
macois phoenixsampras the person who was being annoying in +1 before?02:04
rwwthe one I got rid of? no02:05
rwwI know their name for some reason though, so...02:05
rwwwhy am i not surprised at all that classicc is using mIRC02:10
rwwunfortunately I suspect that "no, your inability to use common sense and read code before adding random crappy scripts to your crappy IRC client is a problem" would not go down well.03:40
rww!search firestarter04:52
ubottuFound: ics, firestarter04:52
rww!ics =~ s/ - .*$//04:53
ubottuI'll remember that rww04:53
rwwlooks like someone beat me to !firewall, or I'm misremembering.04:53
hypatiaalright how do i make the bantracker go07:19
rwwhypatia: @login07:19
rwwhypatia: then @btlogin07:19
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.07:19
* rww ponders07:19
* rww shrugs07:20
rwwjussi: please to fix hypatia's ubottu account ^^^07:21
rwwI'm gonna go ahead and put a dollar on it being set up for hypatia instead of hypa7ia or something07:21
hypatiayeah i should get that fixed or something07:25
rwwhypatia: the jussi will save us!07:25
hypatiawoot woot07:25
rwwhypatia: let me know if you want anything looking up in the meantime. I remember not having it and it being annoying :[07:26
hypatiaeh it's fine07:26
hypatiai htink the only person i banned at all recently was either a racist or a spammer07:26
hypatiaso i'm not going to unban them07:26
rwwThey were complaining about it in #ubuntu today, actually.07:27
hypatiathe person i banned?07:27
hypatiaah yes, i see it was in #u-o07:27
hypatiaracist, then07:27
hypatiacan you have a glance at http://ubottu.com/bans.cgi?log=3912807:27
rwwyes, that person.07:29
hypatiawell, they can come in here if they want to contest it.07:30
hypatiaand have a little chat about not being a huge racist in the ubuntu namespace07:30
rwwI was about to say. I'd leave it until they wander by and promise to be better.07:30
rwwWell, I wouldn't. I'd probably clean it out during one of my ban cleaning fests. But normal ops might.07:31
* rww feels like he's somehow both too overbearing of an op and too lenient07:31
bazhang p57976AA4.dip.t-dialin.net  looks like gurke_ et al08:38
bazhangrww yep08:38
rwwsame channels, same webchat client, same ISP, waiting for same behavior and they're gone.08:39
bazhangfbot will ban in #ubuntu iirc08:39
bazhangRahmspinat, hi08:48
rwwRahmspinat: nice realname.08:48
Rahmspinati am not !! Gurke08:48
Rahmspinatits my neighbour08:48
rww07:48:10 [freenode] -!- Rahmspinat [~quassel@p57976AA4.dip.t-dialin.net]08:49
rww07:48:10 [freenode] -!-  ircname  : Gurke08:49
bazhangrww, I'll take it, if thats okay08:49
* rww steps back08:49
Rahmspinatwe have got the same router08:49
Rahmspinatbecause we have a living flat08:49
bazhangRahmspinat, you are banned in #ubuntu and #ubuntu+108:49
hypatiaperhaps you should ask your flatmates to stop trolling, then?08:49
Rahmspinatgurke is08:49
bazhangRahmspinat, ok08:49
Rahmspinatokay i can do, i didnt know that08:49
Rahmspinatthat they do so08:49
Rahmspinatsee you then08:50
bazhangRahmspinat, whomever you are is banned in #ubuntu and #ubuntu+108:50
bazhang [LarsTorben] (~Lars@p57906BE6.dip.t-dialin.net): Lars   in #kubuntu now09:02
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (loc0 ban evading)09:15
topylithanks bazhang09:16
bazhangugh larstorben evading again in +109:16
bazhangnecreo, hi11:53
bazhangikonia, was in #ubuntu+1 appears to be gone11:54
necreooh hi, sorry11:58
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from DeMoMaH)15:28
ubottuoCean called the ops in #ubuntu (DeMoMaH, exzon)15:28
lars_hello pici17:11
lars_i am not banned17:11
PiciYes you are.17:11
lars_no that are my neighbours gurke and so17:11
lars_and rahmspinat17:11
lars_the other is "dssadfdsf" or so17:12
PiciThen you should talk to them about their behavior in our channels.17:12
lars_yes hehe , rww told me so,17:12
lars_and i told them this morning, that they should stop it because then i will be banned tooo17:12
Picilars_: Then they should stop by here to discuss their behavior.17:15
lars_ok thanks they never come again17:15
lars_can you unbann me pici17:48
crumplease remove the ban of me from #ubuntu-offtopic18:54
macocrum: jeez get some patience, im looking up the log from when you were banned18:56
crumcool thanks18:56
bazhangen1gma, hi18:56
bazhangen1gma, how may we help you18:57
