
Cube``hey guys!15:50
Cube``i'm looking for something like this for ubuntu: "Fedora Ambassadors are experienced contributors to the Fedora Project who are responsible for representing, promoting, and expanding the Fedora Project and its ideals to the larger F/LOSS community and the public at large."15:50
coz_Cube``,  I kn ow there is a link  for marketing , hold on .. let me see if I can find it15:55
coz_Cube``,  in the topic of this channel is also a link to join the mailing list as well,, you probably want to do that 15:55
Cube``yeah, i just found that page on the wiki coz_ !15:55
coz_ok cool15:56
coz_Cube``,  if no one answers right away here  dont get frustrated,,, just hang out,, also you can join the #ubuntu-arteam  channel and see what's going on there as well... although I am a memeber ,, not much goes on there ")15:56
Cube``haha yeah15:57
Cube``im a designer too15:57
elkyCube``, try /msg ubottu members15:57
Cube``i know that these channel are dead15:57

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