akgraner | mhall119, pong | 00:05 |
akgraner | pleia2, thank you! | 00:39 |
pleia2 | akgraner: facebook confuses me so, I can see your comments but apparently I don't have permission to see the thread so I don't have context | 00:41 |
pleia2 | I *assume* it's about the SDForum talk? | 00:41 |
akgraner | you should now - I delete the first comment | 00:41 |
akgraner | deleted even | 00:41 |
akgraner | yep that talk, you words were too kind - thank you! | 00:42 |
pleia2 | no luck, I think it's because it's on a page of someone who doesn't share their stuff | 00:42 |
pleia2 | all true! you're welcome :) | 00:42 |
pleia2 | it actually ended up on the google open source blog, I was pretty excited | 00:42 |
akgraner | I'll share it on my page then...one sec :-) | 00:42 |
pleia2 | facebook's privacy controls are so wonky "people are talking about you, but you can't see what they're saying!" | 00:44 |
pleia2 | anyway, that was a really fun panel, I was happy to be a part of it :) | 00:45 |
akgraner | was that the one Francine emailed me about? | 00:45 |
akgraner | pleia2, you look like you are in your element and you were having fun..:-) | 00:46 |
pleia2 | I don't know, Sonja is the one who snagged me (I didn't talk with Francine) | 00:46 |
pleia2 | it was much easier than an solo talk | 00:47 |
mhall119 | akgraner: was gonna ask for your email, then I realized I had been copied on stuff from you recently | 00:52 |
akgraner | :-) yep I got your email..I'm catching up with everything now... | 00:52 |
akgraner | Tried not to be on the computer too much this weekend... | 00:52 |
mhall119 | okay, no rush, I'm still hacking on it | 00:52 |
akgraner | great! | 00:58 |
akgraner | thanks! | 00:58 |
akgraner | jcastro john said he would do a "How to use AppArmor Session" and I'm going to see if the Vancover folks who wrote the qwibber manual will give a "Getting Started with Gwibber" sessions as well... | 01:01 |
akgraner | and if those and Rikki get added to the schedule tomorrow (I'm not bother folks this evening) - then we'll only need 8 more people :-) Should be able to get that added tomorrow... | 01:02 |
akgraner | dang apparently I'm not typing well either this even - bah | 01:10 |
cjohnston | do be do be do | 01:17 |
akgraner | crap see evening....dang it - it's a good thing I'm working on screen shots and blog posts...DOH! | 01:18 |
duanedesign | akgraner: added myself to the OpenWeek Schedule. Sorry it took so long. | 01:33 |
akgraner | duanedesign, no worries...Thank you so much! | 01:42 |
duanedesign | doctormo: was checking out this comic for the new Portal game. Some pretty neat artwor http://www.thinkwithportals.com/comic/ | 01:50 |
mhall119 | akgraner: nigelb: nhandler: The action drop-downs at the top of the page in Read Feeder work now | 02:06 |
mhall119 | akgraner: I'm really thinking we need an Ubuntu Web Developer Week | 02:06 |
mhall119 | maybe something we can discus at UDS | 02:07 |
mhall119 | especially if nigelb gets his visa sorted out | 02:07 |
duanedesign | poor nigel and his visa :\ | 02:12 |
duanedesign | they should know, its been six months we should get nigels visa ready :) | 02:12 |
duanedesign | jcastro: if you have a second could you peer review my edit of answer 1. http://askubuntu.com/questions/36840/how-to-see-all-available-man-manuals/36844 | 02:14 |
akgraner | mhall119, another Ubuntu Week - wow at this rate we'll have Ubuntu Week every month of each cycle :-) | 02:49 |
mhall119 | akgraner: hmmm, true | 02:55 |
mhall119 | maybe we should start with just Web Developer Day then | 02:55 |
nigelb | heh | 03:05 |
mhall119 | okay, maybe I'm partial, but I'm kind of liking using Read Feeder as a general purpose feed reader | 03:14 |
mhall119 | I need more science and politics blogs though | 03:14 |
nigelb | he | 03:15 |
nigelb | I should do that | 03:16 |
mhall119 | I'm gonna have to add some optimizations and caching to this | 03:19 |
mhall119 | I'm not seeing any/w 40 | 03:27 |
mhall119 | blah | 03:27 |
mhall119 | hmmm, need to add a paginator | 04:03 |
nigelb | and some AJAX | 04:28 |
duanedesign | hello nigelb ! | 04:53 |
nigelb | hey duanedesign | 05:37 |
=== daker_ is now known as daker | ||
nigelb | duanedesign: It was a brilliant scene. | 10:58 |
nigelb | It went like this "read the ubuntu swap page" "You mean the swap FAQ?" "Yeah, that one" "erm, I helped rewrite most of it a long while back" "Dude!?!?!?!" | 10:59 |
duanedesign | :) | 11:24 |
popey | !swap | 12:10 |
