
Kilosmorning everyone07:57
nlsthznKilos: Hi Uncle08:00
Kiloshi nlsthzn 08:00
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
hamub1hello sudoers12:07
nlsthzn-worksudo make-me-a-sandwich :p12:12
hamub1can i eat you then12:13
hamub1nlsthzn-work: can i eat you then12:14
nlsthzn-workhamub1: only if your so inclined (and can catch me) :)12:16
hamub1with sudo i think i can:-D12:17
nlsthzn-workoh oh :p12:18
KilosMaaz, whats for lunch12:42
MaazHmm Kilos . Methinks Kentucky and coleslaw would go down well12:42
nlsthzn-workYes please!12:43
hamub1mazz can ijoin you for lunch12:45
hamub1whats the subject today guys12:50
hamub1what about cheezeburgers?12:52
nlsthzn-workit is the subject for today12:52
nlsthzn-workNot a very interactive topic I fear...12:56
nlsthzn-workSo I guess you must choose the new topic, I just finished the last one :p13:01
hamub1pickled fish, we enjoying it here in Cape Town13:02
hamub1i must have struck the wrong key13:13
nlsthzn-worksorry... @work so I am up and down13:13
hamub1what are you into13:15
hamub1i mean you job13:19
nlsthzn-workoh... operator in petro-chemical industry...13:20
hamub1which country?13:21
nlsthzn-workcurrently in the UAE...13:26
hamub1UAE i guess?13:33
nlsthzn-work... that's what I said... (then again, I see you timed out there for a while so you might have missed that) :)13:37
nlsthzn-worksudoers ;)14:47
hamub1afrodeity how are you?14:59
afrodeitytrying to figure out why my apps startup slowly with new kernel, but the system is more responsive 15:00
afrodeityeaster hangover15:00
hamub1same here, Easter babalas15:02
afrodeitythink i overdid the space cake15:03
afrodeitywish there was a better integrated sound server other than the old jackd15:18
inetprogood evening16:19
* inetpro just realised that CellC is a big NOGO at home16:21
inetpronow testing Vodacom again16:21
inetprosadly the best option is still Telkom wireless16:22
superflyhi inetpro16:23
panfriedsidhi havent been paying attention to the 3g offfers much lately. i useusing voda3g on the road 16:24
inetprosuperfly: hi16:24
panfriedsidhdont even know what Telkom wireless is :| ..and i think i can live with that for the moment16:26
inetprowell if I could get wired ADSL I would definitely be on it16:27
panfriedsidhi've heard those booster antennae work for 3g16:29
inetproI'm kinda happy with Telkom wireless but was hoping that I could get away with something cheaper16:32
=== nlsthzn is now known as Guestbunchofnumb
=== Guestbunchofnumb is now known as Guestlotsofnumbe
=== Guestlotsofnumbe is now known as nlsthzn
Kilosinetpro, ping18:31
Kilosis there one of ya here that can help me with gedit please. i have the list of commands to enter but not sure what to leave out18:36
Kilosand i am not sure if it might fix this modem prob or change things so other modems dont work here anymore18:42
inetproKilos: pong19:06
inetprowhat's with gedit?19:06
Kiloslo boet19:07
Kilosim not sure what all to put in and what to leave out inetpro 19:08
Kilosi have wvdial and modeswtch installed19:08
Kilosits just from where they tell you to do this and further19:09
Kilossudo gedit /etc/usb-modeswitch-x225s.conf19:09
Kilosi dunno if i must have the word code in too19:10
Kilosand after that there are a few more to do but i am not sure what to not put in19:11
superflyKilos: did you install modeswitch from the site, or from the Ubuntu repositories? and where did you get those instructions?19:12
Kilossec superfly  it comes from ubuntu19:12
nlsthzncheers all... time for zzzzz's19:14
Kilosim just trying to find the link19:14
Kilossleep tight nlsthzn 19:14
Kilosmethinks it was that one19:15
Kilosand modeswitch etc i installed  with sudo aptitude19:17
superflyKilos: ah, yes, that looks like a good tutorial19:17
superflyKilos: what sim card are you hoping to use in it?19:18
Kilosthen my cell phone can be a cellphone not a modem19:18
superflyin the wvdial script, where it says: Init3 = at+cgdcont=1,"IP","internet.wind"19:18
superflychange that to: Init3 = at+cgdcont=1,"IP","internet"19:19
superfly(i.e. remove the ".wind" in the last quoted part19:19
Kilosthe big thing is superfly  i am not sure where to stop and what to leave out from all of that19:21
superflyKilos: do *exactly* as the instructions say19:21
Kiloslike where it says unfortunately the network manager isnt happy or something19:21
superflyKilos: yes, the instructions get you to use wvdial instead19:23
Kiloseish the remote thing killed me 19:27
Kilosok superfly  but the next line i must leave out hey?19:27
Kilosi bang i mess up then its ten times the work to repair again19:28
