
nicofsIs  there someone who can help me with a rootstock error? It tells me, that there is no space left - which just can't be... log: http://pastebin.com/JkbA5U3101:22
charlie-tcaThat's armel in a qemu VM ?01:30
charlie-tcawhy can't it be out of space?01:30
* charlie-tca knows nothing about qemu and even less about armel01:31
charlie-tcanicofs: might have to ask that in #ubuntu+1, to be honest01:32
nicofscharlie-tca, will ask there aswell... i set the image to be 16GB big... i can't see haow it could possibly run out of space...01:36
charlie-tcaIs there a number of entries limit or anything?01:37
nicofsno idea - i wouldn't know how to check...01:37
xubuntu990wutup h0s.  xubuntu 4 l1f3 y002:43
xubuntu990death to windoze and solaris.  oracle sucks.  java can go to hell02:43
xubuntu990hence, assigning to tier 202:44
* xubuntu990 farts02:44
pleia2xubuntu936: please don't act like that here02:45
xubuntu936I must have missed something02:46
xubuntu936does anyone know of a shiny panel replacement?02:47
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psaldenhey folks does anyone happen to know how I can edit the top entries in xfce4.8's main menu? It has web browser and mail reader now, but I'd like it to have terminal too09:56
TheSheeppsalden: they are all assembled from items in /usr/share/applications09:59
TheSheeppsalden: you can copy those entries to ~/.local/share/applications and modify09:59
TheSheeppsalden: you can also create new ones10:00
TheSheeppsalden: they are just text files10:00
Kurdistanhey dear buntu friends. how is xubuntu natty beta 2 going?10:00
KurdistanI have only seen review of beta 110:00
bazhangKurdistan, #ubuntu+1 for natty10:00
Kurdistanbazhang, thx, but I think them are talking more unity.10:01
bazhangKurdistan, thats the channel for all versions10:01
bazhangxubuntu kubuntu ubuntu lubuntu10:01
Kurdistanbazhang, thx.10:02
psaldenTheSheep: thanks. I just copied applications menu to my home folder and suddenly the whole menu changes... maybe it got messed up through my 4.6 -> 4.8 upgrade or so10:02
TheSheepugh, only copy the entries you want to change...10:03
psaldenI'll have another look... it was the applications.menu file that I copied10:04
* psalden reverts10:04
psaldenthing is, it had some kind of xml link to the file I copied before10:05
psaldenand yet now I copied it, the whole menu changed, and now it seems to correspond to the files you mentioned10:05
TheSheepthe menu system has more layers than ogres :/10:06
Zorn_TaovI am currently having problems with my laptop with windows 7 on it, it bluescreened while installing Fallout 3 and now it wont start up without wanting to run the startup recovery, and when trying to start using Safe Mode it hangs on atipcie64.sys then resets again. I have a xubuntu 9.04 disk, can I use it to try and fix the problem?12:21
Zorn_Taovlemme ask this, what does "Rescue a broken system" do12:31
Joe-ka1gdqJust wondering if there is a way with Xubuntu 10.10 to have updates download and install automoatically. I have this computer being used by family memebers and I may not be able to keep it updated constantly. Is there a way to have it download updates and install them automatically???   Joe/Cape Cod14:39
charlie-tcayes, go into synaptic Package Manager, preferences, last tab and mark "update automatically"14:41
Joe-ka1gdqThanks.. I will check it as soon as the present updates are done loading.. it won't unlock until this package manager is completed14:45
Joe-ka1gdqWhat is the last tab called under Preferences.  I see Distribution, but there is no "Update Automatically14:49
charlie-tcaThat's because I lied to you14:51
charlie-tcasorry, under Repositories, Updates tab14:51
charlie-tcaLooks like you can install all security updates automatically, which are the most important updates.14:52
charlie-tcaI did intend to give bad information, but ...14:52
charlie-tcaI did NOT intend to give bad information, but ...14:52
charlie-tcahm, this keyboard still hasn't learned to type correctly, too. :-)14:53
Joe-ka1gdqOK.. I found the Repository (i guess that is what you meant when I did not see it in the other14:53
charlie-tcaunder settings, repositories,14:53
charlie-tcaupdates tab14:53
Joe-ka1gdqoh... so its the KB Fault????? Not the LNBTKB14:53
Joe-ka1gdqLoose Nut Behind the Keyboard????14:53
Joe-ka1gdqan old saying back in the Tech Support Days at Stream when I used to work there about 14 yrs ago.... DAMN 14 yrs ago.... UGGGG I am getting old!!!14:54
Joe-ka1gdqThanks Charlie....  Got to split.. thanks14:55
Joe-ka1gdqAll Set.14:55
charlie-tcaexactly, the keyboard14:55
Joe-ka1gdqTalk later14:55
Joe-ka1gdqI guess i need to stayed signed in to the profile (switch user) so the updates run...14:56
Joe-ka1gdqI will talk later.14:57
charlie-tcaCan't you set the user with that?14:59
Joe-ka1gdqThat is true too... I will do that... thanks15:00
charlie-tcaYou are welcome15:00
charlie-tcagood luck15:00
Joe-ka1gdqI am in the admin mode right now... i will sign back on with the user and set that up.. thanks15:00
mattyb79I have just installed this system, but ardour doesn't want to run....15:36
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TheSheepwhat'ss the error?15:48
m3tauserone Q: can anyone tell how to upgrade to xubuntu 11.04?17:24
m3tausertried few times and no results, its fails at update channel settings :(17:25
psycho_oreos!11.03| m3tauser17:26
psycho_oreos!11.04| m3tauser17:26
ubottum3tauser: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.17:26
charlie-tcam3tauser: what command are you using to upgrade?17:27
m3tauserupdate-manager -d17:28
charlie-tcaThat should be working. what are the error messages?17:28
charlie-tcayou can pastebin the errors -17:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:29
