
=== Guest72150 is now known as ironforggy
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hyndraany one alive00:17
=== mren is now known as mren|off
hyndrahave a prob00:18
hyndraany help00:18
hyndrai cant  install vmware or virtual box or qemu00:18
hyndrawhy __????00:19
hyndrai have kubunto00:19
institutepeople dont seem to do talking here :P00:20
instituteit seems00:20
hyndrawhy not00:20
hyndrawhre they talk00:21
hyndrathey are 22500:21
institutenot sure ive just been sitting in here for a day and very little people talking guess no one watchs the chat window00:22
hyndramaybe  ububtu  channel00:22
hyndrabut i dont know how to open that channel00:22
hyndrafirst time here00:22
buff27what is the cpu requirements for kubuntu?01:07
buff27to run reasonable smooth01:07
claydohbuff27: I can't remember the real minimums, but I do run kubuntu on a 7 year old 2 ghz p4 laptop with 1gb ram and 8mb video01:12
claydohits fine most of the time , that is as low as I would recommend01:12
buff27ok thanks01:13
buff27was wondering how my netbook would go01:13
buff27atom N270 (1.6Ghz) 1.5Gb ram01:13
claydohshould be just fine, the gpu is often the problem point more than cpu/ram01:17
valoriehas anybody successfully run ubuntuone on Kubuntu?03:39
valorieit ran in Lucid, but now I don't even get it to start03:39
valorienow on Mav03:40
valorieread the doc files, and they talk only about Gnome03:40
cosmo18is there a way to make kate use spaces instead of tab when you hit the tab key?05:15
Daskreechcosmo18: yes05:31
DaskreechI think :)05:31
cosmo18I have looked through the options but maybe I am just missing it05:31
cosmo18it would make it a lot easier for editing yaml files05:32
tsimpsoncosmo18: Settings -> Editing -> Insert spaces instead of tabulators05:38
cosmo18tsimpson: thank you05:41
ahmedhelalhello, i tried to install kde using sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop on 10.10 ubuntu, however after restart i ended up with konsole opened with no borders (no decorators) and kde didnt load, however typing startkde magically opens kde and everything loads normally.. any idea ?05:43
cosmo18well this makes at least 4 weeks without windoze and I have to say I'm not missing it so far05:45
=== marcio is now known as Guest49877
napoalguien despierto?06:27
naposomebody in there?06:40
valorie!ask | napo06:41
ubottunapo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:41
napoah ok, hoy instale kubuntu, tengo problemas con mi tarjeta via s3 unichrome alguien puede ayudarme? solo quiero saber si estoy en el sitio correcto o si formulo mi pregunta en ingles o alguien puede ayudarme en español06:43
nHey everyone06:47
=== n is now known as Guest97711
Guest97711just a quick question: i have a folder with tons of subfolders with subfolders that have images in them. i know none of the images have the same filename. I'd like to move just the images from all the subfolders into a single folder named wallpapers06:48
Guest97711i came across something like06:48
Guest97711find * -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec cp {} ~ \;06:48
Guest97711but it just tells me exec is missing an argument06:48
=== Guest97711 is now known as wallpaper-novice
wallpaper-noviceany easy way to do that?06:49
wallpaper-novicei think i'd need to change maxdepth to at least 10 too to make sure it gets the files from the sub subfolders06:50
=== sun is now known as Guest33828
Daskreech!es |    napo07:17
ubottunapo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:17
Daskreechwallpaper-novice: That looks like it should work07:19
DaskreechYou are copying from whereever to your home directory07:20
Bodathi all07:55
Bodatcan anyone provide assistance setting up a SD card reader and webcam on aspire one netbook?07:56
c2taruncan anyone please help me with this error http://paste.kde.org/29377/08:43
goofed37i installed kubuntu twice and tried to erase one of the kubuntus off so i could have all of the hard drive back. now i get grub rescue. how do i rescue grub so i can back on my computer?09:43
alex____hello everybody09:44
goofed37also, how do i get all of the hard drive back?09:44
