
aztekhi duanedesign00:23
kaffirhi everyone00:23
kaffirhey aztek00:23
aztekdo you know how to install libreoffice in ubuntu?00:23
aztekkaffir: hai00:23
* holstein looking for a PPA00:24
holsteinyeah, heres a good link00:25
kaffirlooks same as openoffice00:25
aztekok, holstein00:25
aztekthank you00:25
aztekhow about in backtrack?00:26
holsteinits ubuntu based right?00:26
holsteini would be cautious about adding that ppa00:27
holsteinbut, it probably would be fine00:27
holsteinthe other directions talk about a .deb though00:27
holsteinim not clear on how customized BT is though00:27
azteki wanna reboot00:31
UnguidedHey Holstein. Whats going on?00:32
holsteinUnguided: not much, and you?00:34
UnguidedNot much. gotta work tonight but have family in town from chicago. did u get the thank you from me the other day. I had to go. im a volunteer firfighter and had a call00:35
holsteinOH yeah00:35
holsteini did00:35
holsteinglad all is well00:35
UnguidedYep. Looking to get rid of windows home server00:36
UnguidedHolstein: did u see the message i put up about the book?00:36
holsteini dont think so00:37
* holstein scrolling00:37
holsteinoh yeah00:38
holsteina practical guide to linux00:38
holsteini have 'how linux works'00:38
holsteinvery handy00:38
holsteinand all the ubuntu documentation is so amazing00:38
holsteinthe wiki pages can be overwhelming00:39
holsteinbut they are a great resource00:39
UnguidedYep. Thought you could put that in your bag of tricks for newbs like me who ask alot of questions? Who is the author of how linux works? Yeah it answered a lot of the questions00:39
UnguidedI had00:39
Unguidedi just found it? The book i have tells you about the topic, package dependencies and how to configure it. for example samba. Great book00:41
UnguidedHolstein: I will be back later. i have to go get pizza for the family. Great to talk with you again00:48
holsteinUnguided: enjoy :)00:49
kaffirholstein, how does it differ with openoffice00:50
holsteinthat was mostly just for aztek00:57
holsteinnot really an endorsment either way00:58
holsteinits an official fork AFAIK00:58
holsteinprobably not much difference yet00:58
philipballewif im setting up ssh on my desktop is it better to have the computer password protected or ssh protected into the server?01:02
kaffiri was just curious01:19
holsteinphilipballew: i have a key01:20
holsteinand the key has a password01:20
holsteinwith security, more is more ;)01:20
philipballewthat makes sence. i can use both methods. that makes sence01:23
holsteinlocally though01:23
holsteinon my mostly trusted home network01:23
philipballewi need to accsess this server from miles away01:23
holsteini usually just set up SSH and do passwords01:23
holsteinbut the server to the outside01:23
holsteinthats not acccepting passwords01:24
holsteinyou have to have the key01:24
holsteinand the pass for the key01:24
philipballewsounds doable01:24
holsteinhey, if i can do it, you can :)01:24
ash9I have ubuntu on dual boot..But my wireless is not working...however ethernet works02:11
ash9does anybody know how to fix that?02:12
holsteinash9: 10.10?02:16
ash9downloaded it a month before02:17
holsteinash9: wifi has never worked though right?02:17
holsteinwhen you reboot the machine02:17
holsteinwith the network wired02:17
holsteindoes it have a popup about a restricted driver availalbe?02:17
holsteinash9: open up a terminal02:18
holsteinand a web browser02:18
holsteingo here http://paste.ubuntu.com/02:18
holsteinand paste what you find when you run this in terminal02:19
holsteinand give me the link02:19
thewrathhey all02:20
thewrathi have the following set up02:20
holsteinash9: OK02:22
holsteini got news02:22
holstein^ check that out02:22
holsteini would probably try the windows driver02:22
holsteinwith ndiswrapper02:23
holsteinsince you are dual booting02:23
holsteinand the driver you need is on the hard drive somewhere02:23
holsteinand that just might work02:23
thewrathInternet -> Comcast Cable Modem -> Ethernet Hub -> Linksys WRT160N Router -> Wireless and Wiredd_Components02:23
thewrathI have an IDS connected to the Hub02:23
holsteinash9: eitherway, i would try upgrading the system02:23
