
valorieyofel, why not spin one?00:43
valorieyou have a PPA.....00:43
valoriethat is great, Quintasan!00:44
yofel_could be interesting indeed, something todo for this summer I guess ^^00:45
valorieI'm doing something like that for a multiboot USB00:47
valorieubuntu, 32 &64 Kub, and both OpenSuse00:47
ScottKRelease candidate Kubuntu images are up for amd64 and i386.  Please test.03:46
policyqanyone know where to get Qt patches required for libdbusmenu-qt? l04:02
=== stalcup is now known as v
ScottKIn the Ubuntu Qt package for one.04:26
ScottKActually I don't know that that requires any.04:27
valorieScottK: just finding the beta2 images04:37
valoriegot a link?04:37
ScottKYou'll want daily-live or daily.04:37
valoriedaily live is it?04:37
valorieok, I just didn't see anything labeled rc04:38
ScottKNo, it's just current04:38
ScottKFor this cycle we don't have a milestone called release candidate.  That was at Beta 2.04:39
ScottKNow when I say release candidate it actually means "the thing we might release".04:39
valorieI guess I will try zsyincing the beta2 I downloaded the other day04:39
valoriezsync rocks04:40
ScottKShould work04:40
macowhat a novel idea! release candidates that are candidates for release!04:42
ScottKThat's kind of the root of the discussion that lead to the change.04:53
ScottKmaco: How's the pykde patch looking?05:01
shadeslayerhey bambee09:07
bambeehey ;)09:07
bambeehttp://paste.kde.org/22657/ should fix bug 76836309:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 768363 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Not able to change software origins in software-properties-kde - TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76836309:11
bambeeI am not 100% sure about the fix, I did not write software-properties ;)09:11
bambeethe crash is fixed, however... there are duplicates checkboxes in the "updates" tab09:12
tsimpsonwhat about making utf8() in I18nHelper.py return u'' in case of None?09:13
tsimpsonnot that that's exactly a "fix" either09:13
bambeetsimpson: it will displays a checkbox with an empty text in this case09:14
shadeslayerit's a workaround :P09:14
tsimpsondo you have any idea why template.description is None?09:14
shadeslayer^^ i was going to ask that09:14
bambeetsimpson: no09:15
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerhey Quintasan09:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: poke10:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: i found something .... : weirdx - X server in Java10:17
nigelboh em gee.10:18
apacheloggerI no10:20
apacheloggerit is X made out of awesome10:20
nigelbIf you call Java awesome. You need your head checked :p10:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: well .. one more step closer to rewriting KDE in Java10:21
apacheloggerdid you not read the usability report10:22
apacheloggerunity > kde10:22
shadeslayerso ... one more step closer to re writing unity in Java?10:22
nigelbUnity > KDE? who said that?10:22
shadeslayernigelb: some usablility report10:23
shadeslayernigelb: http://design.canonical.com/2011/04/unity-benchmark-usability-april-2011/10:23
* shadeslayer reads10:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: we should have such reports for KDE too10:24
apacheloggeras someone who does not like reports I do not second this motion10:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh btw me and my friend just sync'd our entire addressbooks over the interwebz using syncevolution10:25
shadeslayeri can now sync those contacts to my phone over WLAN10:26
shadeslayerbut for some reason that's not working :(10:26
apacheloggergee you are geeky10:26
apacheloggerwhy dont you sync your addressbook over the intartubez to your phone?10:26
shadeslayerwell .. that isn't working too10:27
shadeslayeri can auth with the server running on my laptop .. but it doesn't sync10:27
shadeslayer( probably the app is busted )10:27
Mamarokwhere can I find the latest KDEPIM build for Natty, is this it? -> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/4:4.4.10-0ubuntu411:56
MamarokI would want the 4.6.beta so I can help to triage some bugs11:57
Mamaroksee also http://cgbdx.wordpress.com/2011/04/22/time-to-close-some-kmail-bugs/11:57
Mamaroknvm, found it :)11:59
bambeetsimpson: can you reproduce the bug for software-properties-kde ?12:02
bambeesoftware-properties-kde uses aptsources, which parses and uses /usr/share/python-apt/templates/Ubuntu.info12:03
