[06:03] hellooooo cambodia! [13:03] 9_9 [14:46] * genii-around prepares a new bodum of strong Arabica coffee [16:11] Hey! No one has sent any cupcake recipes or flavours they'd like to mailing list! [16:50] You could try poking them again... [16:56] Heh [16:56] * dscassel doesn't have any recipes and can't eat cupcakes anyway ;_; [16:57] dscassel: I was down in your neck of the woods this weekend, Cambridge, to see my mom. Thought about visiting Kitchener but pretty busy with Easter and my nephews [16:57] I was out of town anyway. :) [16:57] Ah [16:58] Did you grow up in Cambridge? [16:58] No. Mostly in London [16:59] Ah. Cool. [17:00] My mom found work in Cambridge and moved there a while ago. My sisters live in London, and Sarnia [17:52] I'm a transplant in SW Ontario m'self. [17:53] I grew up in Belleville (which is where I spent the weekend) [18:54] * BobJonkman1 wonders if anyone from the KW area actually /is/ from the KW area [19:07] BobJonkman1: I've met a few. But they do seem to be the exception rather than the rule. [19:08] Not me.... [19:08] Meaning, I'm from the KW area but not from the KW area also. [19:09] And if I've met anyone otherwise, I didn't know it. [19:09] (I think the weekend's overdose of chocolate must be fermenting in my brain) [19:12] There are worse things... :) === bregma is now known as bregma|walkies === bregma|walkies is now known as bregma === user__ is now known as kaffir === kaffir is now known as kaffir_