[00:01] cool. i'm off for some Nero Wolfe, i think [00:01] see everyone tomorrow [00:01] when are you doing the hacking for bookie? like time? [02:00] bwuhahaha: http://rick.bmark.us/recent click the -R- links :) [02:00] rick_h__: yay! [02:00] all live, updated chrome extension and so from now all will always have my content parsed up [02:01] awesome [02:18] nooooooooooooooo dammit, does all the EC2 crap mean my roky netflix is down? [02:18] probably [02:19] crap, that was my chil plans [02:19] :( [02:21] sad trombone [02:23] I sent the sadtrombone.com url in a one-line work email today :) [02:23] nice [03:10] brousch: Thank you. :) Glad you're liking it. [03:12] What the hell is it with Yahoo Pulse not offering RSS feeds? [03:12] n/m, found it [13:14] Good morning [13:15] party [13:15] yessir [13:22] morn morn [13:29] !openmetalcast's interview with Cloudkicker is now online. Learn more about this amazing band! http://ur1.ca/3xrsl [14:35] snap-l: is jamendo broken for you? i'm trying to play unconditional surrender here to see if it's the one i liked but it won't actually play http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/85606 [14:41] Yeah, it's not coming up [14:41] I wonder if they're another AMZ casualty. [14:41] ok, thanks [14:47] Actually, now it's working [14:48] are you using the HTML5 player? [14:49] they must've fixed it [14:50] and, yep, that's the one [14:51] french death metal? who knew they had it in them? [14:53] You haven't heard of Gojira, have you? :) [14:53] French Death Metal that is heavy has anything out there. [14:53] i have not [14:54] i know very little beyond what master snap-l has taught me [14:55] http://www.gojira-music.com/ [14:55] Unfortunately, my flash is completley fucked at the moment [14:56] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0B7I49fq_g [14:57] the site works for me [14:57] Grr, I'm tired of people calling things podcasts that don't have enclosure tags [14:57] brousch: Yeah, it's my problem to fix [14:57] and I can't be bothered because The Daily Show is off this week [14:58] heh [14:58] er, I mean, because I have more important things to worry about. [15:02] Learning Python is on sale today at O'Reilly [15:02] DD4PY is the coupon code. [15:02] (eBook version) [15:11] jcastro, meant to tell you yesterday, you post at http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/4795149014/the-power-users-guide-to-unity is really good. [18:03] quiet today [18:03] all the action is in #bookie ;) [18:07] ooh nice a del.icio.us alternative [18:08] Sheesh, there's a lot of pain on identi.ca over the Fedora marketing [18:08] Seriously, Joe has a great point, and fabsh isn't having any of it [18:10] oh no, you mean the fanbio won't listen to reason? [18:12] Well, fabsh is pretty well making Joe's point [18:14] and just thre my hat into the ring [18:14] snap-l: would you have stayed out out of it if you weren't on your period? [18:15] brousch: And I was wondering how long you'd take... You're slowing down. [18:15] i was out to lunch :P [18:15] and jodee is awesome [18:19] She agrees with your assessment. ; [18:19] :) [18:25] hola peeps. [18:25] any of you that I discussed my beta2 ubiquity problem with, I posted a bunch more to the ticket today. [18:26] i installed and reinstalled beta1 and no problem. I am going to dl and install beta2 again [18:36] Oh it's on. [18:37] snap-l like donkey kong? [18:37] i also installed opensuse for comparison and it installed w no drama [18:38] i had to hold my breath though. I almost passed out. I cannto handle rpm distros [18:44] And I'm done. [18:44] snap-l: just ignore the trolls [18:44] he's a master [18:44] Yeah, he is [18:45] fab? [18:45] fabsh [18:45] he's a total troll, can't stand to listen to that podcast any more he's so bad [18:46] http://identi.ca/notice/71703303 <- So tempted to say "Yeah, and you have to wake up to them every morning" [18:47] no way [18:47] unpossible [18:47] but, letting my adult nature take over. [18:48] nm, i dont follow anythign on twitter or identica [18:49] Some days I wonder why I bother. :) [18:50] LO is my favorite podcast, still enjoy it [18:51] personally, I never really could get through a whole episode :/ [18:51] Me either [18:52] to each his own [18:52] i could never stand Jono's old one [18:52] Lugradio? [18:52] yeah [18:52] That was OK [18:53] liekd his short ones with whachamijiggy [18:53] problem is, most tech shows like that start to get very navelgazey. [18:53] now that lococast thing, that's one hot podcast :P [18:53] :) [18:55] finally got a personal pastebin-like site up on dreamhost. now i don't have to mooch off of rick_h__ http://paste.clusterbleep.net/paste/ [18:56] django? you're just trying to fire me up aren't you :P [18:57] your no friend o django? [18:57] im not either, just wondering [18:57] no, huge fan of python, not a bit django fan [18:57] just like to give brousch a hard time [18:58] well i tried the flask-based one first, but i couldn't get it running on DH [18:58] im not a web dev by any means, but i took a tour of framworks last year and I think I have settled on Flask