holsteinhowever you feel comfortable doing that02:23
thewrathbut when I attempt to wireless connect to my router i get connected and an IP Address but no access to the internet02:23
thewrathany idea why02:23
thewrathif i am hard wired into the router it works fine02:24
holsteinash9: after te upgrade, reboot, and if wifi isnt working, i would try ndiswrapper, then that fix above02:24
holsteinyou can find ndis in any package manager02:24
holsteinand you'll find it in the menu labeled 'windows drivers' or something similar02:24
holsteinthewrath: just from linux?02:25
ash9holstein:  thank you so much02:27
ash9i will be goin over the recommendations you made!!02:27
thewrathholstein: what do you m ean?02:27
holsteinash9: let us know, there are other options if those dont work02:28
holsteinthewrath: can you connect wirelessly with no issues from other devices? os's?02:28
thewrathwireless in linux yes but not in windows02:28
holsteinlet me re-phrase02:29
ash9alright!!And if in case I couldn't get to you today, then will I be able to get back to you again by any chance02:29
holsteinseems like you are able to connect with linux02:29
holsteinbut not get to the internet02:29
holsteinis this isolated to one machine?02:29
thewrathnot sure as i only have 1 linux and 1 windows pc02:29
holsteindo you have other boxes and/or os's you can try connecting wirelessly with02:29
holsteinto make sure its not the AP that is the trouble?02:29
thewrathi can attempt to do it from my phone when ig et back to my place02:30
thewrathi will be back on sunday02:30
holsteinash9: you can ping me, if im around, i'll pipe up02:30
thewrathi am visiting my parents for Easter holiday and no access to that equipment from here02:30
holsteinbut everyone here is helpful ash9 :)02:30
ash9ohhk...but if you are not?02:30
holsteinjust remember what you did02:31
holsteinash9: and02:31
holsteinyou can say, im having trouble with RaLink Device 5390 in 10.1002:31
holsteinthat'll get things moving a bit quicker i think02:31
ash9ohhk! great..;)02:31
holsteinthewrath: i say, when you can, rule out that its not a router issue02:32
holsteinthen come back when you're near the gear02:32
thewrathi am running all of this at home lol02:32
thewrathjust to see what i see coming into my network, etc02:32
thewrathholstein: have you run snort before02:34
holsteinwe had a presentation are our local LUG about it02:35
holsteinand that was a build from scratch thing we all watched02:36
holsteinbut, i havent needed it02:36
thewrathknow anyone in here that has run it?02:36
thewrathwhere are you from holstein02:38
thewrathwhat is a good alternative to Microsoft visio?02:42
holsteinthewrath: what are you trying to do?02:43
thewrathdraw my network out02:43
pleia2the popular one is dia02:43
pleia2but you may be disappointed if you're looking for a "good alternative" - it's pretty minimal02:43
thewrathhey pleia202:43
thewrathlong time no see lol02:43
pleia2g'day thewrath02:44
holsteininkscape does vector graphics02:44
ash9I got this when I started my machine:"The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_Panel_TrashApplet"..How can I fix that?02:44
holsteinash9: i would just log out and back in02:44
holsteinsee if it still does it02:44
ash9kk...Is it a temporary error?02:45
holsteinash9: it has been for me in the past02:45
ash9does it come again when you relogged?02:45
holsteinash9: depends02:45
ash9k..what if it does?02:45
holsteinash9: try and not the exact error message02:46
holsteinand we'll sort it out02:46
holsteinor just take the trash applet out of the panel02:46
ash9that means..delete it?02:46
holsteini delete that 2nd panel usually02:46
holsteinand dont use a trash applet02:47
holsteinbut im sure theres a fix02:47
holsteinthewrath: looks like the newer visio versions run well in wine02:48
thewrathdont have visio at the moment lol02:48
ash9upgrading ubuntu?02:50
UnguidedHey guys. Im showing ubuntu to a friend of mine. i forget the command line to install kde from the terminal. can someone help me out ple02:50
holsteinUnguided: are you wanting KDE and gnome?02:51
holsteinor to move to KDE?02:51
UnguidedI want to install both\02:51
