
duanedesignAverage_Guy: what wireless card do you have? You can get this info by running the following command in the Terminal:   lspci | grep Network00:10
Average_Guyi have :)00:11
Average_Guybroadcom bcm431200:11
Average_Guydownloaded b43-fwcutter_012.orig.tar from launchpad and hybrid-portsrc_x86_32-v5_100_82_38.tar from broadcom00:12
Average_GuyI THINK it's the STA driver and the broadcom firmware extrector linux wants00:13
Average_Guyboth tarballs are sitting in my home folder on the linux partition now /home/robert/00:13
Average_GuyI don't know it they are the right files and I don't know what to do with em00:14
duanedesignAverage_Guy: ok00:17
duanedesignAverage_Guy: looks like it is the STA. The good news is that I think it is in the repository00:18
Average_Guyok.. so?00:19
duanedesignAverage_Guy: could you please try the following command:   sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source00:19
Average_Guyand it should work with no internet connection?00:20
Average_GuyI am in wondows 7 right now00:20
Average_Guyi'll reboot and go try it if ya want00:21
duanedesignAverage_Guy: ahh, i see.00:21
duanedesigndo you have a usb thumbdrive or something you could use to transfer the package?00:22
Average_Guyi can download in windows and drag to my linux partition. i downloaded hybrid-portsrc_x86_32-v5_100_82_38.tar from launchpad which I THINK is the STA driver00:23
Average_Guyit is already in my home folder on the linux partition00:23
Average_Guyi am pretty new to linux tho and don't know what to do next00:24
duanedesignit is much easier if you can get the .deb file00:25
Average_Guywhere might I look?00:26
duanedesigni am looking for it now00:27
Average_GuyTHANK YOU!!!!00:27
duanedesignwhat version of ubuntu00:28
duanedesignAverage_Guy: did you install 32 or 64 bit Ubuntu?00:30
Juestwho can help me i am using ubuntu 10.10 i386 and sound dosen't work because of dummy driver why this??? also i use virtualbox on a winxp.00:30
duanedesignAverage_Guy: ok00:30
duanedesignAverage_Guy: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/bcmwl-kernel-source_5.60.48.36%2Bbdcom-0ubuntu3_i386.deb00:32
Average_Guyon it..00:33
duanedesignJuest:  is it that your sound is shown as Dummy Output in Sound Preferences?00:33
duanedesignAverage_Guy: to intall that deb you should be able to double-click on it once you are in Ubuntu. or run the command:  dpkg -i bcmwl-kernel-source_5.60.48.36%2Bbdcom-0ubuntu3_i386.deb00:34
Average_Guyok. then what? this will make the wireless card work?00:36
Average_Guyi gunna reboot and go try it00:36
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duanedesignAverage_Guy: yes after you install it you will need to reboot00:38
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holsteineiriksvin: youve seen http://forum1.netgear.com/showthread.php?p=226952 ?05:24
eiriksvinohh let me try that05:24
eiriksvinmy trouble is with wpn11105:26
holsteinmaybe you need to blacklist something05:26
eiriksvini cant get netgear rangemax to work05:26
holsteinsomething that is trying to talk to the device05:26
eiriksvinidk how to do that stuff05:26
holsteineiriksvin: are those different things?05:26
holsteinnetgeat rangemax wpn111 ?05:27
eiriksvinthats not it  I have Netgear Rangemax USB Wifi Adapter WPN11105:28
holsteini still think you just dont have the proper driver05:28
holstein*windows driver05:28
holsteinbut who knows05:29
holsteineiriksvin: is it netwpn11.inf ?05:29
eiriksvin1 sec05:30
holstein^ that is old05:30
holsteinso you dont need to do all of that*05:30
holsteinand you have ndisgtk already installed05:30
holsteinthe command "ndiswrapper -l" should come in handy for you05:31
eiriksvinok yes its netwpn111.inf05:33
eiriksvinok so, let me try that05:34
eiriksvinthis is what I got05:35
eiriksvinWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.05:35
eiriksvinnetwpn111 : driver installed05:35
eiriksvindevice (1385:5F01) present05:35
holsteinthats looking right so far05:36
eiriksvinbut its not lighting up my adapter05:37
holsteineiriksvin: is it connecting?05:37
holsteinis it seeing AP's05:37
eiriksvinis there a way to scan for them?05:38
holsteinthey just show up there05:38
holsteinin the network manager05:38
eiriksvin1 sec05:38
holsteinyou just click on the network manager05:38
holsteinand they are there in a list05:38
eiriksvinno  nothings there05:40
holsteinseems like its still not working then05:40
eiriksvinonly my eth005:40
holsteineiriksvin: this is the XP driver right?05:40