ubot2 | swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 12:10 |
popey | hmm, that page needs a bit about swap on flash/sd/usb sticks | 12:12 |
nigelb | popey: like adding a whole flash drive as swap? | 12:17 |
akgraner | Good Morning! :-) | 12:25 |
akgraner | Ok how sad is it I am now dreaming about Unity and Ubuntu....wow! | 12:25 |
akgraner | I don't dream in Technicolor I dream in Aubergine and Orange! | 12:26 |
nigelb | haha | 12:28 |
akgraner | nigelb, nah it's more like muahahaha.... | 12:30 |
nigelb | heh | 12:32 |
popey | nigelb: no, i meant about the misconceptions that you shouldn't put swap on flash (or ssd) | 12:40 |
popey | its a very common FAQ | 12:41 |
nigelb | I can add it, or do you want to? | 12:41 |
popey | feel free :) | 12:54 |
popey | unfortunately most people have it stuck in their heads that you absolutely must not put swap on flash, which is wrong | 12:55 |
akgraner | jussi what about and IRC session? Basic commands etc? | 12:59 |
nigelb | Basic commands? No. Etiquette? YES! | 13:00 |
akgraner | hehe :-) | 13:01 |
nhandler | Haven't we done one the last few times (or am I thinking of something else)? | 13:01 |
akgraner | Manners we don't need no stinking manners... | 13:01 |
akgraner | nhandler, we have - but it seems like the need never goes out of style | 13:01 |
nigelb | nhandler: espcially, the need to fill session :-) | 13:02 |
nigelb | *sessions | 13:02 |
nhandler | nigelb: I can agree with that | 13:02 |
nhandler | As for the need for this particular session, I'd rather see us do a better job of referring people to the logs rather than trying to redo sessions each time (especially when the general content has not changed), but I'm fine including it to fill space | 13:03 |
nigelb | We turn to these sessions when we're out of ideas. We appreciate new ideas :D | 13:04 |
=== cypher is now known as czajkowski | ||
doctormo | Does anyone have the latest unity functionality spider graph? | 13:19 |
duanedesign | hey doctormo did you get my message froom late last night? | 13:20 |
jcastro | akgraner: the indiana loco is spoiled | 14:40 |
jcastro | akgraner: they meet in this private school, it was pretty awesome | 14:40 |
Pendulum | jcastro: how is that spoiled? | 14:40 |
popey | most locos dont have a nice venue | 14:40 |
Pendulum | does the private school actually use Ubuntu? | 14:40 |
jcastro | yeah | 14:41 |
Pendulum | okay, that impresses me | 14:41 |
jcastro | they use it all over, it's nice | 14:41 |
jcastro | but they had a really nice place | 14:41 |
Pendulum | (I could hold LoCo meetings if I ran a LoCo in a private school, but the school uses MacOS) | 14:41 |
jcastro | I have never seen the inside of a private school before | 14:41 |
jcastro | oh, I don't know if they use it on the desktop or not | 14:41 |
jcastro | maybe servers | 14:41 |
Pendulum | heh | 14:41 |
jcastro | the classroom PCs were off | 14:42 |
Pendulum | I think the private school I went to (which is where I could hold meetings) uses Debian servers, but the school runs Macs | 14:42 |
Pendulum | although one of my mum's students there once wrote scheduling software for I think public transportation in Bangkok (possibly all of Thailand) as a summer job and he used Ubuntu :) | 14:43 |
jcastro | Daviey: what about now, enough sessions to kick off the scheduler? | 14:48 |
jcastro | JanC: what application have you found that whitelists itself? | 14:50 |
jcastro | curious | 14:50 |
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch | ||
akgraner | jcastro, so it was a good time to be held by all then! | 14:57 |
jcastro | yeah | 14:58 |
doctormo | duanedesign: No, what about? | 15:10 |
doctormo | Pendulum: You could still do it, just promote freedom and make em itchy ;-) | 15:10 |
Pendulum | doctormo: the tech people don't need to be convinced, but it's been a selling point for the school for almost 20 years that they require Mac laptops for students (and were the first school in the nation to do so) | 15:11 |
Pendulum | *first high school | 15:11 |
doctormo | Pendulum: You don't have to convince them, it's more like proximity awareness. | 15:12 |
popey | jcastro: its a public holiday in the UK today, dunno if daviey is about :) | 15:13 |
jcastro | oh right | 15:14 |
Pendulum | jcastro: it's the week where the UK barely works :P (and from what I've heard, some places just aren't at all) | 15:14 |
jcastro | this week? | 15:14 |
jcastro | or last week? | 15:15 |
popey | we had last friday, today and this friday off | 15:15 |
