
hichamanyone having indicator-cpufreq working ?00:04
hichamany unity dev awake ?02:34
tdruskHey guys. I was wondering why my dash takes up my full screen and doesn't look like a lot of the pictures I have been seeing around the internet?03:53
LLStarksjcastro. my super+d is gone. :(07:05
LLStarkshow do i get it back?07:05
LLStarksalso, minimizing multiple windows manually is a pain.07:06
LLStarks1. click minimize on first maximized window. 2. click top bar away from buttons. 3. click minimize on next maximized window. 4. repeat07:07
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cdbsChannel quiter than it should be, on a Monday afternoon?11:57
mainerrorits easter monday ;)12:03
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mterryHeyo, just noticed that the overlay scrollbar package got updated with an expanded blacklist and no whitelist.  deja-dup got added to the blacklist, and as the upstream maintainer, I'd be interested in fixing whatever problem it had (obviously not in time for 11.04).  Is it easy to change the blacklist to see what's wrong?13:45
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nhainesmterry: the blacklist is hardcoded.  If you download the source you can change it and recompile.17:28
mterrynhaines, k, thanks17:40
jcastroDBO: AHA! Found it17:52
jcastroDBO: anytime I use synergy and the mouse moves off the screen17:52
jcastroa tooltip pops up and stays there17:52
nhainesjcastro: synergy rocks.17:54
jcastrodo you use it?17:54
jcastroyou could help me confirm the bug. :)17:54
nhainesjcastro: I haven't used it in a while.  But I could install it.  :)17:58
nhainesWhat's the bug number?17:58
jcastroI don't think there is one yet17:58
jcastroI noticed sometimes popups don't go away17:58
jcastroand dbo told me to pay close attention when it happens17:58
jcastroI am filing it now though17:58
* nhaines refreshes jcastro's bugs.launchpad.net page repeatedly.18:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 770378 in unity "Synergy causes launcher tooltips to not disappear" [Undecided,New]18:03
davidcallejcastro, https://launchpad.net/unity-music-lens & https://launchpad.net/unity-lens-launchpad ;)18:04
jcastroI knew about lp18:05
* jcastro looks at the music one18:05
davidcalleI didn't try it. Looks cool.18:05
* jcastro updates the wiki page18:07
nhainesjcastro: is your machine with the stuck tooltip the server or the client?18:07
jcastronhaines: server18:07
nhainesjcastro: I set my Ubuntu machine to be the client.18:11
nhainesWhen I throw my mouse off the left side of the screen, the tooltip appears.  But when I slowly move it pixel-by-pixel, the tooltip stays.18:12
jcastroif you move over fast enough it doesn't seem to catch it and disappear18:13
DBOjcastro, what?18:13
DBOwas getting food18:13
DBOjcastro, I am going to file this under "not a major problem" then18:13
jcastroyeah I figured as much18:14
jcastrothough now that I know the problem I can mouse to the left screen through the gap between the lenses and trash can18:15
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nhainesjcastro: no, no, I can hover over the launcher icon and display the tooltip, and *then* throw the mouse at the left side of the screen.  :)  The tooltip disappears then.18:31
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evaluatetedg, did you notice that I updated bug #702316 with the requested debug output?18:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 702316 in libappindicator (Ubuntu) "Generic Libindicate fallback support breaks applications (such as clipit) on non-Unity WMs/DEs" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70231618:53
tedgevaluate, Nope, let me look18:54
tedgevaluate, In clipit are you unrefing the menu you created?18:55
tedgevaluate, Where is the source for clipit?18:55
evaluateNot sure anymore how exactly the code for the indicator looks. I remember taking it from the examples from the official indicators page though...18:56
evaluatehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators#Typical usage (C version) -- from here to be more precise. Had to modify it a bit to adapt it to work with the clipit code though...18:58
evaluateThe function that creates/updates the menu is in main.c, line 563 and is named 'create_app_indicator'19:00
evaluatetedg, please let me know if you identify the problem...19:13
evaluateohh, whoops. Sorry, correct link for the source is: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtkclipit/19:15
evaluateMy bad...19:15
evaluatetedg, ^19:15
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tedgevaluate, Try commenting out: g_signal_connect((GObject*)indicator_menu, "selection-done", (GCallback)gtk_widget_destroy, NULL);19:51
evaluatehmm, that seems to solve the problem. Not sure why I've put it in there...19:58
evaluatetedg, I'm not sure I can get another upload into debian in time to solve this bug before the official natty release. Do you think you could push a patch to temporarily solve for the release it until I can push a new version to debian?19:59
tedgevaluate, For Natty it's probably too late for the release, it'll have to be a SRU.20:05
tedgevaluate, But honestly, I'm not a distro person really.  So you should probably ask on #ubuntu-desktop20:06
evaluateWell, I thought the last days after the final freezes and before the release would be exactly for such kind of problem/bug solving. I don't have the rights to do any uploads/modifications to the package or I'll do it myself, but anyway, I'll try and see if I can get some tips on how to solve this.20:08
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TakyojiOut of curiosity, how will a dual-screen setup (where it's a separate X screen each) be handled with Unity, as of trying to invoke the Unity menu desirably (such as, not always popping up every time to switch from the right screen to the left; or making it difficult to have it appear either)21:16
sveinseIs it possible to only show the apps from the current workspace in launcher? I'm running natty and I'm seeing every app from every workspace22:06
sveinseah. listed in bug 68973322:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 689733 in unity (Ubuntu) "Application icons should only display windows from the current workspace in the window spread" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68973322:08
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