eiriksvinwell i have 2 eth0 and eth105:41
eiriksvini have no idea what im doing with this im so friggin cunfused.... i am a noob05:41
holsteinnah, you're doing OK05:42
holsteinyou just got a challenging piece of hardware05:42
holsteinyou should contact netgear05:42
holsteinso they know whats going on05:42
eiriksvinwell thanks, i did manage to get ndiswrapper and the driver in, but idk if its the right one so i tryed to get the updated one...05:43
holsteineiriksvin: if you can wire it up05:43
holsteinand update the machine05:43
holsteinthat can help05:43
eiriksvinok, heres the next thing....05:43
eiriksvini had a boot option it went05:44
eiriksvinto a screen when the computer started that let me choose windows 7 or ubuntu... that was fine05:45
ubot2GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:45
eiriksvini still have it but the top ubuntu choice give me a shpeel about having to load a kernal first... thats supposed to be the newest one... but it aint working?05:46
holsteineiriksvin: run the updates like i suggested05:46
holsteinif its still not working05:47
holsteinlet us know05:47
eiriksvinbut it happened after i updated ubuntu05:48
holsteinso, you dont want to update?05:48
holsteinyou dont have to*05:48
eiriksvinwell sure, is it easy?05:48
holsteinim proposing you might get an update to that kernel05:48
eiriksvinok, thats cool but can it be done via usb?05:51
holsteinin theory you could05:52
holsteinbut you'd have to download the updates somehow05:52
holsteinso, im going to say no05:52
eiriksvindern, ok... i guess im stick with this for a bit05:52
holsteindo it how you did it last time05:53
eiriksvinyeah i got no cd05:53
holsteinjust plug a wire in05:53
holsteineiriksvin: a network cable05:53
holsteinand update05:53
eiriksvinno i got this comp from somone that had it on there but never used ubuntu05:53
holsteinyou said you did an update05:54
holsteinand go that kernel05:54
holsteinthe newer kernel05:54
eiriksvinyep, i did05:54
holsteinthat wont boot05:54
holsteinjust do that again05:54
holsteinand update again05:54
holsteinhowever you did it that time05:54
eiriksvinupdate from this kernel?05:54
holsteinim not srue05:55
holsteinjust take all the updates that are available05:55
eiriksvinyeah cus i dont want to lose this too05:55
holsteinlose what?05:55
holsteinthat kernel?05:55
eiriksvinmy ubuntu05:55
holsteinjust dont remove it05:56
holsteineiriksvin: updating is usually a good idea05:56
eiriksvinoh just dont remove the older stuff button?05:56
holsteintheres not a button like that05:57
holsteinpackages get replaced05:57
holsteinbut the older kernels will just stay there05:57
eiriksvinok well im gonna bring my  computer back home and get on windows to do some studyin05:59
eiriksvini am pretty dumb about all this and i dont want to f thing up any worse05:59
holsteinjust keep your data backed up06:00
eiriksvinyeah will do06:00
Eiriksvinok, back to work...06:28
Eiriksvinim trying to get the win xp driver for Netgear Rangemax WPN111 going06:29
Eiriksvinthe others recognise the device, but they dont let it work... and i cant figure out why06:30
Eiriksvinhow do i get ubuntu to make sure theres nothing else going on with the device to not let it work?06:31
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Average_Guyanyone running 'wbar' dock?13:19
coz_Average_Guy,  I am not sorry13:20
Average_Guycan you recommend a launcher? awn is overkill13:23
coz_Average_Guy,  well I am on the cairo dock team so I am a bit predjudiced :)13:24
Average_Guyi been eyeballin that one:)13:24
coz_Average_Guy,   cairo dock is probably the most complex in terms of configuration   and the most reliable in my opinion13:24
coz_Average_Guy,  you can install it via synaptic package manager ,, or compile it manually  from bzr  which would be the developer's versioin13:25
Average_Guyworking on it13:25
Daniel0108hi coz_13:25
coz_Average_Guy,   make sure you go into synaptic package manager13:25
coz_Daniel0108,  hey guy13:25
coz_Average_Guy,   hit Search and type in cairo dock13:25
coz_Average_Guy,  there will be several packages there13:25
coz_Average_Guy,  just be sure you  install all of the cairo dock packages  not   cairo (clock) :)13:26
coz_Average_Guy,  do you know w hich video card you have there?13:26
Average_Guyati raidon13:27
Average_Guythats all i kno off the top13:27
coz_Average_Guy,   ok  I believe that should be fine with the  opengl  options13:27
