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nicky | 中文 | 01:31 |
nicky | 有人 | 01:32 |
nicky | is threr any chinese room | 01:35 |
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nicky | chinese chatroom | 01:38 |
nicky | 有没有中文的 | 01:51 |
bazhang | !cn | nicky | 01:51 |
ubottu | nicky: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk | 01:51 |
=== n is now known as Guest17245 | ||
Guest17245 | Hey everyone. I was just wondering if there was a way to take a screenshot of ALL virtual desktops at once. | 02:00 |
Guest17245 | Right now I: screenshot -> save -> switch virtual desktop -> screenshot ->save -> ...(and so on) | 02:01 |
Guest17245 | but with 7 desktops, there's ought tobe a better way | 02:01 |
Guest17245 | Or at least I hope =P | 02:01 |
=== Guest17245 is now known as o_oll | ||
MK`` | Guest: you mean on a different session? | 02:10 |
MK`` | o_oll: * | 02:10 |
o_oll | nah | 02:11 |
passthru | Hello people. | 02:11 |
MK`` | or different workspace? | 02:11 |
o_oll | like how you can have multiple desktops | 02:11 |
passthru | i'm getting a weird error when I try to load a fresh installation of KDE | 02:11 |
o_oll | ya that | 02:11 |
passthru | i am using Ubuntu 10.10 | 02:11 |
o_oll | MK`` so, workspaces one 1-7 | 02:12 |
passthru | and just installed the package kubuntu-desktop via apt-get | 02:12 |
passthru | when I log in, it starts loading KDE but I suddenly get at GDM screen again | 02:12 |
MK`` | I do not know o_oll sorry, I know how to do it on other X sessions but not other workspaces | 02:12 |
passthru | any clue about that ? | 02:12 |
MK`` | passthru: did you set it to load kdm? | 02:12 |
kalib | Hi people. My kubuntu was working just fine with flash plugin but since last update, 3 days ago, my flash stoped working. Any idea? | 02:13 |
o_oll | MK`` no prob, thanks anyway =D | 02:13 |
passthru | MK``, no. | 02:14 |
passthru | It is loading by GDM | 02:14 |
passthru | GDM can mess with KDE ? | 02:14 |
passthru | MK``, i am suspecting about my crappy video card :( | 02:15 |
MK`` | passthru: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 02:15 |
passthru | MK``, KDE have by default some coposite option configured ? | 02:15 |
passthru | i am suspecting about that | 02:15 |
o_oll | GDM is just the pre-desktop environment. You can start KDE from GDM and GNOME from KDM | 02:15 |
passthru | o_oll, MK``: the problem isn't GDM | 02:16 |
passthru | It starts loading the KDE | 02:16 |
passthru | i see that bar with some icons appearing | 02:16 |
passthru | and so, suddenly I get on GDM screen again :D | 02:16 |
o_oll | oO | 02:16 |
o_oll | strange | 02:16 |
passthru | if I check by 'ps aux', there is no KDE process alive | 02:17 |
o_oll | did you just install kde or a full package like kubuntu-desktop | 02:17 |
MK`` | Maybe it is loading both or something by accident somehow. I'd still do that, maybe to "reset" gdm into not running itself, and running kdm instead | 02:17 |
passthru | o_oll, i just installed by kubuntu-desktop package. | 02:17 |
MK`` | i did the same and I haven't had trouble | 02:18 |
passthru | MK``, I still suspecting about my video card | 02:18 |
passthru | it have no acceleration support and has only 64MB of RAM | 02:18 |
MK`` | Perhaps. Can you select KDE from GDM though? | 02:18 |
passthru | MK``, yeah | 02:18 |
MK`` | I don't see how KDM would be more or less intensive | 02:18 |
passthru | i have gnome, kde and xfce4 installed | 02:19 |
MK`` | same | 02:19 |
kalib | Hi people. My kubuntu was working just fine with flash plugin but since last update, 3 days ago, my flash stoped working. Any idea? | 02:19 |
passthru | about gnome and xfce, I use both w/o problem | 02:19 |
MK`` | kalib: well, wait for a fix or maybe roll back the update | 02:19 |
MK`` | ^^ | 02:19 |
MK`` | passthru: Maybe it's a Qt issue with the card then | 02:20 |
MK`` | since gnome and xfce both use gtk+ | 02:20 |
passthru | hmm | 02:20 |
o_oll | passthru why not try a KDE liveCD to rule out compatibility issues before troubleshooting further | 02:20 |
kalib | MK``, you mean, everyone got the same issue? | 02:20 |