superflyKilos: as long as you follow all of the instructions, and follow them exactly, you should be fine19:29
Kilosok heres hoping19:30
Kilosty superfly 19:30
Kilosi can always go edit it agin hey?19:30
Kilosit wont crash my using fone as modem?19:30
Kilosoh sorry superfly  must i leave the word code: out19:32
Kilosor must that also be in there19:32
superflyoh yes, leave that out19:32
Kiloswhew ty19:33
superflyMaaz: Kilos++ [ nie so dom soos hy dink hy is nie ]19:33
Kilossuperfly, skuus man. where they use wind  for password and username can i take wind out and leave blank there or do i need the vodacom info19:44
superflyKilos: blank19:44
superflyVodacom doesn't use a username and password19:45
superflythey track you via your cellphone number19:45
Kilosok and willlsusb tell me what port the modem is usint or is that irreleant of where i plug it in?19:46
superflyKilos: it's pretty irrelevant19:47
Kilosbecause i use one of those 4 in one usb hubs19:47
superflyoh, no, don't worry about that19:47
Kilosso must i remove the usb419:47
superflywhatever is in the tutorial, use that19:47
KilosModem = /dev/ttyUSB419:48
Kilosjust like that?19:48
superflyoh, yeah, use that19:48
Kilosok ty19:48
superflywe can always find out which port it is using, and come back and change that later19:49
Kilosok looks like i am at the reboot stage. hopefully i see you from the modem next19:50
Kilosaw i cant reboot busy copying dvds to external19:51
Kilosanother hour19:51
KilosMaaz, coffee on19:51
* Maaz puts the kettle on19:51
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!19:55
KilosMaaz, thank you very much my bot buddy19:56
Maazsure thing, Kilos19:56
Kilosfound a way to watch dvds on my pc . used boet's i5 lappy to copy to his external then copied from his external to here20:16
Kiloshis stupid win7 couldnt even see my external or i coulda saved many hours of copying20:16
kodezgood evening20:29
kodez1to all those who love www.demonoid.me. please note that user account registration is open20:40
Kilosyou still up superfly 21:57
superflyKilos: yes21:58
Kiloswhen i do lsusb now that id is still as it was21:58
superflyKilos: you did everything 100% according to that tutorial?21:58
Kilosdidnt change it to the new id21:58
Kilosyip i think so21:58
Kilosbut if i go cd /etc/  and then ls21:59
Kilosi get the old modeswitch.conf still there21:59
Kilosthe old one is usb_modeswitch.conf22:01
Kilosand there is a usb_modeswitch.d22:02
Kilosand then the new one  usb-modeswitch-x225s.conf22:02
Kilosi copied and pasted the info from the tutorial and removed the wind bits in 3 places22:04
superflyKilos: you did this too? sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/50-x225s.rules22:04
Kilosyip. let me go check22:05
Kilosyessir this is in there22:06
KilosSUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="1bbb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="f000", RUN+="/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -c /etc/usb-modeswitch-x225s.conf"22:06
KilosSUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="1bbb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="0017", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe usbserial vendor=0x1bbb product=0x0017"22:06
superflyKilos: I'm not sure oom, I don't know much more than that - everything looks right to me22:09
Kilosand i still not sure which port it goes in because i need to remove the sim card to use fone every time22:10
Kilosi see the modem is an alcatel i will see if there is any info on their site22:11
superflyKilos: in a terminal, type in "tail -f /var/log/syslog", press enter a few times to make some blank lines, and then plug the modem in. when the output dies down again, copy and pastebin it so that I can see it22:11
Kilosty very much for your help22:11
Kilosi dont want to keep you up superfly 22:12
Kiloswill take a while22:12
superflyI'm busy with a few other things22:12
Kilosok ty i will try hurry22:12
KilosMaaz, hi22:21
MaazHowzit Kilos22:21
Kiloshere it is superfly 22:21
Kilosmaybe its still looking for STC the service provider, but i dunno where to see that22:26
superflyKilos: you don't have your sim card in the modem22:28
Kilosi did but i will try again22:30
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos Oh, it's still doing that "Network PIN required" thing - I don't think you'll get past that... I have to go to bed now, good night22:38
Maazsuperfly: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode22:38
Kilossaving that here for next contact22:46
KilosMaaz, night23:09
Maazkbye Kilos23:09

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