[02:42] rsalveti: All the plugins need to be ported before i can get it merged [04:03] Amaranth: oh, ok === Lopi is now known as Lopi|idle [14:47] ogra_: rsalveti: i am going to be late for today's call. [14:47] maybe by 30min. [14:48] ndec, i wouldnt mind skipping today, its a public holiday in brazil and germany ... and david is on the road [14:48] ogra_: ok. let's skip then. that makes my agenda much simpler too ;-) [14:48] cool ! :) [14:49] ndec, first shot of the final images is already on cdimage btw [14:49] (todays dailies are the first candidates) [14:50] ogra_: ooh! earlier than for maverick ;-) [14:50] yeah, we have a new release manager, she is very cautious ... and the easter weekend kind of gets in the way too [14:51] thats also why we have no release candidate but two betas this time [15:41] Hi, the latest ubuntu natty omap4 headless image (daily build) gets stuck during installer. After the "Where are you?" "Is your clock set to UTC?" the installer jumps back to the language selection dialog. [15:42] I need some help on how to help out. How do analyze the issue and does it make sense to submit a bug-report. if yes, where? [15:47] miru_: I'm just rising from the dead. As soon as I get my coffee, I'll take a look and see where the problem is. Couple things you can do is after the system crashes, pull the SD and check the logs from your desktop/laptop. Also, you could add debug-oem-config to the bootargs in the boot.scr on the first partition. [15:48] (if you'd rather not get into all that, give me a few minutes and I'll be up to speed). [15:52] I'm new to the Pandaboard, so please be patient with me ;) I will try to set the parameter in the boot.scr (will be my first time) [15:53] Hi [15:54] GrueMaster: you gave me some advise on natty arm image recently. Is it a good point to download now or should I still wait ? [15:57] dcordes: The latest daily images are the first candidates towards final release. There may be some glitches, but for the most part they should be very stable by now. Jump in, the pool's warm. :) [15:57] miru_: No problem. What do you have for a desktop system? [15:57] Ubuntu 10.10 [15:59] GrueMaster: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/daily-preinstalled/20110422/ ? [15:59] perfect. Install the uboot-mkimage package and you can use it to make boot changes to your image. [15:59] dcordes: Yes, also http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-headless/daily-preinstalled/20110422/ if you want to run a minimal image. [15:59] OK, done [16:00] GrueMaster: I'm particularly interested in trying the new desktop enironment on my small screen device to test it vs gnome [16:01] dcordes: What is the base hw? [16:02] GrueMaster: htcleo aka HTC HD2 with qsd8250 SoC (cortex-a8) wvga screen [16:02] I have no idea if our images will work with that. [16:03] they do [16:03] I don't know if there is a kernel for that soc. [16:03] Oh, cool\ [16:04] miru_: I've gotten to that point of failure, and am looking at the logs now on my desktop. var/log/oem-config.log has an interesting failure in it. [16:06] OK. Everything gets slowed down today because pandaboart.org is down :( [16:06] GrueMaster: I tested maverick extensively on the device [16:07] GrueMaster: even including multitouch which is documented on lp [16:07] I think we now have support for multitouch in the natty images. Let me know how it works. [16:10] GrueMaster: then my timing to join the pool party is good :) [16:10] GrueMaster: I will let you know but it will take a while. first the image needs to pass the dormitory network.. [16:10] heh [16:19] Is that the right way to call the mkimage command: mkimage -A arm -T script -O linux -a 0 -e 0 -n /media/sde2/boot/boot.script -d /media/sde1/boot.scr boot.scr [16:26] It seems I got it right, There is a file /var/log/oem-config.log with some Python exceptions. [16:27] GrueMaster: with interesting failure you mean "locale.setlocale failed: unsupported locale settting (LANG=de.DE.UTF-8)"? [16:27] Here's what I do. To edit the boot.scr, "dd bs=72 skip=1 if=mnt/boot.scr of=boot.script". Then edit the file and save it. [16:28] To put it back into the uboot partition, use "sudo mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -d boot.script mnt/boot.scr" [16:44] miru_: What I am seeing in the oem-config.log with debug-oem-config is mostly the same as without debug. But I think it is a locale issue. [16:46] ok. Do you have an idea how to work around this issue? [16:47] The actual problem I was investigating is that my USB devices were not enumerated/detected [16:47] I was hoping that the latest image might fix the issue [16:48] This is the first time I have seen this issue. I'll try an older daily though to see where it started showing up. [16:48] (I mirror the daily builds from release to release). [16:48] Hm, but no. When I run dmesg, I still see the error: "ehci-omap ehci-omap.0: detected XactErr len 0/8 retry 16" [16:49] If you need to get up and running, try the Beta 2 image in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-headless/releases/natty/beta-2/ [16:49] Then once you are running, apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade. [16:50] ok, I will try that [17:16] :( same issue with the beta2. USB does not get detected and because the USB ports and the ethernet port are somehow related it seems as if the network does not come up either. [17:17] [ 1.569946] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using ehci-omap and address 2 [17:17] [ 1.710571] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [17:17] [ 1.952789] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71 [17:21] That's strange. My network works just fine here. [17:21] You may need to configure networking manually. [17:27] miru_: How are you powering your panda? [17:28] I have a 30W (5V/4000mA) power supply. [17:29] Ok. *should* be enough. [17:29] But the whole USB/network jack seems to be without power. No network LEDs are blinking. [17:29] Check your cable. [17:29] The same cable works on my notebook [17:30] Are you plugged into a switch or are you going system to system? [17:30] a switch [17:30] Hmmm. [17:31] Beginning to sound like a bad board. [17:31] :( [17:32] I tried earlier images here, and with the 20110418 image (same kernel) I am not seeing any usb errors. Networking is fine. [17:32] Oh, and I may have a solution to the oem-config issue. Reflashing now to test. [17:32] maybe the power supply spec is wrong. [17:33] OK, I need to get something to eat now. Thanks a lot for your help! [17:33] I'll be here for a while. [17:51] miru_: Bug #769081 filed. [17:51] Launchpad bug 769081 in ubiquity "oem-config-debconf crashes on armel headless due to undefined attribute." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/769081 [17:58] miru_: double/triple check the ethernet check is actually really _completely_inserted and contacting, maybe by applying constant tension wirth your hand. mine also behaved like this concerning ethernet with a good cable. seems the jack manufacturer is a bit inconsequent on specs. [18:32] Hi, I was just wondering whats the expected boot time of 10.10 on a beagleboard-xM. I downloaded and zcat'd the preinstall image (from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPMaverickInstall ) to my 8GB SD card, put the card into my beagleboard, hooked up a USB keyboard and HDMI video, and powered the beagleboard on [18:33] I've been waiting for 10 mins so far but my monitor's still getting no HDMI signal (Angstrom booted fine on the beagleboard-xM) [19:02] There is a two-step boot process. The first step resizes the rootfs to fill the SD card, then it will reboot into X with oem-config for you to make timezone, language, and user info. [19:03] Are you seeing any output on the screen? [19:03] Keripo: ^^^ [19:05] GrueMaster: no, not at all, but I poked around and apparently there's a DVI issue for 10.10 for Beagleboard xm Rev A3 and B [19:06] dont know what revision my board is, but I'll try the patched files and see what happens [19:07] Yes, follow the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPMaverickInstall [19:07] The problem is that the BeagleXM was released the week after 10.10, and they had a change in how DVI is enabled. They didn't tell us until after release. [19:09] Also, we are testing 11.04 final images today. Pull http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/daily-preinstalled/current/ and give it a whirl. [19:48] GrueMaster - thanks, I'll check it out! Hope the packages that I'll be installing (Kinect stuff) will still be compatible ; ) [20:09] GrueMaster: the prebuilt images for Natty are "headless", but do they still contain the normal video/mouse/keyboard drivers or will it terminal only? [20:13] It is setup to go through a serial console, but they do support keyboard video and mouse. You will need to use the serial port to run through the initialization though. [20:13] And the oem-config is currently broken. Bug 769081 [20:13] Launchpad bug 769081 in ubiquity "oem-config-debconf crashes on armel headless due to undefined attribute." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/769081 [20:15] If you want to try the headless image out immediately, use the beta 2 release. it is fairly close to final. === Lopi|idle is now known as Lopi [23:01] GrueMaster: Speaking of which, can you grab the updated Ubiquity .deb and verify the issue is resolved? [23:02] I can look at the change that was updated. Not easy to update an image before running oem-config. [23:05] Looking at the changelog, the changes made fix the issue. I tested them manually. I'll pull the package and see that it is changed there as well, but without an image respin... [23:11] OK. We can just wait then. [23:12] I thought Ubiquity would update itself during install if the install was with Internet. [23:13] oem-config doesn't have that option on either the desktop or the headless images (doubt it is able to do that on any platform). We don't use ubiquity in full. [23:13] Also, the headless image doesn't configure the network until the last step (after this failure has already occurred). [23:14] Right, forgot about the not using Ubiquity in full bit. [23:14] Heh. We like being different. :P