
j1mci'm headed off of irc. thanks for your help, jbicha00:05
jbichaj1mc: did you have more addremove stuff you were working on?03:55
j1mcjbicha: no, i haven't been working on that. i think you have a pending merge there, though, right?03:58
j1mci was literally *just* trying to merge that about 5min ago03:58
j1mcit is telling me that it's not a branch04:00
j1mci'm not sure why04:00
j1mcthere we go, i did 'bzr diff ~/path/topatch.txt"04:05
j1mcjbicha: thanks again for your help. seems like mostly you and me for now.04:06
j1mcjbicha: i will propose that you get commit privileges just after we release 11.04. you are doing great work, and i appreciate it very much.04:06
j1mcjbicha: not sure if you saw what i wrote...04:09
j1mcjbicha: thanks again for your help. seems like mostly you and me for now.04:09
j1mcjbicha: i will propose that you get commit privileges just after we release 11.04. you are doing great work, and i appreciate it very much.04:09
j1mc^^ : )04:09
jbichathank you! :-)04:10
j1mcjbicha: i made a few changes to your patch, but it mostly looks fine.04:14
j1mcfor example, there was one tag that was <tag> like this</tag>. we shouldn't have spaces within the tag.04:19
j1mcit it easier to translate w/o leading/trailing spaces within the tag04:19
j1mcmerged. thanks, jeremy!04:26
* j1mc just now sees the pending merges on launchpad.04:28
j1mcfrom jeremy04:28
j1mcthere are a lot of them04:28
jbichaoh, yeah, there's a whole lot04:30
j1mci had just merged your email. :)04:30
j1mcbefore you commit anything else to that branch, let me do a quick review and merge that stuff in04:30
j1mccan you give me ~20 min?04:30
jbichayes, that's fine04:30
j1mci had to resolve a conflict from changes i had made to your email submission. that is done, though.04:42
j1mci separated out the PPA topic from the 'other software sources topic."04:52
jbichayeah, it's hard to tell when to split stuff into separate pages04:56
j1mcjbicha: yeah04:57
j1mcok - i've merged the topics. i didn't get to review everything, but it all validates.04:58
j1mci figure that some people will be looking for PPA-specific help, so that's why i did it.04:59
jbichayou removed a11y-icon?05:03
jbichaexcept for the wrong image, that page actually is valid05:04
j1mcok - i made a few changes, and re-instated the page.05:11
j1mcthanks for noting that.05:11
jbichalooks like you didn't bzr add the ppa page05:11
j1mcyeah, i just got that this time. :)05:12
j1mcon the commit i just pushed05:12
jbichacool, thanks for the big merge05:12
j1mci still need to add it to the Makefile, though.05:12
j1mcyw... we'll just need to go through and review them.05:12
j1mcbtw, the 'top bar' is a gnome term. we're just calling it the panel.05:12
j1mci got a request to test a pre-release ISO today. think they've started testing the release ISOs.05:14
jbicha"top panel" or "panel" ?05:15
j1mcit just says panel05:16
j1mci want to talk with the folks who put up all of this stuff on ask ubuntu05:16
j1mcthose kinds of things should go on the wiki05:17
jbichaexcept we don't have to follow that 100%, "home button" is a poor term for instance05:17
j1mcwe don't own ask ubuntu05:17
j1mcyeah, i prefer 'ubuntu logo'05:17
jbichajcastro has been one of the big ones pushing askubuntu even over the wiki05:18
j1mcand people posting stuff to omgubuntu... i understand it on one level, but stuff from that site is proprietary. we can't take wording from there.05:20
j1mci understand the marketing value of it, though.05:20
jbichahmm, I hadn't thought about that concern, but omgubuntu clearly hope to monetize their work05:21
j1mci'd like to start up a documentation team blog so that we can post this stuff ourselves05:27