o_oll | passthru should help rule out a hardware issue | 02:20 |
MK`` | kalib: I was half-joking, I do not know :( What was updated | 02:21 |
passthru | QT have directly interaction with the GPU ? | 02:21 |
passthru | o_oll, maybe a try :) | 02:21 |
kalib | just flash stoped working... | 02:21 |
passthru | o_oll, ah, i forgot to tell | 02:21 |
kalib | even on chromium, when I type: about:plugins | 02:22 |
passthru | i can load plasma-desktop through gnome | 02:22 |
kalib | flash is not seen | 02:22 |
passthru | it loads fine. | 02:22 |
MK`` | plasma is unrelated to kdm :P | 02:22 |
passthru | MK``, plasma-desktop command | 02:22 |
passthru | :} | 02:22 |
MK`` | but, I have a feeling if plasma works this is not a qt issue | 02:22 |
passthru | yeah | 02:22 |
o_oll | yeah | 02:22 |
MK`` | Did you try sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm? | 02:23 |
MK`` | which, seems to be the same as the other, incidentally heh | 02:23 |
passthru | when I load plasma-desktop, it load other lot of components | 02:24 |
passthru | :p | 02:24 |
passthru | I suspect about something which tries to use compositing features | 02:24 |
MK`` | does it replace metacity/mutter/compiz as well with its own window manager? | 02:25 |
passthru | when I load through gnome? no. | 02:25 |
passthru | it stills using metacity as wm | 02:25 |
MK`` | you could try running kwin to see if it works | 02:26 |
passthru | hmm | 02:26 |
passthru | le'me see | 02:26 |
passthru | yeah, i got it | 02:27 |
passthru | my desktop has totally crashed when I ran kwin | 02:28 |
passthru | :p | 02:28 |
MK`` | lol | 02:28 |
passthru | maybe compositing setting ? :P | 02:28 |
MK`` | Perhaps | 02:28 |
passthru | where can I turn it off ? | 02:28 |
MK`` | I do not know :( | 02:29 |
MK`` | maybe use reconfigure on it somehow | 02:29 |
passthru | i tried :( | 02:30 |
passthru | i'll try to debug it | 02:30 |
kalib | MK``, you should learn how to make things work the right way... You shouldn't have to wait a strange to clean up your house.... | 02:31 |
MK`` | I know kalib, I'm sorry, I do not know how to fix it | 02:32 |
MK`` | I am new to ubuntu | 02:32 |
MK`` | and linux | 02:32 |
passthru | ^^ | 02:32 |
kalib | well done.. got it working.. | 02:32 |
kalib | I'll send the patch to you guys... | 02:32 |
kalib | take care.. | 02:32 |
kalib | have a good night | 02:32 |
kalib | and..by the way.. | 02:32 |
MK`` | thanks | 02:32 |
FloodBotK2 | kalib: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:32 |
kalib | if you don't know how to fix.. don't make jokes... | 02:32 |
kalib | sorry if I wasn't so polite.. | 02:33 |
kalib | just had a bad day... | 02:33 |
kalib | I really didn't mean that | 02:33 |
passthru | falou kalib | 02:33 |
passthru | :p | 02:33 |
MK`` | it's ok :D | 02:33 |
MK`` | Have a good night! | 02:34 |
kalib | you too... | 02:34 |
passthru | kalib is from my country haha | 02:34 |
passthru | :) | 02:34 |
bret | hi | 02:34 |
passthru | uses the same ISP of me | 02:34 |
passthru | MK``, btw, do you know where are the default cfg files from KDE/kwin ? | 02:36 |
MK`` | I do not | 02:38 |
passthru | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01) | 02:38 |
passthru | my super imba video card :( | 02:39 |
o_oll | lol, i managed to screenshot all. a glorious 21 MB png | 03:00 |
o_oll | hehehe | 03:00 |
o_oll | now to convert it to .ppm(though only for laughs at the filesize) | 03:01 |
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MK`` | o_oll: how? :o | 03:42 |
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o_oll | test | 04:01 |
=== o_oll is now known as c_cll`[ | ||
cosmo18 | is there a way to set kate tois there a way to set kate to indent with spaces instead of tab when using the tab key, I am editing yaml files and they are picky about that indent with spaces instead of tab when using the tab key, I am editing yaml files and they are picky about that | 04:30 |
Uhriventis | i have a friend with a very out dated version of Kubuntu. When he runs sudo apt-get update or upgrade konsole closed immediately what gives? | 04:49 |
