
strycorehey all00:05
strycorecan somebody explain what is happening here ?  http://strycore.com/videos/lubuntu-wtf.ogv00:05
MrBadWikiIt seems your virtual machine software isn't liking Lubuntu?00:06
strycoreLooks like it00:08
MrBadWikistrycore: If I look at the desktop switcher in the bottom it seems it's already opened once when you double-click it for the second time?00:08
strycorebut someone says it works perfectly with that setup ( http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Talk:Ubuntu_Lucid_on_OLPC_XO#Lubuntu_distro_installed )00:08
strycoreoh I didn't notice the desktop switcher00:09
MrBadWikiIf you look at the clip...you'll see00:09
strycoreit show in the desktop switcher before displying on screen, anyway i tried it making sure there was only one double click andthe window behaves the same way00:11
strycorei'll try installing with the mini.iso ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD ) , I can get lubuntu that way, right ?00:15
MrBadWikiSo waiting a bit more doesn't help?00:15
strycoreI tried lubuntu 10.10 and it didn't have that problem (the problem was that it required 3.5Gb to install and I only have a 2Gb USB stick)00:16
MrBadWikiBut indeed installing with the mini.iso with these instructions ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall ) would work00:16
strycoreok thanks, i'll try that00:17
MrBadWikiBtw...with those instructions you'll only the depended applications. If you want all the default applications change this < sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-desktop > to < sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop >00:18
slackmeistergood morning09:04
slackmeisterhow do you enable compositing?09:11
ericyslackmeister:  What is compositing? (Is that related to having trasparent menu bars and such?)09:57
slackmeisterericy, yes10:00
ericyMrChrisDruif:  I would (also) be interested in transparent menu bars (aka panels) and such.10:00
slackmeisterDocky is a heavy consumer of compositing10:00
MrChrisDruifThere is a lightweight app to enable it10:00
slackmeisterMrChrisDruif, please tell :)10:01
MrChrisDruifLet me find it for ya10:01
jmarsdenhttp://www.dwasifar.com/?p=1442 is a blog article about someone adding compositing and docky to Lubuntu, it might be relevant.10:01
slackmeisterxcompmgr MrChrisDruif ?10:01
slackmeisterjmarsden, thanks10:02
jmarsdenYou're welcome.10:02
slackmeisteryou too MrChrisDruif :)10:02
ericyWhat does docky do?10:02
slackmeisterericy, docky is well... a dock10:02
slackmeisteryou know the thingy OSX has on the bottom screen10:02
slackmeistersame ting10:02
ericyslackmeister:  What does dock mean?10:03
MrChrisDruifIndeed, it performs the same task as the LXDE bar in the bottom...well almost10:03
slackmeisterericy, www.google.com my friend :)10:03
MrChrisDruifIt doesn't have notification area for instance10:03
ericyIn my LXDE , I have a full bar top and bottom.10:03
slackmeisterxcompmgr decided not to like me10:12
slackmeisterit's funny how i started with lubuntu yesterday and bam, i'm in love10:17
phillwslackmeister: it happened that way for me as well :D10:17
* slackmeister is reading jmarsden's link10:17
slackmeisterphillw, hehe ^^10:18
ericyslackmeister:  phillw: I've been using Ubuntu for 2 years. Two months ago I tried Lubuntu and now I don't miss Ubuntu.10:22
slackmeisterUbuntu is ok, but i don't like the way it's currently going10:22
MrChrisDruifWith it's Unity you mean slackmeister?10:23
slackmeisterMrChrisDruif, indeed10:23
ericyI've found Ubuntu 10.10 to be quite good and nice; but I prefer Lubuntu 10.10.10:24
ericyI've setup my Lubunu with a top and bottom panel (just as in Gnome based Ubuntu).10:25
slackmeisteri just love how tidy and minimalistic LXDE is10:26
slackmeisterit doesn't make anything out of itself or anything10:27
MrChrisDruifslackmeister: How do you mean?10:27
slackmeisterMrChrisDruif, it's just there providing what you need and it does it quick10:27
slackmeisterit's not a lot of menus and flashy effects or anything like that10:28
ericyYes, it's hard to explain. When I booted up Ubuntu yesterday, after running Lubuntu for about 2 months... Yes, Ubuntu seems very rich and appealing... but when I'm back to Lubuntu _I don't miss Ubuntu_.10:30
