hperscitus, ^23:09
penguin42perscitus: I suspect it's either compiz or unity-window-decorator but I haven't figured out how unity has actually changed it23:09
perscituspenguin42,  i want to disable it. its annoying23:09
penguin42perscitus: Yes I can sympathise - but I don't think many of us really understand how unity has changed stuff23:10
perscitusbuttons look ugly with translucent panel23:10
lars_t_hperscitus, take a look indside the gconf database23:10
lars_t_hsettings there controls your desktop23:10
lars_t_hpenguin42, Unity 3D is a compiz plugin, and Unity 2D is Qt23:12
perscitusisnt QT commercial?23:12
penguin42lars_t_h: Yes but there are a lot more bits to the puzzle - for example the menu stuff done using dbusmenu23:12
lars_t_hpenguin42, true, but it is also GPL licensed23:13
perscituspenguin42,  what would they be called though23:13
lars_t_hpenguin42, true23:13
perscitusThere is over 13k Unity sucks results in google23:14
lars_t_hperscitus, Qt is commercial and GPL licensed and maybe also  LGPL23:15
perscitusin the past month23:15
rwwQt licensing: http://qt.nokia.com/products/licensing/licensing323:16
rwwtl;dr: multilicensed under LGPL2, GPL3, and a commercial license23:16
lars_t_hperscitus, ok - i like Unity - it is different from Ubuntu Classic. it will take some time to switch to the new desktop.23:16
arandMost of the "unity sucks" is a 1minute-opinion though, I'd claim. I don't particularly like it myself, but I don't see it as being particualarly bad eirther...23:16
perscituslars_t_h,  i hate unity23:16
ubottuhate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy23:17
perscitusnothing to customize23:17
arandCostomizability was never the goal  for Unity, at least not for this "first" release.23:17
lars_t_hperscitus, In Ubuntu 11.10 you have choise: a) Unity or b) GNOME 3 (Unity like)23:18
perscituslars_t_h,   Install gnome3 on 11.04 is a pain.23:18
torchieunity is fun on a bun23:18
perscitustried and it broke23:18
torchieneeds more23:19
perscitusUnity is a nightmare to custmize23:19
perscitusand more people will hate it after release.23:19
torchieswitching between windows in different workspaces23:19
lars_t_hperscitus, installing GNOME + GTK+ chain of sotware libs had always been a pain23:19
torchielol customize23:19
lcbyou can just use classic and customize the way you want...23:19
perscitusbut classic is gone in 11.1023:20
torchieyou could just spend less time customizing and more time using23:20
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perscitustorchie,  thats the thing, i cant use it.23:20
KM0201perscitus: wel, i think ther'es Gnome 3, and Unity-2D, installed by default on 11.10 (or at least i read that somewhere)23:20
perscitustorchie,  I cant use it as is. Its a pain in the butt to use it as is.23:21
lars_t_hperscitus, gconf will do rhe trick of customize - who said Windows like reg database?23:21
perscitusApps Available to Download stuff in Unity dock is irritating too.23:21
torchiethen maybe use something else23:21
rwwarand: given other Canonical software I've used, I don't think customizability is going to be a goal ever. Which is either a good or bad thing depending on your opinions (and IRC users tend to go with "bad thing" ;).23:22
slestakgnome3 doesnt allow a bunch of customization either23:22
perscitusand Unity dock windows... huge window border.  stupid.23:22
lcband not only gconf, you can do a lot more. try playing with the apps or settings you used before 11.0423:22
lars_t_hperscitus, well Unity is final at Ubutnu 12.0423:22
perscitusgconf in 11.04 burried so much stuff and its gibbish speak to me23:22
perscitusi found show_maximized_titlebars but apparent unity ignores itr23:24
lars_t_hperscitus, if i after a week of testing Unity don't like Unity, i will switch to Kubuntu 11.04, wich have KDE 4.6.*23:25
lcbi'm switching to windows 3.123:25
perscituslars_t_h,  tried that. and didnt like it either.23:25
perscitusI give themes 2-6 hours tops.23:25
rwwKDE 4.6.223:25
lars_t_hperscitus, and Xubuntu?23:26
rwwperscitus: I put up with stuff for a week, usually. 2-6 hours is nowhere long enough to change ingrained habits.23:26
rwwand sometimes new habits in new UIs are better. Not often, but it happens ;)23:26
perscitusrww,  ingrained habits take years.23:27
torchieflash window is capturing all my keyboard input in firefox regardless of tab23:27
rwwperscitus: maybe my brain is overly malleable then, because that's not the case for me ;P23:27
torchiemaybe the problem is ingratiation instead of adaptation?23:27
