[TK]D-Fender | KINGOFSWORDS: because even if you didn't have a HD at all the CD should boot | 00:00 |
KINGOFSWORDS | but only thing it can be is pc | 00:00 |
codeslingercomsp | last thing I see is detecting network.... then the flash and the startup music | 00:00 |
[TK]D-Fender | KINGOFSWORDS: I'd bet on "bad CD" right now... | 00:00 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: Yeah, try removing the hdd | 00:00 |
KINGOFSWORDS | nope | 00:00 |
KINGOFSWORDS | it works on my hp compaq laptop ok | 00:00 |
KINGOFSWORDS | hi galeon | 00:00 |
airtonix | KINGOFSWORDS: i assume you checked the iso against the md5 or shasum before and after burning to cd ? | 00:00 |
[TK]D-Fender | KINGOFSWORDS: maybe a more generic problem with your optical drive | 00:00 |
KINGOFSWORDS | errmmm kinda hard , its a laptop | 00:00 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: Windows XP have lots of checking in hdd, which might cause a lot of problem | 00:01 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: hello | 00:01 |
codeslingercomsp | @itaylor57 2011-04-20 natty live cd daily 64 bit | 00:01 |
KINGOFSWORDS | ahhh perhaps.... i did have problems installing lucid..but have installed vista last nite | 00:01 |
rww | codeslingercomsp: please use #ubuntu+1 for natty discussion and support. #ubuntu is for released versions of Ubuntu. | 00:01 |
airtonix | codeslingercomsp: at that point you can press ctrl+alt+[1-6] to get a terminal ? | 00:01 |
KINGOFSWORDS | galeon i deleted the dell recovery partition | 00:01 |
KINGOFSWORDS | i thiought that would solve it | 00:02 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: Did you already checked your hdd in Disk Utility? Because you said before that it's acting strange | 00:02 |
mynotes | hello. i have a small problem on my empathy. why the video call are disabled | 00:02 |
KINGOFSWORDS | ahh no...i do that now galeon | 00:03 |
codeslingercomsp | vidoe card is VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M880G [Mobility Radeon HD 4200] | 00:03 |
airtonix | hoho | 00:03 |
airtonix | codeslingercomsp: what rww said. | 00:03 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: Try clicking on the SMART Data button then check if there's a bad sector, try some self-test | 00:04 |
codeslingercomsp | @rww @airtonix okay thx ubunt+1 in a few minutes.... am going to switch computers first | 00:04 |
KINGOFSWORDS | ok | 00:04 |
jedi-master | HI | 00:04 |
KINGOFSWORDS | i just looked up a forum thread about installing xp on my model laptop | 00:05 |
jedi-master | i got here from some, article on dannyubuntu.com | 00:05 |
jedi-master | hello? | 00:06 |
KM0201 | KINGOFSWORDS: what does that have to do w/ ubuntu? | 00:06 |
Byan | hey guys | 00:06 |
Byan | does anyone know of intel NM10 support in ubuntu | 00:07 |
Byan | I need a quick answer cause I just purchased a netbook with it | 00:07 |
jedi-master | something about using IRC trough the terminal | 00:07 |
disappearedng | wow I am so lucky that I can even boot into my ubuntu now. http://paste.pocoo.org/show/376096/ Can someone tell me is my harddisk completely messed up? How can I go about fixing it? | 00:07 |
jedi-master | and i was bored so i tagged along | 00:07 |
jedi-master | and here i am | 00:07 |
Sahm | hi Byan , you may get a quick answer in #ubuntu. | 00:07 |
KINGOFSWORDS | KM0201 : its a dual boot... i installed ubuntu 1st and had many problems | 00:07 |
luite | disappearedng: hmm, that doesn't look good | 00:08 |
KM0201 | KINGOFSWORDS: ok.. thats not incredibly unusual... why d id you install ubuntu first.. do you have 1 hard drive, or two? | 00:08 |
KINGOFSWORDS | linux newbie since last wednesday | 00:08 |
KINGOFSWORDS | 1 hdd | 00:08 |
Byan | I guess I need GMA 3150 support.. | 00:09 |
disappearedng | luite: fsck? what are my options? | 00:09 |
KINGOFSWORDS | im using gaprted on livecd to try to sort my pc out | 00:09 |
luite | disappearedng: i'd download the analysis tools from the manufacturer and see what they say | 00:09 |
Byan | which seems to be fine, but very new | 00:09 |
disappearedng | luite: well I am using a macbookpro and what would that be | 00:09 |
tash3r | would installing bastille effect running games in wine? | 00:09 |
luite | disappearedng: oh, apple I guess. but if you can boot ubuntu, try to start the Disk Utility | 00:10 |
luite | disappearedng: it will report the SMART status of your drive | 00:10 |
KINGOFSWORDS | where is smart data button on disk utility in 9.1 karmic | 00:11 |
=== king is now known as Guest57304 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: not sure, but select a hdd first in the left | 00:11 |
KINGOFSWORDS | i did | 00:11 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: On the right of Format Drive? | 00:12 |
KINGOFSWORDS | SMART data? it says disk is healthy | 00:12 |
disappearedng | luite I can LITERALLY HEAR MY HARDDISK failing (the constant jerking motion of the handler) | 00:12 |
KINGOFSWORDS | 9.1 is differnt to 10.04 disk utility | 00:12 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: Below that is the SMART Data button | 00:12 |
Silver | hi | 00:13 |
=== Silver is now known as Guest32676 |
luite | disappeared: better back up your data and replace it then | 00:13 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: Yeah, lots of changes in the UI. But it will still show healthy if the no. of bad sectors is below 100 (?) | 00:13 |
KINGOFSWORDS | galeon none of thats therre.. but SMART data reports it as disk healthy | 00:13 |
KINGOFSWORDS | but didnt do a scan or anything | 00:14 |
luite | disappearedng: the noise is the heads retracting and retrying the read operations, you may still get some data off that part of the disk, but it will be slow | 00:14 |
KINGOFSWORDS | btw i got blue screen of death earlier in vista...1 day old install | 00:14 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: What are the buttons below the status of the hdd? | 00:14 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: It will be good if you could also check your RAM if it is not damaged, just to make sure | 00:14 |
mknarr | KINGOFSWORDS, BSOD ROFL | 00:15 |
KINGOFSWORDS | ahhh self test? | 00:15 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: Yes | 00:15 |
KINGOFSWORDS | found that.... | 00:15 |
KINGOFSWORDS | was under more info | 00:16 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: I think that more info holds the the info for the no. of bad sectors | 00:16 |
KINGOFSWORDS | anyway...apparently i need to set bios to Flash Cache Module: Change to "Enabled" to "Off and ata for xp to boot | 00:16 |
luite | disappearedng: anyway, if it's out of warranty, go to ifixit.com drives in macbook pro's aren't as easy to replace as those in many other brands, but it's not terribly difficult either. those things have lots of tiny screws! | 00:17 |
zaksoldier | hi | 00:17 |
zaksoldier | السلام عليكم | 00:17 |
Sahm | وعليكم السلام | 00:18 |
rww | !en | 00:18 |
ubottu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 00:18 |
KINGOFSWORDS | ok ok self test done....says disk is healthy | 00:18 |
mknarr | KINGOFSWORDS, try a memtest on your ram | 00:18 |
KINGOFSWORDS | ok | 00:18 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: Maybe its not in the hdd, try RAM | 00:18 |
KINGOFSWORDS | ill look | 00:18 |
KINGOFSWORDS | is memtest part of disk utilty? | 00:20 |
Galeon | nope | 00:20 |
mknarr | u can get a memtest off the ubuntu live cd to test your ram | 00:20 |
KINGOFSWORDS | in terminal? | 00:20 |
aljona | im trying to use: sdparm --set=STANDBY=1 /dev/sdb, but for some reason it doesnt get set, does anybody know why? | 00:20 |
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC |
mknarr | no put the cd in the drive and let it boot off it then instead of seleceting install select memtest | 00:20 |
KINGOFSWORDS | should i test my dvd drive too with self test? | 00:20 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: only hdd | 00:21 |
KINGOFSWORDS | ok | 00:21 |
mknarr | the memtest cycles through every bit of your ram modules | 00:21 |
zaksoldier | why | 00:21 |
KINGOFSWORDS | ah | 00:21 |
mknarr | checking for damage | 00:21 |
mknarr | or errors | 00:21 |
KINGOFSWORDS | may aswell since im gonna be up all night anyway | 00:22 |
codex84 | what commands use,when useing wipe to wipe out data such as a folder with a video in it | 00:23 |
codex84 | ? | 00:23 |
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK |
zaksoldier | huh ubottu is a bot | 00:24 |
luite | codex84: rm -r foldername | 00:25 |
luite | codex84: this deletes the complete folder including subdirs | 00:26 |
codex84 | so i type | 00:26 |
codex84 | wipe rm -r and folder name? | 00:26 |
luite | codex84: you have a terminal open right? | 00:27 |
codex84 | now i do | 00:27 |
codex84 | yea | 00:27 |
luite | codex84: it may be easier to delete the folder with the File Browser | 00:27 |
luite | codex84: but if you want to know how to do it from the terminal/shell, say you want to delete /home/codex84/Downloads/movie | 00:29 |
codex84 | yea | 00:29 |
luite | codex84: and you have a prompt user@host:~$, then you just type: user@host:~$ rm -r Downloads/movie | 00:30 |
luite | (don't type the prompt) | 00:30 |
zaksoldier | huh ubottu is a bot | 00:30 |
codex84 | can i rm -r than the folder name | 00:31 |
codex84 | ? | 00:31 |
luite | codex84: don't make typo's, if you rm -r Downloads, then the whole folder is gone :) | 00:31 |
commodore256 | Epic Idea is Epic http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/27671/ | 00:31 |
luite | codex84: yes it works for files and folders, -r stands for recursive, which means that if it's a folder, it will first delete the contents of that folder, and then the folder itself | 00:31 |
zaksoldier | I thought he is a human | 00:32 |
luite | codex84: if you just want to delete a file, type rm filename | 00:32 |
Corey | luite, codex84: Safer way to do it is to delete the files in a directory, then rmdir the directory itself. rmdir fails if a directory isn't empty. | 00:33 |
luite | I prefer the rm -r way because it teaches you not to make typo's ;) | 00:34 |
nabukadnezar43 | hello | 00:36 |
nabukadnezar43 | i want to install ubuntu | 00:36 |
nabukadnezar43 | shall i install 11.04 beta 2 or 10.10? | 00:36 |
mknarr | nabukadnezar43, are you new to ubuntu ? | 00:37 |
nabukadnezar43 | no | 00:38 |
KINGOFSWORDS | galeon i think i need sata drivers installed of usb 1st | 00:38 |
nabukadnezar43 | i am not new to ubuntu | 00:38 |
nabukadnezar43 | used it many times before | 00:38 |
mknarr | then get the new version | 00:38 |
nabukadnezar43 | ok | 00:39 |
codex84 | how would u use shred? | 00:39 |
nabukadnezar43 | it'll update to final version without any problem i guess | 00:39 |
nabukadnezar43 | right? mknarr? | 00:39 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: Then maybe that's the problem. You may also read some articles in the web for installing that OS, I don't have any experience with that laptop | 00:39 |
LAcan | big newb question: how can I tell where stuff is getting installed to? like directories...? | 00:40 |
luite | codex84: you only need shred if you want to prevent others to recover the contents of your files after you have deleted them | 00:40 |
nabukadnezar43 | lacan: they are usually installed in bin directory | 00:40 |
nabukadnezar43 | or usr/bin dir | 00:40 |
KINGOFSWORDS | galeon its says if its too hard i can go bios and chang from sata to ide instead | 00:40 |
LAcan | nabukadnezar43, thanks! so like /bin/<program>/ type of thing? | 00:41 |
nabukadnezar43 | no | 00:41 |
nabukadnezar43 | you have an executable there | 00:41 |
nabukadnezar43 | configuration files generally are in your home dir | 00:41 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: Yeah, I think it's good, my computer here is setup that way | 00:41 |
LAcan | nabukadnezar43, o i c them now ty! | 00:41 |
KINGOFSWORDS | is ide slower than sata? | 00:41 |
nabukadnezar43 | np | 00:42 |
nabukadnezar43 | to see configuration files you need to view hidden folders in your /home/<name> | 00:42 |
PedroLRNeves | va pessoal ate amanha | 00:42 |
disappearedng | Hey anyone here uses refit | 00:42 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: Not sure, but it seems its the same, but real ide is definitely slower | 00:42 |
KINGOFSWORDS | ahh | 00:43 |
KINGOFSWORDS | does it affect 64 bit ubuntu? | 00:44 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: dunno, but I used 64-bit before | 00:44 |
ruan | i doubt hard drive handling's much different between 32-64 | 00:44 |
KINGOFSWORDS | cool | 00:45 |
KINGOFSWORDS | have nothing to lose | 00:45 |
mknarr | 32bit and 64 bit is mainly the amount of useable ram right ? | 00:46 |
zaksoldier | ist jemand spricht Deutsch | 00:46 |
nabukadnezar43 | no | 00:47 |
nabukadnezar43 | 64-bit uses more registers | 00:47 |
nabukadnezar43 | means if done right, software runs faster compared to 32-bit | 00:47 |
KINGOFSWORDS | but unfortualy seems to be slower | 00:47 |
Galeon | 64-bit starts slower than 32-bit here | 00:48 |
KINGOFSWORDS | galeon how long should i do this mem test? | 00:48 |
pwrusr | would anyone here know where I would adda startup command in kubuntu ?? | 00:48 |
nabukadnezar43 | well depends on your pc as well | 00:48 |
KINGOFSWORDS | adobe flash not very good on 64 | 00:48 |
nabukadnezar43 | you need a good machine to get the full out of 64-bit | 00:48 |
Galeon | It depends on the speed of your machine, but 1 pass might be enough | 00:48 |
KINGOFSWORDS | does it just loop round? | 00:48 |
Galeon | yeah | 00:49 |
weedeater64 | Adobe flash is crap, no matter 64, 32, | 00:49 |
versuscore | hola | 00:49 |
nabukadnezar43 | flash is buggy | 00:49 |
versuscore | como estas | 00:49 |
nabukadnezar43 | 64-bit flash i mean | 00:49 |
Galeon | well, my machine is quite old, a Pentium D | 00:49 |
versuscore | alguien me puede psar temas para xubuntu | 00:49 |
nabukadnezar43 | use html5 where you can | 00:49 |
versuscore | hello men | 00:49 |
zaksoldier | ا | 00:49 |
versuscore | whats is your name | 00:49 |
versuscore | jejeje | 00:49 |
Galeon | KINGOFSWORDS: some do it overnight | 00:50 |
nabukadnezar43 | i use html5 instead of flash on youtube | 00:50 |
KINGOFSWORDS | whats htm15? | 00:50 |
weedeater64 | get clive to download youtube crap, and mplayer to watch it. | 00:50 |
titov | trying to run a pxe boot ubuntu 10.04 installation via HP's iLO but I get a blank screen after the pxe menu because i don't have the gui module in the advanced iLO paid for. how can i pxe boot into text mode. | 00:50 |
nabukadnezar43 | youtube.com/html5 | 00:50 |
titov | I have tried: "APPEND initrd=images/ubuntu/x_86_64/10.04/initrd.gz watchdog nosplash -s" | 00:50 |
KINGOFSWORDS | ahh ok galeons....ill try this ide thing and check mem later | 00:50 |
pwrusr | would anyone here know where I would adda startup command in kubuntu ?? | 00:50 |
nabukadnezar43 | try #kubuntu pwrusr | 00:51 |
pwrusr | ty no one appears to be home | 00:51 |
weedeater64 | Is there nothing in preferences or administration for editing the menu ? | 00:52 |
=== matt_ is now known as LinuxHack3r |
Rehan | does anyone here use truecrypt? | 00:52 |
qwebirc519159 | @owrusr try /etc/rc.local | 00:52 |
Galeon | System -> Preferences -> Main Menu | 00:52 |
Galeon | weedeater64: | 00:52 |
LinuxHack3r | With 8GB of ddr3 2133Mhz memory, is it safe to delete the swap partition and remove it from fstab? | 00:52 |
ohsix | LinuxHack3r: it's not unsafe, but it's not a smart thing to do | 00:53 |
weedeater64 | I was talking to pwrusr Galeon | 00:53 |
LinuxHack3r | ohsix: Why so? Isn't it sorta like disabling page file in windows? | 00:53 |
pwrusr | weedeater ty i'll try that | 00:53 |
ohsix | LinuxHack3r: theres a nonzero amount of things that need not be stored in memory at all, for how often they're accessed; they can exist mostly untouched on swap, if there is any | 00:53 |
Galeon | sorry | 00:53 |
Rehan | ohsix: why does he need swap if he has 8 GB of ram? | 00:53 |
ohsix | LinuxHack3r: it's abad idea in windows too | 00:53 |
ohsix | they are paging operating systems | 00:53 |
Vardan | hi all | 00:54 |
qwebirc519159 | @pwrusr if you want global startup for whole machine with root privledge then /etc/rc.local should work. for kubuntu specifc/user specific startup you will need a different channel | 00:54 |
ohsix | LinuxHack3r: you can make it really small though, like 512m | 00:54 |
weedeater64 | No need for apologies. | 00:54 |
Vardan | people does anyone know the application where I can add my ssh servers information and easily connect to my server? | 00:54 |
LinuxHack3r | ohsix: Well I'll take your word for it. And I'll consider that. But I begin to wonder why even bother. | 00:54 |
pwrusr | ok ty | 00:55 |
nabukadnezar43 | linuxhack3r you wont need swap for that amount of ram but why you want to do that? | 00:55 |
ohsix | LinuxHack3r: you need to consider if you're ever going to hibernate the system ever, too | 00:55 |
nabukadnezar43 | you have small hdd? | 00:55 |
rww | LinuxHack3r: I have 4GB of RAM. I have run without a swap partition for years and have never seen a kernel dev say not to. | 00:55 |
ohsix | nabukadnezar43: swap is highly desirable | 00:55 |
mknarr | Vardan, use putty in windows | 00:55 |
Vardan | not windoes | 00:55 |
nabukadnezar43 | i have 4 gb ram but i use 5 gb swap as well | 00:55 |
Vardan | *windows | 00:55 |
ohsix | rww: no kernel developer would care if you use swap | 00:55 |
Vardan | linux/ubuntu | 00:55 |
LinuxHack3r | ohsix: Never really thought about hibernating. Perhaps I'll actually test it. | 00:55 |
mknarr | then use terminal in linux | 00:55 |
LinuxHack3r | nabukadnezar43: Mainly for "file system cleanliness". | 00:55 |
ohsix | rww: the software you run can exist partly in swap; as with the resources it creates during its operation | 00:55 |
rww | ohsix: Considering that they're the ones that developed the code that works with swap partitions, I care about what they think :) | 00:56 |
fennng | I am using ubuntu 8.04, may I upgrade my linux kenel to any version? I am compling linux 2.6.28, currently using linux 2.6.24-29 | 00:56 |
rww | as far as applications are concerned, it's all memory | 00:56 |
qwebirc519159 | @Vardan see man ssh near the bottom it explains howto set up ssh for automatic login using public/private keys | 00:56 |
ohsix | LinuxHack3r: don't shoot for less than half your ram if you want it to mostly work; cuz it just stops suspending if it runs out of swap, but that depends entirely on what needs to be compressed/swapped out to do it :] | 00:56 |
LinuxHack3r | fennng: I'd start fresh. It takes like 20 minutes | 00:56 |
ohsix | rww: while not quite literally untrue; not a useful statement | 00:56 |
LinuxHack3r | ohsix: So that's for hibernating. Ok, I'll keep that in mind. | 00:57 |
Vardan | ok, never mind I'll use bash's aliases for that stuff, thanks :) | 00:57 |
ruffleS | hi guys. i have this problem http://img715.imageshack.us/i/screenshotkd.jpg/ how can i fix it? firefox should either show no icons at all or show the folder icons too! | 00:57 |
ohsix | rww: and it would literally not be their concern, it has to do with your regular working set | 00:57 |
fennng | LinuxHack3r: what do you mean? | 00:57 |
LinuxHack3r | fennng: About what exactly? | 00:57 |
ohsix | LinuxHack3r: anonymous pages that are allocated but not touched, and nonzero can exist on the swap; most programs that allocate memory have some of these pages | 00:57 |
nabukadnezar43 | i tracked swap usage for some time on heavy load | 00:58 |
Mac_Weber | I was going to install ispConfig, but it requires to disable apparmor. Is it safe to do it? Is there another free WHCP I can install not disabling apparmor? | 00:58 |
nabukadnezar43 | it never used it | 00:58 |
nabukadnezar43 | no software used it | 00:58 |
ohsix | that "never" wasn't that heavy then | 00:58 |
weedeater64 | Oh, doh! start up. right. | 00:58 |
LinuxHack3r | ohsix: fennng Well basicaly I was just "assuming" it could cause "faster", but then again at these speeds (my new build) I don't know if I could ask for more snapiness. | 00:58 |
fennng | LinuxHack3r: I am using ubuntu 8.04, can I upgrade to any linux kernel? or I can only upgrade to centain kernel versions? | 00:58 |
nabukadnezar43 | it may break some of your software | 00:59 |
nabukadnezar43 | i am not sure though | 00:59 |
LinuxHack3r | fennng: Oh I see, you are not planning on moving to Ubuntu 10.10? | 00:59 |
fennng | LinuxHack3r: no | 00:59 |
fennng | LinuxHack3r: Just upgrade the kernel. | 01:00 |
ohsix | fennng: whats keeping you from using newer versions? | 01:00 |
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LinuxHack3r | fennng: Then I really do not know much about kernels and older distros | 01:00 |
fennng | ohsix: old pc | 01:00 |
ohsix | fennng: hm, must be strangely old; newer versions have a lot to offer | 01:00 |
nabukadnezar43 | fennng: why do you want the latest kernel? | 01:00 |
Vardan | here is what I have searched http://sshmenu.sourceforge.net/ | 01:00 |
qwebirc519159 | swap -- with 4gigs you almost never need it, but if you ever do and dont have any it is crash city.... however if you look in synaptic there is a dynamic swap program which uses regular disk files and allocates swap/fiel space onbly as needed. | 01:01 |
ohsix | qwebirc519159: there's two even! :] | 01:01 |
sire | hello to all | 01:01 |
ohsix | can't hibernate to them though | 01:01 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: well, i want to install layer 7 support for iptables, I am following a tutorial, the tutorial provides a newer versions of kernel, I have not idea whether I can use it. | 01:01 |
sire | has any one used a pos sytem from linux? or ubuntu? | 01:02 |
nabukadnezar43 | did you try to install with your current kernel fennng? | 01:02 |
fennng | ohsix: not very very old, about 7 years old, lol centrino 1.6G | 01:02 |
ohsix | qwebirc519159: swap = hibernate ? some : some * 8; | 01:03 |
ohsix | fennng: ahh, i run the natty beta on a netbook that's only 1.6; works well | 01:03 |
sire | has any one setup a ubuntu pos sytem? | 01:03 |
fennng | ohsix: what's natty beta? | 01:03 |
nabukadnezar43 | well 10.10 ran on my intel atom netbook without a problem | 01:03 |
qwebirc519159 | I think hibernate uses a seperate file, not sure, since it always crashes on every cpu Ive ever had I never ever use it. | 01:03 |
nabukadnezar43 | centrino is better then atoms i guess :) | 01:04 |
ohsix | fennng: the next version of ubuntu | 01:04 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: I am thinking about upgrading. | 01:04 |
ohsix | qwebirc519159: only on windows; on linux it can use swap, but it needs to be visible to be resumed from | 01:04 |
fennng | ohsix: what X do you use? | 01:04 |
ohsix | s/can/does/ | 01:04 |
=== eliezer is now known as clik |
ohsix | fennng: what do you mean? i use gnome & whatever ubuntu comes with for X and it's drivers | 01:05 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: If I upgrade, which verison if ubuntu do you recommend. | 01:05 |
codex84 | how u delete a folder thats in ur home folder | 01:05 |
nabukadnezar43 | use the latest version | 01:05 |
kupesoft | oper | 01:05 |
fennng | ohsix: can gnome run smoothly? | 01:05 |
nabukadnezar43 | *install | 01:05 |
codex84 | useing the terminal | 01:05 |
kupesoft | woops | 01:05 |
kupesoft | I can't seem to get into the GRUB 2 menu in a 10.10 install | 01:05 |
kupesoft | can't find the solution | 01:05 |
KujiUn | Hi there. I'm having trouble with booting my Ubuntu partition after a botched Update Manager update. Can anyone help? | 01:06 |
kupesoft | just boots right away to Ubuntu | 01:06 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: latest versin? I prefer a LTS version, so that I don't need to upgrade that frequently. | 01:06 |
aeon-ltd | kupesoft: press Esc | 01:06 |
nabukadnezar43 | fennng: install beta 2 or wait one week? | 01:06 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: I think that the latest version is ubuntu 11, but most people are taling about 10.10 | 01:06 |
nabukadnezar43 | the next version is a lts | 01:06 |
kupesoft | aeon-ltd: I keep trying | 01:07 |
codex84 | i dont like 11 | 01:07 |
codex84 | that much | 01:07 |
Dr_Willis | I tend to wait a week or 2 after a new release comes out - to install it. :) to give it time to mellow out a little. | 01:07 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: next versin, 1 week later? | 01:07 |
nabukadnezar43 | yeah | 01:07 |
qwebirc519159 | ubuntu 11 is still in beta 10.10 is latest published | 01:07 |
fennng | codex84: what's the relation between 11 and natty? | 01:07 |
Dr_Willis | !natty | 01:07 |
ubottu | Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 01:07 |
qwebirc519159 | natty is cutsy name for 11 | 01:07 |
kupesoft | aeon-ltd: I'll try again I guess | 01:07 |
codex84 | aint 11 | 01:07 |
codex84 | is natty? | 01:07 |
nabukadnezar43 | fennng: natty is 11.04 | 01:07 |
nabukadnezar43 | wihch is going to be released next week | 01:08 |
codex84 | extacly | 01:08 |
Dr_Willis | Im sick of the cute naming allready.. it just seems sillier as time goes on. :) | 01:08 |
codex84 | i dont like it i stay with 10.10 | 01:08 |
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ohsix | fennng: as smoothly as it goes; it's a little chunky with compiz, without you get regular 2d redraw trails that are noticable but not particularly bad | 01:08 |
ohsix | all smooth | 01:08 |
codex84 | that side bar looks retarted and annoy | 01:08 |
codex84 | lol | 01:08 |
weedeater64 | Vardan: nautilus, maybe ? | 01:08 |
nabukadnezar43 | codex84: cant you disable that? | 01:08 |
ohsix | codex84: then don't use unity; that's not a nice word either | 01:09 |
weedeater64 | Ok, I give | 01:09 |
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Dr_Willis | The 'classic' desktop is still in 11.04 but not in 11.10 i hear. | 01:09 |
nabukadnezar43 | you can install gnome 3 if you want, this is linux | 01:09 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: what's the version number for next LTS? | 01:09 |
nabukadnezar43 | use what you like | 01:09 |
rww | fennng: 12.04 | 01:09 |
nabukadnezar43 | 11.04 is lts i guess | 01:09 |
Galeon | no 12.04 | 01:10 |
codex84 | if u cant disable | 01:10 |
codex84 | it than thats wack | 01:10 |
nabukadnezar43 | lts's end with .04 as far as i know | 01:10 |
codex84 | or can u? | 01:10 |
fennng | Galeon: 12.04 is next LTS? | 01:10 |
rww | nabukadnezar43: 11.04 is not an LTS | 01:10 |
Galeon | yes, 6.04, 8.04, 10.04, 12.04 | 01:10 |
rww | LTSes are about every two years. | 01:10 |
sire | does any one have experience with pos systems with ubuntu | 01:10 |
ohsix | Dr_Willis: if you mean when gnome3 is in, then lots of things won't be there, supposedly the panel; which is what's a big deal for me | 01:10 |
rww | Galeon: 6.04 doesn't exist. You mean 6.06 ;) | 01:10 |
codex84 | and 13.and 14 | 01:10 |
codex84 | lol | 01:10 |
Galeon | ah yes :) | 01:10 |
nabukadnezar43 | i see, didnt know that | 01:10 |
Galeon | lol | 01:10 |
qwebirc519159 | at the login prompt you can choose a display manager you can install many different display managers | 01:11 |
fennng | Galeon: I am confursed, nabukadnezar43 said that the next LTS will be published in 1 week, then 11 is still in beta... | 01:11 |
codex84 | lol | 01:11 |
Dr_Willis | ohsix: I dont think they have plans for including gnome3 by default. Its to be Unity only in the 11.10 release. | 01:11 |
mcurran | What do you mean 12.04, 11.04 hasn' | 01:11 |
nabukadnezar43 | lol | 01:11 |
mcurran | t even come out | 01:11 |
codex84 | just wiki | 01:11 |
codex84 | it | 01:11 |
codex84 | lol | 01:11 |
Pici | mcurran: Ubuntu release numbers are the YEAR.MONTH of release. | 01:11 |
Galeon | fennng: no, LTS comes every 2 years, 10.04 (April 2010) is last | 01:11 |
Pici | mcurran, fennng: LTSes come out every two years. | 01:11 |
nabukadnezar43 | 11.04 is going to be released next week (natty narwhal) | 01:11 |
sire | i need advice on an point of sale program to use with ubuntu,or any other distro | 01:12 |
nabukadnezar43 | and it's not a lts | 01:12 |
nabukadnezar43 | sorry for confusing you | 01:12 |
ohsix | Dr_Willis: unity is a plugin for compiz, it does not replace the entire stack of software, speak carefully as to not spread baseless rumor | 01:12 |
mcurran | what the hell is unity, some hole in the wall desktop? | 01:12 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: oh, i c, then which version should i use? the LTS or the latest? | 01:12 |
ohsix | mcurran: it's a plugin for another window manager, compiz | 01:12 |
mcurran | I don't want efficiency, I want cool graphics and effects | 01:12 |
mcurran | oh | 01:13 |
mcurran | okay | 01:13 |
nabukadnezar43 | always use the latest fennng, that's what i do | 01:13 |
ohsix | sire: if you find one let me know! :D | 01:13 |
mcurran | yeah, unless you plan on doing lots of development and hacking, and don' twant to run into compatability issues | 01:13 |
sire | i have searched but i am having issues | 01:13 |
KujiUn | Where would I find boot logs? | 01:13 |
ohsix | sire: chances are it will be a web type deal that can run on ubuntu but is used through the browser | 01:13 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: well, I need to state my situation, I am a mainly windows user, I am using ubuntu as a server. | 01:14 |
nabukadnezar43 | unity is based on gnome, it supports all gnome apps | 01:14 |
Dr_Willis | Kubbur: /var/logs/ | 01:14 |
nabukadnezar43 | i read somewhere that 11.10 will include gnome 3 | 01:14 |
ohsix | nabukadnezar43: it's not based on anything, they are independent, lilke compiz is independent of gnome | 01:14 |
KujiUn | Thats. | 01:14 |
KujiUn | Thanks* | 01:14 |
sire | ohsix-its driving me crazy wondering if lemon is good or suse, can any of them run on ubuntu? | 01:14 |
ohsix | nabukadnezar43: you can run any window manager you still want, while still using gnome software like the panel and nautilus | 01:14 |
Dr_Willis | nabukadnezar43: i read it was not going to include the gnome classic desktop. but by the time it comes out.. who can tell | 01:14 |
Galeon | fennng: If you're using it as server, I suggest LTS | 01:14 |
sire | what do you mean web based? | 01:15 |
fennng | Galeon: thanks, than 10.04. I have that image. | 01:15 |
ohsix | Dr_Willis: there might not be a "classic" desktop in the gnome 3 phase; that is gnomes deal | 01:15 |
fennng | Galeon: don't need to download one...hah. | 01:15 |
ohsix | Dr_Willis: really theres no classic desktop now, that's what ubuntu calls a regular gnome session | 01:16 |
Dr_Willis | I imagine the gnome devs will be wanting to move everyone to gnome3 as soon as possible. and there will be mass anguish and mad people. | 01:16 |
fennng | Galeon: I have finished compling linux kernel 2.6.28.... fear to make install..... | 01:16 |
Dr_Willis | classic is a vague term :) | 01:16 |
nabukadnezar43 | fennng: your system may broke | 01:16 |
mcurran | when r they going to make a 3d desktop that actually uses 3d implementation, like navigating into cubes n' shit? | 01:16 |
nabukadnezar43 | be careful :) | 01:16 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: why? | 01:16 |
mcurran | come on now. I can think of many cool effects that would make ubuntu and compiz look silly | 01:16 |
aroman | hey, I've got a a bunch of .rar files that look like "xyz.rar.partX", where X is a number from 1 to like 7. I assumed these files need to be "stitched together" somehow. How/can I do this? | 01:16 |
Galeon | fennng: I haven't tried to install a kernel before, because the source is quite large :) | 01:16 |
Dr_Willis | mcurran: when such stuff actually makes you more productive? :) | 01:17 |
nabukadnezar43 | well all of your software installed with older kernel | 01:17 |
fennng | As I know I can choose which kernels to use in grub. | 01:17 |
ohsix | Dr_Willis: want isn't something that exists as you describe it when there's free will and choice | 01:17 |
Dr_Willis | aroman: extract the first part and the rest should follow. | 01:17 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: if i install a new kernel, can i use the old one i I wish? | 01:17 |
aroman | Dr_Willis: what do you mean? | 01:17 |
Dr_Willis | aroman: no need to combine them first. if you do it right. | 01:17 |
ohsix | mcurran: well that'd mean ditching pretty much all the software that exists now to do it, stuff like wayland aim to make it easy and be different enough for experiments | 01:17 |
aroman | like the extrating tool should identify that it's one of a set and take care of it for me? | 01:17 |
Dr_Willis | aroman: unrar -e foo.rar.part1 (or similer) should work. | 01:17 |
mcurran | wayland aye | 01:18 |
Dr_Willis | aroman: rar should handle it. | 01:18 |
mcurran | checkin' it out | 01:18 |
aroman | Dr_Willis: okay, i'll be sure to try that. Still downloading some atm :) | 01:18 |
nabukadnezar43 | i guess you can fennng | 01:18 |
Dr_Willis | aroman: now a 'par' file is somthign differnt. | 01:18 |
nabukadnezar43 | grub offers it at startup | 01:18 |
mcurran | this unity look isn't bad, but we need something way more advanced | 01:18 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: if that's the case, the new kernel will not break my system. | 01:18 |
linuxmonkey | whats the offtopic ubuntu channel again? | 01:18 |
Pici | linuxmonkey: #ubuntu-offtopic oddly enough | 01:18 |
fennng | nabukadnezar43: if it has problem , i can use the old one. | 01:19 |
ohsix | mcurran: the form factor is hardly there yet to actually make use of such a thing though | 01:19 |
Dr_Willis | mcurran: ones mans advanced is anothers 'cluttered interface' :) | 01:19 |
linuxmonkey | pici wasnt sure if there was a dash or not so easyer to ask.lol | 01:19 |
ohsix | mcurran: it's pretty much al lnetbooks for the forseeable future | 01:19 |
KujiUn | Hi there. I'm having trouble with booting my Ubuntu partition after a botched Update Manager update. I am currently using the boot disc to access the drive. Can someone help, please? | 01:19 |
fennng | set theme green | 01:19 |
KujiUn | Fsck seems to register the disc as clean. | 01:20 |
mcurran | yeah, but many of the compiz effects that exist would only need to be slightly modified, and maybe intregrated with something like xwinwrap. I just picutre something like windows as 3d cubes and like tunneling effects when clicking on apps or terminals/etc. | 01:20 |
mcurran | something that looks more like the screen/user is moving instead of the desktop (which is how it is now) | 01:21 |
ohsix | mcurran: well you can have that already, mostly; but it still comes down to 2d windows and one or more mouse cursors, or touch blobs | 01:21 |
lavon | can anybody tell me how to use remote desktop or teamviewer on this OS everytime i try to it logs me out of the computer | 01:21 |
mcurran | true | 01:21 |
Rehan | how can I move my GRUB2 to the partition that Ubuntu is on instead of the MBR? | 01:21 |
mcurran | lavon, r u using teamviewer or vnc? | 01:21 |
mcurran | dd | 01:21 |
lavon | teamviewer | 01:21 |
mcurran | Rehan dd | 01:21 |
mcurran | hmm | 01:22 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: grub has 2 parts.. the 'mbr' part and the data files in the /boot/ directory. | 01:22 |
KujiUn | ...um, hello? | 01:22 |
mcurran | it logs you out when you start the teamviewer connection? | 01:22 |
mcurran | what to yourself? | 01:22 |
lavon | yeah | 01:22 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: booting from a specific partion - often does not work right. | 01:22 |
Rehan | mcurran: dd? | 01:22 |
mcurran | So your trying to login to xserver from xserver? | 01:22 |
lavon | oh | 01:22 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: You can tell grub to install to /dev/sda1 instead of sda. but im not sure what you are gaining by wanting to do this. | 01:22 |
mcurran | yes | 01:23 |
Rehan | Dr_Willis: i'm trying to install truecrypt and it doesn't work with a linux bootloader installed, it needs its own | 01:23 |
ohsix | Rehan: grub-install | 01:23 |
ohsix | ARHOAUGHAOUGHOAUGHAOUG truecrypt | 01:23 |
ohsix | you are doing something awful | 01:23 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: s you need to chainload the grub loader then. that makes sence. | 01:23 |
Dr_Willis | Never used truecrypt. so good luck | 01:23 |
mcurran | Rehan, installing grub to the native linux partition is the way to go, then set it active, so then you preserver mbr n' such | 01:23 |
roman24t | heyya i'm trying to set up a home server | 01:23 |
mcurran | what database | 01:23 |
ohsix | good luck indeed, you'd think people would know what they want, what they can get; and how to use it before they'd try encrypting some information | 01:24 |
roman24t | does anyone know a good online tutorial? | 01:24 |
roman24t | ubuntu 11.04 just simple ftp/ssh | 01:24 |
mknarr | roman24t, what kind of server do u want | 01:24 |
Rehan | mcurran: how do I move the currently MBR-installed GRUB2 to the linux partition? thank you for helping | 01:24 |
ohsix | mcurran: you have to be careful, some filesystems don't leave space for it to be on the partition | 01:24 |
mcurran | I just tried encryption with LM, for the first time haven't had any hiccups yet. | 01:24 |
lavon_ | whoa did somebody just log me out ?? | 01:25 |
KM0201 | lol.. irc gremlins | 01:25 |
lavon_ | i m confused | 01:25 |
mknarr | rofl | 01:25 |
lavon_ | ok how do i keep that from hsppening again | 01:25 |
KM0201 | lavon_: your connection probably hiccupped, and when it came back, you auto-reconnected | 01:25 |
lavon_ | ok | 01:26 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: you dont move it.. you install it to the new location. and remove it from the old. :) | 01:26 |
lavon_ | so how do i get on teamviewer without it logining me out of my computer | 01:26 |
KM0201 | it shouldn't log you out of your computer.; | 01:26 |
ohsix | don't help people use truecrypt, they have no idea what they're doing | 01:26 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: remove it by installing the truecrypt bootloader i guess? Ive not used trurctype | 01:26 |
mcurran | something like this Rehan: dd if=/dev/sda1 (or wherever grub is) of=/dev/sda2 bs=512 count=1 SO the first is where it is, and the second is where it's going. You can call it something better instead of sda whatever | 01:27 |
kindofabuzz | Need help with passwordless ssh. got key made and copied over but still asks for password | 01:27 |
lavon_ | it does though i know it's not suppose to log me out of the computer | 01:27 |
Dr_Willis | kindofabuzz: i tend to just use the 'ssh-keygen' command then 'ssh-copy-id remotebox' and tht handles it all. | 01:27 |
rww | roman24t: #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks! | 01:27 |
Rehan | ohsix: thanks for your help | 01:27 |
sire | has any one tried any point of sale distros? | 01:27 |
kindofabuzz | Dr_Willis: that's exactly what I did. still asks for pass | 01:27 |
lavon_ | no i didnt im still here | 01:27 |
ohsix | Rehan: here's hoping you already have the computer under lock and key or it's all for naught! | 01:28 |
KM0201 | lavon_: dunno, teamviewer starts fine for me. | 01:28 |
mongy | kindofabuzz, encrypted home? | 01:28 |
Rehan | mcurran: thanks | 01:28 |
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Dr_Willis | kindofabuzz: i do exactly that all the time. on every new install. never had it fail. perhaps 'ssh -vv remote' will give some clues | 01:28 |
kindofabuzz | mongy: yes it is. on the server | 01:28 |
mcurran | no problem | 01:28 |
Rehan | brb | 01:28 |
mongy | kindofabuzz, yeah. need to edit the ssh config, set to users, hangon let me grab it | 01:29 |
kindofabuzz | mongy: thanks | 01:29 |
fennng | how to display the target of a symblic link? | 01:29 |
ohsix | kindofabuzz: keys should already be ahead of interactive authentication; you should confirm that it is then make sure you have the keys in the right place | 01:29 |
mcurran | ls -l | 01:29 |
fennng | mcurran: ths, works | 01:30 |
mongy | kindofabuzz, http://superuser.com/questions/61057/ssh-with-authorized-keys-to-an-ubuntu-system-with-encrypted-homedir | 01:30 |
kindofabuzz | ohsix: keys are in correct places | 01:30 |
kindofabuzz | mongy: thanks buddy | 01:30 |
mongy | kindofabuzz, keys need to be in not encrypted place | 01:30 |
ohsix | nevermind, was assuming nothing stupid was being done, my mistake | 01:30 |
Dr_Willis | yea. encrypted home.. that would add a layer of issues. | 01:30 |
ohsix | mongy: a great place for them :D | 01:30 |
aputamkon | hi | 01:30 |
mongy | I tackled this for ages. finally found a fix | 01:31 |
zaksoldier | bye every one | 01:31 |
aputamkon | im trying to get the cwirc to work any 1 know how? | 01:31 |
aputamkon | for morse code | 01:31 |
ohsix | mongy: is your computer under lock and key? | 01:32 |
mongy | ohsix, pretty much | 01:32 |
ohsix | nice, you'd be the first | 01:32 |
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mongy | ohsix, they asked, I replied. | 01:33 |
ohsix | excessively encrypting things only guarantees you'll lose something unimportant; and the actual stuff you want to secure will be mixed in with junk, people need to segregate what they actually want to keep secure and assure its physical security | 01:33 |
juzzy__ | hi, my ati card under ubuntu is playing up, something fierce, i have multiple drivers involved, how can i put it back to an original state? | 01:33 |
