
holsteinnothing wrong with rhythym box though00:00
holsteinvlc has a JACK plugin00:00
holsteinbut if i want to play something in JACK00:00
holsteini usually just use audacious00:00
josdemI've been trying banshee and rhythmbox00:00
holsteinno shortage of music players00:00
josdemAudacious is new for me, I'm going to do a fast overview on google00:01
josdemI already use vlc but only for video00:03
josdemAudacious is great, I love their plug in effects. Thank you00:15
holsteinjosdem: enjoy :)00:16
azmI just updated and have some namoroka instead firefox00:19
azmI know its mostly jus t brand00:19
holsteinazm: did you add the testing PPA?00:19
holsteinfor FF?00:19
azmoh yea00:19
holsteinthats probably right then00:20
holsteinyou can probably step down to the stable PPA00:20
holsteinthats the one i had00:20
holsteinor just run the FF betas00:20
azmah, I add it cause of updatet to ff400:20
holsteinthere usually not too bad anyways00:20
azmbut why would I get 3.6.18 over 4 ?00:21
* holstein shrugs00:21
holsteincheck around00:21
holsteinyou can have multiple versions00:22
holsteinprobably just need to clean up from adding FF400:22
azmyea, I just see I have some nigh version 600:22
azmoh my00:22
azmthanks for pointing that out00:22
azmI should just delete the ppa00:23
holsteini would probably want to purge00:23
holsteinpurge the PPA00:23
holsteinand get the stable FF ppa going00:23
josdemHey everybody I should recommend you ALL MC application, is basically a music player and you can share you music with others00:28
holsteinall mc ?00:28
josdemyes it rocks!00:29
holsteinlooks interesting00:29
josdemIt's good looking and it's in Java00:29
holsteini dont share without permission though00:29
josdemor you can use it only to search for new music00:31
josdemBut the player is not too bad00:31
=== zylogz80 is now known as zylogz80|afk
calOdd problem: When I used the main dropdown menu to look at a directory, like Home Folder, it opens Audacious and tries play the music in that folder. I have Ubuntu studio and uninstalling Audacious uninstalls a whole set of programs.05:37
holsteincal: sounds like you have a UI issue05:37
holsteini wouldnt uninstall audacious05:38
holsteincal: so, you click 'places', and this happens?05:38
holsteinwhat happens exactly?05:38
calwhen I click Places, it does not open a nav window.  it opens Audacious05:39
holsteincal: was it like this from the beginning?05:40
holsteinor is this something that broke?05:40
calstarted a few days ago05:40
holsteincal: what version?05:40
holsteincal: do this for me05:40
calinstalled a few months ago05:40
holsteinsomewhere in the panel05:40
holsteinadd the other menu05:40
holsteinand try navigating it05:41
holsteinalso, i want you to see if there are anymore updates05:42
holsteineither with the update manager05:43
holsteinor sudo apt-get update05:43
holsteinsudo apt-get upgrade05:43
calOK so I added a custom menu to the top menu bar.  it added the three groups, App, Places, etc,  I use it to open Places, Audacious opened and started playing music from that directory05:43
calUpdate manager ran yesterday, it says 10 hours ago05:44
holsteinthats the default one05:45
holsteintry the other menu type05:45
holsteinthere are 2 menus for the gnome panel05:45
holsteintry the other one05:45
holsteinit'll just have a little icon05:45
holsteinand you click on it05:45
holsteinto expose the other options05:45
holstein*the default gnome one05:46
calOK so I added the main menu this time.  Looks identical to my main main.  I went to Places | desktop.  Audacious opened and could not find any music on my desktop05:47
calI can open a program, like Word Processor and nav to an application and open it.  my main menu is spazzed.05:48
holsteincal: right05:49
calI've tried going to one of the older versions and recovery mode from GRUB, no change05:49
holsteinthere is a differnt menu05:50
holsteinthat doesnt say05:50
holsteinapplications places system05:50
holsteinit just has an icon05:50
holsteinthe gnome icon05:50
holsteinwhich has been replaced by the ubuntustudio icon05:50
calYes, that is the second one that I placed on the bar05:50
holsteintry that one05:50
holsteincal: OK05:50
holsteinso how does that one work again?05:50
calMine has the ubuntu icon05:51
holsteincal: the menu is borked somehow05:51
holsteini would suggest trying to add another user05:51
holsteinlog in as that user05:51
calthe add ons, Custom Menu and Main Menu both misdirect05:51
holsteinsee if all is well, or broken05:51
holsteinand go from there05:52
calCool idea.  I'll do that, but loose connection to you.  What is a UI error?05:52
holsteincal: its got nothing to do with audacious05:54
holsteinor the other apps05:54
holsteinyou dont need to uninstall the things that are accidentally launching05:55
holsteinsomething is up with the UI (user interface)05:55
holsteinthe panel or menu05:55
calWell, I am going to make myself into a multiple personality.  Thanks for your advice.  Hope to chat another time.05:57
holsteincal: let me know05:57
holsteinand also05:57
holsteinyou can cast a wider net if you get here and the channel is dead05:57
holsteinits really not an ubuntustudio specific issue05:57
holsteinnot that im sending you elsewhere*05:58
calgreat!  I have some thoughts to share on my recent music experiences.05:58

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