
shadeslayerQuintasan: bigbrovar upstream issue iirc00:04
ScottKQuintasan_: Toss it into a PPA and test.  If that fixes it, we'll upload a no change rebuild.00:49
ScottKmaco: How goes bindings?01:03
EagleScreenmy sincerest congratulations on your work in Kubuntu 11.04, the new installer, the samba shares, the muon package manager, the notification helper, all these tools (and more) are making Kubuntu one of the best ditributions on the World01:06
DarkwingDuckbigbrovar: ping01:36
jjesseDarkwingDuck hiya01:45
DarkwingDuckHey jjesse 01:51
jjessehow are things?01:51
DarkwingDuckThings are good. Nice to relax01:52
c2taruncan anyone please help me with this error http://paste.kde.org/29377/08:43
valoriewow, taht makes me think there is a packaging error08:49
* bambee still does not understand how the hightlightwindows plugin works... o_O09:59
Riddellsheytan: ping09:59
sheytanRiddell pong10:00
sheytanwell, i don't remember why i pinged you yesterday, but i take a search in my mind :D10:00
Riddellsheytan: you pinged? :)10:00
Riddellsheytan: are you able to do a banner for release?10:00
sheytanRiddell already almost done10:01
sheytanwill show ya10:01
Riddellyou rock10:01
Quintasan_Riddell: ping10:02
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
RiddellQuintasan: you fell off the edge of the earth?10:03
QuintasanRiddell: no idea :D10:03
sheytanRiddell http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/7930/basewg.png still not done, still stuff might change10:03
QuintasanRiddell: I know I somehow expired from ~kubuntu-members10:04
QuintasanScottK: That library "issue" only fixes Authentication error as bigbrovar said but it still doesnt work unless someone rebuilds it locally10:05
Riddellsheytan: whee10:06
Riddellsheytan: I think it's too big though, the web page is quite fussy about size10:06
sheytanRiddell it suppose to replace the current blue thing10:06
sheytanthat was a wall for 4.3 i guess10:07
Riddellsheytan: I don't think I can, it's part of the theme and the theme isn't easily updated10:08
sheytanWe really need access to this stuff10:08
sheytansee how hard it is to replace a single image?10:08
sheytanwell, i will do it so, that it will pass with the current one10:09
Riddellwell we have access, but it's in bzr and needs the sysadmins to sync which they will be too busy to do on release day10:09
Riddellsheytan: this is the old one so I guess the same size would be what's needed http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/10.10-release-announce/kubuntu-10.10-banner.png10:09
Riddellsheytan: also it should be "Kubuntu 11.04" with Natty Narwhal only as a sub-text (code names get less important on release)10:10
sheytanyeah, but the release banner looks odd on the current blue image10:10
sheytanthat's why i want it to replace10:11
sheytanbut if we can't10:11
sheytanwill do my best anyway ;)10:11
Riddellthanks sheytan 10:15
sheytanyou welcome ;)10:15
QuintasanRiddell: Thanks for accepting, I need to set an reminder to renew membership next time -_-10:23
steveireshadeslayer: ping?10:31
RiddellQuintasan: launchpad should do that for you10:54
QuintasanRiddell: it emailed it but I somehow managed to get it sorted to Spam this time10:55
Riddelllaunchpad spamming?  surely not!10:56
QuintasanRiddell: build results etc.11:02
Quintasanlike, over 200 everyday :D11:02
mfraz74Kubuntu 11.04 seems to be pretty much ready now :)11:13
Riddellmfraz74: great :)11:14
mfraz74I have noticed that special dates has been disabled in Kontact11:14
mfraz74can this be re-enabled?11:17
RiddellI don't even know what special dates is11:26
mfraz74in Kontact there used to be a plug in called "special dates"11:28
mfraz74According to this page http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.pim/29611 it has been disabled in 4.4.10 due to the amount of bugs reported11:29
mfraz74but it can be re-enabled if necessary at build11:29
mfraz74is anyone here using gimp?11:33
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110425103448-7mktpyni84ynf3be * src/python/sip/UbuntuSSOClientGUI.sip cleanup sip a bit11:35
c2tarunmfraz74: I am using gimp.11:36
mfraz74c2tarun: is it loading ok in 11.04?11:36
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110425103608-z532fahoyoaddka0 * src/ (4 files) migrate to new sinals11:36
c2tarunmfraz74: nope11:36
c2tarunmfraz74: I have to start it from terminal with root privileges.11:37
yofelgimp opens fine for me11:37