torchieis our greatest ability not that of adjustment to the new23:27
perscitusrww, Note how hard for someone to quit smoking.23:27
torchieso ubuntu classic is like smoking23:28
lcbI AM23:28
rwwperscitus: Smoking has a chemical dependency. How you click on things doesn't.23:28
lcbelectronic cigarettes23:28
torchieanyone having issues with compiz wobble windows freaking out and staying wobbly23:28
perscitusrww,  Here's an example, it takes 7 seconds to open Xchat in Unity Dock. And the about 7 clicks to get to the icon.23:28
torchie"the icon?"23:29
rwwperscitus: I assume you're deliberately avoiding keyboard use there?23:29
lars_t_htorchie, ubuntu classic is like smoking? :) I think it is true.23:29
perscitusrww,  I dont use keyboard. for  launching apps. Never will23:30
torchieavoiding keyboard use is valid, not everyone automatically knows unity's keyboard functions23:30
rwwperscitus: Heh. I guess we're opposites.23:30
torchieand this isn't 1998, people use pointing devices and GUIs23:30
perscitusI dont like pulling out keyboard tray just to open firefox.  or whatever. i just want to frakin browse the web23:30
torchiethen move your mouse to the unity dock and click firefox23:30
lars_t_hperscitus, Unity has a lot of keyboard shortcuts23:31
perscituslars_t_h,  thats funny since it was designed for touchscreen use later.23:31
torchiemy major issue is that the unity dock isn't visible at all times like windows and OSX's docks23:32
perscitusMouse is faster.23:32
lars_t_hperscitus, i know - there is more than one way to the same thing23:32
perscituslars_t_h,  except that one way, Ubuntu developers are intentionally trying to discourage23:32
rwwNope. One of the design goals of Unity was to make it accessible. Part of accessibility is keyboard navigation.23:33
perscitusAnd I cant even make Unity dock transparent either23:33
trismtorchie: you can disable hiding the launcher in ccsm23:33
lars_t_hperscitus, i am using a trackball - i will damage my hand if i use a mouse23:33
perscitusMouse is accessible23:33
torchiethat sounds very "not default"23:34
perscitustrackballs are faster then a mouse if you get used to it23:34
rwwperscitus: Mice are not accessibile to a whole boatload of people.23:34
perscitusrww,  it is to blind people23:34
lars_t_hperscitus, i am software developer23:34
torchiethe keyboard shortcut of pressing super and typing what you want is great, but23:35
torchienot at the expense of mouse usability23:36
perscitusThe whole point in being accessible is for blind people. But blind people can use a mouse23:36
torchiethat said, what are the mouse usability issues besides dock not being always visible by default and the need to mouse-wheel scroll through it?23:36
rwwperscitus: Both of those sentences are false.23:36
perscitusUNity dock doesnt categorize apps23:36
perscitusrww,  no it isnt23:37
torchie"categorize apps?"23:37
rwwperscitus: Yes, they are.23:37
perscitusrww A blind person can use a mouse.23:37
perscitusrww,  You can do audible alerts on mouseover23:37
torchieyou mean the unintuitive and cumbersome way the ubuntu classic menu categorized apps?23:37
rwwApparently we have different definitions of "use". I exclude instances of it that would make me want to throw the mouse at the computer screen.23:38
perscitustorchie, not cumbersome, easy to navigate23:38
perscitusIts why gnome3 does categorize apps\23:38
trismperscitus: the apps are categorized, there is a dropdown at the top right23:39
perscitustrism,  in gnome3. not unity23:39
trismperscitus: in unity23:39
torchiecategories are terrible23:40
torchiewhat category does "Terminal" go under23:40
torchiea terminal is not an accessory23:41
torchieI'd use it for administration23:41
perscitusYes it is23:41
perscitusTerminal is an accessory. its not needed really for people who use gui23:41
torchieso unnecessary things go under accessories?23:41
torchiemost people don't need libreoffice draw, does that go under accessories23:42
lars_t_hperscitus, a lot of the Ubuntu DK Loco Team users use and like Terminal23:42
perscitustorchie,  However, that is part of a suite of apps.23:42
torchielog file viewer, does that go under accessories?23:42
torchieor administration?23:43
torchiesynaptic isn't needed for layman users who use software center23:43
torchiedoes that go under accessories?23:43
perscitusWhat about UNity Windows. Why so big?23:43
perscitusUnity Dock Windows have 1 inch of waste of space between icons.23:44
torchieunity dock windows?23:44
perscitusor whatever you call it. the window that pops up when you click ubuntu logo.23:45
torchieoh the overlay23:45