Unguidedi thought the command was sudo apt-get install kde-desktop02:52
holsteini would check out sudo apt-cache search kde02:52
Unguidedk. thanks02:53
ash9holstein:did you say upgrading ubuntu?02:53
holsteinash9: i suggested that02:53
holsteinin case a kernel upgrade would add funcionality for your wifi device02:53
holsteinhowever you do it02:53
holsteinwith the upgrade utility02:53
holsteinor synaptic02:54
holsteinor in the CLI02:54
ash9well..this is the first time I am using Ubuntu02:54
ash9I have been using windows02:54
ash9can  you please gimme the link to that?02:54
ash9for the upgrade..02:54
holsteinash9: when you are online02:54
holsteinthere should be a little applet02:55
holsteinrunning near the time02:55
holsteinthat says you have updates02:55
holsteinor, just open a terminal and run..02:55
holsteinsudo apt-get update02:55
holsteinsudo apt-get upgrade02:55
holsteinash9: in the menu02:56
ash9or just the upgrade one?02:56
holsteinunder system02:56
holsteintheres an update manager02:56
holsteindo that if you feel more comfortable with it :)02:56
ash9it shows me just one update..thats for adobe flash02:57
holsteinash9: there should be a refresh button02:57
holsteinthe button that says 'check'02:57
ash9already started with the adobe flash update ..so was waiting for that to finish02:58
ash9hmm...it says 92 updates!!02:58
holsteinash9: you should get in the habit of looking through them02:59
holsteinbefore just htting the button02:59
ash9you are right...but I am not at all sure of what those are...03:00
holsteinyou dont need to03:00
ash9okay..so should I go ahead and update all?03:01
holsteini would03:01
holsteinyou should feel free to research more03:01
holsteinif you want03:01
holsteinand do what you feel comfortable with03:01
ash9okay.. thnx03:01
holsteinbut, uprgading a package or 2 can potentially add funcionality for your wifi03:01
holsteinbut, probably not with that particular device03:02
ash9hmm...I'll let you know whenever the updates are done...03:02
halpbatmandoes anyone use e4rat? wanna help me set it up?08:07
virgowhat is this08:08
halpbatmanvirgo, http://e4rat.sourceforge.net/08:10
halpbatmanapparently speeds up boot08:10
halpbatmanfor ext4 file system08:10
halpbatmanvirgo, I got the deb. package from their website. but when I try to install it. it says "Error: Conflicts with the installed package 'ureadahead'08:12
virgoi am not the pro here, i am also a beginner lol08:12
halpbatmanoh i see08:13
virgobut my oponion about installing all kind of things in ubuntu is to use the supported packages08:13
virgowith software center or apt-get install08:13
virgoelse there can be unexpected conflicts08:14
halpbatmananyone knows how to disable ureadahead daemon?08:18
virgoare you sure your system does not need this ureadahead package?08:25
bioterrorureadahead  (über-readahead)  is  used  during  boot  to  read files in08:27
bioterror       advance of when they are needed such that they are already in the  page08:27
bioterror       cache, improving boot performance.08:27
stlsaintduanedesign: poke08:28
duanedesignstlsaint: yyyyes08:29
stlsaintduanedesign: i got man page working!!08:32
stlsaintsmall contribution from Kuwait!! lol08:32
duanedesignstlsaint: awesome08:33
duanedesignvirgo: You can remove the error message by deleting the file /etc/init/ureadahead.conf.08:33
duanedesigni mean halpbatman08:33
stlsaintduanedesign: question now is how do we package it with clic so it installs upon clic installtion08:33
stlsaintduanedesign: that much i havent figured out yet08:34
stlsaintduanedesign: unless another page is written to link to the gzip08:34
duanedesignhalpbatman: but I would say you are going down a road that could lead to a reinstall :) This might help http://e4rat.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#Getting_it_to_work08:34
duanedesignstlsaint: hmmm, i am not sure08:34
stlsaintyellow brick road of re-install08:34
duanedesignI have been there many times08:35
stlsaintduanedesign: same here, makes it alot easier to spot when someone else is heading there08:35
duanedesignstlsaint: i will need to see how to package the man page08:36
stlsaintduanedesign: aye08:36