mongy | ohsix, I only use a private folder personally. | 01:34 |
ohsix | good deal | 01:34 |
nabukadnezar43 | juzzy__: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu | 01:34 |
mcurran | yeah ohsix, I'd definitely create backup packages of your encrypted directories beforehand. But that's just my suggestion | 01:35 |
mcurran | A litte advice for anyone, don't try to change gcc version in ubuntu manually, I just toasted another install. Last time it was perl. | 01:35 |
ohsix | never a great idea to mess with infrastructure packages | 01:36 |
nabukadnezar43 | dependency hell :) | 01:36 |
mcurran | they really should have a straightforward solution to undoing manual dpkg installs that create massive dependency messes | 01:36 |
ohsix | mcurran: people don't even keep track of their authentication tokens and have a big whine when they can't access the unimportant stuff they decided to encrypt | 01:36 |
ubunty | salut | 01:37 |
ubunty | ya du monde? | 01:37 |
zaksoldier | nee hao | 01:37 |
ohsix | mcurran: well, there's apt preferences and pinning releases; allowing downgrades and the like | 01:37 |
mcurran | ohsix, are you planning on running multiple services on your box? what is the need for encryption really? | 01:37 |
kindofabuzz | mongy: hmm still not working. set the correct path in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and moved authorized_keys to the dir but still no go | 01:37 |
ohsix | mcurran: i'm not the guy doing it | 01:37 |
ubunty | i ve lost ubuntu graphical interface, how do i get it back ? | 01:38 |
ubunty | ubuntu boots into a terminal | 01:38 |
mcurran | yeah, but I tried for four days trying to convince either apt or dpkg to fix that gcc mess without uninstalling 5000 (really 5000+) packages, and I didn't win | 01:38 |
rileyp | startx | 01:38 |
ubunty | how to get the graphical interface | 01:38 |
nabukadnezar43 | startx as he said | 01:39 |
kindofabuzz | ubunty: startx or sudo service gdm start | 01:39 |
rileyp | or sudo service gdm restart | 01:39 |
nabukadnezar43 | did you install graphics driver ubunty? | 01:39 |
ubunty | ok i try | 01:39 |
mcurran | startx should do it, unless xserver.xorg is messed up. Not too familiar with the new interface sorry. | 01:39 |
ubunty | :)\ | 01:39 |
ubunty | tx | 01:39 |
ohsix | mcurran: it's not going to do it with the information it has, you need to add more with pins, and tell it that it's ok to use downgrades for updates | 01:39 |
phoenixsampras | mcurran: reinstall, Ubuntu fixes all problems like Windows just reinstalling | 01:39 |
mcurran | :) | 01:39 |
fictive | hi guys, I just dist-upgraded from 10.10 to natty, but I'm not getting natty as my window manager, isn't this supposed to be default? | 01:39 |
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fictive | s/natty/unity | 01:39 |
mcurran | yeah, too bad I didn't have any space to backup this time, and whiped out so many custom scripts I made this past year. I'm so pissed. | 01:40 |
rww | fictive: #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks! | 01:40 |
phoenixsampras | fictive: aint natty yet beta? | 01:40 |
fictive | rww: will do, thank you =) | 01:40 |
ubunty | ok | 01:40 |
cane928 | has anybody got any idea how to connect a remote optical drive to a virtual machine.. i'm trying to figure it out with ISCSI although it seems that ISCSI is mostly used for hard drives... and i can't find any solid info on it. | 01:40 |
ubunty | did not work | 01:40 |
nabukadnezar43 | ubunty | 01:40 |
ohsix | phoenixsampras: if you reinstall you didn't fix any problems, you replaced what you were having a problem with | 01:40 |
nabukadnezar43 | did you install any graphics driver? | 01:40 |
mcurran | cane928, r u using virtualbox? | 01:41 |
mcurran | it's pretty straightforward | 01:41 |
ubunty | i installed ubuntu-sunrise and now i lost the graphical interface | 01:41 |
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ubunty | startx does not work | 01:41 |
cane928 | mcurran: yes | 01:41 |
phoenixsampras | i bet 6 beers its the vga drivers | 01:41 |
mcurran | change the window manager back. If you have compiz installed, fusion-icon has a simple right click menu for changing the window manager. Won't really help if you can't begin it though | 01:42 |
hiexpo | mcurran, you can't blame anyone but yourself i have been there done that also and it bites so i backup everything i do as i do it now to ensure i have it > hard work gone to waste | 01:42 |
ubunty | gdm already running, | 01:42 |
ubunty | it says | 01:42 |
ubunty | but no desktop | 01:42 |
mcurran | I know, I'm venting sorry | 01:42 |
ubunty | stqrtx does not work | 01:42 |
ohsix | why would installing a theme break it, you must have done something else | 01:42 |
mcurran | Definitely my own fault for reinstalling before really searching and pulling everything I wanted... | 01:42 |
ubunty | fata error no screen found | 01:42 |
ubunty | when doing stqrtx | 01:43 |
nabukadnezar43 | it's "startx" | 01:43 |
ubunty | yes startx | 01:43 |
ohsix | ubunty: do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? if so move it out of the way | 01:43 |
mcurran | yeah he now has that window manager set as the default and now needs to switch back to gnome, kde whatever. | 01:43 |
ohsix | mcurran: btw you could have installed gcc without doing it manually; added it as a source then pinned that pocket as a valid version | 01:43 |
ohsix | mcurran: apt pinning is a very very worthwhile thing to know | 01:44 |
mcurran | some splash themes allow window manager selection as well, actually ubuntu should by default right? Not sure, since I've been using Mint ant BT4 | 01:44 |
ohsix | mcurran: fyi mint and bt4 aren't supported variants, so if you have a ubuntu question keep that in mind :] | 01:44 |
mcurran | how do you do this ohsix (apt pinning) never heard of it. Do you mean the checks' wihtou installing | 01:44 |
ubunty | seems i will have to reinstall :) | 01:45 |
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zoaz | hi can anyone tell me how to change color depth in 10.10? | 01:45 |
zoaz | from 32 to 256 | 01:45 |
ohsix | ubunty: no, check and see if that file is there, if it is, move it to another filename | 01:45 |
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mcurran | ohsix I'm just saying, sorry didn't know I wasn't allowed to chat if I use anything but default ubuntu | 01:45 |
ohsix | mcurran: http://wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences | 01:46 |
mcurran | ubunty, why don't you just read what it says when it states that it failed to connect to xserver at bootup (use -v boot flage) | 01:46 |
mcurran | it's not a good habit to just reinstall whenever you run into a new problem, because a lot of times you'll run into it again nyways. I know, I reinstall alot too, but you learn more by actually researching | 01:47 |
ohsix | if it says no screens found, you could have a garbage xorg.conf from who knows what, given the circumstances, simply move it out of the way and the automatic stuff will bring _something_ up | 01:48 |
mcurran | yes definitely xorg | 01:48 |
mcurran | check driver listed under display | 01:48 |
mikas | hi everyone, does anyone here can help me with a problem that i have with my PSU? Please pm me, and sorry for my bad english | 01:48 |
ubunty | i am lost | 01:49 |
ubunty | completely | 01:49 |
ubunty | :) | 01:49 |
KujiUn | Hm... can anyone help me with this problem? http://pastebin.com/TGEBxuk6 | 01:49 |
mcurran | what's up mikas, I just mickey mouse wired up my GTX 460 in this pos emachines, so I've been playing around with my PSU | 01:49 |
mcurran | use sud KujiUn | 01:50 |
mcurran | sudo | 01:50 |
codex84 | when i type /home/codex84/downloads in ternimal | 01:50 |
codex84 | it says no such directory | 01:50 |
codex84 | ? | 01:50 |
KujiUn | I'm right now chroot'ing to the drive, mcurran. | 01:50 |
khir0 | hi | 01:51 |
KujiUn | And it's still giving me the error. | 01:51 |
khir0 | ola | 01:51 |
khir0 | are u here | 01:51 |
aeon-ltd | codex84: tab complete to check | 01:51 |
MaRk-I | codex84: case sensitive how about Downloads | 01:51 |
khir0 | exit | 01:51 |
codex84 | says is a directory | 01:52 |
ruan | is firefox version: 4.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~mfs~maverick1 in the repos? | 01:52 |
codex84 | got it thanks mann | 01:52 |
Daekdroom | ruan, nope. | 01:52 |
Daekdroom | Well, unless it's in backports, but I'm not sure. | 01:53 |
ruan | in default. because i removed the stable ppa and updated and still have that version as latest | 01:53 |
Daekdroom | ruan, you had to use ppa-purge so it'd downgrade the packages. | 01:53 |
ruan | ah | 01:53 |
ruan | im trying to get a daily build | 01:53 |
chd | will natty narwhal support 64bit? | 01:53 |
ohsix | ruan: that's not an official package version, it's something from a ppa | 01:53 |
=== chd is now known as gh0st |
Daekdroom | ruan, try https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa | 01:53 |
Daekdroom | !natty | chd | 01:54 |
=== back is now known as nommy |
gh0st | !natty | 01:54 |
ubottu | Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 01:54 |
hiexpo | nicejob mcurran you just got banned from backtrack | 01:54 |
phoenixsampras | will Ubuntu 11.04 will cost 200 Usd as the press says? | 01:54 |
nommy | hey all. dumbdumb here managed to accidentally erase /sbin/initctl. is there an easy way to make apt re-install this file? | 01:54 |
ohsix | hiexpo: for offtopic chatter -> #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:54 |
nommy | or do i need to get the iso | 01:54 |
ruan | i already added the ppa | 01:54 |
ohsix | phoenixsampras: trolling is offtopic on freenode | 01:54 |
Daekdroom | ruan, in that PPA, firefox 4 is under firefox-4.0 package | 01:55 |
Daekdroom | No clue why. | 01:55 |
ruan | ah | 01:55 |
ruan | i see a daily 3.6.18 | 01:55 |
mikas | hi everyone, does anyone here can help me with a problem that i have with my PSU? Please pm me, and sorry for my bad english | 01:55 |
ruan | under versions | 01:55 |
velcroshooz | does anyone know how i might reduce screen tearing while watching videos? whether it is movie player or vlc, it seems to happen constantly. I am using full desktop effects. is there a different video output mode i might use to help? | 01:56 |
ohsix | ruan: i had great success with adding natty to my software sources and then pinning ff4 | 01:56 |
phoenixsampras | velcroshooz: use propietary drivers | 01:57 |
ruan | i hope firefox-4.0 doesnt install a seperate package | 01:57 |
velcroshooz | phoenixsampras, i am | 01:57 |
ruan | because that'd install firefox 4 next to firefox 4..... | 01:57 |
phoenixsampras | velcroshooz: then upgrade your video card | 01:57 |
ohsix | velcroshooz: you can tell compiz to use vsync, and to ratelimit its drawing as well; compizconfig-settings-manager, it'll let you edit the options | 01:57 |
velcroshooz | phoenixsampras, it has nothing to do with that. | 01:57 |
ohsix | phoenixsampras: indeed it doesn't | 01:57 |
velcroshooz | ohsix, i will look into that, thank you | 01:58 |
=== twoseerswth is now known as PeteyPete |
mikas | hi everyone, does anyone here can help me with a problem that i have with my PSU? Please pm me, and sorry for my bad english | 01:58 |
ohsix | velcroshooz: does your card support textured video? | 01:58 |
ruan | how do i hold back a package with apt-get? | 01:59 |
ohsix | velcroshooz: post the output of "xvinfo" ran in a terminal, to paste.ubuntu.com | 01:59 |
ruan | apt* | 01:59 |
Logan_ | mikas: What is your native language? We have a Ubuntu channel for almost every language. | 01:59 |
ruan | i've tried synaptic and aptitude but apt-get doesnt hold back | 01:59 |
KINGOFSWORDS | hi...does xp not install to ssd drives? | 02:00 |
ohsix | KINGOFSWORDS: this isn't a windows support channel | 02:00 |
velcroshooz | ohsix, http://paste.ubuntu.com/597212/ | 02:00 |
Logan_ | !windows | KINGOFSWORDS | 02:00 |
ubottu | KINGOFSWORDS: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents | 02:00 |
phoenixsampras | ive been many years with apt, and when is screwed IT IS screwed, no rolling back | 02:01 |
ohsix | velcroshooz: looks good | 02:01 |
phoenixsampras | KINGOFSWORDS: no it doesnt | 02:01 |
Logan_ | !el >mikas | 02:01 |
ohsix | phoenixsampras: apt doesn't get screwed, dpkg's package status does | 02:01 |
ubottu | mikas, please see my private message | 02:01 |
magicianlord | phoenixsampras: what's wrong with apt? | 02:01 |
phoenixsampras | well debian apt, not ubuntu's | 02:01 |
ohsix | phoenixsampras: it does, but this isn't a windows support channel, why are you telling people these things? | 02:01 |
ohsix | debians apt is ubuntu's | 02:02 |
phoenixsampras | i got diarrea, brb... | 02:02 |
maco | uh..... | 02:02 |
bastidrazor | phoenixsampras: so does debians apt | 02:02 |
maco | !tmi | phoenixsampras | 02:02 |
ubottu | phoenixsampras: Um thanks... We *really* did not need to know that... | 02:02 |
=== PeteyPete is now known as startcoder |
ohsix | phoenixsampras: diarrhea | 02:02 |
=== uyuiyuiy is now known as m00se |
magicianlord | phoenixsampras: please do not say things of that sort in here. | 02:02 |
=== m00se is now known as Guest60040 |
joelcnz_ | Does any one know how to fix this problem? Like when I run games, some of them act as if I've got a joystick and the stick is in a move position. | 02:03 |
magicianlord | joelcnz_: calibrate | 02:04 |
ohsix | joelcnz_: depends on the joystick, a lot of usb ones will treat the resting position when you plug it in as center, so if it's held offcenter when it's plugged in, it will obviously stick in one direction when it's resting | 02:04 |
mikas | hi everyone, does anyone here can help me with a problem that i have with my PSU? Please pm me, and sorry for my bad english | 02:05 |
Rehan | I just updated all available packages in Update Manager and my Windows partition is no longer showing up in Grub2. Could anyone suggest a fix please? Thanks. | 02:05 |
Ben64 | mikas: this channel is for ubuntu support, and if you have a question, ask in here, not PM | 02:05 |
ohsix | Rehan: i bet you just obliterated it with dd trying to "install" truecrypt, install testdisk ASAP and have it search and recover your partition information | 02:05 |
=== startcoder is now known as PetePorty |
Rehan | ohsix: I didn't do anything besides login to Ubuntu and run Update Manager. | 02:06 |
=== Guest60040 is now known as `mOOse` |
joelcnz_ | magicianlord, ohsix, but I don't have a joystick. | 02:06 |
ohsix | then run sudo update-grub again in a terminal, it will say what labels it will find | 02:06 |
Rehan | ohsix: after the updates it had me restart the system and on restart I noticed windows was gone | 02:06 |
mikas | hi everyone, does anyone here can help me with a problem that i have with my PSU? Please pm me, and sorry for my bad english | 02:06 |
Ben64 | mikas: this channel is for ubuntu support, and if you have a question, ask in here, not PM | 02:06 |
mikas | oooops sorry | 02:07 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
ohsix | joelcnz_: is it every app or just one? | 02:07 |
Rehan | ohsix: it only seems to find linux images and initrd images | 02:07 |
velcroshooz | ohsix, is 'sync to vblank' the option im looking for in compizconfig-settings-manager? | 02:07 |
flametai1 | Does anyone know any good FPS's that I can download by adding a repository to Ubuntu? | 02:08 |
Rehan | ohsix: one example: Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-28-generic | 02:08 |
ohsix | velcroshooz: yea, or the one that autodetects framerate, you can pin it around your screens refresh rate if vsync doesn't work well; the option is in general options i believe | 02:08 |
ctmjr | mikas, there is a #hardware channel you might have better luck there but I would drop the pm invite | 02:08 |
flametai1 | Whoops wrong channel sorry guys | 02:08 |
velcroshooz | ohsix, okay | 02:08 |
mikas | thnaks for the info ctmjr | 02:09 |
classicc | I am using S{peed}EX-B0T v5.7 Get It At http://SpeedBot.up.co.il By Speed & Atom-Bomb | 02:09 |
ohsix | velcroshooz: i have it throttle to 50fps here, on my laptop; don't need the extra fps and i sidestep the problem, bonus for saving some battery :] | 02:09 |
joelcnz_ | ohsix, not just one. | 02:09 |
rww | classicc: Turn that off. | 02:10 |
mikas | ctmjr i cant join that channel :/ sorry but i m tottaly new at irc, what i have to do | 02:10 |
Superstar | Ubuntu didn't seem to install grub, can I still install it? | 02:10 |
Rehan | mikas: type /join #channel where channel is the name of the channel you want to join | 02:10 |
ohsix | joelcnz_: couldn't say, theres like js-utils or something that has some stuff that can list joysticks, maybe you have a synthetic device that they're finding | 02:10 |
policyq | someone tell me how much space is needed for bare minimum ubuntu install | 02:10 |
rww | !requirements | policyq | 02:10 |
ubottu | policyq: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu | 02:10 |
ka9q | join #git | 02:10 |
mikas | i sais Cannot join #hardware (Channel is invite only). | 02:11 |
ohsix | policyq: with no space left for user files it is about 2gigs (1,996 or something megabytes last time i checked ubuntu-desktop) | 02:11 |
ctmjr | mikas type /j ##hardware in a chat window | 02:11 |
Ben64 | mikas: well what problem are you having with PSU? normally you just have to replace them, not fix or anything | 02:11 |
Logan_ | mikas: two ## | 02:11 |
rww | !register | 02:12 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 02:12 |
Rehan | ohsix: if update-grub isn't finding the windows partition anymore but I can still easily access the files on that partition what could be the problem? I have the windows drive mounted as an NTFS drive and can access all of My Docs, My Pics, etc | 02:12 |
policyq | thanks guys | 02:12 |
Spthysis | Why not? | 02:12 |
policyq | ohsix: hm are you talking about straight from a cd install or just calculating the ubuntu-desktop packages? | 02:13 |
ubunty | how can i boot the ubuntu 10.10 cdrom in rescue mode | 02:13 |
mikas | still nothing, returned :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services | 02:13 |
ohsix | policyq: calculating it from the ubuntu-desktop package, which brings in all the stuff that's on a standard ubuntu install from the cd | 02:13 |
Spthysis | ubunty: Hit f6 on the keyboard screen | 02:13 |
rww | !register > mikas | 02:13 |
ubottu | mikas, please see my private message | 02:13 |
Spthysis | ubunty: Then there's a menu with some options | 02:13 |
ubunty | ok | 02:13 |
ubunty | i try | 02:14 |
ubunty | ttx | 02:14 |
ubunty | a lot | 02:14 |
Spthysis | Anyone else need help? | 02:14 |
FloodBot1 | ubunty: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:14 |
Spthysis | I'm boutta head out | 02:14 |
Spthysis | Alright, I'm out of here. | 02:14 |
Spthysis | Later all. | 02:14 |
blind | I updated to ubuntu 10.10 recently and in Chrome and Chromium, Flash crashes instantly when trying to play, and in Fire&Swiftfox, flash crashed when I make it fullscreen.. any suggestions? | 02:15 |
ctmjr | thanks rww i did not know you had to be registered to join that channel | 02:15 |
velcroshooz | ohsix, sync to vblank has made a significant improvement, thanks | 02:16 |
ubunty | hitting f6 gives me a menu but i dont see the rescue mode :) | 02:17 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
classicc | ?... | 02:17 |
cavedon | hi, jcc binary on natty needs to be rebuilt. what is the procedure for requesting a rebuild at this stage? | 02:17 |
Rehan | ohsix: still around? | 02:18 |
rww | classicc: You have a script running that announces itself when you join channels. This violates Ubuntu's IRC Guidelines against talking scripts. Disable it in this channel. | 02:18 |
Rehan | ohsix: a few weeks ago I got sick of having the win7 system reserved partition always showing up in nautilus so someone told me i could have it set to mount to /dev/null in fstab so that it wouldn't show up anymore. That worked, but do you think that might cause my win7 install to go missing in grub2 after doing updates? | 02:19 |
classicc | rww? | 02:19 |
classicc | what? | 02:19 |
rww | classicc: Which part of that message did you not understand? | 02:20 |
=== thiago_ is now known as Thiago-Malcher |
classicc | no..i not speech english good | 02:20 |
ohsix | velcroshooz: np, theres lots of other fun stuff in ccsm too | 02:20 |
classicc | sory.. | 02:20 |
rww | classicc: Your IRC client has scripts. They talk when you join channels. That is bad. Turn it off. | 02:21 |
cab938_dt | I've got an application that's pretty sensitive to kernel and package changes, but need to deploy it over time to a range of machines. Is there a way I can "snapshot" or create some automated log so that when I install on newer machines it doesn't grab the wrong updates? I need particular versions of the kernel etc | 02:21 |
ohsix | velcroshooz: i picked 50 instead of riding vsync cuz that's twice the average framerate of the content i watch; only a few percent compared to 60, but close enough | 02:22 |
ohsix | cab938_dt: what application? and why is it so dependent on the kernel version (most dependencies on kernel versions are >=, not =) | 02:23 |
classicc | rww..what i cant to do? | 02:23 |
cab938_dt | It's a custom app that requires drivers being compiled against a particular kernel ohsix | 02:24 |
cab938_dt | unfortunatly the drivers are closed source | 02:24 |
phoenixsampras | but Ubuntu can open them? | 02:24 |
ohsix | cab938_dt: given the circumstances you should probably package your drivers and the kernel to go with them for your deployments | 02:25 |
cab938_dt | phoenixsampras, not sure if you're talkign to me, but we actually get the company to ship us new drivers each time there is a kernel change | 02:25 |
ohsix | that'll obviously keep you from security updates and stuff on whatever version you need to force | 02:25 |
tash3r | how do i install the wine tar.bz2? | 02:25 |
cab938_dt | ohsix, so just write a script to downgrade the kernel to the right level? | 02:26 |
ohsix | cab938_dt: what device is it? | 02:26 |
cab938_dt | vga2usb by epiphan systems | 02:26 |
cab938_dt | usb capture card for vga signals | 02:26 |
ohsix | cab938_dt: no, build a debian package with the kernel you need | 02:26 |
hugo | i'm using a asus eeepc 1015PE netbook with ubuntu 10.10 and the cpu is always above 50ºC, can someone help me solve this problem? | 02:26 |
ohsix | hm, they don't use anything from silicon image or anything? | 02:26 |
Rehan | ohsix: any tips for me? thanks | 02:26 |
cab938_dt | not sure what's inside, their new stuff is all dvinci from ti | 02:26 |
cab938_dt | ohsix, ok, I'll look into what it takes to build a deb file, never gone it | 02:27 |
cab938_dt | done it | 02:27 |
cab938_dt | ty for the advice | 02:27 |
Grej | Hell | 02:28 |
Grej | o | 02:28 |
ohsix | cab938_dt: ahh it just uses an analog devices ADC, the rest is in software | 02:28 |
Grej | Would anyone potentially be able to help me with Broadcom STA Wireless Driver ? | 02:28 |
ohsix | cab938_dt: at least the pci version is :P | 02:28 |
ohsix | nm it's the usb version as well | 02:28 |
cab938_dt | ohsix, I imagine they're all the same, they seem to be good at repackaging for different form factors | 02:28 |
ohsix | yea, you can see the adc here http://www.epiphan.com/products/frame-grabbers/vga2usb/internal-version/ | 02:28 |
Grej | Anyone be able to help with driver having the dreade "This driver is active, but not in use" ?? | 02:29 |
cab938_dt | yup, thats the guy we use | 02:29 |
ohsix | a driver for that would be no problem to make, but the software part that turns it would need to be written too | 02:29 |
cab938_dt | works not bad | 02:29 |
cab938_dt | yea, so they'll build us drivers on demand for different kernels | 02:29 |
cab938_dt | but it's a pia | 02:29 |
cab938_dt | we're trying to ship an open source project on it and every time someone wants to use another flavoured distro or kernel we need to send in a support request | 02:30 |
cab938_dt | opencastproject.org | 02:30 |
hugo | overheat problem with cpu temp always above 50ºC, just with ubuntu, any ideia? | 02:30 |
ohsix | cab938_dt: you should see if you can get them to split it up and open source it, it's not really remarkable, the hard part is done in dumb hardware | 02:31 |
Grej | ohsix ? | 02:31 |
cab938_dt | ohsix, we've been asking and asking, I have a dev heading over there next week where I hope we can ask some more | 02:31 |
Superstar | When I installed Ubuntu, it didn't install Grub. I've manually installed Grub to the boot sector . How do I erase the MBR? | 02:32 |
jedi-master | 230 | 02:32 |
MattAAron | HDD Power question... If I have a cable that goes from 2 molex to 1 sata power... will that sata power have enough power to power 2 hard drives?? | 02:32 |
Superstar | Never mind I found the answer. I can use install-mbr | 02:33 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
Grej | Would anyone be able to help with network problem ?' | 02:33 |
ohsix | MattAAron: depends on the psu, but if it's at least 300w it should, figure worst case for each hd is 1amp amp at startup | 02:33 |
Grej | Broadcom Wireless STA Driver is "active but not in use" | 02:34 |
ohsix | MattAAron: but the datasheet for your drive should say the actual power usage, you could use those numbers to know for sure (almost certain it's fine, however) | 02:34 |
MattAAron | thx ohsix... it's an 850w, so that's good? | 02:34 |
MattAAron | ahhhh | 02:34 |
MattAAron | true | 02:34 |
MattAAron | I'm trying to power 11 hdd's here :\ | 02:34 |
MattAAron | 1 power supply | 02:34 |
xraven | Can someone point me to some documentation that can guide me to successful building gnome3 in 10.10? | 02:35 |
MattAAron | I was able to just fine before... but now i bought a new thing that's splitting the power, just hoping i dont run into problems | 02:35 |
blind | I updated to ubuntu 10.10 recently and in Chrome and Chromium, Flash crashes instantly when trying to play, and in Fire&Swiftfox, flash crashed when I make it fullscreen.. any suggestions? | 02:35 |
ohsix | MattAAron: each bus numbers capacity should be clearly marked somewhere, mine has 4 busses and i could weld with it :D | 02:35 |
classicc | is not here color? | 02:37 |
MattAAron | If I were to pay you $10 and give you the models of my hdd/power supply/setup could u find out for me lol | 02:37 |
oooo_ | Wondering if anyone can help me.. in Ubuntu.. Im trying to forword my ipv4.. and its not working... would this be because im on a laptop with a wireless card? | 02:37 |
ohsix | MattAAron: model of psu should suffice | 02:37 |
MattAAron | hold | 02:37 |
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 |
MattAAron | make it 10 minutes, drawing a diagram too lol | 02:39 |
ohsix | it's not really important, it will work | 02:39 |
Grej | Anyone be able to help with this ? | 02:40 |
Grej | Hey guys, I have this problem with the driver being enabled but not active, I do the sudo modprobe wl and I get this: | 02:40 |
kevman | Hi, I recently updated via apt-get dist-upgrade. When I did this, though, /lib/firmware/rt3070.bin disappeared and now my wireless card complains about not being able to load it. Help? | 02:40 |
classicc | there is a israeli peple? | 02:40 |
rww | !il | classicc | 02:40 |
ubottu | classicc: לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד: | 02:40 |
ubottu | /join #ubuntu-il | 02:40 |
ohsix | kevman: did linux-firmware get updated? and did you boot the newest kernel available; if yes to both, you should report a bug in linux-firmware | 02:41 |
Grej | anyone able to help with driver problem ? | 02:41 |
classicc | rww?what? | 02:41 |
Grej | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10704302#post10704302 | 02:41 |
Grej | Anyone help with Broadcom STA Wireless Driver, it is shown as "Active but not in use" | 02:42 |
kevman | Hm, interesting point about the kernel | 02:42 |
comptekki | why is it when i install ubuntu 10.10 then use it for a bit then stick in the cd again and select erase and install from scratch again all the files are there from the first install? | 02:43 |
comptekki | to reinstall 10.10 | 02:43 |
Polah | Comptekki: You aren't formatting it? | 02:44 |
comptekki | it looks like it is formatting the ext4 partition again during the reinstall | 02:44 |
Polah | Perhaps you have files stored on other partitions that aren't being formatted? | 02:44 |
=== tash3r is now known as derpo |
comptekki | home partition? | 02:44 |
Polah | yes, for instance | 02:44 |
comptekki | i forgot that | 02:45 |
comptekki | what about /usr/local? | 02:45 |
comptekki | stuff still there | 02:45 |
comptekki | and some packages | 02:45 |
classicc | (04:41:41) -locobot_1- #ubuntu-il: The channel is logged (at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode). Please observe the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. Thank you! | 02:45 |
kj4ohh | hello #ubuntu, trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 Beta 2 (using 10.10 now) | 02:46 |
classicc | ]*= | 02:46 |
kj4ohh | have an ATI video card, when I boot the live cd it comes up blank with the monitor light blinking (no signal) | 02:47 |
kj4ohh | I've tried using the "nomodeset" option at boot but then I get "Screen(s) found but there was no usable configuration" error messages | 02:47 |
classicc | i know what know | 02:48 |
classicc | i know what cause | 02:48 |
b0yce | anyone here? | 02:48 |
KM0201 | no | 02:48 |
p1und3r | im not | 02:48 |
KM0201 | 1400 lurkers | 02:48 |
cab938_dt | ohsix, does the package linux-image exist anymore? This might be useful enough for me to just install it instead of a custom kernel | 02:49 |
b0yce | is lubuntu supposed to work slow if you have booted off the cd instead of installing it? | 02:49 |
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker |
cab938_dt | e.g. linux-image-myversiontested | 02:49 |
KM0201 | b0yce: that really depends more on your system, than anything else. | 02:49 |
ohsix | cab938_dt: linux-image is a skeleton package that depends on others | 02:49 |
b0yce | lubuntu seems ok. am i able to run windows games in it? | 02:50 |
p1und3r | b0yce not easily | 02:50 |
dcboratko | can anyone give me some help with installing ubuntu netbook 10.10? | 02:50 |
ohsix | cab938_dt: you can crib the old debdiff to build the kernel version you want to stick with; i only suggested building your own because eventually ubuntu will stop building that version, if they haven't already; it'd just be like using the version in the archive | 02:50 |
cab938_dt | ohsix, they just don't keep the old kernel version packages around? | 02:51 |
b0yce | is there a program like realtek HD audio manager for lubuntu so i can configure my sound? | 02:51 |
ohsix | cab938_dt: the same goes for any package really | 02:51 |
MattAAron | ohsix: DIAGRAM = demonstrating what I'm trying to do | 02:52 |
researcher123 | does anybody here know how to save a file in ucf format? | 02:52 |
cab938_dt | ohsix, yea, fair enough, I thought they might be different for kernels | 02:52 |
cab938_dt | ok, ty again | 02:52 |
MattAAron | http://img849.imageshack.us/i/powerrr.png/ | 02:52 |
classicc | somebody help me? | 02:52 |
MattAAron | DIAGRAM: http://img849.imageshack.us/i/powerrr.png/ | 02:52 |
MattAAron | PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139009 | 02:52 |
MattAAron | CASE: http://www.ttlevel10.com/ | 02:52 |
FloodBot1 | MattAAron: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:52 |
classicc | in private | 02:53 |
dcboratko | can anybody help me understand how to install ubuntu netbook 10.10 on my eeePC 1005ha | 02:53 |
UbuntuN00b | whats the problem dsboratko | 02:53 |
p1und3r | anyone know how to get virtual terminals to work with nvidia-current drivers :] | 02:53 |
ohsix | MattAAron: yea that's fine, it'll work | 02:53 |
dcboratko | i tried using hte utility to put the iso on the flash drive and adjusted the bios for my laptop but it won't boot from teh USB | 02:53 |
MattAAron | so there's 4 cables, 1 of those cables is capable of powering 2 hdd's at once? | 02:54 |
dcboratko | also i can't open the autorun or anything on the netbook | 02:54 |
classicc | ubuntu netbook 10.10 on my eeePC 1005ha? | 02:54 |
dcboratko | yes | 02:54 |
namzezam | can not use apt-get upgrade !!!! i get "dpkg: ../../src/archives.c:809: tarobject: Assertion `r == stab.st_size' failed." on Preparing to replace linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic 2.6.35-28.49 (using .../linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic_2.6.35-28.50_i386.deb) ... | 02:54 |
namzezam | Unpacking replacement linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic ... | 02:54 |
MattAAron | this is via splitter i forgot to add | 02:54 |
namzezam | dpkg: ../../src/archives.c:809: tarobject: Assertion `r == stab.st_size' failed. | 02:54 |
dcboratko | the netbook is currently running eeebuntu | 02:54 |
codex84 | some good ubuntu | 02:54 |
codex84 | themes sites | 02:54 |
codex84 | ? | 02:54 |
classicc | where to bring down? | 02:54 |
dcboratko | my desktop is windows 7 | 02:54 |
UbuntuN00b | have you booted things from your usb before? | 02:55 |
dcboratko | not this particular usb, no | 02:55 |
UbuntuN00b | i mean on the netbook? | 02:55 |
UbuntuN00b | its a usb not an sd card correct? | 02:56 |
dcboratko | yeah it came with windows xp so i used a USB to install eeebuntu on it | 02:56 |
dcboratko | yes it's a flash drive | 02:56 |
dcboratko | wheen i put the flash drive in my windows desktop, it acts like its formatted correctly | 02:56 |
classicc | ?where to bring down? | 02:56 |
dcboratko | and will let me install ubuntu 10.10 | 02:57 |
dcboratko | but i want it on my netbook not my desktop | 02:57 |
namzezam | any one had this? it is about apt-get upgrade!!! Is this a huge bug or what? | 02:57 |
dcboratko | where to bring down what? | 02:57 |
ohsix | namzezam: did you disable signature checking? you have a corrupt file but something else should have stopped it before then .... | 02:57 |
namzezam | ohsix: disable signature checking? what is that? how could i do that ? | 02:58 |
UbuntuN00b | imaybe trying downloading sardu | 02:58 |
=== Douche is now known as Santorum |
UbuntuN00b | and building the usb stick that way | 02:58 |
Aiya | I want to know when I looked at the release of ubuntu 11.04 for netbook edition its stated as "starting with Ubuntu 11.04 the netbook edition has been merged into the desktop edition." | 02:58 |
classicc | i downlad in google..4% | 02:58 |
namzezam | it is already someday and i see also this http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/09/03/%23ubuntu-devel.txt | 02:59 |
ohsix | namzezam: what version of ubuntu are you using? | 02:59 |
Aiya | What is that mean? | 02:59 |
kkerwin | Howdy. I'm trying to get a CD mounted, and am having some difficulty. When I do a "mount /dev/cdrom", it's telling me that "/dev/sr0" is an unknown device. I have a disk in there. | 02:59 |
ohsix | Aiya: it means the netbook edition is no longer a special, separate disc | 02:59 |
rww | Aiya: There is no more netbook edition in natty. Instead, the desktop interface adapts to different screen sizes. | 02:59 |
classicc | what is ubuntu? | 02:59 |
ohsix | Aiya: unity works a lot like the old netbook setup, except it's the main focus and on the primary disk | 02:59 |
rww | !ubuntu | classicc | 03:00 |
ubottu | classicc: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 03:00 |
namzezam | ubuntu 10.10 linux 2.6.35-28 gnom 2.32.0 | 03:00 |
MattAAron | thx ohsix, whats your email addy! | 03:00 |
MattAAron | for paypal | 03:00 |
Aiya | ohsix : That means after this users will have to install desktop version is it? | 03:00 |
ohsix | Aiya: no, they are combined, and you can pick unity or the regular gnome session at login time | 03:01 |
Aiya | <rww> Okey | 03:01 |
ohsix | Aiya: not unlike how you could still pick ubuntu-desktop on the netbook edition | 03:01 |
Aiya | ohsix : Thanks got it. :) | 03:01 |
Adam_ | hello | 03:01 |
Osmodivs | How do I acces Wine C: disk? I want to run a .exe file but i do not know how to get there osmodivs@Djiin:~$ cd /home/osmodivs/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Archivos de programa/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.3 | 03:01 |
Osmodivs | bash: cd: /home/osmodivs/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Archivos: No such file or directory | 03:01 |
dcboratko | what is the easiest way for me to install ubuntu netbook 10.10 on my netbook if the ubuntu netbook 10.10 ISO is on my desktop on my netbook | 03:01 |
classicc | ok..t..i need to downlad this? | 03:02 |
Adam_ | who now everythink about irc | 03:02 |
Adam_ | ???? | 03:02 |
KM0201 | dcboratko: use unetbootin to put it on a usb key, and boot the usb | 03:02 |
namzezam | now i get "sudo dpkg --configure -a' " after new apt-get update | 03:02 |
kkerwin | Osmodivs: Have you tried browsing ~/.wine ?? | 03:02 |
Nahjil | Anyone well versed in troubleshooting firefox? I'm having issues with it continually accessing my hd till it freezes then I have to force quit. Any suggestions? | 03:03 |
kkerwin | Osmodivs: It should be ~/.wine/drive_c I think. | 03:03 |
Nahjil | pm me if you can help. | 03:03 |
Nahjil | thank you | 03:03 |
namzezam | ohsix : i did "sudo dpkg --configure -a" | 03:04 |
kkerwin | Howdy. I'm trying to get a CD mounted, and am having some difficulty. When I do a "mount /dev/cdrom", it's telling me that "/dev/sr0" is an unknown device. I have a disk in there. Thanks in advance. ;-) | 03:04 |
classicc | 17%...is very very slow..what is this?umdudu? | 03:04 |
classicc | ubuntu? | 03:05 |
kkerwin | I smell a troll ... | 03:05 |
namzezam | on upgrade , i get : | 03:06 |
namzezam | 50 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 03:06 |
namzezam | 1 not fully installed or removed. | 03:06 |
hiexpo | kkerwin, sudo mount /media/cdrom | 03:06 |
Staticlv | if I mount a network folder ... where in the directory can I find it? | 03:06 |
Osmodivs | kkerwin: Yeah, it worked, I had to cd .wine | 03:06 |
namzezam | ohsix : are you here? | 03:07 |
kkerwin | hiexpo: "mount: /dev/sr0 already mounted or /media/cdrom0 busy | 03:07 |
kkerwin | " | 03:07 |
classicc | #ubuntu | 03:07 |
kkerwin | hiexpo: I am not in /media/cdrom | 03:07 |
classicc | #ubuntu | 03:07 |
kkerwin | Osmodivs: Good. Glad to help. | 03:08 |
hiexpo | kkerwin, than cnat you open it | 03:08 |
classicc | what is this?speech hebrew please | 03:08 |
kkerwin | hiexpo: Pardon? | 03:08 |
hiexpo | kkerwin, if you say it is already mounted than open the folder is that what you are trying to do | 03:09 |
rww | classicc: /join #ubuntu-il | 03:09 |
kkerwin | hiexpo: The "mount" command does not list the device /dev/sr0 as being mounted somewhere, however. | 03:10 |
classicc | !!!someone told me ...dowanlad ubuntu..!!! | 03:11 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:11 |
=== Santorum is now known as d_e_r_p |
hiexpo | kkerwin, yes it is telling you it is mounted open /places/computer and open the cd rom | 03:11 |
classicc | ubuntu is chanells? | 03:11 |
=== d_e_r_p is now known as Santorum |
classicc | channels* | 03:11 |
hiexpo | classicc, no ubuntu is a linux distro | 03:12 |
kkerwin | hiexpo: I'm using KDE, but the cdrom does not show up as a device on the "places" in dolphin file manager. | 03:12 |
Admin__ | hi all i have ubuntu server installed and i need any tool for monitor network my client are windows and xp | 03:13 |
rumpe1 | Adam_, monitor what exactly? | 03:13 |
hiexpo | kkerwin, oh i am not familar with kde sorry bout that i use gnome and enlightment | 03:13 |
classicc | what is linux distro?? | 03:13 |
Rehan | Could someone help me with bootloader issues that I'm having with Win7 and Ubuntu dual-boot setup? Thank you. | 03:13 |
hiexpo | !linux | classicc | 03:14 |
ubottu | classicc: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux | 03:14 |
kkerwin | hiexpo: Well, the disc seems to not be detected is what I'm getting at ... | 03:14 |
Admin__ | rumpel1 band width from my net | 03:15 |
xhot | is my test | 03:15 |
hiexpo | kkerwin, yes it is i know kde is wierd | 03:16 |
xhot | Hello everybody can you see me? | 03:16 |
namzezam | any one here can tell what is happening with linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic 2.6.35-28.49 ??? | 03:16 |
kkerwin | xhot: Yes. | 03:16 |
classicc | evryone speech hebrew? | 03:16 |
kkerwin | !hebrew | 03:16 |
ubottu | לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד: | 03:16 |
ubottu | /join #ubuntu-il | 03:16 |
xhot | 有人吗? | 03:17 |
kkerwin | !hebrew | classicc | 03:17 |
ubottu | classicc: please see above | 03:17 |
rww | xhot: English here, please | 03:17 |
Rehan | Could anyone help me with bootloader problems? This is my boot info summary: http://pastebin.com/y4jP2gfb | 03:17 |
xhot | only a test | 03:17 |
namzezam | what is happening with linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic 2.6.35-28.49 ?? | 03:17 |
classicc | yesh po misho she yodea evrit? | 03:17 |
gootdude | is there seriously no way to remove evolution (literally the worst email client I've ever seen) from ubuntu without having gnome getting screwed up? | 03:17 |
gootdude | at least using the simple apt-get to remove evolution causes fun gnome items to be removed so you get to login to a terminal | 03:18 |
rww | gootdude: evolution-data-server is a GNOME library and not really part of evolution at all. | 03:18 |