coz_Average_Guy,  after installation,, you should see the options of starting it under   Applications/system tools13:27
coz_if on gnome13:27
kristian-aalborgsoo... I have a box with no cd, and I can't get it to boot from USB13:27
coz_Average_Guy,  you want to try the   opengl option first13:27
coz_kristian-aalborg,  oooo  are you sure the option to boot from usb is in the bios?13:28
kristian-aalborgI'm thinking of installing to an usb pen and then move it over... alternatively I might try to install over network13:28
coz_Average_Guy,   there are not many docks available out there and the two main ones are awn and cairo dock13:29
Average_Guyooooooo purdy13:29
coz_Average_Guy,   oh its running now?13:29
Average_Guygot it up now :)13:29
coz_Average_Guy,  there you go13:29
coz_Average_Guy,  now right click the dock  go to Cairo dock   and then configuration13:30
coz_rather Configure13:30
coz_Average_Guy,  the  config dialog will open,, at the bottom left of that dialog is an "Advanced":   button  ,, press it13:30
Average_Guydon't c it13:31
coz_Average_Guy,  did the config window open?13:31
coz_Average_Guy,  ok hit  printscreen to create a screenshot and upload to   picpaste.com then give me the link here13:31
coz_or if you have a dropbox account13:32
coz_doesnt matter ,, I just need to see the config window13:32
kristian-aalborgah... I guess I could simply make a floppy with grub on it, then have an entry that took me to an iso13:33
coz_kristian-aalborg,  mm I havent done that ,, h ope it works :)13:34
coz_Average_Guy,  are you having issues with picpaste?13:36
coz_Average_Guy,  open a terminal   and type     cairo-dock --version13:37
coz_Average_Guy,  ah you are on karmic13:38
coz_Average_Guy,   is this a new install of ubuntu?13:38
coz_Average_Guy,    in that same terminal   lsb_release -a13:39
Average_Guyis say Linux Mint 813:39
coz_Average_Guy,   well in that config panel you can see "Position"   if you click t hat you can set  the dock at the top or sides  if you like13:40
coz_Average_Guy,  or move your panel to the top of the screen and leave the dock at the bottom13:40
coz_and I see you do not have composition on13:41
Average_Guyi don't?13:41
coz_Average_Guy,  let me check mint versions hold on13:41
coz_Average_Guy,  the current Mint is mint 1013:41
coz_Average_Guy,  let me ask,,, is there a reason you went with linux Mint instead of  Ubuntu?13:42
coz_Average_Guy,  if you notice ,, you have a black rectangle around cairo dock.,.. yes?13:43
coz_maybe not ,, it could be your wallpaper13:43
Average_Guyactually i have several versions of both distro13:43
coz_Average_Guy,   which versions of ubuntu do you have?13:43
Average_Guyyeah rectangle is there13:43
Average_Guy10.04 and 10.10 desktop and server13:44
coz_Average_Guy,   ok  and you dont have compiz  running13:44
coz_Average_Guy,   on 10.04 and 10.10  there will be different versions of cairo dock13:44
coz_Average_Guy,  if you dont have compiz running on that mint install open a terminal and type   gconf-editor13:45
Average_Guyi also have puppy, fedora, slack, suse- all i686 and 64 but linux mint and ONLY version 8 is the only one my keyboard works on. and I cant install without it...13:46
coz_Average_Guy,  ok ,, well in mint lets get compositing running13:46
coz_Average_Guy,   open gconf-editor13:46
Average_Guyyes i have compiz13:46
coz_Average_Guy, oh!  ok13:47
coz_Average_Guy,  but it is not running?13:47
Average_Guyit is13:47
Average_Guyi believe13:47
coz_Average_Guy,  mm  are the windows wobbly?13:47
Average_Guyno, but i can make them13:48
coz_Average_Guy,  well  open ccsm  and make them wobbly just to test that it is indeed running13:48
Average_Guyin the manager now13:48
coz_Average_Guy,  ok enable  Wobbly windows13:48
Average_Guywobbly now13:49
coz_Average_Guy,  ok are they wobbly now?13:49
coz_oh ok13:49
coz_Average_Guy,  then compositing is on13:49
coz_Average_Guy,  that black rectangle may just be that themes'  look13:49
coz_Average_Guy,  on that particular version of cairo dock the "Advanced" button is not present13:49
Average_Guyyeah, it is i think. just stands out on the background13:50
coz_Average_Guy,  you can , as I said,, move the dock via the "Position"  plugin in it's config13:50
Average_Guyyeah i raised it an inch13:50
coz_Average_Guy,  or set it to the top or sides13:51
coz_however you prefer it13:51
Average_Guytrying to theme it now.  i not really one of those ppl trying to make my puter look like a mac13:51
coz_Average_Guy,  ok cool :)13:51