alex____Is any russians here?09:45
goofed37does anybody know what the grub rescue screen is, and how to get grub to recognize the right partition?09:53
=== n_ is now known as o____oll
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o___ollYay, everything worked (was the one with issues merging my wallpaper folders via bash)10:19
o___oll55GB of wallpapers all in one place, heh. I'm not sure what slideshow would do if i tried to assign the folder, but i doubt it'd handle it well =P10:19
vyrgozunqkhi guys10:31
vyrgozunqki'm using kubuntu 11.04, but i cannot set cpu freq within powerdevil, because there's no more solid-powermanagement,10:32
vyrgozunqkany ideas how to set custom cpu-freq profiles10:32
vyrgozunqki'm searching a lot in google, but i cannot find anything..10:34
amigravewhy does the ubuntu font renders so bad under kubuntu natty (particulary bold) ? Is there any antialiasing settings tweak I could use ?10:44
c2tarungimp not starting on kubuntu natty. anyone using gimp here?11:25
c2tarungimp just started with sudo gimp :/ why so?11:27
topyliyes gimp refused to start/crashed for me too when i thought i'd have a look11:29
topylii don't really use it though, so i simply removed it11:29
c2taruntopyli: is this bug?11:30
mfraz74have you tried asking in kubuntu-devel or ubuntu+1?11:31
topylic2tarun: i would certainly call it one :)11:31
mfraz74what version of gimp are you using?11:35
=== mren|off is now known as mren
KaleidoscopeTryin to install flash, I DLed the flash file, Where do I put it?11:44
Kaleidoscopeit's libflashplayer.so11:44
KaleidoscopeNvm, Figured it out, Thanks though11:48
=== bati is now known as BATi
=== pablo is now known as Pablito
v3nd3tta``guys i need your help: i installed a year ago Kubuntu 10.04, now i wanted to upgrade to 10.10 but it says i got Ubuntu 10.04.2 installed, and i did dist-upgrade and it still says this12:13
Riddellv3nd3tta``: 10.04.2 is just 10.04 plus updates12:16
v3nd3tta``but i wanted 10.10 :O and Kubuntu, not Ubuntu :O12:16
v3nd3tta``and Riddell i know that there's a "PatchDay" which applies .1 and .212:23
Riddellv3nd3tta``: you haven't explained what you are doing or reading the distro version from but the upgrade instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu12:25
v3nd3tta``Riddell: it wants to install Ubuntu 10.1012:29
Riddellv3nd3tta``: I don't know what you are referring to12:34
v3nd3tta``whatever, i'll wait for 11.04 and check it out when i'm @home12:36
dmattiv3nd3tta``: dist-upgrade does not upgrade you to newer version of distro12:39
BATiv3nd3tta``: until official release, you can use "do-release-upgrade -d" which should get you Natty Beta 2...12:48
=== _BS_-NOT is now known as _BS_
=== _BS_ is now known as _BS_-NOT
_BS_-NOT@v3nd3tta: What makes you want to move from an LTS release? Also, note that Ubuntu is Kubuntu and vice versa, sort of. Largely, the difference is only the window manager. For example, on Kubuntu, lsb_release -a shows Ubuntu. Some would say the only difference is whether you have kde desktop, or gnome desktop, installed.13:26
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=== Guest62658 is now known as dhodgkin
bazhang!it | erni14:00
ubottuerni: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:00
=== bati is now known as BATi
BluesKajHiyas all14:14
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jarleTweetdeck fails to open URLs in firefox when running kubuntu 10.10 64bit, anybody solved this? I'm sure I had this working fine before...)15:46
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=== Guest44448 is now known as segovia
genii-around!info tweetdeck15:49
ubottuPackage tweetdeck does not exist in maverick15:49
jarlegenii-around: it's and adobe air application15:49
=== sergio__ is now known as segovia
segoviaHi people15:53
segoviaim new user of kubuntu15:54
genii-aroundsegovia: Welcome. If you have a specific question about your kubuntu, to just ask the channel, if someone knows an answer they will reply.15:55
=== 77CAAHS0F is now known as algarinr