valorie | Uhriventis: "very" outdated? | 05:00 |
valorie | which version does your friend have? | 05:00 |
Uhriventis | Well. He.sent me a screen shot and it looked like kde two versions ago. | 05:01 |
Uhriventis | Looks like the first release of Kubuntu | 05:01 |
Uhriventis | I use 3.5.9 and it's older than that | 05:02 |
Uhriventis | Whats the command to get the version? | 05:03 |
eiriksvin | Hello people, got a couple of questions for ya | 05:03 |
Uhriventis | But I'm a suse/slackware user | 05:04 |
eiriksvin | I'm havin trouble getting my Netgear Rangemax WPN111 to work... | 05:04 |
Uhriventis | Surprised he was using linux as he can't work irc | 05:05 |
eiriksvin | ndiswrapper, and driver are good, but I cant seem to get the light to come on... it says the hardware is there, but it acts like its not | 05:06 |
eiriksvin | got any ideas? | 05:06 |
Uhriventis | cat /etc/lsb-release right? | 05:07 |
valorie | !version | 05:08 |
ubottu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 05:08 |
eiriksvin | can some 1 help me with that | 05:10 |
valorie | the KDE 3 stuff is rarely supported now | 05:16 |
valorie | and it sounds like his kubuntu is long after EOL (end of life) | 05:16 |
valorie | !eol | 05:16 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 05:16 |
valorie | if he wants to upgrade he'll need to follow that guide | 05:17 |
valorie | however, you could help him out by burning a liveCD or liveUSB for him | 05:17 |
valorie | so he can try out the newer ISOs on his old box | 05:17 |
valorie | !iso | 05:18 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 05:18 |
valorie | hmm | 05:18 |
Uhriventis | Wow, suse offers it still in it's releases. Any reason why Kubuntu stopped supporting it? And is Debian also? | 05:18 |
valorie | !trinity | 05:18 |
valorie | debian still has it, I know | 05:19 |
valorie | there is a fork called Trinity | 05:19 |
valorie | but KDE no longer supports v.3 as far as i know | 05:19 |
Uhriventis | Just checked kde website and it's supported | 05:22 |
Uhriventis | I hope they continue, I really like it. | 05:22 |
Uhriventis | However they are pushing you to v4 | 05:24 |
bigbrovar2 | hi guys. were can i ask questions about kubuntu 11.04? | 05:39 |
MK`` | bigbrovar2: for general ubuntu 11.04 related stuff there is #ubuntu+1 | 05:43 |
nn | hi | 05:43 |
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bigbrovar2 | i have asked this at ubuntu+1 but tot to ask here again. is anyone running kubuntu natty having problems with giogle akonadi resource. mainly i get invalid password even though i have the right password imputed . i have since been unable to import my google calendar and contacts. :/ | 07:59 |
Daskreech | hi bigbrovar2 | 08:09 |
bigbrovar2 | daskreech : hi | 08:11 |
Daskreech | bigbrovar2: I had something to talk to you about and totally forgot what it was now | 08:19 |
bigbrovar2 | Daskreech: lol happens to the best of us. does it in anyway connect to the issues i am having with akonadi Google resource on kububtu natty? | 08:21 |
Daskreech | No that's a little newew | 08:26 |
Daskreech | This was like a... week ago :) | 08:26 |
topyli | bigbrovar2: i have the same problem, here's the bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=268643 | 08:35 |
ubottu | KDE bug 268643 in Google Resource "Cannot create Akonadi calendar that will sync with Google Calendar" [Normal,New] | 08:35 |
bigbrovar2 | topyli: thanks so much mate. u made my day. as u know misery loves company :p | 08:39 |
topyli | i know, that's why i was glad to find the bug too :) | 08:39 |
bigbrovar2 | so u are on natty? | 08:41 |
topyli | bigbrovar: yes | 08:56 |
mauri | i need natty irc address , where i can find it? | 09:17 |
valorie | it is #ubuntu+1 | 09:18 |
saeed__ | /join #linuxac | 09:36 |
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tanino | ciao | 11:07 |
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xieyi | Has anyone successfully connected itouch to ubuntu through gtkpod? I can successfully mount through ifuse, but can't mount through gtkpod. Don't know why | 12:12 |
