rye | mornings | 08:11 |
evilduanedesign | hello rye | 08:27 |
rye | evilduanedesign, hmmm | 08:28 |
rye | evilduanedesign, morning, evil duanedesign! | 08:28 |
evilduanedesign | I am on my windows machine :) | 08:28 |
rye | need futures team, to ask for OAuth2 | 08:52 |
karni | Good morning! | 10:06 |
fagan | morning karni and rye | 10:24 |
karni | hi fagan | 10:24 |
duanedesign | morning karni fagan | 10:24 |
karni | rye around? as always it would seem :) hi rye! | 10:24 |
karni | hi duanedesign ! | 10:24 |
fagan | morning duanedesign | 10:25 |
rye | karni, fagan, mornings! | 10:25 |
fagan | rye: they dont have good friday where you live? | 10:26 |
rye | fagan, I suppose they don't since this is not declared as a national holiday; Or you know what, it looks like this is due to calendar shift which our outdated orthodox church is still using. Did you know that we have Christmas on 7th of January? | 10:28 |
karni | rye: o_O :D | 10:28 |
rye | however this does not make much sense since Easter is celebrated this Sunday.... | 10:29 |
rye | karni, yes, and we have "Old New Year" on 14th of January :) | 10:29 |
karni | rye: That's funny =) | 10:29 |
rye | karni, not an official holiday, though, since it does not make sense, but that term exists. | 10:29 |
karni | rye: I see :) | 10:31 |
fagan | rye: we call that little christmas | 10:36 |
duanedesign | rye: ping | 12:28 |
duanedesign | sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 is that persistent or should user append /etc/sysctl.conf ? | 12:47 |
rye | duanedesign, should be appended to sysctl conf or written to some sysctl.d file; It used to be put there by trackerd | 12:50 |
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dobey | la la la | 14:04 |
karni | nana na na | 14:05 |
karni | dobey: "Learn to fly" by Foo Fighters here. you listening to something? | 14:06 |
dobey | rye: i think the proper term for that holiday is, Saturnalia | 14:06 |
dobey | karni: nope. is that a cover of Pink Floyd's "Learning to Fly" ? | 14:06 |
karni | dobey: no idea, fast forward first 30 seconds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VQ_3sBZEm0 | 14:07 |
karni | dobey: I don't think it's a cover, is it? | 14:07 |
dobey | nope | 14:08 |
dobey | i've heard that before though, just didn't recall the title :) | 14:08 |
karni | yup, same here =D | 14:10 |
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dobey | karni: want to do another terribly difficult review? :) | 14:52 |
Neoti | hi all . i placed some files in ubuntu one last night from my phone and there not synced its been 14 hours now and it still just says syncronising... theres 230MB of photos, now i also placed half these in drop box and there all synced and stuff but ubuntu one has not synced any files... any help ? | 14:53 |
karni | dobey: hell yea :D hhahah | 14:54 |
dobey | karni: or maybe you should help Neoti | 14:54 |
karni | Neoti: what have you used to put them "from your phone" to Ubuntu One? | 14:55 |
karni | Neoti: was it Ubuntu One Files application? | 14:55 |
Neoti | i copied them from the phone to my pictures folder and disconnected the phone the files are in the pictures folder and have the sync icon over them still ... | 14:56 |
karni | dobey: that's purely Ubuntu One issue, these have not been uploaded from the phone. | 14:56 |
karni | rye: could you give your helpful hand here? | 14:57 |
dobey | oh, it sounded like an android issue :) | 14:57 |
dobey | karni: ok, https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/libubuntuone/bump-version/+merge/58814 :) | 14:58 |
karni | dobey: yes it did. but I knew with U1F you could only upload one by one, so it'd be pretty hardcore to upload 230megs of pictures that way :D | 14:58 |
Neoti | when i started with ubuntu one i placed some files in the pictured folder and they uploaded and everything worked etc .. i have just come back to put some pictures in there again and its not ... and apart from doing normal updates that ubuntu asks me .. nothing else has changed ... | 14:58 |
dobey | karni: maybe he was shooting in raw with a 20 megapixel cameraphone :) | 14:58 |
Neoti | the files are on my computer in the pictures dir which i have asked ubuntu one to sync ... | 14:58 |
dobey | Neoti: what version of ubuntu are you on? | 14:59 |
karni | dobey: true ;D btw I looked at the number and thought.. "huh.. why 0.11", but then I saw merge description, and.. +1 ;D | 14:59 |
