
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
xnixanAfternoon Guys!11:45
* nlsthzn-work waves11:46
bassem_lapnlsthzn-work, xnixan , hello11:53
nlsthzn-workGreetings and salutations Mr. bassem_lap :)11:54
bassem_lapnlsthzn-work, welcome welcome11:56
bassem_lapxnixan, you are the only linux guy in your company12:07
xnixanbassem_lap, actually, before i join, there was nothing related to Linux here, after joining i start implementing, mail, dns, proxy, web services based on Linux13:32
xnixanbassem_lap, short answer, no!13:33
xnixanbassem_lap, how are you bro?13:33
bassem_lapxnixan, I'm fine, and looking for a job :-)13:37
xnixanbassem_lap, why?13:38
bassem_lapxnixan, stability !13:38
* nlsthzn-work is also hunting for a job... just needs less hours and more moneys... nothing special :p13:43
* nlsthzn-work spied a Toki in the channel14:14
Tokinlsthzn-work: 'a'?14:14
TokiBy the way, nick Toki is already registered by someone, but I'm using despite IRC telling me to identify myself.14:14
Toki*using it14:15
nlsthzn-workhave you tried to register it?14:15
nlsthzn-workToki: my, aren't we the talkative one today :p14:28
Tokinlsthzn-work: Nope, don't want this nick. And sorry for late reply was carrying the bags for my brother's trip to home country.14:50
nlsthzn-workah ok... :) just that we know Toki to be you... if you change it to Bob it will be hard to think of it as you :)14:52
TokiWell, just like rverrips and TheLive1 - not to mention your nick as well, peers will get used to a new one soon.14:53
nlsthzn-workI guess... but will you? :p14:54
Tokinlsthzn-work: Why will I not?14:55
TokiIf you mean getting used to called by something, I've already been using names like Oxwil and Oxwivi long before involvement in LoCo.14:56
nlsthzn-workToki: exactly... so how long before the new one is old and you have to get yet another one :p14:56
TokiWell, I didn't start using anything other than Toki because I haven't decided to go for the permanent one. :)14:57
TokiThe last attempt was botched, so don't worry.14:57
Tokinlsthzn-work: Quite the conversation killing smile. :D14:59
nlsthzn-workI seem to have that gift, to stop chatter in IRC channels and stop posts on forums...15:07
nlsthzn-work...I rest my case ... :p15:13
Tokinlsthzn-work: Sorry, I did not make it sound that way.15:15
TokiBut if there's nothing to reply to, the conversation won't continue.15:16
TokiUnless of course someone brings up a new subject.15:16
Toki*I did not mean to make15:16
nlsthzn-worknp, just joking... I am waiting (im)patiently for 7 so I can get out of here15:17
Tokinlsthzn-work: Repeat 'patience is virtue15:18
Tokinlsthzn-work: Repeat 'patience is virtue' in your mind to infinity.15:18
nlsthzn-worksure... if that will make the time past quicker15:18
Tokinlsthzn-work: They always say when you're occupied, time seems to fly. :)15:19
nlsthzn-worktime flies when your having fun...15:20
TokiJust psychological - when you have you don't check the time, but when you want something to end quickly you frequently check the clock.15:21
Toki*have fun15:22
nlsthzn-workThanks for the info doc...15:27
HadenEvening guys....15:29
nlsthzn-workHaden: Hey15:31
TokiEvening, folks.16:22
* Toki waves at nlsthzn.16:32
nlsthznAlo :)16:33
* Toki has joined the room16:33
nlsthzncool... now I am on diaspora... and have no clue about how to use it properly yet :p17:13
Tokinlsthzn: 'diaspora' is...?17:15
nlsthzn... just a google away ... ;)17:15
TokiAh, gotcha.17:17
=== nlsthzn is now known as Guestbunchofnumb
=== Guestbunchofnumb is now known as Guestlotsofnumbe
=== Guestlotsofnumbe is now known as nlsthzn
nlsthzncheers all... time for zzzzz's19:13

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