yofelthen again, this isn't exactly stock 11.04 so not much of a reference11:37
mfraz74what happens if you start it from terminal normally?11:37
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110425103634-fv15mrbwsncjwaui * src/python/gui.py wrap sip client in gui.py, composite a new client that connects handlers to the sip client's signals and translates the returned QStrings to unicode objects *and* invokes a callback set by the credentials thingy11:38
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110425103759-k6qglhpo793opq8c * src/python/gui.py coopyright++11:38
c2tarunmfraz74: some kind of segmentation fault http://paste.kde.org/29863/11:38
yofelrung gimp in gdb and try to get a backtrace11:39
yofeland install the dbg package first11:39
c2tarunmfraz74: I am using Version: 2.6.11-1ubuntu611:39
c2tarunyofel: I am on it.11:39
mfraz74trying to upgrade my netbook, i'm getting "bad signature from "ubuntu archive automatic signing key"11:48
c2tarunyofel: here is the backtrace can you please take a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/598669/11:50
c2tarunyofel: I think there are some ?? 11:51
c2tarunyofel: for first ?? I am trying to install libgtk-x11-gdb but I am not getting anything.11:52
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110425105226-10gd8gyvoyhuz094 * src/UbuntuSSOClientGUI.cpp only init once11:52
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110425105235-qvs6grbd0m2ce98n * src/python/gui.py reduce likelyhood of inter-thread blocking by queing the signals from the cpp part (qapp bound) and the pyth0rn back caller (glib/pyth0rn bound)11:53
Riddellooh new images up for testing11:57
mfraz74fixed it, squid-deb-proxy again12:02
yofelc2tarun: that's from libgtk2.0-0-dbg12:03
c2tarunyofel: how can I find other dbg packages? like for example libgobject-2.0.so.012:09
yofelc2tarun: apt-file find  libgobject-2.0.so.012:12
yofelrun apt-file update if it doesn't find anything12:12
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110425112204-27g3o371wdsuz9kv * src/UbuntuSSOClientGUI.h cleanup++12:22
c2tarunyofel: what is this CIA* bot posting?12:22
yofelcommits from harald to the ubuntu-sso-client-kde branch? http://cia.vc/ if you don't know what CIA is12:23
c2tarunyofel: ok on running apt-file fine for libgobject I am getting one *-dbg and one *-refdbg. what is refdbg?12:24
yofelno idea, you need the -dbg one12:24
apacheloggerksecretservice doesnt implement aliases yet :/12:35
c2tarunyofel: I think this backtrace is good enough http://paste.ubuntu.com/598687/ can you please look12:38
yofelapachelogger: kde 4.7 finally has ksecretservice?12:38
yofelc2tarun: what gtk theme are you using?12:42
c2tarunyofel: gtk theme?12:42
c2tarunyofel: I dont know. How to check that?12:42
yofelsystem settings -> application appearance -> gtk+ appearance -> widget style12:43
apacheloggeryofel: don't think s12:43
c2tarunyofel: oxygen-gtk12:43
apacheloggerseeing as the spec is not evne stable yet12:43
yofelapachelogger: true, thanks to KDE not implementing the current dbus interface I still need gnome-keyring for U1 :/12:44
yofelc2tarun: hm... that works for me, so probably not the reason...12:45
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110425114443-5mtg3zyawldstckq * src/ (RegisterWidget.cpp RegisterWidget.h) don't generate captcha in ctor but once setVisible(true) was called without a captcha present, as to prevent pointless work12:45
c2tarunyofel: yup. well if someone wants to figure out the problem, can you please tell me how will he start with the backtrace?12:45
apacheloggeryofel: the alias plunder only got added recently IIRC12:45
apacheloggerwhich is probably why ksecretservice does not yet have it12:46
yofelc2tarun: not sure, what you could do is: 'sudo service apport start force_start=1', crash it again, file the crash bug12:47
CIA-48[ubuntu-sso-client-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110425114910-z0ppjep4f9u81aip * src/RegisterWidget.cpp copyright++12:49
c2tarunyofel: I did and apport also sent some info to LP but I couldn't see my bug.12:52
yofelc2tarun: you entered the details on launchpad and actually filed the bug?12:53
yofelapport isn't fully automatic12:53
c2tarunyofel: apport opened a LP page for me on which it is written that you are already logged in, and then nothing12:53
yofelthat's not what it's supposed to open, I blame either launchpad or your web browser12:54
