
mhall119akgraner: ping02:48
mhall119nvm, I have it02:50
mhall119anybody else interested in alpha-testing a web based feed reader/organizer?03:01
nhandlermhall119: I'd give it a try. I currently use google reader for my feeds03:28
mhall119nhandler: send me an email, mhall119 <at> gmail, and I'll set up an account for you and reply with instructions, etc03:59
nigelbmhall119: I want :D05:33
mhall119nigelb: sent you an email with login and instructions13:36
nigelbmhall119: yup, looking through.13:39
nigelbhey cjohnston15:09
mhall119facebook recommendations amuse me15:10
nigelbI got recommended to be friends of Michelle :p15:12
mhall119you're not already?15:14
nigelbno no15:14
nigelbfriend of her friends.15:14
mhall119oh, ok15:14
mhall119they're an interesting lot15:15
mhall119course, you're probably already friends with half of them15:15
nigelbnah, adding them on fb would be creepy :p15:15
nigelbbut yeah, all the Ubuntu folks already are :-)15:15
mhall119yeah, I only friend people I 1) actually know and 2) actually like15:15
mhall119I post on my local rep's wall frequently, and get a lot of "I like your politics, lets be friends" from other people15:16
nigelbI add people I've met in real life, talked to often on IRC to call them my friends :-)15:16
mhall119how'd I sneak in ;)15:16
nigelbI think the bit were you taught me version control for the first time :-)15:17
nigelbYou and doctormo.15:17
mhall119and then you went to git, I don't know where I went wrong15:17
nigelbeven more sadly, my work uses svn.15:18
nigelbI should probably have it on my resume. I know svn, but if you want me to use it, Id rather reject your offer.15:18
mhall119aw, svn? I'm so sorry15:18
mhall119get bzr-svn (or git equivilent) and just don't tell anyone15:19
nigelbhrm, I think I will do that Monday.15:20
mhall119bzr-svn is pretty cool15:20
mhall119local bzr, push to svn15:20
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler

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