
jpastoreCan someone point me to documentation on enabling a second video card?01:09
nessitahello everyone12:57
josvukwhere is some documentation how ubuntu-desktop boots up I have to find out something which I would automate?12:58
nessitapitti: hey there, question: joshuahoover mentioned to me that the fix for bug #709494 (maverick patch) is good to go. Can I have the upload at https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/maverick/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.0.9/+merge/57380 sponsored?12:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 709494 in ubuntu-sso-client "[SRU] Missing user's name field" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70949412:58
zygahi, could anyone point me to hints on how to use bzr builddeb with pristine-tar?13:08
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rickspencer3hey all15:20
mterryrickspencer3, hi15:25
rickspencer3mterry, just me and you today?15:26
mterrymaybe  :)15:26
cyphermoxrickspencer3, I'm there too15:40
rickspencer3hi cyphermox!15:40
rickspencer3cyphermox, getting nice feedback on the nm-applet as indicator?15:40
cyphermoxrickspencer3, except some complaining on twitter the other day, yes15:41
cyphermoxor more precisely, not in a timeframe where I could have done anything about it, more or less15:41
rickspencer3what was the complaint? and why did they use twitter?15:41
cyphermoxit was that the menu was convoluted or something like that, let me look it up15:42
cyphermoxas for twitter, I don't know. there were some positive responses to it too15:42
rickspencer3cyphermox, nm15:43
rickspencer3if they were using twitter they just wanted to say something, they weren't trying to help15:43
cyphermoxmterry, any omgbroken things I can help with or is it mostly testing?15:49
mterrycyphermox, I've been doing a little testing, but also picking at some appmenu bugs that didn't make it for release15:50
mterrycyphermox, so nothing omg15:50
cyphermoxseems like things are rebuilding for now15:50
kenvandinenessita, i just noticed ubuntuone-control-panel doesn't have a depends or recommends for gir1.2-unity-3.016:56
kenvandinenessita, is there a bug filed about that yet?16:56
nessitakenvandine: u1cp does not depend on that package, u1client recommends it to have unity integration17:12
nessitakenvandine: u1cp is supposed to work without that package, is not the case?17:12
kenvandinenessita, it work with it yes17:33
kenvandinebut tested on a new install17:33
kenvandineit doesn't have that17:33
kenvandineso no unity progress bar17:33
nessitakenvandine: u1cp depends on u1client, which recommends the unity package17:34
nessitakenvandine: do you install recommends?17:34
kenvandinethose should get installed in a new install17:34
kenvandinejust confirmed it is a recommends in u1-client17:35
kenvandinenessita, just checked the manifest file on cdimage.ubuntu.com17:36
kenvandinegir1.2-unity-3.0 isn't on it17:36
nessitais not in the CD? oh17:38
nessitais... complicated then17:38
nessitakenvandine: I'm not sure how to fix this :-/ (if there's a fix)17:39
kenvandineit is puzzling... i thought recommends made it on the CD :/17:39
kenvandinenessita, i am asking about it in #ubuntu-release17:44
kenvandinenessita, gir1.2-unity-3.0 (>= 3.8.4-0ubuntu3) is the recommends17:48
kenvandine3.8.4-0ubuntu1 is what we have in the archive17:48
kenvandinedobey, ^^17:48
nessitadobey: ?17:50
kenvandineupdated version of recommends17:50
kenvandinewithout dropping the ubuntu rev :/17:50
dobeyyeah, i thought i did. doh :(17:51
kenvandinedobey, can you do a SRU for that and make sure there is a release note for it?17:51
dobeykenvandine: is there a bug for this?17:58
kenvandinedobey, i am filing it now :)17:58
dobeyfaster, i'm already at the (LP: # point in dch -i :)18:00
kenvandinedobey, just a sec, got distracted18:03
kenvandinedobey, bug 77037918:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 770379 in ubuntuone-client "Recommends wrong version of gir1.2-unity-3.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77037918:05
dobeynow where to put it18:07
* dobey really wants to put it on CD18:07
dobeybut alas18:08
dobeyguess i have to upload to -proposed18:08
kenvandineyeah, -proposed18:09
kenvandinedobey, make sure it gets noted in the release notes :(18:09
dobeyi have no idea how to ensure that18:10
* dobey pings someone who does18:10
dobeyi wish dpkg would complain about that in lint on the source18:12
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hallynlooking at gnome-terminal, I see where things like PopupOpenLink are added to the right-click popup menu.  Is there a way for me to add an entry of my own?19:42
hallyn(I want to be able to call a script on any number when preceded by '#')19:42
BuddSomehow, my ssh-agent carries a bunch of keys that I didn't explicitly add. Once I add three of my own, ssh logins fail due to too many key failures.20:04
Budd(because it's trying all the built-in keys first)20:05
BuddAlso ssh-add -D only erases the keys I added; the mystery keys remain.20:05
hallyn(nm i'll go ahead and do a custom appindicator with the pythong bindings, even better)20:06