c2tarunyofel: I am using firefox 4.0 :(12:55
yofelnever happend to me with ffx, you should see a window telling you to wait until the report is processed, after that you can enter your details12:55
c2tarunyofel: ok, how can I restart apport?12:56
yofelas in? It's a system service, but usual start only works if it's enabled in /etc/default/apport. To start it once use the command I gave you above12:57
Quintasanshadeslayer: IIRC? Any link to source? This is driving me mad, somehow it works after a local rebuild but not when built on Launchpad12:57
c2tarunyofel: but now on starting gimp and crashing it I am not able to see apport tray icon. it may be busy with previous crash.12:58
yofelc2tarun: do you have a gimp crash in /var/crash ?12:58
c2tarunyofel: yup12:59
yofelpass the path and filename as argument to ubuntu-bug and it'll file that12:59
apacheloggeryofel: you could try ubuntu sso kde with u1 :P13:00
yofelmaybe later13:01
c2tarunyofel: done :)13:07
mfraz74i seem to be having problems with wireless on this netbook now I've upgraded to 11.04 - it keeps stopping13:59
mfraz74the connection speed stays at 54MB/s, but the traffic suddenly drops to nothing14:00
ScottKmfraz74: Very unlikely to be something Kubuntu specific, probably kernel related.  I'd ask in #ubuntu+1.14:02
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
apacheloggeru1 still doesnt have a mailing list :D15:07
Riddellapachelogger: sadly this doesn't surprise me15:44
apacheloggerRiddell: couldn't you rotate to u1 and help them get their stuff in order? ;)15:45
* apachelogger will have to discuss internals of ubuntu single sign on with multiple UIs at UDS15:46
ScottKapachelogger: We don't want him gone that long.15:55
ScottKMore RC images needing testing.15:56
ScottKapachelogger: Can you get the direct GL calls out of phonon-backend-gstreamer so we can build it on armel?15:57
apacheloggerScottK: just build it without gl on armel :P15:59
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  Would be nice if the packager had done that.15:59
* apachelogger looks16:00
apacheloggerScottK: yeah, no dice getting rid of those calls16:00
apacheloggerit is doing heavy texture transformation that probably exceeds QGL's scope16:01
apacheloggerhowever the feature is a) not documented b) not supported c) completely ugly16:01
apacheloggerso it can definitely go away16:01
ScottKConsider it a feature request for the next release.16:01
apacheloggerwill be replaced by qmlvideo if I get the gsoc project nayway :)16:01
macoScottK: it used up all free space on my laptop's / (1.2gb) attempting to build, so then it error'd out.  so then i tried it on my server which had 4.5 gb free. it went for 6 hours or so before the log just says "Killed" ... all i can guess is OOM 16:20
ScottKmaco: PPA.16:21
macoyeah that'll be the next thing to try16:21
apacheloggermaco, ScottK: building what?16:31
macoapachelogger: kdebindings with a patch for pykdeuic16:32
apacheloggeroh yeah, kdebindings is big16:33
shadeslayerso i'll be able to attend remotely this time \o.17:57
shadeslayerflipping keyboard17:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: i see you're the pink knight ... whatever happened to the blue knight17:57
apacheloggerhe got bashed by the knights who say ni!17:58
kubotushadeslayer_ is listening to "Better Days" by Goo Goo Dolls [http://open.spotify.com/track/2CWYATyxjd8tOsXdyuRWUv] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/shadeslayer_ for more18:02
macoRiddell: http://notalwaysright.com/she-must-be-highlands/11265  <-- you're the only reason i can even read half of this18:19
Riddellmaco: still spending your time on silly websites when you should be testing ISOs I see :)18:35
ximionhi Artemis_Fowl!18:38
ximionyou're the author of the GRUB2 KCM, right?18:38
achianghello Riddell 18:39
Artemis_Fowlhey ximion18:39
Artemis_Fowlyes I am18:39
ximionArtemis_Fowl: I read your blogpost at http://ksmanis.wordpress.com/2011/04/23/qapt-sexiness/ and later your question about using PackageKit on IRC, but when I wanted to reply, you were gone already :P18:39
ximionsomeone suggested you should use PKs DBus API: Please don't do that ;-)18:40
Artemis_Fowlwhat do you suggest?18:40
Riddellapachelogger: achiang is trying to build phonon-backend-gstreamer without GL support on ARM, is there any hope?18:40
ximionPackageKit has very nice Qt4 bindings18:41
ximion!info libpackagekit-qt1418:41
