hot_wheelz | Hi can anyone why this is the case please | 11:23 |
sladen | rtg: | 13:09 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 770132 in linux-firmware "11.04: CPU hangs for 2 seconds out of every 6 seconds (massive lag and dropped/stuck input)" [Undecided,New] | 13:09 |
=== cnd_vac is now known as cnd | ||
JFo | so I've somehow told mutt to show email in an odd way, it doesn't show the email threads anymore where the new message causes the whole thread to drop to the bottom of a folder when reading. | 15:02 |
JFo | any idea how to change it back? | 15:02 |
hallyn | JFo: ':set sort-threads' ? | 15:40 |
hallyn | uh, sort=threads that is | 15:40 |
bjf | apw, your cve report needs a kick, last update 2011.04.21 | 15:46 |
JFo | hallyn, I think it failed to read in the config | 15:53 |
JFo | once I restarted it everything was back to normal | 15:53 |
JFo | *shrug | 15:53 |
pgraner | tgardner, ogasawara, | 16:02 |
pgraner | and | 16:02 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 760131 in linux "Power consumption raised significantly in natty" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:02 |
bjf | pgraner, that aritcle points out an upstream problem | 16:02 |
bjf | pgraner, not unique to natty | 16:02 |
tgardner | pgraner, ack | 16:03 |
pgraner | bjf, understood, can someone gin up a release note 2-3 sentences for me? | 16:03 |
tgardner | pgraner, lots of noise in that article, but maybe he'll come up with the offending commit after bisecting. | 16:11 |
pgraner | tgardner, yea, I just need some release note text in the bug so we can let users know and then track it | 16:12 |
=== LibertyZero_ is now known as LibertyZero | ||
tgardner | pgraner, this is gonna be one of those gang bang bugs | 16:13 |
pgraner | tgardner, yea no worries | 16:14 |
tgardner | pgraner, as for release notes, what can we say other then "its a known problem, we're working on it. An update will be SRU'd as soon as a solution is developed" ? | 16:14 |
pgraner | tgardner, yea with a tad more fluff, thats why I asked ogasawara, cuz you ain't fluffy at all | 16:15 |
tgardner | pgraner, but I _am_ succinct. | 16:16 |
pgraner | tgardner, thats one way of looking at it :) | 16:16 |
ogasawara | pgraner: I'll get a blurb added to the bug | 16:18 |
pgraner | ogasawara, thank you | 16:19 |
JFo | that the same as this one? | 16:20 |
JFo | oh yeah, even says right off | 16:21 |
pgraner | JFo, just curious how we missed that bug in all of our "lists" | 16:25 |
JFo | ok, I needs the foodz and coffays | 16:25 |
JFo | pgraner, I saw the story before I ever saw the bug | 16:26 |
pgraner | JFo, me too and that is a tad concerning | 16:26 |
JFo | in fact, I didn't see the bug | 16:26 |
JFo | I agree | 16:26 |
pgraner | JFo, ok, there are some changes in LP going in soon that should make that a tad better, but we will talk later | 16:26 |
JFo | excellent | 16:27 |
JFo | grabbing food, back in a bit | 16:29 |
* ogasawara back in 20 | 16:44 | |
tgardner | pgraner, what arch do you want for the atl1c test kernel that I'm gonna give you? | 16:47 |
pgraner | tgardner, i386 | 16:47 |
tgardner | pgraner, ok, gimme 10 minutes or so. | 16:48 |
tgardner | pgraner, | 17:03 |
=== herton is now known as herton_lunch | ||
pgraner | tgardner, got it, will be a bit before I can test, but will let you know | 17:26 |
tgardner | pgraner, ack | 17:27 |
pgraner | ogasawara, ping | 17:32 |
pgraner | tgardner, ping | 17:33 |
pgraner | ogasawara, never mind | 17:33 |
tgardner | pgraner, yo | 17:33 |
pgraner | tgardner, we are rejecting the omap upload you did, can you re-upload for updates | 17:34 |
tgardner | pgraner, sure. no skin off my butt. | 17:34 |
pgraner | tgardner, thanks | 17:34 |
tgardner | pgraner, is -proposed open yet? | 17:35 |
pgraner | tgardner, yep | 17:36 |
tgardner | pgraner, ok, I'll redo it with a tracking bug and drop it into the c-k-t PPA. Then its an sconklin and bjf problem. | 17:37 |
bjf | tgardner, thank you, come again | 17:37 |
pgraner | tgardner, ack, thanks... btw there is lots of peroni here | 17:37 |
tgardner | bjf, please sir, may I have another? | 17:37 |
tgardner | pgraner, hugs for petra ? | 17:38 |
pgraner | tgardner, holiday here but will tomorrow | 17:38 |
bjf | JFo, please accept nominations for bug 770369 | 17:47 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 770369 in linux-ti-omap4 "CVE-2011-0695" [Undecided,New] | 17:47 |
bjf | pgraner, i know you've got bigger fish to fry, but it would be nice if i could accept nominations :-) | 17:48 |
=== herton_lunch is now known as herton | ||
bjf | pgraner, note, this is going to be essential when we have our SRU workflow going with our custom series nominations | 17:48 |
pgraner | bjf, ok, the tech board has to add you, so I'll have to track one down | 17:50 |
bjf | pgraner, maybe do then entire team | 17:54 |