ahmedhelalhello, on ubuntu's start up i get "configuration file "/tmp/0430921500/.kde/share/config/knotifyrc" not writable. please contact your system administrator." any idea ?17:21
BluesKajahmedhelal, dunno for sure but perhaps sudo update-rc.d may help, altho it is a tmp=temporary17:26
ahmedhelalBluesKaj: i just discovered that folder 0403.. doesnt even exist in tmp, would that hint you by any way ?17:27
BluesKajahmedhelal, yeah it could be a transitional file that exist for a few swcs it takes for some kind of permission or run level to take place17:28
ahmedhelalBluesKaj: so what should i do ?17:29
BluesKajis it affecting your work ?17:29
ahmedhelalwell not really but annoying dialogue on every reboot :)17:29
* James147 would run an update to see if that helps17:30
ahmedhelalJames147: i have 437 updates pending, could possibly any of them fix it  ? :P17:31
James147ahmedhelal: possibally ^^17:31
ahmedhelalJames147: great, now i cant update  KPackagekit crashes17:37
ahmedhelalrestarted it, still crashes17:37
James147ahmedhelal: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"17:37
James147^ run that17:38
ahmedhelaldid so, i hope it doesnt install  a new kernel17:38
James147ahmedhelal: why?17:39
ahmedhelalJames147: cause i have a work around for my clickpad that works with current kernel and i dun no how will it function next17:43
James147ahmedhelal: what work around?17:44
ahmedhelalJames147: http://linuxenvy.blogspot.com/2011/01/touchpad-fixed.html17:45
James147^^ with that many updates I would say one is likly to be a new kernel, though it wont remove the old kernel... but I dont see that breaking the workaround unless it directly involves modifing the kernel17:45
James147ahmedhelal: dont see why a new kernel would break that17:47
ahmedhelalJames147: i tried installing the deb last night on a 11.0417:51
ahmedhelalbut it failed, due to some kernel module issue , dont remember exactly17:52
ahmedhelalhowever it worked flawlessly on 10.1017:52
ahmedhelalso i thought its the kernel version17:52
ahmedhelalsince the fix is non official it could be written for a certain version17:52
James147ahmedhelal: but that tutorial dose not mention that you require a spicific kernel version, so why would it depends on one?17:54
MK``can I use KWin with a non-KDE shell, or the KDE shell with a different window manager like metacity, mutter, compiz, or xfwm?17:56
James147kanibalv: yes17:56
James147MK``: ^^ sorry17:56
DarthFrogBut why would you want to?17:57
James147DarthFrog: :D17:57
MK``It's linux! The whole point is to get so accustomed to the choices you start making reckless ones :P17:57
James147DarthFrog: I can see why people want the first open (run kwin else where) :) I have run kwin over ssh on my uni lab comps before just so I dont ahve to use metacity17:58
DarthFrogI wouldn't term it reckless, as such.  Pointless is a better description.17:59
ahmedhelalJames147:  you are right, may be it will work, or at least i hope so, thanks for the help anyway17:59
James147ahmedhelal: either way, installing anew kernel on ubuntu dosnt remove the old kernels so you can always boot form an old one18:00
DarthFrogJames147: You ran kwin remotely to display locally?18:00
James147DarthFrog: yeah :D worked suprising less... espically over a wireless :p18:00
ahmedhelalJames147: yeah :)18:00
James147well ^^18:00
DarthFrogJames147:  :-)18:00
James147DarthFrog: what was worring is its nicer to work with(despite the minor lag) then useing metacity18:01
MK``So all the window managers follow the same guidelines and should work with most shells?18:01
DarthFrogMK``: They might have a boatload of dependencies when you install them though.18:02
James147MK``: yes, though some work better with some things then other... for example, kde is built to work with kwin18:02
James147^^ and that18:02
MK``ok I was just curiois18:02
DarthFrogMK``: You might want to check out E.   It's a dark horse candidate. :-)18:03
DarthFrog!enlightenment | MK``18:04
ubottuMK``: Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.18:04
MK``I've been meaning to try E18:05
MK``is e17 the package for that?18:06
