jimbaker | hazmat, this looks provocative. the last line in the formula.log for wordpress/0 - 2011-04-21 23:30:08,060: twisted@ERROR: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable | 00:39 |
hazmat | jimbaker, hmm | 00:40 |
jimbaker | so maybe the relation workflows are running, but they are going into a bad state? | 00:40 |
hazmat | jimbaker, possibly | 00:40 |
hazmat | surprised we don't have anything nicer in the traceback. that's unfortunate | 00:41 |
hazmat | jimbaker, the status looks right | 00:41 |
jimbaker | hazmat, no, it's missing the relation status info | 00:41 |
hazmat | jimbaker, one option is to have a look at the zkshell.. ensemble ssh 0 && /usr/share/zookeeper/bin/zkCli.sh | 00:42 |
hazmat | jimbaker, hmmm.. | 00:42 |
hazmat | jimbaker, i'll have a look in the morning | 00:42 |
jimbaker | compare it against this output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/597192/ | 00:43 |
jimbaker | (from an earlier run) | 00:43 |
jimbaker | hazmat, sounds good | 00:44 |
jimbaker | hazmat, for later consumption - shouldn't this be more than two? zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 26] ls /units --- [unit-0000000000, unit-0000000001] | 00:54 |
jimbaker | hmmm... maybe not that part after all - i was looking at zk_workflow_identity | 01:00 |
jimbaker | it looks like it uses the same path for both ServiceUnitState and UnitRelationState | 01:00 |
jimbaker | but those are not the same paths | 01:01 |
jimbaker | based on looking at those specific classes | 01:01 |
jimbaker | either i'm confused or ensemble is confused ;) | 01:01 |
hazmat | jimbaker, they are at the same path | 01:46 |
hazmat | all the workflows for a unit-agent are managed on a single node | 01:46 |
jimbaker | hazmat, thanks for the clarification | 02:16 |
jimbaker | this would have caused more issues if it were not the case, i guess | 02:16 |
hazmat | jimbaker np.. sorry i had to run out | 02:16 |
hazmat | jimbaker, yeah.. it seems strange the workflows on the unit are initialized and showing them as running the but the units weren't up or in an error state which seems strange | 02:17 |
hazmat | i can't think of any reason why that would be the case. | 02:17 |
jimbaker | anyway, just curious it's happening in us-west now - one more thing to try is in eu-west (if that's the other region completely set up) | 02:18 |
hazmat | i'll take a look at it tomorrow | 02:18 |
hazmat | jimbaker, it is | 02:18 |
jimbaker | hazmat, have a good night, ttyl | 02:18 |
_mup_ | ensemble/refactor-to-yamlstate r197 committed by bcsaller@gmail.com | 06:24 |
_mup_ | set not taking any random data, but insisting on a dict in tests (for YAMLState) | 06:24 |
kim0 | Morning everyone | 08:52 |
kim0 | anyone around o/ | 13:06 |
hazmat | kim0, g'morning | 15:02 |
hazmat | or hello is probably more appropriate | 15:02 |
kim0 | hazmat: hey o/ | 15:30 |
kim0 | team on vacation huh :) | 15:33 |
_mup_ | ensemble/merged-alt-region-logging r210 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com | 15:59 |
_mup_ | merge ensemble-log-level | 15:59 |
_mup_ | ensemble/merged-alt-region-logging r211 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com | 16:00 |
_mup_ | merge ensemble-log-crash | 16:00 |
jimbaker | kim0, hi | 16:07 |
jimbaker | kim0, we have been trying out the alternative region branch. it's not worked for me with deploying our example formulas. you want to give it a try too? | 16:08 |
jimbaker | it did work w/ kapil however | 16:08 |
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] | ||
kim0 | ec2 has recovered it seems .. I'm writing a small user level tutorial now, but if you need someone else to test that branch, sure | 16:16 |
jimbaker | kim0, i think it would be useful for sure | 16:17 |
jimbaker | it's also a good way to play w/ the environments.yaml file | 16:17 |
kim0 | jimbaker: cool, any instructions on using that branch ? I'll try it in a few hours though, now right now | 16:18 |