Average_GuyI appreciate your help13:51
Average_Guyreally just the difficulty changing the position it exactly y i deleted awn13:52
coz_Average_Guy,  no problem...if you have more questions about cairo dock you can meet me in the #cairo-dock  channel for official support :)13:52
paulskmt5When shutting down Ubuntu (10.04.2 LTS Desktop) warns always that an "unknown" application is active. How can I troubleshoot this?14:04
nlsthzn-worksudo apt-get purge unknown (kidding)... I have no idea :/14:22
japtoli just installed ubuntu onto a virtual box15:42
japtolhow do i start learning it?15:42
holsteinjaptol: maybe pick a specific task15:54
holsteinand go for it15:54
japtolim looking for a small project to work on15:56
japtolin the ubuntuforums15:56
japtolholstein: do you know about gazelle?15:56
holsteinim not familiar japtol15:59
holsteinthese guys make nice web appliances15:59
holsteinthat work great live16:00
japtolwhat r these for?16:00
japtolcan i learn ubunto with them?16:00
holsteinim not sure what you are trying to learn16:00
japtoli want to learn ubuntu16:00
holsteinbut im suggesting that you can learn about certain server elements16:01
japtolso i can learn how to install gazelle onto my VPS16:01
holsteinthat are generic to any platform16:01
japtolcan i learn about them in ubuntu on my virtual box16:01
holsteinjaptol: you are interested in file sharing?16:02
japtolthats what i want to install16:03
holsteinin what capacity?16:03
japtolright now16:03
japtolim just interested in learning how to install it16:04
holsteinits easy to set up a torrent server16:04
japtolhavent thought about the torrents yet16:04
japtolor capacity16:04
holsteinjaptol: that link i gave seems to talk about installing gazelle16:04
japtolim reading it16:04
japtoli got a VPS16:05
japtolbut im having trouble with the installation steps16:05
japtoli don't know how to execute some of them16:05
japtolthis is the installation guide im using16:06
japtolu might get a 40416:06
japtolu'll have to register to view it :/16:06
holsteinmaybe you'd feel more comfortable installing something from the default repositories16:07
japtoldefault repositories? like what?16:08
japtolim using putty16:09
japtolto log into my root16:09
holsteinjaptol: like some other software with that functionality16:09
japtolfor my VPS16:09
holsteinsomething easier to deal with16:09
holsteinwhat is the goal?16:09
holsteinyou can upload and download files via SSH or SFTP16:10
japtolim using putty16:16
japtolto install the gazelle16:16
japtolmy goal is to set up a site like what.cd16:16
japtoljust as an experiment16:16
japtoli want to make a private website16:16
holsteinputty is just a way for you to connect16:16
japtolyep im using putty to ssh16:16
holsteinthere are ways to do that with content management systems right?16:17
holsteinmaybe that would be easier, and give more funcionality as well16:18
holsteinmaybe something like http://www.fbloggs.com/2009/06/11/how-to-make-content-private-in-drupal/16:19
japtolim not sure16:24
japtolill look into it16:24
holsteinjaptol: im not a web guy16:24
holsteinbut drupal is huge16:24
holsteindrupal joomla and wordpress are well known16:25
holsteinand well supported16:25
japtoli c16:25
holsteinive set up test cases of each16:25
holsteinthis is the first mention of gazelle16:25
japtoldoes that help me install gazelle?16:25
holsteinand by searching around16:25
holsteinits seems more obscure16:25
holsteinbut, do-able16:25
holsteinjaptol: im suggesting one of those with private content as an alternative to gazelle16:26
holsteinif the goal is to install gazelle16:26
holsteinyou'll probably have to contanct someone more envolved in that project16:26
holsteinbut, if you want to host private content16:26
holsteinon a webserver16:26
holsteinthere are alternatives16:27
holsteinlots of them*16:27
paulskmt5xawtv problem: tuner seems to run free. Some moments I hear sound from a tv channel "passing by" but no video. Was working before. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop17:01
virgomy keyboard does not have ^ character19:09
virgois there a way to change some settings to get in ob my keyboard19:09
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attackulzI find I get the best help here19:33
attackulzanyone around?19:33
* holstein is moderately available19:34
* nlsthzn waves but knows nothing so just lurks19:35
attackulzahaha you again19:35