j1mci'm going to take a break for a bit. thanks again for your help, jbicha05:35
j1mchave a good night!05:36
=== Liz is now known as Guest38211
peppe84Licence documentation need an update from 2.5 to cc 3.0?11:29
mdkepeppe84: yes, I think our intention was always to use 3.011:30
peppe84Ah, ok!11:31
issyl0Hi there.11:40
* issyl0 pulls down Rick's latest Unity stuff and has a look - cool.11:46
issyl0Er, I meant Jim's Unity stuff.  (Confusing email subject lines.)11:48
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=== j1mc is now known as j1mc|afk
mdkej1mc|afk: hey :)21:19
mdkej1mc|afk: I uploaded a package this morning and it was accepted this evening, but I'd like to get another one in to add back mobile broadband, as that is something that seems to me quite important to get into the images if possible21:19
mdkej1mc|afk: I wanted to know whether there is anything in particular you are working on that I should wait for21:20
j1mc|afkmdke: i fixed a bunch of link errors today.21:21
j1mc|afkwe don't have any help about chat, though. net-chat... there's nothing there21:21
j1mc|afkwe should port-over the help from maverick, i think.21:21
mdkeI won't wait for that this evening21:22
j1mc|afkok... the links are fixed with the exception of that one. i should probably just comment-out that chat link, then.21:22
j1mc|afkthat would be very easy to do... would just take a moment.21:22
mdkeI've seen quite a few validity errors21:23
mdkebut I don't really know how to fix them21:23
j1mc|afkreally? how have you seen them?21:23
shaunmI see four21:23
shaunmsorry, five\21:24
j1mc|afkcan someone pastebin the errors? i can fix them, fix that one link, and then be ok for now.21:24
mdkeI've got loads more than that21:24
mdkebut I'm not certain my validation is working properly :)21:24
j1mc|afkmdke: can you pastebin what you have, and then i'll take a look?21:24
j1mc|afkshaunm: same for you?21:24
mdkeI'll commit my script and the schema I've been using21:24
shaunmI need to learn to remember that bzr doesn't automatically pipe to a pager like git log does21:25
Rocket2DMnhey guys21:26
Rocket2DMnlong time no see21:26
shaunmoh, I think I don't have the latest21:26
shaunmhi Rocket2DMn21:26
mdkevalidation script committed21:26
Rocket2DMni've been out of the loop a bit, but i've been trying to follow the tidal wave of emails these last few weeks21:27
mdkeI can't wait for any more fixes unfortunately, need to upload now apparently to have a chance of getting into the cd images21:28
shaunmbzr log shows me the last revision is on 04-12. bzr says there's no revisions to pull21:28
j1mc|afkmdke: can i fix that one thing?21:28
j1mc|afkit will literally take 1 minute21:29
j1mc|afkthe broken chat link21:29
shaunmmdke: most common validations errors are pretty benign21:29
mdkehey Rocket2DMn21:29
shaunmah, <comment> elements after <section>. another common mistake. yelp doesn't care about that one either21:30
mdkeshaunm: sounds like your bzr log and pull are working from the local copy only; you can try binding your branch "bzr bind lp:~ubuntu-core-docs/gnome-user-docs/natty"21:34
mdkethen bzr update21:34
mdkeor specify "bzr merge lp:~ubuntu-core-docs/gnome-user-docs/natty"21:34
Rocket2DMnSo is gnome-user-docs being used for Unity documentation, and ubuntu-docs is being used for the classic gnome interface docs?21:35
mdkeRocket2DMn: correct21:35
Rocket2DMnok, i'm installing beta2 on an old testing laptop right now, not sure if i'm gonna be able to contribute to unity docs if it doesnt support running unity21:36
Rocket2DMni still run lucid on my desktop21:36
mdkeI'm using a usb live installation21:36
mdkemy work laptop runs windows and I can't install Ubuntu on it at all21:36