kim0 | let me know how do I use it, thanks | 16:20 |
_mup_ | Bug #769030 was filed: Enable one control bucket to be used for multiple regions <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/769030 > | 16:27 |
jimbaker | you just need to configure two things in your environments.yaml file: region - us-east-1, us-west-1, eu-west-1; and ensemble-branch - https://code.launchpad.net/~hazmat/ensemble/ensemble-alternate-regions | 16:29 |
kim0 | got it | 16:30 |
hazmat | kim0, i also have one with the logging stuff merged in.. lp:~hazmat/ensemble/merged-alt-region-logging | 16:30 |
jimbaker | hazmat, sounds good, then we don't use an earlier formula set | 16:30 |
jimbaker | have to use | 16:30 |
hazmat | jimbaker, it didn't work entirely | 16:30 |
hazmat | jimbaker, i'm trying out trunk in east atm to verify the delta | 16:31 |
jimbaker | hazmat, sounds good, less mystifying then | 16:31 |
jimbaker | we prefer our failures to be consistent ;) | 16:31 |
hazmat | jimbaker, what's odd is that the unit relation state in zk (in west) is good, but status isn't reporting it, and wordpress isn't running | 16:31 |
hazmat | also ensemble-log seems to return 0 even when it fails/errors. | 16:32 |
jimbaker | hazmat, i just got this weird output in a log | 16:33 |
jimbaker | 2011-04-22 09:20:52,519 unit:mysql/0: twisted ERROR: TypeError: 'Port' object is not callable | 16:33 |
hazmat | jimbaker, can you paste the full log to pastebin | 16:34 |
jimbaker | hazmat, will do | 16:34 |
hazmat | thanks | 16:34 |
jimbaker | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/597493/ | 16:35 |
hazmat | jimbaker, is this on the open-port/close-port branches? | 16:35 |
jimbaker | hazmat, no, the alternative region branch, running with trunk r200 formulas | 16:36 |
jimbaker | i'm going to try the new alt region branch w/ logging merge in now | 16:36 |
hazmat | jimbaker, hmm.. there are no port classes in ensemble, only in twisted. | 16:36 |
jimbaker | hazmat, indeed | 16:36 |
jimbaker | are we sure we got good versions of python, twisted, etc built in these amis? | 16:37 |
jimbaker | it's as if we got some version skew going on here | 16:37 |
_mup_ | Bug #769035 was filed: Need a top level decorataor on all independent callbacks to do nice error printing <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/769035 > | 16:38 |
hazmat | jimbaker, just stock natty | 16:39 |
_mup_ | Bug #769036 was filed: Ensemble hook cli api needs to do correct exit codes <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/769036 > | 16:41 |
hazmat | jimbaker, so trunk works for me | 16:44 |
jimbaker | hazmat, trunk formulas, or using trunk with us-east-1? | 16:45 |
hazmat | trunk and us-east-1 | 16:45 |
hazmat | trying alt-region with us-east-1 | 16:45 |
hazmat | there's nothing in the branch remotely related to units or hooks.. | 16:46 |
jimbaker | hazmat, exactly, that's what is so strange here. some other unexpected dependency seemingly | 16:46 |
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck | ||
hazmat | jimbaker, the merged-alt-region-logging branch seems to work okay | 17:37 |
hazmat | in us-east-1 | 17:37 |
jimbaker | hazmat, trying it out now | 17:43 |
hazmat | jimbaker, cool, i'm trying it out in a different region and then i do see a problem | 17:44 |
jimbaker | hazmat, doesn't work for me this try. speaking of round trip overhead, now doing "watch ensemble status" ;) | 17:49 |
jimbaker | i had proposed building that in for ensemble status with actual watches, but repeatedly polling like this is the poor man's approach for sure | 17:50 |
jimbaker | and the interesting thing is seeing the relation service state disappear... crazy | 17:51 |
bcsaller | jimbaker: the plan with status is to have a mode where it blocks on a topo watch and then reissues the status in a loop | 17:57 |
bcsaller | unlike watch it knows when things change | 17:57 |
jimbaker | bcsaller, yes, intelligent watches :) | 17:57 |
