
mw007mainerror: worked like a charm, but the theme seems a bit messed up (looks like an old gnome theme). Is there anyway to get the nice-looking default theme that was on the gnome3 test disk?00:01
mainerrormw007, I'm sorry I can't help with Gnome 3 issues. You might find an answer on Ask Ubuntu.00:03
mw007mainerror: awesome, thanks :)00:03
mainerrorI'm a happy Unity user ;)00:03
mw007mainerror: I haven't tried that yet. And I didn't see it in the desktop list when I logged in. I'll try it out :)00:05
mw007mainerror: I can just run sudo apt-get install unity?00:07
mainerrorhold on a second, what Ubuntu version were you using? 11.04?00:07
mw007yep :)00:07
mainerrorthen it is installed by default, if you system provides 3D acceleration then Unity is default, if not then the classic Gnome 2.x look will load00:08
mw007odd, a search for it is saying it's not installed. I wonder if I did something wrong during the dist-upgrade today. Sorry, I'm a converted arch user, and haven't quite gotten the concept of big releases lol00:10
mainerrordon't worry we were all new at some point ;)00:11
mainerrora dist-upgrade you say, I have to admit that I have no experience with that since I always go with a fresh install00:12
mw007yea, i used the gui to upgrade. Everything went smoothly, or so I thought. I'm going back through and seeing what I can find. Unity is definitely not installed unfortunately00:13
mw007Thanks for the help! I'll see if I can find something in the forums :)00:14
mainerrormw007, make sure search for an answer on Ask Ubuntu as well, chances are good to find an answer, if not then you can just ask ;)00:16
mainerrortime to get some sleep, night all00:16
mw007nite man, thanks again!00:16
mainerroryou're welcome00:16
imachine_anyone using the gnome3 shell yet?00:24
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imcx2is everyone asleep? ;)00:28
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hyperairwhat's the correct package to be filing bugs regarding the overlay scroll bar?13:36
hyperairnevermind, i think i see it13:36
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imachine_happy easter everyone22:39

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