gootdude | tricky | 03:18 |
Admin__ | hi all i have ubuntu server installed and i need any tool for monitor network my client are windows and xp | 03:18 |
taco_the_paco | im getting extremely slow download speeds with 2.6.38-8-generic, the driver is ath9k | 03:18 |
rww | gootdude: with the exception of that, anything with "evolution" in the name should be removable without any rocket science, if I remember correctly. | 03:18 |
taco_the_paco | anyone care to help,? | 03:18 |
phoenixsampras | Admin__: opennms | 03:19 |
namzezam | what is happening with linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic 2.6.35-28.49 ? why it fail on "dpkg: ../../src/archives.c:809: tarobject: Assertion `r == stab.st_size' failed." ? | 03:19 |
Adam_ | HI PEOPLE | 03:19 |
rumpe1 | Admin__, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/140337-command-line-bandwidth-monitoring-tools.html ... just google | 03:19 |
rileyp | hi | 03:19 |
hvgotcodes | trying to write an upstart .conf file -- how do i get the exec to occur in a directory? | 03:20 |
Admin__ | phoenixsampras: but with it tool i haven't problem with my client | 03:20 |
rww | Admin__: lose the caps, please. | 03:20 |
rileyp | adam caps off | 03:20 |
hvgotcodes | in other words, how do i not have to fully reference the executable | 03:20 |
Admin__ | they are windows 7 and xp | 03:20 |
rww | eep, mistab. sorry Admin__. | 03:20 |
Adam_ | ok | 03:20 |
phoenixsampras | Admin__: opennms | 03:20 |
Adam_ | we heave problem | 03:20 |
kkerwin | hiexpo: Ok. Now on my "$ sudo mount /media/cdrom", I get "no medium found". I'm wondering if there's a problem with my drive ... | 03:20 |
rileyp | housten ther is a problem | 03:21 |
namzezam | what is happening with linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic 2.6.35-28.49 ? why it fail on "dpkg: ../../src/archives.c:809: tarobject: Assertion `r == stab.st_size' failed." ? can you help in apt-get upgrade ? on ubuntu 10.10? | 03:21 |
itilious | if i can ssh into my remote machine by its public IP and not by its private IP then my system is most likely been hacked right? | 03:21 |
kkerwin | hiexpo: Ya. It's clicking and making beeping noises ... dammit. | 03:22 |
Adam_ | no problem heave we are all people | 03:22 |
rileyp | adam people put ther problem here you dont need to tell us you have problem | 03:22 |
itilious | i dont see any other explanation why the WAN ip address works but not my router IP static assigned ip lol | 03:22 |
Rehan | After the latest kernel update I am unable to load into Windows7 anymore. I am trying to re-install Grub2 but am not sure which partition I need to install it on. Could anyone help please? | 03:22 |
rumpe1 | itilious, what do you mean with "private IP"? | 03:22 |
rileyp | no! you are wrong ubottto is a bot! | 03:22 |
Adam_ | i looking for forum about start fighting to this people who sprayin right now sky at the night in liverpool city | 03:23 |
itilious | 192.168.5.X does 'not' work and 12.24.X.X 'does' | 03:23 |
Adam_ | chemtrials | 03:23 |
phoenixsampras | nah, Ubuttto is a sexy chick | 03:23 |
namzezam | how to upgrade all other 49 programs, other then the "linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic 2.6.35-28.49 "? | 03:23 |
Rehan | rileyp: could you assist me? | 03:23 |
Adam_ | global warming?? | 03:23 |
itilious | rumpe1, 192.168.5.X has been working without any issues since the assignment of the static ip | 03:23 |
rileyp | IDK | 03:23 |
rileyp | ask away | 03:23 |
itilious | rumpe1, i also have had no issues with public ip from ISP working either | 03:23 |
Rehan | After the latest kernel update I am unable to load into Windows7 anymore. I am trying to re-install Grub2 but am not sure which partition I need to install it on. Could anyone help please? | 03:23 |
namzezam | anyone here? | 03:24 |
gootdude | omg whoever was talking about WebStorm being amazing is seriusly right | 03:24 |
Adam_ | but at the night is not sun | 03:24 |
itilious | rumpe1, know what i mean by private vs public? | 03:24 |
rww | !ot | Adam_ | 03:24 |
ubottu | Adam_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 03:24 |
gootdude | it actually is code completing and searching all the fiels in my project and understands dojo/jquery 1.5 insane | 03:24 |
rumpe1 | itilious, yes... but no idea,what the problem could be... | 03:24 |
Adam_ | how to find right channel? | 03:24 |
namzezam | please help, it is about the kernal of linux!!! | 03:24 |
rileyp | Rehan type sudo fdisk -l this will list your partitions | 03:24 |
rww | Adam_: type /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:24 |
gootdude | webstorm | 03:24 |
rww | !helpme | namzezam | 03:24 |
ubottu | namzezam: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude | 03:24 |
coi | does ubuntu 10.10 have vmware in the repository? | 03:25 |
rumpe1 | itilious, firewall deactivated? | 03:25 |
Adam_ | i try thanks | 03:25 |
edbian | coi: I think it only has virtualbox. vmware costs $ | 03:25 |
Adam_ | type /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:25 |
Rehan | rileyp: thank you, I have /dev/sda1 which is win7 system reserve, i have /dev/sda2 which is win7 system partition, i have /dev/sda3 which is extended and /dev/sda5 which is ubuntu. When I'm installing grub2, it gives me option of either /dev/sda or /dev/sda5. | 03:26 |
rileyp | dev sda | 03:26 |
Rehan | rileyp thank you | 03:27 |
deathcat23 | how i change my login screen background | 03:27 |
Rehan | rileyp: after updating ubuntu thru update manager my Windows no longer boots and gives BOOTMGR is missing. What could I do to fix that? | 03:27 |
rileyp | Rehan you may need to run sudo update-grup for windows to be added to your grub list | 03:27 |
rileyp | thats grub my bad.... | 03:28 |
Rehan | rileyp: windows was added automatically | 03:28 |
Rehan | rileyp: the problem is when i go into windows from grub2 it says the bootmgr is missing now. Not sure why a simple ubuntu update caused that to happen | 03:28 |
rileyp | so windows starts to boot them dies? | 03:28 |
Rehan | rileyp: yep, this is my boot info summary: http://pastebin.com/CigFER4z | 03:29 |
rileyp | Rehan to fix this you may need to start windows and go to a command line then type fixboot | 03:30 |
ohsix | Rehan: it probably didn't | 03:30 |
ohsix | (" | 03:30 |
ohsix | "update caused that to happen", that is | 03:31 |
Rehan | ohsix: oh i see | 03:31 |
axisys | my disk is 750G and I am using about 550G .. if I image the system w/ partimage will it roughly be same size as the total disk size or used size ? | 03:31 |
rileyp | Rehan I think what has happened is soem of the winowds boot files have been overwritten by ytour new grub install | 03:31 |
Rehan | rileyp: i see, when i tried my win7 recovery DVD it found no booting problems, i suppose i can try it again because when i first tried it win7 was simply missing from grub2, now it shows the bootmgr is missing error | 03:32 |
rileyp | you need to be very clear about where to install grub before doing an upgrade of kernel else you can damage stuff | 03:32 |
shane4ubuntu | does anyone know how I can run a script as root when I log in? I was going to put it in startup inid.d, but that seems to complex, I just have a simple sudo command to start dund, and can be run upon login, how do I do that? | 03:32 |
rileyp | use rc.local | 03:32 |
Rehan | rileyp: will this happen everytime i install a kernel upgrade if my grub is on the MBR instead of the ubuntu partition? | 03:33 |
shane4ubuntu | rileyp: rc.local? is there an advantage? | 03:33 |
shiv__ | hi | 03:33 |
Jygen | anyone here familiar with python | 03:33 |
Jygen | im having trouble getting my .py files to run off the terminal | 03:33 |
Jygen | it says error2 no files or directories detected or something like that | 03:34 |
rileyp | shane4ubuntu, I dont know I just know rc.local can be use to call a script ort simply put the script in rc.local | 03:34 |
shane4ubuntu | rileyp: ahh, I just had a peek into that file, seems simple. Thanks, I think that was just what I was looking for. | 03:34 |
dany | | 03:35 |
classicc | I am using S{peed}EX-B0T v5.7 Get It At http://SpeedBot.up.co.il By Speed & Atom-Bomb | 03:35 |
classicc | hey | 03:35 |
rww | classicc: Your script did that announce thing again. The next time I see that, you get banned until you turn it off. | 03:36 |
rileyp | Rehan everytime one does a kernel upgrade grub is edited and it it asks where to install it you should write it down somewhere so you know the answer. | 03:36 |
Jygen | how do i create a directory | 03:36 |
rileyp | mkdir | 03:37 |
classicc | offffff...what to do?? | 03:37 |
ohsix | right click | 03:37 |
edbian | Jygen: mkdir | 03:37 |
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC |
classicc | rww????what i work??????///// | 03:37 |
ohsix | rww: he cannot see those messages being sent | 03:37 |
Jygen | what about listing a directory | 03:37 |
rww | ohsix: Good thing I'm telling them they're there, then. | 03:37 |
itilious | is sshfs still current for remote file transfer? | 03:37 |
edbian | Jygen: really? ls | 03:37 |
itilious | or is sftp a better option? | 03:38 |
ohsix | classicc: the script you are using is advertising: 19:35 < classicc> I am using S{peed}EX-B0T v5.7 Get It At http://SpeedBot.up.co.il By Speed & Atom-Bomb | 03:38 |
rileyp | LS | 03:38 |
itilious | in terms of performance as well as security? | 03:38 |
CryptKper | new gdm themes, how do i install them? | 03:38 |
ohsix | rww: yea, best to say what it is though :D | 03:38 |
rileyp | Jygen, you are lazy | 03:38 |
rww | ohsix: I'm not a huge fan of repeating spam, personally. | 03:38 |
edbian | itilious: They're probably about the same in both is my guess | 03:38 |
Jygen | its nice to have a quick response rather than have to look for it | 03:38 |
classicc | ok..speedbot..is problme?.... | 03:38 |
edbian | itilious: equally secure and fast | 03:38 |
ohsix | rww: it's repeating what he's said; shrug, he's not seen it before | 03:39 |
Jygen | and im completely new to ubuntu and having actual people comunicate things to me makes me learn faster | 03:39 |
edbian | Jygen: haha. Are you coming from dos or something? | 03:39 |
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK |
MjolnirOrion | whats the difference between live gnome and live kde? | 03:39 |
ohsix | Jygen: sleeping makes you learn faster :] | 03:39 |
MjolnirOrion | im probably on the same boat as Jygen | 03:40 |
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest69530 |
rileyp | Jygen, yeah right read this page instaed of this page http://www.ma.utexas.edu/math-lab/linux.html | 03:40 |
edbian | MjolnirOrion: The graphical user interface. It will be a very big difference visually but lower level than the GUI there is no difference. Google image search gnome and kde to get a good idea of what they look like | 03:40 |
classicc | rww: speedbot is problme?...=@ | 03:40 |
rww | classicc: Yes. | 03:40 |
rileyp | jy lazy | 03:40 |
classicc | rww: why? | 03:40 |
ohsix | classicc: only that it is advertising on the channel every time you join | 03:40 |
MjolnirOrion | will do thanks edbian | 03:41 |
ohsix | classicc: you can't see it, but everyone else can | 03:41 |
edbian | MjolnirOrion: :) | 03:41 |
rww | classicc: because it sends messages to the channel which violates Ubuntu's IRC Guidelines, as I have said to you repeatedly now. | 03:41 |
classicc | i go to well? what i whont to do? | 03:42 |
classicc | speedbot=mirc | 03:42 |
rww | classicc: No, speedbot does not equal mIRC. | 03:42 |
classicc | what?? | 03:42 |
rww | classicc: No, speedbot does not equal mIRC. | 03:42 |
classicc | speedbot script of the mirc | 03:42 |
rww | classicc: speedbot is a bad script of the mirc that you will remove if you wish to remain in this channel. | 03:43 |
ohsix | rww: actually, most popular scripts bundle a copy of mirc, not quite legally | 03:43 |
leapy0yo | hi | 03:43 |
rww | ohsix: I am aware. | 03:43 |
classicc | ok ok..i go | 03:43 |
classicc | ]]= | 03:43 |
leapy0yo | is there a way i can start xchat when I login to ubuntu without having to click on the icon? | 03:43 |
edbian | leapy0yo: At it to the list of stuff on System -> preferences -> startup apps | 03:44 |
ohsix | leapy0yo: add it to your startup programs (System -> Preferences) | 03:44 |
classicc | i not make nothing | 03:44 |
classicc | good by | 03:44 |
edbian | ohsix: I win! | 03:44 |
ohsix | edbian: i eat | 03:44 |
taco_the_paco | hey guys, trying to compile compact wireless drivers for 2.6.38-8-generic, but keep getting make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic/build: No such file or directory. Stop. | 03:44 |
classicc | bye* | 03:44 |
ohsix | taco_the_paco: why are you trying to build wireless drivers? | 03:45 |
taco_the_paco | ohsix, these ones i get extremely slow download speeds. | 03:45 |
ohsix | taco_the_paco: which one | 03:45 |
taco_the_paco | the one's that are in 2.6.38-8 o_O | 03:45 |
MjolnirOrion | edbian: looked em up, only got one image though of gnome where it looks like its got that apple feeling toolbar... just because its one image idk if its like that or not.. (http://mib.pianetalinux.org/MIB/2010.0/others/projects/miblive-gnome/Schermata1.png) | 03:46 |
CryptKper | gdmsetup doesnt give me the option to add new gdm themes, is there an alt method? | 03:46 |
hiexpo | whatwifi card | 03:46 |
ohsix | taco_the_paco: ^ | 03:46 |
taco_the_paco | er, no idea how to check on linux, i know it uses the ath9k driver | 03:46 |
clu3 | my ubuntu has been getting very very slow and yet when i do a top, there's nothing interesting. Any reasons why? | 03:46 |
ohsix | CryptKper: theme support was removed some time ago, at best you can change the background and move some things around with great effort | 03:47 |
edbian | MjolnirOrion: ubuntu uses gnome by default. Here is what it looks like: http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/ubuntu1010beta-large_001.jpg | 03:47 |
classicc | rww?...now is good???no speedbot!! | 03:47 |
Blue1 | taco_the_paco: http://pkill-9.com/?p=152 i had a similiar issue | 03:47 |
edbian | MjolnirOrion: http://apcmag.com/images/ubuntu10_625.jpg | 03:47 |
ohsix | taco_the_paco: there are prebuilt backport drivers you can install, they're in the repos | 03:47 |
rww | classicc: yes, now is good. thank you :) | 03:47 |
CryptKper | thanks. | 03:47 |
ohsix | classicc: thank you for fixing it | 03:47 |
classicc | =] | 03:47 |
hiexpo | sounds like an aircrack-ng build to me | 03:47 |
classicc | now is ugly mirc..]= | 03:47 |
edbian | MjolnirOrion: That image you found is gnome but it is heavily modified with some applet thing running and a different dock | 03:47 |
classicc | i go to sleep..good mornning.. | 03:48 |
MjolnirOrion | i see... hhmmm idk the only reason why its a factor is because im very visual | 03:49 |
edbian | MjolnirOrion: understandable | 03:49 |
classicc | rww: good bye =] | 03:49 |
=== root is now known as Guest96354 |
unstable | I have dual screens, my laptop is on the right, and another monitor is on the left. So this unity vertical bar thing is very awkwardly in the middle. Any advice on how I can make this setup less clunky? | 03:51 |
anthony_ | hello | 03:54 |
MjolnirOrion | edbian: and the winner is kde | 03:54 |
edbian | MjolnirOrion: It is prettier :) | 03:55 |
MjolnirOrion | now i got to "sample" kubuntu... i just downloaded opensuse kde in a rar file. im brand spankin new to linux... suggestions? | 03:55 |
taco_the_paco | ohsix, i think its fixed | 03:56 |
Ben64 | MjolnirOrion: what are you trying to do? | 03:56 |
Poisonfibre | ...follow the white rabbit | 03:56 |
ohsix | taco_the_paco: class | 03:56 |
ohsix | taco_the_paco: go lart the person that told you to build modules | 03:56 |
MjolnirOrion | ben64: convert myself from windows to linux | 03:56 |
taco_the_paco | yup its fixed :) | 03:56 |
arand | MjolnirOrion: opensuse does not come as a rar file.. | 03:56 |
taco_the_paco | haha it was my idea | 03:56 |
ohsix | 40 lashes | 03:57 |
Ben64 | MjolnirOrion: ok, what are you trying to do more specifically? | 03:57 |
itilious | does ubuntu 10.10 come with ssh access by default? or is openssh server required to use ssh? | 03:57 |
MjolnirOrion | arand: its in a rar file.. i got it from here (http://software.opensuse.org/114/en) | 03:57 |
Ben64 | itilious: openssh-server is required to have a ssh server running, not sure if its on 10.10 by default | 03:57 |
Poisonfibre | its not | 03:57 |
Poisonfibre | you need to apt-get the program | 03:58 |
Poisonfibre | or openssh | 03:58 |
Ben64 | MjolnirOrion: this channel is for ubuntu only | 03:58 |
eick | can somebody help me install google chrome? | 03:58 |
MjolnirOrion | ben64: install it into this current computer | 03:58 |
itilious | then can ubuntu automatically see which "port" number to use on the remote machine if i'm using certificates? | 03:58 |
ohsix | itilious: i think it only came with the ssh client; i haven't ran 10.10 in a while though | 03:58 |
eick | ubuntu software manger keeps on telling me to check my internet connection | 03:58 |
eick | does anybody know what this means? | 03:58 |
MjolnirOrion | ben64: :( | 03:58 |
itilious | i changed the port by editing "etc/ssh/ssh_config" then ran "sudo service ssh restart" and its still connected just fine on default port | 03:58 |
Ben64 | MjolnirOrion: don't be :( ubuntu is really good | 03:58 |
Usipeus | guys, I have grub installed on the mbr and accidentally also on my windows 7 partition, how would I go about removing the windows 7 one? | 03:59 |
Ben64 | itilious: if a connection is still open on the default port, it will stay open until all the clients leave that port | 03:59 |
Ben64 | Usipeus: it wouldn't hurt anything to leave it on a partition | 04:00 |
Stryker | Is it possible that my computer could slow down due to installing an extra harddrive? | 04:00 |
MjolnirOrion | ben64: your talking to a microsoft-brainwashee!! i want linux now... but the whole distro thing.. i feel like its a lot of trial and error | 04:00 |
Ben64 | MjolnirOrion: download ubuntu cd, burn, install, be :) | 04:00 |
Usipeus | ben64: but when I boot windows then i just get "GRUB" in the top left corner and nothing happens | 04:00 |
Ben64 | Usipeus: oh... | 04:00 |
itilious | Ben64, but i even ran "sudo reboot" from my local terminal and the remote machine, after restarting, is still acceping connections on that port | 04:00 |
Ben64 | Usipeus: you'd have to fixmbr in windows, then re-install grub onto the mbr | 04:01 |
MjolnirOrion | ben64: lol and did you try other distros? | 04:01 |
Ben64 | itilious: then perhaps you didn't change the port correctly | 04:01 |
Stryker | Is it possible that my computer could slow down due to installing an extra harddrive? | 04:01 |
Ben64 | MjolnirOrion: i've used redhat and fedora before coming to ubuntu | 04:01 |
Delerium_ | itilious: ssh_config = client. sshd_config = serer | 04:02 |
Ben64 | Stryker: if the bandwidth of the hard drive interface is being saturated by the 2nd hard drive, it could | 04:02 |
talinsalway | general support question: I've been getting frequent crashes of the desktop env. with 'i915_hangcheck_elapsed'. any hints on debugging, or what info to collect for a bug report? | 04:02 |
Stryker | Ben64 ever since installing another hard drive on a different cable, my video playback seems to be crummy | 04:03 |
taco_the_paco | ohsix i take that back, its still not fixed :'( | 04:04 |
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC |
yudi1 | need to change swap from a partition to a file in either home partition or / partition? how do I do this? | 04:04 |
itilious | Delerium_, thats exactly what i was looking for to fix it, thanks :) | 04:05 |
ohsix | taco_the_paco: ath9k is kind of iffy with some of the device, dunno if theres much you can do | 04:05 |
taco_the_paco | it keeps showing it dropping down to 54 mbps then 65 | 04:05 |
Delerium_ | itilious: welcome buddy | 04:05 |
eick | Error: Wrong architecture 'i386' | 04:05 |
eick | What does this mean? | 04:05 |
taco_the_paco | eick, 64 bit? | 04:05 |
Ben64 | yudi1: i don't think you can make swap a file.. why would you want to? | 04:05 |
itilious | you too Ben64, thanks for the help :) | 04:05 |
eick | im on 32 bit | 04:06 |
eick | or im supposed to be anyway | 04:06 |
taco_the_paco | most likely downloaded a 64 bit package then | 04:06 |
Stryker | ever since installing another hard drive on a different cable, my video playback seems to be crummy | 04:06 |
eick | ah | 04:07 |
Ben64 | eick: what are you trying to do? what is the output of `uname -m` | 04:07 |
eick | i am trying to install google chrome | 04:07 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
itilious | what does the command ssh -X actually doing? can it forward ANY application thru this? | 04:07 |
eick | x86_64 | 04:08 |
Raikia | itilious: it is X11 forwarding | 04:08 |
Raikia | you can stream a gui application through ssh that way | 04:08 |
yudi1 | Ben64: swap can be a file, I have it on one of the systems, i just want to know how to safely move a swap partition to a file in the install some where, sick of too many partitions, there used to be an excellent doco on this, cannot find it now!! | 04:09 |
eick | Ben64 I am supposed to be on 32 bit | 04:09 |
eick | is there anyway to change it | 04:09 |
eick | :/ | 04:09 |
Ben64 | eick: you're on 64 bit, why would you want to be 32? | 04:09 |
itilious | so x11 forwarding is the topic i need to search to find more possibilities of this? | 04:09 |
Raikia | for example, you can run firefox (gui) through X11. Granted.....an ssh tunnel is faster in this instance, but its just an example | 04:09 |
Raikia | itilious: yes | 04:09 |
itilious | i love it | 04:09 |
eick | because my pc is a 32 bit pc | 04:10 |
Ben64 | yudi1: swap is on a separate partition for a good reason | 04:10 |
itilious | this = remote gedits = no vi editor = awesome :) | 04:10 |
Ben64 | eick: no its not :o | 04:10 |
eick | it is | 04:10 |
Ben64 | <eick> x86_64 | 04:10 |
Ben64 | its 64 bit | 04:10 |
yudi1 | Ben64: what would that be? | 04:10 |
eick | the OS is | 04:10 |
eick | not my PC | 04:10 |
itilious | i'm still learning vi simply cuz i'm sure its a good skill to have, or are those days gone? | 04:10 |
Stryker | ever since installing another hard drive on a different cable, my video playback seems to be crummy, is this a coincidence? | 04:10 |
Delerium_ | FYI: is it possible ( I think) to make a file on a filesystem part of swap ... of course, this will impact performance: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#How%20do%20I%20add%20more%20swap? | 04:10 |
ctmjr | itilious, add -c too it too compress it you will not be able to play vidoes or anything like that | 04:10 |
Raikia | eick: You can't run a 64 bit OS on a 32 bit system | 04:10 |
Ben64 | yudi1: stop fragmentation on a normal partition | 04:10 |
eick | tell that to my PC | 04:10 |
eick | :/ | 04:11 |
eick | 512 mbs of RMA | 04:11 |
Ben64 | eick: you're running 64 bit, your computer MUST be 64 bit | 04:11 |
eick | RAM* lol | 04:11 |
Ben64 | ram doesn't matter | 04:11 |
eick | nope | 04:11 |
FloodBot2 | eick: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:11 |
Raikia | eick: 512 MB of RAM doesn't matter. | 04:11 |
eick | on vista it said 32-bit | 04:11 |
Ben64 | cause it was 32 bit vista | 04:11 |
eick | even the hardware says 32-bit :X | 04:11 |
raido | eick: what does "uname -a" on the terminal say? | 04:11 |
yudi1 | Ben64: I have 4 gb ram, I hardly see any use for swap except for when I run couple of VMs | 04:11 |
Stryker | 32 bit vista can work on 64 bit processor | 04:11 |
Raikia | eick: Go to "System" -> "Administration" -> "System Moniter" | 04:12 |
eick | I have a celeron D processor | 04:12 |
eick | XDD | 04:12 |
itilious | ctmjr, i thought -c was for the "cypher" is that -C actually? | 04:12 |
Ben64 | eick: a 64 bit celeron :) | 04:13 |
Raikia | eick: http://www.intel.com/products/processor/celeron/index.htm | 04:13 |
ctmjr | itilious, yep sorry typo should be capital "C" | 04:13 |
itilious | so Capital = compression and lowercase = cypher? ie blowfish? | 04:14 |
Delerium_ | itililous: man ssh ;) | 04:14 |
Delerium_ | Sorry, I completly mess your nick | 04:14 |
itilious | Delerium_, ya made it sound more fun lol | 04:15 |
itilious | ctmjr, i wasnt trying to sarcastictly rub in your face that i knew something you didnt, cuz that was luck lol | 04:15 |
itilious | i never knew what -C -c meant, i thought encryption seeing 'blowfish' after it so took a guess :p | 04:15 |
itilious | Delerium_, what about specifically ssh? | 04:16 |
ctmjr | itilious, no prob it's good you knew that | 04:16 |
itilious | is it really as secure as everyone seems to make it out to be? | 04:16 |
Stryker | Delerium_, you should be able to press tab while partially spelling a nick to auto complete it | 04:16 |
Ben64 | ssh can be extremely secure | 04:16 |
Delerium_ | Stryker: yeah... I'm using X-chat on MBP and it's not by default.. I have to check | 04:17 |
Delerium_ | Stryker, got it ;) | 04:17 |
Stryker | cool, Delerium_ | 04:17 |
itilious | ya i started talking on IRC quite a bit more once i learned about the tab feature | 04:18 |
=== cryptk|offline is now known as cryptk |
itilious | helped with a lot more 1on1 dialogue | 04:18 |
rhizmoe | how do i change the location of the notification popups? | 04:18 |
Stryker | i agree, itilious | 04:19 |
itilious | so many people with such unique names lol, made it so much easier | 04:20 |
KM0201 | itilious: how did you ever do IRC, in a busy channel, and not know about Tab? ;) | 04:20 |
Stryker | ever since installing another hard drive on a different cable, my video playback seems to be crummy, is this a coincidence? | 04:21 |
KM0201 | itilious: i bet you watched some folks who were dishing out messages super quick and thinking 'how on earth do they type those names so fast'...lol | 04:21 |
itilious | KM0201, used to thnk that lol | 04:21 |
KM0201 | :) | 04:21 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
itilious | KM0201, then discovered it and it all made sense, then and only then did i even attempt participating in the busy channels lol | 04:22 |
KM0201 | itilious: well i'm glad you found it | 04:22 |
talinsalway | general support question: I've been getting frequent crashes of the desktop env. with 'i915_hangcheck_elapsed'. I opened up a bug awhile ago (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/682475). What's a good place to start for debugging, or trying to hack out a fix? | 04:22 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 682475 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Intel 945 - X crashes with "[drm:i915_hangcheck_elapsed]"" [Undecided,New] | 04:22 |
escoloader | hey, will one be able to update from netbook edition 10.10 to natty final release through sudo? | 04:23 |
darkf34r | hi | 04:23 |
darkf34r | there's anyone from Brazil? | 04:24 |
itilious | why would my ftp program be asking me if i want to accept a potentially untrsted key from my server? | 04:25 |
rhizmoe | talinsalway: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/761065 | 04:25 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 761065 in Linux "[Sandybridge] Spurious "*ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... blt ring idle" messages in dmesg when using compiz" [Medium,Confirmed] | 04:25 |
eliotn | lol | 04:25 |
itilious | i already did the ssh-keygen on host and installed it to the server using ssh-copy-id | 04:25 |
eliotn | 1423 users?!?!?!? | 04:25 |
eliotn | so many | 04:25 |
itilious | and i can cow simply type in my passphrase to have login-less ssh access, but when i try to use ftp client to the host machine it asks if i want to accept a certificate, anyone know why? | 04:26 |
rhizmoe | ssh...ftp? | 04:26 |
itilious | sftp | 04:26 |
rhizmoe | maybe you're really connecting as sftp | 04:27 |
Stryker | escoloader, try update-manager -d | 04:27 |
itilious | using the same port i use for ssh access | 04:27 |
itilious | its asking me if i want to "trust" the key, is it right to ask this even after i created keys via the openssh guide on ubuntu help | 04:27 |
raido | itilious: ys | 04:28 |
disorient | /j #reddit | 04:28 |
raido | itilious: yes | 04:28 |
disorient | sorry. | 04:28 |
rhizmoe | connecting clients will always ask to cache the pubkey | 04:28 |
rhizmoe | same as ssh | 04:28 |
itilious | raido, how can i know that i'm actually connecting to the host i want to tho? | 04:28 |
itilious | or is this different that simple ssh key setup? | 04:28 |
=== xiambax_ is now known as xiambax |
talinsalway | rhizome: I think my bug is different - I don't have the 'blt ring idle' message, and it results in a complete crash of X (and inability to restart X), instead of little graphic hangups | 04:29 |
raido | your ftp client is just keeping its own known host file likely | 04:29 |
talinsalway | also, I'm not using compiz | 04:29 |
raido | itilious: once you accept it it should not ask again | 04:30 |
escoloader | stryker, im wondering now before i install netbook 10.10 on my netbook | 04:30 |
itilious | raido, so then its normal to see this with seperate applications? is the fingerprint what i'm supposed to be verifying? | 04:30 |
escoloader | just wondering if that will be supported | 04:30 |
HerCury | itilious: shouldn't you be using scp not sftp | 04:30 |
escoloader | (i assume it will, just double checking) | 04:30 |
raido | itilious: yes | 04:30 |
itilious | HerCury, whats the advantage? | 04:30 |
itilious | raido, sorry bout that last obvious question, it hit me as i was pressing enter lol | 04:30 |
Stryker | yes you can escoloader | 04:31 |
escoloader | thanks | 04:31 |
raido | itilious: also, if you want real convienience then remove your passphrese from your key, then you can login in non-interactively | 04:31 |
itilious | HerCury, sorry i'm completely new to linux, i dont even know what scp even is | 04:31 |
itilious | raido, would that compromise my entire system tho if anyone simply gets a hold of the key files? | 04:31 |
=== erichansen is now known as erichansen-away |
Delerium_ | itilious, yup, that's why you must keep the private key... private ;) | 04:32 |
raido | itilious: Yes, if you lose your private key | 04:32 |
itilious | when you say private do you mean not even on the system? | 04:33 |
raido | itilious: if I lose my private ssh key all I have to do is remove my pub keys from the servers that they are installed in | 04:33 |
itilious | as in i should be keeping it on a jump drive some where? | 04:33 |
HerCury | itilious: secure copy | 04:33 |
raido | itilious: the priv key is on the client side, the pub on the server side, they both reside in ~/.ssh | 04:34 |
c0dege3k | ive got a problem- im using compiz/emerald and bout a min after i log in, the compiz theme resets to the ugly gray thing. | 04:34 |
raido | itilious: you copied your pub key to the server | 04:34 |
c0dege3k | I know this is a well documented problem, but none of the solutions ive seen have worked so far. Any help? | 04:34 |
the-erm1 | When I ssh into my machine it says there are 18 packages that can be updated, I apt-get update & upgrade nothing happens I even ssh -X in and run update-manager bottom line How do you get the list of packages that need to be installed? | 04:34 |
the-erm1 | or a "held back" list | 04:34 |
itilious | raido, doesnt the key need to stay in .ssh folder tho to be used by ubuntu tho? | 04:35 |
raido | the-erm1: just issue sudo apt-get upgrade and it will give you the list to be upgraded | 04:35 |
the-erm1 | I probably wouldn't be so paranoid about it if it weren't for 13 of the packages being security updates. | 04:35 |
the-erm1 | I don't think so radio. | 04:35 |
the-erm1 | I'll try it though. | 04:35 |
raido | the-erm1: it will | 04:36 |
kindofabuzz | what are the default permissions for folders in ~? | 04:36 |
the-erm1 | Like I said when I update/upgrade it doesn't. | 04:36 |
the-erm1 | I can pastebin it if you'd like. | 04:36 |
raido | the-erm1: just issue apt-get upgrade | 04:36 |
the-erm1 | radio take a look http://pastebin.ca/2049207 | 04:37 |
raido | itilious: the keys can be used on any sustem you want, they are not distro dependant | 04:37 |
the-erm1 | seriously. | 04:37 |
the-erm1 | It's weird. | 04:37 |
itilious | as in does the id_rsa key need to be in the ~/.ssh/ directory so that the client can use it to authenticate with the openssh host? | 04:37 |
Rehan | rileyp: I got win7 working again with easyBCD bootloader | 04:37 |
the-erm1 | usually I can apt-get install kernal-headers or whatever the name of the packages that are "held back" and it installs them I reboot the server and i'm good to go. | 04:38 |
Rehan | rileyp: now when i boot i get the easyBCD boot menu and if I hit windows, it loads fine. However if I load ubuntu and hold down SHIFT menu to get grub, and choose Windows, I still get the bootmgr is missing error | 04:39 |
raido | itilious: you have a stale /etc/motd.tail file... do"sudo cat/dev/null > /etc/motd.tail" then log out and back in agian, your all set | 04:39 |
raido | the-erm1: you have a stale /etc/motd.tail file... do"sudo cat/dev/null > /etc/motd.tail" then log out and back in agian, your all set | 04:39 |
raido | itilious: disregard that , it was for the... | 04:39 |
itilious | lol kinda confused me there a bit for a sec raido :p | 04:40 |
the-erm1 | radio I bet you meant sudo cat /dev/null > /etc/motd.tail | 04:40 |
raido | itilious: do a wikipedia search on public key crypto, then the ssh key situation will make a bit more sense for you | 04:41 |
raido | the-erm1: yes, sorry | 04:41 |
the-erm1 | It's ok. | 04:41 |
the-erm1 | I'll update/upgrade and see what happens now. | 04:41 |
raido | the-erm1: you are up to date, that file was old and showing a previous motd | 04:42 |
the-erm1 | ok | 04:42 |
itilious | raido, i do know a little bout the basics of key crypto stuff, just trying to understand if ubuntu needs the key in that specific directory to authenticate with the ssh-server keys | 04:42 |
the-erm1 | I wonder why that happened. | 04:42 |
Admin__ | how to install openmns in ubuntu server | 04:43 |
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raido | itilious: by default all linux is setup to use ~/.ssh, but you can tell ssh to use a key in any location you want, i.e. usb key etc... | 04:43 |
Rehan | rileyp: still around? | 04:43 |
the-erm1 | thanks for your help radio | 04:43 |
Rehan | could anyone help me with bootloader issues? | 04:43 |
raido | the-erm1: np | 04:43 |
the-erm1 | It's now showing 0 updates. | 04:43 |
Admin__ | coud any help me how to install openmns in ubuntu server | 04:44 |
raido | the-erm1: so if you see motd repeat 2 different messages, you know what to do. I think this is a recent minor bug in Lucid. Ive had this happen on all my Lucid boxes in the last few days | 04:45 |
the-erm1 | really | 04:45 |
the-erm1 | bummer | 04:45 |
Rehan | I have a problem where I have easyBCD and grub2 both installed as bootloaders. Could anyone help? | 04:46 |
itilious | does a user created for ftp access need to be given special permissions to use ssh as well? ie sftp? | 04:49 |
AegNuddel | Does anyone know what gnomeConf.sh is? | 04:49 |
disappearedng | I think my fsck failed is tehre a way to check the log? | 04:50 |
=== root is now known as Guest71924 |
Guest71924 | ping www.baidu.com | 04:50 |
AegNuddel | checking for gnomeConf.sh file in /usr/local/lib... not found | 04:51 |
AegNuddel | configure: error: Could not find the gnomeConf.sh file that is generated by gnome-libs install | 04:51 |
Ben64 | !root | Guest71924 | 04:51 |
ubottu | Guest71924: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 04:51 |
AegNuddel | is what I get | 04:51 |
Ben64 | err | 04:51 |
Ben64 | !rootirc | Guest71924 | 04:51 |
ubottu | Guest71924: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 04:51 |
Guest71924 | helllo | 04:52 |
velcroshooz | AegNuddel, is gnome-libs installed? | 04:52 |
duece | !samba | 04:52 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 04:52 |
CooKieMonster | using a cronjob with the command "php -q ........" what does the php -q does ? | 04:53 |
AegNuddel | velcroshooz, I don't think this version was letting me | 04:53 |
velcroshooz | AegNuddel, from the error it sounds like it is requiring it | 04:53 |
AegNuddel | velcroshooz, no deb available... will try something else | 04:54 |
disappearedng | Is there a way to manually force fsck to run on your current root partition? | 04:54 |
Ben64 | disappearedng: fsck --help | 04:54 |
disappearedng | Ben64: well device is busy | 04:55 |
itilious | would "usermod -g user" be all thats needed to make user an SFTP user? | 04:55 |
Ben64 | you can't fsck a mounted partition, try from a live cd | 04:55 |
disappearedng | Ben64: seems like that's the only way | 04:56 |
disappearedng | yeah because I am pretty sure my root partition is 100% messed up | 04:56 |
Ben64 | aren't you on it right now? | 04:56 |
iceen | hello | 04:58 |
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iceen | nobody??? | 05:01 |
soreau | iceen: hi | 05:01 |
soreau | It's quiet because we fixed all the bugs | 05:01 |
iceen | ??? | 05:02 |
iceen | English??? | 05:02 |
Wolframn | iceen, yes, we speak English. | 05:03 |
itilious | is it safe to add my www-data user to the "admin" group? | 05:03 |
AegNuddel | so I started to install gnome-libs, but then it told me...that gtk is not installed...I know gtk is installed! I use GIMP! | 05:03 |
rww | itilious: not really. that would give apache2 (or your httpd in general) sudo permissions, which would be an issue if someone exploited a vulnerability in apache2. | 05:04 |
soreau | AegNuddel: You started to install? You mean you're trying to build gnome-libs? | 05:04 |
AegNuddel | soreau, yes | 05:04 |
soreau | ! compile | AegNuddel | 05:04 |
ubottu | AegNuddel: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 05:04 |
soreau | AegNuddel: I don't know why you'd want to compile gnome-libs, but you'll need the development packages so it can find the headers etc | 05:04 |
AegNuddel | yeah no prebuilds since Ubuntu stopped using mostly | 05:05 |
itilious | rww, so is that not the way to use ssh/sftp? cuz a few guides i found said to do that, but it seemed like a security risk | 05:05 |
soreau | AegNuddel: ie. the gtgk -dev package | 05:05 |
AegNuddel | I want to use terraform | 05:05 |
soreau | gtk* | 05:05 |
rww | itilious: It is a security risk. I use ssh, sftp, and apache2, and am not sure why you'd want to do that :\ | 05:05 |
rww | (add www-data to admin, that is) | 05:05 |
AegNuddel | soreau, been trying to get a workaround for this http://terraform.sourceforge.net/ | 05:06 |
itilious | rww, do you not use a user specifically for /var/www access? | 05:06 |
soreau | AegNuddel: That page is bogus | 05:06 |
AegNuddel | soreau, it is? | 05:06 |
soreau | AegNuddel: It says the project hasn't uploading anything yet (try it) | 05:07 |
soreau | s/ing/ed | 05:07 |
rww | itilious: I added my user account to the www-data group. | 05:08 |
rww | itilious: which is probably not ideal either, but at least then you're not giving sudo access to a public-facing daemon | 05:08 |
iszak | So I'm trying to configure the network however for some reason it's not honouring my static IP configuration instead it's using DHCP | 05:08 |
AegNuddel | soreauhttp://terraform.sourceforge.net/tf_download_current.html, it's here | 05:08 |
AegNuddel | soreau http://terraform.sourceforge.net/tf_download_current.html, it's here | 05:08 |
soreau | AegNuddel: Why do you think you need to build gnome-libs? | 05:09 |
JoeCoder | where is the suexec log | 05:09 |
AegNuddel | Every time I try to install it, it says it needs a file generated by gnome-libs | 05:10 |
soreau | AegNuddel: Which version of ubuntu are you using? | 05:10 |
lumz | so i messed up my audio and need to reinstall whatever package is used by default in 10.10 for audio | 05:11 |
lumz | what package is that? | 05:11 |
itilious | how can i add the 'www-data' user to the permissions that would allow an ssh/sftp connection access? | 05:11 |
AegNuddel | soreau, I get configure: error: Could not find the gnomeConf.sh file that is generated by gnome-libs install and it's Maverick | 05:11 |
itilious | i can connect with my main account ok over ssh/sftp but www-data user can't connect via ssh/sftp, | 05:12 |
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soreau | AegNuddel: You're probably just missing dependencies (aka development headers and such) to build terraform. Let me try to build it here and I'll tell you how to do it | 05:12 |
AegNuddel | ok thanks | 05:12 |
soreau | AegNuddel: It's very likely you do not need to build gnome-libs | 05:12 |
lumz | how do i renable default audio? | 05:12 |
AegNuddel | soreau, ok | 05:12 |
raido | itilious: what are you trying to accomplish? I would not do that. By default www-data does not have login privelages, doesnt need it | 05:14 |
itilious | raido, just trying to setup a secure ftp client between my computer and my ubuntu web server | 05:15 |
raido | it you have that already, right | 05:15 |
=== The_rogue_smiler is now known as ExplodingPiglets |
paintchip | does anyone know how to change the default file manager that applications open when using fluxbox as a WM? | 05:16 |
lumz | what is used in 10.10 for audio? | 05:16 |
itilious | i have the webserver up and running | 05:16 |
lumz | i disabled it now have no audio accidently | 05:16 |
