
=== Islington is now known as Trollington
=== Trollington is now known as Islington
thorwilvish: http://www.calebclark.org/?p=87009:11
=== daker_ is now known as daker
vishthorwil: hmm.. but save the ML and do what?10:02
thorwilvish: it doesn't seem that applicable to the lists we know. though a single round of that invitation model would be worth a try for some new lists10:05
vishah! yea..10:05
thorwilof course, using some key-code and changing it from time to time would allow to keep people off the list, unlike simple forced unsubscribing and hoping they won't just come back with a different address10:06
vish funny though, that the article is 12yrs old and still applicable :D10:08
vishshows how little the 'attractive forces' for projects has changed in all these years..10:10
pr0xyHi, I'm working on a custom Ubuntu-based distro. I need desktop backgrounds. Can you help?13:50
coz_pr0xy,   cool.... ah,,, well  not sure who here is free to do that,, but cant hurt to ask for sure,,, what is the name of t he new distribution?13:51
pr0xyugr. You can find our homepage at ugr.teampr0xy.net13:52
coz_pr0xy,   this is cool... you already know that natty has classic gnome as well ..yes?13:54
coz_although I personally dont like natty at this moment  at least the Unity part of it,,, so I understand the desire to have a regular gnome desktop13:55
pr0xyYes, but our goal is to provide GNOME 3. Plus, Mark Shuttleworth said that 11.10 and beyond would only ship woth Unity.13:55
coz_pr0xy,   ah   right because of the resource useage by gnome3  so far,, I believe that is the reason  we went from mutter to compiz on Unity13:56
pr0xyIs the resource usage too high? We're working with the GNOME 3 team, now.13:56
coz_pr0xy,   I have tested it many times,, it is far  too resource intensive on mid range systems  so far,, although I know many people have commented on the same issue with ubuntu going compiz instead of mutter  ,, they wanted gnome3   on natty13:57
zniavre_good afternoon13:57
coz_zniavre_,  hey guy :)13:57
zniavre_gnome3( -shell) and unity do not want my gfx card  ...13:58
coz_zniavre_,   right13:58
coz_pr0xy,   and zniavre_13:58
coz_pr0xy,   and  zniavre_13:58
pr0xyTHe UGR team is working on that with the GNOME 3 team.13:59
zniavre_buying new graphic card to poor ppl like me ?13:59
coz_pr0xy,   well I think it would be cool  to have a gnome3  ubuntu version13:59
zniavre_where can i dl your distrib ???13:59
pr0xyNo, fixing the compatibility issues, zniavre_13:59
zniavre_mmmffff ...13:59
coz_pr0xy,  but as zniavre_   has mentioned,, many people cant use gnome 3 unless they have a really modern system...13:59
coz_pr0xy,    but  I see no reason artwork cant be done for it14:00
* zniavre_ feel under pressure of devices 14:00
pr0xyMy desktop has a pentium4 and it's like 6 years old. GNOME 3 works okay on it, actually. Pretty much the same as Natty.14:01
coz_pr0xy,   this is not meant as a  put down in any respect,, but   I would prefer compiz over mutter,,, had gnome3  gone with the   "gnome3  clever windows"  concept.. they may have won me over for sure14:01
coz_pr0xy,  ok then maybe mutter has improved14:01
zniavre_my PC is over 13y/o what to do with new interfaces ?14:01
pr0xyThen again, I have a nice gfx card.14:01
coz_pr0xy,  ah see  that's the issue14:01
coz_pr0xy,   with compiz  you can use a lesser video card14:02
pr0xyWow. What kind of computer, znaivre_14:02
zniavre_duno some pieces found in garbage14:02
zniavre_amdxp 1.5ghz  2go ram ddr  fx5500 128mo14:03
coz_pr0xy,  I think this is a valid  distribution however,,, and most likely will be accepted as an official project14:03
pr0xyWe've asked for permissions from Canonical, and they didn't give us any...14:04
pr0xyso we're stuck with ubuntu gnome remix, for now.14:04
pr0xyWe applied for Gubuntu.14:04
coz_UGR  is a good name :)14:04
pr0xyit's okay for now. We're working with it.14:05
pr0xyI've already started theming14:05