Rocket2DMnwhat about upstream gnome docs? I thought they werent using unity21:37
Rocket2DMndoesnt that create merge headaches for us if we want to merge updates from upstream?21:37
mdkecorrect, but the amount of work done by upstream made it easier to take them and adapt them than to try and redraft ubuntu-docs21:37
shaunmRocket2DMn: ubuntu has a fork of the new gnome-user-docs that's been changed for unity21:37
mdkeRocket2DMn: yes, I doubt we will be able to merge updates from upstream in the future21:38
mdkeperhaps select ones21:38
mdkebut sadly Ubuntu has diverged too much from Gnome21:38
Rocket2DMnok, just making sure i'm not completely off base here21:38
shaunmmight be able to cherry-pick pages between each other, but large-scale merges aren't going to be feasible21:38
Rocket2DMndepending on how organized their commits are upstream, even cherry picking could be a major headache21:39
mdkethere may be some pages / subjects which are close together21:40
j1mc|afkmdke: gaah... the only way i can fix it for now is to mark it as a stub. we don't have enough chat help."21:40
mdkeUbuntu still uses many Gnome applications21:40
mdkej1mc|afk: ok21:40
Rocket2DMnwithout yet looking at unity, i would expect that most documentation on actually using apps should be applicable, but anything for navigating the desktop UI will be useless21:40
mdkej1mc|afk: try to avoid touching any Makefile if you can21:40
j1mc|afkmdke: ok - i think we're ok to go w/o that change.21:41
j1mc|afkwe will have to do it after release, i think.21:41
Rocket2DMnHave we figured out what our docs on h.u.c. will contain?21:42
mdkej1mc|afk: fine, thanks21:44
mdkeRocket2DMn: shaunm has done some work on a build tool for the Mallard docs. We'll have to publish both sets to help.u.c21:44
mdkeshouldn't be too bad21:45
mdkejust need to harmonise the themes21:46
Rocket2DMncool, i think i saw the XSLT that was sent, along with a resulting web page21:46
Rocket2DMnit looked nice21:46
* mdke nods21:46
Rocket2DMnman we have a lot of open bugs :(21:51
mdkeprobably mostly out of date21:52
Rocket2DMnsome are, a lot are also requests for new docs21:53
j1mc|afki emailed with adam... he hasn't been able to work much on server docs this release.21:53
j1mc|afkhe got married.21:53
Rocket2DMnlol, that's probably the best excuse there is21:53
Rocket2DMngood for him21:54
mdkehe has done some work though this release, he's too modest21:54
Rocket2DMnyeah ive seen some commits, he's done more than me... /shame21:54
mdkeme too21:54
jbicha_I don't think we're actually diverging too far from gnome's docs21:54
jbicha_some of the delta is because we're not using gnome-control-center 3 yet21:55
jbicha_and we may want to have a section for gnome-shell stuff anyway as that will be installable in 11.1021:56
mdkethe difficulty is that merging text changes is generally pretty difficult with any level of divergence21:57
mdkewe already have a diff of 164K after only a couple of weeks work21:57
Rocket2DMnspeaking of moving forward, are we going to continue to push new documentation into natty after its released since we got a late start?21:57
mdkeyes :)21:57
mdkewe have no translations right now so we have to21:57
mdkebut we will also keep working21:57
mdkeif we keep going at this pace we will have something awesome21:58
Rocket2DMnmdke, did you disable the translations for ubuntu-docs?21:58
jbicha_are we going to stop all but bugfixes at a certain date so that the translators can actually translate a stable work for natty?21:58
mdkejbicha_: at some stage we will have to stop completely21:58
Rocket2DMnok, i thought i had seem emails about disabling some translations - did that happen at all for anything or am i confused?21:58