attackulznumpad is out on my laptop. it used to work. about a month ago it went out and all I did was open the keyboard settings and it came back on.. this time its been about 2 weeks and I dont know what the problem is19:35
holsteinattackulz: its not a hardware problem?19:39
attackulzmore then likely not.  Its less then a year old19:40
attackulzand I treat my computer well19:40
holsteinlike that matters19:40
holsteinits a computer ;)19:40
attackulzand considering last time i oppened up the keyboard menu and it kicked back on tells me its probably not19:40
holsteinthat supports the software problem theory19:41
holsteinbut, does not confirm it19:41
holsteinattackulz: thats what i use live CD's for19:41
holsteinif you boot up into your OS19:41
attackulzso pretty much19:41
attackulzif any hardware is fucking up19:41
holsteinand the numbers dont work19:41
attackulzi run the live cd19:41
holsteinand they do with a live CD19:41
holsteinthen, you can assume its something with your install19:42
attackulzsame ol thing19:42
holsteinattackulz: so, its broken with a live CD too?19:42
attackulzno i mean same thing as i had to try with my last problem19:42
holsteinattackulz: is there a numlock light?19:42
attackulzyeah. I wish that were the problem19:43
virgoanyone knows how to get ^ character from keyboard if there is no key with this?19:43
attackulzits not above the 6...19:44
nlsthznvirgo: long shot... try openoffice writer... insert character... copy and paste from there?19:44
virgohaha how do you think i did write this character to this chat19:45
virgothats not the solution i am looking for but yeah, it may be the best19:46
holsteinvirgo: whats above 6 ?19:47
attackulzI have no clue if im right at all because I have not oppened this application yet to see what it does. but what about 'keyboard shortcutts'19:47
holsteinattackulz: is there a numlock light?19:47
attackulzyeah there is19:47
attackulzand its not off19:47
holsteinattackulz: so the light comes on19:47
holsteinand it doesnt work?19:48
holsteindoes the light do anything?19:48
attackulzno lite19:48
virgo¬¬ these pointless characters would be good to replace with something useful19:48
holsteinvirgo: where are you?19:49
holsteinwhat kind of keyboard is that?19:49
nlsthznvirgo: do you have US keyboard selected?19:49
holsteinyeah, try a US keyboard layout19:49
holsteinand shift+619:49
virgothen all the other keys will get messt up19:50
attackulzoh my fuck19:50
virgoand no üõöä that are required for my language19:50
holsteinvirgo: you should be able to select19:50
holsteinput a shortcut in the panel19:50
holsteinjump between them as needed19:50
attackulzi got this idea when u mentioned numlock that made me think that maybe the numlock key was not ingaging properly. I took it off and pressed real hard and bam. 4546413216518561319:50
holsteinseemed so much like hardware19:51
virgoi had also keyboard hardware problems(wire) some weeks ago, but thats another story :)19:53
virgogot fixed easy with some soldering19:54
kristian_hi all19:56
virgothere is no english keyboard availible on the list :S19:57
kristian_can I have a wire from my (wifi-enabled) laptop to a desktop, using it as a router=19:57
kristian_hi virgo19:58
kristian_what should I ask the google for instructions?19:58
virgowith latest ubuntu its very easy to share internet like this19:58
kristian_this is Lubuntu 10.1019:58
virgosame as mine19:58
kristian_actually, the laptop has no OS as we speak though19:59
virgoset LAN ipv4 settings to shared to others19:59
virgoi have one very old laptop sharing internet like this20:00
virgoit gets internet from usb stick20:00
virgoand shares to lan20:00
virgoyou even dont need to install20:00
virgojust use live cd20:00
kristian_yes, I guess the router box could easily be very old20:00
virgoand on the install screen you can setup internet20:00
virgomine even does not have HDD20:00
kristian_livecd of Lubuntu or Ubuntu... or both?20:01
virgomine was ubuntu netbook 10.1020:01
virgoi guess any latest installer should have network setup possibilities before install20:02
kristian_virgo, something like this: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-easily-share-your-wireless-connection-in-ubuntu-9-10/20:03
kristian_that seems doable ;)20:04
virgowhere does your wireless come?20:04
kristian_from a router20:05
kristian_my own... local WAN20:05
virgoand it doesnt have wire ports?20:05
virgofor LAN20:05
kristian_it's in another room, and I only have one short wire ;)20:05
virgowell, using working laptop as a router is kinda waste, but if you have it anyway, then you can use it20:08