xieyi | gtkpod complains error initilize pod missing hashinfo file | 12:13 |
xieyi | I have generated hashfile in the mountpoint | 12:14 |
LINKSWORD2 | Hello. I'm wondering if it is possible to use Konsole to upgrade from Kubuntu 10.04 LTS to 10.10 within the OS? | 12:21 |
xieyi | LINKSWORD2, I think you should execute "do-release-upgrade -d" in text mode(ctrl-alt-f1) to avoid any possible interruption. | 12:28 |
LINKSWORD2 | I missed that. My channel screen cleared, sorry. | 12:29 |
xieyi | LINKSWORD2, I think you should execute "do-release-upgrade -d" in text mode(ctrl-alt-f1) to avoid any possible interruption. | 12:31 |
LINKSWORD2 | Ok. | 12:32 |
LINKSWORD2 | I'll give that a try. | 12:32 |
LINKSWORD2 | One last thing. I'm familiar with Kubuntu, but I had a friend recommend Fedora. Any notable trade-offs between the two? | 12:33 |
xieyi | I think kubuntu has good multimedia support | 12:36 |
xieyi | fedora has no mp3 support | 12:36 |
LINKSWORD2 | Ouch. That's a distinct difference. | 12:37 |
LINKSWORD2 | All right, thanks a lot. | 12:38 |
xieyi | welcome | 12:38 |
c2tarun | anyone used gimp on kubuntu? | 12:40 |
xieyi | c2tarun, what is the problem? | 12:41 |
c2tarun | xieyi: whenever I am trying to start gimp on my kubuntu natty beta2 its crashing :/ | 12:43 |
topyli | mp3 support in fedora is one package install away | 12:44 |
xieyi | I am using natty beta2 but no such problem. what is the error message from konsole? | 12:45 |
dr0id | how can i know my kubuntu version ? | 12:45 |
xieyi | echo /etc/issue | 12:45 |
bazhang | !version > dr0id | 12:45 |
ubottu | dr0id, please see my private message | 12:45 |
dr0id | well, i wanted to know kubuntu version, not ubntu | 12:46 |
c2tarun | dr0id: what's the difference? | 12:46 |
bazhang | dr0id, you must mean kde4 version | 12:46 |
topyli | dr0id: it's the same | 12:46 |
dr0id | 4.2.2 and 9.04 ? :P | 12:46 |
dr0id | or shall i say kde ? | 12:47 |
topyli | oh | 12:47 |
c2tarun | dr0id: I guess you are looking ro kde version | 12:47 |
c2tarun | dr0id: open dolphin in help and about kde | 12:47 |
dr0id | thanks sir | 12:47 |
njin | Hello, i'm testing 20110423, with encryption, but at the first boot i don't have the request for the passphrase, can someone noticew me about kubuntu manage this or it ids egual that in gnome? | 13:16 |
=== Denis_ is now known as Denis_Lobanov | ||
Denis_Lobanov | ns identify 87512 | 13:21 |
Denis_Lobanov | Hi | 13:22 |
Denis_Lobanov | Who test 11.04 | 13:22 |
njin | I | 13:23 |
xieyi | me, too | 13:24 |
njin | Denis_Lobanov: I'm testng it | 13:24 |
Denis_Lobanov | Is it likes you | 13:24 |
Denis_Lobanov | What new | 13:24 |
njin | encryption not working for me | 13:24 |
Denis_Lobanov | What you mean | 13:24 |
njin | no passphrase request at the first boot | 13:25 |
njin | hoping that kubvuntu manage it as Gnome | 13:25 |
Denis_Lobanov | Are you use kubuntu? | 13:26 |
James147 | njin: encryption of what? | 13:26 |
xieyi | you upgrade from 10.10 or installed from scratch? | 13:26 |
xieyi | I upgrade from 10.10 and need password to login | 13:26 |
njin | I'm testing kubuntu, but usually i don't use it, encryption for /home | 13:26 |
xieyi | oh sorry | 13:27 |
xieyi | I have not test encryption for directory | 13:27 |
njin | someone can reproduce it i virtual? | 13:27 |
James147 | njin: if you chacked to use encrypted home directories in the kubuntu installer then your home directory is encrypted not he home partition (ie /home/username not just /home) and it is unencrypted with your passsword at login | 13:28 |
Denis_Lobanov | I don't use encryption of home | 13:29 |
Denis_Lobanov | This is useless for me | 13:29 |
njin | James147: thanks, then kubuntu manage this dofferently from ubuntu that, at the first boot, require a passphrase for recovering | 13:31 |
* James147 is suprised that kubuntu would handle it differnetly ^^ | 13:32 | |
njin | James147: i'm experiencing that | 13:33 |
James147 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome ^^ should work like that | 13:34 |
njin | James147: thaks it dont do this 'require a password to log in and decrypt your home directory ' | 13:40 |