coz_pr0xy,  so the goal is to have this default to  gnome3 ...yes?14:05
pr0xyYes. Would you like to join the Launchpad team?14:05
coz_pr0xy,   well I wouldnt mind  ,,, I dont know what I could contribute graphically,,, I do have a flickr account with some of my own work  not much is about desktop backgrounds though14:06
pr0xyOh, could you make some?14:07
coz_pr0xy, there is one desktop background on the second page of that account  named  "babies"14:07
pr0xyWell... That's interesting...14:08
coz_pr0xy,  I can play with some images and let you know14:09
pr0xyCould you put ugr on it in the ubuntu font?14:09
coz_pr0xy,  on the babies image?14:09
pr0xyor on the sunset one.14:09
coz_pr0xy,    oh!  wow  sure  that would be easily done,, i would have to remove my signature from it,, and  how large would you like the UGR  on that image?14:10
pr0xyuh, do you use gimp?14:10
coz_i do14:10
pr0xycheck out mine at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/70359475/ugr-stripes.jpg14:11
coz_ah cool14:11
zniavre_i hav made only mac-aubergine wallpaper ...14:12
pr0xyBoth Babies and sunset would be nice to have. put ugr in the lowercase using the ubuntu font, somewhere.14:12
pr0xywhat's the URL, znaivre_?14:12
coz_pr0xy,  ok let me do that now14:12
coz_pr0xy,  what resolutions do you want ?14:12
pr0xyuhhh... Wallpaper sized.14:13
pr0xyLike, the same as mine.14:13
coz_pr0xy,   something like 1280x102414:13
coz_let me check that res14:13
zniavre_http://i.imgur.com/YbW6C.png    i too shy to share it    :o)14:13
coz_pr0xy,  ok yours is 1920 x 120014:14
pr0xyThat would be fine, coz_14:14
coz_pr0xy,  I will have to redo some of the babies  image to fit that scale14:14
pr0xyokay, as long as you keep the elephants part.14:15
coz_pr0xy,  understood14:16
pr0xyugr might look nice in white in the bottom corner, on an angle, so it fits in the angled piece of ground at the bottom right..14:17
coz_pr0xy,  on babies  you mean?14:17
zniavre_wich theme engine gnome3 will use ?14:17
pr0xyYes. If you join the launchpad project, you can share by making a bug response on the bug 'wallpaper'14:18
pr0xyGNOME 3 uses mutter, right?14:18
pr0xyalso, how is Canonical going to transfer Unity over to Wayland?14:19
coz_pr0xy,  yes gnome3 uses mutter14:19
coz_pr0xy,  well I know that sam ,, our main developer on compiz  , has been playing with that for some time14:20
pr0xyokay, so if you join the launchpad project I'm an admin, so I'll get you in right away. Do you work with Canonical?14:20
coz_pr0xy,   not sure what the complications are at t his point and certainly not usre what is happening  at canonical with wayland14:20
coz_pr0xy,  i do not ,, several people on this team do work for them however14:21
coz_pr0xy,  i just dont remember who they are,, maybe  kwwii_   but not sure14:21
pr0xyokay. Well, if you can share that... that would be great.14:21
coz_pr0xy,   I am editing the 2 images now14:22
coz_pr0xy,  ok14:23
pr0xythe bug you should post them to is titled WALLPAPER14:23
coz_pr0xy,  ok cool14:23
coz_pr0xy,  you just want a link to the images ,, yes?14:24
coz_I will put them in my dropbox account for access14:24
pr0xyfor now. You attach them in a reply to the bug.14:24
pr0xyadd a comment and attach them to it.14:25
coz_pr0xy,   ok  I will try to do it correctly :)14:25
pr0xyokay. also, if you could help with a logo, that would be stellar.14:25
coz_pr0xy,   will give it some thought :)14:26
pr0xyCan we do spinoffs on the Circle of friends without permissions to use a bunch of copyright crap?14:28
coz_pr0xy,  mm  I believe so but  I would research that first,, although I think they are either gpl or creative commons   ,, still i would check to be sure14:29
coz_pr0xy,   I have seen many spinoffs of it but not attached to a distribution14:29
pr0xyoh. what about kubuntu?14:30
coz_pr0xy,   well yeah officially a canonical distro14:30
pr0xyoh... that's true14:31