kristian_it'll only be temporary... two days or so20:09
FanshaweHello folks. I can't edit recurrences for specific events in Evolution's calendar anymore. What's happened?20:13
japtolhow do i get into vhost /var/www20:26
japtolin my root20:26
virgocd ..20:26
virgo2 times20:27
virgoand then cd var/www20:27
virgoin terminal20:27
stlsaintwhere are you trying to get into?20:28
stlsaintvirgo: ^^20:31
stlsaintopps wrong person20:31
stlsaintanyway you will want to do a /var/www instead of var/www20:31
stlsaintvar/www will make the system assume that there is a var directory in the root folder20:31
John__I have been running live discs and USB drives without installing.  When I run them, I have no internet or apparent option to connect to it.  The computer's physical button is set to connect.  Any possible reasons?20:32
virgostlsaint: there is var directory in root folder20:33
John__I am completely new at this and have no clue as to what you said.  Sorry.20:34
nlsthznJohn__: hardware your using?20:35
John__I have a dell laptop studio laptop20:36
nlsthznJohn__: top right there should be a network icon... have you clicked on it and can you see wireless networks being displayed?20:38
John__I don't rember it. but I should and will check again.20:39
nlsthznJohn__: also, in terminal you can run "sudo ifconfig -a" should show all your network interfaces... look for wlan0... if it is there you can try "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" if memory serves...20:40
japtoli got a question20:40
japtolim trying to update software/ package cache20:41
japtolundrer /var/www20:41
* nlsthzn is a bit of a noob :/20:41
japtoli type sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade20:41
John__thanks, I will try that20:41
japtoland ig et the message20:41
japtolsudo: aptitude: command not found20:41
nlsthznjaptol: apt0-get?20:41
nlsthznjaptol: apt-get?20:41
coalwaterhello every one20:41
japtolwut r u asking n1sthzn?20:42
japtolapt-get install aptitude doesnt work either20:42
nlsthznwhy use aptitude, when you can use apt-get... or use apt-get to install aptitide20:42
virgoyou wanna do apt-get update?20:42
japtoland upgrade20:42
nlsthznthen do the above but replace aptitude with apt-get20:43
virgoso why cant do "sudo apt-get upgrade" ?20:43
japtolim done with both20:44
japtolapt-get upgrade, apt-get update20:44
japtolnow  i assume: apt-get install build-essential gcc wget subversion automake libtool make g++ -f mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-serialization-dev zlib1g-dev libpng-dev libmcrypt-dev libxml2-dev libevent-dev libmysqld-dev20:45
japtoli get this message20:46
japtolNote, selecting libpng12-dev instead of libpng-dev20:46
japtolE: Couldn't find package libmysqld-dev20:46
coalwaterany one can help me about ubuntu beginners team?20:46
stlsaintcoalwater: sup what would you like to know?20:47
stlsaintjaptol: means the package you wanted to install doenst exist in repo20:47
coalwaterstlsaint: i did every thing in this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Membership but i dont know what i need to do now20:47
stlsaintcoalwater: you sent a email to the team ml?20:48
japtolstlsaint, how do i fix that20:48
stlsaintjaptol: grab the right package ;)20:48
stlsaintjaptol: what is it that you are trying to install20:48
japtolim just folllowing the installation guide directions20:49
japtolthe first step20:49
japtol1. Update software, and package cache:20:49
japtolsudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade20:49
japtoli did that already20:49
coalwaterstlsaint:  yea 2 days ago, and duane hinnen replied, then i sent a reply about 21 hours ago, and got another reply about 15 hours ago from the same person20:49
stlsaintcoalwater: alright well the rest is up to you20:50
stlsaintcoalwater: hang out here in the channel and get a feel for everyone20:50
stlsaintcoalwater: eventually you would ask a current mentor to be your mentor20:50
stlsaintcoalwater: if that mentor chooses to take you on then they will handle the rest of the process20:50
coalwaterstlsaint: yea, i put my name on the waiting list lol20:50
stlsaintcoalwater: aye20:51
stlsaintcoalwater: are you currently familiar with ubuntu?20:51
coalwateryea, started using it regularly like a year ago20:51
stlsaintcoalwater: good good, it would serve best if you offered some support to folks as they come in20:52
stlsaintcoalwater: you do not have to be a member to give support20:52