MrChrisDruifI understand what you mean :)10:31
ericyWhere can I post one screenshot?10:37
MrChrisDruifOr even twitpic.com10:41
MrChrisDruifBut you'd need twitter for the latter...10:42
ericyslackmeister: MrChrisDruif: Please see my one Lubuntu screenshot. http://i.imgur.com/PLOdf.png10:43
MrChrisDruifTurquoise panels? =-O10:44
MrChrisDruifAnd 8 desktops? :P10:45
MrChrisDruifAnd minted window borders? :D10:45
MrChrisDruifI'd really freak out if I'd use your Lubuntu....but that is your system, so it's your choice of course :)10:46
MrChrisDruif2 network managers?10:47
MrChrisDruifOr is it even 3?10:47
slackmeisterMrChrisDruif, noticed the same10:47
MrChrisDruifericy: ^10:48
ericyIt's hard to explain.10:48
slackmeisterericy, you just need one network manager don10:48
slackmeisterdon't you?10:49
ericyOne gives me rate/flow feedback, the other just gives me connect and change wlan connection.10:50
slackmeistercompositing just won't work11:00
ericyslackmeister:  What kind of hardware do you have?11:00
slackmeisterit's intelbased11:01
ericyI mean, what kind of graphic ?11:01
slackmeistersome on board intel graphics card11:01
slackmeisterxcompmgr just spits out errors11:57
slackmeisterhow do you change window manager btw?12:20
hyperairwindow-manager --replace?12:21
slackmeisternot found12:22
phillwhiyas hyperair12:29
hyperairhi phillw12:29
hyperairslackmeister: well i really mean replace window-manager with whatever window manager you want to use12:30
slackmeistersudo window-manager compiz?12:30
* hyperair facepalm12:32
hyperairsorry, i'm going to go and jump off a few cliffs for a moment12:32
hyperairoh but you probably want compiz --replace12:32
slackmeisterhyperair, dude just tell me where i type this and i'll may understand12:33
hyperairrun dialog12:33
slackmeisterhyperair, thank you, did know that12:33
slackmeisterthat didn't go too well12:36
Guest81253Anybody familiar with Kernelcheck?12:48
ericyGuest81253:  Not me.12:49
ericyWhat does it do?12:50
Guest81253Automates kernel download and compile12:50
wg67cHi, I have a question about PPA13:08
slackmeisterhyperair, still no luck13:13
=== slackmeister is now known as zonox
tom_fritteri opened a terminal and typed: cd ~/.xchat2 but can't find colors.conf or pevents.conf?13:50
zonoxtom_fritter, maybe a reinstall will be the answer :S13:52
zonoxor find the template file for those two13:52
tom_frittershall do a reinstall of xchat13:53
tom_fritterty zonox13:53
zonoxtom_fritter, np :)13:53
slackmeisterso, why isn't lubuntu supported by Canonical?14:22
phillwslackmeister: Canonical are still writing the rules for a new flavour, we are treated by everyone as a fully adopted member of ubuntu in terms of access to teams etc.14:27
slackmeisterso what's this endorsement thing?14:28
phillwslackmeister: this is best discussed in #lubuntu-offtopic this is a support channel.14:29
slackmeisteri guess14:29
tom_fritterI am using xchat 2.8.8-1ubuntu1 and i have been trying to change the theme16:05
tom_fritterbut when i open a terminal and type: cd ~/.xchat2/16:06
tom_fritteri can't locate the colors.conf and pevents.conf files?16:06
tom_frittercould someone help me please16:07
tom_fritteroh well16:09
kristian_hi all22:10
kristian_this is the dude usually suffixed -aalborg22:10
kristian_I just put Lubuntu 10.10 on a couple of boxen... one is a laptop with wifi, the other a desktop with an ethernet card... I would like to use the laptop as a router of sorts22:11
kristian-livecd_hi all23:46
MrChrisDruifHai kristian-livecd_23:46
kristian-livecd_just put Lubuntu on a Dell workstation with 512 megs of RAM :)23:47
kristian-livecd_MrChrisDruif, Deja Vu!23:47
MrChrisDruifIndeed ;)23:47
kristian-livecd_the end user is vietnamese... I got the language packs I could think of, but only half the menu items are translated23:47
kristian-livecd_all of the main menu is cool, but the apps have english names still23:48
MrChrisDruifIsn't that part of the language preferences?23:48
MrChrisDruifMove all the Vietnamese up to the top and check again?23:49
kristian-livecd_I have to Koi Dang Lai, one moment ;)23:49
kristian-livecd_this is only for this one user23:49

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