
GrueMasterIt works fine here.  I have it working in the netbook image and in the headless image after installing wireless-tools.02:10
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iceberg303GrueMaster:  mine does not wireless-tools are already installed, the complete omap4 extras are installed and still Im unable to get any wireless functions. On top of that the wired LAN changes mac addresses every time the thing goes to sleep or is reset.05:31
iceberg303pandaboard.org and omappedia.org seem to be back up for now05:38
dcordeslilstevie: ping10:53
lilsteviedcordes: pong10:53
dcordeslilstevie: did you experience graphical problems with unity ?10:54
dcordeslilstevie: the menu bar in the left of the screen glitches heavily on my hd210:54
lilstevieI have no 3D10:55
lilsteviestill working at adapting that10:55
lilstevieinstalling natty at the moment10:56
lilsteviestill trying to figure out how I am going to step through oem-config10:57
dcordesok then I understood you wrong10:59
dcordesI thought you ran natty already.10:59
lilstevieI had, but not in a usable form10:59
dcordeswhat's wrong with 'DISPLAY=:0 onboard' in oem-config ?10:59
lilstevieis there a script that I can add that to?11:00
dcordeswhy not running it manually via ADB ?11:01
lilsteviecause my usb gadget is fucked11:01
lilsteviethe samsung proprietry init binary tickles the kernel driver11:02
dcordescan you pastein the .config ?11:03
dcordeswhat is samsung proprietry init binary ?11:04
lilstevieinit in the android ramdisk11:05
lilstevieit is not opensource11:05
dcordesinitramfs ?11:06
dcordes(aka initrd)11:06
lilsteviein the initramfs11:06
dcordesI assume you can't flash your own initramfs ?11:07
lilstevieit gets embedded in the kernel11:08
lilsteviethat isnt the problem11:08
lilsteviethe init binary does the work11:08
lilsteviethe init binary does a lot11:08
dcordesembedded in the kernel.. are you talking about the android flash tools mkboot etc ?11:09
lilsteviewe have none of that11:10
lilsteviethe initramfs gets compiled into the kernel11:10
dcordeslilstevie: any further reading on that & kernel etc in glaxy ?11:23
lilstevietheres the threads on XDA-dev11:24
lilsteviethe kernel is similar the the galaxy s11:24
lilstevieand the kernel source is available from opensource.samsung.com11:24
lilstevieand my mods included are https://github.com/lilstevie/linux_kernel_galaxytab11:25
phhrsalveti: i've been told that you somehow worked on xbmc/gles, has that been packaged ?14:36
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