for anything that comes up that I have work with [18:58] brousch: the about page isn't working [18:58] Blazeix: heh, and i left debug on, oops [18:58] I like flask for small stuff [18:59] but that's probably ok, no one ever visits about pages anyway :) [18:59] bobo FTW [18:59] only framework that comes truly barebones and lets you plug what you want [19:00] bobo? [19:00] not another to look at [19:00] ;) [19:00] or webob or weurkzeug [19:00] bobo uses webob and wsgi, that's it [19:00] and provides decorators for routes [19:01] There's this new awesome framework for Python. It's so minimalist, it allows me to integrate whatever I want [19:01] flask uses weurk iirc and uses docrators for routes as well [19:01] it's called "from whatever import *" [19:01] ties you to a templating language though [19:01] the flask-based one looked nice. i just couldn't seem to get it hooked up with dreamhost's passenger wsgi [19:01] that still blows my mind to use mod_ruby for wsgi [19:02] slestak: Is it using Rack? [19:02] i dunno [19:02] passenger == mod_ruby right? [19:02] if i create my own flask app i can get it working on there. i just can't get that pastebin one [19:02] is wsgia python creation? [19:02] Thought rack was thehotness that allowed ruby to run practically anywhere. [19:03] slestak: sorda, but it shares a lot of similarities with cgi [19:03] so i fell back to my good buddy django to use django-dpaste [19:04] lets poke brousch some more. nahh [19:04] flask one on GAE? [19:04] i just use pocoo.orgs pastebin [19:05] GAE has limited number of apps i can use, so i want to save my slots for high traffic stuff [19:05] text eoncoding of binaries, base64 is the only smart choice? [19:05] the pocoo one is what i couldn't get running [19:06] windows and python is the env so uuencode isnt coming out [19:17] my wtf of the day http://paste.clusterbleep.net/paste/iHb7/ [19:18] brousch: Wow, that's some fugly. [19:19] Who made this; accounting? [19:19] no, it is old [19:21] Old like Cthulhu [19:21] so the WTF is that they do these two giant queries, then the final little part completely ignores everything they just calculated and uses a number calculated from completely different numbers [19:21] the giant queries are run but their results are never used [19:22] somebody decided it would be a good idea to name conf files for 100s of systems by the MAC instead of hostname, I can't handle this [19:31] binbrain: There's only one way that would have been smart, and that's at a level where the only thing you deal with is the mac address. [20:05] anyone know if there is current unity breakage with nvidia cards? [20:06] the same media that installed beta1 to my mini9 (intel chip) on my e1505 was responsive and usabel until I enabled nvidia driver, now everything looks ok, but ui will not register any mouse clicking anywhere. [20:07] slestak: supposedly nvdiai-173 has been fixed but nvidia-96 is still broken [20:07] slestak: I believe I'm affected by this; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/733417 not sure what you're seeing. [20:09] Updated Open Metalcast to include some feedburner icons: http://openmetalcast.com/ [20:10] a little annoyed that I couldn't use more than 7 characters without it getting overloaded [20:18] I cannot tell because I have not terminal. I will need to enable ssh and come in that way. [20:18] I chose the (recommended) one from Hardware Drivers [20:22] trying the No Effects login [20:23] the NVIDIA X Server stiing reports version 270.41.06. [20:26] yeah, classic and unity sufferring the same. [20:26] I will try 173 explicitly and see if that is any better [20:27] apply the 420 updates first [20:28] excuse, 470 [20:28] slestak: yeah, install the updates first [20:29] esp since beta1, a LOT has changed [20:32] yes, beta2 is out and tons of updates since then [20:35] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/918/detail/ <- Need some participants for this panel discussion. [20:35] I would volunteer, but I've never even seen Natty [20:36] I might not be very well qualified [20:36] ColonelPanic001: Awesome, you're hired [20:37] "What's the best feature of Natty" "Me, on panel: Well, you could install KDE, which is nice" [20:37] Feel free to say that during the panel [20:37] \o/ [20:37] and I'll feel free to shove my foot up your ... ;) [20:37] when and where [20:37] Penguicon, April 30th, 3pm [20:38] lol [20:38] I'd really love to participate in stuff, I just don't have much to contribute to things, heh [20:38] it reboots very fast [20:38] what else [20:38] "which is useful when reinstalling with KDE" [20:40] Also, any metalheads should definitely check out the Open Metalcast with Cloudkicker [20:40] http://openmetalcast.com/2011/04/22/open-metalcast-special-episode-cloudkicker/ [20:40] Seriously good stuff [20:41] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugqaYJgv_F8#t=3m15s [20:41] grr... flash still busted. [21:00] heh, WRCJ had a promo re: the music of The Robe (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0046247/) [21:00] One of the actors is named "Jean Simmons", but of course my post 