evaluateThere is a pretty heavy bug in an application in natty that may be solved by a tiny patch. Is there a possibility to include such a patch before the final release or would it have to wait for after the release?20:10
mainerrorheavy bug, tiny patch? Which bug is it?20:11
evaluateI am the upstream maintainer (in Debian) and I would do an upload to solve it there, I'm just afraid it might not make it in time for the final release of natty...20:11
evaluateIt's bug #70231620:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 702316 in libappindicator "Generic Libindicate fallback support breaks applications (such as clipit) on non-Unity WMs/DEs" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70231620:11
evaluateThe bug can be solved by commenting/taking out line 569 in main.c20:14
evaluateHere's the 'patch': http://pastebin.com/n7veEAVv20:18
evaluateIt would be really nice if this could be included before the final release.20:18
AlanBellwhat is the thing that does this boot splash image? http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/bootsplash.png20:20
AlanBellit is something before plymouth20:20
brycehAlanBell, good question; grub maybe?20:24
AlanBellwell it is on the CD and that doesn't use grub20:25
AlanBellisolinux perhaps20:25
chrisccoulsonpitti, do you plan to copy the remaining langpacks in the ubuntu-langpack PPA this week?20:27
chrisccoulson(hi btw) :)20:27
AlanBellsyslinux package I think20:28
nessitapitti: hey there, question: joshuahoover mentioned to me that the fix for bug #709494 (maverick patch) is good to go. Can I have the upload at https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/maverick/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.0.9/+merge/57380 sponsored?20:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 709494 in ubuntu-sso-client "[SRU] Missing user's name field" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70949420:29
tedgmterry, Cimi__ is saying that appmenu-gtk needs to look for "eclipse" instead of "Eclipse"20:30
tedgmterry, Did the title-case check work for you?20:30
mterrytedg, yeah, it works for me.  Just retested it today, after someone commented in upstream bug report20:30
mterrytedg, how about you?20:30
tedgmterry, I don't have it installed, Cimi__ said it didn't work for him.20:31
tedgLet me install it.20:31
chrisccoulsonhi mterry, tedg!20:31
mterrytedg, hrm20:31
chrisccoulsonare you guys working today?20:31
mterrychrisccoulson, hi!  yeah20:31
chrisccoulsonawww :(20:31
=== Cimi__ is now known as Cimi
chrisccoulsoni bet it's been quiet in here hasn't it?20:31
tedgchrisccoulson, Howdy, yes.  Not a holiday in the US.  It has been quiet (not complaining) ;-)20:31
mterrychrisccoulson, not so bad, doing my patch piloting and in a developer board meeting now.  (They *might* make it to my core-dev app, but unlikely)20:32
chrisccoulsonheh :)20:32
chrisccoulsonwell, all the best for that :)20:32
chrisccoulsoni need to do more core-dev app at some point20:32
tedgWow, eclipse is huge.20:33
tedg(with all the deps)20:33
tedgI'm actually not sure I have the disk space for this.20:33
tedgWe'll see what happens.20:34
chrisccoulsontedg, i haven't really had much of a holiday here (if that makes you feel any better) ;)20:34
chrisccoulsoni spent most of the day washing, polishing and waxing my car20:34
chrisccoulsonand now my back is hurting ;)20:34
stgrabermterry: the idea is to extend the meeting to 2 hours if DMB members are still around so we can process the backlog20:34
tedgchrisccoulson, No, in fact it doesn't ;-)20:35
mterrystgraber, cool.  I'm in no rush and appreciate the board's efforts among chronic underattendence!20:35
chrisccoulsonheh :)20:35
chrisccoulsontedg, i didn't even drink any beer today20:36
chrisccoulsonit feels like a wasted holiday20:36
highvoltagep/win 2620:38
tedgmterry, Eclipse hits the blacklist fine for me.  The menus are in the window...20:58
pittihey chrisccoulson; you mean for lucid?21:15
chrisccoulsonhi pitti21:15
chrisccoulsonfor natty21:16
pittichrisccoulson: I killed the build as it was interrupted by my natty run21:16
pittichrisccoulson: we don't have PPA langpacks for natty21:16
DBOping RAOF21:16
pittichrisccoulson: so that's where they ended up21:16
pittichrisccoulson: I uploaded them to natty proper, yes21:16
chrisccoulsonpitti - ah, i see now.21:17
mterrytedg, yeah, so I don't know what the issue is...  is there a different way of running eclipse that fools the blacklist?  (ala emacs vs emacs23)21:17
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, some were uploaded just a short while ago :)21:18
tedgmterry, Perhaps if you don't install from the package?21:18
mterrytedg, oh maybe...  I would have assumed it would be the same, but that is a good guess21:19
tedgmterry, I don't know really.21:19
* mterry doesn't want to compile eclipse from source to find out21:19
* mterry is core-dev now! w000t!21:19
tremoluxmterry: woo hoo!!  congrats!!21:23
brycehmterry, awesome graz21:25
pittinight everyone21:26
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