duanedesignstlsaint: i really need to get busy if i am going to get this thing done in time to make Ubuntu-O08:36
stlsaintduanedesign: would you mind testing the page to ensure i just didnt hack my way to get it working on my system08:37
duanedesignyes i ccan do that08:38
stlsaintkk one sec08:38
stlsaintduanedesign: put this in a filed named clicompanion.108:40
stlsaintduanedesign: maybe we should move to -dev ;)08:40
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kristian-workhi ppl13:16
kristian-workconsidering putting Lubuntu on a box... with a danish keyboard and vietnamese language13:16
kristian-workwould this be problematic, you think=13:16
nlsthzn-workkristian-work: why not... all the hardware comes from China and thats all Greek to me13:17
kristian-worknlsthzn-work: yeah ;)13:19
kristian-workand good to see I'm not the only one with the "-work" suffix today13:19
nlsthzn-work;) but seriously I have no idea if it will be an issue... confuse the hell out of the user but that should be all... yup... - work :/13:20
math-herberthello, I am new here, i am register for th beginners-team, I have send the email to the intreduction. I want to know how many times after we send the introduction what we have the answer?13:27
stlsaintmath-herbert: what answer you looking for?13:27
kristian-workI have US english for language and Danish keyboard... never felt confused... I guess GDM or whatever will leave the options open...13:28
stlsaintmath-herbert: is your wiki page suppose to be blank?13:28
math-herbertyes i have not enough times to complet this13:29
stlsaintmath-herbert: feel free to ask the wiki team if you need help on this13:30
stlsaintmath-herbert: #ubuntu-beginners-wiki is the channel13:30
math-herbertoki thanks13:31
stlsaintmath-herbert: dont you just hate connection issues13:37
kristian-workstlsaint: I *love* them13:37
stlsaintoh yea13:38
stlsaintfun fun13:38
stlsaintman clicompanion13:39
stlsaintcrap wrong shell13:39
kristian-workfun fun, rock and roll high school13:39
nlsthzn-worka blank wiki page is awesome... it has the potential to hold so much in the future :p13:54
oliver659756can I get some advice on why my dual partitioned install of ubuntu and windows wont boot windows?15:52
oliver659756from the grub boot loader i select windows the screen goes blank and the boot loader screen appears again15:52
oliver659756ubuntu works fine though :/15:52
oliver659756any suggestions?15:53
duanedesignhmm, ok15:53
oliver659756ideas anyone?15:55
duanedesignoliver659756: yeah, i am looking for a guide15:55
oliver659756windows ran fine i installed ubuntu and now it doesnt boot15:56
duanedesignwindows shows up in Grub though?15:57
oliver659756this is the grub config for the windows install15:58
oliver659756(I asked for help on 4chan /g/ board also)15:58
duanedesignoliver659756: do you have windows7 or vista?16:00
oliver659756its vista as I only had a vista CD with me16:00
oliver659756so had to install vista16:00
duanedesignoliver659756: you used EasyBCD?16:05
oliver659756I dont know what that is so I dont think so, I partitioned the drive then installed windows from install disk, I then installed ubuntu from install disk on the other partition16:06
oliver659756windows booted when i first installed it16:06
oliver659756but after installing ubuntu it doesnt boot even when i select to boot it16:06
oliver659756it just reverts to the boot manager screen shown in the screen shot16:06
holsteinoliver659756: do you see windows in the grub list?16:07
oliver659756yes, this is a photo of the grub list16:07
oliver659756the bottom screen shot is the configuration it has for windows16:07
duanedesignoliver659756: sorry my bad I was looking at the wrong page16:07
oliver659756no problem the help is really appreciated16:07
holsteinfirst thing i would do is boot ubuntu16:08
holsteinand run sudo update-grub16:08
holsteinthen, i guess i would try re-installing grub with a live CD16:08
oliver659756i got advised to do that from someone else, I tried it and it didnt fix it when i rebooted :(16:09
holsteinoliver659756: tried both?16:10
oliver659756how do i reinstall grub?16:10
holsteinwell, i would do it with a live CD16:10