perscitusits still window.23:45
torchieless confusing, more readable23:45
perscitusThe border is 1/4 of an inch thick.23:45
perscitusand thats really uneccessary.23:46
torchieyeah I'm not a fan of the border23:46
torchieI've been wanting for it to fill the whole screen23:46
penguin42perscitus: I think it's designed to be usable from a touchscreen23:46
penguin42perscitus: So the gaps between the icons probably make sense for that23:46
perscitusThe enlarge button can be moved to the window and just use drop shadow.23:46
torchieI don't quite understand why there's a resize drag corner thing23:46
torchiethat only works noce23:46
perscitustorchie,  that can be moved to overlay window. no need for border23:47
torchieif it could just fill the screen23:47
perscituswhich is worse.23:48
torchieis it23:48
perscitusbtw, Horizontal Space on desktop is move important then Vertical.23:48
lars_t_hpenguin42, that is true, it is old knowledge that you don't design small icons for touchscreens.23:49
perscitusVertical scrolling is faster then Horizontal scrolling23:49
torchieyeah that's mostly why the osx/windows docks are on the bottom23:49
lars_t_hotherwise you have a pencil-touchscreen GUI23:50
perscitusIf you are stock broker, you need open window on display all the time.  While browsing with another window23:50
penguin42perscitus: Well that's what the 14 monitors are for23:50
torchieyeah really23:50
torchieif you're a stock broker and you don't have at least 12 1080p or higher displays running simultaneously23:51
perscituspenguin42,  uh laptops23:51
penguin42perscitus: Stock brokers on laptops?23:51
torchiestock brokers on ubuntu?23:51
perscituspenguin42,  its call being mobile23:51
torchieisn't there always a window open23:52
lcbstock brokers using ubuntu, why not...23:52
perscitusI would make Unity Overlays icon only and skip the text.23:52
perscitusand icons closer together23:52
torchie"skip the text?"23:53
penguin42the icons by themselves aren't enough for new people to understand the icons23:53
perscituspenguin42,  mouseover.23:53
torchiemystery meat interface?23:53
penguin42(a recent experiment they did showed a reasonable number of people were confused by the icons in unity itself)23:53
penguin42torchie: The are-you-feeling-lucky icon23:53
torchienot even apple's icons are enough for people to know what the apps are23:53
torchiethat's why there's text under every single one23:53
torchiewell except for on the dock23:54
perscitusbut there is no option for people who dont want it23:54
torchieyeah because options should be eliminated when they make something unusable23:54
torchieas much as I'd like to move my steering wheel behind the inner corridor of the trunk, that'd make the car less usable23:55
perscitusthat didnt make sense23:55
torchieyeah, it made dollars23:55
perscitusUnity Overlay  covers probably more then 3/4 of the display on 1440x900 resolution. That is unacceptable23:56
perscitusAnd whats the Apps Available to download junk? whats the reason for that?23:57
Belial`perscitus, the dashboard that lists all the apps and folders and uses search?23:57
perscitusits what Ubuntu Software Center is for23:57
rwwyeah, the apps available to download thing is silly.23:57
torchieyeah it is a bit odd23:57
torchiealso media apps23:57
torchieinternet apps23:57
torchiemore apps23:57
perscitusIf people wanted to look for new apps, they would use Software Center23:58
lcbperscitus, go to "Startup Applications" and add ' gnome-panel '. you'll have "tree menus" again, on unity. make it autohide, uncheck expand.23:58
torchielibreoffice or abiword?23:58
lcbyou can do more... make the panel as short as possible, type in terminal ' gconf-editor ', go to apps - panel - toplevels - bottom_panel_screen. on option 'hide_delay' change default from 300 to 2147483647 milliseconds.23:58
Belial`perscitus, 1366x760 here and after setting it to "desktop" in dconf-editor it takes up less than half the screen.23:58
penguin42torchie: libreoffice for me, although it still annoys me every time I use it23:59
lcbthen, you can move the bar/panel by dragging it with the mouse on the very left or righ of it. you could even have only the tree alike menu (gnome's Main Menu), floating.23:59
torchieyeah a bit23:59
torchieI just got into a fight with word 2007 over formatting of the docx file for my english term paper23:59
torchiebotched everything up, so I switched to odt and still there were formatting issues when opened in word23:59
perscituslcb,  or just use classic23:59

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