bambeethis file has duplicates entries and missing description for some templates12:03
bambeeif you can reproduce it , could you check this file and check natty templates ?12:04
bambeeit's strange :\12:05
tsimpsonbambee: I'm on lucid, so I can't reproduce it13:06
bambeetsimpson: ok13:06
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Task for today: ISO testing | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | final bugs http://goo.gl/BKRCm | Add specs to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O | Maverick KDE SC 4.5.5 testing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/757065
Riddellshadeslayer: can I shut down that ec2 machine?16:49
effie_jayxwhere can i get a daily iso of kubuntu, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ points to ubuntu isos17:35
Riddelleffie_jayx: what makes you think those are ubuntu isos?17:42
effie_jayxRiddell: I downloaded one and it is an ubuntu iso17:43
effie_jayxcheck the name17:44
effie_jayxthe kubuntu isos state kubuntu17:44
Riddellhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-i386.manifest  plenty of kde bits on there17:44
Riddellstate it where?17:44
effie_jayxI downloaded it 5 days ago and it was a ubuntu iso. I will download it again17:45
effie_jayxthanks Riddell 17:47
debfxRiddell: it wouldn't hurt making the image filenames different for each flavor :)17:47
apacheloggermental note: ubuntu sso api changed again ^^17:47
effie_jayxdownloading now, I am stuck with the ubiquity partman issue17:50
effie_jayxcrashing with preconfigured ppartitions17:51
effie_jayxbug lp #73963217:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 739632 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "ubiquity crashed during install with: plugininstall.py: DebconfError: (10, "oem-config/enable doesn't exist")" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73963217:51
apacheloggerRiddell: syn18:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: syn18:24
apacheloggerah, no geeks around, this is madness!18:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you are supposed to synack :P18:24
apacheloggerkubotu: google syn syn ack ack18:25
kubotuResults for syn syn ack ack: 1. Transmission Control Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol | 2. SYN flood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SYN_flood | 3. The Answer Guy 42: SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK, ACK, ACK: TCP Handshaking: http://linuxgazette.tuwien.ac.at/issue42/tag/3.html18:25
JontheEchidnaoh, tcp humor18:25
apacheloggerthere we goes18:25
shadeslayerRiddell: already did18:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I like syn better than ping anyway18:25
shadeslayersyn is the awesome18:25
apachelogger3 is a charm18:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you were interested in ubuntu-sso some time ago?18:26
JontheEchidnayep, maybe I'll get to that this summer18:26
apacheloggerturns out I am lord super supreme18:26
apacheloggermy client code from after gsoc actually works (with some minor modifications)18:26
apacheloggerI just registered :D18:26
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] apachelogger@ubuntu.com * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110423172943-v7f3svjzreb36xqp * src/python/sip/UbuntuSSOClientGUI.sip hide exec stuff from python api and assign defaults as per GTK ui ... WHY THE HELL ARE THERE DEFAULTS?!?!?! .....18:30
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] apachelogger@ubuntu.com * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110423173031-ul74gojbbo9xmw2i * src/introspection/com.ubuntu.sso.xml update introspection with the obvious api changes18:30
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] apachelogger@ubuntu.com * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110423173119-buc05sr8txn598bl * src/python/CMakeLists.txt install to ubuntu_sso/kde/, following the path of the GTK18:31
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] apachelogger@ubuntu.com * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110423173225-rdd9f1aawgrf16su * src/UbuntuSSOClientGUI.cpp s/qapp/kapp18:32
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] apachelogger@ubuntu.com * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110423173258-t1lzvlm1mmxpw021 * src/UbuntuSSOClientGUI.cpp there is a neat bug in KCrash where it will try to access [0] of a QList that is empty, which is absolutely and entirely horrible ... need to fix that upstream, meanwhile work around it by providing a fake argv[0]18:33