* holstein high-fives duanedesign :)16:10
holsteinthat literally wont hurt anything16:10
holsteinand its a good thing to learn how to do16:11
* holstein BBL16:11
oliver659756ok so i need to use the ubuntu install cd?16:11
oliver659756and do what? (apologies for having no idea what im doing)16:11
holsteinoliver659756: just check out that link16:12
holsteinit'll talk you through booting from a live CD16:12
holsteinand installing GRUB16:12
holsteinor replacing GRUB16:12
holsteinwhatever you want to call it16:12
oliver659756oliver@computer:~$ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdX16:13
oliver659756[sudo] password for oliver:16:13
oliver659756/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat `/dev/sdX'.16:13
duanedesignyou replace the X with what is appropriatte for your computer16:14
duanedesignif you know which partition your Windows is on16:15
duanedesignotherwise you can run:  sudo fdisk -l16:15
duanedesignyou will have a line like this:16:16
duanedesign/dev/sdb2           29115       30401    10333184    7  HPFS/NTFS16:16
oliver659756warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR.  This is a BAD idea..16:17
duanedesignno worries16:17
duanedesignno worries16:18
oliver659756should i post the result of sudo fdisk -l16:19
duanedesigncan you put it in a pastebin16:20
duanedesignok it should be /dev/sda116:24
oliver659756so i need to use the command sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda116:24
duanedesignsudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt16:25
duanedesignthen the command:16:25
oliver659756sorry i just cleared the window16:25
oliver659756can you say the previous command16:25
duanedesignsudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda16:25
duanedesignno problem16:25
duanedesign sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt16:26
duanedesignsudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda16:26
duanedesignnote the second command does not have the 116:26
oliver659756oliver@computer:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt16:27
oliver659756Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.16:27
oliver659756The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which16:27
oliver659756could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.16:27
duanedesignoliver659756: ok, you need to boot up and run Ubuntu from the livecd16:28
oliver659756ok, what do i do once i am running ubuntu from the live cd16:29
duanedesigni think the option from the CD menu is something like  'run Ubuntu without any changes to my computer'16:29
duanedesignOpen a terminal by selecting Applications, Accessories, Terminal from the menu bar.16:29
duanedesignthen run the commands:16:30
duanedesignsudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt16:30
duanedesignsudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda16:30
oliver659756ok thanks16:30
oliver659756i will try those16:30
oliver659756your help is appreciated btw16:31
duanedesignlet us know how it goes16:31
oliver659756will do16:31
oliver659756bye bye16:31
UnguidedHello All. Does anyone know if you can install logical volume manager on the desktop installation of ubuntu?16:48
Elric58Greetings.  Just installed Server 10.10.  Want to connect to a dev server elsewhere via SSH and Tunnels.  Anyone have a clue how I can do this?16:49
bioterrorUnguided, sure you can use LVM16:58
bioterror!lvm | Unguided16:58
ubot2Unguided: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:58
UnguidedOkay. Thanks16:58
ubot2Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:12
duanedesignElric58: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH17:27
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kristian-aalborghi all18:45
kristian-aalborgwould it be waaaay to much work to install on one hdd, then move it to another box=18:45
charlie-tcaMove the hard drive?18:47
charlie-tcaI have done that and it worked well, but I don't have wireless either18:48
charlie-tcaIt gets confused by the video if you install the hardware driver and they are different (mine was nVidia to ATI)18:48
kristian-aalborghi charlie-tca18:50