itilious | raido, everything is setup and working with my webserver as i need it, i just was tryng to get the sftp sever to work along with it and do other misc file transfering | 05:17 |
itilious | the only user that i can get to connect to my ftp server via ssh is my main user that is an admin group and has ssh access, but www-data does not have this access | 05:17 |
raido | itilious: web server and ftp server are 2 different things though. Are you wanting to be able to FTP from your login directly to your webservers /var/www dir to upload content | 05:17 |
itilious | basically yes | 05:17 |
itilious | is it ok to use my primary logon user and simply set the default directory of /var/home to do this? | 05:18 |
rww | itilious: SFTP is not SSH + FTP. | 05:18 |
lumz | what package is used by default for audio in 10.10? pulseaudio? | 05:18 |
rww | lumz: yes | 05:18 |
lumz | lol finally guessed right | 05:18 |
itilious | rww, when i use filezilla and choose, sftp -ssh it connects fine for my main user, and i'm guesing this is secure right? | 05:19 |
rww | itilious: sftp is a protocol provided by openssh-server that has nothing to do with your FTP server. | 05:19 |
rww | itilious: and yes, sftp is secure | 05:19 |
itilious | raido, thats exactly what i'm tring to do, basically make edits/uploads for website content | 05:19 |
dm__ | hello people | 05:19 |
itilious | rww, from what i've learnd ftp goes thru the ssh tunnel, hence the traffic is secure right? | 05:20 |
dm__ | I'm kinda in need of help with .cue files | 05:20 |
rww | itilious: I just said SFTP is secure. SFTP is not FTP through an SSH tunnel, it's an entirely separate protocol from FTP. | 05:20 |
itilious | when connectect via the "sftp ssh" option in my client | 05:20 |
itilious | so ftp thru ssh isnt secure then? | 05:21 |
rww | /that is not what SFTP Is/ | 05:21 |
itilious | or just simply not the same thing as sftp, cuz i always knew that lol | 05:21 |
rww | So you know that SFTP exists and are trying to do FTP through an SSH tunnel anyway? Why o.O? | 05:21 |
raido | itilious: Then you can chenge your apache default dir from /var/www/ to something like /home/youruser/var/www then you can do what you want | 05:22 |
itilious | is it ok to just use my admin "main" accont tho to log into ftp over ssh to be editing files in the /var/www directory? | 05:22 |
Ben64 | itilious: you should set it up differently | 05:22 |
Ben64 | ~/httpdocs would be much better | 05:22 |
Ben64 | or something in the user's home directory | 05:22 |
xxmmaann | hi | 05:22 |
raido | itilious: admin is a group not a user | 05:22 |
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soreau | AegNuddel: Hmm. From my research, it seems that terraform is very out of date and wont build on recent versions of linux | 05:24 |
soreau | AegNuddel: What do you need terraform for? | 05:24 |
AegNuddel | soreau, might niot be the one I thought it was... going to try klandscape next | 05:25 |
xxmmaann | can you help me i have the same problem with video driver i installed the driver from command line but not work my system starts with comand line ? | 05:25 |
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AegNuddel | soreau, that got further but says I need qt...do you know which is the right packace to install? | 05:25 |
AegNuddel | soreau, that got further but says I need qt...do you know which is the right package to install? | 05:25 |
xxmmaann | now i cant start ubuntu in safe mode | 05:26 |
soreau | AegNuddel: Pastebin the output | 05:26 |
soreau | AegNuddel: To pastebin.ca | 05:26 |
xxmmaann | why my system cant start withowt video driver ? | 05:27 |
kindofabuzz | itilious: here's what i do for my /var/www. so you can edit files as your user but still have secure permissions http://serverfault.com/questions/6895/whats-the-best-way-of-handling-permissions-for-apache2s-user-www-data-in-var-w | 05:28 |
soreau | xxmmaann: What driver did you install and what card do you have? | 05:28 |
* gh0stz installed ubuntu 10.10 today beside a win7 install, but after the initial reboot it went to grub menu and then monitor went to power saver and would not wake up again until a reboot | 05:28 |
gh0stz | after a lot of reading I decided to just go with 10.04 | 05:28 |
xxmmaann | >>>sudo apt-get install nvidia-* | 05:29 |
AegNuddel | soreau, http://pastebin.ca/2049223 | 05:29 |
gh0stz | i installed 10.04 but apparently no grub, now the machine just gets to the point where the grub menu would load and reboots...i booted into live cd and checked but my machine has no menu.lst now | 05:29 |
soreau | xxmmaann: Ick. You should have used sys>admin>additional drivers applet to install the nvidia driver | 05:29 |
itilious | thanks kindofabuzz some good stuff in there :) | 05:29 |
gh0stz | i can't boot to either system | 05:29 |
soreau | xxmmaann: Try booting to CLI then 'rm -rf /etc/X11/xorg.conf' then reboot | 05:29 |
gh0stz | should i just recreate menu.lst manually or do I need to re-install boot-loader | 05:30 |
gh0stz | any recommendations? | 05:30 |
xxmmaann | soreau: i know bit i cant start my sistem it starts with comand line | 05:30 |
kindofabuzz | itilious: np. yes it is. :) | 05:30 |
xxmmaann | i cant start in grafic mode | 05:30 |
soreau | AegNuddel: Qt-1.4 huh.. try installing libqt4-dev but if it needs an ancient version of qt, this package is way out of date too | 05:31 |
escoloader | LINUX IS THE DEVIL'S WORK, only sinners touch it. Windows is HEAVENLY. Angels made Windows....greedy, greedy angels | 05:31 |
soreau | xxmmaann: Try booting to CLI (CLI = Command Line Interface) then 'rm -rf /etc/X11/xorg.conf' then reboot | 05:31 |
AegNuddel | soreau, ok | 05:32 |
soreau | escoloader: This isn't the place for that. Please refrain from such comments | 05:32 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
gnewb | gh0stz: The multiple line posts sorta slowed me down, Sounds like you have Windows? on one partition and are attempting to dual boot that with Ubuntu? | 05:32 |
rww | escoloader: I... umm... *grabs notes* #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (but our IRC guidelines apply there too). | 05:33 |
AegNuddel | too old | 05:33 |
AegNuddel | darn | 05:33 |
gh0stz | gnewb: that's correct and sorry didn't want it to be a page long paragraph in one post | 05:33 |
soreau | AegNuddel: What is this package you're trying to build now? | 05:33 |
soreau | rww: hhahaha | 05:34 |
dm__ | T_T | 05:34 |
xxmmaann | this is the nvidia install log http://paste.ubuntu.com/597281/ maybe can help me | 05:34 |
gnewb | gh0stz: There are many recommendations, that is all good, what Windows version? | 05:34 |
soreau | xxmmaann: I already told you what to try | 05:34 |
abiss27 | hey guys does anyone know how to get the ICQ chat working in Pidgin all I keep getting all the time Error Messages. | 05:34 |
soreau | xxmmaann: If you can't follow any instruction, no one will be able to help you | 05:35 |
gh0stz | gnewb: win 7 | 05:35 |
xxmmaann | ok i ll try | 05:35 |
AegNuddel | soreau, a landscape/background designer | 05:35 |
gnewb | gh0stz: Does Win7 still have a good MBR or boot.ini? | 05:35 |
administrador_ | hola a todos | 05:35 |
nit-wit | ghostz, your using grub2 you may just need to reload the mbr.https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%202 | 05:36 |
soreau | ! xmountains | AegNuddel | 05:36 |
soreau | !info xmountains | AegNuddel | 05:36 |
ubottu | AegNuddel: xmountains (source: xmountains): Fractal landscape generator for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-2 (maverick), package size 28 kB, installed size 116 kB | 05:36 |
gh0stz | gnewb: yea seems so...still need to do more testing but had to leave machine at the office...goign to test more first thing in the morning | 05:36 |
gh0stz | nit-wit: thanks! checking out now | 05:37 |
RegularDave | anybody in here develop for android??? | 05:37 |
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soreau | AegNuddel: never tried it but 'sudo apt-get install xmountains' will get that installed without building anything | 05:37 |
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rww | RegularDave: try #android | 05:37 |
RegularDave | cool thanks | 05:37 |
gnewb | gh0stz: Ok, that is good, we just skipped having to repair that, but still make a backup before you try anything. | 05:37 |
itilious | is there a way to re-issue an ssl certificate for an irc ssl server? | 05:37 |
gh0stz | gnewb: new install in win 7 too...nothing to backup yet | 05:38 |
gh0stz | :) | 05:38 |
raido | itilious: lol, im gettin the feeling your paranoid | 05:38 |
AegNuddel | lol it started then shut down | 05:38 |
itilious | lol na | 05:38 |
itilious | just fun stuff i guess | 05:38 |
gnewb | gh0stz: Sure there is, all the System and configuration files. | 05:38 |
raido | itilious: is it your irc server? | 05:39 |
RegularDave | trying to join a channel..... It says I cant, I need to be identified with services... ??? | 05:39 |
itilious | and yes, a little | 05:39 |
rww | !register | RegularDave | 05:39 |
ubottu | RegularDave: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 05:39 |
soreau | AegNuddel: Works here, must be your graphics drivers. What is the output of 'lspci|grep VGA'? | 05:39 |
soreau | also | 05:39 |
soreau | ! who | AegNuddel | 05:39 |
ubottu | AegNuddel: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 05:39 |
itilious | i made the switch to linux i had 8 clients last week alone with hijacked emails.. :/ | 05:39 |
itilious | raido, nope | 05:39 |
gnewb | gh0stz: I am really into making backups, call it a lesson learned 25 years ago. | 05:39 |
hiram | hi | 05:39 |
raido | itilious: then no, its their ssl cert, you have no control over that | 05:40 |
AegNuddel | soreau, 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series] | 05:40 |
gnewb | gh0stz: Did you check the md5 and integrity of the install medium? | 05:40 |
soreau | AegNuddel: And what is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'? | 05:40 |
MaRk-I | !register | RegularDave | 05:41 |
ubottu | RegularDave: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 05:41 |
ylmfos | hi | 05:42 |
AegNuddel | soreau, OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 (RS690 791F) 20090101 x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE2 NO-TCL DRI2 | 05:42 |
soreau | AegNuddel: Alright, upgrade the entire driver stack by installing xorg-edgers with this command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental && sudo apt-get upgrade | 05:42 |
gh0stz | gnewb: fully agree about the backups...just having done anything after the clean install to backup. i did run the media check | 05:42 |
rww | soreau: as the xorg-edgers PPA description says, please do not tell people to use it without pointing them to the description page first. | 05:43 |
=== RegularDave is now known as register |
soreau | AegNuddel: This will not only upgrade your drivers, but install the gallium mesa driver which is really the best for your card | 05:43 |
soreau | AegNuddel: The gallium driver will be default in natty | 05:43 |
gnewb | gh0stz: You are a wise person, so the Grub went haywire or splooged on install? | 05:44 |
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=== Guest72895 is now known as RegularDave |
AegNuddel | soreau, nice... this is actually my mother's computer so I have no idea what she may have removed at times | 05:44 |
soreau | AegNuddel: If it doesn't work, you can use 'sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers' to undo everything it did | 05:44 |
gh0stz | gnewb: everything seems intact but the installer just didn't create a menu.lst | 05:44 |
AegNuddel | soreau, it asks me for a disc | 05:44 |
rww | AegNuddel: Please read https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa before using xorg-edgers. It is not stable software at all. | 05:44 |
soreau | AegNuddel: And rww wanted you to have this https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers | 05:45 |
soreau | AegNuddel: You need to fix your repos by running 'gksu software-properties-gtk' and unselecting the cdrom and selecting all the installable from internet repos | 05:45 |
gnewb | gh0stz: Ah, are you familiar with editing Grub.2? | 05:46 |
naba | am a ubuntu newbie..is there a torrent client that has autoshutdown and similiar features like utorrent for ubuntu? | 05:46 |
drmorphias | where is a step by step for installing sun's java for firefox? | 05:46 |
gnewb | !torrent | naba | 05:47 |
ubottu | naba: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P | 05:47 |
gh0stz | gnewb: not much...been on mac now for quite a while just now coming back to ubuntu | 05:47 |
raido | itilious: BTW, I have been running Linux for 10 years including public facing servers. I have never had a security breech. I keep my systems up to date, use strict firewalling and monitor my servers on a +- daily basis. Never had a problem. | 05:47 |
raido | itilious: relax and enjoy | 05:48 |
naba | ubottu: thanks | 05:48 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 05:48 |
gnewb | gh0stz: Ok, so you know BSD like stuff, just change Slices to Partitions and we are at a good start. | 05:48 |
naba | ubottu: nice bot | 05:48 |
tripelbb | I have an ubuntu installation on a hard drive. Can I import a user from that with its directory from /home into /home on my main drive? | 05:48 |
itilious | i've just started in the world of linux tho, i have a lot of fundamental computer skills, but dont trust my knowledge of linux yet to make sure its properly secured i guess | 05:48 |
itilious | but thats all the fun right there i believe, is learning new system which i love a million times more than pc now :D | 05:49 |
gh0stz | gnewb: was with ubuntu long before the mac just a little rusty | 05:49 |
gnewb | !best-bot | 05:49 |
itilious | its like discovering the awesomeness of computers all over again lol | 05:49 |
naba | that dint help | 05:49 |
tripelbb | itilious, remember there is no security if someone gets their hands on your machine, physically that is. | 05:49 |
gnewb | gh0stz: Welcome back, as you may have noticed many things have changed, I think for the better, but that is my opinion. | 05:50 |
raido | itilious: yep, know how you feel, I wan there and miss those days, but even still there is something new to learn every day if I try. | 05:50 |
itilious | tripelbb, ya i remember the auther of the CompTIA A+ talking about that | 05:50 |
tripelbb | naba, transmission is Mr. Clear and Simple. | 05:50 |
gnewb | nada: It use to, or I am giving the wrong !call | 05:50 |
xxmmaann | soreau > i tryed that comand and not work , any ideas? | 05:51 |
itilious | tripelbb, guy called his friend saying "you can't get into my brand new system, no chance" his friend came lookin like a tech and walked out the front door with it lol | 05:51 |
gh0stz | gnewb: it definitely appears changed...haven't been able to use it enough to tell good or bad yet...one thing i wans't overly happy about is that the installer is much easier now but you get basically no config options...just a one size fits all install | 05:51 |
naba | gnewb : i have transmission but hte problem is it does not have an autoshutdown feature | 05:51 |
itilious | then called back and said, i'm in possesion of your system, ha ha | 05:51 |
soreau | ! work | xxmmaann | 05:51 |
ubottu | xxmmaann: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 05:51 |
tripelbb | drmorphias are you doing it in Terminal. When you get to the OK choice, you have to do somethihg obscure to chose it, space ebnter arrow, I dont remember but it [hased me for a while. Else just do it. | 05:52 |
naba | there was a tut on adding a shutdown script when download completes but the transmission gui did not have that option | 05:52 |
gnewb | gh0stz: Go CLI! | 05:52 |
itilious | shows that the BEST security can be totally flawed by simply social engineering, is that that what you talking about tripelbb | 05:52 |
gh0stz | gnewb: i didn't even see a way to get a cli install option...what did I miss? I would have been much happier there | 05:52 |
xxmmaann | i know , but i cant start my sistem | 05:52 |
tripelbb | naba, let me check about autoshutdown. do you mean, end program when a torrent is done or end down/uploading at a certain ratio? I know tranmission has the latter and I will check for you... | 05:53 |
gnewb | naba: I thought one of them did, am looking at the specifications and documents now. | 05:53 |
gnewb | gh0stz: I think it is Shift, but please hold so I can confirm that. | 05:53 |
naba | tripelbb : by that i mean when the downloading completes the computer shutdowns automatically.. | 05:53 |
soreau | xxmmaann: Perhaps you should try undoing what you did with apt-get remove --purge *nvidia* | 05:54 |
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=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest17695 |
xxmmaann | ok i will remove the driver but my sistem will not start in grafic mode because it cant 'detect my display' | 05:56 |
gnewb | gh0stz: Yes, it is available on all .iso's and or .img's, which version are you trying to make get along with Win 7? | 05:56 |
gh0stz | gnewb: started with 10.10 but after having some problems and reading a lot i went back to 10.04 | 05:57 |
thunderst | Is there any problem if i put Ubuntu 10.10 along with windows 7? | 05:57 |
soreau | thunderst: It should work fine | 05:58 |
thunderst | ok | 05:58 |
Starminn | Has anybody here used the default "install alongside" option for Ubuntu/Win7 and had success? Instead of oging and manually doing everything? | 05:59 |
gh0stz | thunderst: i don't think there are any problems. the problems i had was with video drivers and dual monitors | 05:59 |
xxmmaann | i cant understand why my system not start withowt video driver | 05:59 |
=== root is now known as Guest36608 |
soreau | xxmmaann: The nvidia module is loading and apparently, it's broken | 06:00 |
gnewb | gh0stz: My connection just went askew, just scroogle. google,dmoz or whatever CLI install Ubuntu. | 06:00 |
gh0stz | gnewb: no worries | 06:00 |
gnewb | gh0stz: That seems like the solution to what you asked about. | 06:01 |
gh0stz | gnewb: agreed...thanks for all the help | 06:01 |
gnewb | gh0stz: You are quite welcome, and Thank you. | 06:02 |
xxmmaann | yes but now i cant start in safe mode [withowt driver] | 06:02 |
soreau | xxmmaann: Try creating /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia and put nvidia on a single line in it | 06:02 |
xxmmaann | how can i do it? [creating /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia] | 06:05 |
lumz | can vlc play bluerays? | 06:05 |
deadhead | hi, is there any way to install google gadgets on natty yey? | 06:07 |
rww | deadhead: #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks! | 06:07 |
soreau | xxmmaann: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia, then type nvidia and press Ctrl+X, then hit Y and enter | 06:07 |
codex84 | i have 4 linux headers | 06:08 |
codex84 | can they be remove | 06:08 |
codex84 | ? | 06:09 |
naba | hi guys, does any one know of a torrent client with auto shutdown feature like utorrent on windows? | 06:09 |
xxmmaann | can i do something in live cd? >im on live cd and take a lot of time to restart again [because i cant start in safe mode ] | 06:09 |
codex84 | ktorrent | 06:09 |
codex84 | naba | 06:09 |
AegNuddel | reboot | 06:10 |
naba | codex84 : thanks let me try that | 06:10 |
soreau | xxmmaann: Yes, you can mount the root filesystem and create the file | 06:10 |
codex84 | sure | 06:10 |
illdecree | join/ #ubuntu | 06:11 |
AegNuddel | soreau, all that does for me is render one scene of mountains | 06:14 |
AegNuddel | soreau, I updated and rebooted | 06:15 |
gnewb | How do I prune.shorten or remove log files? Xubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu10.04 | 06:15 |
soreau | AegNuddel: What does glxinfo|grep renderer say now? | 06:16 |
xxmmaann | ok , i have done that>i created a file backlist-nvidia | 06:16 |
lumz | how do i change it so deluge opens .torrents by default instead of qbittorent? | 06:16 |
soreau | xxmmaann: Are you sure you created it on the filesystem on the hard drive and not on the live session file system? | 06:16 |
thunderst | Which is the best torrent client for ubuntu? | 06:17 |
gnewb | !best | 06:17 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 06:17 |
thunderst | ok | 06:17 |
AegNuddel | soreau, r300: DRM version: 2.5.0, Name: ATI RS690, ID: 0x791f, GB: 1, Z: 1 | 06:17 |
AegNuddel | r300: GART size: 509 MB, VRAM size: 256 MB | 06:17 |
AegNuddel | r300: AA compression: NO, Z compression: NO, HiZ: NO | 06:17 |
xxmmaann | yes i.m sure | 06:17 |
ZykoticK9 | lumz, right click / properties / open with tab - in nautilus | 06:17 |
soreau | AegNuddel: What does the renderer string say? | 06:18 |
gnewb | thunderst: I prefer the default one, I think it is BitTorrent, depends on the flavor and your tastes. | 06:18 |
lumz | but when i download .torrent in chrome it auto launches qbittorent | 06:18 |
lumz | and i have to close it then open deluge or right click torrent open with | 06:19 |
thunderst | gnewb: thanks. | 06:19 |
codex84 | if i use wipe would my /home/codex84/downloads/epic mickey get wiped out | 06:19 |
codex84 | or just epic mickey would? | 06:19 |
AegNuddel | soreau, this is EXACTLY what I get: Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]... | 06:19 |
AegNuddel | Try `grep --help' for more information. | 06:19 |
AegNuddel | r300: DRM version: 2.5.0, Name: ATI RS690, ID: 0x791f, GB: 1, Z: 1 | 06:19 |
AegNuddel | r300: GART size: 509 MB, VRAM size: 256 MB | 06:19 |
AegNuddel | r300: AA compression: NO, Z compression: NO, HiZ: NO | 06:19 |
FloodBot2 | AegNuddel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:19 |
AegNuddel | valerie@valerie-laptop:~$ | 06:19 |
xxmmaann | so. what should i do now? | 06:20 |
soreau | AegNuddel: glxinfo|grep renderer | 06:20 |
gnewb | !pastebin | AegNuudel | 06:20 |
ubottu | AegNuudel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 06:20 |
gaelfx | is usb3.0 up to snuff in ubuntu? I mean, is the speed about what it should be, or is it just not worth it yet? | 06:20 |
AegNuddel | soreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/597293/ | 06:22 |
gh0stz | night all, thanks again for the help | 06:23 |
soreau | AegNuddel: Ok so you have gallium working. Does xmountains show any interesting output from terminal? | 06:23 |
AegNuddel | soreau, just a mountain scene | 06:23 |
TheWubber | is it ok to copy files to a folder such as /media/cdrom0? | 06:23 |
AegNuddel | soreau, won't do anything else | 06:24 |
TheWubber | or should i make an iso first and mount it there | 06:24 |
mirbot | i need some assistance in getting suspend working on my HP TX25xx tablet notebook | 06:24 |
mirbot | none of what i googled so far has been of much use | 06:25 |
mirbot | all of it being for 9.04 (or older) or Grub Legacy | 06:25 |
soreau | AegNuddel: man xmountains | 06:26 |
soreau | AegNuddel: I don't know if this program does what you need it to, but at least you have better graphics drivers now | 06:26 |
gaelfx | how is usb3.0 performance in Ubuntu? | 06:27 |
AegNuddel | i'll be off for the night | 06:27 |
deadhead | E: Type 'ttp://ppa.launchpad.net/nilarimogard/webupd8/ubuntu' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nilarimogard-webupd8-natty.list | 06:30 |
deadhead | how can i fix that | 06:30 |
TheWubber | deadhead: make it http, not ttp | 06:30 |
codex84 | lol | 06:30 |
deadhead | i know but how do | 06:30 |
TheWubber | deadhead: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nilarimogard-webupd8-natty.list | 06:30 |
deadhead | ty | 06:31 |
rww | deadhead: Please stick to #ubuntu+1 for natty questions. | 06:31 |
xxmmaann | can i remove the video driver from live cd? | 06:31 |
mirbot | no one knows how to fix the suspend issue or has tried it before thats awake at the moment? | 06:32 |
mirbot | meh | 06:32 |
TheWubber | what suspend issue? | 06:32 |
deadhead | ty TheWubber | 06:32 |
mirbot | when this laptop is put into suspend mode it wont come out of it | 06:32 |
mirbot | it will power on but will not get to the log in page or anything | 06:32 |
mirbot | i cant even get the terminal up so its not an X issue | 06:33 |
TheWubber | laptops seem to have suspend issues | 06:33 |
lumz | i have audio on youtube but not other websites | 06:35 |
lumz | what to do? | 06:35 |
mirbot | sounds like pulse audio actingup | 06:35 |
mirbot | had the same issue with another distro | 06:35 |
lumz | i recently uninstalled pulseaudio then installed oss then uninstalled oss and resinstalled pulseaudioo | 06:36 |
pipegeek | under what circumstances do additional manifests in a module's manifests/ directory get evaluated? | 06:36 |
pipegeek | whoops, wrong channel | 06:36 |
lumz | ooh no i was wrong my audio stopped working in youtube | 06:37 |
TheWubber | sounds like a flash issue | 06:37 |
mirbot | lumz, try restarting your audio driver | 06:37 |
lumz | how do i do that? | 06:37 |
xmaz | hello, i have a problem i dont know how to fix : root@tomaks:/home# mkdir test | 06:39 |
xmaz | mkdir: cannot create directory `test': Read-only file system | 06:39 |
xmaz | I cant make any dirs anywhere :O | 06:39 |
deadhead | is there a terminal command to kill a synaptic? | 06:40 |
lumz | how do i restart audio driver? | 06:40 |
TheWubber | lumz: sudo service pulseaudio restart | 06:40 |
lumz | ty | 06:40 |
gaelfx | deadhead: ps -A | grep synaptic, then kill -9 the pid it posts | 06:40 |
TheWubber | xmaz: what filesystem is this? ntfs? ext? | 06:40 |
mirbot | lumz, rcalsasound restart | 06:41 |
xmaz | Thewubber: ntfs | 06:42 |
mirbot | then restart pulseaudio | 06:42 |
TheWubber | xmaz: mount it with ntfs-3g | 06:42 |
mirbot | how | 06:42 |
mirbot | dont know | 06:42 |
xmaz | But the thing is, that yesterday it worked with no problems | 06:42 |
mirbot | i have it uninstalled | 06:42 |
mirbot | :D | 06:42 |
lumz | it says command not found when i run rcalsasound restart | 06:42 |
TheWubber | xmaz: happens. mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdX /mnt/location | 06:42 |
xmaz | ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/sdX': No such file or directory | 06:43 |
mirbot | try doing it as a superuser | 06:43 |
TheWubber | xmaz: /dev/sdX means the drive label | 06:43 |
mirbot | ie root | 06:43 |
xmaz | ow | 06:43 |
TheWubber | mirbot: he's logged in as root | 06:43 |
gaelfx | xmaz: you need to replace the X with the appropriate letter for the drive | 06:43 |
softcoder | hello | 06:43 |
deadhead | cool, got to jot that in my notes | 06:43 |
xmaz | sorry i am noob when it comes to linux | 06:43 |
mirbot | TheWubber, i see | 06:43 |
softcoder | can i ask if anyone here has authority to include something in natty? | 06:43 |
gaelfx | xmaz: you can find the correct letter using Disk Utility | 06:44 |
TheWubber | also fdisk -l | 06:44 |
deadhead | #ubuntu+1 softcoder | 06:44 |
gaelfx | softcoder: natty discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 06:44 |
softcoder | ok | 06:44 |
xmaz | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 06:44 |
TheWubber | xmaz: just find the ntfs partition and decide that as your /dev/sdX | 06:44 |
TheWubber | xmaz: or pastebin the output | 06:45 |
Axme | Anyone thinking of porting Unity to Android ? | 06:45 |
xmaz | http://pastebin.com/jfp7Kkyx | 06:46 |
TheWubber | xmaz: i dont see a ntfs partition there. odd | 06:47 |
TheWubber | xmaz: ntfs meaning windows partition thoug | 06:47 |
TheWubber | linux = ext | 06:47 |
mirbot | meh lets see if this works | 06:47 |
mirbot | bye | 06:47 |
xmaz | The thing is, that this is a virtual server i created :O | 06:47 |
gaelfx | how's usb3.0 performance in Ubuntu? | 06:47 |
TheWubber | xmaz: oh. looks like it didnt mount properly | 06:48 |
tripelbb | itilious, from a while back. yes, social engineering is exactly what I meant. also that you can boot from a liveCD and reset the passwords. | 06:49 |
TheWubber | xmaz: nano /etc/fstab find the line that says errors=remount-ro(something like this) and change -ro to -rw | 06:49 |
xmaz | TheWubber: ok will | 06:49 |
tripelbb | I have an ubuntu installation on a hard drive. Can I import a user from that with its directory from /home into /home on my main drive? | 06:49 |
tripelbb | an >> another | 06:49 |
xdl | Hello | 06:50 |
TheWubber | tripelbb: well you can adduser then copy the home dir | 06:50 |
TheWubber | home dir carries settings with it | 06:50 |
TheWubber | !adduser | 06:51 |
ubottu | To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 06:51 |
xmaz | TheWubber, i kinda did a restart of the server before you tell me to do the command | 06:51 |
xmaz | and now it doesnt boot :) | 06:51 |
TheWubber | xmaz: hmm. the virtual server's drive failed | 06:52 |
TheWubber | it seems | 06:52 |
TheWubber | not 100% sure though. i havent seen a virtual machine fail like that | 06:53 |
rob_p | tripelbb: You may also have to "sudo chown -R user:user /homedir" just to make sure the user's home directory and files are actually owned by him and in his group. | 06:53 |
stjohnmedrano | good day everyone, is their a way to install gnome3 in ubuntu 10.04? | 06:53 |
xdl | I install ubuntu in vmware | 06:53 |
xmaz | TheWubber, can i give you a screen shot? i have no idea what to do :S | 06:53 |
rww | stjohnmedrano: no | 06:53 |
rob_p | tripelbb: /home/homedir, that is... | 06:53 |
TheWubber | xmaz: sure | 06:53 |
guodaoyi | hello ! | 06:53 |
xdl | hello guodaoyi | 06:54 |
xdl | where are you from | 06:54 |
stjohnmedrano | rww: no means it wont work? or its not possible? | 06:54 |
rww | stjohnmedrano: There are no packages for GNOME 3 for 10.04 that I'm aware of. | 06:55 |
guodaoyi | 你们都要用英文么? | 06:55 |
TheWubber | !info gnome3-session lucid | 06:55 |
xmaz | TheWubber: http://img135.imageshack.us/i/virtualboot.jpg/ | 06:55 |
ubottu | Package gnome3-session does not exist in lucid | 06:55 |
xdl | How to make screen shot? | 06:56 |
stjohnmedrano | rww: ok, thank you very much | 06:56 |
MaRk-I | xdl: press the Prntscrn key | 06:56 |
xdl | guodaoyi ,are you chinese? | 06:56 |
joshmc | quick question. Ubuntu FUBAR'd, my bad. reinstalling on a 250GB drive, inspiron 1525, 6.4GB swap 61.4GB for ubuntu / 61.4GB for arch / and 120.8GB for a home partition. Is that reasonable and what issues do you foresee me running into trying to get ubuntu and arch to install and work day to day side-by-side? | 06:56 |
TheWubber | xmaz: can you do any hard drive operations on the virtual machine host? | 06:56 |
MaRk-I | !cn | guodaoyi | 06:56 |
ubottu | guodaoyi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk | 06:56 |
xmaz | TheWubber not much :) | 06:56 |
guodaoyi | 恩, 当然了, | 06:57 |
TheWubber | xmaz: check those 2 actions: inspect disk and edit disk | 06:57 |
TheWubber | xmaz: i'd start with inspect disk | 06:57 |
xdl | 我也是 | 06:57 |
Ben64 | joshmc: give it a shot! just make sure your UID is the same on both systems | 06:57 |
xdl | my english is poor | 06:57 |
xmaz | TheWubber: thanks for the tip | 06:57 |
TheWubber | !cn | xdl guodaoyi | 06:57 |
ubottu | xdl guodaoyi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk | 06:57 |
TheWubber | since the kernel can't mount the virtual hard disk, i'd suggest inspecting it | 06:58 |
joshmc | Ben64, tyty. Godspeed to me I guess. | 06:59 |
Ben64 | joshmc: why would you want two different distros though? seems redundant | 06:59 |
joshmc | Ben64: Learning. I know ubuntu will work (If I dont mess with it too much again ;] ) and I have a working QEMU vm of arch on my usb drive. Just wanna get a feel for both. | 07:00 |
xdl | I come to here to learn English :) | 07:00 |
gaelfx | ok | 07:01 |
joshmc | aaaand, here we go. Step 1: ubuntu. | 07:01 |
xdl | I'm here to learn English,everybody is my teacher | 07:02 |
guodaoyi | #ubuntu | 07:02 |
rob_p | xdl: ...and maybe you'll pick up a little Linux along the way... | 07:03 |
rob_p | xdl: :) | 07:03 |
xdl | Thanks rob_p | 07:04 |
gaelfx | how's usb3.0 performance in Ubuntu? | 07:05 |
TheWubber | !usb3 | 07:05 |
sxp | hi, I bought a new computer but it doesnt detect the HD | 07:06 |
sxp | it is serial ata | 07:06 |
sxp | and I cant install Ubuntu because it is not detectet | 07:06 |
gaelfx | TheWubber: I was looking more for performance rather than an explanation, but thanks | 07:06 |
gaelfx | sxp: sounds like you need to RMA | 07:07 |
=== ftjla is now known as fgwilliams |
TheWubber | gaelfx: apparently linux was the first to have usb3 support | 07:07 |
sxp | maybe I need a CD to load the HD RAID controller | 07:07 |
sxp | my bios does not shows the HD | 07:08 |
xmaz | TheWubber: now the boot starts, and i get alot more options then i usually got http://img810.imageshack.us/i/whattoboot.jpg/ any recommended choice? | 07:08 |
Vadesh | hello | 07:08 |
gaelfx | TheWubber: yeah, I know it's supported, but I wanna know if performance is anywhere near specs, cause if it's not worth it, I don't wanna put it in my box | 07:08 |
xdl | hi | 07:08 |
TheWubber | sxp: it appears to not be ubuntu's issue in that case | 07:08 |
Axme | would i loose unity if i try gnome3 | 07:08 |
Axme | ? | 07:08 |
Vadesh | I have installed xubuntu on a compaq presario cq56 and now it will not power on, can anybody help? | 07:09 |
uabn93 | I manually compiled wifi on 10.10 64 bit. How can it to connect automagically on startup? As of now, I have to press the f12 wifi button to turn it on and then click on the network on the status bar. | 07:09 |
gaelfx | sxp: again, it sounds like you need to RMA. I can't imagine any scenario like what you've described where it's not a hardware issue | 07:09 |
sxp | what is a RMA | 07:09 |
sxp | sorry for my English | 07:10 |
modulexploited | is it possible to enable the bottom toolbar in Ubuntu 11.04 along with the launcher ? | 07:10 |
lumz | how do i renable all defualt audio in 10.10? | 07:10 |
joshmc | Axme: from what I hear, yes, unity is incompat. with gnome3 | 07:10 |
gaelfx | sxp: return merchandise authorization, in other words, send it back | 07:10 |
TheWubber | yeah. send it back to the people who sold it to you | 07:10 |
modulexploited | is it possible to enable the bottom toolbar in Ubuntu 11.04 along with the launcher ? | 07:11 |
TheWubber | also http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/R/RMA.html | 07:11 |
=== taka is now known as Guest65515 |
MaRk-I | !natty | modulexploited | 07:11 |
ubottu | modulexploited: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 07:11 |
sxp | I have a question: if you buy a new computer with a serial ATA HD... | 07:11 |
sxp | should it be detected by the bios | 07:11 |
bazhang | sxp, ##hardware please | 07:12 |
rww | sxp: yes | 07:12 |
rww | sxp: also, what bazhang said ;P | 07:12 |
TheWubber | sxp: yes | 07:12 |
uabn93 | anyone know? | 07:12 |
=== modulexploited is now known as guesy |
gaelfx | sxp: if you haven't already, check that the connection is secure, if BIOS still doesn't detect it, take it back where you got it and get a new one | 07:12 |
bazhang | uabn93, know what | 07:12 |
TheWubber | uabn93: try wicd | 07:12 |
TheWubber | !info wicd | 07:12 |
ubottu | wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-5 (maverick), package size 40 kB, installed size 88 kB | 07:12 |
uabn93 | bazhang: my problem is up above | 07:13 |
joshmc | uabn93: what he said, that or get to scripting networkmanager | 07:13 |
xmaz | ThwWubber: Thanks for all your help, i mamanged to boot it up, and its working (for now) without any problems :) | 07:13 |
bazhang | uabn93, networking issues? | 07:13 |
TheWubber | xmaz: you're welcome | 07:13 |
TheWubber | xmaz: glad it's working :) | 07:13 |
uabn93 | bazhang: yes, autoconnecting issues | 07:13 |
uabn93 | TheWubber: does it run alongside network manager? | 07:14 |
uabn93 | can it? | 07:14 |
bazhang | uabn93, no | 07:14 |
TheWubber | uabn93: its a network manager so... | 07:14 |
bazhang | it removes network manager | 07:15 |
xmaz | Can anyone direct me to a good guide on how to setup multi sites on one server with apache? | 07:15 |
uabn93 | I'll try that out. | 07:16 |
Ben64 | xmaz: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/vhosts/ | 07:16 |
Flynn | In Ubuntu 10 what is the location of /home? | 07:16 |
TheWubber | Flynn: /home | 07:16 |
TheWubber | Flynn: it's in the root of the drive | 07:17 |
thunderst | !sudo | 07:17 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo | 07:17 |
Flynn | Yeah, but how do I see it? | 07:17 |
Ben64 | what do you mean 'see' | 07:17 |
RegularDave | Flynn.... that's an awesome name. | 07:17 |
TheWubber | Flynn: it's there... | 07:17 |
joshmc | Flynn: unless you made a separate partition for it, at the root of your partition. To see it, `ls /home`. | 07:17 |
Flynn | In files and folders can I see it/ | 07:17 |
Flynn | ? | 07:18 |
Ben64 | ....yes? still not sure what you're asking. | 07:18 |
TheWubber | Flynn: yes, under filesystem.. | 07:18 |
gaelfx | Flynn: let's start over, what exactly do you want to do? | 07:18 |
Flynn | Regular Dave: Thanx. | 07:18 |
TheWubber | !tab | 07:18 |
Flynn | I don't see it on mine. | 07:18 |
ubottu | You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 07:18 |
gaelfx | Flynn: and btw, you should go to places->computer and open filesystem, you should see /home in there | 07:18 |
TheWubber | Flynn: what happens if you run "ls /home"? | 07:18 |
exclusive37 | hello all | 07:19 |
Sirkill | how do i connect to the interent | 07:19 |
RegularDave | really? | 07:20 |
TheWubber | Sirkill: using what type of internet? | 07:20 |
TheWubber | !internet | 07:20 |
Flynn | It returns lost +found | 07:20 |
Sirkill | yeah srs i cant connect o any networks | 07:20 |
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe |
Sirkill | none show up in the list | 07:20 |
gaelfx | Flynn: but it doesn't show you a username folder? | 07:20 |
Sirkill | to | 07:20 |
joshmc | Flynn: ls /home returns lost+found? what about your username?? | 07:20 |
Flynn | lost+found user | 07:20 |
Sirkill | TheWubber | 07:21 |
TheWubber | Sirkill: yes? | 07:21 |
joshmc | Flynn: lost+found is normal. Looks like it's all ok...? | 07:21 |
Sirkill | can you help? | 07:21 |
TheWubber | Sirkill: what type of connection? | 07:21 |
Sirkill | thats the thing | 07:21 |
gaelfx | Flynn: again, I feel you should start over. what are you trying to do? | 07:21 |
exclusive37 | elo all .cud u help me pls on how to reset usplash theme to default resolution and theme? | 07:21 |
Sirkill | none show up | 07:21 |
TheWubber | Sirkill: wireless? ethernet? | 07:21 |
Sirkill | in the list of networks | 07:21 |
Sirkill | wireless | 07:21 |
RegularDave | All, I'm looking for some help with my usb ports, but it seems a little chaotic in here. Should I go somewhere else? Or someone PM me? | 07:21 |
Sirkill | i'm on vmware | 07:21 |
Sirkill | ubuntu 10.10 | 07:21 |
Flynn | When I open "Files and Folders" theres no folder called Home | 07:21 |
TheWubber | Sirkill: connect vmware to your host with bridged networking | 07:22 |
Sirkill | its already on that | 07:22 |
TheWubber | Sirkill: i mean, guest | 07:22 |
Sirkill | how to | 07:22 |
TheWubber | Sirkill: vmware settings, network | 07:22 |
exclusive37 | cud u help me pls on how to reset usplash theme to default resolution and theme | 07:22 |
Sirkill | yeah its already on bridged network | 07:22 |
Sirkill | and i checked the box under it too | 07:22 |
gaelfx | Flynn: but I still don't understand what you actually want to DO, I only understand what you expect to SEE | 07:22 |
TheWubber | hmm | 07:22 |
Sirkill | i'm using a linkseys ae1000 | 07:23 |
gaelfx | exclusive37: did you install NVidia drivers and now you want a prettier splash screen? | 07:23 |
Sirkill | and i installed its driver using a windows driver installer thign | 07:23 |
Sirkill | cuz i suck to much to do it non windows | 07:23 |
Flynn | gaelfx: I understand /home is like c:// in windows. | 07:23 |
exclusive37 | yes buddy no problem on drivers | 07:23 |
gaelfx | Flynn: that' | 07:23 |
TheWubber | Sirkill: did you install vmware in the guest? | 07:23 |
joshmc | Flynn: that's not the place for it? If you want to get to the home directory go through root ( ' / ' ), but it's just a holder for user `profiles' , such as 'user'. Are you looking for the /home directory or for 'your' home folder? | 07:23 |
Sirkill | why would i do that | 07:24 |
TheWubber | Sirkill: vmware tools | 07:24 |
Sirkill | yea | 07:24 |
Sirkill | did it | 07:24 |
gaelfx | Flynn: that's not entirely accurate, but sure, what are you trying to do that you are having trouble with? | 07:24 |
joshmc | Flynn: C:\ ~= ' / ' | 07:24 |
happy | Flynn, witch ubuntu have you 10.10, 10.04 netbookedition , are you using unity etc ? | 07:24 |
TheWubber | Sirkill: pastebin the output of "ifconfig" and "iwconfig" | 07:24 |
exclusive37 | i made some changes with start up manager app | 07:24 |
Sirkill | how to | 07:24 |
TheWubber | !paste | 07:24 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 07:24 |
MaRk-I | Sirkill: you wont see wireless on the guest machine | 07:24 |
Sirkill | in the terminal | 07:24 |
Sirkill | > | 07:24 |
exclusive37 | and i want default usplash bavk | 07:24 |
Sirkill | whaaaaaa | 07:24 |
Sirkill | mark why now | 07:24 |
Sirkill | not | 07:25 |
Flynn | Ok I want to see all the files and folders in my linux partition | 07:25 |
MaRk-I | because the host is giving internet to the guest | 07:25 |