Pendulum | jcastro: this week. | 15:15 |
Pendulum | popey: and next monday, right? | 15:15 |
popey | royal wedding on friday, so public holiday the day after the release | 15:15 |
popey | which is handy | 15:15 |
popey | oh, yeah | 15:15 |
jcastro | popey: can you explain something to me | 15:19 |
jcastro | but don't take it in the wrong way or anything | 15:19 |
popey | :) | 15:19 |
popey | Go for it. | 15:19 |
jcastro | ok so you guys spent 100's of years under the yoke of monarchy | 15:20 |
jcastro | and then you get rid of it | 15:20 |
jcastro | but you still make a big deal about monarchs | 15:20 |
JFo | having kings and queens is fun | 15:20 |
JFo | :) | 15:20 |
jcastro | afaict they don't do this in other countries | 15:20 |
nigelb | hello hello | 15:20 |
jcastro | they don't like pretend to behead a monarch every year or something. :) | 15:20 |
nigelb | JFo: in cards, yes ;-) | 15:21 |
jcastro | JFo: right, but who pays for that wedding? | 15:21 |
popey | you seem to be collectively talking about us in the same way that we might collectively talk about people from america all being like GWB | 15:21 |
JFo | nigelb, :-P | 15:21 |
jcastro | that doesn't look cheap at all | 15:21 |
Pendulum | jcastro: ummm have you seen the news in the US being full of the wedding? | 15:21 |
popey | Ours is one of (if not the) oldest / longest monarchy isnt it? | 15:21 |
jcastro | Pendulum: right | 15:21 |
popey | a friend of mine is having a "Republican Party" on friday, where no talk of royals will be tolerated | 15:21 |
jcastro | hahah really? | 15:22 |
JFo | jcastro, I believe the royal family does... they are pretty comfortable | 15:22 |
mhall119 | popey: lol | 15:22 |
akgraner | ScottL, hey - do you want to give a "Get Started With Ubuntu Studio Session" or something? for Ubuntu Open Week? | 15:22 |
popey | please don't think we all love the royal family | 15:22 |
popey | many of us couldn't give a crap | 15:22 |
jcastro | popey: I just think it looks over important | 15:22 |
popey | +1 | 15:22 |
jcastro | or maybe that's just our media conflating that | 15:22 |
popey | your media _massively_ conflates our royal family | 15:22 |
mhall119 | so does ours | 15:22 |
akgraner | popey, I would love to visit them...I used to pretend I was a queen when I was a kid... | 15:23 |
jcastro | it's like we have paris hilton and the kardashians but your country comes with that sort of thing built in. | 15:23 |
popey | when we (brits) go to the USA we get questions about the royals, it's really very odd | 15:23 |
popey | we barely think about them (generally) | 15:23 |
popey | many in the UK think of them as chinless priviledged chancers who do nothing useful for the country | 15:23 |
JFo | akgraner, :-| | 15:23 |
JFo | used to? ;P | 15:23 |
akgraner | (ok some would accuse (JFo) of pretending I am that now) | 15:23 |
akgraner | :-P | 15:23 |
popey | I don't know of a single person who is excited about the royal wedding on friday | 15:24 |
popey | also note that many years ago we used to have street parties for this kind of thing | 15:24 |
popey | mostly setup by the post-war baby boomers | 15:24 |
jcastro | popey: it's all people are talking about here today | 15:24 |
akgraner | popey, you don't now? | 15:24 |
popey | nobody is here | 15:24 |
popey | nope akgraner | 15:24 |
popey | there is been pressure from the PM to do it | 15:25 |
popey | but most people don't care | 15:25 |
Pendulum | popey: I am sad because if it wasn't for the wedding I'd probably have come over earlier this week so that I could make it to the Ubuntu UK party :( | 15:25 |
popey | also most people don't know / care about their neighbours | 15:25 |
akgraner | Pete is glad he is flying home on Friday... | 15:25 |
popey | my kids have no idea who prince william is | 15:25 |
nigelb | Pendulum: I'm sure popey can arrange a Ubuntu-UK Pendulum welcoming party :-) | 15:25 |
popey | heh | 15:25 |
akgraner | I wanted to to stay and get some pictures for me etc...he laughed | 15:25 |
akgraner | him to stay even...grrr | 15:26 |
popey | there will of course be plenty of people lining the route | 15:26 |
Pendulum | nigelb: I'm not seeing any geeks. things got a bit tight for time | 15:26 |
nigelb | Pendulum: aww :( | 15:26 |
Pendulum | my brother went to St. Andrews uni. I'm starting to think one of the reasons he's tried to stay out of the US since is because he gets extra questions about William | 15:27 |