mdkeRocket2DMn: for gnome-user-docs21:59
Rocket2DMnroger that21:59
mdkehi coalwater22:00
jbicha_mdke: well a merge is possible, but I guess the question is whether someone will have the time to do it manually22:00
j1mc|afka merge of what22:00
coalwateri have a problem in creating my wiki page, i'm not sure if this the channel i should be asking for help in22:00
mdkejbicha_: I think cherry-picking specific files is an option22:00
mdkecoalwater: go ahead22:00
jbicha_j1mc|afk: gnome-docs 3.2 for instance22:01
mdkej1mc|afk: gnome-user-docs now uploaded; we'll see if it gets through22:01
coalwaterwhenever i try to save the page it gives me this error22:01
coalwaterPage could not get locked. Missing 'current' file?22:01
mdkesounds tricky. What's the page?22:01
coalwateri looked around and i found this http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinQuestions#MoinMoinQuestions.2BAC8-Errors.Error_when_saving_page_.22Page_could_not_get_locked._Missing_.27current.27_file.3F.2222:02
coalwaterthe page was doing fine, but when i tried to edit a 4th revision it did that22:04
mdkeand now it seems to have been deleted completely22:04
Rocket2DMncan someone enlighten me on how to actually build the gnome docs?22:05
mdkeRocket2DMn: you want to build a deb package?22:06
j1mc|afki did an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade a little while ago, and ubuntu-docs was the *only* package updated.22:06
Rocket2DMnwell, whatever has to be done in order to fully test changes i suppose22:06
mdkeRocket2DMn: it's normally enough just to view the pages in yelp22:07
Rocket2DMnok, and there are a lot of them at that :)22:07
mdkecoalwater: I don't know the answer to this, it seems to be a difficult one. I recommend you save your previous material (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Coalwater?action=raw&rev=3) and start a new page with it at a different address (say CoalWater maybe)22:08
jbicha_Rocket2DMn: cd gnome-docs/C and then yelp .22:08
jbicha_no need to compile anything22:08
coalwaterok i could do that as a temp solution but is there anyone i could contact?22:09
Rocket2DMnjbicha_, do i need the version of yelp in natty? It's not letting me run it here on lucid22:10
mdkecoalwater: yes, the admins of the wiki are the Canonical Sysadmins22:10
j1mc|afkRocket2DMn: yes, you would22:10
mdkecoalwater: they use a request tracker here:  https://rt.ubuntu.com/ (uname/pword ubuntu/ubuntu)22:10
mdkecoalwater: but you can often wait weeks/months for a request to be actioned22:10
coalwaterlol that sounds optimistic22:11
mdkecoalwater: you can join #canonical-sysadmin to see if you can chat with someone about it22:11
mdkemaybe their response time has improved recently, I haven't tried for a while22:11
jbicha_j1mc|afk: yelp 2.30 doesn't work with the docs?22:11
coalwaterok, thanks mdke22:11
=== j1mc|afk is now known as j1mc
mdkeRocket2DMn: I suspect you need yelp 322:12
j1mcjbicha_: that's right. at least 2.9x.22:12
Rocket2DMnyeah looks like natty is the only thing with 3, no 2.9 anywhere in the default repos22:13
mdkecoalwater: sorry I couldn't help more22:13
Rocket2DMnwell it seems that the old laptop cant handle unity (not surprised, the laptop is 7 years old)22:13
mdkeright, gnome-user-docs version 8 has been accepted and will be in natty :)22:13
j1mcthanks, mdke22:14
j1mcthanks, ubuntu-release-team whereever you are22:14
mdkethanks to you22:14
mdkeScottK was the guy who pushed it through for us22:14
jbicha_Rocket2DMn: if you click the triangle next to the Natty version, there is a link for you to download the package you need22:14
j1mci feel like we did a lot to get things ready, but there's still so much more to do.22:15