* BluesKaj ponders wayland display server ..ppl keep calling a new X server , which is not ..it's mean't to replace X ..just wonder how long it will take the nvidia's and ati's to create driver s for it18:07
James147BluesKaj: far too long...18:08
BluesKajit's in the repos18:08
Peace-hi BluesKaj James14718:09
James147Heya Peace-18:09
BluesKajhey Peace-18:10
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Presumably, Xorg will still be available once Wayland is the default graphics system.18:10
MK``should I use KWin instead of Metacity even with gnome? :D18:10
DarthFrogMK``: If you have KDE why would you want to run GNOME?18:11
MK``I haven't decided which one to use yet :(18:11
DarthFrogWe'll be glad to help you.  Run KDE.  :-)18:11
DarthFrogMK``: Besides, I would think that you'd want to run Unity or GNOME Shell instead.18:12
MK``I am using gnome shell right now, should I replace metacity with kwin to get used to that first?18:12
James147MK``: its really up to you, kwin is allot more functional then metacity... i would either use kwin or compiz on gnome18:12
MK``This is a laptop, for the record heh18:12
DarthFrogMK``: Have you tried XfCE?18:13
DarthFrogIt's better for laptops, less resource intensive.18:13
MK``I have yeah, xfwm is pretty nice, haven't used the workspace too much yet18:14
James147DarthFrog: depends... if your laptop can run kde then why is Xfce better? surly the better functionaly in kde better too have18:14
DarthFrogJames147: I agree wholeheartedly.  But laptops generally tend to be less beefy than desktop machines.18:15
DarthFrogNot true of higher end laptops, of course.18:15
James147DarthFrog: most are good enough to use it ^^ I am running it on a netbook with 2 gig ram (though it will run fine with 1 gig) and a 1.6ghz processor18:16
James147which is less powerful then most newer laptops18:16
MK``This laptop is highend except for the videocard, which I assume is the relevant piece of hardware18:16
MK``it has integrated graphics18:17
DarthFrogPerhaps saying "notebooks" instead, then, is more meanginful.18:17
MK``4 GB ram, over 2 GHz processor18:17
DarthFrogOr netbooks, which are very popular today.18:17
James147DarthFrog: notebook? they tend to be more powerful then netbooks18:17
DarthFrogMK``: That shoud run anything you want. :-)18:17
James147and again i take you back to my first argument, mine runs it fine and newer netbooks are just more powerfull18:18
James147DarthFrog: Xfce is better on oldercomputers though, or if you want speed over everything else :)18:18
DarthFrogTrue.  And it also depends upon what you want to do with the machine.  If your apps are resource intensive, you'l probably want a lighter weigh OS.18:19
James147DarthFrog: if your buying a netbook then your applications wont be that intense...18:20
DarthFrogJames147: And if I wanted top speed, well, I'd go back to fvwm or even twm. :-)18:20
James147DarthFrog: well, umm, unless your a fool that is (points at him self)18:21
DarthFrog:-)  FVWM had its charms.18:21
DarthFrogAbout the only good thing to say about twm is that it worked. :-)18:22
James147DarthFrog: however, one thing people tend ot overlook is the speed at which you work on the different envrioments18:23
James147DarthFrog: kde might run midly slower, but i spend farless time getting to where i was on it18:23
DarthFrogJames147:  You are also not a novice user.18:25
James147DarthFrog: thats just another point, the simpler window manager are also less friendly and intuative ^^18:26
MK``:o Kwin supports tabbed windows? I may use it just for that18:26
DarthFrogOh, I'm not recommending either fvwm or twm to a newbie.  Not on your nelly!18:26
James147MK``: "supports" but I have never found ti terribly stable18:26
DarthFrogMK``: So does the GNOME 2 window manager.18:27
cruzalguien habla español?18:29
cruzhola bati18:29
James147!es | cruz18:29
ubottucruz: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:29
cruztrank you18:30
michal_siemka jest ktos z polski18:34
michal_mam problemy z wine18:35
Tm_T!pl | michal_18:35
ubottumichal_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:35
michal_aha tylko na stronach ubuntu to z pomocą  rużnie18:36
