
=== KB1JWQ is now known as corey
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david234_any one here use checkinstall ?02:02
david234_I am install a .deb that calls the mkdir command, is there an easy way to make all the mkdir commands, "mkdir -p" commands ?02:04
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thebigtim having problems getting my install cd to boot. im useing a cd that i know is good, did my bios and unpluged the other cd rom .any thing else i can try?03:25
thebigtanyone here03:54
MK``Hi I was wondering if I could get some information: What packages does Ubuntu Server include compared to the Desktop edition? Is it just minus the games, office stuff, and GNOME?03:55
thebigti think there is some server specific pacages too but dont quote me04:09
thebigtalso i got it figured it out im just a idiot that tried to put a dvd into cdrom04:12
MK``Haha I have a CD-ROM drive04:14
MK``it's in my tower but it's not even plugged into the mobo04:14
MK``anyway I looked up my question and found an FAQ on the site:04:15
MK``*The first difference is in the CD contents. The "Server" CD avoids including what Ubuntu considers desktop packages (packages like X, Gnome or KDE), but does include server related packages (Apache2, Bind9 and so on). Using a Desktop CD with a minimal installation and installing, for example, apache2 from the network, one can obtain the exact same result that can be obtained by inserting the Server CD and installing apache204:16
MK`` from the CD-ROM. *The Ubuntu Server Edition installation process is slightly different from the Desktop Edition. Since by default Ubuntu Server doesn't have a GUI, the process is menu driven, very similar to the Alternate CD installation process. * Ubuntu server installs a server-optimized kernel by default.04:16
thebigti thougt about ripping mine out of the damn thing after i figured it out04:16
MK``heh; so I guess the major difference is the kernel.04:21
thebigtim not too sure i haven gotten too in to it yet im just getting 2nd server going04:25
MK``Seems the kernel changes between generic and server are pretty tiny heh04:32
MK``just small optimizations04:32
thebigtit seem to run nice i stream music off a10+ year old computer no problem04:34
MK``i/o scheduling type seems to be the biggest change04:35
MK``server prioritizes read requests over write requests04:35
MK``desktop treats them equally04:35
CrazyGirhello! am I correct in believing ubuntu-server is missing common packages like man pages? (man-db)04:36
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CrazyGirwhile I have grub, I am also missing /etc/default/grub, which seems odd04:37
MK``I can't help here :) sounds strange it'd be missing the manuals though04:38
pmatulisCrazyGir: how (and what release) did you install?04:39
CrazyGirthis is a  10.10 kvm vm, installed with vm-builder, from the officil mirrors, including main and I believe universe.04:43
CrazyGirMK``: I was able to iinstall them with apt, but yea.. I'm curious what else it is missing04:43
CrazyGiras well as what may have been needed to have been done differently during install or somethin04:43
CrazyGirpmatulis: ^04:46
pmatulisCrazyGir: right, you used vmbuilder (jeos).  that will not give you a lot of packages (such as 'man')04:51
pmatulis!jeos | CrazyGir04:52
ubottuCrazyGir: JeOS (pronounced "Juice") is Just enough Operating System.  It is an efficient variant of the Ubuntu Server operating system, configured specifically for virtual appliances. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos for more information.04:52
CrazyGirpmatulis: interesting, would this be due to my using the server release, where as one of my co-admins used the generic release?05:03
CrazyGirpmatulis: unfortunately, that link just redirects you to a page with _far_ less informaiton05:07
CrazyGiris there a way to get a specific list of what packages are missing?05:07
CrazyGirand any insight into why grub doesn't have /etc/default/grub?05:07
=== cole is now known as Guest12710
DrkMachineI am having an issue with seeing my Samba shares over openvpn on ubuntu server 10.10.07:27
DrkMachinewow another dead end.07:32
eichihello. how can I test, of my server reaches its dns server? ping does not work11:00
eichiping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted11:00
cortex_skeichi: dig11:39
