
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
ScottKslangasek: If you're around, would you please trigger respins on Kubuntu desktop and alternate i386 and amd64 and kubuntu-mobile live on i386 and armel?00:46
ScottKThey ~all need doing, but I'm comfortable asking for those.00:46
GrueMasterMay as well add ubuntu netbook & headless to the mix.  I haven't found any other glaring issues on either that can't be SRU fixed at this point (aside from bug 769081 which is now fixed).00:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 769081 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "oem-config-debconf crashes on armel headless due to undefined attribute. (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76908100:49
slangasekScottK: scheduled02:29
slangasekGrueMaster: not scheduled yet because I failed to notice your follow-up before hitting enter; I'll revisit after dinner02:30
skaetslangasek, GrueMaster - have started headless and netbook02:55
stgraberskaet: are we going to get an automatic daily build for both edubuntu dvds tonight or do we need to explicitly request that ?02:58
slangasekstgraber: no automatic builds02:59
skaetstgraber,  what slangasek said.02:59
stgraberok, cool. Can we get Edubuntu DVD rebuilt then ?02:59
stgraberso we pick up the edubuntu-meta change that happened earlier today ?03:00
skaetslangasek,  ScottK - kubuntu alternate (i386, amd64, amd64+mac) is posted.03:00
skaetstgraber,  if slangasek hasn't started it already,  I'll kick it off.03:00
slangasekI haven't started it03:00
skaetslangasek,  which ones did you start?03:01
stgraberskaet: great, thanks! I'll have it tested tomorrow. Hopefully everything should be fine at this stage but if it isn't, I'll have the remaining of the weekend to fix it :)03:01
slangasekskaet: only the ones ScottK mentioned above03:02
slangasekkubuntu desktop, alternate, mobile03:03
skaetok,  as soon as I see those finish off,  I'll queue up edubuntu and then the ubuntu desktop, alternate, dvd03:03
ScottKskaet: Did you respin mythbuntu and ubuntustudio yet?03:40
ScottKThere's a FTBFS fix in queue that hits those images.  Might be nice to get it in if you didn't.03:41
skaetScottK,  no haven't spun mythbuntu, ubuntustudio,  go ahead.03:41
ScottKOK  Done.03:42
ScottKAlso confirmed that the kubuntu oversize problem on amd64 is fixed.03:48
skaetScottK,  kubuntu desktop (i386, amd64, amd64+mac),  kubuntu-mobile (i386) posted03:50
ScottKYep.  I've pinged for testers.03:51
skaetcoolio. will post the rest as they emerge, either later tonight or tomorrow morning.  Will be around off/on for next couple of hours.03:53
ScottKlibquicktime unfortunately failed on amd64.  I've pinged the uploader.04:24
ScottKslangasek: If you're around and have a moment to look at libquicktime, I'd appreciate it.04:25
skaetubuntu-headless (omap, ompa4) posted04:27
skaetGrueMaster, ^^04:27
ScottKlamont: On the off chance you are around, this isn't a particularly great time for a dead powerpc buildd ...06:02
ScottKskaet: I think we're good for powerpc respins the the "main" flavors (Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Server).06:02
skaetScottK,  Ubuntu desktop just came off the builders, and has picked up powerpc, so fingers crossed.06:52
skaetstgraber, edubuntu i386, amd64 dvd - posted on the tester.06:53
ScottKI'd check what Ubiquity version is has.  If that's current, it should be fine.06:53
* skaet checking06:54
ScottKskaet: FYI, my Kubuntu testing did not go well.  Two failed installs of three.  I think ev will have some work to do on Monday/Tuesday (not sure when he's around). http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/557806:54
* ScottK is off to bed.06:54
skaetScottK,  thanks for flagging.  Sleep well.06:56
skaetubuntu desktop (i386, amd64, amd64+mac, powerpc) posted.06:57
ScottKskaet: Ubunt powerpc is oversized.06:58
ScottKIt did get the right Ubiquity though.06:59
ScottKOK, now off to bed.06:59
* skaet figures its time to head to bed as well...07:06
skaetImages still building are ubuntu dvd, kubuntu dvd, ubuntu alternate, xubuntu alternate, ubuntu-server, ubuntu studio, ubuntu-netbook, kubuntu-mobile armel,  kubuntu armel...07:08
skaetIf someone sees they're finished and is able, feel free to post to iso tracker.07:09
jibelxubuntu alternate, ubuntu server/netbook armel/alternate/dvd, kubuntu mobile armel and dvd, mythbuntu, ubuntustudio posted to the tracker.10:06
jibelnetboot is from 20110421, is it the version to post or there's a new build planned  ?10:08
cjwatsonjibel: that's the right netboot version10:30
iulianHave you guys spun mythbuntu yet?11:45
iulianOh, and ubuntustudio.11:45
iulianIf we haven't, it might be worth to let libquicktime in.11:45
iulianIt fixes https://launchpadlibrarian.net/70221224/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-amd64.libquicktime_2%3A1.1.5-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz.11:46
