
ScottKAmpelbein: I managed to squeeze your libquicktime upload in, but from here on out any seeded package uploads (libquicktime is on the mythbuntu and ubuntustudio images) should go to maverick-proposed unless it's truly an RC bug we should delay the release for.03:45
ScottKAmpelbein: Please rather urgently look at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/70221224/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-amd64.libquicktime_2%3A1.1.5-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz04:23
ScottKYour libquicktime fix apparently has a problem.04:23
ScottKAnyone else around that would like to take a crack at it, that'd be great too.04:26
virusuyhi all05:26
virusuyi'm working in a bug...the problem is a typo in english and also in other languages05:26
virusuyshould i change in all languages ?05:26
virusuydo changes*05:26
* virusuy is away: AFK !!!08:14
* virusuy is back (gone 00:00:03)08:14
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
AmpelbeinScottK: I saw the mail :-(. I uploaded a -3 now, fixing that amd64 failure.10:12
AmpelbeinScottK: regarding "truly an RC bug" - aren't FTBFS bugs always considered RC?10:13
bdrung_tumbleweed: around?11:35
tumbleweedbdrung_: yeah hi11:41
bdrung_tumbleweed: should these proposals merged before upload: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk/+activereviews ?11:41
tumbleweedit would probably be nice to, yes. I am still waiting on tedg to fix bug closing for multi-task bugs11:44
bdrung_tumbleweed: i would like to do the upload today11:46
bdrung_tumbleweed: is there anything on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-dev-tools that should/could be fixed?11:46
* tumbleweed has a quick re-review11:50
tumbleweedbdrung_: nothing looks important, at all12:20
bdrung_tumbleweed: can i do the upload or should i wait?12:50
tumbleweedbdrung_: go for it, tedg doesn't look he's had much time recently12:51
* bdrung_ is doing the upload.12:53
tumbleweedbdrung_: thanks13:11
ScottKAmpelbein: In Debian yes, but in Ubuntu we don't delay the release because of a package failing to build.13:24
=== menesis1 is now known as menesis
=== Zic is now known as Guest96239
virusuymorning all18:45
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== arand_ is now known as arand

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