jcastro | popey: I take it you'll be lining the streets! | 15:28 |
popey | i will lining my bed | 15:28 |
popey | after the release party | 15:28 |
akgraner | popey plans Pendulum partah | 15:28 |
jcastro | ours is on friday | 15:28 |
akgraner | NC one is on Thursday in Chapel Hill... | 15:29 |
popey | jcastro: our royal family is a massive embarrasment | 15:29 |
jcastro | popey: dude, whatever, we have Bieber fever. | 15:30 |
popey | good call :) | 15:30 |
jcastro | we have so many embarrassments I don't even know where to begin | 15:30 |
akgraner | ok so question - I know if you install ubuntu 11.04 and you can't run unity 3d does the system fall back to 2d or the classic desktop | 15:32 |
Pendulum | akgraner: should fall back to Classic AFAIK | 15:32 |
popey | it does, yes | 15:33 |
akgraner | that's what I thought too..but my loco team now has mne second guessing myself...:-/ and I can't find the link to that information... | 15:33 |
popey | (classic) | 15:33 |
akgraner | ahh ok | 15:33 |
akgraner | thanks | 15:33 |
jcastro | you don't get 2d unless you explicitly install it | 15:33 |
popey | i am using unity2d at the moment though | 15:33 |
popey | its so much faster than unity3d | 15:33 |
akgraner | gotcha | 15:33 |
JFo | well it is lighter by a whole 'd' ;-P | 15:34 |
jcastro | heh | 15:34 |
* JFo tickles popey | 15:34 | |
popey | :) | 15:34 |
jcastro | I wonder if someone has tried 2d on LTSP | 15:34 |
akgraner | Ok so GNOME is going away for 11.11 but the classic desktop just won't be supported right...as now has now moved to GNOME shell | 15:38 |
popey | uhm | 15:38 |
popey | GNOME is not going away | 15:38 |
popey | be careful how you say things like that :) | 15:38 |
akgraner | so we will still have GNOME just not like it used to be | 15:38 |
akgraner | I didn't say it someone else did - I just want to get my answer to them right | 15:38 |
popey | :) | 15:38 |
popey | Classic 2-panel GNOME desktop will not be the fallback in 11.11 | 15:38 |
popey | er, 11.10 | 15:39 |
popey | whatever :) | 15:39 |
popey | The plan is for Unity 2D to be the 2D fallback in 11.10 for those that can't run Unity 3D | 15:39 |
akgraner | ok so the correct answer is there is no upstream support for the classic desktop | 15:40 |
akgraner | and therefore we (ubuntu) will not be including it from 11.10 forward? | 15:40 |
akgraner | or am I still not understanding | 15:40 |
popey | I didnt say that :) | 15:40 |
Pici | The whole 'gnome is going away in 11.10' came from a bug report that sabdfl commented on, and blown way out of proportion. | 15:40 |
popey | the 'correct' answer is it makes no sense to ship our revolutionary new desktop "Unity" in 3D mode and have a completely different desktop look/feel/behaviour for 2D users | 15:41 |
popey | What makes _sense_ is to have a single UI whether you're using 3D or 2D capable video cards | 15:41 |
popey | which is what you should get in 11.10 | 15:41 |
jcastro | popey: right, but it's also smart to not remove what people know | 15:42 |
popey | you don't get that in 11.04 partyly because Unity 2D isn't ready yet | 15:42 |
jcastro | not right away anyway | 15:42 |
popey | yes | 15:42 |
popey | that too | 15:42 |
jcastro | this kind of works out because we keep classic, but not too long | 15:42 |
jcastro | since it's effectively abandoned | 15:42 |
Pici | So another game of blame upstream, not Ubuntu? | 15:42 |
jcastro | I wouldn't say blame | 15:43 |
jcastro | it's just a major release | 15:43 |
popey | Pici: whats the alternative? | 15:43 |
jcastro | no one blames FF for leaving 3 when they move to 4 | 15:43 |
popey | keep classic 2-panel gnome? | 15:43 |
popey | how can we do that given GNOME have moved on to GNOME Shell | 15:43 |
Pici | jcastro: blame wasn't the right word, you're right. | 15:43 |
akgraner | I'm sorry..I just wanted to make sure I understood how to explain this in non-technical terms to people...:-) | 15:43 |
akgraner | thanks y'all | 15:44 |
jcastro | akgraner: here's what I tell non tech people | 15:44 |
Pici | popey: There is no alternative. | 15:44 |
jcastro | "this is the new ubuntu, it has a new UI." | 15:44 |
popey | exactly Pici | 15:44 |
* Pici is reminded of the KDE3 to KDE4 switch | 15:44 | |
mhall119 | there's always Xfce | 15:44 |
jcastro | hmm, actually I think 10.04 will outlive 11.04 in support range anyway | 15:47 |
jcastro | and 11.10 right? | 15:47 |
* jcastro sucks at arithmetic | 15:47 | |
mhall119 | it's what, 2 years on the desktop or 3? | 15:47 |
jcastro | 3 | 15:47 |