kristian-aalborgI plan on making the simplest install I can - no special drivers etc - then move it back and act like nothing happened18:51
kristian-aalborgbut yeah, no wifi...18:52
kristian-aalborgcan I plug the no-internet box to one with wifi and share it?18:52
charlie-tcaI don't know. I am really not good with wifi at all18:53
charlie-tcait works or it don't. I can't seem to get farther than that18:53
charlie-tcawhere's holstein? He knows that stuff well18:53
kristian-aalborgholstein: ping18:54
Elric58thanks, duanedesign.19:06
stlsaintElric58: poke19:26
stlsainti saw the question on ssh, wondering if you got it resolved19:27
Elric58Well, I haven't tried it just yet.19:27
Elric58[12:27]duanedesignElric58: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH19:27
Elric58I am reading up on it right now.19:27
Elric58Do you have a solution or are you looking to do the same thing as I am?19:28
Elric58stlsaint: My next issue with connecting to the dev server from my server is that the SSH connection is using public/private keys and not passwords.19:29
seidosthat's funny, i just switched from passwords to keys on my server recently19:32
stlsaintElric58: I love keys ;)19:33
stlsaintbest authentication for ssh19:33
Elric58I agree.  I already have a key that I use on my netbook to connect.19:33
stlsaintElric58: after your server gets attacked a good amount you will appreciate keys as well19:33
Elric58My question now is how to do it from my server.19:34
stlsaintElric58: you want to connect to your server using ssh w/keys?19:34
Elric58I want to connect my server to the dev server with the code on it.19:34
Elric58Not sure if I need to, but I am trying to get a copy of the code onto my server.19:35
stlsainthrm, what dev server are you talking about?19:35
Elric58It's for a game I am helping with.19:35
stlsaintso you want to use your server as part of another server for a game?19:36
Elric58Like I said, I am not sure I even need to do this.  I am very new to this whole deal.  Let's see if I can explain...19:36
Elric58There is a dev server for the game.  I can connect to it from my netbook and have full access to the code.19:37
Elric58I would like to be able to test things on my own server (which I just installed and have really no clue to what I am doing yet).19:37
stlsaintElric58: alright so pull the code and put it on your own server19:38
Elric58So I guess that I really need to figure out how to connect to my own server from my netbook.19:38
Elric58Let me ask this, while I have your ear...19:38
Elric58Do you know how to connect with SSH and a tunnel from a Mac?19:39
Elric58On a PC it is easy with PuTTY19:40
stlsaintElric58: i dont use a mac but the concept is still the same, now when you say ssh AND a tunnel it sounds like ssh via vpn. Is that what you are referring to?19:40
stlsaintElric58: so you have a key set already made on your MAC?19:41
stlsaintElric58: if so than you can just upload that key to your ~./ssh (or whatever name you will be on server, IE: /home/stlsaint/.ssh19:41
stlsaint/home/stlsaint/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server19:42
stlsaintElric58: thats AFTER you install openssh on your server: sudo apt-get openssh-server19:42
stlsaintlol, FAIL19:42
stlsaintsudo apt-get install openssh-server19:43
stlsaint(thats if you want to use openssh, though i HIGHLY recommend you do)19:43
stlsaintElric58: you with me buddy?19:43
Elric58I am the poster child for the 'beginners' name of this channel!!  XD19:44
Elric58I am reading as you type.19:44
Elric58Didn't want to spoil your flow.19:44
stlsaintno point in flowing if your not following ;)19:45
Elric58Who knew that 9+ years of sys admin work wouldn't help me at all with this stuff!!19:45
stlsaintha, had i not run my in house server farm i wouldnt know this mess either, at one point i had to get some serious one-on-one time with my last mentor19:45
Elric58When I setup the ssh connection with PuTTY, there is a way to set up a tunnel.  I am assuming it is much like a vpn.19:46
stlsaintElric58: truly there is no need unless you are trying to access a inside network, from a untrusted one19:46
stlsaintno need for vpn19:46