ubottuPackage libpackagekit-qt14 does not exist in maverick18:41
ximion!info libpackagekit-qt14 natty18:41
ubottulibpackagekit-qt14 (source: packagekit): Library for accessing PackageKit using Qt4. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.11-2ubuntu3 (natty), package size 102 kB, installed size 324 kB18:41
achiangi'm trying to build phonon-backend-gstreamer without opengl support, and i've got this patch going so far -- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/598828/18:41
achiangapachelogger: ^^18:41
Artemis_Fowlximion: I was planning to first use Qt4 PK libs (if available), then fall back to libqapt (if available) and if neither exists poke the DBus18:42
Artemis_Fowlthat requires some work but would cover most cases18:42
ximionArtemis_Fowl: The case is that the Qt bindings for PK contain some nice stuff like parts of our Debconf support for PK and some other helpers which can't be used by referencing the "bare" DBus API18:42
ximionI would stop if libQApt is not available18:43
ximionor even better: Provide a compilerswitch so maintainers can enable/disable QApt or PK if they want to18:43
ximionso they can compile the KCM with PK enabled or QApt enabled (or none of them)18:43
Artemis_Fowlximion: I already provide these options18:44
ximionArtemis_Fowl: how do you detect unused kernels?18:44
Artemis_FowlI detect all kernels not just unused18:44
ximionah.. oh...18:45
Artemis_FowlI detect them by querying the package backend for every menuentry that contains the linux command18:45
Artemis_Fowlif a package can be found then this entry can be removed18:45
ximionthen you should exclude the kernel version 'uname -r' provides18:45
Artemis_Fowlif not then this means it's chainloaded or other stuff which we can't handle18:45
ximionI'm just asking cause APT has a feature to find old kernels which PK cannot access, as this cleanup stuff is backend-specific18:46
Artemis_Fowlfind old kernels?18:47
ximionyou might want to join #PackageKit if you've questions about PK18:47
Artemis_Fowlximion: thanks I already figured out how to implement it, it's a couple of hours work now :)18:48
ximionIt's pretty easy with PK-Qt ^^18:49
Artemis_Fowlximion: Indeed..18:50
Artemis_Fowlyou were talking about an apt feature?18:51
ximionif packages get removed from the repo, they can be removed by apt-get autoremove, except kernels. Kernels are left cause removing them might break the system or might be unwanted by the user. But the kernel packages can be detected as "old", cause they're only local now and not in the archives.18:53
ximionI guess this is how Ubuntu's computer janitor can detect and remove old kernels18:53
ximionbut I'm not 100% sure18:53
ximionArtemis_Fowl: ^18:54
ximionI would leave the uname -r Kernel (kernel which is used at time) and the most recent kernel and offer only the others in the "to be removed" list18:54
ximion(guess that's sane...)18:54
Artemis_Fowlthat applies only to upgraded systems right?18:58
Artemis_Fowl(the local kernel thing)18:58
apacheloggerachiang: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=phonon-gstreamer.git&a=commit&h=14a6110c17fd93843214e600c6ddac93807798f719:02
achiangapachelogger: ooh, that is exactly what i want (and exactly why i need it)19:02
achiangthank you19:02
ximionArtemis_Fowl: yes19:12
Artemis_Fowlximion: but still since the package remains we can discover it: it still owns the kernel file19:13
Artemis_Fowlit is true that the currently used kernel should somehow be distinguished by the other kernels19:15
Artemis_Fowlbut I'm not so sure about completely hiding this and the latest kernel19:16
Artemis_Fowlthe user should choose on his own19:16
Artemis_Fowlperhaps it would make sense in a quick removal tool - no dialogs etc, just remove all kernels except for the 2/3 latest (plus the current if not in this list)19:17
Riddellachiang: it's not looking too hopeful for a quick fix, there's some amount of fiddling needed to remove the gl requirement19:18
RiddellI don't understand why this wasn't caught by the rebuilds last month19:18
achiangRiddell: hm, i don't think i understand. that patch above is insufficient?19:19
Riddellachiang: yes it's insufficient, it needs some code changes too, hang on I just got it to compile19:20
achiangRiddell: ah, i see. thank you19:21
Riddellachiang: this removes it entirely http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/phonon-backend-gstreamer_4.7.0really4.5.0-0ubuntu3.debdiff19:30