coz_pr0xy,    I believe , as I said it is either creative commons or gpl ,, either of which would allow for alterations and changes ,,,14:31
coz_check to be sure,,, dont want hassles later down the line :)14:32
pr0xyyeah. If you can think of anything, let us know.14:32
pr0xyDid you post those pictures?14:32
pr0xyDid you post those pictures?14:36
coz_pr0xy,  I havent finished them yet :)14:37
coz_the sunset image is going to be a bit more difficult in placing the "ugr" and its color14:37
pr0xyoh, sorry.14:37
pr0xydid you finish babies?14:38
coz_pr0xy,  no that one will be easier :)14:38
pr0xycan you do it first, and post it?14:38
coz_ok hold on14:38
coz_I have to find my folder with the different resolutions of that image  so it may take a few minutes to find it14:39
pr0xySunset might be better without UGR on it, actually.14:44
pr0xysince there's not really anywhere to put it.14:44
pr0xyzniavre_ if you can do like that aubergine paper, but say ugr on it, that would be sweet, especially if it looked like handwriting.14:45
coz_pr0xy,  something like this  ?    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/UGR/babies2.png14:47
coz_pr0xy,  although I think the text should probably be  the yellow in the image14:47
pr0xyabsolutely. but, use the ubuntu font.14:50
coz_pr0xy,  that is the ubuntu font  :(14:50
coz_I have set all grphics apps to default to ubuntu font  I will check it though hold on14:51
pr0xyubuntu is what's on mine. did you use italic or something?14:51
coz_pr0xy,  no but let me check14:51
coz_pr0xy,  do you want regular or bold?14:52
pr0xybold, mebbe?14:52
coz_ok let me try hold on14:52
pr0xythat might work better.14:52
pr0xyif it doesn't work, you might have an old version of the font.14:53
coz_pr0xy,  no i have the new one but hold on14:53
coz_pr0xy,  is this better?  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/UGR/babies2.png   let me c heck version14:55
pr0xymebbe make it a little bit bigger.14:55
coz_font version  0.71.2-314:56
pr0xyokay. make it bigger?14:56
coz_ok let me do that14:57
coz_how much bigger?14:57
pr0xya bit? also, can instead of the sunset, mebbe do the bird india ink one?14:58
coz_ah let me check on that hold on ,, let me finishe this one first14:58
coz_pr0xy,   how about this attemtp?  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/UGR/babies2.png14:59
coz_wait that didnt work14:59
pr0xypretty good. move it into the corner a little more.15:00
coz_pr0xy,     http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/UGR/babies.png15:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 770095 in ugr-meta "WALLPAPER" [Medium,In progress]15:01
coz_pr0xy,  now let me see if I can get the bird  to work in that resolution15:02
pr0xyadd comment and attach the image.15:02
coz_pr0xy,  ok I think I added that correctly15:03
pr0xycann you upload the comment to the bug report?15:03
coz_pr0xy,  just did I believe15:03
pr0xyyou actually attach the file itself, not give a url.15:04
coz_ah ok hold on15:04
pr0xyit saves the file on the launchpad server for speed and error prevention (if you move the file on your dropbox or something.15:04
coz_ok I think i did it correctly15:05
pr0xyyep. now delete the original comment if you can.15:07
coz_let me try15:08
coz_pr0xy,  i dont think I can ,, you might have to since I dont have rights for that15:08
pr0xyoh. nevermind then.15:08
coz_pr0xy,   the bird image may be a bit more difficult to get to that resolution ... I may have to make additions to it to fit15:09
pr0xythat might be nice, and could you grey it a bit?15:10
coz_I will try hold on15:12
pr0xysorry. I quit firefox by accident.16:10
pr0xyany progress, coz_?16:14
coz_pr0xy,  the bird image is giving me a bit of a problem... its dimensions are a bit off for that resolution but I am playing with a few idea16:14
pr0xyJust post them on the bug thing.16:18
pr0xycan you post them on th bug thing, coz_16:19
coz_pr0xy,  sure  just give me time because this bird image is not cooperating16:19