stlsaintyou go trying to tunnel vpn's and ssh your just gonna get a slower connection, safe as hell, but slower19:47
Elric58Accessing the dev server, I have no choice since that's the way the lead dev wants it done.19:47
stlsainttell him stlsaint said screw his tunnel ;)19:48
Elric58I think the tunnel might be more than just a vpn, but I am not positive on that.19:48
stlsaintwhat do you mean by tunnel? ssh encrypts everything from the connection to the data traveling thru it so what more is he asking for?19:48
Elric58Once I make the connection, I open up a browser window and connect to localhost with my tunnel source port and it's like I have my own version of the source to work on.19:49
Elric58You'll have to look this stuff up to get a good explanation.  I'm kind of guessing here.  It's an option in PuTTY.19:50
Elric58The lead dev helped me set it up and it's what he wants.19:50
stlsaintok i get ya, so what is it that you are wanting to do with your server?19:51
seidosssh and encapsulation?  Mein got, who do you work for, the NSA?19:51
stlsaintseidos: yep yep19:51
stlsaintseems to be that way19:51
Elric58I'm just wanting to use it to test any changes and stuff I do to the code before dumping it back to the dev server.19:51
stlsaintElric58: ok, now is this source code hosted somewhere you can pull from, launchpad, github, etc etc19:52
Elric58It's a new game in the works and it is currently hosted on a not-so-private web server.19:52
stlsaintalright well tell the dev to send you the source or pull it from the server and put it on yours, like i said most config files should be the same minus all the networking stuff19:53
Elric58Not sure, stlsaint.19:53
Elric58Well, this has gone WAY beyond my original question, which is a good thing (I think).  XD19:54
stlsaintElric58: yea i was just about to say, im not trying to be a jerk but im not seeing where the issue lies19:54
Elric58Last night was the first time I have even seen a Linux server, never mind worked with one.19:54
stlsaintElric58: isnt it just great :D19:54
Elric58The issue is I don't really know what I am doing or what I need to be doing.19:55
stlsainti worked with win server 2003/08 and even though they have roles which is great i still prefer a config file19:55
Elric58Just kind of pissing in the wind here!!  XD19:55
stlsaintElric58: pm? (private message)19:55
stlsaintsecurity security security :D19:59
stlsainti do love a new server user :D20:00
stlsaintmind is like a sponge ready to soak everything up20:00
martin__complete rookie needs help...just installed ubuntu 10.10 on a Fujitsu Siemens laptop...went like a dream but max resolution is only 800x600. how can i increase it20:12
stlsaintmartin__: you will probably need to install another driver or edit your xorg.conf20:16
stlsaintmartin__: does 800x600 not the size to fit your screen?20:17
martin__does fit whole screen but everything seems "large" if that makes sense20:21
Elric58stlsaint: I be back.20:23
UbuntuN00bhey all i was trying to fix hibernate in ubuntu20:45
UbuntuN00bby installing uswsusp20:45
UbuntuN00bbut it didn't work20:45
UbuntuN00bnow i'm trying to uninstall it through terminal20:45
UbuntuN00bi used apt-get remove uswsusp20:45
UbuntuN00bbut ut gave me : E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)20:46
UbuntuN00bE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?20:46
UbuntuN00bany idea what i should be doing20:46
UbuntuN00bor is it because i didn't put sudo?20:46
UbuntuN00bbefore the original command20:46
stlsaintUbuntuN00b: close the synaptic package manger you have open then run command again20:47
UbuntuN00bsynaptic package manager?20:47
stlsaintoh yea you also need sudo20:47
stlsaintUbuntuN00b: sudo infront of the command20:47
stlsaintssshhhh there is zach20:48
UbuntuN00bahh okay looks like it is working20:48
UbuntuN00bthanks all20:48
stlsaintUbuntuN00b: you dont know what synaptic is?20:48
UbuntuN00bhence the n00b20:48
stlsaintUbuntuN00b: look in your system tab menu for it20:49
stlsaintUbuntuN00b: synaptic is the frontend to apt20:49
stlsaintUbuntuN00b: it gives you a graphical way to see all application installed and all that are in the repository20:49
stlsaintUbuntuN00b: :|20:49