cortex_skor traceroute?11:39
eichicortex_sk: ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached11:45
cortex_skeichi: try dig google.com @
eichisame :(11:46
eichithink, its a firewall problem11:47
eichibut dns is allowed input and output11:48
Libertyis there any good reason for me to upgrade from 10.4 to 11.4 ?14:43
* Liberty is trying to understand a good upgrade path fr his server14:48
Libertyshould I upgrade from 10.4 to 11.4?14:49
RoyKLiberty: for servers, staying at LTS releases is usually the best, unless you need some new software in the newer versions14:50
RoyKif you want to upgrade 10.04, that should be upgraded to either 10.10 or to the next LTS release, 12.04, when that arrives14:50
Libertykewl .. thats what I have been wondering ..   I dread the idea of reconguring.. and it seems servrs doesn't change so much between releases14:52
RoyKLiberty: some things always change, but LTS releases are generally safe14:53
Libertyyeah I am at 10.4 on the desktop, but I might regret not updating those till LTS, but the server works hate to mess with it14:56
RoyKI generally keep servers untouched unless there's a good reason for upgrading15:02
RoyKa new LTS release isn't necessarily a good reason alone15:02
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kellnolasamba 4 would be a good reason to upgrade to 12.04 (if indeed it makes it in)15:45
kellnolabut unless there's something very pressing I would not upgrade a server until around EOL time15:45
nixoninnesHey. Im having some problems with my java vm, it keeps randomly crashing . I've tried both sun & openJDK, both behave the same18:05
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nixoninnesHey everyone. Im having some problems with my Java VM (64bit).; it's very unstable, and keeps crashing.  I've tried both openJDK and sun, but both behave the same way. Im running an AMD core &  ATI drivers for mobo utilities. I've read that there are some problems with Java and some ATI drivers, however I thought this was only graphics related and my server doesnt use a GUI. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing the VM to implod21:06
nixoninnesSorry, just to add to that; it's typically libjvm which is the "problematic frame"21:08
lenios_is there something in the logs?21:10
lenios_crash report or something21:10
nixoninnesYeah, i'll paste the head of it:21:14
nixoninnes# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:21:14
nixoninnes#  SIGBUS (0x7) at pc=0x00007f0448cdcd65, pid=1748, tid=13965621721676821:14
nixoninnes# JRE version: 6.0_24-b0721:14
nixoninnes# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (19.1-b02 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)21:14
nixoninnes# Problematic frame:21:14
nixoninnes# V  [libjvm.so+0x18cd65]21:14
nixoninnes# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:21:14
nixoninnes#   http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp21:14
nixoninnesthe full paste is here http://pastebin.com/dQ7LzgLq21:17
guntbert!pastebin | nixoninnes21:17
ubottunixoninnes: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:17
nixoninnesSorry; http://paste.ubuntu.com/598419/21:19
RoyK22:14 < nixoninnes> #   http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp21:19
nixoninnesYeah, I've submitted a bug report; but was just checking with you guys whether you'd seen anything similar for a quicker fix21:20
anonissimusI added a virtual host to apache but it does not seem to work, I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/httpd.html but blog.domain.tld does not show even though it points to /var/www/blog21:29
anonissimusif I check apache2ctl -S it reports it right21:30
RoyKdoes it show up in `ps axf`?21:31
RoyKI've seen apache turn zombie for some time after a reload21:32
RoyKdoesn't last long, though21:32
anonissimusseems to be fine, though I don't know what that should return21:33
anonissimusthe main instance works21:33
anonissimusdomain.tld shows the main page21:33
anonissimusRoyK: any other ideas?21:39
RoyKsorry, no21:40
anonissimusno probs, this has been a bitch so far, first followed the apache instructions, then followed the ubuntu instructions21:42
anonissimusnow lost with only the main domain working21:42
anonissimusanyone around to help me with this apache virtual host issue?22:34
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