mhall119 | and non-LTS gets 18 months? | 15:47 |
Pici | It won't be until 13.04 that 10.04 desktop ends. 11.04 only lasts until 12.10 | 15:48 |
mhall119 | so, yeah, classic gnome will be supported for a while | 15:48 |
akgraner | jcastro, I start out with that..then someone says - all the other stuff and I hate standing their looking like a deer in the headlights...:-) | 15:48 |
mhall119 | probably Fedora and Suse and everyone else will be without "classic" Gnome in a supported version before Ubuntu | 15:49 |
mhall119 | how long does Fedora support old releases? | 15:49 |
Pici | Good question | 15:49 |
jcastro | it's either 2/3 releases or 18 months | 15:49 |
jcastro | I remember it being close | 15:49 |
Pici | 'Release X is supported until one month after the release of Release X+2' | 15:51 |
Pici | [B | 15:51 |
Pici | From: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Release_Life_Cycle#Maintenance_Schedule | 15:51 |
jcastro | oh so one cycle less | 15:51 |
Technoviking | only 3 updates, think we are getting close | 15:52 |
akgraner | hmm one of my loco team members just asked about this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/760131 and said it's a show stopper for him. He asked if there was any news on this...I don't even know where to send him to find out.... | 15:58 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 760131 in linux "Power consumption raised significantly in natty" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 15:58 |
jcastro | akgraner: that would be your husband | 15:59 |
* jcastro runs | 16:00 | |
akgraner | oh - that's why they asked me...grrrrr | 16:00 |
akgraner | let me reply with my standard - "wrong graner answer" | 16:00 |
jcastro | I am glad someone is finally complaining though | 16:01 |
jcastro | I haven't had decent battery life in linux since .... oh, I started using linux | 16:01 |
akgraner | I think Fedora has the same issue with this don't they? | 16:02 |
mhall119 | if it's kernel, most likely they do | 16:02 |
nigelb | ok people | 16:02 |
nigelb | I'm going to work on the etherpad theme today | 16:02 |
nigelb | wish me luck | 16:02 |
akgraner | nigelb, good luck! | 16:02 |
jcastro | \o/ | 16:02 |
nigelb | I hope I don't break my desk with head desking | 16:03 |
nigelb | FYI, the theme may not work on IE. I don't intend to fix it if it doesn't | 16:03 |
nigelb | akgraner: thanks | 16:03 |
mhall119 | nigelb: +1 | 16:03 |
nigelb | Normally I don't like java all that much. | 16:12 |
nigelb | But scale is just awesome. | 16:12 |
nigelb | *scala | 16:12 |
JFo | yeah, that power regression is in the kernel | 16:22 |
maco | jcastro: what is "decent"? | 16:24 |
jcastro | maco: good | 16:24 |
maco | jcastro: i always had the impression 2h was normal for 15-17 inch | 16:24 |
jcastro | for example my X200 got like 9 hours in windiws | 16:24 |
jcastro | like 3-4 max in ubuntu | 16:24 |
maco | (and was rather happy when my 15" maintained the 2h mark even as the battery degraded to 80% max since acpi was improving) | 16:24 |
mhall119 | jcastro: but to be fair, 4 hours on Ubuntu is more productive than 9 hours on Windows | 16:25 |
jcastro | hah | 16:25 |
maco | i have no idea what that battery life of any of my machines would be with windows. two have never run it. the other ran xp for 4 hours and vista beta for a day (and not even continuous, it was so annoying i dualbooted it for 24h before wiping vista) | 16:25 |
nigelb | maco: that tends to happen &-& | 16:26 |
nigelb | s/&/^/g | 16:26 |
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado | ||
vish | " <popey> Classic 2-panel GNOME desktop will not be the fallback in 11.10" , but how does that make sense? GNOME Shell is supposed to fallback to classic GNOME, However we dint like Shell so we went with Unity and we fallback to Shell and wont fallback to Classic? o.0 | 16:38 |
vish | i realise Mark made that comment , but sounds weird :D | 16:38 |
Pici | I think it was meant to say that "We fallback to unity-2d and won't fallback to classic" | 16:39 |
vish | or do we just fallback to Unity-2d ? and no Classic/Shell , (even weirder..) | 16:39 |
vish | hm.. | 16:39 |
Technoviking | I miss talking about buttons, does anyone else:) | 16:39 |
Pici | Technoviking: Buttons were easy to talk about. | 16:40 |
duanedesign | doctormo: it was about the Portal2 comic . Some nice artwork thought you might find it interesting. http://www.thinkwithportals.com/comic/ | 16:47 |