dobey | karni: heh, yeah, stable-0-10 branch is already 0.10 :) | 14:59 |
Neoti | ubuntu 10.10 | 14:59 |
karni | Neoti: the Pictures folder from your home directory, right? | 14:59 |
Neoti | yep pictures in home ... normal place | 15:00 |
Neoti | :) | 15:00 |
karni | Neoti: and you right clicked and -> Sync with Ubuntu One, correct? | 15:00 |
dobey | Neoti: if you open System -> Preferences -> Ubuntu One; what does it say for status? | 15:00 |
karni | dobey: thanks dobey for taking this on. I was just heading out for lunch. | 15:01 |
Neoti | sync in progress | 15:01 |
Neoti | been that way since i copied the files to the folder last night | 15:01 |
Neoti | if i look on the ubuntu one web site i can seethe folders but no files... | 15:01 |
rye | Neoti, i suggest you look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/16592/how-can-i-tell-whether-ubuntu-one-file-sync-is-working-and-what-progress-it-is-m | 15:01 |
dobey | Neoti: can you open a terminal and run "u1sdtool -s" and let me know what that says please? | 15:01 |
dobey | oh hi rye | 15:02 |
Neoti | State: QUEUE_MANAGER | 15:03 |
Neoti | connection: With User With Network | 15:03 |
Neoti | description: processing queues | 15:03 |
Neoti | is_connected: True | 15:03 |
Neoti | is_error: False | 15:03 |
Neoti | is_online: True | 15:03 |
Neoti | queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH | 15:03 |
dobey | hrmm, it seems like it might have gotten stuck | 15:09 |
dobey | Neoti: if you click "Restart" in the devices tab in the preferences, does it help? | 15:09 |
Neoti | nope still not doing anything .... also i can not runn ulsdtool --current-transfers tells me i have to install it... but when i do it says it can not find ulsdtool and when i try and install ubuntuone-client package says its installed... so i can not see whats going on ... | 15:11 |
rye | Neoti, it is u1 (Ubuntu One- u1) u1sdtool --current-transfers | 15:12 |
rye | Neoti, you might want to install ubuntuone-indicator, run it and see whether meta/content queue decreases | 15:13 |
Neoti | helps if i use the right commands ... lol also current-transfers shows uploads 0 and downloads 0 | 15:13 |
rye | Neoti, ok, what's returned by running: u1sdtool --waiting-meta | wc -l | 15:15 |
Neoti | Traceback (most recent call last): | 15:16 |
Neoti | Failure: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon exited with status 1 | 15:16 |
Neoti | 2 | 15:16 |
rye | Neoti, wow | 15:18 |
rye | Neoti, could you please run /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link to the pasted info? | 15:18 |
Neoti | Another instance is running | 15:19 |
Neoti | umm i think it is doing something .... i have the indicator and it says 7 m to something ... lol | 15:20 |
Neoti | ok i have the indicator and magicada installed and im watching meta data stuff decrease .. i will just wait for this and see what happens | 15:24 |
Neoti | ok so after 14 hours its now only just sending the files to ubuntu one .... !!!!!!! lol ......... | 15:31 |
Neoti | just out of intrest why does it take longer for ubuntu one then dropbox ? | 15:31 |
dobey | Neoti: https://twitter.com/#!/dohbee/status/60698796308443137 | 15:32 |
dobey | Neoti: we've made some significant speed improvements recently. we want to get them backported for 10.04 and 10.10 users as well, but that is a challenging task to get such significant changes into stable releases of ubuntu :) | 15:34 |
Neoti | all i see is a tweet about ubuntu one being 200x faster in 11.04... guess i have to wait untll 11.04 ? | 15:34 |
Neoti | oh ok then ... guess i just need to be more patient .... i am planning to cut off drop box soon and just use ubuntu one for everything cos i like to keep everything together and in one place with no other 3rd party stuff ... and i have a andriod phone too so can do contacts and other awesome stuff ... | 15:35 |
dobey | well you could upgrade now. or you could use our "nightlies" PPA, but i suspect that will get very bumpy soon, and not sure how much longer it will continue working on 10.10; so not something i'd generally recommend unless you want to help test the latest code and report lots of bugs and such. :) | 15:37 |
dobey | but 11.04 release day is less than a week away at this point | 15:37 |
