
duanedesignhello cjohnston13:10
nigelberm cjohnston13:10
duanedesignnigelb: what about me? :(14:38
nigelbhey duanedesign :-)15:30
duanedesignnigelb: \o/15:41
duanedesignnigelb: how are you today friend?15:41
duanedesignnigelb: i am reworking my resume...again. Hopefully this will be the last time I have a good feeling about this one15:42
nigelbduanedesign: Today i'm cursing at python oauth libraries because I want to build and oauth server.15:43
nigelbduanedesign: are you doing it in latex?15:43
duanedesignohhhh OAuth15:46
paultagboooo! :)15:47
duanedesignnigelb: no I was doing it in LibreOffice-Writer15:47
paultagOAuth is a bit of a PITA15:47
duanedesignpaultag: !15:47
paultagduanedesign ! :)15:47
duanedesignnigelb: why LaTex?15:47
cjohnstonduanedesign: did you need something or just saying hi15:49
duanedesigncjohnston: yeah just saying hi :)15:50
duanedesigncjohnston: didnt realize it had been an hour since you said good morning15:50
nigelbpaultag: 'bit'?15:50
paultagnigelb: byte?15:51
nigelbpaultag: that's an understatement my friend.15:51
paultagnigelb: howareya?15:51
nigelbI've been at this for weeks :(15:51
paultagnigelb: Oh OAuth :)15:51
paultagit's an odd protocol, and what makes it worse is that it's layered on top of the HTTP protocol15:51
duanedesigncjohnston: UDS-O is a little farther for you then UDS-N was15:51
nigelbduanedesign: just 'slightl' farther :p15:52

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