duanedesign | jcastro: starting to sound like a broken record, but another goood blog post (Ubuntu One streaming music app). Oh an Jar of Flies, great album :) | 16:48 |
jcastro | heh | 16:53 |
popey | vish: it makes total sense | 16:58 |
popey | look at it from a new user point of view | 16:58 |
popey | boot up on a 3d-capable machine, get one interface, boot on a non-3d-capable machine, get a _completely_ different UI | 16:58 |
vish | ah! yea, kinda like compiz ยป metacity.. | 16:58 |
popey | that makes zero sense at all | 16:58 |
popey | what makes sense is for there to be a consistent UI whether you have 3d or not | 16:59 |
vish | bah, so no more Sys monitor applet :( | 17:00 |
popey | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/707538/comments/2 | 17:01 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 707538 in ubuntuone-control-panel "The overview screen is shown for a fraction of second before morphing into the main panel" [Low,Won't fix] | 17:01 |
popey | dear canonical, please put sensible 'wontfix' messages | 17:01 |
popey | that bug comment is pointless | 17:01 |
popey | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/769978 | 17:03 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 769978 in ubuntuone-client "Services tab doesn't fit in the window" [Undecided,Invalid] | 17:03 |
popey | also not useful | 17:03 |
popey | why do i file bugs? | 17:03 |
akgraner | Technoviking, Unity Unity Unity doesn't anyone notice the buttons anymore :-P (think Marsha Marsha Marsha)... | 17:18 |
duanedesign | popey: hmm, guess I will stop testing the second one. I was trying to figure out why your content does not fit into the control panel. I need to find someone else who does not have bindwood installed. I think that might be why as it is the only difference from my setup | 17:23 |
vish | jcastro: so i'm guessing talks with the other GNOME3 folks failed? | 17:32 |
jcastro | for what? | 17:32 |
vish | they dont seem to be wanting to work with https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team | 17:32 |
jcastro | oh the spin off guys? | 17:33 |
vish | yea :( | 17:33 |
jcastro | yeah we got a response | 17:33 |
jcastro | but they never actually sent anything | 17:33 |
vish | one of them is in -artwork and they seem to only want to work on their own.. | 17:33 |
* vish pokes popey to take a look. | 17:33 | |
AlanBell | popey: fwiw I can't reproduce 769978 | 17:35 |
jcastro | vish: they didn't respond after rodrigo asked them to just submit code | 17:36 |
vish | popey: nvm , he /quit, you can just read scrollback for funz ;p | 17:36 |
jcastro | and then I poked them again like a week ago | 17:36 |
vish | jcastro: i dont think they got the point.. <pr0xy> Yeah, but that's for oneiric. we're doing it NOW, not in 6 months... | 17:37 |
vish | they still seem to think whatever.. | 17:37 |
jcastro | uhhh, the PPA is for 11.04 | 17:37 |
vish | exactly!! | 17:38 |
vish | Bug #755189 | 17:48 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 755189 in ugr-meta "Gubuntu as project name" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/755189 | 17:48 |
popey | AlanBell: screenshot? | 17:53 |
popey | vish: hmm? | 17:55 |
vish | popey: nah, thought we were around and could talk some sense into pr0xy, he was in -artwork | 17:55 |
popey | ah | 17:56 |
vish | s/we/you | 17:56 |
vish | :) | 17:56 |
AlanBell | popey: will do | 17:59 |
AlanBell | popey: if it isn't reproduced what status should it go to? | 17:59 |
popey | depends, just because one person can't reproduce it doesn't mean nobody can | 18:00 |
AlanBell | indeed, I just didn't see a "not reproduced" status in the list | 18:00 |
popey | all bugs are "not reproduced" until reproduced surey? | 18:01 |
popey | *surely | 18:01 |
AlanBell | hmm, reproduction attempt failed then | 18:01 |
popey | do you even have the same stuff on screen as I? | 18:02 |
AlanBell | http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/u1services.png | 18:03 |
AlanBell | no | 18:04 |
AlanBell | I don't have desktopcouch-ubuntuone | 18:04 |
* AlanBell installs | 18:04 | |
AlanBell | if that is the secret then I will reopen it with the two screenshots | 18:05 |
popey | i suspect you will be able to reproduce it with the same set of sync apps I have | 18:05 |
popey | s/apps/settings/ | 18:05 |
popey | its the "enable bookmarks sync" that throws it off horizontally | 18:05 |
popey | if that was underneath contact sync it would be only vertical scroll which is less fugly | 18:06 |