Riddellthe question is if it's sane to use the result19:30
Riddellapachelogger: ^^19:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/31219/19:35
apacheloggerRiddell: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=phonon-gstreamer.git&a=commit&h=14a6110c17fd93843214e600c6ddac93807798f719:35
apacheloggerRiddell: nokia implemented that stuff, so I suppose they have one or two use cases on the desktop19:35
Riddellapachelogger: even better19:37
achiangRiddell: hm, that's the same patch, pointed out twice...19:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: syn19:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: synack19:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: the time is naeer19:44
apacheloggerno, release is not until tomorrow19:45
bambeeArtemis_Fowl: wow kcm grub2 rocks, great job! however I don't see it into systemsettings19:55
bambeeit's normal ?19:56
Artemis_Fowland then it should appear19:56
Artemis_Fowljust installed?19:56
Artemis_Fowlyes, run kbuildsycoca419:56
bambeeand I already tried kbuildsyscoca419:56
* bambee tries again19:56
Artemis_Fowl'kcmshell4 kcm_grub2' or reboot then19:57
bambeekcmshell4 works :)19:58
Artemis_Fowlbambee: where did you look for it in systemsettings? It's under Startup and Shutdown > GRUB2 Bootloader19:59
bambeeArtemis_Fowl: I found it :D20:00
bambeeI was looking under "administration"  o_O20:00
Artemis_Fowlout of curiosity how did you install it? natty package/compile or custom package?20:00
bambeeArtemis_Fowl: it's in universe :)20:01
bambeeso natty package20:01
Artemis_Fowlah ok. it's not up-to-date though. it's v0.3.0 while there is 0.3.6 and 0.4.0 is soon to be out20:02
bambee0.4.x will be packaged for oneiric, it's too late now. (however, I am not the best one to talk about that)20:05
Artemis_Fowlaw don't packages get updated?20:05
Artemis_Fowltoo bad :/ removing old entries was mainly meant for Kubuntu users20:06
apacheloggerNightrose: syn20:07
Nightroseapachelogger: ?20:07
* apachelogger was trying to establish a 3-way handshake :P20:07
apacheloggerNightrose: when is season of KDE?20:07
Nightrosein a few minus20:08
apacheloggerah, so it is at the same time?20:08
Nightrosewell i'll publish the announcement in a few mins20:08
apachelogger...as gsoc20:08
Nightroseand then it starts20:08
Nightroseyou should blog your khelpcenter thingy and find someone20:08
apacheloggerNightrose: you mean me as mentor?20:08
Nightroseas student20:08
Nightrosementor can be kevin20:09
apacheloggerthen I am confused :P20:09
Nightroseadvertise it as a great SoK project20:09
bambeeArtemis_Fowl: we can also package it for oneiric and backport it for natty into the ppa :)20:09
apacheloggerNightrose: I am doing gsoc for phonon, so I was wondering when SOK is so that I do not end up doing everything at once...20:09
Nightroseit's at the same time20:09
Nightroseyou find another student for kevin to mentor :D20:09
Artemis_Fowlbambee: cool20:10
bambeeArtemis_Fowl: don't worry ;)20:10
apacheloggerNightrose: but I want the tshirt for crying out loud :P20:11
Nightroseapachelogger: you will not get one!!!20:11
apacheloggerthen I won't blog the proposal and let someone else take it :P20:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: congrats20:12
shadeslayerand {{{HUGS}}}20:12
* apachelogger hugg0rs the shadeslayer20:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: which proposal did get accepted?20:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: PIM20:12
apacheloggerNightrose: well, TBCH, I do not feel very uncomfortable seeing my brain child get implemented by someone else :)20:13
apacheloggerthough for the sake of getting it done I'll blog about it20:13
Nightroseapachelogger: *sniff*20:13
apacheloggerafter I released the phonon vlcz20:14
* apachelogger hugs everyonz and smooches the Nightrose before he leaves to digg through the load of mail he got out of gsoc - aka google spamfest20:14
shadeslayer"Welcome to the kde-soc mailing list"20:15
shadeslayeri feel important all of a sudden20:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: you always were important20:19
apacheloggerNightrose: out of interest, how many slots did KDE get this year?20:19
Nightroseapachelogger: 5120:19
apacheloggerNightrose: last year it also was around 50, wasn't it?20:25
Nightroseapachelogger: 5020:25
apacheloggerah, sweet :)20:26
bambeearrff... 51 is a good number, mostly with "pastis" written next to it :P20:29