TheWubber | i think the host takes care of..the connection, and the guest sees it as ethernet | 07:25 |
TheWubber | yes! i remember | 07:25 |
exclusive37 | gaelfx wots ur offer | 07:25 |
Sirkill | ah | 07:25 |
Sirkill | but if i dc from host? | 07:25 |
van7hu | hello, is there a reboot system call in ubuntu? | 07:25 |
gaelfx | Flynn: go to Places->Computer | 07:25 |
TheWubber | if you dc from host you lose connection on guest | 07:25 |
joshmc | Flynn: To search, or do you just want a list? | 07:25 |
Flynn | Not sure I think its 10.10 | 07:25 |
gaelfx | Flynn: that shows you everything on your computer | 07:25 |
Flynn | Where's places? | 07:26 |
MaRk-I | Sirkill: if you dc from host you will see nothing | 07:26 |
exclusive37 | any buddy to deal with my problem ??? | 07:26 |
famc0de | sorry before I have a problem in my linux | 07:26 |
TheWubber | Sirkill: can you ping google.com? | 07:26 |
gaelfx | exclusive37: I'm not really sure how to change the splash screen, but I'm almost positive there's documentation on it | 07:26 |
YankDownUnder | exclusive37, http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-10-10-fix-the-screen-messed-up-at-start-up-and-shutdown | 07:26 |
joshmc | Flynn: places is up on your gnome-panel, next to applications, or in a nautilus window, on the left pane. | 07:26 |
famc0de | can we help me | 07:26 |
gaelfx | exclusive37: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11478 | 07:27 |
exclusive37 | i got the doc but not able to get the correct command | 07:27 |
famc0de | sorry I wanted to ask, I still lay as users of Linux, especially Ubuntu | 07:27 |
exclusive37 | to reset it | 07:27 |
YankDownUnder | exclusive37, I've just posted a link - check that out. | 07:27 |
gaelfx | Flynn: at the top of the screen, right next to Applications | 07:27 |
Flynn | I have workspaces, files and folders, and applications, no "places" | 07:27 |
exclusive37 | ok lemmi try it | 07:27 |
xmaz | How can i rename files in ubuntu? | 07:27 |
happy | Flynn, are you using unity etc ? | 07:28 |
gaelfx | Flynn: are you using the netbook version? | 07:28 |
joshmc | Flynn, oooh, you aren't using ubuntu desktop? | 07:28 |
famc0de | I can not play my dvd with perfect, I've been using the default video on ubuntu and also with vlc | 07:28 |
Flynn | Netbook version | 07:28 |
YankDownUnder | xmaz, If you're using Nautilus, hit F2 when you highlight the file you want to rename. | 07:28 |
joshmc | Flynn: so open up a filemanager window. | 07:28 |
xmaz | Thanks | 07:28 |
gaelfx | :D wow, can't believe it took so long to figure that one out | 07:28 |
theos | hi! i installed alsa backport and now my processors are running faster. the webpages and other pages wave when i scroll. what can cause this? | 07:28 |
Flynn | Where is file manager? | 07:28 |
famc0de | can if you guys could help me in this problem | 07:29 |
TheWubber | xmaz: in terminal, mv filename newfilename | 07:29 |
TheWubber | xmaz: as well | 07:29 |
Flynn | I'm sorry i'm trying to understand this whole structure. | 07:29 |
theos | famc0de, whats the problem? | 07:29 |
TheWubber | xmaz: or rename | 07:29 |
gaelfx | Flynn: open up any of the folders you can find, and look on the left, you should see a list of the different drives in your computer, there should be one called "Filesystem", look at that | 07:29 |
YankDownUnder | Flynn, Either hit ALT-F2 and type in "nautilus" or just double click on an icon on your desktop. | 07:29 |
famc0de | theos, I can not play my dvd with perfect, I've been using the default video on ubuntu and also with vlc | 07:29 |
doobien | Flynn, ctrl f | 07:29 |
theos | famc0de, what error do you get? | 07:30 |
TheWubber | Flynn: Places > Home | 07:30 |
ArisVer | Hi, anyone knows what happens if i format the swap partition? | 07:30 |
YankDownUnder | famc0de, run "jockey-gtk" - find out if you have to install some drivers for your system. After you've done that, you can look through all the "restricted" codecs and install them. | 07:30 |
YankDownUnder | ArisVer, If you format it as something other than swap, well, you'll loose yer swap partition. | 07:30 |
gaelfx | ArisVer: depends if there's anything on it at the moment or not, but generally nothing will happen | 07:30 |
MaRk-I | !dvd | famc0de | 07:31 |
ubottu | famc0de: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:31 |
famc0de | yankdownunder, jocket-gtk | 07:31 |
RegularDave | Does anyone know of any fix to a problem with USB? Ubuntu recognizes any connection, but nothing mounts. | 07:31 |
YankDownUnder | famc0de, "jockey-gtk" | 07:31 |
ArisVer | Thanks both | 07:31 |
theos | hi! the webpages and other pages produce waves when i scroll. what can cause this? | 07:31 |
gaelfx | ArisVer: fyi, swap is used for sleep/suspend, so if you value either of those, I suggest not getting rid of it | 07:31 |
famc0de | maybe apt-get install jocket-gtk | 07:31 |
doobien | ArisVer, you can change it with mkswap | 07:31 |
YankDownUnder | RegularDave, If the USB stick has an "autorun.inf" it might not automagically mount - that's one. | 07:31 |
joshmc | OK guys, done installing ubuntu. Might boot into it now or might go start an arch install. dunno yet. See ya later, and thanks again for the encouragement Ben64. Wish me luck all! | 07:31 |
ferengee | ArisVer, don't do anything with a swap partition in use | 07:32 |
ArisVer | Yes, i thoguht about loosing my suspend thingys | 07:32 |
famc0de | yankDU, i'am sorry i am still beginner | 07:32 |
ferengee | ArisVer, do swapoff first | 07:32 |
RegularDave | Not talking about a USB stick. I'm talking about everything USB - printer, iPod, phone, flash drive..... | 07:32 |
gaelfx | how's usb3.0 performance in Ubuntu? | 07:32 |
YankDownUnder | famc0de, "jockey-gtk" is already living on your system - You can click SYSTEM => ADMINISTRATION => HARDWARE DRIVERS => that's the same thing. | 07:32 |
Flynn | I don't have file manager or a list of different drives. | 07:32 |
famc0de | yankDU, i will try it.., | 07:32 |
YankDownUnder | RegularDave, Then there appears to be an issue with your "usb_storage" kernel mod not loading... | 07:33 |
MaRk-I | Flynn: what version of ubuntu are you using? | 07:33 |
ArisVer | I am installing ubuserver on sdb and it formats my /swap on sda by default i think | 07:33 |
happy | Flynn, you are using the unity interface so i would use the terminal the shortcut is ctr alt t , and that will bring up a terminal window ! | 07:33 |
RegularDave | and how do I address that? | 07:33 |
Flynn | 10.10 netbook | 07:33 |
ferengee | arisver, is your other linux suspended to disk? | 07:34 |
famc0de | yunkDU, i am sorry i don't se ADMINISTRATION => HARDWARE DRIVERS, i use ubuntu 10.10 | 07:34 |
almoxarife | famc0de: system>admin>hardware | 07:34 |
Flynn | OK terminal is open | 07:34 |
ArisVer | ferengee: I think i shutdown yesterday. | 07:34 |
YankDownUnder | RegularDave, Well, you can test it by removing any USB thingo's you've already got plugged in, open a terminal, type: sudo modprobe usb-storage => wait a tick, then try sticking in whatever USB thingo's you've got... | 07:34 |
famc0de | alomoxarife, ok i will try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs and system>admin>hardware | 07:35 |
ferengee | ArisVer, then there should be no problem | 07:35 |
bazhang | famc0de, its additional drivers | 07:35 |
ArisVer | ferengee: The worst should be to loose my suspend mode, right? | 07:35 |
almoxarife | famc0de: your issue I think has to do with restricted drivers | 07:35 |
blognewb | hey guys is there a way to receive rss feeds via email instantly | 07:35 |
ferengee | arisver right, and possible damage to files that were opened by programs that were running at the time | 07:35 |
happy | with unity if you go to the files and folders it will not show the file structure only files you have ie downloaded or created ! | 07:36 |
TheWubber | blognewb: well thunderbird has a rss feature | 07:36 |
YankDownUnder | Screenlets, Desklets - a few other things - can get you RSS feeds on the desktop... | 07:36 |
ferengee | arisver, if you use a journaling file system (ext3 etc) then there should be little chance of that happening thoug | 07:37 |
happy | Flynn, type ls and that will show you the internal of the home folder | 07:37 |
ArisVer | ferengee: I use ext4, as much as i know there is little difference between them. | 07:38 |
=== Matthew is now known as Guest55303 |
tripelbb | rob_p, thanks for answering. TheWubber too. these are my hard drives - there is no groups or ownership other than what default ubuntu provides. If I copy. so simple <3 ubuntu | 07:38 |
YankDownUnder | Linux filesystem structure diagram: http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/6006 | 07:39 |
MaRk-I | Flynn: on netbook remix desktop the home folder is the folder on the bottom on the left, right on top of the trash can icon | 07:39 |
anymous | hello, how can I blank the text console in lucid? setterm no longer works. | 07:39 |
ferengee | arisver, ext4 is good | 07:39 |
RegularDave | YankDownUnder - modprobe - no dice. Still doesn't work. | 07:39 |
Flynn | On mine its applications there | 07:40 |
YankDownUnder | RegularDave, How's about this: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/09/disableenable-auto-mount-ubuntu-10-0410-10-maverick-meerkat/ | 07:40 |
RegularDave | will look into it. | 07:41 |
happy | Flynn, if you are having difficulty with unity i would switch back to gnome for a bit its a more familiar desktop feel! | 07:41 |
Flynn | Well, actually I never had gnome. | 07:41 |
blognewb | TheWubber thanks | 07:42 |
YankDownUnder | Sometimes I reckon that Unity is so dumbed down that us dummies just can't figger it out (so much for what the developers thought was ergonomic, eh?) | 07:42 |
tripelbb | rob_p, thanks for answering. TheWubber too. these are my hard drives - there is no groups or ownership other than what default ubuntu provides. If I copy. then it tells me I dont have permission. What do I do to "get it together"? they are on two different physical hard drives | 07:44 |
Flynn | Is it possible a lot of folders/files are hidden? | 07:45 |
YankDownUnder | tripelbb, In your /etc/fstab, you might want to double check the drive mount options and r/w options... | 07:45 |
Ben64 | Flynn: hidden folders start with a period | 07:45 |
YankDownUnder | (dot files) | 07:45 |
YankDownUnder | (dot folders) | 07:45 |
happy | Flynn, if your new to the terminal or require more info | 07:46 |
happy | !bash | Flynn, | 07:46 |
ubottu | Flynn,: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 07:46 |
RegularDave | YankDownUnder - I checked and unchecked automount options a few times. Everything is as it should be, and USB still doesnt work. | 07:46 |
YankDownUnder | RegularDave, I'll assume you've rebooted....especially after making a change...? | 07:46 |
RegularDave | Not this last change, but others yes.... I'll reboot again. | 07:47 |
happy | Flynn, what exactly are you looking for ? | 07:47 |
RegularDave | This problem has been unsolved for a few weeks now | 07:48 |
YankDownUnder | RegularDave, Mate, one thing I'd be looking into is why the kernel mod ain't loading... | 07:48 |
rob_p | tripelbb: You will probably have to copy the directory using root privs. Something like, "sudo cp -prf /path/to/source /home/user" and then run, "sudo chown -R user:user /home/user" | 07:48 |
RegularDave | YankDownUnder - all I know how to do is google stuff. But I'll look into the kernal mod. | 07:49 |
Flynn | It just bugs me that I know there are more files I can't "see." | 07:49 |
rob_p | tripelbb: Obviously you will need to have previously created the user account on the machine in question... | 07:50 |
famc0de | I've sudo apt-get install libdvdread4, Then open a terminal window and execute: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh but still could not play dvd perfect, such as selecting subtitle, or another | 07:50 |
YankDownUnder | RegularDave, That "kernel mod" - or driver, as it were, is the one that is responsible for loading/mounting USB devices. I do know that sometimes HID devices keep it from loading - but otherwise, should load without a hitch. | 07:50 |
tripelbb | YankDownUnder, I havent a clue what that file means. (I can look at it but not understand it.) I see nothing that would be rw options... 2 lines might have your clue:# swap was on /dev/sdb6 during installation --and second-- UUID=3f072c3c-c6a7-40ac-950c-df4b6e8b1a7a none swap sw 0 0 --and last-- /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0 | 07:50 |
YankDownUnder | tripelbb, Um...have you googled on fstab for Ubuntu? | 07:50 |
bazhang | !fstab > tripelbb | 07:51 |
ubottu | tripelbb, please see my private message | 07:51 |
famc0de | yankDU, can help me run dvd player for ubuntu | 07:51 |
RegularDave | YankDownUnder - is there more than one Kernel mod? And they all do different things? | 07:51 |
happy | Flynn, if your using the terminal to view files and folders you will need to learn the commands to navigate through the file system. | 07:52 |
YankDownUnder | RegularDave, Mate, there's heaps of different kernel mods - and yes, they all have different functions - however, the important issue for YOU is the usb-storage mod (usb-storage.ko) => that is apparently not loading when you properly plug in a USB device, ergo, there is something wrong with how (and if) it's loading. | 07:52 |
Flynn | I'd rather use GUI | 07:53 |
van7hu | ,man tee | 07:53 |
elkuka | hi everyone! I recently installed ubuntu 10.10 and I'm having a hard time with some stuff still. I couldn’t install my wireless card yet. it is atheros ar9285 . if I do " gksudo gedit /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state " it tells me WirelessEnabled=false . I tried some windows wireles drivers software that is suppose to use windows drivers (it foes work under windows) but it is asking me a .inf driver and all I've found unde | 07:54 |
elkuka | r windows partition is a .sys file for controller that won't be recognized by this soft. any idea? thanks | 07:54 |
van7hu | !man tee | 07:54 |
famc0de | whether there is a solution to run a DVD in linux | 07:54 |
bazhang | famc0de, using which video player | 07:54 |
tripelbb | thanks for the fstab hints and rob_p. looks like this will get completed tomorrow. | 07:54 |
YankDownUnder | elkuka, Is it safe to assume you've checked to see if Ubuntu itself has a driver that needs to be installed in order for the Atheros to work? | 07:55 |
rob_p | tripelbb: welcome... good luck! :) | 07:55 |
tripelbb | I copied all the advice, thanks bazhang YankDownUnder too. | 07:55 |
YankDownUnder | tripelbb, Right oh mate | 07:55 |
famc0de | bazhang, vlc and totem, i don't can setting subtitle | 07:55 |
van7hu | hello | 07:56 |
van7hu | how could I stop tee? | 07:56 |
famc0de | bazham, and I can not set dvd, dvd because there are a few episodes and settings for determining what subtitle you want to use | 07:56 |
gaelfx | how's usb3.0 performance in Ubuntu? | 07:56 |
bazhang | famc0de, what about mplayer | 07:56 |
elkuka | YankDownUnder I couldn't find any driver for this and obvously its not there by default. I'm still searching but couldn't get with it yet | 07:56 |
YankDownUnder | van7hu, Open a terminal, type: killall -9 tee | 07:56 |
van7hu | tee abc.file, and what to do next? | 07:56 |
gaelfx | famc0de: or smplayer? | 07:57 |
YankDownUnder | elkuka, So you checked in the "Hardware Drivers" utility (jockey-gtk) and it didn't find anything? | 07:57 |
van7hu | YankDownUnder: is there a normal way? | 07:57 |
famc0de | smplayer can run dvd? | 07:57 |
YankDownUnder | van7hu, I can only tell you according to what you've described. | 07:57 |
gaelfx | famc0de: it's what I always use for my DVDs | 07:57 |
tripelbb | --- If I was in gnome and my mouse didnt work for some reason, are there keys that would get me a terminal window? | 07:58 |
van7hu | YankDownUnder: I write some text, than how do I stop? | 07:58 |
Flynn | Ok File manager. I needed to download file manager. This interface has a much better feel. | 07:58 |
YankDownUnder | tripelb, ALT-F2 => type in your command | 07:58 |
famc0de | gaelfx, ok i will try it.., now still installation paket smplayer | 07:58 |
happy | Flynn, unity files & folders will show you "files and folder you have created" not the operating system files. if you cant see any files the you know you should have then you have a problem! | 07:58 |
gaelfx | tripelbb: ctl+alt+f2 | 07:58 |
tripelbb | TY | 07:58 |
MaRk-I | tripelbb: press alt+F2 gnome-terminal | 07:59 |
tripelbb | oh WAIT, then how do I get BACK to the GUI (I remember getting stuck there) | 07:59 |
gaelfx | famc0de: smplayer is just an easier way to use mplayer | 07:59 |
Flynn | Yeah I want to see OS files | 07:59 |
Flynn | Why not? | 07:59 |
gaelfx | tripelbb: ctl+alt+f7 | 07:59 |
michal__ | what's your name | 07:59 |
bazhang | michal__, why is that important | 08:00 |
tripelbb | check gaelfx and nn | 08:00 |
bazhang | michal__, this is ubuntu support | 08:00 |
tripelbb | michal__ (think of it this way) During Renn Faire: Sir, this not be a costume. This be my clothes. | 08:00 |
tripelbb | this be my name | 08:01 |
tripelbb | in this incarnation | 08:01 |
tripelbb | nn | 08:01 |
famc0de | gaelfx, thx friend... | 08:01 |
happy | Flynn, i would use the gnome interface its file manager is more traditional and will show what you want. | 08:01 |
gaelfx | famc0de: that means it worked? | 08:01 |
YankDownUnder | Hehehehe...I used to work the Ren Fests years and years ago...hmmm... | 08:01 |
Flynn | Ok | 08:02 |
gaelfx | Flynn: I believe you can change the way the desktop is displayed to make it more like a normal ubuntu install, that might help you out a lot since it's closer to what you might be used to in a computer | 08:02 |
famc0de | gaelfx, still process installed, cz my connecting internet is very slow... :D | 08:02 |
gaelfx | Flynn: it's something like Ubuntu Desktop Switcher | 08:02 |
gaelfx | famc0de: understandable, I hope it works | 08:03 |
michal__ | what you talked abount? | 08:03 |
bazhang | michal__, ubuntu support | 08:03 |
gaelfx | michal__: this channel is for ubuntu support | 08:03 |
Flynn | Can you make "shortcut Icons" on the desktop in Linux? | 08:03 |
bazhang | michal__, do you have an ubuntu support question? | 08:03 |
michal__ | yes | 08:04 |
gaelfx | Flynn: if you are stil using Unity, you can add things to your favorites, which is pretty much the same | 08:04 |
famc0de | gaelfx, ok., thx :) | 08:04 |
elkuka | YankDownUnder nothing in jockey-gtk | 08:04 |
RegularDave | YankDownUnder - It does look like my usbhid mod isn't working. But I think I'm gonna get some sleep and tackle this tomorrow | 08:04 |
Flynn | KO xfleag | 08:04 |
gaelfx | how did he do that? | 08:05 |
famc0de | :) | 08:05 |
elkuka | hi everyone! I recently installed ubuntu 10.10 and I'm having a hard time with some stuff still. I couldn’t install my wireless card yet. it is atheros ar9285 . if I do " gksudo gedit /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state " it tells me WirelessEnabled=false . I tried some windows wireles drivers software that is suppose to use windows drivers (it foes work under windows) but it is asking me a .inf driver and all I've found under | 08:05 |
elkuka | windows partition is a .sys file for controller that won't be recognized by this soft. any idea? thanks | 08:05 |
michal__ | how much time | 08:05 |
bazhang | michal__, how much time for what | 08:06 |
YankDownUnder | elkuka, You may want to look through the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and see if your wireless is blacklisted in there mate. | 08:06 |
gaelfx | elkuka: if there's a switch or button to enable your wireless, are you sure it's turned on? can you check in BIOS to see if it's turned on? | 08:06 |
gaelfx | elkuka: er, I meant to use the word 'enabled' there, sorry | 08:07 |
elkuka | gaelfx there is and its off I guess cause it has yellow light instead of white. even if I clic it it won't turn on. | 08:08 |
gaelfx | elkuka: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Atheros/AR9285 did you try this? | 08:08 |
gartral | anyone here good with debugging screen? it seems too not want to open certain programs, like irssi.. it just returns too prompt without doing anything, it's not even starting a screen session | 08:08 |
gaelfx | elkuka: I meant like a physical button/switch | 08:08 |
Flynn | Is Gnome bloated or is it pretty lightweight | 08:08 |
gaelfx | Flynn: that is a very difficult question, and you'll get different answers from a lot of people | 08:09 |
elkuka | gartral when I clic on the one 10.10 it tells me "it seems u're not running ubuntu" ... | 08:09 |
gaelfx | Flynn: I personally feel it isn't too bloated | 08:09 |
gartral | Flynn: gnome is as bloated as the amount of applications you have that tie into it | 08:09 |
elkuka | actually "You don't seem to be running Ubuntu" | 08:09 |
* gartral flicks elkuka over too gaelfx | 08:10 |
MaRk-I | Flynn: I suggest you get used to/familiar the current gui you're using is the same thing just placed diferent | 08:10 |
gaelfx | gartral: haha, liking the tab autocomplete? :P | 08:10 |
MaRk-I | familiarize** | 08:10 |
gaelfx | elkuka: when you click the link in the website? don't worry, I'll tell you how to install it | 08:11 |
gaelfx | elkuka: have you ever used Synaptic Package Manager before? | 08:11 |
gartral | gaelfx: i know how to properly use autocomplete.. | 08:11 |
gartral | gaelfx: what is elkuka trying too install? | 08:11 |
Flynn | Gnome, what? Replaces Ubuntu? | 08:11 |
gaelfx | gartral: sorry, I didn't mean to imply that YOU didn't, I meant to imply that HE doesn't ;) | 08:12 |
gaelfx | gartral: wireless backports | 08:12 |
gartral | ewwww | 08:12 |
gaelfx | Flynn: Gnome is part of Ubuntu, it is the thing that manages your windows and panels | 08:12 |
gartral | Flynn: no, Ubuntu is based around the display manager Gnome, there are other display managers, such as KDE and XFCE | 08:12 |
elkuka | gaelfx I think I did used it. I've it opened now | 08:13 |
gaelfx | elkuka: if you open Synaptic Package Manager and search for 'wireless backports', you should find the package listed on the website and install it | 08:13 |
Uncle-Sam | Hi guys. | 08:14 |
Flynn | Ok, I think I got what I wanted here. | 08:14 |
gaelfx | elkuka: does that make sense? | 08:15 |
gaelfx | Flynn: so you've figured out how to find all the files and everything? | 08:15 |
elkuka | it does, I've searched them. it looks like there are lots of them. any special one? | 08:16 |
gaelfx | elkuka: the one with the exact same name as the website I sent you shows | 08:16 |
Flynn | Yeah, apparently you can't see OS files on the netbook version without command line. | 08:17 |
gaelfx | elkuka: I can't remember if you have to restart after that, but if you do, then do it and open a terminal and type 'lspci' and hit enter and see if your card shows up | 08:17 |
Rehan | how can I install an .rpm file in Ubuntu? | 08:17 |
elkuka | it says the same and it adds "image" at the end in description. I guess it's the correct one | 08:18 |
gaelfx | Flynn: yeah, it's not the simplest version for doing complicated things like that. Did you try changing the type of desktop you're using with the Desktop Switcher? | 08:18 |
Flynn | I need to download it first. | 08:19 |
gaelfx | Flynn: really? did you try to search for 'switcher'? | 08:19 |
Flynn | switch returns nothing of the sort. I installed with the least amount of GB possible. | 08:20 |
gaelfx | Flynn: oh, ok | 08:21 |
tyreza | hello there | 08:22 |
tyreza | where to find system history ? | 08:22 |
Flynn | Yeah, ok so, thanx people. i'm out. | 08:22 |
Reku | oh oh oh | 08:23 |
Reku | stuid computer | 08:23 |
Reku | always in a lag | 08:23 |
Reku | I need to find a place where to get old hardware | 08:23 |
buff27 | Reku, what do you want old hardware for? | 08:24 |
gaelfx | buff27: I would guess for an old computer? | 08:25 |
gaelfx | Reku: if you come to China, they still sell things with IDE and whatnot here | 08:25 |
gaelfx | Reku: if you're looking for older than that though, I think even here is too advanced. Try Romania | 08:26 |
gaelfx | (no offense to any Romanians) | 08:26 |
YankDownUnder | (Georgia...or Uzbekistan) | 08:26 |
foo | YankDownUnder: AH! | 08:26 |
foo | I just created a user, gave them a home directory, and I'm mainly giving them SFTP access. I noticed they can still view directories outside of their home via SFTP, any way to prevent this? | 08:27 |
YankDownUnder | foo, Stalkin me again, eh? :) | 08:27 |
buff27 | I have access to old hardware (work in a computer shop) | 08:27 |
foo | YankDownUnder: :) | 08:27 |
YankDownUnder | foo, Strange that. | 08:27 |
gaelfx | Reku: how old are you looking for? You're not running on an Apple II, are you? | 08:27 |
elkuka | gaelfx already installed. it seems to be enable now. but if I go to network connections - wireless. theres no connection there, weird. | 08:28 |
gaelfx | tyreza: what do you mean by system history? are you looking for log files? because there's a log file viewer under System->Administration | 08:28 |
geekMePl1ase | 11.04, updateManager's settings => http://img851.imageshack.us/i/screenshotsoftwaresourc.png/ | 08:28 |
geekMePl1ase | * bug? | 08:28 |
YankDownUnder | foo, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-security-4/sftp-permissions-117253/ ?? | 08:28 |
gaelfx | elkuka: you might have to restart to get it going properly | 08:28 |
buff27 | I'm running a netbook with external monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers for low power usage and 24/7 torrents | 08:28 |
tyreza | on command line gaelfx | 08:29 |
elkuka | gaelfx I'll try then. thanks a lot | 08:29 |
gaelfx | elkuka: no problem | 08:29 |
rww | geekMePl1ase: #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks! | 08:29 |
gaelfx | oops | 08:29 |
gaelfx | tyreza: I can't remember exactly where those log files are, but I can find out if you give me a minute | 08:30 |
YankDownUnder | /var/log => heaps of logs | 08:31 |
gaelfx | there ya go :D | 08:31 |
gaelfx | YankDownUnder: thanks | 08:31 |
YankDownUnder | gaelfx, :) | 08:31 |
gaelfx | how's usb3.0 performance in Ubuntu? | 08:32 |
gaelfx | (I'll stop asking if it's annoying people) | 08:32 |
xmaz | just google it | 08:33 |
YankDownUnder | gaelfx, It's quite nice IF you've got good hardware/a good USB 3.0 card - etc etc etc...heaps better (speed wise) than USB 2.0 | 08:33 |
gaelfx | YankDownUnder: any recs for cards? | 08:33 |
YankDownUnder | gaelfx, I got a cheapo from the locals here in Sydney - no name, made in China, etc etc etc...works like a champ but. | 08:34 |
gaelfx | YankDownUnder: haha, that's perfect. guess where I am? | 08:34 |
YankDownUnder | gaelfx, Um...Moscow? :) | 08:35 |
YankDownUnder | gaelfx, Sydney CBD, or close enough by train? | 08:35 |
gaelfx | China. I can get a usb3 card for like 10USD | 08:35 |
fdffdfd | hi | 08:36 |
YankDownUnder | gaelfx, Well, if you're in China, you're not in Sydney...close, but no cigar... :) | 08:36 |
gaelfx | YankDownUnder: haha, yeah, sorry | 08:36 |
fdffdfd | i need help | 08:36 |
Reku | gaelfx, not that old, im thinking 2000-2005 hardware, 512mg graphics card and agp 8x mobo, but probably stick with my athlon xp 3000+ cpu and 2GB DDR | 08:37 |
gaelfx | Reku: yeah, that kind of stuff is pretty easy to find here | 08:37 |
Reku | im in scandinavia | 08:37 |
YankDownUnder | gaelfx, Shintaro USB adapter 3.0, 2 ports. | 08:37 |
Reku | yeah and it doesnt cost much | 08:38 |
bazhang | fdffdfd, with what | 08:38 |
gaelfx | YankDownUnder: thanks for the name, that's the most important part of trying to find things here | 08:39 |
fdffdfd | my question is: why is ubuntu so good ;D ;D | 08:41 |
bazhang | !ot | fdffdfd | 08:41 |
ubottu | fdffdfd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 08:41 |
elkuka | gaelfx it did work, partially at least. now wireless led is white and it says enable. but still can't find any wireless connection and there should be | 08:41 |
gaelfx | elkuka: ok, could you pastebin the output of iwconfig? | 08:42 |
elkuka | lo no wireless extensions. | 08:43 |
elkuka | eth0 no wireless extensions. | 08:43 |
elkuka | wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:off/any | 08:43 |
elkuka | Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=20 dBm | 08:43 |
elkuka | Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off | 08:43 |
FloodBot2 | elkuka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:43 |
elkuka | Power Management:off | 08:43 |
gaelfx | elkuka: whoa, sorry, sorry, my bad | 08:43 |
gaelfx | !pb > elkuka | 08:43 |
ubottu | elkuka, please see my private message | 08:43 |
gaelfx | elkuka: I should have explained pastebin before asking for that | 08:44 |
elkuka | its ok. I'm still here | 08:46 |
gaelfx | elkuka: yeah, I know, it's just that freaks people out sometimes | 08:47 |
gaelfx | elkuka: got a pastebin for me? | 08:47 |
Haraken | can someone help me with enabling nvidia drivers so I can get unity to work? I installed them using "apt-get install nvidia-current" but when I check them in "Additional Drivers" it says they are only activted and not currently in use | 08:48 |
elkuka | http://paste.ubuntu.com/597331/ | 08:48 |
gaelfx | Haraken: is this for Natty? | 08:48 |
Haraken | yes | 08:48 |
gaelfx | Haraken: #ubuntu+1 please, this is for stable releases | 08:49 |
gaelfx | *this channel | 08:49 |
Haraken | ahhh thanks | 08:49 |
gaelfx | Haraken: not a problem | 08:49 |
elkuka | gaelfx http://paste.ubuntu.com/597331/ | 08:50 |
gaelfx | elkuka: ok, can you try 'iwscan' in terminal and pastebin that, if it gives you anything | 08:50 |
elkuka | iwscan: command not found | 08:51 |
gaelfx | elkuka: oops, I must've remembered something wrong, gimme a sec | 08:51 |
gaelfx | elkuka: iwlist? | 08:52 |
raven_ | asus eeepc 1005ha possible to increase monitor resolution over 1024x800? | 08:52 |
gaelfx | raven_: you mean 1024x600, and no | 08:53 |
raven_ | gaelfx, why not? | 08:53 |
gaelfx | raven_: that's a hardware limit imposed by most netbook screens | 08:53 |
raven_ | gaelfx, not possible to increase it "virtually"? | 08:53 |
gaelfx | raven_: if you connect to an external monitor, you can do it, but that's not a very good solution for you I'm betting | 08:54 |
raven_ | hm | 08:54 |
gaelfx | raven_: not that I'm aware of, but I don't know everything, I'll give it a look | 08:54 |
GHOSTpadza | does any know to install loic in ubuntu | 08:54 |
raven_ | gaelfx, ok tnx | 08:55 |
rww | GHOSTpadza: LOIC is offtopic for this channel and probably the rest of this network. | 08:55 |
GHOSTpadza | @rww: for real | 08:55 |
rww | GHOSTpadza: Yes. We don't support DDOS software. | 08:56 |
gaelfx | GHOSTpadza: you'd be better off asking on 4chan | 08:56 |
elkuka | gaelfx http://paste.ubuntu.com/597336/ | 08:56 |
GHOSTpadza | ok guys | 08:57 |
gaelfx | raven_: as far as I can tell, it's not possible, but you could tell us what you want to do and maybe we could help | 08:57 |
gaelfx | elkuka: ok, try 'sudo iwlist scan' | 08:58 |
gaelfx | elkuka: sorry about just throwing commands at you, it's been a while since I've had to deal with wireless issues :P | 08:59 |
ubuntu_ | I installed ubuntu 10.10 with a minimal cd.On start it goes to the root instead of graphical interface.How to solve it | 09:00 |
elkuka | gaelfx nothing to be sorry, thanks a lot for the time and help | 09:00 |
gaelfx | raven_: also, are you using the netbook version or the i386 version? | 09:00 |
raven_ | gaelfx, i386 10.10 | 09:00 |
gaelfx | ubuntu_: did you try ctl+alt+f7? | 09:00 |
elkuka | gaelfx no scan results | 09:01 |
ubuntu_ | gaelfx: no...coz I dont know it | 09:01 |
Haraken | seems geforce 4 ti 4600 isn't properly supported by the latest proprietary drives anymore. can anyone recommend any alternatives? | 09:01 |
gaelfx | raven_: you might wanna try the netbook version, it's designed for that resolution | 09:01 |
ubuntu_ | gaelfx: so every time I need to like this? | 09:02 |
gaelfx | ubuntu_: how about it? | 09:02 |
ubuntu_ | now I am from ubuntu live cd | 09:02 |
raven_ | gaelfx, so no option to increase the resolution virtually? | 09:02 |
gaelfx | elkuka: well that sucks | 09:02 |
gaelfx | raven_: not that I've found, but to be honest, I didn't look too deeply into it | 09:02 |
ubuntu_ | gaelfx:now I am from ubuntu live cd | 09:02 |
raven_ | gaelfx, ok but tnx ;) | 09:03 |
gaelfx | raven_: yeah, no problem, but I really suggest trying out the netbook interface, it might solve some of the problems you're having | 09:03 |
gaelfx | ubuntu_: which livecd are you using? | 09:04 |
ubuntu_ | gaelfx: 10.10.........ubuntu original | 09:04 |
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gaelfx | ubuntu_: you're sure it's not alternate or server? i386 or 64 bit? Netbook version? | 09:05 |
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ubuntu_ | gaelfx: I did minimal cd install and it goes to root.I dont kn ow what to do.So I put Ubuntu 10.10 live cs and come here to help | 09:05 |
elkuka | gaelfx with lspci -v | less, gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/597342/ thanks again | 09:05 |
gaelfx | ubuntu_: any particular reason you're using minimal install? | 09:06 |
gaelfx | elkuka: ok, I'll look some stuff up | 09:07 |
ubuntu_ | gaelfx: I was using the 11.04 beta and by mistake I installed G-nome.so I did minimal install to get the latest | 09:07 |
ubuntu_ | gaelfx: packages.so I dont need to install updates | 09:07 |
jiltdil | http://img707.imageshack.us/i/screenshotha.png/ please see .Any idea? | 09:08 |
gtk-juttula | hello all | 09:08 |
virgo | hello | 09:08 |
ubuntu_ | gaelfx: How do I avoid pressing these combination of keys to get graphical screen always | 09:09 |
gaelfx | elkuka: this might seem a bit round about, but is there any way you could try creating a wireless network with it and then see if that network is available to another computer/device? | 09:09 |
gtk-juttula | i would wanna know where is this line in ubuntu <filename>gcalctool.desktop</filename> | 09:09 |
lugkhast | gtk-juttula: Run "locate gcalctool.desktop" in a terminal | 09:10 |
gaelfx | ubuntu_: well, you haven't even confirmed if pressing that actually works, and I don't know if gdm is even installed or running on your install | 09:10 |
elkuka | gaelfx mmm... don't have any other computer/device ... | 09:10 |
gaelfx | ubuntu_: I don't think a minimal install will get you the latest packages either | 09:10 |
JamezQ | join #arch | 09:10 |
virgo | when i execute Ubuntu Software Center it closes itself after few seconds without showing me any window. Yesterday it was working... | 09:10 |
gaelfx | elkuka: well, try creating it anyways just to see what happens | 09:10 |
JamezQ | whoops...that looks bad here :P | 09:10 |
lugkhast | JamezQ: Traitor! :P | 09:11 |
ubuntu_ | gaelfx: it has said on a ubuntu installation page | 09:11 |
gaelfx | ubuntu_: could you show me that page please? | 09:11 |
ubuntu_ | gaelfx: ok | 09:11 |
gtk-juttula | lugkhast: well hmm i know that all apps are in that path...but want to know where they are "assignt" to come in accessories submenu | 09:12 |
lugkhast | gtk-juttula: Ah, sorry | 09:13 |
gtk-juttula | http://tuxtweaks.com/2009/07/how-to-add-item-gnome-menu/ <-- this is how you add your own app in that submenu, but i wanna know how i can remove "build in item" | 09:13 |
gtk-juttula | lugkhast: look that link :D | 09:14 |
rajo | did someone has any sugestion about some program for ubuntu 10.10 to make graphic better | 09:14 |
gtk-juttula | lugkhast: if you get some idea for me ^^. | 09:14 |
rhizmoe | what kind of graphic? | 09:14 |
rajo | for games | 09:15 |
gaelfx | rajo: make what graphics better? | 09:15 |
rhizmoe | rajo: gimp and/or inkscape | 09:15 |
gaelfx | rajo: making or playing? | 09:15 |
rajo | playing | 09:15 |
rhizmoe | gimp = photoshop, inkscape = illustrator (vector) | 09:15 |
rhizmoe | oh, graphics card. | 09:15 |
gtk-juttula | lugkhast: and i mean not to remove completely but just take out of that submenu :) | 09:15 |
rhizmoe | and goodbye! | 09:15 |
gaelfx | haha, wow, that was weird | 09:15 |
di | Ciao | 09:16 |
gaelfx | elkuka: anything happening? | 09:16 |
root__ | hi | 09:16 |
gtk-juttula | lugkhast: my bad english :D i just want to take that calc out of my submenu but i dont want to delete that .desktop file :) | 09:16 |
di | Hi | 09:17 |
userw | ds | 09:18 |
elkuka | gaelfx I'm sorry just not sure how to create a new wireless network. I can see how to add one, not sure if its the same, still trying to find answers | 09:18 |
=== JamezQ is now known as apt-get |
di | Come posso installare stampante su linux? | 09:18 |
xdl | what's mean by ds | 09:18 |
lugkhast | gtk-juttula: There's a GUI tool for doing that, try System -> Preferences -> Main Menu | 09:19 |
gaelfx | elkuka: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc | 09:19 |
gtk-juttula | im not using normal ubuntu in that laptop, there is lubuntu | 09:19 |
gaelfx | !it > di | 09:19 |
ubottu | di, please see my private message | 09:19 |
=== apt-get is now known as JamezQ |
gtk-juttula | lugkhast: im not using normal ubuntu in that laptop, there is lubuntu | 09:19 |
usamahashimi | (Linux) Penguins on Google homepage on Earth Day :) | 09:19 |
usamahashimi | no one can avoid linux | 09:19 |
gtk-juttula | lugkhast: its not lubuntu thingy tho...its uses gtk2.0 so it should be peace of cake? :P | 09:20 |
gtk-juttula | usamahashimi: COOL :D | 09:20 |
deni | hi...can anyone tell me is the new 11.04 version of ubuntu going to be LTS? | 09:20 |
bazhang | deni, no 12.04 | 09:21 |
deni | bazhang: tnx | 09:21 |
gtk-juttula | GTK gurus out there??? | 09:21 |
dr0id | so I can move files from dev to production via scp ? :) | 09:23 |
lugkhast | gtk-juttula: I'm completely unfamiliar with Lubuntu :( | 09:23 |
=== rhubarbncustard is now known as botcity |
dr0id | lol @ rhubarbncustard is now known as botcity | 09:23 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula>what desktop | 09:24 |
elkuka | gaelfx made one ad-hoc. and when iwlist scan gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/597343/ | 09:24 |
gtk-juttula | lugkhast: yeah well thats not the point. if ubuntu wouldnt had that main menu app, then we would be in same point :) | 09:24 |
di | How i can install printer on ubuntu? Tuscia | 09:24 |
di | Tank you | 09:25 |
gtk-juttula | jhf_: how i can take gcalctool.desktop out of the accessories submenu? | 09:25 |
di | Riamo you | 09:25 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula>what desktop | 09:25 |
gaelfx | di: there shouldn't be any installation required | 09:25 |
dr0id | LXDE | 09:25 |
gtk-juttula | LXDE | 09:25 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> ok edit the .config | 09:25 |
elkuka | gaelfx so it is getting connections now... weird | 09:26 |
DirtyDawg | gtk-juttula: system > preferences > main menu | 09:26 |
artem | ой бля | 09:26 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> whatever that may be for lx | 09:26 |
botcity | lol washing my laundry in public lol sorry | 09:26 |
gtk-juttula | jhf look this link | 09:27 |
gtk-juttula | http://tuxtweaks.com/2009/07/how-to-add-item-gnome-menu/ | 09:27 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> or just updatedb && locate gcalctool.desktop then rm them | 09:28 |
gaelfx | elkuka: well, when you create an adhoc wireless network, it appears to be connected to itself, does it show the connection that you really wanted now or is it connected to it's own network? | 09:28 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> done | 09:28 |
ArisVer | gtk-gnash application. Which one is it? It uses my cpu too much. | 09:28 |
gtk-juttula | jhf_: i dont want to remove *.desktop completely :D | 09:28 |
gtk-juttula | jhf_: i want to edit not remove. | 09:28 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> that only does the calc | 09:29 |
gtk-juttula | i know | 09:29 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> it does that | 09:29 |
prime | @seek jon ronson | 09:29 |
gtk-juttula | jhf_: i know it does that :D | 09:29 |
prime | oops sorry | 09:29 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> edit the .deskop | 09:29 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> edit the .desktop | 09:29 |
TheCynic | quick problem, youtube and other places that use flash freeze when i go fullscreen, anyone know of a fix for this? | 09:30 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> use your fav editor then edit -- mine is mcedit | 09:30 |
jhf_ | <TheCynic>that would be the vid card | 09:31 |
TheCynic | i didnt have any problems on windows though | 09:32 |
gaelfx | TheCynic: I'm inclined to believe it's a problem with the flash codecs, which codec are you using and is it 32 or 64 bits? | 09:32 |
elkuka | gaelfx I'm connected wired now. but under "network connections - wireless" it only lists the connection I just created. but whenever I go somewhere else with my laptop I want to be able to use some other connection. it is actually working cause of the scan output; but I'd like it to be working properly dilplaying a list of available connections | 09:32 |
=== sre-su_ is now known as sre-su |
Diverdude | how do i make a loop in bash that calls a program epstopdf for all eps files in a folder? | 09:32 |
TheCynic | gaelfx not a cule | 09:32 |
=== mainpc is now known as xrow |
gaelfx | TheCynic: you don't know if you're using 32-bit or 64-bit ubuntu? | 09:33 |
jhf_ | <TheCynic>no the driver yo are using | 09:33 |