mdkeyou did a lot22:15
mdkeit looks great22:15
mdkecoalwater: I should say it's probably an unlikely moment to get hold of a sysadmin, Easter holidays in most places22:16
j1mcwe will get to it, i suppose22:16
Rocket2DMnjbicha_, where are you looking? I just ran rmadison to see what verisons there were22:16
mdkeRocket2DMn: perhaps you could try the non-unity version of natty22:16
jbicha_Rocket2DMn: oh I assumed, you were looking at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp22:16
j1mci'm going to step away for a bit. take a break. thanks for your help, all.22:16
mdkeI'm off to bed22:16
Rocket2DMnjbicha_, ah i see22:17
=== j1mc is now known as j1mc|afk
Rocket2DMnmdke, i got natty installed on the laptop, it just cant run unity is all22:17
jbicha_but I don't know if you might have dependency trouble for yelp 322:18
Rocket2DMngiven that i need yelp3 to edit the gnome-user-docs, i guess i'll just have ot upgrade my version on my lucid desktop since this is where i do the actual work22:18
shaunmhey, do you guys knows what version of yelp will be on the cd?22:18
shaunmdid 3.0.1 get picked up?22:18
Rocket2DMnthe interface doesnt seem to have really changes since maverick though22:19
Rocket2DMnnot sure shaunm , i see 3.0.0 on LP marked as pre-release freeze22:20
shaunmyelp 2.30 should be able to display the help. some of the fancy stuff won't work, but it should just fall back to basic link lists22:20
jbicha_Yelp 3 does look different than 2.3022:22
jbicha_Yelp is not a help editor22:22
Rocket2DMnshaunm, im running 2.30 on lucid and its not letting me open the .page files in the gnome-user-docs bzr checkout22:22
Rocket2DMn"The requested URI "/home/connor/ubuntu_bzr/gnome-user-docs/natty/gnome-help/C/index.page" is invalid"22:22
Rocket2DMni did a right click -> open with22:23
shaunmRocket2DMn: you can pass 2.30 a page file directly. you have to do yelp $(pwd)/#pageid22:23
shaunmreplace pageid with whatever is in the id attribute22:23
Rocket2DMnyelp `pwd`/index.page22:24
Rocket2DMngot the same error22:24
shaunmyelp `pwd`/#index22:25
Rocket2DMnworks with the #22:25
Rocket2DMnthat's interesting22:25
Rocket2DMnmdke, the index.page has an extra XML close comment22:26
Rocket2DMn  <e:mouseover match="unity-dash-intro" src="figures/unity-dash-intro.png"/>-->22:27
j1mc|afkshaunm: it looks like 3.0.0-0ubuntu222:27
shaunmj1mc|afk: that is unfortunate22:27
Rocket2DMnmdke, its resulting in a --> showing up near the top of the document in yelp22:27
shaunmI made the 3.0.1 before what I was told was the deadline for ubuntu to pick it up22:27
j1mc|afkRocket2DMn: i don't see it in my current checkout22:28
j1mc|afkanyway, we still have a lot to fix.22:29
j1mc|afkshaunm: did you feel like this when the gnome3 docs were shipped? like you did a lot, but still so much more to do?22:30
Rocket2DMnj1mc|afk, im at rev 148422:30
Rocket2DMnit says i'm up to date22:30
j1mc|afkRocket2DMn: ok22:30
shaunmj1mc|afk: that is exactly how I felt22:30
shaunmthere's *still* tons to do22:30
shaunmhalf of our networking docs are actually wrong22:31
shaunm(because the whole networking stack landed like a week before release, during code freeze, which is absolutely batshit insane, and I'm still pretty upset about it)22:31
j1mc|afkyeah, that was a crazy time to land that stuff22:32
jbicha_which is why we're going to have to merge in the 3.2 docs22:32
j1mc|afkjbicha_: no, they use a different network-manager app in gnome322:32
shaunmthe networking stuff might be right in what you're shipping22:32
jbicha_Rocket2DMn: I think what you're seeing is because you're using the older yelp22:33
jbicha_shaunm: oh ok22:33
