
eruditehermitbjf, laptop with intel sandybridge GPU and radeon discrete GPU00:00
eruditehermitbjf, airlied is in #radeon00:00
bjfbryceh, ^^ does this request seem reasonable to you ?00:01
bjferuditehermit, do you have a make and model for that ? I can see if we have one in the company00:01
eruditehermitsony viao S 2011 just released00:02
bjferuditehermit, what are the symptoms right now without this enabled ?00:03
bjferuditehermit, nevermind, read the bug report :-)00:03
eruditehermitI have to blacklist radeon manually00:04
eruditehermitfor it to work normally with just the sandybridge GPU00:04
eruditehermitbut for a new user who doesn't know how to blacklist modules its not fun00:04
brycehbjf, multi-gpu setups seem to be pretty boned at the moment, so if that config change helps, I'm +1 on it00:10
bjfbryceh, cool, i almost have a kernel for him to test00:11
bjfbryceh, will add the results to the bug00:11
brycehbjf, typical problem seems to be you have intel and radeon|nvidia, you plug monitor into latter card, and kernel comes up with both i915 and some other driver, and i915 starts throwing up00:11
brycehdunno if that corresponds to eruditehermit's issue but that's one I'm seeing quite a bit of00:12
eruditehermitbryceh, bjf: <airlied> eruditehermit: well I'm forcing it on upstream and in stable00:13
eruditehermit<airlied> fedora has had it on for years00:13
eruditehermit and RHEL00:13
eruditehermit<airlied> I'll send the patch to dri-devel00:14
eruditehermit so they can see it before I push it00:14
brycehheh, a "we'll make linux work only on redhat" patch, fun00:14
bjferuditehermit, http://people.canonical.com/~bradf/lp768645/00:15
bryceheruditehermit, would you mind posting a dmesg from one of the failure modes you've seen?  I'd like to try to connect this to other bugs I've seen reported.  If I can, that may help lend additional weight to getting the SRU approved.00:16
eruditehermitbryceh, sure It'll take a few mins to reboot and collect info00:17
eruditehermitbjf, thanks I'm downloading and installing00:17
eruditehermithey guys00:41
bjferuditehermit, well ?00:41
eruditehermitI still have problems with my setup00:41
eruditehermitI am debugging them with airlied00:41
eruditehermitbut I still think that kernel config option might help others00:41
eruditehermitbryceh, here is my dmesg http://pastebin.com/AjkiQ9WC00:42
eruditehermitin any case airlied will make that option the default in stable and upstream from now00:42
bjferuditehermit, can you attach that to the bug?00:42
eruditehermitbjf, sure00:42
bjferuditehermit, did you confirm that i got the config option turned on ?00:42
eruditehermitbjf, yes00:43
eruditehermiti'll send my kconfig to airlied to see if there is anything else00:43
bryceheruditehermit, sweet thanks; that OOPS definitely looks familiar...00:46
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bjferuditehermit, i'll be around for a bit longer if you need another kernel turned00:48
eruditehermitbjf, talking to airlied about it. He says that it seems like it is trying to init radeon before the card is powered up.00:50
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brycehbjf, fwiw what I've gathered is that getting multi-gpu setups to "work" will require a number of different changes and a lot of testing01:29
bjfbryceh, too bad, was hoping we could fix a few with a minor change01:30
bjfbryceh, sounds like natty will have plenty of sru business01:31
brycehbjf, yeah01:45
eruditehermitbjf, would you be willing to patch a kernel module and build it for me?01:54
bjferuditehermit, you have the patches ?01:54
eruditehermitpatch for radeon module01:54
bjferuditehermit, just the one line ?01:55
eruditehermitlooks like it01:55
eruditehermitsupposedly it will check for GPU power on before it inits the card01:55
bjferuditehermit, building01:57
eruditehermitbjf, thank you so much02:09
bjferuditehermit, that doesn't compile 02:09
bjferuditehermit, error: ‘handle’ undeclared (first use in this function)02:09
eruditehermitbjf, new patch02:11
bjferuditehermit, building02:12
eruditehermitbjf, apparently on multi GPU setups there is a power switch for the card that doesn't exist on single GPU machines. This patch turns the GPU on. If bryceh has seen this a lot this might be why02:12
eruditehermitapparently linux doesn't do multi GPU setups well02:12
bjferuditehermit, seems to have compiled, still building02:13
eruditehermitbjf, cool thanks =)02:18