jimbaker | bcsaller, good to know it is in the works | 17:57 |
jimbaker | bcsaller, doing "watch ensemble status" is still useful right now | 17:58 |
bcsaller | good | 17:58 |
jimbaker | i think once we have the relation settings added to ensemble status, that's going to be pretty awesome | 17:59 |
hazmat | aha | 18:42 |
hazmat | unit agents are dead | 18:42 |
jimbaker | hazmat, that would make sense | 18:43 |
hazmat | jimbaker, the fact there is nothing in the log is rather frightening | 18:43 |
jimbaker | hazmat, indeed. i'm just about to testing us-east-1 w/ trunk at r200, which is the last good one i observed | 18:44 |
jimbaker | try testing | 18:44 |
hazmat | jimbaker, i was able to get trunk latest from merge-alt-region-logging working on us-east-1 | 18:45 |
jimbaker | hazmat, i was unable to get that - i was just getting "it works" plus empty relation service states | 18:46 |
jimbaker | probably because of dead unit agents | 18:46 |
hazmat | jimbaker, no.. i'm actually got populated relation states with dead units agents | 18:46 |
jimbaker | hazmat, crazy | 18:46 |
hazmat | jimbaker, the variations i'm using are trunk, ensemble-alternate-region, merge-alt-region-logging | 18:46 |
hazmat | all with formulas from that are the equivalent of the trunk versions | 18:47 |
hazmat | i've seen trunk and merge-alt-region-logging working on us-east-1 | 18:47 |
jimbaker | hazmat, i have tried all of those, both with us-east-1 and us-west-1 | 18:47 |
jimbaker | nothing is working end-to-end for me today | 18:47 |
jimbaker | everything starts off fine... then it just mysteriously fails | 18:48 |
jimbaker | hazmat, maybe i should rebuild my buckets, don't know if that's an issue based on bug 769030 | 18:49 |
_mup_ | Bug #769030: Enable one control bucket to be used for multiple regions <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/769030 > | 18:49 |
hazmat | jimbaker, yeah.. i switch my buckets when changing regions atm | 18:49 |
hazmat | they should recover fine | 18:50 |
hazmat | ie. detect dead instance stale file, and create new one | 18:50 |
jimbaker | although given how the control bucket works, i wouldn't expect it to impact | 18:50 |
hazmat | which is what they normally do, or we'd be cleaning it all the time | 18:50 |
jimbaker | bcsaller, hazmat - standup? | 19:00 |
hazmat | jimbaker, sounds good | 19:00 |
bcsaller | I have little to report, but sure | 19:00 |
jimbaker | then it will go fast :) | 19:01 |
_mup_ | Bug #769120 was filed: Ensemble status shouldn't report dead units based soley on state, but also on presence. <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/769120 > | 19:09 |
hazmat | http://dtrace.org/blogs/bmc/2010/08/30/dtrace-node-js-and-the-robinson-projection/ | 19:19 |
hazmat | http://wiki.joyent.com/display/node/Using+Cloud+Analytics | 19:20 |
hazmat | http://dtrace.org/blogs/dap/2011/03/01/welcome-to-cloud-analytics/ | 19:20 |
hazmat | allergies miserable. | 19:30 |
jimbaker | hazmat, you really should try hot yoga. i found it really helps clear sinuses and it would seem prevent allergic symptoms too | 19:39 |
hazmat | jimbaker, sadly hot yoga isn't my thing | 20:15 |
hazmat | does anyone understand apport handling of core files? | 20:16 |
hazmat | jimbaker, can you give a hook at this look trivial patch for trunk.. https://pastebin.canonical.com/46611/ | 20:28 |
hazmat | not sure if argparse version changed, but i currently have these two tests failing for me on trunk | 20:28 |
hazmat | bcsaller, ^ if you have a moment and could look at the trivial.. i'm waiting on that before doing some merges. | 20:32 |
bcsaller | hazmat: the change to generation happens outside the patch? | 20:33 |
hazmat | bcsaller, yeah.. the error output change cause is not clear, i just matched to what the current production is | 20:33 |
bcsaller | seems like it should have been caught when the change happend and the tests would have broken. | 20:34 |
