
maurimy internet connettion with natty is tooooooo slow09:22
mauriwhat i should do09:22
mauriis there anyone that can help me09:27
ScottLcan someone help check some ISO's?  if these aren't checked then we don't release14:07
ScottLmainly need help with amd64, i'm working though the i38614:08
holsteinScottL: i can hopefully do that tomorrow16:11
holsteinmaybe even later today16:11
holsteini'll check in and see who's doing what16:12
holsteinScottL: im unclear about something from the UI thread thats going on16:12
holsteinDocky doesn't accomplish as much of the "panel replacement" requirements as AWN16:12
holsteini feel like we are introducing a new element16:13
holsteinmore so than replacing a panel16:13
holsteinsince the top panel is staying in place16:13
holsteinand we are adding something to the current UI16:13
holsteinso its not really limited by past functionality16:13
ScottLholstein, i'm not sure the top panel is really staying in place16:39
ScottLi agree that having both the top panel and the dock would be doubly redundant16:40
holsteinoh yeah?16:40
holsteinthis is a panel replacement?16:40
holsteini havnet seen that screenshot yet16:41
holsteinwith just a dock and no panel16:41
ScottLcory posted one from imagebin (i think) that just had the dock at the bottom16:41
ScottLi've been using something similar for a week or so and i'm digging it16:41
holsteini'll have to search for it16:41
holsteini was really liking the xubuntu default16:41
holsteinwith a transparent panel as a dock16:42
ScottLholstein, that is certainly an option16:43
ScottLwithin the next month we need to solidify the UI layout16:44
ScottLwe seem to be over the hump with the xfce direction16:44
holsteinyeah, im going to keep quiet16:44
ScottLholstein, nah, say what you want to say, if people don't voice their opinions then no one knows how everyone else feels16:44
holsteini have, and its cool16:45
ScottLholstein, which UI thread is that?  i want to mention that we should be making a decision during next month16:45
holsteinagain, i know how to get rid of whatever dock16:45
ScottLholstein, screenshots aside, if you had your choice (forget what is possible or not possible), what would you like the UI to be like?17:11
macinnisrrScottL; how's your unity experience been?17:32
ScottLmacinnisrr, ah, i17:41
ScottLcrap he's gone alrady17:41
ScottLalready even17:41
ScottLholstein, i think i saw the posts you were talking about earlier18:15
holsteinScottL: sorry i got busy there for a bit19:04
ScottLno problem, holstein , i thought you were mad at me :P19:04
holsteinwell, i want to be cleat that i really dont care about the UI19:05
holsteini can totally fade into the background on that one19:05
holsteini just dont like docks19:05
ScottLi'm curious why you don't like docks, don't they more or less function the same as a panel?19:07
ScottLdo you point quick launch icons on the panel?19:07
holsteinthats another reason why i dont get it19:07
holsteini mean, theres a panel19:07
holsteinalready there19:07
holsteinwhy add another piece of software?19:07
holsteinand the overhead?19:07
ScottLhmmm, good point19:07
holsteinbut, comparing the XFCE panel and AWN isnt really fair19:08
holsteinway more funcionality19:08
holsteinAND, i feel like its such an OSX look19:08
holsteinwhich is not bad19:08
holsteinjust not my thing19:09
ScottLespecially if we get a "workflow" dock, that would really bring in new functionality :)19:13
holsteinScottL: i like the idea of the workflows19:16
holsteinand the workflow dock is something unique19:16
holsteinpretty sure i wont use them19:16
holsteini think its awesome and unique19:16
holsteinand a great way for beginners to figure out what to do19:16

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