* bambee => [ ]20:29
ScottKWhere's the KDE project list?22:08
ScottK(for GSoC)22:08
RiddellI don't know if it's been published yet22:11
ScottKOK.  I saw someone congratulating apachelogger in the scrollback and figured it was.  The Debian list is published.22:12
RiddellI've been sent an e-mail so I guess those who are in know about it now22:13
PauseBazingaoi, I'm curious about one behavior of Amarok: The playlist doesn't auto-advance to the next track when the current is done playing.  Is this normal behavior or a bug?22:14
apacheloggerPauseBazinga: buggy22:15
apacheloggerthough there is an option for that22:15
apacheloggerso you might just have accidently ticked that :P22:15
apacheloggeror unticked actually22:15
PauseBazingaapachelogger: rog, thx.  I'll look for the option, but it happened the first time I used the application.  One other question: I accidentally installed ubuntu-restricted-extras instead of the kubuntu package, then I installed the correct one.  will this cause a conflict?22:17
apacheloggeryou'll just have some packages you might not need22:18
* apachelogger pokes valorie22:18
PauseBazingacool, thanks22:20
valorieapachelogger: I did finally get everything built22:21
valoriegeez, last week was stressful22:21
apacheloggervalorie: sunshine highway!22:21
valoriesunshine highway?22:21
apacheloggervalorie: what did you get built? phonon vlc?22:21
valoriephonon, phonon-vlc, and phonon-gst22:22
apacheloggeroh cool22:22
apacheloggervalorie: if you have time some testing on phonon vlc would be swell22:22
apacheloggerI was going to release tomorrow as I did not get any complents thus far22:22
valorieI will do so as soon as I finish making this multibootUSB22:22
* apachelogger blinks22:23
apacheloggerme kontact refuses to start, what be I doing22:23
apacheloggerkillall ftw =D22:24
apacheloggerNightrose: I suppose you are not attending UDS?22:25
apacheloggerNightrose: I did not get a DS talk :(22:26
apacheloggerapparently I didn't submit anything22:26
* apachelogger blames shadeslayer22:26
apacheloggerhttp://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot172.png <-- could someone please do something about this?22:27
bambee25735 ? wow... my best score was 16500 o_O22:33
PauseBazingaanyone else here use Pithos, the non-flash Pandora client?22:38
Riddellachiang: I uploaded the fixed phonon-backend-gstreamer to natty-proposed22:41
Riddellsee bug 70779422:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 707794 in pyside (Ubuntu Natty) "libqt4-opengl on armel should be compiled with OpenGL ES 2.x support" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70779422:41
achiangRiddell: great, thanks.22:41
RiddellTm_Tr: are you able to test the powerpc images?22:42
ScottKIs the live CD good enough these days we could consider to drop the alternate?23:41
ScottKPeople who really need the alternate could install from some other alternate image and then install kubuntu-desktop.23:41
macoi guess the use-case would be wanting LVM and also having no network connection to use the mini23:43
ScottKRight, so install -server with lvm and then get your network running to install kubuntu-desktop.23:45
ScottK"normal" users don't really care about LVM.23:45
macodoes server use the same kernel yet?23:45
ScottKAnd Riddell does most of the Kubuntu ISO testing, so we need to figure something out.23:45
ScottKIt does on i386.23:45
ScottKSwitching kernels isn't that hard and if you don't, it's not like it makes a huge difference.23:46
macook. i remember using the server iso on a laptop and getting kernel panic on boot til i chrooted in and installed a normal kernel, so it makes me wary now :)23:46
macobut this was when server and i386 had different kernels, so if thats changed, then i guess its ok23:47
apacheloggerScottK: iso testing is boring and does not give anything to people23:48
ScottKYep, so with no Riddell this cycle we will need to economize.23:48
apacheloggeror make testing more attractive :P23:49
* apachelogger is actually wondering why no one from jono's team of awesome ever tried doing something about it23:49
ScottK"Test this ISO or we'll infect your with apachelogger staring in Disney princess pron!"23:49
apacheloggerpositive motivation ought to work better :P23:50
maconot the sort of joke id ever have expected from scott23:52
apacheloggermaco: clearly you underestimated him23:56

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