
=== Fuchs_ is now known as Fuchs
roachmmflhyrHello I am requesting an IRC cloak,  what all do I need to do?  I have  a lauchpad account with pgp and ssh keys registered and sign the Code of Conduct 1.106:38
rwwroachmmflhyr: Are you an Ubuntu Member?06:38
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership06:38
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illuminarchAlguém do Brasil ou que fale portugues?20:47
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:48
LjLhe knows20:48
LjLhe's here to discuss the state of #ubuntu-br ;)20:48
PiciIdleOne: I asked illuminarch to join here to discuss an issue with #ubuntu-br20:48
IdleOneok sorry20:49
illuminarchGood afternoon to all the channel ubuntu nobody helps nobody André Gondim that Ubuntu is a board member, send all your questions users to search on google. I just want to know how to contact the Ubuntu project, I believe they do not know that the Ubuntu channel in Brazil is about to be closed, members are almost always in fights and even disrespecting the terms and conditions of freenode, there is no moderation on channel And has become a mess20:49
illuminarchand it bothers me, I need help, do not want to see Brazil ubuntu channel end due to lack of interest from others.20:49
illuminarchIs it so hard to understand what I'm saying? Or do I have to spread the net emails informing the neglect? after all nobody solves anything here ...20:52
Piciilluminarch: I understand you perfectly, I think we're just looking for the right person to address your issue.20:52
IdleOnePici: does the LoCo council have an email address?20:53
PiciIdleOne: Sure does. I'm not sure what it is though.20:53
illuminarchI do not want help for my system, I want to help you adjust the mess that is on ubuntu ... to be a moderator? after all it does not exist in ubuntu!20:53
IdleOneI can't seem to find one, I am still looking for it.20:53
IdleOnethank you pleia220:54
Picipleia2: Thanks20:54
IdleOneilluminarch: send an email to the LoCo community council at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com . Explain the problems you are seeing in the -br community and they should be able to help you.20:55
Piciilluminarch: I suggest copying the IRC council on that as well, irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com20:55
illuminarchEntão me diga que é essa pessoa e quem devo contatar, não vou medir esforços e nem dinheiro...afinal não aguento mais os novos usuários do ubuntu serem chamados de noob e ainda trolls! a não ser que isso seja costume da comunidade! AH já mandei emails pra Deus e o mundo e até agora nada foi feito..belissimo isso.20:56
illuminarchSo tell me who that person is and who do I contact, I will not spare no effort and no money ... after all can not stand most new users of ubuntu being called noob and still trolls! unless this is customary in the community! AH have sent emails to God and the world and so far nothing has been done .. so very beautiful.20:56
illuminarchwell ... I'll send my last email ... if not resolved I will copy the logs of the conversations and disseminate to all my friends through emails and also orkut and facebook ...20:57
LjLit's certainly not customary to call ubuntu users "noobs"20:57
LjLilluminarch: instead, copy the logs into the emails you send to the loco council and the irc council20:57
jussiilluminarch: please do as asked by IdleOne LjL and Pici.20:58
IdleOneilluminarch: loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com and irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com is where you need to send the emails. The council members will contact you soon as they are able to do so. Please keep in mind that it is a holiday weekend and people are just starting to come back to IRC.20:58
jussiilluminarch: I am on the IRC council - so we will look at it as soon as we can once you send that email.20:59
* jussi now heads to bed. 20:59
topyliilluminarch: i am sure the channel can be sorted. it's a large and important part of ubuntu20:59
illuminarchFriends, this has not happened for months now and asked me to send an email to the board of ubuntu and unfortunately the lack of interest of the board Brazil is huge and disgusting, there is even a channel created with the name of the ignored ubuntu, I think the regents of ubuntu went too far and I do know all this, a pure shame ... shame ...21:00
LjLilluminarch: it's very possible, though, that the international boards are different from the brazilian boards21:01
LjLso, try it21:01
illuminarchI am ashamed when a user has stopped using windows and going to ubuntu and how the channel is released as free support for the community ... the newcomer enters the channel and asks for help when the first response is "try google".21:02
LjLthat's not a good thing indeed21:02
illuminarchOkay thank you all, I'll send the email to both and no doubt return here ... bye ...21:03
LjLilluminarch: if you want to write the emails in portuguese, i can try to translate them into english for you21:03
LjLilluminarch: (i don't speak portuguese, but i speak italian, so hopefully i can understand enough)21:03