pgraner | bjf, working on it now | 17:55 |
hallyn | hrmph, somebody asks in bug 769503 why transparent huge pages aren't turned on :) | 18:14 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 769503 in kvm "KVM network I/O degraded using virtio and freezes guest sometimes" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 18:14 |
hallyn | i assume the answer is just 'bc none has asked' | 18:15 |
tgardner | hallyn, this one? debian.master/config/amd64/config.common.amd64:CONFIG_HUGETLB_PAGE=y | 18:16 |
hallyn | tgardner: no, I assume this one: # CONFIG_TRANSPARENT_HUGEPAGE is not set | 18:17 |
tgardner | hallyn, ah, right. | 18:17 |
=== sforshee is now known as sforshee-lunch | ||
tgardner | hallyn, seems like that should have been set, at least for amd64. | 18:18 |
tgardner | not sure I care about i386 | 18:19 |
hallyn | is it even usable? (with pae i assume)? | 18:19 |
tgardner | hallyn, the Kconfig thinks so, but I don't know in pratice if it works | 18:19 |
* hallyn has ignore hugepages this far, though 10% perf improvements do sound tempting | 18:20 | |
tgardner | hallyn, I'll get it turned on for Oneiric | 18:20 |
hallyn | tgardner: thanks! | 18:21 |
tgardner | hallyn, do you suggest TRANSPARENT_HUGEPAGE_ALWAYS or TRANSPARENT_HUGEPAGE_MADVISE ? | 18:22 |
hallyn | tgardner: i'm afraid i don't know enough to advise | 18:22 |
tgardner | nor do I. | 18:22 |
hallyn | i'll look into it | 18:23 |
tgardner | hallyn, it sounds like madvise is more flexible. I'll select that for now. | 18:24 |
jjohansen | hallyn, tgardner: madvice at least for .38 | 18:25 |
jjohansen | for oneric I'm not sure | 18:25 |
tgardner | jjohansen, I doubt if we'll change Natty | 18:25 |
tgardner | thats kind of a big fundamental feature to be twiddling at this point | 18:26 |
jjohansen | tgardner: right | 18:26 |
slangasek | tgardner: why did you mark 750585 as affecting linux-ti-omap4? This is specific to the linux-libc-dev package, which is built from the 'linux' branch only | 18:26 |
tgardner | slangasek, 'cause I was blindly going through the changelog making sure that all bugs referenced had a corresponding entry (except for those that I know are x86 only). Guess I didn't think about libc-dev | 18:28 |
slangasek | tgardner: ok - shall I invalid the task, then? | 18:29 |
tgardner | slangasek, yeah, thats fine. | 18:29 |
hallyn | jjohansen: can i ask why? | 18:30 |
hallyn | jjohansen: does it affect performance more in .38? | 18:30 |
jjohansen | hallyn: new for .38 and there were some bugs during RC and may still be, so to minimize potential impact | 18:31 |
jjohansen | hallyn: so just playing it safe | 18:31 |
jjohansen | hallyn: for oneric I think it should probably auto | 18:32 |
hallyn | jjohansen: thx | 18:32 |
jjohansen | hallyn: though /me wants to look into the defrag end of things more, last time I talked to andrea on it there was problems with exhausting memory due to fragmentation, but that was a couple years ago now | 18:33 |
hallyn | jjohansen: hm, ok. people want to use it with kvm, so it'd be good to know | 18:54 |
jjohansen | hallyn: right I'll look into it some more | 18:59 |
=== sforshee-lunch is now known as sforshee | ||
* tgardner --> lunch | 19:11 | |
=== sconklin is now known as sconklin-lunch | ||
JFo | in the off chance that someone is looking for me in the next few minutes, I shall be icing down my newly stubbed toe. :-( | 19:37 |
hallyn | JFo: those ibm thinkcentre's are massive aren't they :) | 19:44 |
* jjohansen -> lunch | 20:07 | |
=== sconklin-lunch is now known as sconklin | ||
bjf | ogasawara, feel like adding an endorsement to ? | 21:02 |
ogasawara | bjf: sure | 21:02 |
bjf | tgardner, want to add a comment to that ^ ? | 21:02 |
tgardner | bjf, ack | 21:02 |
tgardner | sconklin, bjf, ogasawara, sforshee, jjohansen: Patches are beginning to stack up on the k-t list. please take a moment and give them some review. | 21:42 |
ogasawara | tgardner: ack | 21:42 |
sconklin | ack | 21:42 |
sforshee | tgardner, ack | 21:43 |
jjohansen | ack | 21:43 |
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1 | ||
JFo | hallyn, it seems today I am trying to do real harm to myself | 22:20 |
JFo | first a stubbed toe, then a smashed hand... after that I accidentally kicked my desk leg with the other foot | 22:20 |
JFo | :-( | 22:20 |
JFo | the last 2 hours have been rough | 22:20 |
charlie-tca | and still going ? | 22:21 |
JFo | more or less | 22:21 |
JFo | just hobbling noew | 22:21 |
JFo | now* | 22:21 |
charlie-tca | heh, I resemble that | 22:21 |
JFo | :-) | 22:21 |
* JFo goes to get some ice for his other foot :-/ | 22:22 | |
hallyn | JFo: be careful of that freezer door | 22:22 |
=== skaet is now known as skaet_ | ||
=== sconklin is now known as sconklin-gone | ||
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk] |
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