pr0xyokay, I need to leave, though, so i won't be back for a while...16:20
thorwilcoz_: what are your working on?16:44
coz_thorwil,  pr0xy wanted a few images for  his ubuntu gnome remix16:44
thorwilgnome 3 remix?16:45
thorwilnice to see those elephants put to use16:46
coz_thorwil,  yeah I suppose ,, at least someone will get use of them :)16:46
coz_otherwise they just sit around,, because I dont use it :)16:47
coz_I do use the gimp splash with those babies though16:47
thorwilhmm, that type doesn't talk with the image much16:53
pr0xycoz_, can you use the ubuntu bold font on the birds ones again?16:53
coz_pr0xy,   sure  give some time  I have a few errands to do ... so I will get to this a bit later ...yes?16:54
pr0xyokay, I've included bird1 as bird-symmetry16:54
coz_ok cool16:54
pr0xyI'm liking bird3, but can you blur the area to the sides?16:55
coz_pr0xy,  sure  let me know now what changes you want  ,, I will get to them after I return,, although I am not leaving at this moment so I can take notes and make changes16:56
coz_renames bird1 to bird-symmetry16:56
pr0xyactually, bird2 will be good, if you use the ubuntu bold font.16:57
coz_ok  will do  all t h e changes then :)16:57
pr0xyblur the sides of bird3, and use ubuntu bold on both.16:59
coz_ok cool17:00
pr0xyI'll include the new bird2 as birdsong and the new bird3 as variation on birdsong17:00
coz_ok renaming now17:00
pr0xyi've got bird-symmetry in the tar.gz17:01
coz_pr0xy,  you want birdsond-variation.png ..yes?17:01
coz_birdsong rather17:01
pr0xyyes, can you blur the side parts and use ubuntu bold?17:02
coz_sure not problem...will get to that  today :)17:02
coz_pr0xy,  do you still want a  sunset  one as well?17:02
pr0xymaybe, if you can tone the colors down a tad.17:03
coz_ok will try it out17:03
pr0xycan you post up any of those bird ones in a few minutes?17:03
coz_pr0xy,  maybe this on   is this more to your liking?  yes?17:06
pr0xyi've got less than 10 min battery life left.17:06
pr0xymove ugr a bit left17:06
coz_ooo  mm ok  that will take time  I have to redo the background then   or stamp tool it  ...mm that may be an issue ,, but I will get to it17:07
pr0xylike 1 pixels left17:07
pr0xylike 10 pixels left17:07
coz_ok let me try17:07
pr0xyit's just a textbox, right?17:07
coz_pr0xy,  well I  merged the layers down  so hold on17:08
pr0xyif you get them done, i can post ugr-wallpaper-0.417:10
coz_mm hold on working on them17:10
pr0xyokay. i'l be back in a bit. batteries are dead.17:10
pr0xygot mah chargur.17:13
pr0xyanything, coz_17:21
coz_pr0xy,  hold on going to link  you to them to look at them  before I finalize it17:21
coz_this bird one was not really designed for wallpaper :)17:22
vishpr0xy: " <pr0xy> We've asked for permissions from Canonical, and they didn't give us any..." what do you mean by that?17:22
pr0xyvariation should be normal birdsong, birdsong should be variation, and can you flip the bird so it faces the left, instead of right on the normal one, that should be variation??17:23
pr0xyvish: canonical didn't let us use the name 'Gubuntu', and they won't make us an official distro spin17:24
pr0xycoz_: switch the names, first?17:25
vishpr0xy: why a separate distro? you can do that for the default itself..  :s17:25
vishthey want to make vanilla gnome available..17:25
pr0xywe're using GNOME 3.17:25
vishyea, that too..17:25
* vish grabs link and continues to read backlog17:25
pr0xyso... it's a spin. go to ugr.teampr0xy.net17:26
pr0xycoz_ on the new variation, can the bird part in the middle be in the opposite direction? like mirror it?17:26
vishpr0xy: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2011-April/002877.html17:26
vishthey want to do it for default itself, but dont have any community members working on it..17:27
pr0xyYeah, but that's for oneiric. we're doing it NOW, not in 6 months...17:27
pr0xyand we're actually working with the gnome 3 team.17:27
pr0xyfor realz.17:28