* AlanBell reproduces | 18:06 | |
salgado | Daviey, care to have one final look at https://code.launchpad.net/~salgado/summit/linaro/+merge/58503 and, if you're happy with the changes there, merge it for me (I don't have rights to commit to lp:summit) | 18:10 |
* AlanBell confirms | 18:14 | |
popey | ta | 18:23 |
=== daker is now known as daker_ | ||
AlanBell | I found a bug I filed three times bug 617835, bug 749642, bug 732320 | 18:49 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 617835 in casper "no audio indication of when and how to get to the accessible installer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/617835 | 18:49 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 749642 in casper "no audio cue to assist getting to menu for accessibility options" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/749642 | 18:49 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 732320 in ubiquity "no audio clues on how to get into the accessible install with screen reader" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/732320 | 18:49 |
popey | loon | 18:50 |
AlanBell | it seems my short term memory has a limit of less than the length of the release cycle | 18:50 |
AlanBell | and nobody has fixed the damn bug | 18:50 |
maco | AlanBell: quick, mark 2 as dups of the other! it'll get a higher heat index! | 18:51 |
AlanBell | I just did | 18:51 |
AlanBell | does this count as a senior moment? | 18:51 |
AlanBell | is ubiquity or casper the right package for that? | 18:52 |
AlanBell | or something else | 18:52 |
maco | i dont think it's ubiquity | 18:53 |
AlanBell | neither do I | 18:53 |
AlanBell | usplash perhaps? | 18:53 |
maco | cjwatson'd know | 18:53 |
jcastro | salgado: he's not around today | 18:53 |
salgado | jcastro, ok, thanks for letting me know | 18:55 |
jcastro | we'll dogpile him tomorrow | 18:55 |
jcastro | AlanBell: any news on etherpad? | 18:56 |
* jcastro was missing on thursday and friday | 18:56 | |
AlanBell | not that I heard | 18:56 |
AlanBell | friday and today are bank holidays in the UK | 18:56 |
AlanBell | public holidays | 18:56 |
nigelb | I was about to say "BUT canonical is not a bank!" | 18:57 |
mhall119 | AlanBell: I don't think usplash is around anymore, plymouth is used now | 18:57 |
AlanBell | think that is the thing that should go beep? | 18:58 |
mhall119 | beep when and where? | 18:59 |
AlanBell | at the very start when it displays the accessibility symbol | 18:59 |
mhall119 | oh, I think that's before plymouth, I think that's the isolinux stuff | 18:59 |
AlanBell | you are supposed to *see* that and press space at the right moment to get to the menu where you choose the audio installer | 18:59 |
mhall119 | which, IIRC, is done in postscript | 18:59 |
mhall119 | it's one of the murkier parts of the CD install, to be honest | 19:00 |
mhall119 | I had to change postscript code to get a different background color on the cd boot menu for Qimo | 19:01 |
AlanBell | what package is postscript? | 19:02 |
Pici | ghostscript? | 19:14 |
AlanBell | no, not that postscript! | 19:20 |
mhall119 | actually, I think it is the same(ish) | 19:21 |
JanC | jcastro: see ubuntu-desktop@ for an example | 19:49 |
jcastro | oh | 19:53 |
jcastro | that guy | 19:53 |
JanC | jcastro: the thing is: whitelisting your app is less work than adding support for indicators... ;) | 20:00 |
JanC | and for some developers there is also the issue that appindicators make it impossible to re-implement the current features | 20:01 |
JanC | for example Tomboy is rather "broken" for me because of that (mainly because of the lack of "pinning") | 20:02 |
JanC | for other peoples, it seems like the tomboy-with-appindicator broke the support for shortcuts... | 20:03 |
jcastro | right, the pinning is a known one | 20:11 |
jcastro | if mono had gobject introspection we could have done dynamic quicklists for tomboy | 20:11 |
JanC | quicklists don't support pinning either ;) | 20:12 |
jcastro | well, no app is doing dynamic quicklists afaict | 20:12 |
jcastro | heya vish | 20:38 |
jcastro | do you know the art guy doing this? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/making-libreoffice-blend-in-ubuntu-icon-porting-project-download-plus-how-to-help | 20:39 |
vish | yup.. | 20:39 |
jcastro | can you pm me his contact info pls? | 20:39 |
* popey wonders if Technoviking knew that the first two episodes of the latest Dr Who were filmed in his home state of Utah | 22:14 | |