virgobut i think you have some more responsibility about what you suggest to people20:53
stlsaintwell of course, if you are found giving harmful advice im sure admin actions will follow20:53
coalwaterrm -rf / lol jk20:54
virgoif you are some random person like me and tell people to screw hard drive or whatever, then nothing happens to me20:54
stlsaintvirgo: on the contrary you can be quickly banned20:54
stlsaintno one is protected from the BAN hammer ;)20:55
virgotrue :)20:55
stlsaintcoalwater: aye, never give that ;)20:55
coalwaterim kinda impatient, wish someone could just start showing me how to do some package coding20:55
stlsaintpackage coding???20:56
coalwateri mean20:56
stlsaintThat is two different focus groups20:56
coalwaterlike packages20:56
stlsaintpackaging? like MOTD?20:56
coalwaterok i don't know what that is, i just meant like debugging, developing , etc .. i thought i should start here rather than just jump into the other focus group directly20:57
virgoThe Ubuntu Beginners Team exists to enhance the initial experience of new Ubuntu users and to guide existing Ubuntu users to become part of the global Ubuntu community20:58
coalwaterso what are mentors for20:58
coalwateror masters20:58
virgoi would want to get to this Beginners Team too some day20:58
stlsaintmentors help you get acquainted within the team20:58
coalwaterok so let's say i have some programming experience, but not specifically in ubuntu, what am i supposed to do20:59
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
seidoswhat do you want to do?21:00
virgocoalwater: lets do some oss project21:00
coalwaterwhats oss21:00
virgothere are many projects21:01
virgoand sure need coders21:01
stlsaintcoalwater: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam21:01
virgoor you can think something out yourself and make project21:01
coalwaterok so i should try the begginers dev?21:02
stlsaintcoalwater: sure :)21:02
stlsaintcoalwater: although that will still not grant you BT membership21:03
stlsaintmembership comes upon voting21:03
stlsaintol faithful digital democracy21:03
coalwaternothing comes easy huh lol21:03
stlsaintnhandler: Hello21:03
stlsaintnhandler: just saying hello since i havent spoken with ya in some months21:04
coalwaterso votes come by getting recognized by people in the irc?21:04
virgoi guess you must be pro programmer to get into ubuntu-dev team21:04
stlsaintcoalwater: yep21:04
stlsaintvirgo: nope21:04
coalwatervirgo:  not really pro21:04
stlsaintvirgo: dev membership comes by testing/voting21:05
coalwatervirgo: since i spent some time doing this i could give it to someone to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/coalwater lol21:05
stlsaintcoalwater: did you put that in your letter to the mailing list? (the wiki link)21:06
coalwateryea, there's an email template in the membership page, i also put my launchpand link21:06
virgohaha, im trying to learn python also21:07
coalwatervirgo:  python is pretty interesting, and widely used in a lot of things21:07
stlsaintas i am in python21:07
coalwaterso , what do people do usually in the meetings21:09
stlsaintdiscuss team motions and such21:10
nhandlerHowdy stlsaint21:10
coalwaterok so stlsaint there's something i need to understand a bit, am i supposed to aim at membership here first then switch to the dev focus group or should i just try to get there first, or should i get a master first lol21:15
stlsaintcoalwater: meh, you can enter the dev channel the same way you did here and just get acquainted with folks21:16
stlsaintno need to put a order on things for now21:16
coalwaterand how do i get the membership then, votes wont come by their selves :D21:17
stlsaintcoalwater: you have to meet and great folks21:18
stlsaintspend some QT in this channel getting to know folks21:18
stlsaintyour mentor will handle all the other stuff and guide you along21:19
coalwater:o the dev page has a quick start guide, cool lol21:19
coalwaterthat's a huge list to study, guess i know what im gonna do now lol21:21
coalwaterstlsaint: what's QT by the way lol21:24
stlsaintquality time :D21:24
stlsaintjaptol: sorry bout that21:37
stlsaintwell i must depart for the night good folks21:39
holsteinanybody using back in time ?21:49
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
coalwaterholstein:  what's it for?21:59
holsteincoalwater: seems like a time-machine clone22:02
holsteini mean that only from the description22:02
holsteini think i'll install it though22:02