TheCynic | im on 32 | 09:33 |
jhf_ | <TheCynic>what card | 09:33 |
gaelfx | TheCynic: are you using the Adobe version of flash or a different one? | 09:34 |
TheCynic | adobe | 09:34 |
jhf_ | <TheCynic> not flash | 09:34 |
jhf_ | <TheCynic> flash doen't lock the card does | 09:35 |
TheCynic | k | 09:35 |
jhf_ | idiot's | 09:35 |
TheCynic | idiot is? | 09:35 |
TheCynic | or is the idiot possessing something? | 09:36 |
prime | morning all - should I stay with 10.10? I like the way my desktop works now. Worried about unity... | 09:36 |
dr0id | wow | 09:36 |
MaRk-I | TheCynic: disable hardware acceleration in flashplayer settings | 09:36 |
ArisVer | gtk-gnash application. Which one is it? It uses my cpu too much. Anyone? | 09:36 |
Dr_Willis | ArisVer: gnash is the opensourced flash replacement I thought. | 09:36 |
Dr_Willis | !info gtk-gnash | 09:37 |
ubottu | Package gtk-gnash does not exist in maverick | 09:37 |
Dr_Willis | !info gnash | 09:37 |
ubottu | gnash (source: gnash): GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.8-5ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 176 kB, installed size 492 kB | 09:37 |
tyreza | hello there | 09:37 |
MaRk-I | ArisVer: thats gnash the open source flash player | 09:37 |
tyreza | how to find history folder | 09:37 |
gaelfx | tyreza: which history folders are you talking about? browsing history? | 09:37 |
jhf_ | <Dr_Willis>it was dumped years ago -- I used it | 09:37 |
Dr_Willis | tyreza: the bash history? its a single file I think. .history but its only updated after youy exit a shell. | 09:37 |
tyreza | terminal history | 09:37 |
tyreza | bash history | 09:37 |
tyreza | where is it located ? | 09:38 |
ArisVer | Must be an extension of firefox, i was downloading them yesterday. | 09:38 |
Dr_Willis | ~ I think. but i dont se eit here. | 09:38 |
gaelfx | tyreza: it should be in your home folder, something like ~/.bash_history | 09:38 |
Dr_Willis | ~/.bash_history | 09:38 |
Dr_Willis | thats it. :) | 09:38 |
jhf_ | <Dr_Willis>.bash_history | 09:38 |
gaelfx | ArisVer: it's flash player that's used by firefox, yeah | 09:38 |
Dr_Willis | theres the huistory command to manage that file also. | 09:38 |
tyreza | ok thnks | 09:40 |
=== sre-su_ is now known as sre-su |
gaelfx | elkuka: I'm sorry, I really need to go , you might want to ask someone else for help | 09:42 |
elkuka | gaelfx thanks a lot | 09:43 |
gaelfx | elkuka: sorry I couldn't help you really fix it | 09:43 |
elkuka | cya | 09:43 |
gtk-juttula | jhf_: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/menustructure-usermenus.html.en <-- <exclude> apphere </exclude> | 09:43 |
gtk-juttula | :) | 09:44 |
ArisVer | That was SWF Info extension. Used 2 gtk-gnash commands (seen from top) and about half of my cpu. Just standing there doing nothing. | 09:45 |
vivek40 | Hi I am trying to upgrade from maverick to natty beta 2 but my update manager just does not show that natty is available to upgrade to. In the software sources I have set-->show new distribution releases to->normal releases..... can someone help me here.. | 09:45 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> ya i can't help you -- just go on ------- i TOLD U HOW TO DO IT | 09:46 |
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Dr_Willis | vivek40: its not officiallty released. so i dont think its showing up that way. 'update-manager -d' perhaps may show it? | 09:46 |
MaRk-I | !natty | vivek40 | 09:46 |
ubottu | vivek40: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 09:46 |
Dr_Willis | vivek40: ask more in in #ubuntu+1 channel. | 09:46 |
vivek40 | oh thanks for that Dr_Willis: | 09:47 |
gtk-juttula | jhf_: i just showed to you how i did it...and what i was looking for :) problem solved :P | 09:47 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> idiot | 09:47 |
gtk-juttula | jhf_: ??? why idiot? heh! I want to edit menu structure and not delete apps :) like you | 09:48 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> 20 steps when only one needed | 09:48 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> it doesn't delete it fool | 09:49 |
rooks | i accidentally for i in *; mv $i onename , any idea if there is some undelete available for such funny thing? | 09:49 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> it deleted the entry lol!!!! | 09:50 |
ferengee | rooks, check photorec | 09:50 |
Soothsayer | when I plug in my charger into the laptop, why doesn't ubuntu detect its charging? | 09:50 |
Soothsayer | it still shows the % as if its on battery power.. | 09:50 |
gtk-juttula | jhf_: well if i have two users and i take gcalctool.desktop away, then both are without it. now that i know how the menu structure works i can take that item out only one of the users. | 09:50 |
ferengee | rooks, in the testdisk package | 09:51 |
botcity | Soothsayer, is the outlet switch on ? | 09:51 |
Soothsayer | but sometimes it detects the charging | 09:51 |
gtk-juttula | jhf_: user (A) doesnt have calc and user (B) has :D | 09:51 |
Soothsayer | botcity, ye, ofcourse | 09:51 |
jhf_ | <gtk-juttula> wrong | 09:51 |
rooks | ferengee, yay, thanks , i actually had bunch of .wma deleted :) | 09:52 |
crum | Does anyone know of a website that has a database full of checkmate puzzles? | 09:52 |
ejv | how is that even remotely on topic for this channel crum... cmon lol | 09:52 |
rooks | ferengee, partition is now unmounted, time to work, thhanks again :) | 09:52 |
crum | well I'd ask in #ubuntu-offtopic but I've been banned from there for over a month now without cause | 09:53 |
ejv | and that's an excuse to violate the rules here... i see... lol | 09:53 |
gartral | crum: take it up in #ubuntu-ops | 09:53 |
jemt | Hi. I'm trying to download a package from the following repository, without adding it to my sources.list file - how can I do that?: deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu maverick-getdeb games | 09:53 |
ferengee | rooks, good luck | 09:53 |
=== River is now known as Guest8153 |
Dr_Willis | try looking at ftp://archive.getdeb.net perhaps. | 09:55 |
=== Guest8153 is now known as Hb9k |
jemt | Dr_Willis: Thanks :) | 09:56 |
Hb9k | Any WoW players on? | 09:56 |
Dr_Willis | Hb9k: and thats related to Ubuntu SUpport how exactly? :) | 09:56 |
jemt | Dr_Willis: Nope, unfortunately it only got "incomming" | 09:57 |
Dr_Willis | http://archive.getdeb.net just says 'recoveryng connection....' here :) | 09:57 |
daedaluz | in 11.04 is it possible to use gnome shell instead of unity? | 09:57 |
Dr_Willis | ive browsed repo sites befor - some how. | 09:57 |
Hb9k | Dr_Willis: I can't get it to run properly, that's why ;) | 09:57 |
Hb9k | heh | 09:57 |
MaRk-I | jemt: install the getdeb package, install whatever game you want to install and then uninstall the getdeb package | 09:57 |
Dr_Willis | Hb9k: see the wine app database on it? there must be 1000's of tweaks for it. | 09:57 |
Dr_Willis | !appdb | 09:58 |
ubottu | The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 09:58 |
Hb9k | Mmk | 09:58 |
MaRk-I | !natty | daedaluz | 09:58 |
ubottu | daedaluz: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 09:58 |
airtonix | Dr_Willis: that's not surprising since they are just hanging folders off a standard httpd daemon | 09:58 |
jemt | MaRk-I: Can't, don't have permissions. | 09:58 |
botcity | Soothsayer, cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state for more info! | 09:59 |
MaRk-I | jemt: ok | 09:59 |
Soothsayer | no such file or directory | 10:00 |
botcity | Soothsayer, cat /proc/acpi/battery/ hit the tab key twice ! | 10:01 |
jemt | Trying to figure it out using WireShark :) | 10:06 |
bhavesh | Ubunut 10.10 Software Centre Says "Unhandeled error occured, please report to trackpad, should I report it? | 10:07 |
bhavesh | I was installing teamviewer. | 10:07 |
bhavesh | launchpad* | 10:07 |
bencc | "adduser ... --home /var/lib/somefolder" should this create the folder if it doesn't exists? | 10:07 |
Dr_Willis | You could. but teamviewer is not from the normal repos. so it may not do much good. | 10:07 |
bhavesh | ok found my mistake.. | 10:08 |
Dr_Willis | bhavesh: they at least may be interested in handling the error better. :) | 10:08 |
Dr_Willis | bencc: i would think so. | 10:08 |
bhavesh | Dr_Willis: Isnt there a .deb package for build-essentials? | 10:09 |
KNUBBIG | Hey, is there a way to rearrange the icons in the unity bar on the left? When I try to drag'n'drop them, nothing happens | 10:09 |
Dr_Willis | bhavesh: build-essentials is just a meta opackjage that pulls in other packages. | 10:09 |
bhavesh | Dr_Willis: and will pasting a folder in usr/libraries from my computer to my college's computer malfunction it? | 10:09 |
Dr_Willis | !info build-essential | 10:10 |
ubottu | build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5 (maverick), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB | 10:10 |
bhavesh | k | 10:10 |
Dr_Willis | bhavesh: why are you messing in /usr/ anyway? its best to use the poackage manager to properly install things. | 10:10 |
KNUBBIG | sorry my PC just logged me out. Any ideas on the unity problem? | 10:10 |
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | dr_willis | 10:10 |
bhavesh | Dr_Willis: Main problem is I want to installl build-essential on a computer which does not have a internet connection | 10:11 |
bhavesh | an** | 10:11 |
Dr_Willis | bhavesh: you have ti install all the pacaktes it pulls in.. | 10:11 |
bhavesh | Dr_Willis: how...? | 10:11 |
Dr_Willis | it initself is just a quick way to grab them | 10:11 |
gartral | bhavesh: how will that do you any good? build_essentials is a metapackage that points too about a dozen or so other packages | 10:11 |
Dr_Willis | !aptoncd | 10:11 |
ubottu | APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline | 10:11 |
Rehan | if i have a terminal shortcut that loads a gui how can i make the terminal window close after starting up the gui rather than hanging around until I close the gui? | 10:12 |
eye-scuzzy | moin | 10:12 |
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gartral | Rehan: screen <GUI> --replace | 10:12 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: if by gui you mean a GUI based app.. somthing line --> (3 lines) #!/bin/sh commandwithgui & exit | 10:12 |
eye-scuzzy | http://dpaste.com/534580/ | 10:12 |
bhavesh | gartral: Erm it would allow me to write C++ codes in gedit and compile them... | 10:12 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: the trick is the use of & | 10:12 |
eye-scuzzy | wont resolv fqdn w/ dnsmasq :( | 10:13 |
gartral | bhavesh: again, build-essentials alone will not allow you too do this | 10:13 |
Dr_Willis | bhavesh: hes saying build-essential does nothing itself.. IUts a 'quick' way to pull in the other packages... | 10:13 |
Dr_Willis | thus the term meta-package | 10:13 |
eye-scuzzy | any ideas ? | 10:13 |
bencc | Dr_Willis: it should but it doesn't in my postinst script | 10:13 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: you mean to close the terminal emulator after launching the application? | 10:14 |
bhavesh | gartral, Dr_willis : I know, well i found two files "run" and "compile" that act as external tools in gedit, they need build-essential to run | 10:14 |
Dr_Willis | bhavesh: and b-e depend on proberly 200+mb of other packages.. | 10:14 |
bhavesh | gartral, Dr_Willis: Is there any app or compiler that would allow me to write codes in C++ which I could carry to my college easily ? | 10:15 |
patricksylvester | How to make it so non sudo can mount iso files? | 10:15 |
Dr_Willis | B-e wants to pull in another 30mb of downloads here. | 10:15 |
html_inprogress | hi yall | 10:15 |
Rehan | Dr_Willis: its a script actually that loads up a VPN client. I just made a shortcut to it in applications menu. The script is called junipernc and it pops open a black terminal window and then the app pops open. The app shows me that i'm connected and stuff but I'd like the terminal window gone in the background. Do i just put in the command window junipernc&exit ? | 10:15 |
bhavesh | ..? | 10:15 |
html_inprogress | hows the doc today ? lol ... | 10:15 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: yes i think so, i'm total noob though | 10:15 |
TheWubber | patricksylvester: you can mount them only in directories you have permission for | 10:16 |
bhavesh | Because I am the one who installed ubuntu on my college computers... | 10:16 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: make a script that does the commands, and make the launcher run that script.. is how i normally do things. | 10:16 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: "nohup <program name> & sleep 1 ; exit" | 10:16 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: or check your script junipernc - it may need tweaking | 10:16 |
gartral | bhavesh: two questions: 1) why don't you have internet at your collage? and 2) why can't you use !apt-on-cd? | 10:16 |
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gartral | googoo: gaga (sorry, couldn't resist that) | 10:17 |
mdvs | ^^ hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii alllllllllllllll | 10:17 |
bhavesh | gartral: We have internet at our college but they dont allow us to use it! 2) I didn't try apt-on-cd still.. | 10:17 |
html_inprogress | java vurtual machine, how do i get it? | 10:18 |
Dr_Willis | !java | html_inprogress | 10:18 |
ubottu | html_inprogress: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc - For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases. | 10:18 |
gartral | bhavesh: I would talk with your netadmin at your collage and ask why they wont let you use the internet | 10:18 |
Milossh | hello. I have a ubuntu installed as guest in vbox. Now, I'm running a django server on it, on a specific ip address. How can I connect to that ip from my host machine? | 10:18 |
html_inprogress | wwooooooooooo!! thats fast doc thats | 10:18 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: did it work? | 10:19 |
bhavesh | gartral: lol ill ask them to allow me to use it.. but im trying something like netbeans that I can carry with me straight away.. | 10:19 |
Dr_Willis | Milossh: virtualbox has several options for how it handles the network/ip range. It can have the vm show up on the local lan as if it was a real machine. or be nat'ed to a differnt range/network.. You may want to check the viortualkbox manual to learn the details. | 10:19 |
Dr_Willis | Milossh: I think theres only 3 settings in the vbox network config , yoiu could exit the vm, try the other setting, start the vm up and see what ip range it gets. :) one of the setings should make it show on the local lan as a real box. | 10:20 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: yes it sure did | 10:20 |
gartral | bhavesh: another uniquly useful possibility is install ubuntu onto a USB drive and use that | 10:20 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: ^^ | 10:20 |
mdvs | ^^ | 10:20 |
Milossh | Dr_Willis: I'm bridging connections, and I can connect to ubuntu's apache | 10:20 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: now can i put that file somewhere where i can access it from anywhere? | 10:21 |
bhavesh | gartral: well Im installing ubuntu on all my college computers | 10:21 |
Milossh | that's not a prob. I see it in network from a host machine | 10:21 |
bhavesh | gartral: its not just for me | 10:21 |
xmaz | is it possible to | 10:21 |
xmaz | unrar files in ubuntu? | 10:21 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: what do you mean by anywhere? from any directory on your pc? | 10:21 |
xmaz | KARATE-OLIMPIJA.SI.rar | 10:21 |
html_inprogress | bhavesh, i would say thats crazy , but i just heard of my public libary got attacted , and thats there are so ppl (groups ) are doing it on purpose | 10:21 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: yes | 10:21 |
Dr_Willis | !rar | xmaz | 10:21 |
ubottu | xmaz: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 10:21 |
gartral | bhavesh: then deffinatly talk too your netadmin about getting inter access.. | 10:22 |
Dr_Willis | xmaz: theres the rar and unrar commands yes. | 10:22 |
html_inprogress | attacked | 10:22 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: are you familiar with the $PATH variable? | 10:22 |
gartral | !unrar | xmas | 10:22 |
ubottu | xmas: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 10:22 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: also will it create a nohup.out file every time or is that just once? | 10:22 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: every time I think. | 10:22 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: kind of, in windows, i mean i understand the basic concept | 10:22 |
Milossh | Dr_Willis: is there a way for me to redirect domin to ip:port? | 10:22 |
Milossh | on ubuntu | 10:22 |
Milossh | disregard the fact it's on vbox | 10:22 |
bhavesh | gartral: first of all, internet at our college is epic slow it would take hours to do so on all computers, html_inprogress: bublic library got attacked...? | 10:23 |
bhavesh | public** | 10:23 |
bhavesh | wont a good C++ IDE do good without build-essential? | 10:23 |
html_inprogress | yes , their sever ,,, i think it was micosoft base | 10:24 |
Dr_Willis | Milossh: no idea. I rarely do such things. | 10:24 |
html_inprogress | ha ha!! should of had linux! | 10:24 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: if i copy it to /usr/bin then i can access it from anywhere? | 10:24 |
gidorah | hello, i want to know that is there a way to backup my installed programs and libraries and after restore them on a different version of ubuntu? | 10:24 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: yes, bbut you shouldn't do taht | 10:24 |
Dr_Willis | bhavesh: you still need the tools for the ide to use.. | 10:24 |
gartral | !apt mirror | bhavesh | 10:24 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: oh ok, sorry. What should I do instead? | 10:24 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: you want to create a directory ~/.bin or ~/bin and move the file there and add that to your path | 10:25 |
bhavesh | Dr_Willis: so I again need build-essential with IDE's :( | 10:25 |
gartral | Rehan: you *could* setup an internal apt-mirror | 10:25 |
mdvs | Help me ! i'm install OS backtrack on HDD but HDD after istall not show partion @@ | 10:25 |
Rehan | gartral: sounds hard :-/ | 10:25 |
bhavesh | Dr_Willis: just a simple questin.. will moving the c++ libraries file from my computers usr/libraries to my college computer's usr/libraries damage it.....? | 10:26 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: "nohup <program name> > /dev/null & sleep 1 ; exit" that removes the writing to nohup.out | 10:26 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: wow you are awesome | 10:26 |
Dr_Willis | bhavesh: theres more then just moving /usr/ stuff to get a full C development system installed. | 10:26 |
html_inprogress | bhavesh, if its dail up and your doing the updates the its going to take longer for it to be done then feeding a prom mob | 10:26 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: I just need to remember which file is suited to add your path to | 10:26 |
Dr_Willis | bhavesh: You could perhaps use that apt-on-cd method on his box to install the stuff. OR copy over his /var/cache/apt/ dir and isntall the packages fromt he .debs | 10:27 |
Dr_Willis | mdvs: backtrack has its own support channels. | 10:27 |
Dr_Willis | !backtrack | mdvs | 10:27 |
ubottu | mdvs: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 10:27 |
bhavesh | ok ill try | 10:27 |
mdvs | oh ! backtrack ' | 10:27 |
mdvs | im new install | 10:27 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: ok i created ~/.bin/ and moved the script you came up with to the directory | 10:28 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: if you use /home/username/bin then that bin is automatically adeed to your default PATH when you loigin | 10:28 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: do you have a .profile file in you ~/ | 10:28 |
bhavesh | Dr_Willis: I didnt understood the var/cache/apt method... I got build-essential.deb when I went to that derictory on my comp | 10:28 |
bhavesh | understand* | 10:29 |
Rehan | Dr_Willis: thanks! | 10:29 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: nope | 10:29 |
html_inprogress | bhavesh, , if i was you i just get the internet or borrow it for some where else , your lookin at 5 pcs need linux then its a 2-6 day straight marathon and thats just being nice numbers | 10:29 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: nvm the last thing I said. it is already taken care of, yes log in and out :) | 10:29 |
html_inprogress | backtrack? wheres the bot? | 10:29 |
bhavesh | html_inprogress... | 10:29 |
mdvs | room backtrack ! where . | 10:30 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: Dr_Willis: do i need to make sure its in ~/bin instead of ~/.bin or does it not matter? | 10:30 |
Dr_Willis | bhavesh: if you are doing these installs for a small lan. You may want to look at the apt-cacher-ng service to let one pc cache all the downloads for the rest of the lan | 10:30 |
=== Dave is now known as Guest13828 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: .bin wont get auto added... ~/bin will | 10:31 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: when you log back in do "echo $PATH" and see which dir is there | 10:31 |
gidorah | hello, i want to know that is there a way to backup my installed programs and libraries and after restore them on a different version of ubuntu? | 10:31 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: nvm me, Dr_Willis got the answer :P | 10:31 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: theres some lines in one of the .bash* scripts that sees ~/bin and auto adds it to the path if it exists | 10:31 |
Rehan | Dr_Willis: thats really cool | 10:32 |
html_inprogress | bhavesh, ... well give it a few hr break from irratation ,,, but i would just make a good copy,, and clone it,, im sure you can do it | 10:32 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: these are my current path output: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games | 10:32 |
cybrhuman | Dr_Willis: actually it is .profile | 10:32 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: have you logged in and out? | 10:33 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: not yet, i havent created ~/bin yet either tho | 10:33 |
html_inprogress | whats the channel for back track ? | 10:33 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: the $PATH is updated on login. | 10:33 |
Stefn | I want to automatically mount CDROM drives with umask=0000 instead of umask=0077, how can I configure udisks to do that? | 10:34 |
CQ | hello, I'm trying to install boxee, which has unmet dependencies... is there a way I can use apt-get to install the downloaded .deb and installd ependencies automatically? | 10:34 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: ok but should i create the directory first before logging out? | 10:34 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: yes, | 10:34 |
bhavesh | html_inprogress: err copy what? | 10:34 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: ok, gonna log out, brb | 10:34 |
html_inprogress | 10 -4 | 10:34 |
Dr_Willis | CQ: if you have the .debs you can try 'sudo gdebi foo.deb' and it should pull in the other stuff | 10:35 |
raven_ | vbox: 4.0 NON-ose cannot install guest utils | 10:35 |
Dr_Willis | CQ: of if you have more then 1 .deb use them all on the command lione, or wild cards. *.deb | 10:35 |
CQ | Dr_Willis: thanks, worked! | 10:36 |
Dr_Willis | CQ: was looking at buying a boxxee device today even. :) | 10:37 |
CQ | Dr_Willis: download and install... why buy the box? | 10:37 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: it worked, but in the terminal it says "nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout" for a while before it closes. | 10:37 |
Dr_Willis | CQ: so it can sit in the living room without a huge pc there. :) | 10:38 |
Dr_Willis | CQ: also i dont think the boxee 'software' on linux cn do netflix. (yet?) but the Boxee Device says it can. | 10:38 |
CQ | Dr_Willis: I have an old laptop just for that... actually, just transitioned to a small netbook | 10:38 |
html_inprogress | ok , you just start from freash and then you do all you need (unitformed) for all the other computer to save time just do this to one computer then clone it to the other pc that need linux , then form there just add anything else to those ones as need | 10:38 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: it shows up for 1 second I guess, since it sleeps for 1 second. | 10:39 |
Dr_Willis | CQ: was looking ab getting a mini-net-top for it to build my own. :) cheaper to just get a boxee. but it all depens on what the wife wants. | 10:39 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: thats really cool how you just came up with a solution to my problem on the spot | 10:39 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: just out of curiosity, if i was to put in something like echo off would it kill that message from showing? | 10:40 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: echo off - is DOS... | 10:40 |
Rehan | haha, sorry Dr_Willis | 10:40 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: you pipe the output somewhere to hide it perhaps.. | 10:40 |
Rehan | is > dev/null piping it to nowhere? | 10:40 |
Dr_Willis | I rarely use nohup these days. :) | 10:40 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: you want to do an extra "2>&1" to remove it | 10:40 |
html_inprogress | or you can do a network intall , but in not sure about ubuntu, i do not that other distros can do it , but its worsth the try .... | 10:40 |
saal7193 | how do i get the volume control to show on my desktop? | 10:41 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: the trick is that 2>&1 - since those reroute the standard err and stdard output as well. :) I think thats right.. | 10:41 |
Rehan | i've learned so much in the last 5 minutes | 10:41 |
Dr_Willis | saal7193: you mean in the panel? or as a widgit on the desktop? | 10:41 |
saal7193 | oops i meant on the panel | 10:42 |
Dr_Willis | Rehan: bash job controll basics. :) and command output redirection | 10:42 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: where would i put the 2>&1 in that bit of code? | 10:42 |
Dr_Willis | saal7193: you removed it? you removed the mail icon also> | 10:42 |
Dr_Willis | !reset-panel | saal7193 | 10:42 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: before the "&" | 10:42 |
Dr_Willis | !resetpanel | saal7193 | 10:42 |
ubottu | saal7193: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 10:42 |
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cybrhuman | Rehan: sec, need to check it | 10:42 |
saal7193 | Dr_Willis, i guess i removed it without knowing | 10:42 |
Rehan | Dr_Willis: i just edited my fstab to mount one of my partitions to /dev/null so that it stops showing up in nautilus. this /dev/null concept is very cool cybrhuman | 10:43 |
html_inprogress | Rehan, if i may say something ,about buy hardware? | 10:43 |
WXZ | anyone know where I can get gtk+-3.0 for lucid? | 10:43 |
html_inprogress | WXZ, ??? that means what ??? you mean gnome 3.0? | 10:44 |
WXZ | yes | 10:44 |
WXZ | I need it to build nautilus | 10:44 |
Rehan | html_inprogress: did you mean to mention me? | 10:44 |
Soothsayer | anyone successfully used Office 2007 on PlayOnLinux ? | 10:45 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: hmm, I can't get that trick to work.... strange | 10:45 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: no worries, its already an awesome solution, i was just trying to learn more about it | 10:45 |
html_inprogress | you can in 11.04 qwhich is way more stable then 1010 | 10:45 |
html_inprogress | Rehan, yes ... | 10:46 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: "man nohup" can tell you what that command does :) | 10:46 |
cybrhuman | man is for manual by the way | 10:46 |
Stefn | I want to automatically mount CDROM drives with umask=0000 instead of umask=0077, how can I configure udisks to do that? | 10:47 |
saal7193 | Dr_Willis, thanks, i got the volume control back | 10:47 |
WXZ | html_inprogress: so you don't know where to get gtk+-3.0? | 10:47 |
html_inprogress | Rehan, , just about he future of hardware, but it depends on what your doing | 10:47 |
html_inprogress | WXZ, just a sec | 10:47 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: cool just read it. so if i keep letting it output to that nohup output file instead will that file just keep growing in length or will the # of files increase? | 10:48 |
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cybrhuman | Rehan: the file grows | 10:48 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: oh ok | 10:49 |
Soothsayer | anyone successfully used Office 2007 on PlayOnLinux ? | 10:49 |
iceroot | !appdb | Soothsayer | 10:50 |
ubottu | Soothsayer: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 10:50 |
Soothsayer | thanks | 10:50 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: I just remembered something. if you got the executable in your $PATH you should be able to run it directly from the "run program" dialog window | 10:50 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: yea i created a menu shortcut with basically the name of the executable in it | 10:51 |
html_inprogress | Soothsayer, you need the offical cds for it ,, | 10:51 |
html_inprogress | wxz,, i would think there is a channel for it , and the website to go to | 10:51 |
WXZ | #gtk | 10:52 |
WXZ | woops | 10:52 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: does it work? I don't actually know how to create menu items :P | 10:52 |
WXZ | yeah, I'll go to gnome | 10:52 |
apogean | hi | 10:52 |
cybrhuman | !Windows | 10:52 |
ubottu | For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents | 10:52 |
html_inprogress | hi | 10:52 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: yep it does. System -> Preferences -> Main Menu | 10:52 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: interesting :D | 10:53 |
Rehan | cybrhuman: can't believe i knew something you didn't lol | 10:53 |
cybrhuman | Rehan: :P that's the way it works | 10:54 |
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Guest59771 | how can use backtrack4 to crack wpa | 10:56 |
iceroot | !backtrack | Guest59771 | 10:56 |
ubottu | Guest59771: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 10:56 |
gidorah | hello, i want to know that is there a way to backup my installed programs and libraries and after restore them on a different version of ubuntu? | 10:56 |
iceroot | !clone | gidorah | 10:57 |
ubottu | gidorah: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 10:57 |
hello | hello | 10:58 |
hello | u no i ve got a quession | 10:58 |
hello | i use irssi | 10:58 |
cybrhuman | !owner > cybrhuman | 10:58 |
ubottu | cybrhuman, please see my private message | 10:58 |
Stava | Can I see with which parameters an application/package has been compiled? | 10:59 |
MonkeyDust | !ask| hello | 10:59 |
ubottu | hello: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 10:59 |
hello | ok i see | 10:59 |
raven_ | does it make sense to create a lvm-volume with two external drives? | 11:00 |
CQ | when will 11.04 be out? is it worth jumping on the beta, or just wait a week or two? | 11:03 |
elkuka | hi everyone. I'm new in ubuntu and still can't get some stuff to work properly. sometimes with no reason the bar, menus and all the appearance just turns very ugly. like a lower definition. if it's like that I can just go to system - preferences - appearance and all switches back to the theme I already had, ambiance now. any idea? btw I'm running ubuntu 10.10 | 11:03 |
CQ | never mind... April 28th is the date on the ubuntu site... | 11:04 |
aLky | guys, what's a good download manager for ubuntu? (I will be downloading a few 30GB files so the faster it is, the better) | 11:04 |
raven_ | does it make sense to create a lvm-volume with two external drives? | 11:05 |
=== raven_ is now known as _raven |
TheWubber | how can i encrypt a single file? | 11:06 |
Draco_ | hi! I have problems with my lan card, I've fallowed this guide to set it up http://jaxov.com/2009/09/change-ethernet-cards-speed-and-dulex-settings-in-ubnutu-linux/ like someone on this channel suggested me some day ago, and it works well, but every time I reboot the system, it goes back to default settings | 11:07 |
TheWubber | nevermind. i'll just put it in root home | 11:07 |
vincenzoml | Hi, I am using natty actually, but the problem is general and noone is replying in ubuntu+1. An user has troubles with gconfd, so theme selection does not work at all and gnome defaults are loaded. I erased ALL configuration files after killing ALL the user's processes, but the problem persists. The problem is not there in the guest session. If this is not solved, we have an user back to windows. Anyone? | 11:07 |
oCean | vincenzoml: ubuntu+1 is the channel for that. | 11:08 |
Sidewinder1 | aLky: if you're talking about torrents, Transmossion is all ready installed by default. | 11:08 |
TheWubber | sounds more like a natty issue/bug | 11:08 |
Sidewinder1 | Transmission...sorry | 11:08 |
aLky | no, talkin about http (i could also use ftp/scp but think http will be faster) | 11:08 |
vincenzoml | oCean: the knowledge of gconfd ought to be general to all versions of ubuntu. The problem is there must be some global settings of gconfd. Where is that? | 11:08 |
TheWubber | aLky: wget is a good console-based one, gwget is a good frontend for it | 11:09 |
aLky | something that supports multiple connections per file | 11:09 |
TheWubber | hmm multiple connections | 11:09 |
aLky | i am just installing uget at the moment. is that good? | 11:09 |
TheWubber | not sure | 11:09 |
Dr_Willis | !info uget | 11:10 |
ubottu | uget (source: uget): easy-to-use download manager written in GTK+2. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.0-1 (maverick), package size 116 kB, installed size 500 kB | 11:10 |
Sidewinder1 | aLky: Firefox has an add-on; I believe that it's called Download Mgr. | 11:10 |
Dr_Willis | thers dozens of ways to manage downloads.. it depends on how./what you want to manage them :) | 11:10 |
aLky | i dont like firefox for this - it uses too much ram memory | 11:10 |
oCean | vincenzoml: it's a problem you have in a beta release. No replies in the correct channel does not make it an #ubuntu issue | 11:10 |
Sidewinder1 | uget may be the ticket, then. | 11:11 |
Soothsayer | html_inprogress, i have the original cd at office | 11:11 |
Soothsayer | plus i have an iso too to test it with | 11:11 |
aLky | well, will leave it over night.. see how it goes | 11:11 |
aLky | thanks | 11:11 |
html_inprogress | is it with you ?? | 11:11 |
html_inprogress | because of leagal issues i guess you cant intsall it with out it | 11:12 |
Draco_ | I have problems with my lan card, I've fallowed this guide to set it up http://jaxov.com/2009/09/change-ethernet-cards-speed-and-dulex-settings-in-ubnutu-linux/ like someone on this channel suggested me some day ago, and it works well, but every time I reboot the system, it goes back to default settings | 11:13 |
elkuka | hi everyone. I'm new in ubuntu and still can't get some stuff to work properly. sometimes with no reason the bar, menus and all the appearance just turns very ugly. like a lower definition. if it's like that I can just go to system - preferences - appearance and all switches back to the theme I already had, ambiance now. any idea? btw I'm running ubuntu 10.10 | 11:13 |
Soothsayer | html_inprogress, not with me right now.. but will be tomorrow.. | 11:13 |
Soothsayer | but i need to work right now :-( | 11:13 |
vincenzoml | oCean: in a week that's going to be a #ubuntu issue. With the due respect, I think you're not reading what I asked for. I asked where is the global gconfd configuration in ubuntu. Then I can check myself if in natty it's in the same place. | 11:14 |
van7hu | hello, there first time I've seen a file with --wS-- mode | 11:14 |
van7hu | What does 'S' here mean? | 11:14 |
mtvoid | TheWubber: Have you tried using gpg? | 11:14 |
_raven | does it make sense to create a lvm-volume with two external drives? | 11:16 |
elkuka | hi everyone. I'm new in ubuntu and still can't get some stuff to work properly. sometimes with no reason the panel, menus and all the appearance just turns very ugly. like a lower definition. if it's like that, I can just go to system - preferences - appearance and all switches back to the theme I already had, ambiance now. any idea? btw I'm running ubuntu 10.10 | 11:18 |
S1las | i need help | 11:19 |
Ben64 | !details | S1las | 11:19 |
ubottu | S1las: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 11:19 |
S1las | I have a problem with FN buttons on my Toshiba Laptop i`m using ubuntu 10.10 | 11:20 |
Ben64 | S1las: explain more | 11:20 |
S1las | i can't turn on or off my Wi-Fi connection | 11:21 |
S1las | i can't turn on or off my touchpad | 11:21 |
S1las | i try to install fnfxd | 11:21 |
S1las | but it won't start | 11:21 |
Ben64 | there should be a hardware switch for wifi, and most or all of the function keys on laptops won't work | 11:21 |
S1las | there is no hardware switch for wifi | 11:22 |
gaurav_help | can i porotect my folders with password | 11:22 |
aLky | has anyone had any luck getting evolution to sync with ms-exchange 2003? | 11:22 |
Dr_Willis | gaurav_help: you can set up encrypted directories for specific dirs yes. but its not going to be real automated. | 11:23 |
Dr_Willis | !encrypt | 11:23 |
ubottu | For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory | 11:23 |
WXZ | anyone know where I can get gtk+ 3.0 for lucid? | 11:23 |
S1las | So? | 11:23 |
cowslammer | S1las, fn keys work on some laptops and not on others | 11:24 |
CalvinMcGee | I'm trying to get my comp to automatically log me in, without showing the list of users or prompting for password. But when I go into gdmsetup and choose "Log me in as" I have no users in the drop-down | 11:24 |
S1las | i can't turn my touchpad on ? | 11:24 |
Ben64 | it should already be on, you probably can't turn it off | 11:24 |
S1las | ghaha | 11:24 |
elkuka | hi everyone. I'm new in ubuntu and still can't get some stuff to work properly. sometimes with no reason the panel, menus and all the appearance just turns very ugly. like a lower definition. if it's like that, I can just go to system - preferences - appearance and all switches back to the theme I already had, ambiance now. any idea? btw I'm running ubuntu 10.10 | 11:25 |
gaurav_help | Dr_Willis, how i make directories encrypted | 11:25 |
elkuka | does anyone has any idea? | 11:25 |
Sidewinder1 | WXZ: It's in the repositories. | 11:25 |
WXZ | not 3.0 | 11:25 |
S1las | Ben64 what you wan't to say? that i`m stupid or something | 11:25 |
elkuka | does anyone have any idea? | 11:25 |
Ben64 | no? i didn't say anything like that | 11:25 |
Sidewinder1 | OIC, sorry | 11:25 |
S1las | so | 11:26 |
S1las | what is the solution | 11:26 |
S1las | i read about fnfxd | 11:26 |
S1las | but i can't get it running | 11:26 |
Ben64 | S1las: i'm trying to say that you likely cannot use the function keys in ubuntu, but they aren't really necessary | 11:27 |
S1las | Ben64 okey but then | 11:28 |
S1las | how to turn off and on my WiFi, Bluetooth or Touchpad? Any ideas? | 11:28 |
Dr_Willis | !encrypt | gaurav_help | 11:29 |
ubottu | gaurav_help: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory | 11:29 |
Ben64 | could do wifi and bluetooth from the panel, touchpad - not sure how you can turn that off | 11:29 |
researcher123 | when I try to extract a file I get the message "An error occurred while extracting files." | 11:29 |
Dr_Willis | researcher123: try it from command line. you may get a better error message. | 11:29 |
S1las | okey | 11:29 |
Dr_Willis | !info unp | 11:29 |
elkuka | is anyone reading me? | 11:29 |
ubottu | unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre4 (maverick), package size 13 kB, installed size 100 kB | 11:29 |
S1las | and how do i turn it on then | 11:29 |
Dr_Willis | elkuka: yes. | 11:29 |
researcher123 | Dr_Willis: how do i give such command | 11:29 |
elkuka | thanks | 11:30 |
S1las | my touchpad only works when i enable it in windows envoirment | 11:30 |
Dr_Willis | researcher123: depends on the archive. | 11:30 |
Dr_Willis | researcher123: i cheat and use 'unp' | 11:30 |
S1las | and then reboot in ubuntu | 11:30 |
timtamboy63 | Hey people | 11:30 |
researcher123 | Dr_Willis: it is this filename Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.0.6-71344.vbox-extpack | 11:30 |
timtamboy63 | Anyone on? | 11:30 |
timtamboy63 | :) | 11:30 |
timtamboy63 | Err, anyone willing to give some help to a total linux noob? | 11:30 |
spid3rnet | i have vmware player installed on my ubuntu im runnig to virtuel machins how i coulde give theme the same ip adresse | 11:31 |
spid3rnet | i have vmware player installed on my ubuntu im runnig tow virtuel machins how i coulde give theme the same ip adresse | 11:31 |
gartral | researcher123: what does lsusb say about your hardware? | 11:31 |