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yassine | !list | 14:20 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 14:20 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 15:11 |
tanino | salve a tutti | 15:35 |
tanino | buona pascua | 15:35 |
phoenix_firebrd | gimp works only when i start with sudo else it doesnt start and i am getting a segmentation fault | 15:36 |
phoenix_firebrd | any help | 15:36 |
BluesKaj | !it | tanino | 15:36 |
ubottu | tanino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 15:36 |
tanino | garzie | 15:37 |
BluesKaj | phoenix_firebrd, you could be missing some gnome/gtk libs | 15:37 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: how can i check the missing dependency ? | 15:37 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: but how come it works when i start it with sudo | 15:38 |
BluesKaj | phoenix_firebrd, if you ran a pure kde tutorial then it's possible | 15:38 |
BluesKaj | phoenix_firebrd, whynot just purge it then reinstall , that's the best way to get all dependencies and delete a corrupted config file | 15:39 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: ok | 15:39 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: purged the old i nstall and reinstalled. same error | 15:43 |
BluesKaj | run gimp and post the error by doing dmesg right after | 15:46 |
BluesKaj | pastebin the error phoenix_firebrd | 15:46 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: when i start gimp with --verbose parameter it is starting | 15:46 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: let me check the logs for any error | 15:46 |
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phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: Its working now. i just started it with the --verbose parameter first. after that its starting normally | 15:49 |
BluesKaj | phoenix_firebrd, cool | 15:49 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: confused buddy | 15:49 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: may be i am lucky | 15:50 |
BluesKaj | sometimes , and I don't know why , but that's what it takes for some apps | 15:50 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: ya , very funny. thank you :) | 15:51 |
BluesKaj | like starting in the krunner and then the icon magically appears in the pps menu | 15:51 |
BluesKaj | apps | 15:51 |
BluesKaj | creates alink I guess | 15:52 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: very true | 15:52 |
phoenix_firebrd | BluesKaj: bye | 15:53 |
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Guest71944 | mick | 16:19 |
ephexeve | Hey! | 16:35 |
seven| | hi, no grub.conf? | 17:19 |
seven| | How do I add an entry to grub in kubuntu 11.04? | 17:20 |
Peace- | !grub2 | 17:22 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 17:22 |
tertl3 | i think I messed up my apt-get | 17:43 |
tertl3 | is there a fix all command for apt-get besides -f? | 17:43 |
BluesKaj | tertl3, what's the error say | 17:43 |
tertl3 | libjack0: Depends: lib32jack0 (= 6:1.9.6~dfsg.1-3ubuntu2+fixes1~lucid2) but it is not going to be installed | 17:44 |
tertl3 | anytime I try to install anything I get this | 17:44 |
tertl3 | in kpackage and cli | 17:44 |
tertl3 | BluesKaj: what ever will I do? | 17:45 |
Peace- | tertl3: sudo apt-get remove libjack0 | 17:47 |
Peace- | tertl3: sudo apt-get -f install | 17:47 |
tertl3 | still getting same error | 17:48 |
BluesKaj | tertl3, sudo dpkg --cofigure -a | 17:48 |
BluesKaj | configure | 17:48 |
Peace- | tertl3: you have to remove the pakcage it says | 17:49 |
Peace- | tertl3: and the sudo apt-get -f install | 17:49 |
Peace- | tha's all | 17:49 |
tertl3 | hmm | 17:50 |
tertl3 | still getting error | 17:50 |
Peace- | tertl3: give me the error please | 17:51 |
Peace- | it's hard help you without the exact string | 17:51 |
BluesKaj | what did you try tertl3 ? | 17:51 |
tertl3 | all of em | 17:52 |
tertl3 | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 17:53 |
tertl3 | libjack0: Depends: lib32jack0 (= 6:1.9.6~dfsg.1-3ubuntu2+fixes1~lucid2) but it is not going to be installed | 17:53 |