pleia2 | it's always fun watching yankland episodes of dr who | 22:14 |
popey | :) | 22:14 |
* popey is watching Dr Who Confidential atm | 22:14 | |
popey | when does the new one air over there? | 22:14 |
pleia2 | not sure, I don't have cable so I borrow it from the internet | 22:15 |
AlanBell | I guess they had to go to where the aliens are to film it | 22:15 |
pleia2 | apparently it's just a day later, so it airs Sunday night on BBC America | 22:16 |
popey | oh sweet | 22:16 |
pleia2 | (we used to have to wait like 2 years) | 22:16 |
popey | thats much better than last season | 22:16 |
popey | heh | 22:16 |
popey | Steven Moffat did a Q&A on the radio the other day, with listeners posting questions. Was good fun | 22:17 |
pleia2 | cool | 22:17 |
popey | http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b010g9f0 | 22:17 |
popey | guessing you can't get that? | 22:18 |
pleia2 | radio is ok, they just block video | 22:18 |
popey | ah, cool | 22:18 |
popey | well thats worth a listen if you're interested | 22:18 |
pleia2 | any idea of timestamp? | 22:19 |
pleia2 | whole thing is 3 hours long :) | 22:19 |
popey | hmm | 22:19 |
popey | no, lemme scrub | 22:19 |
popey | blimey, the music is all in there too | 22:19 |
popey | surprising | 22:19 |
popey | 1:27:30 | 22:22 |
maco | popey: it aired here saturday, just like ther | 22:22 |
maco | a few hours apart is all | 22:22 |
pleia2 | popey: thanks | 22:23 |
popey | np | 22:23 |
pleia2 | maco: ah, you're right, I was looking at the wrong thing | 22:24 |
pleia2 | neat | 22:24 |
popey | also, drinking game for how often Moffat says 'genuinely' | 22:24 |
* pleia2 takes a sip | 22:26 | |
pleia2 | :) | 22:26 |
popey | :) | 22:26 |
Technoviking | popey: a was trying to find out if they needed any extras for that epidsode, but my friend who is in SAG could not find out even | 22:31 |
popey | heh | 22:32 |
Technoviking | my wife likes the new Doctor, I still prefer Tennant | 22:34 |
popey | me too | 22:34 |
popey | do you get Dr Who Confidential on BBC America too? | 22:35 |
Technoviking | We need a new two/three doctor special | 22:35 |
Technoviking | we got a recap special, but not confidential, unless on late night | 22:36 |
mhall119 | nhandler: ping | 22:39 |
Technoviking | popey: BTW, my wife is complete addicted to the royal wedding | 22:39 |
popey | heh | 22:42 |
popey | oh, didnt realise that Moffat quit doing the TinTin movie with Spielberg to do Doctor Who | 22:45 |
JanC | I can understand perfectly ;) | 22:51 |
JanC | doing a TinTin movie must be a nightmare | 22:51 |
Technoviking | jcastro: I'm starting to use OSX like Unity when I'm on OSX | 22:51 |
Technoviking | heh | 22:51 |
JanC | the TinTin heirs are worse than Disney when it comes to copyright extortion | 22:53 |
JanC | making a TinTin joke in public is probably good enough to get their lawyer to send a licensing contract to you ;) | 22:55 |
JanC | (oh no, what did I just do... :-/ ) | 22:56 |
popey | Technoviking: i do the same, I have the dock on the left | 22:56 |
ScottL | akgraner, when is ubuntu open week? i might be able to as long as it isn't this weekend | 23:12 |
czajkowski | too much chocolate and yet cant say no more | 23:12 |
maco | the nearest shop ran out of creme eggs a month ago | 23:12 |
czajkowski | I've a creme egg easter egg | 23:13 |
czajkowski | and a mini egg one | 23:13 |
czajkowski | and a basket of goodies | 23:13 |
czajkowski | all got from my bf aunties and grandmother yesterday when I met them | 23:14 |
akgraner | ScottL, the 2-6th of May | 23:19 |
akgraner | ScottL, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Timetable | 23:19 |
pace_t_zulu | hey guys... does anyone here have elevated privilegeds at help.ubuntu.com/community/ ... ? | 23:33 |
nhandler | pace_t_zulu: Try asking in #ubuntu-doc | 23:42 |
pace_t_zulu | nhandler: they sent me this way | 23:45 |
pace_t_zulu | nhandler: thanks though | 23:45 |
mhall119 | pace_t_zulu: what's the matter? | 23:46 |
pace_t_zulu | mhall119: attachments on a community wiki page i've been maintaining for a while | 23:49 |
pace_t_zulu | mhall119: MATLAB ... http://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB | 23:49 |
pace_t_zulu | mhall119: updating instructions for the current release ... made some attachment mistakes and I don't have privileges to correct them | 23:50 |
pace_t_zulu | i'm going to be afk for a bit... but i will check back for responses | 23:54 |
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