
YoBoYgood morning06:42
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== hajour1 is now known as UndifineD
=== cypher is now known as czajkowski
locodir-userJust build a feature which can support for windows based applications/softwares. It should have facilities to install driver of hardware. there must be option where we can oringize software according to our needs. please build according customer needs. 14:29
locodir-useris there any feedback form for user?14:30
locodir-userhi, can we run windows based application14:33
locodir-useranyone knows how to run windows based application (wine not supporting)14:41
locodir-userevery one is busy14:42
locodir-userwhich time is good for discussion please tell me14:43
SolutionMany body help you14:47
SolutionMcan u help me14:48
nigelbSolutionM: Hi, what are you looking for help with?14:49
SolutionMhow to install wireless driver  14:50
nigelbAh, you should probably ask in #ubuntu, they'll be able to help you. That's the support channel.14:50
SolutionMok, can u tell me can we run windows based application (no wine) 14:51
nigelbNot really.14:52
SolutionMplease me tell email address of ubutu14:52
SolutionMthank you nigelb 14:54
SolutionMthanks. what we do here14:55
SolutionMbye thanks lots14:56
locodir-useri don't know Ubuntu LoCo Team. Can anyone bring me up to speed?18:34
mhall119locodir-user: one second18:37
mhall119locodir-user: you want to know what an Ubuntu LoCo Team is?18:37
mhall119or you want to find one near you?18:37
=== daker is now known as daker_
mhall119jledbetter: you and your coworkers have too much fee time I think21:09
jledbettermhall119, Haha. Need something to do while stuff compiles and servers are restarted ;)21:11
mhall119can't you just sword fight on office chairs like everyone else?21:11
mhall119obligatory http://xkcd.com/303/21:12
jledbetterMy sword broke.21:12
mhall119did the mice do that?21:12
mhall119:( I'm pretty sure my external backup drive is dying21:13
jledbetterNo. They like me. I don't destroy them in rages :)21:13
jledbetterYeah was reading that you're doing that. I thought I read "baking" which would explain why slowness.21:14
mhall119it's twice as fast if you double the temperature, the maths works out21:14
=== kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou

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