shaunmthe pages that are wrong in gnome were mostly written by people like phil, sitting in front of an ubuntu computer, assuming the rug wouldn't be pulled out from under them22:33
Rocket2DMnjbicha_, could be hidden in a newer yelp, it's still invalid xml though22:33
j1mc|afkwe have network-manager .8.4, and gnome has .9x22:34
j1mc|afkbig differences with version .922:34
jbicha_Rocket2DMn: oh, yes you're right22:34
shaunmRocket2DMn is right. there's a stray comment closer in the links element. it happens not to affect yelp 3, which supports the links element22:34
shaunmbut any mallard processor that doesn't support the links element (yelp 2) is probably going to show it as text22:35
Rocket2DMni'm surprised it even displays the document22:35
j1mc|afkRocket2DMn: can you do ctrl-l on the page you're viewing22:35
j1mc|afkit will tell you the page id22:35
shaunmoutside of a comment, "-->" doesn't mean anything, really. an xml parser just treats it as text22:36
jbicha_it's index.page22:36
Rocket2DMnyeah its #index22:36
j1mc|afkoh, i see it... res/unity-dash-intro.png"/>-->22:36
Rocket2DMnshaunm, that depends on your XML parser, having a stray > or < anywhere will cause a strict parser to fail validation22:37
j1mc|afkRocket2DMn: my bad22:37
Rocket2DMnit would need to be escaped to be valid text, like &lt; or &gt;22:37
Rocket2DMnj1mc|afk, does it show the stray string in yelp3 at all?22:38
Rocket2DMnsweet, then no harm no foul i guess22:38
shaunmthere really should not be well-formedness differences between parsers. not saying there aren't, but there shouldn't be22:39
j1mc|afkyeah, and i doubt people are going to be viewing the natty help in yelp if they aren't running natty22:39
j1mc|afksorry... s/natty/11.04  :)22:39
j1mc|afkshaunm: ^^22:39
* shaunm looks at the xml spec22:40
Rocket2DMnshaunm, IMHO, stray open and close brackets = invalid XML = fail parsing22:40
Rocket2DMnbut since yelp is forgiving, we got off easy :)22:41
jbicha_do you have a tool to check our XML syntax?22:42
shaunmsection 2.4. > does not have to be escaped, except when in the string "]]>"22:42
jbicha_using yelp is a pain when I have to figure out which tag I forgot to close22:42
shaunmjbicha_: xmllint22:43
Rocket2DMnjbicha_, a lot of IDEs have XML validation capabilities22:43
Rocket2DMnshaunm, ?22:46
Rocket2DMnshaunm, i see "The right angle bracket (>) may be represented using the string " &gt; ", and MUST, for compatibility, be escaped using either " &gt; " or "...22:46
shaunmit MAY be represented as &gt;22:46
shaunmit only MUST be when part of "]]>" inside a CDATA22:47
Rocket2DMnah, i see, that wording is a bit confusing22:47
shaunmmost spec wording is22:48
j1mc|afkshaunm: when i have that extra --> in emacs, nxml-mode doesn't show it as invalid.22:55
j1mc|afki guess i should use xmllint or jing to validate the docs to be sure.22:55
shaunmj1mc|afk: I fixed all the validity errors. how do I make a patch and give it to you?23:05
j1mc|afkshaunm: bzr diff > patches-for-the-ubuntu.txt23:05
shaunmoh, how old-school23:06
j1mc|afkit works! :)23:06
j1mc|afkif you were all launchpad-y, i would have you do a merge proposal on launchpad, but . . .  a diff is fine.23:06
j1mc|afkjust email that to the docs list23:07
shaunmI already emailed it to you23:07
j1mc|afkor to . . . me or something23:07
shaunmsorry, I'm trigger-happy23:07
j1mc|afkme is fine. i know someone on the docs team who can commit it.23:07
j1mc|afkhe is a good friend23:07
j1mc|afkand very handsome23:08
j1mc|afkok... i'm gonna go try this 'chilling out' thing again23:08
j1mc|afki will rap at you all later23:08
shaunmyou mean John?23:08
j1mc|afkJohn. yes, him.  :)23:08

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