dannydhi all, how do i add/change shortcuts for the terminal, like to switch between terminal tabs?19:29
XubuntuKrisI keep getting a strange error when updating via "sudo apt-get update"19:31
XubuntuKrisit says...19:31
XubuntuKrisFailed to fetch cdrom://Xubuntu 10.04.2 _Lucid Lynx_ - Release i386 (20110214.1)/dists/lucid/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs19:31
XubuntuKriswth is that?19:31
charlie-tcaThat says you added cdrom as a source in sources. Either through software software sources or synaptic Package Manager. Just go to Applications -> systems -> Synaptic Package Manager, settings, repositories and uncheck cdrom19:33
XubuntuKrisI'll check that out, thanks19:33
charlie-tcadannyd: add the shortcuts to Edit -> Preferences -> shortcuts in terminal19:35
XubuntuKrisThat worked, thanks charlie-tca.19:40
charlie-tcaYou are welcome19:41
nillerzhey there19:49
nillerzI have a question.19:49
nillerzIs it possible to use symbolic links in wine to have programs installed on a separate device?19:50
TheSheepI'd ask on #wine or try it19:52
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tomekhis there any ambiance theme (from ubuntu) for xfce?20:50
Sysigtk theme works on xfce too, window borders propably can be found from xfce-look20:52
SysiTheSheep: name of that theme20:53
Sysi(just guessing what he wants, but Im good at it)20:53
TheSheepah, I thought it's some general feature of a theme20:55
TheSheeplike being dark or having washed colors20:55
alad_oI just changed my password and set xubuntu not to ask for password at login, now when i try to login i get taken back to the login screen automatically, like the password it tried was wrong21:35
alad_oAnyway i can change this without logging in to the gui21:36
TheSheepthat's not it21:44
TheSheepit doesn't use your password, it doesn't need it21:44
TheSheeplooks like it's crashing for some other reason21:44
TheSheepdid you change your window manager theme (for windows borders) by any chance?21:44
TheSheepalad_o: ^21:44
alad_oNope, all i have done recently was to change the password and ticked the box “do not ask for pass at login“21:46
alad_oI changed back the password from the console now, but the problem is still there21:47
TheSheepalad_o: it must be something else21:51
TheSheepalad_o: can you log in in text mode and check the file .xsessionerrors in your home directory?21:51
TheSheepyou can do it with 'less .xsessionerrors'21:51
alad_oWill check21:51
TheSheeplook at the end and see if there are any errors that would explain21:51
alad_oHmm, i can't view my home folder because its encrypted21:54
alad_oAlthough i am logged in, as far as i understand it21:55
TheSheepthat's why it cannot log in without password21:55
alad_oOk, is that good news?21:55
TheSheepjust disable the 'login without password' option21:56
alad_oYes but how do i do that from the console21:56
TheSheepI'm looking for it21:57
alad_oThanks i appreciate the help, I'm online with my phone now.. :(21:57
TheSheepalad_o: it's in /etc/gdm/custom.conf22:00
TheSheepchange that to false22:01
alad_oWill check22:01
TheSheepyou need sudo to do that22:01
MK``How can I change my GDM theme?22:03
alad_oIts actually set to false, but AutomaticLogin= is set to an old user i had earlier, which doesn't exist anymore22:04
alad_oShould i leave that blank perhaps?22:04
alad_oI'm rebooting22:06
alad_oLeft it blank22:06
TheSheepMK``: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133656922:06
alad_oNope problem still there..22:07
TheSheepalad_o: gdm doesn't ask for password?22:08
alad_oI don't think its the auto login though, that's another setting in xubuntu, this is just “do not ask for password“ this setting doesn't auto login22:08
MK``It just threw errors at me TheSheep: No protocol specifiedNo protocol specified/nCannot open display: /nNo protocol specified/n(gnome-appearance-properties:5446): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.022:09
alad_oMaybe its in the gdm.conf wherever that one might be, i will see if i find it22:10
TheSheepMK``: you need gui for it22:10
MK``I have discovered a more important error now heh22:14
MK``When I try to edit keyboard settings it says: "Could not launch 'Keyboard' /n Failed to execute child process "/usr/share/applications/keyboard.desktop" (Permission denied)"22:14
TheSheepMK``: what did you do?22:15
MK``oh nvm I executed the wrong program :)22:16
MK``What is the gui for gdm setup, TheSheep ?22:17
TheSheepMK``: I meant that you need to be logged in in the graphical environment22:19
MK``I am22:19
TheSheepit thinks you are not22:19
MK``How do I do this?22:19
uofm49426xubuntu i have a problem with screen closing and not waking up22:26
uofm49426its a x41 thinkpad22:26
uofm49426what do i need to install or do to fix this22:27
alad_oTheSheep, i really think this “don't ask for password at login“ is stored somewhere else, not in the custom.conf file, do you have any other ideas?22:32
uofm49426anyone have idea how to get my picture back after closing screen22:32
TheSheepalad_o: no, sorry22:32
TheSheepalad_o: btw, it should ask for password the second time around after it failed to login22:33
uofm49426i did ctrl alt 7 and 622:33
uofm49426i did ctrl alt f7 and f622:33
alad_oFunny thing just happened, i tried to mount the home folder from the console, and i could not do it with the password i login with, but i could do it with the one i changed it to earlier, very confusing. So right now i have 1 password for login and another to decrypt the home folder22:39
alad_oMaybe the problem can be fixed if i can change the later, which according to the console is called “login paraphrase“22:41
uofm49426how do i fix laptop screen closing problem22:59
uofm49426screen don't come back22:59

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