gaurav_help | Dr_Willis, when i do !encrypt in terminal i so me event not found ..is there any way 2 do it in GUI mode | 11:31 |
Ben64 | !repeat | spid3rnet | 11:31 |
ubottu | spid3rnet: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 11:31 |
Sidewinder1 | elkuka: Yes, I've seen every question; I just don't have an answer for you; sorry... | 11:31 |
spid3rnet | i have vmware player installed on my ubuntu im runnig tow virtuel machins how i coulde give theme the same ip adresse | 11:31 |
Ben64 | spid3rnet: stop repeating, we heard you | 11:31 |
spid3rnet | ok so help ;e | 11:32 |
elkuka | Sidewinder1 thanks for replying anyway | 11:32 |
spid3rnet | ok so help me | 11:32 |
Sidewinder1 | No prob | 11:32 |
spid3rnet | ok so help me | 11:32 |
spid3rnet | ok so help me | 11:32 |
researcher123 | gartral: http://paste.ubuntu.com/597392/ | 11:32 |
timtamboy63 | I suppose i'll ask anyway, I've just downloaded, installed Ubuntu 10.10 via Wubi. (I think) Ubuntu 11.04 is being released on the 28th, will 10.10 auto update to 11.04? | 11:32 |
Ben64 | spid3rnet: no | 11:32 |
spid3rnet | why | 11:32 |
spid3rnet | why | 11:33 |
heverl | Hello I'm in a rescue system and I'm going to check a filesystem. The problem is ubuntu tells me it's mounted but according to "mount" it's not! How can I force e2fsck to check this FS ? | 11:33 |
Ben64 | you keep repeating | 11:33 |
timtamboy63 | Geez sipid3r chill out mate | 11:33 |
Ben64 | and it's annoying, i don't work for you | 11:33 |
Sidewinder1 | !repeat | spid3rnet | 11:33 |
ubottu | spid3rnet: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 11:33 |
spid3rnet | why | 11:33 |
spid3rnet | help | 11:33 |
timtamboy63 | Nobody likes spammers | 11:33 |
spid3rnet | i have vmware player installed on my ubuntu im runnig tow virtuel machins how i coulde give theme the same ip adresse | 11:33 |
Sidewinder1 | !volunteers | spid3rnet | 11:33 |
ubottu | spid3rnet: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 11:33 |
spid3rnet | i have vmware player installed on my ubuntu im runnig tow virtuel machins how i coulde give theme the same ip adresse | 11:34 |
Ben64 | heverl: how do you have the system booted? | 11:34 |
heverl | It's perhaps a bit broken in case of power supply failure but at least it could boot in a busybox, the pc knows there's a HDD and I can see the filesystems and so on. So I think it's more a filesystem error. | 11:34 |
spid3rnet | i have vmware player installed on my ubuntu im runnig tow virtuel machins how i coulde give theme the same ip adresse | 11:34 |
heverl | Ben64, actually from a CD it's 10.10 | 11:34 |
Ben64 | heverl: you sure its not mounted? | 11:34 |
tomatobros | hi guys how do i get partition uuid ? its /dev/sdb5 | 11:34 |
Dr_Willis | !blkid | tomatobros | 11:34 |
ubottu | tomatobros: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 11:34 |
heverl | Ben64, If I boot it from HDD it boots into busybox | 11:34 |
tomatobros | thx Dr_Willis | 11:35 |
heverl | Ben64, yes its not mounted. According to "mount" and /proc/mounts | 11:35 |
Ben64 | heverl: the -f switch on fsck should be able to check it, but i've never seen a partition say it was mounted when it wasn't | 11:36 |
heverl | Ben64, I'm getting "Filesystem ist mounted or opened by exclusively by another program?" | 11:36 |
heverl | Ben64, it could be the second. But how can I find out what "other program" exclusively blocks the filesystem? | 11:37 |
Ben64 | heverl: have anything else running? | 11:38 |
heverl | Ben64, I found the process but I can't kill it. Even not with -9 | 11:39 |
heverl | Ben64, I'm in a graphical ubuntu session | 11:39 |
Ben64 | what process is it | 11:39 |
heverl | mount .... | 11:39 |
Ben64 | : / | 11:39 |
heverl | strange | 11:39 |
Ben64 | cd was probably trying to auto mount stuff | 11:39 |
heverl | but it's not mine | 11:39 |
heverl | yes | 11:39 |
heverl | but anyway I should be able to kill it | 11:40 |
Ben64 | i'd suggest using a more stripped down cd to fsck with | 11:40 |
Ben64 | like TRK or something | 11:40 |
heverl | ;) | 11:40 |
timtamboy63 | These damn updates are taking forever | 11:40 |
Ben64 | well if its corrupted, it could have messed up the mount | 11:40 |
Ben64 | and leave it hanging like that | 11:40 |
heverl | well but can't the OS kill it ? | 11:40 |
Ben64 | sometimes | 11:41 |
timtamboy63 | I've just downloaded, installed Ubuntu 10.10 via Wubi. (I think) Ubuntu 11.04 is being released on the 28th, will 10.10 auto update to 11.04? | 11:42 |
heverl | can I boot using a ubuntu start disc in a rescue mode ? | 11:42 |
heverl | without graphical interface and so on... | 11:42 |
Ben64 | heverl: don't know, sorry | 11:42 |
Ben64 | timtamboy63: it can, yes | 11:43 |
Dr_Willis | 'start disk' as in a live-desktop installer disk you mean? | 11:43 |
heverl | That's the first time I saw a proccess I may not kill I didn't know that's possible... | 11:43 |
researcher123 | how to give a command line to extract a file named Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.0.6-71344.vbox-extpack | 11:43 |
timtamboy63 | Thanks, im glad I don't have to download it again :) | 11:43 |
timtamboy63 | The global bar has me pumped | 11:43 |
Dr_Willis | heverl: you cant kill zombie procxesses i belive. | 11:43 |
Dr_Willis | timtamboy63: updateing wubi installs can have issues.. i would reccomend backups befor upgradeing it. | 11:44 |
timtamboy63 | Oh, okay then, thanks | 11:44 |
Dr_Willis | timtamboy63: if you update/upgrade to 11.04 you basically ARE downloading | 11:44 |
timtamboy63 | It won't mess up my windows partition though, will it? | 11:44 |
Dr_Willis | timtamboy63: I never use wubi. bu ti dont think it would. | 11:44 |
timtamboy63 | Haha, I meant redo the wubi process | 11:44 |
Dr_Willis | I dont care for wubi. | 11:44 |
timtamboy63 | Not downloading | 11:44 |
timtamboy63 | Yeah, I was just going to partition, and duel boot | 11:45 |
Dr_Willis | Wubi - has way way to many people in here every week with problems with it. | 11:45 |
timtamboy63 | Oh really? | 11:45 |
timtamboy63 | Thats not good D: | 11:45 |
timtamboy63 | Any common problems I should know about? | 11:45 |
mali | timtamboy63: then partitio nand dual boot | 11:45 |
Dr_Willis | I got some of my machines running ubuntu from a 8gb flash drive. | 11:45 |
mali | what's the problem | 11:45 |
Dr_Willis | Wubi boot issues are commonplace problems from what ive seen. | 11:45 |
timtamboy63 | I don't know enough to make sure I dont screw up my windows | 11:45 |
mali | ye dr. willis me too although normally I just add them to my ntfs oem partition and launch them form there (livecd's) | 11:45 |
timtamboy63 | brb, gotta restart ff | 11:46 |
Ben64 | timtamboy63: its not very hard | 11:46 |
mali | Wubi? who the f*** would use wubi? | 11:46 |
famc0de | gaelfx, hi | 11:47 |
timtamboy63 | Back :) | 11:47 |
mali | WOW | 11:47 |
timtamboy63 | Hm, my additional drivers install window seems frozen D: | 11:47 |
mali | did I | 11:47 |
famc0de | gaelfx, I've tried smplayer, but when run it does not support DVD menu, is there any other applications that can support DVD menu's like microsoft windows media player | 11:47 |
mali | lol ubu 10.10 just decided to do a log out on me a**e | 11:47 |
mali | out of the blue when I wrote wubi | 11:47 |
mali | :p | 11:47 |
timtamboy63 | hm? | 11:48 |
famc0de | if anyone has other suggestions:) | 11:48 |
timtamboy63 | That would be me restarting ff to apply updates :) | 11:48 |
timtamboy63 | Im using mibbit | 11:48 |
mali | vlc player? | 11:48 |
bencc | how can I see info of a user in bash? | 11:48 |
mali | bencc: which use info? | 11:48 |
elkuka | hi everyone. I'm new in ubuntu and still can't get some stuff to work properly. sometimes with no reason the panel, menus and all the appearance just turns very ugly. like a lower definition. if it's like that, I can just go to system - preferences - appearance and all switches back to the theme I already had, ambiance now. any idea? btw I'm running ubuntu 10.10 | 11:49 |
mali | in bash: $UID or eg. user=`whoami` will give you the user | 11:49 |
bencc | mali: a system user of a package | 11:49 |
mali | you mean who owns the package? | 11:49 |
famc0de | mali, I've tried VLC player, but also does not support DVD menus | 11:49 |
timtamboy63 | Is there a way to 'force close' a window? | 11:49 |
mali | ls -al <package> | sed <do grab 2nd and 3rd column> for example | 11:50 |
davro | timtamboy63: try xkill | 11:50 |
mali | timtamboy63: add force kill/quit in panel sday | 11:50 |
mali | and then you can click on iut in gui and click on window | 11:50 |
mali | else open a terminal and pkill / ps | ef | grep pid/identifier | 11:50 |
mali | pkill* | 11:50 |
heverl | Ben64, Ok even If I don't start the graphical ubuntu I can't access the disc and there is no mount blocking the FS at this time.... | 11:50 |
timtamboy63 | mali: sday? | 11:51 |
mali | eh? | 11:51 |
famc0de | if anyone has suggestions on how to play DVD movies on Ubuntu | 11:51 |
timtamboy63 | "<mali> timtamboy63: add force kill/quit in panel sday" | 11:51 |
mali | sex day? sun day? sunny day? | 11:51 |
heverl | TRK is a goot CD rescure distribution? | 11:51 |
mali | sday = say* | 11:51 |
heverl | Ben64, | 11:51 |
mali | sorry | 11:51 |
timtamboy63 | haha | 11:51 |
timtamboy63 | Ah | 11:51 |
timtamboy63 | How would I go about doing that? | 11:51 |
mali | richt click gnome panel -> add appl or whateve rit's called and find force quit | 11:51 |
halpbatman | I need advice.. I just landed a desktop with Intel core i7 and nvidia GTX 470 6gb ram... and I'm planning on dual booting win7 64 and ubuntu... should I go with 10.04 LTS or 10.10? | 11:52 |
mali | then you can click on it and click on the window you wish to force kill | 11:52 |
JamezQ | famc0de: you have to download some codecs. A google for "how to play DVD movies on Ubuntu <ubuntu version>" will find them. | 11:52 |
JamezQ | Unless someone else wants to give you the link or apt-package if there is one | 11:52 |
Sidewinder1 | elkuka: Have you tried searching and if no valid search results, asking your question at http://ubuntuforums.org? | 11:52 |
timtamboy63 | Thanks, that worked | 11:53 |
mali | yes | 11:53 |
mali | np | 11:53 |
elkuka | I'm | 11:53 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: depends on your needs. and how often you want to upgrade.. 11.04 is due out in a few days | 11:53 |
White | hi | 11:53 |
elkuka | Sidewinder1 I was just doing it, thanks | 11:53 |
famc0de | jamesQ,I was able to play DVDs, with smplayer, but still can not support DVD menus | 11:53 |
mali | timtamboy63: linux is nto windows, it is about maturing and beein spoon fed by your mummy or the world... it inbvolves spending time learning yes... in return you are less of a gimp | 11:53 |
JamezQ | famc0de: Ah, try vlc. Sometimes other players will work better | 11:54 |
timtamboy63 | Haha fair enough | 11:54 |
timtamboy63 | One more quick question though | 11:54 |
halpbatman | Dr_Willis: I'm looking for something stable | 11:54 |
Dr_Willis | Ive rarely fond somthing that vlc cant play. Other then DRM stuff. | 11:54 |
mali | ubutnu provides a paradigm , veen in the linux world.. a nice step into the world but in time you have to learn to look for things, experiment and also that nice google thing ;) | 11:54 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: stick to LTS then | 11:54 |
mali | sure timtamboy63 | 11:54 |
timtamboy63 | Hm, you know the panel where it says there are propietry drivers not isntalled for your graphics card, how would I get that back, I had to force kill it | 11:54 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: the term stable is often 'vague' :) what do you mean by stable. | 11:54 |
halpbatman | Dr_Willis: I'm gonna leave it at home while Im at school in another state and use it as a server | 11:54 |
timtamboy63 | And now that icon isnt there | 11:54 |
halpbatman | Dr_Willis: ssh in | 11:54 |
mali | well it is known as jokey-gtk or just jjockey | 11:54 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: and with NEWER hardware. often the older reelases dont fully support it all. | 11:54 |
halpbatman | Dr_Willis: not buggy | 11:55 |
mali | after you kill it, just try it again | 11:55 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: about any linux can be stable enough for that. | 11:55 |
timtamboy63 | Yeah, but killing it removed the icon from the top bar | 11:55 |
timtamboy63 | Im not sure how to access it again, as previously, I accessed it via the icon on the top bar | 11:55 |
mali | else try in a terminal (the ABC of linux): sudo jockey<push tab for auto ocompleteion twice> gives you the list of jockey commands | 11:55 |
famc0de | jamesQ, saya sudah mencoba vlc, tapi ada pesan error seperti ini File reading failed: | 11:55 |
famc0de | VLC could not read the file. | 11:55 |
famc0de | File reading failed: | 11:55 |
famc0de | VLC could not read the file. | 11:55 |
famc0de | File reading failed: | 11:55 |
famc0de | VLC could not read the file. | 11:55 |
FloodBot2 | famc0de: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:55 |
halpbatman | Dr_Willis: isn't LTS supposed to support new hardware? | 11:55 |
mali | in a console you get more info as why it might crash if it does | 11:55 |
niq1984 | famc0de: try xine, it support dvd menus | 11:55 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: the LST release is now several months+ old. | 11:55 |
mali | timtam, jut do the console method then | 11:56 |
wjt_ | dd | 11:56 |
mali | type jockey plus hit tab twice | 11:56 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: so no.. its possible it dose not support hardware that came out 2 weeks ago. :) | 11:56 |
famc0de | niq1984, xine! ok i try :) | 11:56 |
mali | or till it sh0ows options | 11:56 |
mali | then add sudo in front of it | 11:56 |
mali | so it can write to root system | 11:56 |
halpbatman | Dr_Willis: what's new in the new version? | 11:56 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: everything.. :) | 11:56 |
mali | famc0de: which file atre yo utryiogn to run? | 11:56 |
White_Dragon | hi all | 11:57 |
mali | vlc on linux is vlc on windows, and vlc reads dvd files .. eg. .vob etc | 11:57 |
Hex_101 | translation: Which file are you trying to run? | 11:57 |
JamezQ | vlc supports dvd menus too | 11:57 |
mali | than you Hex_101 ;) | 11:57 |
mali | I don't care much for keyboards ;) | 11:57 |
Hex_101 | ;D | 11:57 |
Hex_101 | hehe. | 11:57 |
mali | :p | 11:57 |
Dr_Willis | vlc videodvd.iso also can work :) | 11:57 |
mali | cos im sexeh | 11:57 |
White_Dragon | I have a problem with installing google earth | 11:57 |
mali | :p | 11:57 |
researcher123 | when I run the command unzip Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.0.6-71344.vbox-extpack I got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/597398/ Any help please? | 11:57 |
timtamboy63 | mali: I think that gave me a list of the filesystem? | 11:57 |
mali | hmm | 11:57 |
Raptors | Does gnomeshell work in VM yet? | 11:58 |
niq1984 | famc0de: and also u need libdvdnav4 :) | 11:58 |
mali | if you do jockey<+ tab> it will only list commands which are executable which start with jockey* | 11:58 |
Dr_Willis | researcher123: are You sure its a zip file? | 11:58 |
famc0de | JamesQ, vlc supports dvd menus too, are you really :) | 11:58 |
White_Dragon | Is there anyone who can help me? | 11:58 |
timtamboy63 | Worked it out, what I needed was in system | 11:58 |
mali | and jocvkey is the ubuntu script which launches the propr. drivers | 11:58 |
mali | erm ok :) | 11:58 |
researcher123 | Dr_Willis: not sure | 11:58 |
mali | as long as you learn, it's all good :) | 11:58 |
Dr_Willis | researcher123: and be sure to get the name right.. try the 'file whatever' command to see if its some other typoe of archive | 11:58 |
famc0de | niq, already install libdvdnav4:) | 11:59 |
mali | how old are you timtam? | 11:59 |
timtamboy63 | 16 | 11:59 |
mali | good | 11:59 |
White_Dragon | hellooooo ny1........ | 11:59 |
timtamboy63 | haha whys that? | 11:59 |
Dr_Willis | !googleearth | 11:59 |
ubottu | Google Earth is available as the package "googleearth-package" in !Multiverse. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth | 11:59 |
famc0de | why i try play dvd in vlc, error with File reading failed: | 11:59 |
timtamboy63 | Back in a bit | 11:59 |
famc0de | VLC could not read the file. | 11:59 |
mali | means you are growing up. welcome to linux, but ye, kleep in mind, learn to do research, don't always be lazy and the return is becming a smarter person aka always good later on when one becomes a dad or mum or a sex slave or whatnot | 11:59 |
halpbatman | Dr_Willis: If I were to install 10.10 and want to upgrade to the new version. would I have to reinstall? | 11:59 |
White_Dragon | but i used 3 code... | 12:00 |
White_Dragon | sudo apt-get install googleearth-package | 12:00 |
White_Dragon | make-googleearth-package --force | 12:00 |
White_Dragon | sudo dpkg -i googleearth*.deb | 12:00 |
mali | halpbatman: no | 12:00 |
FloodBot2 | White_Dragon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:00 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: Upgrading is a standasrd featuire of the package manager system. so no. | 12:00 |
mali | you do sudo spt-get 00dist-upgrade or so | 12:00 |
mali | --dist-upgrade* | 12:00 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: but i rarely upgrade.. clean reinstalls work better i find. | 12:00 |
White_Dragon | When i executed the last code... it was error | 12:00 |
mali | after apt-get update | 12:00 |
halpbatman | Dr_Willis: I agree. | 12:00 |
mali | Dr_Willis: compeltely agree | 12:00 |
* mali hates ubuntu-upgrades | 12:00 |
mali | useless ;) | 12:00 |
mali | PS. ubuntu has a non functioning Firefox | 12:01 |
mali | download the tarball from FF itself till ubuntufixes it | 12:01 |
cowslammer | can someone tell me how to register a nick? | 12:01 |
mali | or use chromium/chrome or so | 12:01 |
Dr_Willis | mali: oh? it works here.. | 12:01 |
researcher123 | ok | 12:01 |
mali | lmao | 12:01 |
mali | Dr_Willis: with 8% efficiency yes | 12:01 |
White_Dragon | Now i cant update... it say : google earth package is broken | 12:01 |
dontworry | cowslammer, type /msg nickserv help and a bunch of options will show up | 12:01 |
mali | try running V8 benchmark (google it) with FF-ubuntu, then try tarball FF or chrome | 12:01 |
mali | and compare :) | 12:01 |
mali | version 6 | 12:02 |
mali | the latest obv. | 12:02 |
halpbatman | when you go to download ubuntu why does it say 32bit (recommended)? | 12:02 |
html_inprogress | whats the channel for baCKTRACK? | 12:02 |
Sidewinder1 | !register | cowslammer | 12:02 |
ubottu | cowslammer: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 12:02 |
halpbatman | is 64 bit not as good or what | 12:02 |
mali | halpbatman: due to 64 bit lil stuff with flash mainly.. how much ram you got? | 12:02 |
soner | slm | 12:02 |
White_Dragon | what should i do now? | 12:02 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: 'idiot proofing' - if you have no idea what it all means.. best to stick to 32bit | 12:02 |
mali | halpbatman: depend son ram and if you push your ram to max | 12:02 |
halpbatman | mali: 6gb | 12:02 |
mali | if you dont use more than 3.5 | 12:02 |
mali | well then do 64 bit | 12:02 |
Dr_Willis | halpbatman: if you know about 64bit and know yoru suystem is 64bit.. then go 64bit | 12:02 |
mali | *not* 32 bit ("reocmmended") | 12:03 |
mali | it is because ubuntu tries to be like windows sometimes, for you noobs | 12:03 |
mali | which those kind of questions | 12:03 |
mali | x | 12:03 |
halpbatman | Dr_Willis: well yeah it's 7 | 12:03 |
halpbatman | i7 | 12:03 |
mali | just do 64 bit halpbatman | 12:03 |
mali | the downside is a bit crappy flash etc | 12:03 |
=== hajour1 is now known as UndifineD |
mali | untile adobe get more serious | 12:03 |
mali | as a company perhaps | 12:03 |
mali | :) | 12:03 |
halpbatman | adobe is useless | 12:03 |
mali | most proferssional companies are | 12:04 |
halpbatman | the only times my mac crashes | 12:04 |
mali | \but thats another story | 12:04 |
halpbatman | is because of adobe | 12:04 |
mali | \noobies = money | 12:04 |
mali | ^^ | 12:04 |
Soothsayer | halpbatman, stop talking like Apple. | 12:04 |
Soothsayer | Adobe has some really good technologies. | 12:04 |
timtamboy63 | back | 12:04 |
Soothsayer | Flash is just one of them. (And the flash player for Mac is just a part of that) | 12:04 |
timtamboy63 | And here I was under the impression that I only had to restart for big updates D: | 12:05 |
timtamboy63 | Still, I suppose a driver update could be counted as big | 12:05 |
html_inprogress | halpbatman, it is good , its what im using,, but for the resource useage is muchmuch higher exspeically 10.10, better in 10.04 | 12:05 |
timtamboy63 | k, brb restarting | 12:05 |
html_inprogress | halpbatman: 'idiot proofing" the the doctor is right , and its for the newbies | 12:06 |
halpbatman | html_inprogress: I mean I'm using LTS on all my other systems.. and I haven't had any problems. and I actually don't like unity | 12:06 |
halpbatman | html_inprogress: so I think I'll stick to LTS | 12:06 |
Sidewinder1 | +1 LTS | 12:07 |
espighno | ciao | 12:07 |
halpbatman | finding and getting all the drivers I need for this new system is going to be a but* though... | 12:07 |
espighno | !list | 12:07 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 12:07 |
Sidewinder1 | !it | espighno | 12:08 |
ubottu | espighno: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 12:08 |
html_inprogress | yes 1 up Sidewinder1 .. :) | 12:08 |
Sidewinder1 | :D | 12:08 |
=== Lopi is now known as Lopi|idle |
html_inprogress | halpbatman, whats your rig? | 12:09 |
unicum | HELP.. running lucid lynx, just ran an update.. now eth0 won't be connected on startup | 12:09 |
=== NG_ is now known as ng_ |
halpbatman | html_inprogress: i7, Geforce GTX 470, 6gb ram, 2tb hdd, bluray | 12:10 |
dontworry | Hey guys, I wanted to connect my desktop to the router (Wirelessly) so I bought a USB adapter. It works fine on my windows partition because it came with a CD But I am lost on how to run it on linux. | 12:10 |
unicum | sudo dhclient fixes networking.. but that's only half satisfying | 12:10 |
html_inprogress | woooo >>>>> druell,,, | 12:10 |
Me_crying | someone online here for help ? | 12:11 |
halpbatman | dontworry: what is the usb adapter make? | 12:11 |
dontworry | halpbatman, It is called Belkin Wireless USB Adapter I believe | 12:12 |
halpbatman | dontworry: model numbassssssssss | 12:12 |
zolw | dontworry: I had that one i think | 12:12 |
dontworry | halpbatman, Theres no model, Its BELKIN Basic Wireless USB Adapter | 12:13 |
zolw | dontworry: It worked for me by just plugging it in though... | 12:13 |
html_inprogress | dontworry, thats the thing , drivers are a bit hard to find , since they havent been much worked on | 12:13 |
dontworry | zolw, I tried unplugging my ethernet and loading firefox and no internet worked | 12:13 |
Sidewinder1 | !ask | Me_crying | 12:13 |
ubottu | Me_crying: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 12:13 |
dontworry | html_inprogress, Yeah, I figured. Just wondering if someone had a way of doing it | 12:13 |
html_inprogress | dontworry, yes there is | 12:13 |
timtamboy63 | And im back | 12:13 |
timtamboy63 | Now to set up compiz, it comes preinstalled with ubuntu, right? | 12:14 |
dontworry | html_inprogress, Would you by chance know that way? | 12:14 |
html_inprogress | dontworry, whats your rig? os and product? | 12:14 |
timtamboy63 | Holy crap | 12:14 |
timtamboy63 | dragging windows around is awesome | 12:14 |
Me_crying | hello i finish install fedora 10 on my computer. all ok internet explorer run to navigate on internet. sshd started ok . yum work fine all ok but when i try to run psybnc on port 6667 .. and i try to connect on mirc connection time out he say what is problem ? | 12:15 |
halpbatman | dontworry: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=863591 | 12:15 |
dontworry | html_inprogress, LOL i dunno what rig is, my os is ubuntu 10.10 and product is Belkin Basic Wireless USB Adapter | 12:15 |
html_inprogress | did you gey did hack me or something? | 12:15 |
dontworry | halpbatman, Thanks, Ill check that out | 12:15 |
andycc | !fedora | Me_crying | 12:15 |
ubottu | Me_crying: Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems) | 12:15 |
html_inprogress | thats not fuung | 12:15 |
Sidewinder1 | timtamboy63: Wait 'til you set up the cube; you'll love it! :-) | 12:15 |
html_inprogress | funny... | 12:15 |
andycc | Me_crying, #fedora for support, I believe. | 12:15 |
timtamboy63 | Cube? how would I go about doing that | 12:15 |
timtamboy63 | I haventactually set up anuything, jsut set the settings to fancy | 12:16 |
Me_crying | ok | 12:16 |
html_inprogress | Me_crying, i this you some how conneted to me.. just a bit a go | 12:16 |
unicum | HELP.. running lucid lynx, just ran an update.. now eth0 won't be connected on startup | 12:17 |
halpbatman | html_inprogress: how did you end up getting hacked? | 12:17 |
Sidewinder1 | timtamboy63: Do a search on the forums for compiz and cube; I believe that there's a detailed "How To" there; it's rather involved. | 12:18 |
html_inprogress | dontworry, you "MUSt know" what your rig is , for some of the latter problems those details will help | 12:18 |
zolw | !cube | 12:18 |
ubottu | Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubottu compiz » and « /msg ubottu effects » | 12:18 |
timtamboy63 | Ah, okey dokey then, thanks | 12:18 |
Rehan | anyway to tell what my IP address is that is connecting to this irc server? | 12:18 |
timtamboy63 | I think ill set up a theme first | 12:19 |
timtamboy63 | Just gotta find the damn DL link | 12:19 |
dontworry | html_inprogress, I dont know what the word rig means. Well it means to tamper or something but not in these terms. What is rig? If you tell me that, I might be able to tell you mine | 12:19 |
h-dee | Hi...I need some help here. I'm trying to connect my 10.10 to my XP powered Desktop. I can see the Windows Network under Places->Network->Windows Network. Whenever I try to connect it, it just returns me with the login screen again and again. Need guidance please. Thanks! | 12:19 |
Ben64 | Rehan: /whois rehan | 12:19 |
Rehan | thanks Ben64 | 12:19 |
phoenixsampras | andycc: what is the problem? | 12:20 |
mman | i have a sd memory card in my pc but it doesnt recognize it. any one could help me? | 12:20 |
Sidewinder1 | rig= your computer hardware description | 12:20 |
andycc | phoenixsampras, huh? | 12:20 |
Raptors | Does gnomeshell work in VM yet? | 12:20 |
aLky | h-dee, enable the guest account on xp and remove the password | 12:21 |
html_inprogress | halpbatman, i dont know i drop the mouse and it was acting funny/// | 12:21 |
h-dee | aLky: Thanks! Let me try that now. | 12:21 |
Wubbbi | Hello :) Do someone know if Mesa3D got an IRC-Channel? If yes, how does it call? | 12:21 |
h-dee | aLKy: By removing password, you mean Admin's password? | 12:22 |
aLky | no, guest's password | 12:22 |
h-dee | ok | 12:22 |
html_inprogress | sorry about my typing skills is not the best , funny thing is english is my main language | 12:23 |
h-dee | aLKy: No success! | 12:23 |
mman | i have a sd memory card in my pc but it doesnt recognize it. i did fdisk -l and it doesnt recognize it | 12:23 |
aLky | did you try using your username and password that you use to login your pc? | 12:23 |
html_inprogress | wubbie page him | 12:23 |
Wubbbi | html_inprogress: how? | 12:24 |
html_inprogress | wubbie,page him | 12:24 |
h-dee | aLKy: Yes, I'm trying my authentication details I use to login to my XP | 12:24 |
h-dee | aLKy: Network ID also set to "MSHOME" as I read somewhere in forums. | 12:24 |
html_inprogress | whats his name? | 12:25 |
aLky | h-dee, have you tried to see if you can access the desktop from another windows machine? | 12:26 |
halpbatman | html_inprogress: revenge of the machines | 12:26 |
html_inprogress | Wubbie, what his name ? | 12:26 |
h-dee | aLKy: I don't have any other machine. But, I can ping my XP from here. | 12:26 |
html_inprogress | halpbatman, no... your not sayinggg ......... linux can be HACKED | 12:27 |
html_inprogress | ????? | 12:27 |
TheWubber | very difficult to be hacked. | 12:28 |
aLky | h-dee, is it xp home or pro? | 12:28 |
h-dee | Pro | 12:28 |
h-dee | SP3 | 12:28 |
aLky | and you are trying to access shared folder? | 12:29 |
h-dee | Yes! | 12:29 |
elkuka | hi everyone. I'm new in ubuntu and still can't get some stuff to work properly. sometimes with no reason the panel, menus and all the appearance just turns very ugly. like a lower definition. if it's like that, I can just go to system - preferences - appearance and all switches back to the theme I already had, ambiance now. any idea? btw I'm running ubuntu 10.10 | 12:29 |
html_inprogress | well it was as if 1 my mouse when faulty, or.... h.a.c..k and my keyring was popping up like an hr ago | 12:29 |
halpbatman | html_inprogress: on 4/22 4:30 am html_inprogress 's mouse starts to learn at a geometric rate and becomes self aware. it starts to control all the USAF's unmanned drones to launch an attack on its allies and enemies.... DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN | 12:30 |
halpbatman | LOL | 12:30 |
halpbatman | wait did that just happen? | 12:30 |
html_inprogress | smart @$$ | 12:30 |
halpbatman | html_inprogress: no dude look who joined the chat room RIGHT AFTER my msg | 12:30 |
html_inprogress | i didnt do it!!!!!!!! | 12:30 |
Dr_Willis | Its amazing how durable mice are. :) this one i got now is like 8+ yrs old.. for some odd reason it can 'drift' to the left. I think its the pattern on my desk | 12:31 |
html_inprogress | who? | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis | I have parts/joins hidden. :) | 12:31 |
halpbatman | says "Terminator joined the chat room." | 12:31 |
kroimpa | hye guys | 12:31 |
html_inprogress | nooo... you .... Dr_Willis your the one messing with me ...??!?! | 12:32 |
kroimpa | Q: what is exactly the security risk when i use 775 file permission for my upload directory? | 12:32 |
kroimpa | instead of owning it with www-data and giving it 644 | 12:32 |
html_inprogress | funny how you show up | 12:32 |
aLky | h-dee, i dont know then - could be many things - is file sharing enabled? is "server" service enabled? is there any firewalls? is your user member of a group which has permission to access from the network? there was more things but i cant remember - its been years since i've done that | 12:32 |
=== ng_ is now known as NG_ |
aLky | thats why its best to try it from another xp machine so that you could diagnose if the problem is in the server or in the client and then try it in ubuntu | 12:34 |
kroimpa | i currently have an ntfs exthd mounted wich contains the server uplaoded files, the owner is stuck on root and perm 775 and i cant seen to change it, is this a security risk? | 12:34 |
h-dee | aLKy: I guess everything is what it should be. Sharing: enabled...Firewall: Filtered...& tested....Server/Workstation...both ENABLED...not sure about user groups permission..will check that now. Anyways thanks for your assistance. I guess I gotta scratch my mind a bit more hard. | 12:34 |
aLky | sorry i cant help :) | 12:35 |
h-dee | aLKy: No problem buddy! :-) | 12:35 |
halpbatman | I'll be back after i install it on new system | 12:36 |
html_inprogress | ok later | 12:37 |
html_inprogress | im bored,,,, | 12:38 |
=== alex__ is now known as alexp_bad_networ |
Festiefos | hello | 12:39 |
Festiefos | is this the right place for help? | 12:39 |
Sidewinder1 | !ask | 12:39 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 12:39 |
TheWubber | Festiefos: related to Ubuntu,yes | 12:39 |
Festiefos | I'm new to ubuntu and I'm trying to install a printer (Canon Pixma MP499). I've downloaded the drivers (printer and scanner) but don't know where to put them or what to do with them. I'm not a computer genius, but I'm also not a total fool, I'm just very new to this OS. Any help would be appreciated | 12:41 |
html_inprogress | hi | 12:41 |
Sidewinder1 | !printer | 12:41 |
ubottu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 12:41 |
GHOSTpadza | check this out @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_ep63Z9_9w | 12:42 |
andycc | Festiefos, does it not have a README file? | 12:42 |
=== administrator is now known as Guest55078 |
Guest55078 | o | 12:44 |
html_inprogress | Festiefos, did you get the right drivers? like windows and mac would work ,( but under certain apps windows and linux" ubuntu" will work together) | 12:44 |
Sidewinder1 | Festiefos: It's usually just plugging and connecting and turning on... Then go to: System-->Administration-->Printing and then add printer... | 12:44 |
Guest55078 | 这是什么? | 12:45 |
bird78 | salut | 12:45 |
Sidewinder1 | !cn | 12:45 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk | 12:45 |
TheWubber | would ssh -X work between 32 and 64bit pcs? | 12:46 |
cyoz | guys, I can't click on the button to reboot my computer again... some UI bug. How can I restart my computer with a keyboard shortcut or something similar? | 12:46 |
html_inprogress | Ubuntu的通道,喜 | 12:46 |
TheWubber | ctrl alt del | 12:46 |
zolw | cyoz: ctrl-alt-del | 12:46 |
GHOSTpadza | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_ep63Z9_9w | 12:46 |
TheWubber | or ctrl alt t to open a terminal | 12:46 |
cyoz | thanks | 12:47 |
Festiefos | Sidewinder, I've done that and the printer icon is there, but with a red cross on it | 12:47 |
Sidewinder1 | !reisub | 12:47 |
ubottu | In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key | 12:47 |
html_inprogress | cyoz, just as in windows , control alt delete | 12:47 |
Festiefos | sorry, exclamation mark, not cross | 12:47 |
Dr_Willis | !dontzap | 12:47 |
ubottu | To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap | 12:47 |
html_inprogress | 你需要帮助吗? | 12:48 |
andycc | Alt+PrintScreen? Was it not SysRq? | 12:48 |
TheWubber | !cn | html_inprogress | 12:48 |
ubottu | html_inprogress: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk | 12:48 |
Dr_Willis | sysreq is printscreen key here. | 12:48 |
html_inprogress | i speak english silly | 12:48 |
html_inprogress | lol | 12:48 |
Sidewinder1 | Festiefos: What happens if you right click on the printer and look at 'propertys? | 12:48 |
html_inprogress | i was just directing him | 12:49 |
=== Guest58671 is now known as prog |
TheWubber | its printscreen sysrq here | 12:49 |
html_inprogress | TheWubber, but thanks anyways | 12:50 |
Dr_Willis | Linux - helping you use those keys that you have never used befor! :) | 12:50 |
html_inprogress | lmaf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 12:51 |
cyoz | I studdendly have this thing at the top panel (some key symbol) that says "revoke all rights" (translated) | 12:51 |
cyoz | what is that? | 12:51 |
Dr_Willis | cyoz: showing you have sudo rights enabled perhaps. | 12:51 |
html_inprogress | i never knewww.... about thaT | 12:51 |
Dr_Willis | it should time out after so many min. | 12:51 |
cyoz | ok | 12:51 |
gaurav_help | how to i encrypt my folder | 12:51 |
Festiefos | <Sidewinder> It opens up the properties window, Printer State is given as 'Idle - Filter "/usb/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij" for printer "Canon-MP495-series" not available: No such file or directory | 12:51 |
html_inprogress | 15 MINS | 12:51 |
Dr_Willis | !encrypt | 12:51 |
ubottu | For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory | 12:51 |
TheWubber | quite an old wiki page | 12:52 |
Dr_Willis | I wonder how up to data that url is. | 12:52 |
Dr_Willis | theres also fuse tools to do it i recall | 12:52 |
Dr_Willis | Im not that paranoid :) | 12:52 |
TheWubber | i put crucial things in the root folder. no one can access them but me | 12:52 |
Sidewinder1 | Festiefos: What error message do you get when you try to print to it? | 12:52 |
nobody1 | somebody got a password list for WPA-WPA2 ? | 12:52 |
Dr_Willis | nobody1: clarify what you mean. | 12:53 |
TheWubber | nobody1: that's against the guidelines. we can't give you a list of passwords | 12:53 |
nobody1 | a .lst file with preshared keys for aircrack-ng | 12:53 |
Ben64 | "god", "password", "1234" | 12:53 |
TheWubber | lol "password" | 12:53 |
Dr_Willis | nobody1: perhjaps the aircrack homepage has info on that. | 12:53 |
nobody1 | ok, thank you | 12:53 |
Ben64 | TheWubber: you'd be surprised | 12:53 |
TheWubber | yeah | 12:53 |
Festiefos | Sidewinder: Print Error There was a problem printing document 'Test Page' (job 5): 'Stopping job because the scheduler could not execute a filter.'. | 12:54 |
davro | nobody1: aircrack & kismet | 12:54 |
Sidewinder1 | Festiefos: Then the only thing I can think of is to remove it, then reinstall and see if that solves the problem... | 12:55 |
gaurav_help | how i set password to my directory | 12:55 |
Sidewinder1 | You might try printing a regular document rather than a "Test Page". | 12:55 |
karavomi | help | 12:56 |
davro | me | 12:56 |
Sidewinder1 | !ask | 12:56 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 12:56 |
Festiefos | Sidewinder: Printer deleted and disconneted. Before I reconnect and reinstall, should I put the files I downloaded somewhere specific or just leave them in the default download directory? | 12:57 |
html_inprogress | WITH LINUX IS THERE A SUCH THING AS A HARDWARE COMPAtable list since we are always looking for a pair to match | 12:57 |
TheWubber | !hardware | 12:57 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 12:57 |
html_inprogress | maybe a book or url? | 12:57 |
Sidewinder1 | You may wish to redownload them as well; perhaps one of them was corrupted. | 12:57 |
html_inprogress | huh?? | 12:58 |
TheWubber | no they do md5 checks | 12:58 |
html_inprogress | :) | 12:58 |
bunnyfun | is it possible to run virtual machines on an ebox server? is there a howto? | 12:58 |
Ben64 | theres not going to be a complete list of hardware that works in linux | 12:58 |
html_inprogress | whats a ebox server ? | 12:58 |
Ben64 | linux supports more out of the box than windows does though | 12:59 |
Sidewinder1 | Gotta' refill coffee...BRB | 12:59 |
bunnyfun | zentyal is the other newer vwrsion of ebox | 12:59 |
html_inprogress | :) go linux!! | 12:59 |
html_inprogress | zentyal?? never heard of it | 12:59 |
Ben64 | i recently switched CPU, motherboard, GPU. and i didn't have to install a single driver | 13:00 |
bunnyfun | will a ubuntu server with ebox/zentyal also support virtual box | 13:00 |
Ben64 | try doing that in windows... | 13:00 |
Festiefos | Printer reconnected, new files downloaded. New Printer Window has appeared with Choose Driver - select printer form Database, provide PPD file or search for a printer driver to download. any ideas? | 13:00 |
Guest3340 | hello | 13:00 |
html_inprogress | lol ,, it doesnt work in windows | 13:00 |
html_inprogress | hi | 13:00 |
Guest3340 | after doing a "sudo apt-get update", I am now unable to login, it keeps showing the login screen, anyone knows how to fix it? | 13:01 |
iceroot | Guest3340: impossible | 13:01 |
root | how to crack route | 13:01 |
iceroot | Guest3340: apt-get update is not the reason | 13:01 |
iceroot | root: stop it | 13:01 |
root | who know | 13:01 |
=== root is now known as Guest9268 |
Guest9268 | how to use backtrack4 | 13:02 |
iceroot | Guest9268: i already told you that this is not the support-channel for backtrack | 13:02 |
html_inprogress | now listen here , dont scare the new guy aways with words as hack and viruses | 13:03 |
GHOSTpadza | check this out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_ep63Z9_9w | 13:03 |
andycc | !backtrack | Guest9268 | 13:03 |
ubottu | Guest9268: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 13:03 |
GHOSTpadza | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_ep63Z9_9w | 13:03 |
html_inprogress | whats this?? vid of? | 13:04 |
andycc | !offtopic > GHOSTpadza | 13:05 |
ubottu | GHOSTpadza, please see my private message | 13:05 |
rhend16 | Hi people, does somebody know how i can customize some aplication in ubuntu ? | 13:05 |
bazhang | GHOSTpadza, please dont paste here | 13:05 |
Dr_Willis | rhend16: thats a rather broad question | 13:05 |
=== WXZ1 is now known as WXZ |
andycc | rhend16, depends on the application and what customization you want to do. | 13:06 |
html_inprogress | please dont that was a really bad video , | 13:06 |
html_inprogress | bad singing | 13:06 |
rhend16 | andycc: Hmmz, like skinning some applications and adding some features | 13:07 |
cyoz | so I see there's a lot of debate about unity vs gnome3 going on... would it be hard to change between the two? | 13:07 |
Dr_Willis | rhend16: find the code and start coding.. You normally dont 'skin' things. .thats why we have system themes. | 13:08 |
Dr_Willis | cyoz: proberly not hard. but theres bound to be some rough spots | 13:08 |
LC | Anyone here that could tell me why my init script (S58rar_backup.sh in rc0.d) doesn't get executed? | 13:08 |
andycc | rhend16, you have themes for changing app appearance. Few apps can be actually skinned. | 13:08 |
Dr_Willis | cyoz: at this early a stage it may be best to test them out with live cds | 13:08 |
rhend16 | Dr_Willis: Hm sounds quite easy, how can i compile the file back again ? | 13:08 |
html_inprogress | and wouldnt that make our job harder then it is?? | 13:08 |
Dr_Willis | rhend16: easy? err.. you have no idea.. | 13:08 |