bjferuditehermit, new kernels are there, same directory, you want the "b02" ones02:19
eruditehermitbjf, thanks =)02:20
eruditehermitbjf, this is what I have http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=819855292166631865602:21
bjferuditehermit, nice looking02:23
eruditehermitI wanted something light and powerful02:24
eruditehermitnot many people making lightweight laptops for some reason02:24
bjfi've got a lenovo thinkpad x301 that i really like02:25
eruditehermitlenovo mousepads and keyboards annoy me02:25
eruditehermitapple has the best touchpad02:25
eruditehermitI was going to get a macbook pro02:25
eruditehermitbut its slightly heavier02:26
bjfi really like the keyboard, except where they put the escape key02:26
eruditehermitthe fn key02:26
eruditehermitannoys me02:26
eruditehermitits to the left of control02:26
bjfyou can't get that sony with an ssd?02:26
eruditehermityeah you can02:27
eruditehermitit just costs more02:27
eruditehermitit also has a sheet battery for $99 extra02:27
eruditehermitsheet extended battery02:27
eruditehermitthat clips on02:27
eruditehermitscreen viewing angle sucks though02:27
eruditehermitbut then I think a lot of laptop screens suck02:28
eruditehermitit doesn't reflect as much as the macbook but it isn't as bright02:28
eruditehermitI have a macbook in the house too02:29
eruditehermitrebooting to test02:29
bjferuditehermit, what's the word ?02:47
eruditehermitbjf, still having problems =(02:47
bjferuditehermit, i'm kind of done for today, will be checking back periodically though02:48
eruditehermitbjf, ok thanks02:49
eruditehermitbjf, will you be around tomorrow?02:49
bjferuditehermit, i'm west coast US, yes, will be around all day tomorrow02:49
eruditehermitah me too02:49
eruditehermitthank you so much for all your help02:49
bjfericm|ubuntu, np02:49
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bjfogasawara, there is no ports branch in natty-meta, does that get added post release or are there no ports now ?17:04
ogasawarabjf: hrm, dunno.  would have to take a look.17:05
ogasawarabjf: so in the past, luke would hand off the ports trees to us at release.  But I want to recall that with the Natty cycle we took back maintainership.  powerpc is the only one left.17:14
ogasawarabjf: I'll need to check with apw what the plan is17:15
bjfogasawara, but it would seem that we've not been doing powerpc during the dev cycle, is that normal ?17:15
ogasawarabjf: it's been building, just no meta17:15
bjfogasawara, can anyone install it without a meta ?17:16
ogasawarabjf: sure, you can grab the deb17:16
bjfogasawara, wonder if anyone has been testing it17:16
ogasawarabjf: I'm unsure of our userbase for powerpc and I suspect it gets little to no testing in the dev cycle17:17
komputesJFo: ping17:17
bjfogasawara, a cynical person would wonder then why we bother :-)17:17
ogasawarabjf: we only found out around Beta1 or Beta2 that it completely failed to boot17:17
ogasawarabjf: yep, so it looks like we pulled it back into the master branch, so it's handled by linux-meta17:19
ogasawarabjf: so no ports branch needed17:20
bjfogasawara, cool, that's nice17:20
JFokomputes, hi, sorry, was grabbing food. :)17:37
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jj-afkrunning errands17:47
ogasawarabjf, sconklin: I forget, for the stable patch sets do I still need 2 Ack's or can I just push to master-next17:54
bjfogasawara, just push17:55
sconklinogasawara: what he said17:55
ogasawarasweet, thanks17:55
bjfogasawara, which tree? lucid ?17:56
ogasawarabjf: natty17:56
bjfogasawara, ah17:56
bjfogasawara, steve and i are making plans on doing getting natty into the next SRU cadence cycle17:57
bjfit's good to have a plan17:57
ogasawarabjf: indeed17:57
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komputesJFo: re-ping18:55
komputesJFo: I was wondering if you could have a quick look at Bug #768497 and let me know if the issue is know if if you need further information to triage it.18:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 768497 in linux "Acer Aspire 5943G JMicron devices not seen unless system boots with SD card inserted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76849718:56
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JFokomputes, looking now19:14
komputesJFo: cheers19:24
JFokomputes, :)19:25
keesJFo: hi! what's the right way to make sure LP: #455067 gets included for a lucid kernel update? (it's already been fixed in maverick and natty)19:34