IdleOneItalian and Spanish are close enough that I believe you would be able to translate it to Portuguese21:04
IdleOneor rather to English21:04
m4villuminarch: have you talked with any ops in -br, did they say anything?21:04
illuminarchIs using the google translate to Italian work?21:05
illuminarchm4v: The error is that the operators themselves do not look at the IRC channel, has had racism, sexism, whatever you can imagine ... and nothing is done ... when it is called the channel operator he is never online. .. always missing ...21:07
illuminarchtake a test during the weekend and after 22 hrs of Brazil, entering the channel and read what members say ... I think that's enough!21:08
LjLilluminarch: don't use google translate - i'll use it to understand portuguese if i miss some things. but using it to translate the whole text makes a mess21:09
illuminarchLjL ok srsrsrs21:10
LjLgoogle translate is the best automatic translator available, but it's still bad ;)21:10
illuminarchLjL você quer que eu escreva em português ?21:11
JanCilluminarch: the problems are in #ubuntu-br or also other channels?21:11
m4villuminarch: yes, I do idle in -br and I can see ops aren't active. I just was wondering if you talked to them.21:11
LjLilluminarch: misma cosa para mi, pero tu me entiendes si falo espa-portu-liano? :)21:11
illuminarchJanC ubuntu-br21:11
LjLilluminarch: hay muitos ubuntu members em #ubuntu-br?21:12
illuminarchLjL sim21:12
MichealHCould I request a cloak for MootBot-AT, its a meeting bot in #ubuntu-at21:12
LjLilluminarch: es que veo que todos los ubuntu members son ops en #ubuntu-br (/msg chanserv access #ubuntu-br list)21:12
LjLilluminarch: pues me pregunto si lo sabian :)21:13
illuminarchson todos los operadores ?21:14
illuminarchno que yo sepa21:15
LjLilluminarch: anyone who is ubuntu/member/ has operator access in #ubuntu-br (but i don't know what happens if they try to use it. maybe the "real" operators don't like it)21:15
illuminarchsolo tenemos dos operadores están etiquetados21:15
LjLilluminarch: os operadores son  MarioMeyer Andre_Gondim ayrton Ursinha nictuku e *!*@ubuntu/member/*21:16
illuminarchno hacen nada21:16
illuminarchnada nada nada21:16
LjLilluminarch: tu crees que no hacian nada porque tienen otro que hacer, o porque no quieren hacer nada?21:17
MichealHtopyli: Around?21:17
topyliMichealH: yep21:18
MichealHtopyli: Did you see my request in-channel a few minutes ago?21:18
illuminarchLjL como una brasa viene pidiendo ayuda y el operador21:19
topylino. i see it now though21:19
illuminarchenvia el principiante  a la21:19
illuminarchbusqueada en google21:19
MichealHAlso, The Main Channel Op approves :)21:19
topylithat's always good :)21:19
illuminarchLjL  encuentro que esta misma falta de sentido comun...21:20
LjLilluminarch: hmm no es bueno :\ yo ahora quiero estar en el canal y ver que pasa, pero yo no estoy en el IRC council o LoCo Council, asi solo podrè decirlos los que son mis opiniones personales sobre lo que pasa alla. mi consejo para ti es de escribir este email, y pedir que por favor los de los Councils que falen portugues o espanol miren a lo que pasa en el canal para un poco de tiemo21:22
topyliMichealH: i'm not what to say. the MootBot in -meeting isn't cloaked so i don't have a precedent :)21:23
topylinot sure21:23
MichealHWow... even that is not cloaked?21:23
pleia2MootBot-UK isn't either21:24
MichealHhaha. Quick, gets its IP :P21:24
LjLilluminarch: i'll say it again in english - i'm going to try being in the channel for a while and seeing what happens there, but i'm not in the IRC or LoCo Council, so all i can do is inform them of my personal opinions on the channel state. my advice for you is to write that email, and ask that those in the Councils that speak Portuguese or Spanish have a look at the situation for some21:24
topyliMichealH: i suppose mootbots aren't too concerned about their privacy :)21:25
MichealHhehe Yeah21:25
MichealHUnless some random dude trys to hack or DDOS it :/21:26
topyliin order to falsify meeting minutes!21:26
pleia2MichealH: you really shouldn't depend upon cloaks to defend against your IP being attacked21:27
MichealHI know, I was just trying to joke :P21:27
illuminarchok LjL21:27
MichealHtopyli: lol, falsify them by corrupting them? :P21:27
topyliby giving every [ACTION] to topyli :(21:28
MichealHEspecially on IRCC meetings :P21:28
MichealHtopyli: What is the verdict?21:36
MichealHWait for others, or?21:36
topylii've asked the others, but they're not around. maybe they emerge tomorrow :)21:37
MichealHnhandler is usually around at this time :)21:37
topylii see no particular reason why i could not be cloaked though21:37
MichealHI could get the main op to confirm he wants the bot :)21:38
MichealHOr would that not be needed?21:38
topyliwho owns the bot? him?21:45
topyliok your bot, your business. whether the channel owner wants the bot in the channel is his business :)21:48
MichealHOkies :)21:49
nhandlerNeed me MichealH / topyli ?23:38

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