[19:38] hello all [19:49] usb-creator: superm1 * r342 usb-creator/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Show the vendor/model of targets in the UI. [19:50] ev, ^ that makes it more usable for people who don't know what device files are, but I think the UI needs to be redesigned or at least stretched out to present it better [21:02] ubiquity: cjwatson * r4718 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/plugins/ubi-timezone.py): [21:02] ubiquity: Add __init__ methods to ubi-timezone's PageDebconf and [21:02] ubiquity: PageNoninteractive classes, so that they have controller attributes [21:02] ubiquity: (LP: #769081). [21:10] ubiquity: cjwatson * r4719 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.6.10 [23:35] hello all [23:35] anybody here? [23:48] Youssef: it's easter weekend for many, so probably not a lot of folks around... [23:49] oh I see [23:49] but if you stay around... you never know somebody is tired of eating easter eggs ;) [23:50] :) [23:50] actually, no easter eggs before Sunday [23:50] so no eggs now [23:51] people here are mostly from US? [23:52] traditionally they were on easter Sunday, nowadays the shops are selling chocolate easter eggs for months before [23:52] many are from the US & Europe, but some are from other places too, I think [23:53] like me, I'm from Lebanon [23:54] this chatting place is about installing Ubuntu? [23:56] no, it's about the Ubuntu installer, so mostly programming it or using/modifying it for Ubuntu-derived distros etc.