coalwaterthat sounds like it could come in handy, if that's what it is22:02
japtolhow do i add extension=memache.so to my php.ni (/usr/local/lib/php.ini_22:06
japtolin debian 522:06
japtolwud appreciate if someone can help me with this22:06
holsteini would probably use nano japtol22:06
japtoli cant find the answer in google22:06
holsteinyou can just gedit though if you prefer22:06
kristian_hi again22:06
kristian_can't get the laptop-router thing working22:07
holsteinkristian_: alborg?22:07
kristian_holstein, yeah22:07
holsteinkristian_: it seemed really easy from the gnome network manager22:07
kristian_it sure did :P22:08
holsteini remember setting it up once really easily22:08
holsteini forget which way though22:08
holsteinand its been a while22:08
holsteini think i was coming from wifi22:08
kristian_this is Lubuntu, so the interface is slightly different22:08
holsteinand sharing the lan on the netbook22:08
holsteinkristian_: the network tool is different too ?22:08
holsteinthats wicd?22:08
kristian_I have wifi here also... I want to wire it to a desktop22:09
holsteini would try downloading a live CD22:09
kristian_yes, I think it's from LXDE all of it22:09
holsteinwith gnome22:09
holsteinand try it from there22:09
holsteinwith the gnome network tool22:09
kristian_I guess I could do that22:09
holstein*just because it worked for me, and there are guides for that22:09
holsteinthen, i bet when you get it going once or twice22:09
holsteinyou can figure out how to do it with wicd22:09
kristian_the thing is that there's an equally "simple" thing for it in my DE22:10
holsteinkristian_: yeah, i just cant confirm that22:11
holsteinsince i havet tried in wicd22:11
holsteini know i got it working once in gnome22:11
holsteinit could be a 'coming soon' feature ;)22:12
kristian_I will look around the house... I think I might have an Ubuntu cd thingie somewhere ;)22:15
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
kristian-livecd_holstein, yo23:23
kristian-livecd_I'm online, wooooh!23:26
holsteinkristian-livecd_: :)23:26
MrChrisDruifkristian-livecd_: Good going23:27
kristian-livecd_yeah... I'm still unsure if it's LXDE who's not ready or me who's dumb, though23:38
* MrChrisDruif doesn't know...only you can kristian-livecd_23:39
kristian-livecd_btw, the "user-friendliness" of the Ubuntu livecd has gotten too far when you have to press a secret key to get to the custom settings... and those settings are necessary to even start from a 2003 high-scale laptop23:39
MrChrisDruifWhat custom settings?23:40
kristian-livecd_also, the "install ubuntu" option, which it booted to halted23:41
MrChrisDruifAlright...I never needed to use that23:41
charlie-tcaXubuntu doesn't require so much effort ;-)23:44
kristian-livecd_MrChrisDruif, I've had to use it for a lot of HW23:44
kristian-livecd_including my parents' brand new super duper laptop23:44
MrChrisDruifcharlie-tca: Xubuntu is a bit older, isn't it? And it's got full support of Ubuntu/Canonical ;)23:45
charlie-tca1st Ubuntu release was in 2005, 1st xubuntu release a year later23:45
kristian-livecd_it's silly... the beauty of the linux kernel is the possibility to flex around so much hardware23:46
charlie-tcabut xubuntu does not use unity, and doesn't mask the cd menu23:46
MrChrisDruifcharlie-tca: Yeah, and Lubuntu is like a year old?23:46
charlie-tcasomething like that23:46
MrChrisDruif...and it's not an official derivate yet :)23:47
charlie-tcaoh, yeah, it is older than Lubuntu23:47
charlie-tcaXubuntu is official, unsupported derivative, Lubuntu is unofficial, unsupported derivative23:47
MrChrisDruifUnsupported? Alright...23:49
charlie-tcathe only supported versions are Ubuntu and Kubuntu23:50
charlie-tcaWe get help from the developers, but no money from Canonical23:50
MrChrisDruifWell...that is what I meant...support from devs :)23:51
* charlie-tca has to use the disclaimer now, I am the Xubuntu Project Lead23:51
charlie-tcaoh, yeah, we do get support from the devs, for which we are very thankful23:52
seidos"back alley support"23:53
charlie-tcaWe would like to possibly discuss the procedures to become official at UDS. There seems to be nothing actually written for it.23:53
* MrChrisDruif is just a little admin/wiki-worker :P23:53
charlie-tcaheh, I started there in 200723:53
* seidos is just a little writer23:53
charlie-tcaI started by just making a few spelling corrections on the wiki23:54

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