thisfred | CardinalFang: if I make a stable branch of desktopcouch, do you think it would be a good idea to finally merge the proxy branch, so we can start kicking the tires and see whether it's a good idea for Ornery? | 15:39 |
dobey | thisfred: i think it's a good idea, but we are going to rewrite in vala :) | 15:41 |
thisfred | dobey, well, we might as well test whether the idea works | 15:42 |
thisfred | dobey: I'm not yet sure if I'm in favour of rewriting all of d-c or just desktopcouch.application. I think that's the part that's biting us over and over | 15:43 |
thisfred | dobey: I see the attraction in doing it all | 15:43 |
thisfred | but it'll be work | 15:43 |
thisfred | dobey: for instance, I don't know if there's a good vala/c json library we can use | 15:44 |
dobey | thisfred: well, the only real work is the part that talks to couchdb. and we basically have that in C already | 15:44 |
dobey | thisfred: json-glib | 15:44 |
thisfred | ok, cool | 15:44 |
dobey | thisfred: i think the first logical step is "rewrite couchdb-glib in vala" | 15:45 |
thisfred | makes sense | 15:45 |
thisfred | It'll be good vala practice for me | 15:46 |
dobey | oh i guess the other really hard part, is windows :( | 15:47 |
thisfred | you can use vala on windows though, right? | 15:47 |
dobey | it should be possible to build a win32 app from vala sources, yes | 15:48 |
dobey | but we have to deal all the stupid issues | 15:48 |
dobey | ie, dbus, named pipes, etc | 15:48 |
thisfred | right. | 15:49 |
dobey | and dealing with how we actually manage to compile the code | 15:52 |
dobey | though i am quite happy to say that we compile stuff under cygwin and VS can rot in a pit somewhere | 15:52 |
dobey | thisfred: anyway, i don't think we should do any work in that specific direction until UDS at least | 15:53 |
thisfred | Wasn't gonna (well, I'm reading the vala manual and tutorials, but I'm guessing that won't be wasted in any case) | 15:54 |
dobey | where we discuss some of these issues over beer, rather than over irc | 15:54 |
thisfred | ah so you want aquarius in on the discussion, eh? ;) | 15:54 |
dobey | i don't know if he needs to be, but mandel/ralsina/rodrigo/you/myself | 15:55 |
thisfred | That's probably a good idea anyway | 15:55 |
thisfred | yeah, shame chad's not gonna be there | 15:55 |
dobey | also thinking couchdb-glib and evolution-couchdb might be better off being hosted on LP | 15:56 |
dobey | anyway | 15:57 |
dobey | thisfred: can you give a second quick review of https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/libubuntuone/bump-version/+merge/58814 ? | 15:58 |
thisfred | sure thang | 15:58 |
thisfred | dobey: done | 15:58 |
dobey | thisfred: hrmm, actually, what all bits of desktopcouch do we use on the server? | 16:09 |
dobey | thisfred: just the recordtypes? | 16:09 |
thisfred | dobey: everything that's not in application | 16:09 |
thisfred | dobey: but we' | 16:10 |
thisfred | re using an old version in sourcedeps | 16:10 |
dobey | right. was just thinking Vala/C will be annoying to deploy there | 16:10 |
thisfred | yeah | 16:11 |
thisfred | well, I think porting dc.application will be the biggest win anyway | 16:11 |
thisfred | that's where 112% of the problems live | 16:11 |
dobey | heh | 16:11 |
dobey | sure. and recordtypes is basically just metadata | 16:12 |
dobey | and i don't remember what all records does | 16:12 |
dobey | will have to look at it a bit more | 16:12 |
thisfred | records is basically just convenience for python clients, I wouldn't port that to vala anyway | 16:13 |
thisfred | I doubt we can provide all of that in c | 16:15 |
dobey | bbiab, time for lunch | 16:26 |
karni | duanedesign: wake up :) | 16:38 |
duanedesign | (-.-)~zzZZ | 16:40 |
duanedesign | :) | 16:40 |
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jdobrien | does anyone know if the ubuntu one desktop client relies on https://one.ubuntu.com/api/storage/ URLS? | 19:03 |
dobey | jdobrien: i don't think it does | 19:07 |
dobey | at least, not yet | 19:07 |
jdobrien | dobey, it won't...they are going away | 19:07 |
dobey | hrmm, actually | 19:08 |
jdobrien | dobey, it should use some under /api for getting user info, also may use /files/api to do share stuff | 19:08 |
dobey | ah no, we do use /files/api/ though | 19:09 |
jdobrien | k | 19:09 |
dobey | and /api/account/ yes | 19:09 |
jdobrien | yeah | 19:09 |
dobey | sagebrush | 21:16 |
dobey | later all | 21:34 |
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