tertl3 | E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). | 17:53 |
Daskreech | tertl3: apt-cache policy lib32jack0 | 17:57 |
sergio__ | Hola | 18:06 |
sergio__ | ¿qué tal sala? | 18:06 |
Pici | !es | 18:07 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 18:07 |
Njall | Good day all | 18:12 |
tertl3 | Daskreech: i think its a ppa problem from one I added | 18:16 |
Daskreech | tertl3: Fairly certain it is I'm trying to discover which repo is the problem | 18:16 |
Daskreech | BluesKaj: Gu | 18:16 |
Daskreech | Njall: hello | 18:17 |
* Daskreech hugs valorie | 18:17 | |
BluesKaj | hey Daskreech , Happy Easter | 18:18 |
Daskreech | hi BluesKaj :) | 18:20 |
o_oll | So for some reason kubuntu decided to no longer see/mount/make available to mount any of the other partitions on my RAID array. KDE Partition Manager doesn't see the array and instead sees two seperate drives. Ironically I am booted off of this very array. | 18:28 |
o_oll | the array works just fine in windows and even the data i saved to the other partitions with KDE in previous boots is there and fully functional | 18:29 |
o_oll | i didn't make any changes to mounting/fstab/ and so on so this is kind of out of the blue | 18:29 |
o_oll | how do i re-mount the other partitions? | 18:30 |
o_oll | ironocally the labels for the partitions show just fine under /dev/disk/by-label/ | 18:30 |
o_oll | : ( | 18:35 |
o_oll | Am i in the wrong chat? | 18:37 |
BluesKaj | mount /dev/hdX /chroot/dev/sdX --bind | 18:38 |
BluesKaj | hdX or sdX , whatever was assigned to the partition/drive , o_oll | 18:39 |
o_oll | BluesKaj Thanks a ton, I'll give it a shot | 18:40 |
topyli | weirdness. i keep joining #ubuntu-meeting, it never shows up in the channel list in quassel | 18:51 |
topyli | if i switch windows, the only way back to -meeting is to /join again :) | 18:51 |
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Daskreech | maybe you get removed for idling? | 19:06 |
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topyli | Daskreech: i had inadvertently hidden it permanently. someone saved me by hilighting me there, and it showed up again | 19:08 |
Daskreech | topyli: Oh yeah I remember that now | 19:11 |
Daskreech | dangerous :) | 19:12 |
topyli | indeed. i'm a quassel newbie, one thing learned :) | 19:12 |
BluesKaj | does quassel look any better now , or is it still crude? | 19:14 |
topyli | BluesKaj: i can't compare, it's all new to me | 19:15 |
BluesKaj | guess it depends on the windows theme one is using | 19:16 |
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sourcemaker2 | is there a security difference between cbc-essiv:sha256 and xts-plain? | 19:17 |
Daskreech | sourcemaker2: As far as I know in theory sha256 is supposed to be more secure but I don't know thats' ever been demonstrated | 19:20 |
Daskreech | sourcemaker2: I would suspect they are about the same in most cases | 19:21 |
Daskreech | both are about the same level of slow | 19:21 |
sourcemaker2 | Daskreech: Well... I have read that XTS should me more secure... :-) | 19:26 |
Daskreech | sourcemaker2: use that then :) | 19:37 |
spencer | hey | 19:55 |
BluesKaj | gotta get used to this "look" and layout , but Quassel seems not too bad , not as ugly as I remember it | 20:00 |
katsrc | what's the best msn client for kubuntu? | 20:18 |
BluesKaj | katsrc. I used amsn for a while , it worked ok..didn't try any others tho | 20:20 |
katsrc | BluesKaj: what was the other one kmess? | 20:21 |
James147 | !msn | 20:23 |
ubottu | Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin | 20:23 |
James147 | :P | 20:23 |
topyli | for values of support :) | 20:25 |
Denis_Lobanov | How highlit message in quassel to some man? | 20:46 |
Denis_Lobanov | Help | 20:47 |
Denis_Lobanov | How highlite message in quassel to some man? | 20:49 |
topyli | Denis_Lobanov: just say the name | 20:54 |
Denis_Lobanov | shortcat exsists? | 20:55 |
topyli | yes. for my nick, you type "top" then hit the TAB key | 20:55 |
Denis_Lobanov | sks | 20:56 |
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