
locodir-useri like make a local team ubuntu07:46
locodir-userwhat will it take?07:47
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akgranerHi all as of right now there are 10 slots still open for Ubuntu Open Week...and volunteers or thoughts for sessions not already listed on the Open Week Wiki? - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek12:51
akgranerLet me know if you have ideas or would like to lead a session :-)  Thanks!12:51
nhandlerTimes don't work for me, sorry akgraner 12:52
akgranernhandler, no worries...thanks for checking to see though12:53
akgranerdo you have any session suggestions?12:53
akgranerI've emailed tons of people but most of them will be swamped or sprinting or getting ready for UDS...so I'm seeing if I missed anything (which I am sure I have) or anyone that would like to discussion their area of interest(s) etc...12:55
nhandlerakgraner: Not right now, but I'll think about it and get back to you12:57
akgranerthanks! I have 5 sessions that are being discussed if I can get those added today we'll only need 5 more sessions...:-)12:58
mhall119akgraner: I can do either another seahorse session, or a command-line basics session13:09
akgranermhall119, how about command line...13:09
mhall119sounds good, I'll put together a syllabus13:10
mhall119I think I'm available all week13:10
akgraner"Users don't *need* no stinking command line, but sometimes they really *want* to use it"  Intro to basic command line usage...13:11
mhall119put me at one of the mid-week 1600UTC slots13:11
akgranerJust teasing about the title...It's a failed attempt at geek humor :-/13:11
nigelbNo no13:12
nigelbthe title should be13:12
nigelb"What to do when your SO hides away your mouse"13:12
mhall119call it "Dr. Command Love: or, how I learned to stop worry and love the prompt"13:13
mhall119maybe that's too long13:13
nigelbmhall119: "Grep the sed out of your terminal"13:14
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mhall119now I need ideas for what commands to cover13:21
akgranermhall119, I penciled you in for Wed 1600 UTC with  - Conquering the Command Line for Beginners - mhall11913:27
mhall119cool, sounds good to me13:27
mhall119akgraner: if you would mind, can you give me a list of some common and/or useful commands you use13:28
akgranermhall119, cd, grep, kill13:29
mhall119you kill a lot of stuff?13:30
* akgraner looks for my note (cheatsheet) I use...13:30
akgranerI do...b/c my machine runs hot all the time13:30
mhall119sounds like a kernel driver problame13:31
akgranerso I am constantly  running the top command then I kill stuff13:31
akgranerthey are working on it...13:31
akgranerit's been ongoing on and off since Karmic  - I think it's a race condition but I can't always duplicate it13:31
mhall119does the CPU usage max out?13:32
akgraneryep - so I ordered a new laptop and will be sending this one for one of the guys to take with them from UDS to figure it out13:32
mhall119I wonder if 'diff' would be worth covering13:33
* mhall119 is scrolling through ~/.bash_history13:33
mhall119oh, I need to cover apt13:34
akgranermhall119, believe me those guess are looking into it...we've been through diffs, and tested every kernel from Karmic til now13:34
akgraneroh bash would be a good one13:34
mhall119sorry, my 'diff' comment was about my CLI session, not your laptop13:34
akgraneralso the update upgrade commands  - once sec  and I'll get you the one I use13:34
mhall119I was assuming bash, since it's the default user shell13:34
akgranermhall119, hehe no worries13:34
mhall119I'm going to show some fun and useful ways to use find, grep, sed and xargs together13:35
akgranercrap - I just got my first fail when updating...13:36
akgranerSetting up virtualbox-ose (4.0.4-dfsg-1ubuntu4) ...13:36
akgraner * Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules                                    [ OK ] 13:36
akgraner * Starting VirtualBox kernel modules                                            * No suitable module for running kernel found13:36
akgraner                                                                         [fail]13:36
* akgraner goes to find kernel peoples :-)13:37
mhall119dkms usually takes care of that13:37
akgranermhall119, here is the other command I use  - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:39
mhall119yup, gonna cover those and apt-cache too13:40
mhall119I think I'm gonna cut down my list of commands, though, and spend more time showing how to combine them with pipes and redirects to do even more useful stuff13:41
akgraneroh that would help me for sure13:42
akgranercprofitt, did you get my message about the Open Week session?13:42
mhall119I can probably kill an hour just on combinations of find, xargs, and grep13:42
cprofittakgraner: not yet13:43
cprofittI have not checked email this morning13:43
akgranernah it was a ping - basically did you still want to do a the session you added to the prep page for Open week?13:43
cprofittI would not mind... what are the time slots?13:44
mhall119wow, http://pablorubianes.wordpress.com/2011/04/25/community-launcher/ is pretty cool13:48
akgranercprofitt, Mon  - 1500 and 1600 UTC are available - Tuesday  and Thursday 1600 and 1700 are open  and Friday 1400 and 1500 are still open as well13:54
cprofittthat makes it tough as I will be at work and can not promise to not get pulled away13:55
cprofittnothing later?13:55
cprofitt21:00 or later13:56
akgranernope it's only scheduled for 20 hours of sessions for this week - 1400 -1700 UTC...13:57
akgranerthough we can always add an "off-schedule"  or "extra" session if you'd like to still do it...13:59
mhall119yay, I have cold air blowing again!13:59
cprofittakgraner: I would not mind doing that.14:00
mhall119no more 80+ degrees in the house14:00
cprofittthe best time for me would be 9pm my time, so that would be Friday morning UTC14:01
cprofittearlier and I would need to verify with my wife that she has no plans for the day in question14:02
akgranercprofitt, ok I'll email you then and we can go from there14:02
cprofittakgraner: thanks for following up with me14:04
akgraneryep - just sent you an email - jcastro is CC'd incase I get hit by  a bus or something...14:04
mhall119akgraner: have you had a chance to take Read Feeder for a spin?  I know adding subscriptions wasn't working when I first set you up, but that's fixed now14:14
akgranernope  - doing that this afternoon when I get back from an appointment... :-)14:15
akgranercatching up right now - I'm amazed that being away from my computer for 48 hours on a weekend leaves me playing catch-up...hmmmm14:16
dakerhey mhall119 16:51
dakeris the LD services supporting the xml format ?16:52
mhall119daker: LD only provides JSON17:19
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