bjfbug 45506719:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 455067 in linux "[113818.216022] BUG: scheduling while atomic: dosemu.bin/12814/0x10000004" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45506719:34
* JFo looks19:37
bjfkees, you could always submit an sru patch to the mailing list19:37
keesbjf: in theory, it's in the stable upstream kernels.19:37
bjfkees, still looking, did it go in recently ?19:38
keesbjf: so I'm trying to figure out the best way to get it included without creating additional work if it overlaps with the stable upstream updates19:38
bjfkees, we should be seeing it soon from upstream stable, gregkh is maintaining that tree19:38
keesbjf: I haven't looked at the stable upstream updates yet; in linus's tree, it's 655428719:39
bjfkees, i'm looking now19:39
keesDate:   Thu Sep 23 13:16:58 2010 -040019:39
JFokees, bjf I've got it headed to the hot list and I milestoned it for lucid updates so it is on our radar19:39
keesJFo: okay, thanks!19:39
JFokees :-)19:40
* JFo waits to see what bjf finds19:40
keesbjf: no need to jump on it if you're at all busy; I just wanted to get it on the radar since it's already fixed on maverick and natty and I've seen some people hit it with lucid19:40
bjfkees, np, it's kind of a slow friday19:41
* JFo is going blind on bugs again.19:42
JFoas an aside, has anyone else not been getting notified by xchat when pinged?19:42
JFodoesn't happen all of the time, but it has happened to me twice today19:42
bjfJFo, could be a natty osd issue19:43
JFohmm, could be19:43
bjfjfo, http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/19:43
* JFo <319:43
JFothat page is my favorite now19:44
JFoI'm even going to get tons of use from the package versions page19:44
bjfkees, i see where that patch hit the stable mailing list but i don't think it got any attention19:49
bjfkees, also, based on the comments in the commit, it was likely to take a backport which didn't get done19:50
bjfkees, but i'll dig a bit more19:50
keesbjf: ah, so it's not a straight fix? yeah, I was worried about that, given the commits listed in it. :( I'm trying to get a reproducer for the issue, hopefully that will help for QA.19:52
bjfkees, the patch to arch/x86/kernel/vm86_32.c:handle_vm86_trap() looks like it might just apply, but the patch to arch/x86/kernel/traps.c:do_debug() won't that code changed a bit19:58
keesyeah, I figured some historical analysis of all the commits mentioned in the upstream commit is needed. there are like 4(?) or so that change the code. O_o19:59
komputesJFo: mainline again? Have we improved instructions or the testing process. We use this line so much we should just make a LiveCD with the mainline kernel to simplify testing.20:09
bjfkomputes, downloading and installing a kernel takes a little less bandwidth than a full LiveCD20:19
komputesbjf: I agree, but it's complicated for average user to understand20:19
bjfJFo, reading over that page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds) it's a little dated and could use some love20:19
komputesa lot of it IMO20:19
komputeswe have to remember that we have experience doing this, average users do not20:20
bjfkomputes, it shouldn't be complicated, if it reads that way, the wiki page should be fixed20:20
komputeswhy not just put a "mainline" metapackage in the repos for testing purposes20:20
bjfkomputes, that's an interesting idea20:21
komputesThis is what happens to most bugs, they get reported against linux, Triager asks for the user to test mainline. At this point many users give up and do not follow up causing expired bugs20:21
bjfkomputes, feel free to suggest it on the mailing list20:21
komputeswhich one?20:22
JFobjf, yep. it needs updating20:22
bjfkomputes, the kernel team mailing list20:22
komputesshould we talk about this at UDS?20:22
bjfkomputes, we could, but if we like the idea, we could have it implemented by then, and we'll be the ones that need to implement it20:23
komputesbjf: Wew you talking about the "kernel-team" mailing list?20:25
bjfkomputes, the ubuntu kernel team list20:26
bjfkomputes, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kernel-team20:26
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komputesbjf: JFo: sent the proposal to the kernel-team list, thanks for your help with this.21:02
bjfkomputes, thanks21:02

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