en1gmamy friend mymeatinyourseat got banned from #ubuntu yesterday while trying to PM me and instead the message was sent to the whole channel18:58
lars_maco unban me18:58
en1gmahe is requesting the ban be lifted18:58
bazhangen1gma, then we'll discuss it with him18:58
en1gmathere he is18:58
macocrum: looks like repeatedly not listening when people told you to stop repeating yourself over and over and also a bit of racism piled on top toward the end18:59
bazhangen1gma, okay , no need for you to be here on his behalf18:59
en1gmaok want me to leave18:59
bazhangen1gma, please18:59
crumwell it won't happen again18:59
lars_maco unban me  pleasee18:59
macolars_: wait your turn18:59
bazhanglars_, you wont be unbanned at this time.18:59
macoor that18:59
lars_i didnt do anything19:00
bazhanglars_, secure your wifi from your neighbors, if it was them as you claim19:00
crummaco I didn't know the punishment would be so harsh19:00
lars_i securited  it today19:00
lars_i  said them19:00
bazhanglars_, then they should come and discuss.19:01
crumwhat racism?19:01
crumI was talking about schools19:01
lars_bazhang: they dont want to discuss because they want to be banned19:01
bazhangcrum, just a moment please19:01
maco2011-04-14T05:37:10 <Crum> DaPenguin ever heard the saying not all arabs are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim?19:01
crummaco that is racist?19:01
crumI'm not the one who made up that saying19:02
bazhanglars_, you and they wont be unbanned at this time.19:02
macoand inaccurate19:02
mymeatinyourseatcan I please get unbaned?? I really need help with my wine19:02
lars_bazhang but why me ?19:02
mymeatinyourseatplease peeps19:02
bazhangmymeatinyourseat, patience please19:02
crummaco sorry i meant suicide bombers within the past 10 years19:02
macocrum: oh, like the white man who crashed into the IRS? nice try, but no19:02
lars_bazhang but why me ?19:02
crumdude I didn't know that would get me a ban19:02
bazhangmymeatinyourseat, #winehq is for wine issues at any rate19:03
crumsorry gosh19:03
macocrum: how about you have a read of the guidelines and code of conduct?19:03
maco!coc > crum19:03
ubottucrum, please see my private message19:03
maco!guidelines > crum19:03
mymeatinyourseatwill u still please unban me19:03
bazhangmymeatinyourseat, patience19:03
lars_please unbann me bazhang19:03
mymeatinyourseat..I know I'm gonna need help with 11.04 when it comes out19:04
bazhanglars_, you wont be unbanned at this time.19:04
lars_yes but WHY ??19:04
lars_i didnt do anything19:04
bazhangmymeatinyourseat, please be patient.19:04
crummaco and I didn't even mean what I said. I was just being devil's advocate19:04
crumI'm half arab myself!19:05
mymeatinyourseathow long is "patience"..?? a few mins, a few days, a few weeks??19:05
lars_i didnt do anything bazhang19:05
bazhangmymeatinyourseat, As you can see there are others here in your situation.19:05
lars_maco why did i do ?19:06
macocrum: how about you read those documents and take a day to cool down, then come back here when you're ready to agree to our rules for play?19:06
bazhangmymeatinyourseat, if now is not convenient then come back in 48 hours19:06
crumin a day you will forget about unbanning me19:06
macocrum: hence coming back here19:06
crumI'm cooled off. I promise19:06
crumno more bad behavior. I'm sorry it won't happen again19:06
lars_bazhang why am i banned19:06
lars_and when be unbanned ?19:07
lars_bazhang if you want you can send me an query19:08
bazhanglars_, there have been numerous issues with that IP address. if its not you, as you claim, then those responsible need to come forward19:09
lars_okay should they come now here ??19:09
lars_its no problem19:09
bazhanglars_,  yes19:10
bazhanglars_, no need for you to stick around on their behalf19:10
lars_hi gurke good to see you19:10
Gurke_please unban lars, it was my fault19:10
bazhanglars_, please let us handle Gurke_ 's case, thanks19:11
lars_what ?? my english is bad19:11
Gurke_I am here, ask me19:11
bazhanglars_, please part the channel19:11
bazhangGurke_, you know why you have been banned19:12
Gurke_yes i am sorry, and you musnt unban me19:12
bazhangGurke_, what was the reason or reasons19:12
Gurke_it was fun :D19:12
Gurke_to joke bit arond19:12
bazhangGurke_, please answer the question19:12
Gurke_and i want very different meanings19:13