UbuntuN00boh you mean the software centre20:49
UbuntuN00bit wasn't open20:49
UbuntuN00bits called synaptic then20:49
stlsaintUbuntuN00b: oh yea, sorry about that, i still prefer synaptic20:50
stlsaintyes the software center20:50
UbuntuN00bgood to know :)20:50
stlsainthave fun welcome to Ubuntu!! :D20:51
UbuntuN00bhaha i have been20:51
kristian-aalborghi, please help me in this scenario: I'm installing (L)Ubuntu for somebody who's best at vietnamese... this is a danish pc w/ danish keyboard... I'd like the Luser to have to most comfortable setup o/c, but I can only do support in danish or english... what's the clever way around this?20:54
UbuntuN00bi don't suppose anyone here is running ubuntu desktop on an aspire netbook and has been able to make hibernate work properly20:54
seidossuspend is so low power, i find i never use hibernate anymore20:57
UbuntuN00bis there viet. support videos on youtube? or can you remote in and just show them visually how to do thigs?20:57
UbuntuN00bahh ok20:57
seidosi think it uses like 1 or 2 watts, which i think is worth the speed advantage20:58
UbuntuN00bits not a huge deal in either case, just suspends runs hotter so i don't like to transport when its like that20:58
UbuntuN00bhibernate (at least on my other laptop) runs cool20:59
seidosfind someone that speaks vietnamese?  unless you want to learn vietnamese20:59
seidossuspend runs hot?  that doesn't sound right20:59
seidossuspend runs cool on my laptop20:59
seidosare you sure it isn't just taking time to cool off after use?21:00
UbuntuN00byeah but if you throw it in a laptop case for a bit it gets hot quick21:00
UbuntuN00bwhere hibernate basically shuts the laptop off21:00
seidosyeah, that is a mystery to me21:00
seidosi don't see how 2 watts would cause an increase in temperature21:01
seidosi guess because it's a netbook?21:01
UbuntuN00bit may notbe working properyl... ubuntu and suspend/hibernate and netbooks it touch and go21:01
UbuntuN00byeah its a netbook21:01
seidoswell, i'm not sure if there is something you can do about the acpi software21:01
UbuntuN00byeah its not a huge deal. i look into it some  more lots of threads about it21:02
seidosperhaps it's a bios setting21:03
UbuntuN00bhmmm possibly but even if it was there no option. netbook bios are pretty limited in options21:06
kristian-aalborgholstein: you there?21:20
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
sarasneed help with chown21:51
saraswhat up m821:51
sarashow do i change the perseission of a new formated ext drive21:52
sarassudo chown "user" "drive" right21:53
sarasoh how should i put that drive part in their21:53
duanedesignit is...21:55
duanedesignyes that is right if you are only changing the owner and not the group21:56
sarassudo chown -R saras.saras '/media/mine' i tried this why did it not work21:56
sarasthat the mount point and the volume is named mine21:57
sarasi tried no work21:59
duanedesignsudo chown -R saras:saras /media/mine22:00
duanedesigndid not work22:00
sarasnope it didn't22:00
saraswtf it did22:02
duanedesignmight also want to do:  sudo chmod -R 755 /media/mine22:04
sarasi got m822:05
sarasi did it in the gui22:05
duanedesignsaras: this is a great Ubuntu wiki page to boomark FWIW https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions22:06
sarasbye the way someone to add the chown to gparted22:07
sarasi forgot the add it their22:07
sarasps any smart about icc profiles22:08
sarasthanks duanedesign22:10
duanedesignyour very welcome22:12
hossNeed help getting Aspire One built-in mic to show up in Sound Preferences.23:06
duanedesignhoss: what version of Ubuntu?23:33
duanedesignhoss: might check and see if any of this is helpful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne23:41
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as MrBadWiki
Average_Guycan anyone HERE tell me how to get the the drivers nessessary to enable wireless WITHOUT an ethernet connection - ie. connect to a public network using windoze to get what I need and then make it work in linux?23:57
hossThanks, I will check it out and I am running 10.10923:59

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