vishpr0xy: so for Oneiric you are working with them?17:28
pr0xyno. for a natty custom release.17:28
vishUpstream GNOME team or the Ubuntu gnome 3 team?17:28
pr0xygo to ugr.teampr0xy.net17:28
pr0xyi think we are the ubuntu gnome 3 team...17:28
pr0xywe have www.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome/17:29
pr0xyso I think it's us...17:29
coz_pr0xy,     http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/UGR/birdsong-variation.png17:29
pr0xyperfect, coz_17:29
coz_ok will post both of those now17:30
vishpr0xy: there is another team ยป https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team ?17:30
vishwhy cant we all work together :)17:30
pr0xythat's the official gnome 3 team, methinks.17:30
vishpr0xy: two teams doing the exact same thing is not really the best thing for users..17:30
coz_pr0xy,  could you give me that wallpaper link again17:31
vishpr0xy: why not work with them? you could become official too..17:31
pr0xywe... are...17:31
pr0xyas I stated previously...17:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 770095 in ugr-meta "WALLPAPER" [Medium,In progress]17:32
pr0xythat's it...17:32
pr0xyi'll put them in the package.17:32
coz_pr0xy,  ok thos 2 have been posted17:33
coz_pr0xy,  I really have go here for about an hour,, and then I will try to work on that sunset image,, I may remove the black borders ,, and tone down the intensity of the colours...  so be back later  :)17:34
pr0xyor upload them17:34
=== daker is now known as daker_
pr0xyhey. anyone able to help with wallpapers?19:37
darkmattervish: http://i.imgur.com/JJtzI.png :O!20:54
vishdarkmatter: the indigenous Navi must be eliminated!!!20:54
vishlooks like you started theming it already?20:55
darkmattervish: just need new fonts and theme tweaks :P20:55
vishthe top panel looks non-default..20:56
vishcrappy branding of the wallpaper :/20:57
darkmatteratolm theme. user-there extension ftw :P20:57
vishreally looks like a weed20:57
vishah! shell themes!!20:57
darkmattervish: just starting the customization. next step, getting adium styles to play nice with empathy 3.020:58
vishone of the problems i have to moving to gtk3/gnome3 is to redo my dark themes again :S20:58
darkmatterthen drop in my wallies20:58
vishi just almost got the gtk2 one to look a little close to how i like..20:59
darkmattervish: thers actually a few gtk3 themes now! (on deviantart, no less20:59
darkmatterthat didn't take long. lol20:59
vishbut ME WANTS DARK THEME :D20:59
darkmattervish: forced shell/3 on the missus. she _LOVES_ it. anyone who says "normal people are afraid and resistant to/don't like change" can go shove that in a sock and beat themselves with it ;D21:01
darkmattershe figured it out faster than I dil. lol21:02
vishyea, it will work for new users who have not used gnome21:02
vishbut still not yet there..21:02
vishdarkmatter: shell imo has nothing to figure out :p , its bare bones ;)21:03
vishpretty easy to get bored there after a few mins..21:04
darkmattervish: yup. which is why I needed to transition now. I has a live icons whiteboard to work on. plus do a few extendings of my own :D21:04
darkmattervish: the fedora integration is nice. yay for closest to upstream \o/21:06
vishhasnt fedora always been closest to upstream?21:06
darkmattervish: yup :P21:07
darkmatterless surprises, more workiez :P21:07
vishwell, when i switched to Ubuntu, it was mainly where I can get more support, and Ubuntu had a larger user base and #ubuntu was more populated than #fedora21:08
vishfrom windows..21:08
vishXP!!! ;p21:08
darkmattervish: as long as it works :P21:09
vishi did try fedora in a virtual box back then and dint see any benefit then ;)21:09
darkmattervish: though it does take some getting used to after not having used it for so long.21:11
darkmatterI forgot how 'fort knox' it is21:11
darkmatterlikes to beat you over the head with SELinux. lol21:11

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