1970s ears heard "Gene Simmons" [21:01] Wondered what the heck Gene Simmons would be doing in a movie about the early Christian Church [21:10] lol [21:10] there is a japanese movie that is brilliant that you might like. It is called "Detroit Metal City". [21:17] snap-l: thanks for the retweet on the guide [21:17] I've gotten like 0 coverage from any linux news site [21:18] I guess my article must be too uncontroversial and useful [21:18] jcastro: No kiddin [21:18] I'm in linuxjournal helping someone out with Unity questions [21:19] Is there a way to keep the mac menu always on? [21:20] no unfortunately. :( [21:20] Ugh [21:30] interesting. all patches applied, rebooted numerous times. nvidia-173 chosen explicitly. [21:30] gnome classic works, however, unity will not. Even the Ubuntu gdm selection still loads gnome standard. [21:31] heading over to +1 [22:32] Anyone able to post anything to reddit? [22:36] jcastro: yeah, you have to post lies and fud. once you do that, every linux news site will link to you. today i realized just how fucking useless these so-called news sites really are [22:37] I love that one of our sites for work is using Amazon's EC2, and is still down. [22:37] nixternal: Maybe it should be "unity power guide shuts down sounder" [22:37] i would post that [22:37] nixternal: Yah, with your hate speech about sounder [22:38] Canonical totally hates the community [22:38] fuck doing intellectual posts that help people, they don't get google ads clicks. i am just going to start posting nonsense [22:38] well, more than i already post [22:38] Canonical says babies are tastier with butter [22:38] little do people know, mark shuttleworth hates canonical [22:39] Canonical - Made from people. [22:40] nixternal: I think the people acting like idiots are totally missing the point [22:40] Ubuntu - Causes High Cholesterol in 80% of users [22:40] nixternal: at first you might think "oh wait, maybe we should think about this" [22:40] and then you see the tone of the responses [22:40] and you're like "oh, well, it's obvious the right decision was made." [22:41] jcastro: we are a linux distro for noobs, i expect nothing less than idiots. oh shit, and once they get wind of the fsf site, they become stallman hippies almost instantly and that makes them even worse [22:41] "It's obvious Canonical hates teh free speach" [22:41] lol. snap-l, wouldn't that make it soylent green? [22:41] once they realize if we did what stallman wanted, their computer would be nothing more than a pencil & a piece of paper [22:41] you shouldn't equate "noobs" with people acting stupid [22:42] they're not noobs because they are on a mailing list [22:42] gamerchick02: That's going to be the name of the release when they announce THE TRUTH [22:43] 14.04 [22:43] ah [22:43] i do equate noobs that way though, and not all turn out that way. a vast majority do because they believe what they read and are so easy to be molded into an idiot [22:43] 14.04, Soylent Soybeans [22:43] that's just the way the mold falls i guess [22:43] MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR SOYLENT STALLION [22:43] there we go. better than my soybeans one. [22:43] i'd go for Sexy Stallion. so i can ask, "are you runing Sexy?" [22:44] nixternal: Problem is folks try hard to fit in, so they lose sight of why they're part of the group in the first place [22:44] i am glad the idiots are going to gentoo. by the time they get it installed, setup, tweaked, and working, the desktop will be in high school history books [22:44] ok. gamerchick02 + alcohol + irc = stupid comments. whoops. [22:44] and it's very easy to get sucked into group-think [22:44] It's harder to take a deep breath and be rational [22:45] and think "maybe I _am_ being a dick" [22:45] Lene Lovich - It's Only You (Mein Schmerz) (SomaFM: Underground '80's) [22:45] (heh, it's YOU) [22:45] everyone who comes around is so easy to brainwash. remember, i am the muppet master, i can mold and corrupt noobs with ease! [22:45] no, that's not possible, master nixternal [22:45] er, what? Where did that come from? [22:46] you need to check out ubuntu chicago. i got those puppets on a string. i tell them to switch to mac tomorrow they will [22:46] where'd what come from, snap-l? [22:46] gamerchick02: nixternal's brainwashing, no doubt. [22:46] ah [22:46] i need some undiewashing [22:48] http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2011/04/22/sequoia-capital-backs-online-gaming-bundler/ [22:48] my tumblr's been taken over by Gene Kelly. Not that i'm complaining... [22:48] Hello, bubble [22:49] snap-l, Humble Bubble? [22:49] Yeah, it's a name-your-price indie game promotion [22:49] http://humblebundle.com [22:49] there's one going on right now [22:50] nixternal: speaking of mac muppetry, how is specialK doing? [22:50] i know, snap-l, i've been a supporter [22:50] not this time, but the past two, i have bought. split my money between linux and windows [22:50] This one is good, imho [22:50] nice [22:52] jcastro: he is mac muppetry big time dude. he is so anti-linux it isn't even funny. he has become a bit weird lately