bcsaller | I'm fine with the change, but want to understand how it happeded | 20:34 |
bcsaller | happened | 20:34 |
hazmat | bcsaller, yeah.. i'm bisecting the last 5revs now to double check | 20:37 |
hazmat | bcsaller, just went back a month history, still getting the errors, i'd have to guess its an argparse change and rev increment | 20:40 |
bcsaller | maybe, yeah | 20:42 |
bcsaller | thanks for checking | 20:43 |
hazmat | bcsaller, seems to be a change between pypi version of argparse and the builtin 2.7 version | 20:43 |
bcsaller | ahh, natty on 2.7 | 20:43 |
bcsaller | makes sense now | 20:43 |
hazmat | not sure if that's it.. also happens with python 2.6 using the distro argparse | 20:45 |
hazmat | but it does work with the pypi argparse 1.2.1 | 20:45 |
hazmat | where as the distro version (for 2.6) is 1.1-1 | 20:46 |
hazmat | no.. actually it didn't work 1.2.1 | 20:47 |
hazmat | i had used a patched trunk to test that one | 20:47 |
_mup_ | ensemble/trunk r205 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com | 20:48 |
_mup_ | argparse error output seems to have changed, match tests to match current output [trivial][r=bcsaller] | 20:48 |
_mup_ | ensemble/trunk r206 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com | 20:54 |
_mup_ | merge ensemble-log-level [a=niemeyer][r=niemeyer][f=767364] | 20:54 |
_mup_ | This fixes a problem with the ensemble-log hook CLI API, | 20:54 |
_mup_ | not correctly taking a -lLOG_LEVEL option. | 20:54 |
_mup_ | ensemble/trunk r207 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com | 20:57 |
_mup_ | merge ensemble-log-crash [a=niemeyer][r=kapil][f=767391] | 20:57 |
_mup_ | This fixes a traceback when attempting to use the ensemble-log | 20:57 |
_mup_ | hook CLI API from hooks. | 20:57 |
hazmat | jimbaker, the principia trunk seems to work with trunk, but the trunk formulas don't on natty. | 21:36 |
hazmat | still seeing unit agents die though | 21:44 |
hazmat | hmm | 21:48 |
hazmat | jimbaker, txzookeeper unit tests are segfaulting with default natty it appears. | 23:18 |
hazmat | jimbaker, bcsaller do you run with the package zk or a local build? | 23:19 |
bcsaller | local | 23:19 |
hazmat | yeah.. we've been getting away with not having our own packages | 23:20 |
hazmat | even though there were known issues with the lucid one, it still worked for our uses. | 23:20 |
hazmat | doesn't appear to be the case with natty, we're going to need package trunk (3.4) or backport perhaps | 23:20 |
jimbaker | hazmat, curiously i'm reinstalling stuff now | 23:31 |
jimbaker | is everyone running on python 2.7 at this point? | 23:32 |
hazmat | jimbaker, i am | 23:32 |
hazmat | jimbaker, i test with 2.6 occasionally as well | 23:32 |
jimbaker | i'm now getting some test errors on trunk, just building a new virtualenv to try 2.7 out | 23:32 |
hazmat | jimbaker, what does ./test need in a ZOOKEEPER_PATH ? just the zkServer.sh script? | 23:36 |
jimbaker | hazmat, iirc, it doesn't use zkServer.sh | 23:36 |
hazmat | hmm | 23:37 |
hazmat | jimbaker, looks like i just need a directory with the jar | 23:37 |
jimbaker | hazmat, sounds about right | 23:38 |
jimbaker | it looks for both dev and prod installs | 23:38 |
jimbaker | which are laid out differently | 23:38 |
hazmat | hmm.. yeah.. it doesn't work just pointing to a directory of jars.. which is what the deb does for install into /usr/share/java | 23:39 |
jimbaker | makes sense | 23:39 |
jimbaker | fortunately easy enough to change in ensemble.tests.common.ManagedZooKeeper | 23:40 |
jimbaker | basically a variant of zkServer.sh | 23:40 |
jimbaker | was that adjusted in the deb package? | 23:40 |
hazmat | jimbaker, just had to fix the test/common get class path to not hardcode src release stuff | 23:43 |
hazmat | jimbaker, debian uses /usr/share/java for java libs | 23:44 |
jimbaker | which was the whole point of that classpath property, so that's cool | 23:44 |
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