ryrychgood evening bunnies :D18:50
ryrychone short question: is it safe to remove kmix? I use Veromix. Sometimes kmix eats up my cpu.18:51
James147ryrych: dont see why not18:52
James147ryrych: assuming nothing depends on it ^^ though i dot know what would18:52
ryrychJames147: cool, thanks :)18:53
ryrychone more quesion: I am using global menu. Recently I compilled newest version because it uses glow/halo effect behind text. But it doesn’t work – menu is not detached from windows and global menu shows only File entry18:55
Peace-ryrych: keep kmix just doesn't run it18:56
Peace-ryrych: anyway... try to do that on konsole18:56
Peace-if more packages must be removed system will write it18:57
Peace-so you can cancel18:57
ryrychPeace: yep, just looked at dependencies: too many :)18:57
Peace-i use veromix too18:57
=== Num83rGuy_ is now known as Num83rGuy
Peace-ryrych: global menu?18:58
Peace-ryrych: did you mean X bar?18:58
ryrychPeace: this menu that is placed on a panel18:58
ryrychPeace: like in Ubuntu18:58
Peace-ryrych: so you use X bar18:59
Peace-ryrych: add a panel18:59
Peace-add widget18:59
ryrychPeace: its name is window menu bar18:59
James147ryrych: wheres the source?18:59
James147^^ where did you get ^^18:59
ryrychJames147: one moment :)18:59
Peace-ryrych: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/04/25/plasma-desktopvE1609.jpg18:59
ryrychJames147, Peace: http://launchpad.net/plasma-widget-menubar/19:00
ryrychPeace: as an aside I must ask :D why do you use wstaw.org? :) I see that many KDE people use it. Its Polish service: does it have English translation? :)19:02
jollywollupI would like to be able to right-click a file and have an option to delete that file. Currently, I can only move it to the trash.  Anyone know how to accomplish this in 11.04?19:04
ryrychjollywollup: use Shift+Del19:04
jollywollupryrych: that's probably more handy, thanks19:05
Peace-ryrych: you coudl use xbar19:06
Peace-ryrych: i guess it's the same19:06
ryrychjollywollup: I think it is a cross-system solution: the same in Windows, don’t know if Mac uses it19:07
James147ryrych: it does the smae thing ehre19:08
ryrychJames147: the same that is you have compileld it?19:09
James147and it only lists close in file19:10
ryrychJames147: basically it was for Natty but… no error during compillation19:11
* James147 ntoes hes running on arch :)19:12
James147^^ but yeah, no errors during compileing19:12
ryrychJames147: Kubuntu FTW :D19:12
ryrychJames147: I wrote to the author (last Friday?) but he hasn’t replied yet19:14
katsrchow do you generally update a widget?19:44
katsrcremove the old one and install the new one?19:45
James147katsrc: if you installed it manually then yes19:45
James147possibally just reinstall it19:46
katsrcJames147: thanks19:46
=== martin_ is now known as martinalex
Bauldricki only had 64bit Kubuntu disc, so instyalled it on 32bit Desktop - will that run OK or will there be problems??21:05
James147Bauldrick: um, the 64bit cd wont run on a 32bit system, if you managed to run and install it then you have a 64bit system21:07
katsrchow do you get a plasma widget into the System Tray icon area in the panel?21:16
James147katsrc: not all widget are designed for go there but the ones taht are you can via: right click the systray (not one of the icons in it) > System tray settings > ...21:20
katsrcJames147: so the plasmoid has to be designed for System Tray?21:21
James147katsrc: what widget are you wanting there?21:22
katsrcJames147: Google Tasks21:23
James147katsrc: you might want to ask the author for that feature21:27
katsrcJames147: thanks a lot, i was just going to write him a message21:27
PauseBazingawhat's the name of the dev channel again?  something like "ubuntu+"?22:03
James147PauseBazinga: #kubuntu-devel22:12
PauseBazingarog, thx22:12
=== ross is now known as dev1ce
sorush20I'm burning an audio cd in k3b but the track info artist and song name are not being written to the cd? Why is that? Can anyone helP ?23:47
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:54
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