[03:11] Looks like Empathy still does not do IRC commands o_O [03:11] fail [03:12] I can't even /kick anyone. I may still switch to it from IRCcloud though. [18:22] DarkwingDuck: are you going to be at UDS? [19:09] Good post pleia2 [19:09] thanks :) [19:10] * MarkDude is talking to Dangerous G to see if we can get some pics of an Oakland Lab [19:10] MarkDude: are you on the http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/sftechteach/ list? [19:11] we don't post there, but it's interesting (and utterly depressing) [19:11] the post about upcoming school tech budgets and other tech motivation tsuff [19:11] Cool, I dont know if I have a Yahoo acct [19:12] * MarkDude will get one if not [19:12] seeing how poorly funded public k-12 california schools are is bad enough, watching technology be pushed aside is painful [19:13] * MarkDude just hopes that folks on the Linux side dont call out folks that use Windows to help people in need [19:13] we're all friends here [19:13] Kids need help- I prefer it be with FOSS, more importantly they need tech help of any sort [19:14] absolutely [19:14] It is our job to make sure we have all sorts of FOSS machines to do it with :) [19:15] yeah, I turn the horror and depression at the state of schools into motivation to keep doing what we do :) [19:17] work on partimus is probably the most important thing I currently do [19:17] Act locally- best way to affect change [19:17] * MarkDude agrees [19:17] Helping folks better their life is very rewarding [19:18] giving kids opportunities is important [19:18] As we tell the Partimus story- more folks will want to help [19:18] * pleia2 nods [19:18] * MarkDude has a few more items for a GK auction [19:19] * MarkDude assumes that Partimus will want to participate - but , I want to have more of the bigger picture set before I hassle the board [19:19] did you see maile has the ubuntu earrings in? I'm so excited! [19:19] Yes [19:19] * MarkDude was hoping for Puppy Linux as well as Fedora ones too [19:19] lol [19:19] hehe [19:20] one step at a time :) ubuntu is the biggest audience [19:20] I think there are like 12 women in Fedora- so the market would be limited [19:20] :D [19:20] * MarkDude agrees [19:20] when I promote them I'll really be pushing the "not only do you get awesome earrings, you help partimus!" angle [19:20] Tux would be the next logical step [19:21] I think she has some tux items [19:21] not metal earrings though [19:21] yeah http://www.boutiqueacademia.com/products/Tux.html [19:21] right on maile does some cool stuff [19:21] I actually want to buy EVERYTHING [19:22] er, hola [19:22] or should i say, aloha [19:22] i didn't feel right eavesdropping without saying anything [19:22] g'day seidos [19:23] g'day pleia2 [19:23] i have a confession [19:23] i think you were in my dream last night [19:24] I pop up in the strangest places [19:24] i put it in my dream journal, which i should upload soon [19:25] ...so it was you? [19:25] i thought it was just a figment of my imagination [19:25] I don't know, I was sleeping [19:25] I think I dreamt about sea lions [19:25] you know how in dreams, how people can be one person, but not really? [19:25] yeah [19:25] how funny, my friend Juli went to sea world recently [19:26] the sea lions were her favorite apparently [19:26] http://www.marinemammalcenter.org/about-us/News-Room/Latest-News/#silent [19:26] poor guy was shot in the head :( [19:26] but he's going to live at the sf zoo! I will visit! :) [19:26] no bueno [23:37] pleia2: not in person. ill be attending remotly this cycle === sean is now known as Guest81800