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] apachelogger@ubuntu.com * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110423173422-bjnvn27c03utxxqj * src/ (UbuntuSSOClientGUI.cpp UbuntuSSOClientGUI.h) (log message trimmed)18:35
CIA-48instead of calling exec in the ctor (which is blocking and super pointless), run18:35
CIA-48open (which is not pointless and very useful) ... additionally rename ctor arg18:35
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] apachelogger@ubuntu.com * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110423173539-9djcp2q9gz98ddm0 * src/Dialog.cpp api change updates && formatting++18:35
apacheloggerlogin also seems to work18:38
JontheEchidnalol, kcrash is using index accessing of a QList without a check?18:38
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: aye18:38
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: how would you go about the check? ... I was thinking about if l.isempty { l << item } else l[0] = item18:39
JontheEchidnaor you could prepend it, but yeah18:40
JontheEchidnawell, prepend, add, <<, w/e, as long as it is empty18:41
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110423174152-o6c3ecqzrts6q90f * src/ (4 files) rename USSOCG::run() to exec() (as it actually calls exec on the dialog) && update copyright18:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: righto18:42
* apachelogger wonders if the empire of KDE releases 4.6 from gitty18:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it might be that I am just cheating KCmdLineArgs horribly18:44
apacheloggerbecause usually it would not eat 0 as argv18:44
apacheloggerso instead I hand it a char *argv[0]18:44
apacheloggerwhich really is not the same anyway, but who knows what the intentions behind blocking nil have been18:44
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110423174627-xaikw7ht0lpvvrtr * src/python/sip/UbuntuSSOClientGUI.sip also remove run() from sip as lord pyth0rn doesnt use it anymore18:46
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110423180050-b3sjs4mqo8po202p * (8 files in 3 dirs) add the youbuntoo logo as icon for the sake of lovelyness19:01
Artemis_Fowlanyone got some time for some basic packaging clarifications?19:54
RiddellArtemis_Fowl: just ask20:30
Artemis_Fowlsuppose that feature X is provided from library Y and feature Z provided from library W20:35
Artemis_Fowlif the packager doesn't have library Y while compiling obviously the binary package will be missing feature X20:36
Artemis_Fowlso how are features in packages determined?20:36
Artemis_Fowlthe packagers include them all?20:36
tsimpsonwell it also depends on where the libraries are, main/restricted or universe/multiverse20:43
tsimpsona package in main can no depend on anything in universe/multiverse, but a package in universe can depend on a package in main20:44
RiddellArtemis_Fowl: generally we use any library we have available20:45
Riddelltypically programmes require the libraries they use, if it's an optional library then it needs to be coded that way by the author20:45
Artemis_Fowlok let's make it more concrete: kcm-grub2 which I develop has a package removal feature which can use either libqapt or qpackagekit to do this20:48
Artemis_Fowlif none are available the package removal feature is not available obviously20:48
Artemis_Fowlhow is this gonna be packaged?20:49
Riddellwe'd talk to the upstream to work out which is the best to use :)20:50
Riddellsince I've never heard of qpackagekit and we do use libqapt that seems the more likely candidate20:50
Artemis_Fowlbut isn't kpackagekit the default package manager in kubuntu?20:51
Riddellah, kpackagekit, yes20:51
Artemis_Fowlkpackagekit uses qpackagekit library20:51
Artemis_Fowlso qpackagekit would be the way to go? since it is in by default in all installations?20:51
Riddellwe have a libpackagekit-qt1420:51
Riddellwhy not just use the packagekit dbus interface?20:52
Artemis_Fowlthat could work out too20:54
Artemis_Fowlcurrently only libqapt is supported20:54
Artemis_Fowland I am planning on introducing packagekit as an alternative20:54
Artemis_Fowland got a bit confused :)20:55
Riddellpackagekit is cross distro so it'll be more popular outside debian/ubuntu21:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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