Dr_Willis | !compile | rhend16 | 13:09 |
ubottu | rhend16: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 13:09 |
LC | #ubuntu-boot is dead. | 13:09 |
igitur | hi. I'm setting up ubuntu on a PC to donate to someone without internet acces. Can i use the ubuntu LiveCD itself as a software source? | 13:09 |
rhend16 | Dr_Willis: No :-( i can do quite much things with linux but compiling isn't one of them | 13:09 |
Dr_Willis | LC: you may be better off doing a UPSTART script and not useign the sysv system | 13:09 |
Kartagis | 00 15 * * * pflogsumm.pl -d yesterday /var/log/mail.log | mail -s "Yesterday's pflogsumm report" email@address.net <--- why does this e-mail a zero output while it runs manually well? | 13:09 |
cyoz | igitur, what do you mean? | 13:09 |
Festiefos | i'm going back to windows | 13:10 |
rhend16 | Why ? | 13:10 |
rhend16 | Festiefos: ? | 13:10 |
Dr_Willis | Festiefos: whatever you like.. we dont mind. | 13:10 |
Festiefos | because I know what I'm doing therre | 13:10 |
Dr_Willis | !upstart | lc | 13:10 |
ubottu | lc: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | 13:10 |
Dr_Willis | LC: /etc/init/*.conf are upstaert scripts. check them out | 13:10 |
LC | OK. So so the scripts in rc0.d are for the anus? | 13:11 |
html_inprogress | Festiefos, what do you need? | 13:11 |
Dr_Willis | LC: sysv is slowly getting phased out. mos tof those scripts proberly ARE being called by upstart/or are links to upstart scripts | 13:11 |
igitur | cyoz: uhm... i'd like the user to add software later without having internet access... doesn't the liveCD contain a lot of software that isn't installed by default? | 13:11 |
Dr_Willis | igitur: no it does not.. from what ive seen | 13:11 |
LC | I see, thanks - I want the script to be executed before root is remounted read-only. | 13:12 |
Dr_Willis | igitur: perhaps some language packs or other stuff. but nothing imporntant. | 13:12 |
igitur | ok... and EDUbuntu? edubuntu is a whopping 2GB+ file | 13:12 |
LC | So I can do a backup on shutdown ... | 13:12 |
Dr_Willis | igitur: they put it on a DVD. I dont use edubuntu. so cant tell what it does. | 13:13 |
sskceg | ks | 13:13 |
igitur | ok thanks guys | 13:13 |
cyoz | does anybody here know a bit about theming ubuntu? | 13:14 |
kzalewski | i've installed gnome3 in ubuntu 11.04, how to change applet networkmanager to default gnome3's network applet? | 13:14 |
Sidewinder1 | !natty | 13:15 |
ubottu | Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems. | 13:15 |
html_inprogress | Festiefos is go to windows , why do windows brain washes lol there customers to paying for it and get mad when they come here... its like paying for a maid as a kid but when your in collage the maid says get it your self im on vaction | 13:15 |
hipodilski | hi I'm running ubuntu maverick after upgrade from 9.04, I'm using intel gm965 video card when I boot up the screen goes blank, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg does not prompt me with a configuration prompt what I can do? | 13:15 |
Kartagis | 00 15 * * * pflogsumm.pl -d yesterday /var/log/mail.log | mail -s "Yesterday's pflogsumm report" email@address.net <--- why does this e-mail a zero output while it runs manually well? | 13:15 |
Sidewinder1 | html_inprogress: +1 | 13:16 |
html_inprogress | 1 up Sidewinder1 , | 13:16 |
forever | hello | 13:16 |
html_inprogress | hey mario | 13:17 |
Sidewinder1 | !hi | 13:17 |
amooo | can anybody explain me, why I am not able to ping any website with this iptables configuration? --> http://nopaste.me/paste/15396398074db15088bac47 | 13:17 |
html_inprogress | hi forever... hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi h........ | 13:17 |
html_inprogress | lol jk | 13:17 |
=== diego is now known as dieg0 |
forever | 我是新手啊 | 13:17 |
Sidewinder1 | !cn | forever | 13:18 |
ubottu | forever: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk | 13:18 |
Kartagis | !cn | forever | 13:18 |
html_inprogress | igitur, do you still need help? | 13:19 |
Sidewinder1 | Beat 'ya :-) | 13:19 |
html_inprogress | 确定你需要什么帮助? | 13:20 |
html_inprogress | awww man | 13:20 |
html_inprogress | Sidewinder1, so you help igitur already? | 13:21 |
RichardZhao | How to switch window in unity? | 13:21 |
Sidewinder1 | html_inprogress: No. I don't think I did.?. | 13:21 |
iceroot | RichardZhao: alt-tab i guess | 13:22 |
Dr_Willis | RichardZhao: i belive theres some unity-keyboard cheat sheets out at some of the blog sites | 13:22 |
=== server_ is now known as SeRVeR01 |
RichardZhao | iceroot, any way using mouse? | 13:22 |
Dr_Willis | click the top left icon, or the icon at the side. | 13:23 |
iceroot | RichardZhao: alt + mousewheel maybe | 13:23 |
html_inprogress | Sidewinder1, well your supposed to say , i think i can i think can,,,, , , and up this freakishly large hill | 13:23 |
Dr_Willis | It also may depend on which unity you are using :) 11.04 or the netbook edition interface. | 13:23 |
Dr_Willis | bbl | 13:23 |
html_inprogress | bbl means? | 13:23 |
RichardZhao | Dr_Willis, unity make UI more like console. | 13:23 |
Sidewinder1 | ;-) | 13:24 |
RichardZhao | iceroot, not handy as task bar. | 13:24 |
iceroot | RichardZhao: because of that i am not using unity :) | 13:25 |
Sidewinder1 | html_inprogress: I remember that book, as a kid... The Little Engine that could... | 13:25 |
Kartagis | 00 15 * * * pflogsumm.pl -d yesterday /var/log/mail.log | mail -s "Yesterday's pflogsumm report" email@address.net <--- why does this e-mail a zero output while it runs manually well? | 13:25 |
RichardZhao | iceroot, yes. and unity performance is not that good too. | 13:25 |
Kartagis | bbl means be back later | 13:25 |
iceroot | RichardZhao: the only interface you need is gnome-terminal + zsh :) | 13:26 |
iceroot | + screen | 13:26 |
RichardZhao | iceroot, is zsh better than bash/dash? | 13:27 |
cyoz | so I'm trying to install jdownloader here but I don' t get the install instructions | 13:27 |
iceroot | RichardZhao: as interactive shell, yes much better but you still have to script for bash/sh because zsh is not installed by default on other systems | 13:27 |
cyoz | http://jdownloader.org/download/index | 13:27 |
iceroot | RichardZhao: but zsh has very cool features and has a very very very powerfull glob-function | 13:28 |
bibic682 | Hello, How do I tell if I am running a 32 or 64 bit version of 10.10 | 13:30 |
davro | bibic682: uname -m | 13:31 |
aslanlar | hi people, i use ubuntu 10.10 and i install this yesterday. after i install i can not update or install anything... it gives me error when i try to install anything. this is my error message in terminal. does anyone help me about this issue ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/597428/ | 13:31 |
RichardZhao | iceroot, I'll try it. | 13:31 |
Grejanter | Would anyone be able to help me out with Broadcom STA Wireless issue I am having ? | 13:33 |
davro | !ask | 13:33 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:33 |
Grejanter | Hahah alright. | 13:33 |
bibic682 | davro: Thanx looks like 64....It must have installed that version by default since I have an Athlon 64 proc. | 13:33 |
bibic682 | Any problem running 32 bit programs? | 13:34 |
html_inprogress | ok | 13:34 |
Grejanter | After trying to run a fix for aircrack-ng (channel was set to -1), I somehow made my Wireless USB Adapter my primary adapter, and the driver (wl) that uses the Broadcom STA Wireless driver stopped working, looking in additional drivers the Broadcom STA Wireless driver is "Active but not in use" | 13:35 |
html_inprogress | Grejanter, ok what you need? | 13:35 |
Grejanter | html_inprogress -- read above | 13:35 |
html_inprogress | just a sec | 13:35 |
Grejanter | I have been trying multiple fixes found on Ubuntu forums, such as modprobe wl, or reinstall the bcmwl-kernel-source packages, but all to no avail | 13:35 |
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk |
html_inprogress | did you just wait , and did touch it right , cuz forcing any network driver cuz make it buggy | 13:37 |
Grejanter | I have. | 13:37 |
html_inprogress | did you system update? | 13:37 |
Grejanter | sudo apt-get update, tried yeah. | 13:37 |
Grejanter | The modprobe doesn't work properly | 13:37 |
Grejanter | Because from my understanding modprobe loads the module correct? | 13:38 |
html_inprogress | just in case , theres that all important fix | 13:38 |
Grejanter | Whenever I have tried to run the modprobe wl | 13:38 |
Grejanter | I get this error | 13:38 |
Grejanter | FATAL: Error inserting wl (/lib/modules/2.6.35-28-generic/updates/dkms/wl.ko): Invalid argument | 13:38 |
html_inprogress | huh????????? (scatch head) | 13:38 |
cyoz | sude: add-apt: command not found ?? | 13:39 |
Sidewinder1 | Where's the Doc. when you need him?... | 13:39 |
html_inprogress | whats your source media your look at ? | 13:39 |
bazhang | cyoz, what are you trying to do, thats not a command | 13:39 |
Sidewinder1 | Like cops and hookers, I guess.. :-) | 13:40 |
html_inprogress | is ther a doc in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 13:40 |
bazhang | Sidewinder1, thats enough | 13:40 |
cyoz | I'm trying to install jdownloader | 13:40 |
Grejanter | html, what do you mean, what is it im trying to enable ? | 13:40 |
html_inprogress | LMAF!!!!!!!!! | 13:40 |
bazhang | html_inprogress, no need for the running commentary | 13:40 |
Sidewinder1 | Won't happen again, was just kidding | 13:40 |
bazhang | cyoz, from a PPA? | 13:40 |
Grejanter | html | 13:41 |
Grejanter | Html, would it help if I showed you my ifconfig/iwconfig | 13:41 |
cyoz | I.. don't know. I'm a huge noob and so far I've never managed to install anything outside the software center | 13:41 |
Grejanter | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10698379#post10698379 | 13:41 |
bazhang | cyoz, why would you use the command referenced above, please give more info | 13:41 |
Sidewinder1 | bazhang: Perhaps you could help Grejanter, 'cause I don't have a clue to his/her problem. :-) | 13:42 |
cyoz | https://launchpad.net/~jd-team/+archive/jdownloader | 13:42 |
Grejanter | If anyone clicks on above link, and looks at the post made by me | 13:42 |
bazhang | cyoz, ah okay its a PPA | 13:42 |
Grejanter | I have my IFconfig an IWconfig | 13:42 |
espighno | !list | 13:42 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 13:42 |
cyoz | I'm just lost.. how do I get this ppa now? | 13:43 |
axisys | is there a fix a disk with lots of bad sector errors like this? http://pastebin.com/kNVdbu9F | 13:44 |
bazhang | cyoz, just a moment | 13:44 |
axisys | will reformating the disk help using fdisk ? | 13:44 |
html_inprogress | well im just trying to keep it frendly since that a better way of community ,bazhang, | 13:44 |
axisys | my data is already backed up | 13:44 |
html_inprogress | ok sorry my mouse was stalling | 13:44 |
bazhang | html_inprogress, wrong place for it. #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat | 13:44 |
hal | I have just run Update Manager to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04. It failed near the end with "initramfs-tools could not install", and I think this was due to a full /boot dir. I have freed some space, and want to resume the upgrade, but Update Manager does not show any options. What is the best way for me to continue, please? | 13:45 |
Grejanter | hal | 13:45 |
Grejanter | Hal, have you tried sudo apt-get update | 13:45 |
hal | hi Grejanter | 13:45 |
hal | no | 13:45 |
bazhang | cyoz, its sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader | 13:45 |
Grejanter | Try that, should automatically make you update | 13:46 |
bazhang | cyoz, once that is added then sudo apt-get update, and sudo apt-get upgrade | 13:46 |
Grejanter | or Alt+F22 | 13:46 |
Grejanter | err | 13:46 |
hal | Grejanter: but will it recover from where it left off? I don't want to wait another 2 hours for the upgrade to complete | 13:46 |
Grejanter | F2* | 13:46 |
Grejanter | I would think so, not 100% sure buddy. | 13:47 |
axisys | is there a tool to fill up a bad sectors with /dev/zero or something so the disk can be still usable? | 13:47 |
cyoz | bazhang, I always get a "command not found" | 13:47 |
bazhang | cyoz, you're using the wrong command unless you are on a much earlier version of ubuntu; the one you pasted was filled with typos | 13:47 |
bazhang | cyoz, copy exactly what I wrote above. | 13:48 |
fonix232 | hi | 13:48 |
Grejanter | Anyone help out with Broadcom STA Wireless Driver, the driver is "Active but not in use", need help to get it working so I have wireless again. | 13:48 |
html_inprogress | Grejanter, hello you still there? | 13:48 |
fonix232 | I would need some help on a device with built-in buttons, I would like to bind them to special keycodes | 13:48 |
cyoz | bazhang, it was a typo indeed | 13:49 |
cyoz | I had a hard time to see if there's a space or not between the commands | 13:49 |
bazhang | cyoz, ok | 13:49 |
Grejanter | Whoah sorry thought you sent me a pm | 13:49 |
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe |
Grejanter | html_inprogress still here | 13:49 |
jhala | is there any multithreaded script which can read proxy servers? | 13:50 |
mad1 | truth is i washere the other day talking about RAM ,Whats bet is its more RAM everytime although fast ram is good moreemore RAM is hing is alot of fast RAMkey but the bst | 13:51 |
cyoz | oh man.. things are complicated | 13:52 |
cyoz | now that I did these things.. where is the installed program supposed to be? | 13:52 |
sweb | i need a command line for convert odt to pdf | 13:54 |
Grejanter | coyz, what program did you install ? | 13:54 |
hal | I have this error ERROR: isw: wrong number of devices in RAID set "isw_dcdidjihfb_ARRAY0" [1/2] on /dev/sda | 13:54 |
Grejanter | cyoz, what program did you install | 13:54 |
hal | can someone please tell me where the metadata for raid is stored? | 13:54 |
mad1 | depending on bus speed ram can be whatever most people dont know that unless you use identical modual you will only get low speed in order to get top speed you cannot use a 512 and a 1024 it has to be 2 512vs or 2 1024s | 13:54 |
mad1 | and so on and so forth | 13:55 |
bazhang | mad1, #ubuntu-offtopic for ram chat | 13:55 |
hal | if I run dmraid -rE, it returns "Do you really want to erase "isw" ondisk metadata on /dev/sda ? [y/n] " I want to be certain not to destroy the partition on /dev/sda as it is now just a standard partition with my backup data on it | 13:55 |
=== root is now known as Guest10788 |
mad1 | and in most cases they must be same model size and manufactur | 13:56 |
GFDSGFDSG | hi everybody, how do make a shortcut as said in this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6702911&postcount=7 | 13:56 |
cyoz | ok for some reason it works now | 13:57 |
cyoz | I don't get it though | 13:57 |
bazhang | mad1, please, not here | 13:57 |
cyoz | my guess is: with the these apt-get repository commands I downloaded the file that contains the instructions and when I clicked on apt://jdownloader on the site it started the instructions? | 13:58 |
mad1 | you cannot run 2 of the same modual f 1 is 512 and the other 11024 if you want full bus speed | 13:59 |
espighno | !list | 13:59 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 13:59 |
bazhang | mad1, thats enough | 13:59 |
jhala | is there any multithreaded script which can read proxy servers like google cache in ubuntu? | 13:59 |
mad1 | fine baz | 13:59 |
espighno | !list | 13:59 |
mad1 | im just sharing the stuff i learned and the fact that i got crappy info from this /channel | 14:00 |
mad1 | talk about bunt all you want | 14:01 |
GFDSGFDSG | hey | 14:01 |
=== GFDSGFDSG is now known as kes0r |
kes0r | Help me please how do i make a shortcut file like said in this post? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6702911&postcount=7 | 14:02 |
html_inprogress | how do i command line update? | 14:02 |
edbian | kes0r: Did you create the script? | 14:02 |
edbian | html_inprogress: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 14:02 |
Sidewinder1 | html_inprogress, sudo apt-get update | 14:03 |
edbian | Sidewinder1: That will only update the package cache | 14:03 |
kes0r | edbian, i dont know how, thats what i am asking, how to do make the script? | 14:03 |
UbuntuFanatic | What's the issue, edbian? | 14:03 |
edbian | kes0r: It's just a text file with that stuff in it | 14:03 |
edbian | UbuntuFanatic: I'm helping others. No issue myself :) | 14:04 |
kes0r | edbian Oh i found it out now, i had only made a wrong filename | 14:04 |
edbian | kes0r: alright. Right click it. choose properties, go to the permissions tab. check the box to make it executable | 14:04 |
kes0r | edbian: its working now, thanks anyway :P | 14:05 |
edbian | kes0r: No more help needed? | 14:05 |
mad1 | andit does have eveything to do with bunt RAM has alot to do with it i was told by people in this room that running say pc3200 ddr400 was the thing to do and the fact that dd400 is fast would solve problem . NOT in fact you want more ram even if its only 333mhz . in a situation wher you have to chooose fast RAM or more RAM MORE IS BETTER | 14:05 |
kes0r | edbian: no the camera is working now in skype | 14:05 |
edbian | kes0r: awesome :D | 14:05 |
html_inprogress | edbian, thanks | 14:05 |
edbian | html_inprogress: sure | 14:06 |
kes0r | edbian: do you know how to make that file that i saved in home directory to be hidden?? | 14:06 |
UbuntuFanatic | edbian, ah, okay. :) | 14:07 |
edbian | kes0r: Well the proper place to put it is in /home/bin or /usr/local/bin | 14:07 |
edbian | kes0r: But if you want it technically hidden you simply put a period in the front of it. | 14:07 |
edbian | kes0r: .scriptName.sh | 14:07 |
edbian | kes0r: If you put it in /home/kes0r/bin you can run it from the command line (regardless of where the terminal is) | 14:08 |
Mahjongg | hello, can I use a panasonic dmc-fh20 as a camera hooked to my maverick system? | 14:08 |
kes0r | edbian: ok nvm i think its ok its in home directory anway | 14:08 |
kes0r | xD | 14:08 |
edbian | kes0r: sure | 14:08 |
edbian | kes0r: put a period in front of it | 14:08 |
Jrsquee | Mahjongg: if it's made within the last 10 years or so, I'm pretty sure you should be able to | 14:09 |
kes0r | .scriptName.sh ? infront the file name? | 14:09 |
kes0r | edbian: | 14:09 |
Jrsquee | Mahjongg: actually could you explain a litle more? | 14:09 |
Mahjongg | Jrsquee, it is and I can see it in lsusb, what else can I do? cheese does not recognize it as a camera | 14:09 |
aslanlar | hi people, i use ubuntu 10.10 and i install this yesterday. after i install i can not update or install anything... it gives me error when i try to install anything. this is my error message in terminal. does anyone help me about this issue ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/597428/ | 14:09 |
kes0r | and do i have to change the command for skype command | 14:09 |
kes0r | ? | 14:09 |
edbian | kes0r: A period in front of the filename makes it hidden | 14:09 |
Mahjongg | Jrsquee, the camera has two modes: ptp and pc | 14:10 |
kes0r | edbian: ok thanks | 14:10 |
edbian | kes0r: If you run 'skype' in the terminal skype will be run normally and this script will be ignored | 14:10 |
pksdiq | !webcam | kes0r | 14:10 |
ubottu | kes0r: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 14:10 |
Jrsquee | Mahjongg: unfortunately webcams are not my area of expertise | 14:10 |
netxshare | I am having an issue with lirc, my system random shutoff and now my remote will not work... irw gives no output | 14:10 |
edbian | kes0r: Gotta go! Have a good day!@ | 14:10 |
Mahjongg | Jrsquee, any idea? | 14:10 |
UbuntuFanatic | #ubuntu+1 is dead, but this channel is popular today! | 14:10 |
Jrsquee | Mahjongg: Yeah, I'm trying to give it a thought | 14:10 |
kes0r | edbian: u too | 14:10 |
netxshare | here is some info | 14:11 |
kes0r | edbian: bye | 14:11 |
netxshare | if anyone can help | 14:11 |
netxshare | http://pastebin.com/X2Kru1ud | 14:11 |
UbuntuFanatic | kes0r, you cannot change it.. unless you rename it, I think. | 14:11 |
pksdiq | !webcam | 14:11 |
ubottu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 14:11 |
nick87720z | exit | 14:11 |
nick87720z | oops, sorry (nevermind) | 14:11 |
Jrsquee | !webcam | Mahjongg | 14:11 |
ubottu | Mahjongg: please see above | 14:11 |
Mahjongg | Jrsquee, this is a fairly new camera | 14:12 |
=== Jrsquee is now known as Jrafk |
SmokeyD | hey everyone, I am succesfully using a lexmark c540 printer in Ubuntu. The thing works fine with the driver listed on openprinting.org. I just can't get the color printer to print in grayscale. I just can't find any option in the printing dialogs to tell it not to print colors | 14:13 |
SmokeyD | any clue where this option should be? | 14:13 |
hugh | hi, how can I send a command over SSH to be executed locally? (ie. I want, for example "espeak "hello"" to output to the remote machine, not the one SSHing into it | 14:14 |
=== cyoz1 is now known as cyoz |
SmokeyD | hugh, you want the soundcard of the machine you are currently working on to be used instead of the soundcard of the machine you are ssh-ing into? That's not possible as far as I can tell | 14:14 |
aslanlar | hi people, i use ubuntu 10.10 and i install this yesterday. after i install i can not update or install anything... it gives me error when i try to install anything. this is my error message in terminal. does anyone help me about this issue ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/597428/ | 14:15 |
html_inprogress | Mahjongg, do you still need help? | 14:15 |
Mahjongg | html_inprogress, yes I do | 14:15 |
hugh | smokeyd, I don't specifically want to be able to use espeak, though it would be nice. what about doing "nautilus" and having nautilus open on the remote machine then? | 14:15 |
Mahjongg | any idea is welcome | 14:16 |
* Flow revient | 14:16 |
r3d5tR1p3 | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 14:16 |
=== om26er__ is now known as om26er |
SmokeyD | hugh, what exactly are you trying to do. You can't use hardware of your local machine in your remote machine. So the remote machine can't access your local harddrive | 14:17 |
aguitel | aslanlar, try to change mirror | 14:17 |
html_inprogress | Mahjongg, i like to know more | 14:17 |
SmokeyD | but you can use the ssh file transfer protocol to transfer files from your local machine to your remote machine and back | 14:17 |
Mahjongg | html_inprogress, sure what can I get for you? | 14:17 |
SmokeyD | so in nautilus you can mount a folder from a machine you can ssh into in your local filesystem. i use that all the time to acces the files I have at home on my work computer | 14:18 |
SmokeyD | Mahjongg, I would like a coffe please, while you are getting stuff for people ;) | 14:18 |
cyoz | if I download anything in ubuntu, will windows 7 be able to read the file? | 14:19 |
cyoz | thinking about different file systems | 14:19 |
hugh | smokeyd, with SSH you can control a remote machine and have the commands sent to it relayed back to you. what I'd like to do is send a command to the remote machine and have the remote machine execute it but not relay it back to me, so for example normally if I sent "nautilus" nautilus would open up at my end, how can I make it so that if I sent "nautilus" nautilus would open up at their end? | 14:20 |
hugh | I hope I've made myself clear now | 14:20 |
r3d5tR1p3 | daayuuum | 14:20 |
jhala | is there any multithreaded script which can read proxy servers like google cache in ubuntu? | 14:21 |
SmokeyD | hugh: ok. Nautilus is a graphical program. To make nautilus start on the remote machine, it needs a graphical desktop. With ssh you login to a terminal without an X-server,gnome,etc so nautilus can't be started through ssh | 14:21 |
SmokeyD | the same holds for all graphical programs | 14:21 |
RoyK | hi all. I have some network issues with a netbook - acer aspire one - just installed 11.04 on it and network dropouts happen http://pastie.org/1822376 - see http://karlsbakk.net/lshw-acer-one.txt for lshw output - any ideas? | 14:21 |
SmokeyD | you need to do a remote desktop for that, like vnc | 14:21 |
aslanlar | aguitel: i changed mirror many time | 14:22 |
SmokeyD | hugh, see http://www.ubuntugeek.com/share-your-ubuntu-desktop-using-remote-desktop.html | 14:22 |
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC |
hugh | smokeyd, ok, thanks | 14:22 |
MTecknology | What app do you use to manage font settings? | 14:25 |
KM0201 | okie: u got a message.. look at the tabs on the top... click the one w/ my username | 14:27 |
aguitel | aslanlar, try delete the cache | 14:27 |
netxshare | I just don't get this | 14:27 |
netxshare | I have reinstalled lirc, recompiled the modules for the new kernel | 14:28 |
netxshare | and still irw gives no output | 14:28 |
aslanlar | aguitel: how i delete cache ? i am newbie | 14:28 |
Baughn | So.. who should I contact to point out that ie.archive.ubuntu.com doesn't work? | 14:29 |
MTecknology | Baughn: works just fine here | 14:31 |
Baughn | MTecknology: "Connection timed out [IP: 2001:770:18:aa40::c101:c145]" | 14:32 |
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk |
Baughn | The UK archive works great, though | 14:32 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
Superstar | Is Ubuntu Netbook being discontinued? | 14:43 |
Superstar | Ah yes I found an article that says it won't be contiued after 11.04 | 14:44 |
MTecknology | Superstar: The idea being that the Ubuntu interface and support will be perfect and no netbook hacks will be needed | 14:45 |
* KM0201 agrees with MTecknology | 14:46 |
MTecknology | KM0201: me too! :D | 14:47 |
KM0201 | lol | 14:47 |
phil42 | heelo everyone | 14:49 |
phil42 | and hello too | 14:49 |
rjune | I need some help configuring windows XP in Grub on 10.10 | 14:49 |
famc0de | hi | 14:49 |
=== cryptk is now known as cryptk|offline |
famc0de | I still have the problem of how to play the dvd player in ubuntu, if you can help me:) | 14:50 |
phil42 | i use vlc | 14:51 |
phil42 | for everything | 14:51 |
phil42 | if i can | 14:51 |
Fleck | module-assistant -t a-i alsa-source << fails any ideas? | 14:51 |
phil42 | youtube requires a browser :( | 14:52 |
famc0de | I've tried using, totem, vlc, smplayer and xine but its quasi tidah support dvd menu, so I had to manually choose a video what should I play, whether there are applications available in linux similar to windows media player microsoft's windows | 14:52 |
=== alexandru is now known as Guest50850 |
Fleck | seems to be ignoring Makefile.conf | 14:52 |
liumingji | Is there anyone coming from china? | 14:52 |
Lostmonk | question | 14:52 |
famc0de | can help me, please :) | 14:52 |
Lostmonk | anyone know how to burn an iso on windows, without being able to install an iso burner | 14:52 |
crlcan81 | I don't know if it was the apt-fast script, or simply something else I 'customized' on here, but language selector common returns a error exit status 2 for post install script, so language selector can't configure. | 14:53 |
famc0de | * I've tried using, totem, vlc, smplayer and xine but it does not support dvd menu, so I had to manually choose a video what should I play, whether there are applications available in linux similar to windows media player microsoft's windows | 14:53 |
famc0de | can help me | 14:53 |
crlcan81 | and it's not in my /var/cache/apt/archives/ as I clean that constantly. | 14:53 |
fonsde | hello | 14:54 |
fonsde | 768MR ram which ubuntu versions is best for max performance? | 14:54 |
Guest50850 | ff | 14:54 |
rogues | fonsde, just stay away from KDE | 14:55 |
rogues | the normal Ubuntu or Xubuntu,either should work fine | 14:55 |
fonsde | i think when i used ubuntu , and opened ff flash player made it too heavy | 14:57 |
fonsde | and laggy | 14:57 |
* crlcan81 honestly was so used to Gnome when he tried out KDE and it's variants for curiousity it was just.. eww. | 14:57 |
KM0201 | fonsde: possible... Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu i'd stay away from Kubuntu w/ only 768mb of ram | 14:58 |
KM0201 | crlcan81: well, KDE is.. ewww... the others just take time getting used to.. :) | 14:58 |
* crlcan81 nods. | 14:58 |
crlcan81 | Just hope not too much is required to get my system back to normal when 11.04 is full release. | 14:58 |
lydia | Does somebody know a good tool for testing a CPU? I'm going to test for example if some calculation are calculated correctly and I'm not just going to stress the system... | 14:59 |
lawless | hey anyone know some good plugins that actually stream vids really nicely? instead of laggy | 15:01 |
rogues | lydia | 15:01 |
rogues | you might find something in the software centre maybe? | 15:01 |
rogues | try searching there? | 15:01 |
lawless | anyone know any good plugins for streaming divx and and what not | 15:02 |
phil42 | i use vlc if i can | 15:02 |
lydia | there are just benchmarking tools | 15:02 |
phil42 | vlc uses very little cpu | 15:02 |
lawless | how do you use the plugins in a browser? | 15:03 |
lawless | i have vlc installed | 15:03 |
phil42 | i think there is a way to do that but i use vlc as a separate application, i copy the stream url to the vlc open media box | 15:04 |
lxuser | happy Easter to all, greetings. I have an issue with ubuntu. I recently bought a dell photo 924 all in one printer and I can't find drivers for ubuntu, but it works fine with Windows. Before I do away with ubuntu and go back to using windows again (which I dread) Is there a driver for this printer? | 15:06 |
lawless | phil42, how do you do that? | 15:06 |
phil42 | lawless, you can type the stream url into the vlc open media box if you can't copy & paste it in | 15:07 |
phil42 | it is under media, open network stream | 15:08 |
phil42 | or you can press control n | 15:08 |
lawless | phil42, why doesn't it work... i put the link in... should it be the actual link to site with the video or video it sefl? | 15:09 |
lxuser | I guess nobody knows? | 15:09 |
repoarchive | is there a somewhere a complete package archive for ubuntu releases, i'm looking for ubuntu 8.10 third party repositories | 15:09 |
lxuser | so I guess using Linux days are over for me. | 15:09 |
lawless | lxuser, yeah linux is starting to piss me off with all of its random problems | 15:10 |
lxuser | come on guys, I hate windows and love linxu but if I can't get the printer to work it's useless for me. | 15:10 |
phil42 | it should be the url of the video itself | 15:10 |
=== Zuhaitzo is now known as Zuhaitz |
=== Zuhaitz is now known as xZuhaitzx |
lxuser | I agree lawless, it seems they just can't get it right, they fix bugs from last release just to create others ones. | 15:11 |
luite | lxuser: probably no drivers, dell isn't very good at linux support... | 15:11 |
lxuser | so what should I do Luite? and how do I high light your name? | 15:11 |
luite | lxuser: I'd replace the printer and keep using ubuntu :p | 15:12 |
lawless | phil42, how do i get it from the actual site? | 15:12 |
ZykoticK9 | lxuser, Dell printers are typically rebranded Lexmarks - i didn't see your origional post so I don't know the model | 15:12 |
lxuser | what printer works with ubuntu? | 15:12 |
Mahjongg | html_inprogress, ? | 15:12 |
luite | ZykoticK9: "I recently bought a dell photo 924 all in one printer and I can't find drivers" | 15:13 |
ZykoticK9 | lxuser, my cheap Brother laser jet is plug-n-play... | 15:13 |
cdavis | Banshee tries to play mp3 and then puts a little boxed x next to the song, have I missed a plugin installatino? | 15:13 |
ZykoticK9 | luite, i'm not surprised by photo/all-in-one not working - those usually are windows only :( | 15:13 |
luite | lxuser: for inkjet all-in-ones, the hp 6500 and 8500 series work for me | 15:14 |
Mahjongg | lxuser, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters | 15:14 |
phil42 | lawless, it is done different ways for different sites, you might have to try a few different ways, for one of my streams i have to open it in chromium browser then use the debug box to read it | 15:14 |
pfui | any way to get gnome-shell working properly with fglrx? | 15:14 |
luite | lxuser: for the 6500a you need natty to make it work out of the box | 15:14 |
luite | I've only tried printing though | 15:14 |
luite | not scanning | 15:14 |
phil42 | lawless, which website is it? | 15:14 |
lawless | phil42, yeah i just went to the source file and searched for it | 15:15 |
luite | (but for low volume tasks, scanning via the web interface should work) | 15:15 |
lawless | thanks a lot phil42 | 15:15 |
chadi | hi. I am connecting behind a proxy. Now all applications I use support explicitely setting their proxy. Is there any solution? | 15:15 |
lawless | it still lags a bit... | 15:15 |
ZykoticK9 | pfui, if you are interested in gnome-shell (gnome3) i'd say you are using the wrong distro ;) Good luck. | 15:15 |
* pfui bites ZykoticK9 | 15:16 |
pfui | foss is about choice | 15:16 |
pfui | or so they say | 15:16 |
Mahjongg | what does usb-storage message: "Quirks match for vid" mean? | 15:16 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se |
nuntu | what is the best way to run virtual machine on a server? | 15:17 |
=== yuskhanzab is now known as yus |
=== yus is now known as yuskhanzab |
chadi | is there a way I can create a virtual wlan<x> that connects to wlan0 and proxifies everything, solving the problem of apps not supporting proxy? | 15:18 |
phil42 | nuntu, i use kvm | 15:18 |
nuntu | is there a good howto that you know of? | 15:18 |
phil42 | yw lawless, your cpu might be just a little too slow, vlc is very fast | 15:18 |
ZykoticK9 | nuntu, kvm with libvirt is a rather impressive open source / server friendly virtualization package | 15:19 |
ender | Hello everyone. I'm newbie in linux and I cant find how to check witch usb device is connected to witch ttyUSB, is anybody can help me ? (sorry for my pure english) | 15:20 |
=== kaminaSquirtle is now known as Squirtle |
=== Squirtle is now known as Kamina |
dmizer | what package do i need to install to get the "users and groups" administrative gui? | 15:21 |
lawless | phil42, i have a quad core | 15:22 |
lawless | 2.5ghz slow? | 15:22 |
Sidewinder1 | ender: Did you try opening a terminal and using the command sudo lsusb ? | 15:22 |
phil42 | sound lagging behind the video ( or the other war around ) ? | 15:22 |
phil42 | lawless | 15:22 |
lawless | it will just have to buffer | 15:23 |
lawless | sometimes that happens | 15:23 |
atlef | dmizer, alt-f2 and write users-admin | 15:23 |
dmizer | atlef "No such file or directory" | 15:23 |
Sidewinder1 | phil42: When that happens to me I simply pause the movie than hit play, and it resyncs. | 15:23 |
ender | yes but, i need to know witch device for example: Bus 004 Device 022: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, is connected to witch ttyUSB*. I've got few devices serial usb | 15:24 |
phil42 | lawless, how fast is your internet connection? is it dsl? | 15:24 |
lawless | 1.5 mbps | 15:24 |
atlef | dmizer, gnome-system-tools contains this program | 15:24 |
phil42 | if you are doing other things at the same time that could be the problem | 15:24 |
dmizer | atlef, thank you kindly. | 15:25 |
DeMoMaH | AHAHA | 15:25 |
DeMoMaH | DAROVA PIDARI | 15:25 |
DeMoMaH | EIS | 15:25 |
DeMoMaH | SHLUJI | 15:25 |
DeMoMaH | SHLUHI | 15:25 |
DeMoMaH | :d | 15:25 |
Cursed | ÄÀÐÎÂÀ×Î | 15:25 |
FloodBot2 | DeMoMaH: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:25 |
exzon | ÕÀÕÀÕÀ | 15:25 |
DeMoMaH | DADADAD NE BAZAR' | 15:26 |
Cursed | î áëÿòü | 15:26 |
DeMoMaH | SUKA | 15:26 |
exzon | ÊÓ×Î | 15:26 |
Sidewinder1 | ender: Sorry, I can't take you any further than that. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable will come along... | 15:26 |
DeMoMaH | lfhjdf | 15:26 |
DeMoMaH | äàðîâà áëÿäè ìû èç ðîññèè | 15:26 |
oCean | !ru | DeMoMaH | 15:26 |
ubottu | DeMoMaH: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 15:26 |
exzon | õóé ïèçäà, äæèãóðäà. | 15:26 |
DeMoMaH | ÕÓÀÕÀÕÀÕÀ | 15:26 |
DeMoMaH | ÕÓÀÕÀÕÀÕÓÀ | 15:26 |
DeMoMaH | ÕÓÀÕ | 15:26 |
FloodBot2 | DeMoMaH: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:26 |
DeMoMaH | íèêòî íå ïðîïèñàí | 15:26 |
Sidewinder1 | !gr | 15:26 |
ender | Sidewinder1: thank you anyway :) | 15:26 |
ubottu | #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 15:26 |
DeMoMaH | ñòðàííî òóò íèêòî íå ïðîïèñàí | 15:27 |
DeMoMaH | òàê îäèíîêî è òóïî | 15:27 |
FloodBot2 | DeMoMaH: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:27 |
DeMoMaH | ÄÀ ÏÎØÅË ÒÛ ÇÀÅÁ | 15:27 |
exzon | KOTKABLRT | 15:27 |
DeMoMaH | è ÷î âñå ìîë÷àò | 15:27 |
DeMoMaH | òèïî ìîë÷àíêà? | 15:27 |
FloodBot2 | DeMoMaH: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:27 |
oCean | !ops | DeMoMaH, exzon | 15:28 |
ubottu | DeMoMaH, exzon: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww! | 15:28 |
Sidewinder1 | Here comes the ban.. | 15:28 |
Sidewinder1 | ender: no problem. :-) | 15:28 |
root | hii | 15:30 |
jodlajodla | hello, i have problems with 5.1 speakers - can i change center to woofer in settings, because now center playin' bass. Thanks! | 15:30 |
=== root is now known as Guest4601 |
Guest4601 | i have some problem with backtrack 4 | 15:30 |
=== Guest4601 is now known as INJ4CT0R |
oCean | Guest4601: #backtrack-linux channel for that, not here | 15:31 |
Sidewinder1 | Doesn't the center speaker normally play the bass? | 15:31 |
INJ4CT0R | how can i find it | 15:31 |
jodlajodla | yes | 15:31 |
jodlajodla | op, it's playing normally | 15:31 |
jodlajodla | but for the bass is woofer there? | 15:32 |
pcgenius | hey first of all to all ubuntu community members for awesome os | 15:32 |
Mahjongg | hello, how can I use a panasonic dmc-fh20 as a camera hooked to my maverick system? lsusb recognizes it but no video device is being created | 15:32 |
pcgenius | 11.04 is also cool | 15:32 |
Sidewinder1 | Sorry jod, I don't understand your question. | 15:32 |
Mahjongg | syslog tells me that it is recognized as a storage device | 15:32 |
Dice-Man | Mahjongg: is your webcam uvc ? | 15:33 |
pcgenius | now i just want to ask that Nautilus file/folder searching is quite slow is their any solution of that ? | 15:33 |
=== root__ is now known as INJ4CT0R |
Mahjongg | Dice-Man, not the exact model but a similar model can use uvc fine | 15:33 |
=== Dad is now known as Guest95764 |
INJ4CT0R | where can be found the backtrack chat room? | 15:33 |
oCean | pcgenius: #ubuntu+1 channel for 11.04 issues, since it is still beta | 15:34 |
oCean | INJ4CT0R: /join #backtrack-linux | 15:34 |
Sidewinder1 | pcgenius, Try the gnome search tool | 15:34 |
Dice-Man | Mahjongg: if it use uvc it should have been detected | 15:34 |
Dice-Man | Mahjongg: what about lsusb output ? | 15:34 |
pcgenius | i am just asking that because one of friend using win7 and their searching is quite faster or i can say it's like real-time search,so why ubuntu community people not paying attention over it | 15:35 |
INJ4CT0R | wtf igot banned from there? | 15:35 |
Mahjongg | Dice-Man, ID 04da:2372 Panasonic (Matsushita) Lumix Camera | 15:35 |
oCean | INJ4CT0R: mind your language here please | 15:35 |
pcgenius | Sidewinder1:thanks,i know that tool | 15:35 |
INJ4CT0R | sorry.... | 15:35 |
BIGBAMBU | hi how can solve operating system not found problem | 15:35 |
pcgenius | oCean:i am not specific to 11.04 and it's not a issue | 15:35 |
Sidewinder1 | pcgenius, It's a lot faster and IMHO, more versitle | 15:36 |
BIGBAMBU | in ubuntu 10.10 | 15:36 |
Dice-Man | Mahjongg: did you try vlc ? | 15:36 |
Mahjongg | Dice-Man, or ID 04da:2374 Panasonic (Matsushita) DMC-FZ18/FZ20 depending on if connected in PTP mode | 15:36 |
Mahjongg | Dice-Man, no will try now | 15:36 |
pcgenius | Sidewinder1:are talking about Gnome Search tool ? | 15:37 |
Mahjongg | Dice-Man, cheese did not see it only my internal webcam | 15:37 |
oCean | pcgenius: if it is not an issue: this is support channel only, not discussion: (community) chit-chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 15:37 |
Sidewinder1 | Yes | 15:37 |
pcgenius | oCean:ok | 15:37 |
Dice-Man | Mahjongg: ok so it's a uvc class webcam, what about way of connection ? | 15:37 |
BIGBAMBU | i had grub1.98 and 2 partition xp and ubuntu before all 2worked but now wen i try start xp i get message operating system not found | 15:37 |
Dice-Man | Mahjongg: it's an usb one ? | 15:37 |
Mahjongg | Dice-Man, it is usb yes | 15:37 |
INJ4CT0R | @oCean can you answer me in the private chat dialog? | 15:37 |
Dice-Man | errr yes | 15:37 |
Dice-Man | hum | 15:37 |
oCean | INJ4CT0R: no, rather not. | 15:38 |
Dice-Man | does vlc run it Mahjongg ? | 15:38 |
Mahjongg | Dice-Man, trying give me a sec | 15:38 |
kes0r | why on linux i cant browse internet almost at all while downloading anything? | 15:38 |
oCean | !pm | INJ4CT0R | 15:38 |
ubottu | INJ4CT0R: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 15:38 |
oCean | !rootirc | INJ4CT0R | 15:38 |
ubottu | INJ4CT0R: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 15:38 |
atlef | !backtrack | INJ4CT0R | 15:38 |
ubottu | INJ4CT0R: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 15:38 |
kes0r | why on linux i cant browse internet almost at all while downloading anything? | 15:39 |
timtamboy63 | Hey people | 15:39 |
timtamboy63 | Does anyone have any good links for installing GTK themes? All the ones I install don't look much like the screenshots | 15:39 |
INJ4CT0R | i cannot join the |