
=== horus is now known as Guest56459
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trinikronohi guys i am helping on a bug 701060 and i think it affects plymouth, is there any procedure to debug plymouth bugs?04:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 701060 in Ubuntu "Boot failure" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70106004:00
* hyperair wonders how the overlay scrollbar works.09:01
hyperairit seems to be a standalone library, with no rdepends09:01
hyperairso how is it that some applications seem to use it, and some don't?09:02
kklimondahyperair: afair it has a whitelist, or maybe a blacklist.09:33
kklimonda(it's loaded dynamically by Gtk+ so nothing has to depend on it, afair ubuntu-desktop recommends overlay-scrollbar package)09:35
hyperairkklimonda: it doesn't recommend.09:47
hyperairoh wait it does09:47
hyperairi guess apt-cache rdepends no longer lists recommends09:47
hyperairoh wait, it does, i just didn't rdepends on the correct package.09:48
hyperairhmm dynamically loaded. no wonder nothing seems to refer to it.09:48
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IanLiuI'm trying to compile Unity, but I'm getting this error when running cmake: "Could not find module FindCompix.cmake". Any hints?12:49
sladenIanLiu: sudo apt-get build-dep unity13:09
IanLiusladen: thanks!13:09
sladeniulian: did it work?13:15
iulianNo, unfortunately.  I'm trying really hard though. :)13:16
sladeniulian: you should be able to do  sudo apt-get build-dep unity && apt-get source unity && cd unity-*/ && debuild -b && sudo dpkg -i ../unity-*.deb13:16
iulianThe guy left, sladen.13:16
* sladen blinks. Been playing Scabble too much13:17
iulianHeh. :)13:17
akgranerapw you around - I have a question about a fail I just got when I was updating...13:38
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mterry@pilot in16:13
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta-2 released | Archive: final freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots: mterry
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nobutomterry: Could you review my debdiff on Bug #769827?16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 769827 in poppler (Ubuntu) "poppler cannot parse font weight "Medium"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76982716:18
mterrynobuto, sure16:19
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mterrynobuto, so, this looks fine, but it's too late for natty.  this sounds like something that is affecting a lot of people?  We could apply for an SRU for natty...16:23
nobutomterry: In Japanese locale, many people affected. but I don't know how many on other locales.16:24
mterrynobuto, an entire nation of speakers is a lot  :)16:25
mterrynobuto, so I can do a bit of the paperwork for an SRU if you like, and note that I approve of the patch in the bug (once I test it)16:25
nobutomterry: I would like to ask that.16:26
mterrysure, am starting now16:27
nobutomterry: Thanks.16:27
nobutomterry: I would like to explain again on how many affected. In Japan, GothicBBB-"Medium" is widely and popularly used, so most of Japanese people affected. In other locales, it depends on whether popularly used font's name contains "Medium" weight. BTW it takes time to write up this. It's difficult to explain in English with my language-ability ;)16:36
mterrynobuto, understood.  Thanks for your patch and help so far!16:37
nobutomterry: You're welcome.16:38
eitch0000hi everyone. I've got some weird problems with natty. When using Bibble5 it crashes with a segfault and I see many errors regarding "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64". First I thought it was the applications problem, but then I saw this happening in other applications as well. Is this a known issue? The applications are 64-bit and worked find in 64 bit maverick.16:52
mterrynobuto, just an update (though you can also see it in the bug): I've updated your patch to be suitable for an SRU and subscribed the ubuntu-sru team, who will approve or deny it17:18
mterrynobuto, and once oneiric opens, hopefully a member of ubuntu-sponsors will upload your original patch17:19
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dobeyis it absolutely too late to fix something on the 11.04 cd? :)17:52
SpamapSHrm.. mdadm doesn't start on boot in the latest ISO's17:55
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macogeser, cody-somerville, bdrung_:  *poke about cyphermox's email application*18:16
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gesermaco: going through my mails right now18:18
eitch0000hi everyone. I've got some weird problems with natty. When using Bibble5 it crashes with a segfault and I see many errors regarding "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64". First I thought it was the applications problem, but then I saw this happening in other applications as well. Is this a known issue? The applications are 64-bit and worked find in 64 bit maverick.18:23
macoeitch0000: search http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs to see if it's a known issue18:25
macoeitch0000: just to check...your current system is also 64bit right?18:25
eitch0000maco, yes, it is18:25
arandeitch0000: Just a guess, is the application 32bit? If you run "readelf -h ./binaryapp" Ddoes it say 32 or 64?18:33
* maco wonders if it's related to multiarch18:35
eitch0000ara, ok, that is weird. The download page said it was the 64 bit version. I'll have to check that because readelf actually does say it has class ELF32...18:36
arandeitch0000: Right, so then presumably it gets confused abouth e where and how in /lib /lib32 /lib6418:37
eitch0000arand, ok. I'll check this and see if I can find the right 64 bit version18:38
arandeitch0000: If you use ldd you should hopefully be able to figure out which files it is looking for...18:38
arandAnd possibly install the ia32 libraries...18:39
eitch0000arand, the ia32-libs are installed. I reinstalled the 64-bit app and it really installs 32 bit binaries. ldd shows a couple of missing libraries... Thanks for the help. I'll have to get back to this later18:42
bdrung_maco: will do that at the meeting tonight. i will probably be late this meeting (maybe a half hour)18:46
* maco hopes there's enough for quorum18:47
geserbdrung_: thanks for reminding me about the meeting, totally forgot about it18:47
* stgraber will be there18:47
macoits in a bit over an hour, right?18:47
stgraber3pm EDT18:48
Laney. o O ( I did send an email reminder )18:49
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omacHi there, I've got 3 tablets just itching for ubuntu on them. RK2818, Tegra 2 T20, and Tegra 250 SMP.  I am looking to get linux4tegra, but I still haven't gotten a response for that yet from nvidia.19:33
macoLaney: my PM might pull me out near the beginning of the meeting, fyi19:48
Laneyhopefully we'll have enough to carry on19:49
Laneytoday isn't a public holiday in the US?19:49
mterry@pilot out19:59
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta-2 released | Archive: final freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots:
pozicikonia: do you always ban people that tell you to stop annoying users?20:00
ikoniapozic: please don't take offtopic discussion in here20:00
pozicikonia: especially those that know better than you?20:00
ikoniapozic: this channel is for ubuntu development discussion,20:00
Picipozic: You can join #ubuntu-ops if you want to discuss your ban.20:01
charlie-tcaLaney: not a US Holiday.20:09
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bdmurrayRiddell: Have you seen anything like bug 768641?21:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 768641 in Amarok "amarok lost collection after update to Natty" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76864121:15
macobdmurray: i think i hit that21:16
bdmurraymaco: that seems rather bad to me21:17
Riddellbdmurray: I haven't no21:17
gaurav_pawaskarHi guys. I have a problem in packaging21:37
gaurav_pawaskarafter dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot command..21:38
arandgaurav_pawaskar: Depending on the application #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-packaging might be more apropriate.21:38
gaurav_pawaskarok thank you arand21:38
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