iulianHmm, it seems that ScottK already has it on his radar.  I will leave it to him to decide then.11:47
bdrung_i am not the only one who want's lintian rc3 in natty (bug #769101)12:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 769101 in lintian (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Please merge lintian 2.5.0~rc3 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76910112:23
ScottKskaet: I don't know where we are on images, but libquicktime should get in to fix the FTBFS on amd64 so we don't release with it out of date on one arch.  It only hits mythbuntu and ubuntustudio.  My recommendation is accept it and respin those.  I'll be offline most of today, but will be around late tonight.13:29
ScottKlamont: reping over the dead powerpc builder.  It's kind of got us on hold at the moment.14:10
ScottK(security is waiting for it to drain before they start pushing security uploads)14:11
skaetthanks for doing the posting jibel :)14:51
skaetScottK,  in terms of images,  we're waiting for pitti to find out what is happening with the language packs.   If the scope of impact of libquicktime is mythbuntu and ubuntustudio, and those projects want it it,  I'm ok with it going in, if it lands before the language packs do.14:55
skaetI'm going to be traveling for the rest of today,  and will be back on line at some point tomorrow when I'll be in the london.14:56
cjwatsonScottK: both powerpc builders seem alive now ...15:29
cjwatsonwe have sync requests open for bzr-builddeb and ubuntu-dev-tools.  Will they fit, or should they be pushed to oneiric?15:30
cjwatsonthe former fixes a couple of regressions; less sure about the latter15:32
* cjwatson notes language packs pouring through15:42
iuliancjwatson: Can you point me to the bug reports please?15:42
cjwatsoniulian: bug 768659, bug 76947115:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 768659 in bzr-builddeb (Ubuntu) "Sync bzr-builddeb 2.7.3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76865915:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 769471 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "Please sync ubuntu-dev-tools 0.122 (universe) from Debian unstable (main). (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76947115:43
* iulian looks.15:44
cjwatsonI'm more concerned about whether it'll cause CD build scheduling problems than whether they're reasonable updates.15:44
cjwatsonI'm accepting language packs in a loop, BTW15:48
iulianIndeed.  If they don't cause any problems, I'd say that we should definitely get bzr-builddeb in.15:49
iulianubuntu-dev-tools too.15:49
cjwatsonOK.  They're both Architecture: all.  I suspect that the extra build time will be negligible on top of all the langpacks.15:50
cjwatsonabout 8 and 9 minutes.15:51
iulianThey are both also small packages, so they shouldn't take more than a few minutes to build.15:51
cjwatsonbzr-builddeb synced, but ubuntu-dev-tools is still in incoming.15:59
cjwatsonso that one may or may not make it.15:59
cjwatsonbuild queue on i386: 8 hours 40 minutes.15:59
* iulian nods.16:01
cjwatsoner, dear queuebot, get a clue16:20
cjwatsonsorry about that16:20
iulianHeh. I believe the poor guy, he must've been tired. :)16:21
lamontcjwatson: would more i386 archive builders be helpful?  (at the expense of one or 2 amd64 archive builders...)18:29
* lamont stuffs allspice over18:30
lamontthat should help a little18:32
* highvoltage starts upgrade tests for Edubuntu i386/amd6418:45
cjwatsonlamont: yep, thanks18:51
cjwatsonlamont: it seems to be taking rather longer than the estimates anyway; do the chroots need to be refreshed?18:52
cjwatsonit's definitely doing a fair amount of upgrade work18:52
cjwatsone.g. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/70251218/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.language-pack-de-base_1%3A11.04%2B20110421_BUILDING.txt.gz18:53
lamontcjwatson: would you like fresh ones?19:14
* lamont rolls em19:14
lamontcjwatson: do you remember what livecd rootfs build times are these days for i386/amd64?19:20
lamontcjwatson: uploaded, I'll stick around to see them work19:31
lamontcjwatson: they seem fine, feel free to tag me SMS or VoIP if there are issues - I'll be around (though afk) for probably the next 2.5-3 hours before I head off to dinner with my wife)19:52
lamontBuild needed 00:00:04, 2156k disk space19:53
lamontI also pushed the "go faster" button where it was available. and I'll file a ticket to make that more permanent19:54
stgraberEdubuntu looks good (both 32bit and 64bit), only bug I found is missing Chinese support due to broken regexp in our seed. For this cycle I just manually added them to the seed so they'll be there in the next build.21:01
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