Gurke_i have bought one year ago an neww pc19:13
Gurke_i havent got an operating system on it19:13
Gurke_we are in a living flat, he is over me, the floor19:14
bazhangGurke_, you're not answering the question as to the reason for your bans19:14
Gurke_i want an operating system on my pc, can not decide19:15
Gurke_so i asked around, a lots of times19:15
bazhangthats one reason, yes19:15
Gurke_and the other, it was a bit funny, but that was not the main point19:15
Gurke_and i accept the banning so19:16
bazhangGurke_, okay your ban wont be lifted at this point in time.19:16
Gurke_okay, but Lars didnt do anything19:16
bazhangGurke_, thats not your problem19:16
Gurke_but his19:16
Gurke_and he was here, not me19:16
bazhangGurke_, not your issue19:16
Gurke_okay, so i tell him, he can come back19:17
bazhangGurke_, thanks for stopping by19:17
larstohi again19:18
bazhanglarsto, hi19:23
larstookay what was result ?19:23
larstocan i be unbanned19:23
bazhanglarsto, we wont be lifting the ban at this point19:23
larstook but when19:23
bazhanglarsto, hard to say19:23
larstobecause i didnt do anything19:24
larstomaybe we can do a deal, i bann in ubuntu, but not ubuntu+1 ?19:24
bazhanglarsto, your many friends sharing your wifi caused this problem, you claim19:24
larstoand ubuntu i unbann in two months or so19:24
larstono its not wifi19:24
bazhanglarsto, sharing your internet connection then19:24
larstoits the point from the landlord19:24
larstohe dont allow us, to use different networks19:25
bazhanglarsto, and its a long list of individuals all with different nicknames19:25
larstobut i love ubuntu19:25
bazhangsome of them with the larstorben identifier19:25
larstoyes  me its larstorben19:26
bazhangand so too were some of the many individuals repeatedly banned19:26
larstookay but i love ubuntu19:26
larstoand want help them19:26
bazhanglarsto, thats great19:26
bazhangubuntuforums.org is a great place for that19:27
larstookay so can i come back anytime ??19:27
larstotwo months or so19:27
bazhanglarsto, not at this time, no19:27
larstolast question:19:27
larstoin ubuntu-offtopic i am unbanned19:27
larstocan it stay so ?19:27
bazhangseems so19:27
larstothank youu19:28
bazhangthat depends on your behavior19:28
bazhangcrum, please return in 24 hours, as suggested19:38
crumcool thanks19:44
=== hypatia is now known as k9|hypatia
=== k9|hypatia is now known as hypatia
bazhangnecreo, hi20:24
necreoah sorry, I really need to remove this channel from autojoin :/20:25
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1555 users, 10 overflows, 1565 limit))20:39
ubottuKM0201 called the ops in #ubuntu (dikdik)21:06
bazhangfigured it out finally21:08
bazhanghe was also talking about repent/convert or die earlier21:08
rwwbazhang: oh my. looks like I went to sleep at the right time.21:15
bazhangrww, hehe21:16
ubottuIn #ubuntu, ap0c said: !ask why is the sky blue21:20
rwwbazhang: our t-dialin.net person is banned from #ubuntu and #ubuntu+1 and not banned from #ubuntu-offtopic, right?21:22
bazhangrww, as of now, right21:22
bazhangban evasion day21:40
bazhangodd the floodbots did not ban him that time21:41
bazhangthe floodbots are letting through banned user and not banning when gateway user removed21:52
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangot OPS please see excel22:05
bazhangso floodbots will kick with flood, but remove they do nothing now22:10
LjLthe heck is going on in -ot22:12
bazhangin #ubuntu the floodbots are not behaving as normal22:12
tonyyarussoAre they working?  :P22:15
bazhangthey let in banned gateway users, do not ban on remove22:15
LjLop me in #ubuntu please22:15
bazhanghypatia, thanks22:22
LjLcan i have a +o in #ubuntu please? i can't test the bots otherwise22:23
LjLhypatia: missing something, or your ban didn't work=22:24
hypatiaLjL: i banned excel not neem22:24
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (lumos)22:24
LjLah i see22:25
bazhangLjL, you could have taken that :)22:25
bazhangLjL, you are opped in #ubuntu now22:25
LjLbazhang: it's working for me now. i wasn't in the channel earlier, no idea what happened22:28
bazhangLjL, ok22:28
LjLbazhang: can i have the logs?22:28
LjLmight as well give the bots a quick restart anyway22:29
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (neen)22:37

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