
ElWuilMeRGood day, my English is not good, I wanted to know how I can get on irc layer of ubuntu/members06:43
rwwElWuilMeR: ubuntu/member/* cloaks are given on request to Ubuntu Members.06:44
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership06:44
ElWuilMeRrww If you are, 21 got the membership: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers06:46
mkvElWuilMeR: cuál es tu cuenta en launchpad?06:46
rwwah, https://launchpad.net/~elwuilmer06:47
ElWuilMeRmkv, rww si https://launchpad.net/~elwuilmer06:47
mkvah, ok, eres miembro entonces :)06:47
rwwtsimpson, elky: ^^^06:48
ElWuilMeRmkv, si desde el 21 :D y estoy buscando para aplicar los beneficios06:48
elkyam i listed as a GC again?06:49
mkvElWuilMeR: hay que pedir al IRCC que te autorice el cloak, puede tardar un tiempo, así que se paciente :)06:49
rwwelky: I'll facepalm if you're not.06:49
elkyrww, i dunno, it took them 6 months to get me off it after my first ircc stint06:49
rwwmkv: thanks, btw :)06:49
rwwelky: maybe we should poke Pici then >.>06:49
ElWuilMeRmkv, tengo que enviar un correo a alguien.? o es un proceso automático.? Lei que debo esperar 48 horas06:50
elkyI do the magic handwavy thing if any staff is looking and i am a GC, but otherwise we wait.06:50
mkvElWuilMeR: no ya está, ya diste toda la información necesaria.06:50
ElWuilMeRmkv, muy bien, gracias por la ayuda ;) ahora voy a leer como obtener el correo @ubuntu.com06:51
mkvElWuilMeR: hay que solamente encontrar a alguno del GC que pueda autorizar el cloak. Solo tienes que esperar.06:51
elkyrww, what staff are ususally conscious at this time?06:52
rwwelky: none of them06:52
rwwthey have the same issue that we had in #ubuntu with this shift.06:53
elkyif only the trolls had this problem too, we'd be fine06:53
mkvElWuilMeR: parece que de todas formas no hay nadie de freenode despierta, probablemente haya que esperar algunas horas.06:57
ElWuilMeRmkv, no hay problema, no hay apuro, gracias por la ayuda.! Tengo dudas en cuanto al @ubuntu.com, debo comunicarme al rt@ubuntu.com ??06:58
mkvElWuilMeR: no tengo idea sobre eso, creo que se actualiza automaticamente después de unos días, el email @ubuntu.com no es más que un alias al email en tu cuenta launchpad07:02
mkvyou only need to hunt down a staffer now.07:08
rwwtsimpson, fearless protector of #ubuntu*, noble group contact, novel user of the word "duplicate"07:08
tsimpsonfyi, if you have any more ubottu bugs in the line of "X is broken": yeah I know it is ;)07:09
rwwtsimpson: Bugtracker is broken :(07:09
rwwtsimpson: y u no fix07:09
tsimpsonbecause it's beyond broken07:09
rwwtsimpson: y u no duct tape jussi to chair and force him to write BT207:10
mkv¡unload Bugtracker07:10
mkvthere. fix'd07:10
tsimpsonit was broken, some sticky-tape was applied, the sticky-tape is coming loose07:10
rwwmkv: I meant Bantracker, I'm just not sane right now.07:10
mkvrww: oh, that.... yeah, I can't be fixed.07:11
tsimpsonBT is hack + more hack + some extra hacking + hacks for ircd-seven + hope07:11
tsimpsonunfortunately, hope is not expressible in most programming languages though07:12
elkys/ right now//07:20
rwwNormally I am functioning within acceptable parameters :(07:21
elkyWell yes.07:21
rwwJust today the hospital people stuck a needle in me and I think it gave me lycanthropy.07:21
* tsimpson looks up "lycanthropy"07:22
* rww bites tsimpson 07:22
elkyis this contagious?07:22
elkyoh, werewolf.07:23
tsimpsonElWuilMeR: your cloak is now set :)08:28
vishhmm, what happened to ubot2 …14:42
vishha! its back :D14:42
ElWuilMeRtsimpson, Wow, thanks ;)17:19
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